HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 03 11 Informational E Inspections of City Sites and Facilities
Informational X
Public Hearing
March 11, 2002
Mgr. 1
PURPOSE: The General Services Department wishes to inform the Commission that
inspections of city sites and facilities have been conducted by safety specialists from Coregis
Insurance Company and the Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust to assure that the city
properly addresses hazards to our employees and the general public.
1. Since the city has engaged a new Workers Compensation insurance carrier effective
January 1, 2002, a safety inspection was coordinated to assure that any hazards to our
employees were addressed.
2. Likewise, a safety inspection was coordinated with our Property and Casualty carrier
to assure that hazards to the general public were addressed.
3. Regarding the Workers Compensation carrier's inspection results, all items have been
addressed, except issues raised about the Public Works compound, which are in
4. Regarding the Coregis inspection results, the Public Works Department is in the
process of addressing the issues raised by the inspector.
ATTACHMENTS: 1. Letter, dated February 12,2002, from Ashley Bonner-Fike, Coregis
Risk Control Consultant, to the Director of General Services
2. Letter, dated February 6, 2002, from Tom Schieffelin, RMPE, Loss
Control Director, Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust, to
the Director of General Services
Ashley E. Bonner-Fike
Risk Control Consultant
2620 Misty Hollow Lane
Cumming, Georgia 30040
Ph.:770-205-2270 / 800-947-2270
Fax: 770-205-2287
E-mail: ashley.fike@coregis.com
Website: www.coreqis.com
A BE Capital Company
February 12, 2002
Mr. Gene DeMarie
Director of General Services
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Route 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Policy Number:
Survey Date:
Coregis Loss Prevention System (LPS) Survey
February 4, 2002
Dear Mr. DeMarie:
Thank you for the opportunity to observe a few of the city's many retention ponds and
parks. During our visit 1 the following areas of concern were noted:
Corey Lane
· A significant amount of garbage has been put into the pond by residents and
should be removed.
· The City should consider placing fencing around the pond's drainage structures to
protect them from unintended use by nearby residents.
T orcaso
· The city should consider covering the skimmer with a pitch-sloped top to prevent
anyone from trying to walk on top of it or playing inside of the structure.
· The City should consider place "Keep off!" signage posted visibly at the sides of
the skimmer.
Sunshine Park
· A large tree has fallen into the pond and should be removed to deter anyone from
playing on it.
· The City should routinely look for dying or fallen growth in play areas and on city
property and remove it.
I am available to provide guidance and to answer any loss prevention questions that you
may have. Additional information and resources are also available on-line at
www.coregis.com. If you need assistance or information, please feel free to contact me
at 770-205-2270,800-947-2270, or ashley.fike@coregis.com.
Respectfu IIy,
Ashley E. Bonner-Fike
Coregis Risk Control Consultant
Coreais.. . America 's PlIhlir. Enfifv 'nsfln~rTM
February 6,2002
Gene DeMarie, Director of General Services
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Policy No. 172
Dear Mr. DeMarie:
This is to confirm my safety consultation visit and physical hazard surveys of select City
locations with you today. Upfront, I'd like to thank you for your time, attention and courtesy
throughout the day as well as the numerous key personnel who assisted us during our survey.
As we discussed, our "Employers' Experience Reports" or computerized loss runs are
distributed on a monthly basis. Briefly, We reviewed Winter Spring's loss experience for
January 2002, which reflects a 10% loss ratio as outlined on this report. This document is an
excellent tool to monitor:'c1aims activity in terms offinancial developments, mitigation, as well
as work accident analysis and prevention techniques, Incidentally, I was delighted to .meet Ms,
Mary Wilson, HR Coordinator and discuss her claims duties this morning,
Interestingly, we conducted physical surveys of five (5) separate City locations or operations.
Overall, each location was well maintained, reasonably well safeguarded, with good
housekeeping practices with the exception of the Public Works compound, The following
comments summarize and highlight my observations and suggestions for improvements in order
to control potential loss situations on a location basis,
East Water Reclamation Plant: Winter Sprin2s Blvd.
- Control Buildmg: several portable fire extinguishers were noted to be free standing on the
floor. This equipment should be mounted no more than 5 feet above the floor in a conspicuous
readily accessible location,
Diesel Refueling Station: this area is noted to be without fire suppression equipment and/or
location directional information. Fueling areas should be provided with at least one fire
extinguisher rated at least 20-B:C located within 75 feet of the pump,
Chlorine Storage Area (Rear): an 8 riser wooden stairway is noted to be without standard
handrail protection. This stairway should be tagged out of service or marked "do not use" or
removed until the planned permanent metal stairway can be installed,
234 N. Westmonte Drive, Suite 300, Altamonte Springs. FL 32714 · Phone: (407) 331-3838 · Facsimile: (407) 331-4800
City of Winter Springs
Page 2
Central Winds Park - State Rd. 434
Maintenance Building: Material Safety Data sheets (MSDS) are provided in the employee
break room. It is suggested that safety meetings include periodic refresher training in hazardous
substances use and handling. MSD's are an excellent source to inform employees on methods
to prevent exposure to the hazards substances (petroleum products, insecticides, etc.) through
safe work practices and/or the use of personal protective equipment.
Fire Station #24 - Moss Street
Training resources were discussed and reviewed with Robert C. Beck, WSFD Training Division
Chief. Accordingly, our Safety Video Catalog Index will be provided to assist with their
training needs.
Public Works Compound - Moss Street
A tour of this facility indicates the overall conditions are cramped, crowded and congested.
Moreover, the yard surface is unpaved, which creates a "dusty" condition especially with
normal vehicular movement. The compound encompasses approximately one (1) acre or less,
perhaps % acre. The fleet encompasses approximately 30 - 35 units including various truck
types, street sweepers, backhoes, etc, Building additions such as the carpenter and sign shops
are especially crowded in terms of storage of supplies, etc. In short, it appears to be a case of
making the best of a tough situation.
Sign Shop
A portable fire extinguisher was noted free standing on the floor. This unit should be properly
wall mounted.
Carpenter Shop
The empty oxygen and acetylene compressed gas cylinders should be secured in an upright
position in an adequately separated manner.
Flammable and combustible liquids (paints) are noted to be stored in an approved storage
cabinet. However, several paint containers are also stored on adjacent open shelving.
Additional J1Pproved st()rage cabinets shguld be pfovigeq.__
Diesel Refueling Station
Fueling areas should be provided with at least one fire extinguisher rated at least 20-B:C located
within 75 feet of the pumps as none were observed.
West Sewaee Treatment Plant - 1000 State Road 434
Lime building (just inside main gate). A fire extinguisher is noted to be free standing on the
workbench. This unit should be properly wall mounted.
I trust this hazard appraisal survey will be of assistance to you in your overall risk management
efforts. Perhaps the Winter Springs Fire Department could be of further assistance to the City in
City of Winter Springs
Page 3
the area of code enforcement inspections of City property. In other words, fire/life safety
inspections by the WSFD could minimize fire suppression discrepancies on a routine basis.
In closing, we appreciate the City's participation in the PGIT program. Please give me a call
should you have any safety issue questions or comments before my next visit.
Tom Schieffelin, RMPE
Loss Control Director
cc: Risk Management Associates, Inc.