HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 06 13 Consent Item 203, Tuskawilla Road Drainage System Improvements
ITEM 203
Consent X
Public Hearin
Re lar
June 13.2005
MGR. j2- IDept.
REQUEST: The Public Works Department/Stormwater Division requests authority from
the City Commission to enter into an agreement with Sunshine Building and
Development Corporation to provide construction services for the Tuskawilla
Road Drainage System Improvements located at the outfall to Lake Jesup in
the amount of $152,259.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization to enter into an
agreement with Sunshine Building and Development Corporation in the amount of
$152,259 for the Tuskawilla Road Drainage System Improvements located at the
outfall to Lake Jesup. This project is one of several projects receiving funding
assistance from the Natural Resources and Conservation Service.
~ The agenda item is needed to commence the construction of the Tuskawilla Road Drainage
System Improvements at the outfall to Lake Jesup.
~ On December 17, 2004, the City Commission approved a project agreement between the
City and the Natural Resources and Conservation Service (NRCS) through its Emergency
Watershed Protection Program that allocates funding for projects of this type created by
natural disasters like the hurricanes of 2004.
~ Under the City's agreement with NRCS, funding was allocated for four (4) projects with
the provision of seventy-five percent (75%) of the cost of each project from NRCS. The
City is responsible for twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of each project in the form of
cash or in-kind services.
~ At the February 28, 2005 City Commission meeting, the Commission authorized an
appropriation in the amount of $21,520.00 from the Stormwater Utility Fund for the
engineering design and construction documents for the Tuskawilla Road Drainage System
Improvements. The design has been completed and permitted, and this agenda item is
requested to authorize construction ofthe project.
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Consent Agenda Item 203
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~ The total design and construction cost for the project is $173,779, consisting of$21,520 for
the design and $152,259 for construction. NRCS will provide 75% of the actual
construction cost, or $114,194 (0.75 x $152,259). NRCS will also provide the value of the
City's in-kind contribution (not to exceed 25% of the actual construction cost), which will
be a minimum of $21,520 for this project, for a total NRCS contribution of $135,714
($114,194 + $21,520). The City is responsible for the remainder of the project's cost, or
~ As noted above, the Commission has previously authorized an appropriation for the design
of this project in the amount of $21,520. Therefore, the additional appropriation
required to fund the City's portion of this project is $16,545 ($38,065 less the $21,520
previously authorized).
~ The performance of in-kind services by City Staff throughout the design and construction
phases (bidding, construction inspections, project management and coordination, etc.) is
expected to reduce the City's total required cash outlay.
~ The City obtained three bids for the project. The bids were evaluated and Sunshine
Building and Development Corporation was determined to be the lowest responsible
bidder at $152,259.
~ Project construction must be completed by September 30, 2005 in order to receive the full
amount of available NRCS funding.
As noted above, the total design and construction cost for the project is $173,779,
consisting of $21,520 for the design and $152,259 for construction. Under the City's agreement
with NRCS, NRCS will pay 75% of the construction cost, or $114,194 (0.75 x $152,259). NRCS
will also provide the value of the City's in-kind contribution (not to exceed 25% of the actual
construction cost), which will be a minimum of $21,520 for this project, for a total NRCS
contribution of$135,714 ($114,194 + $21,520). The City is responsible for the remainder of the
project's cost, or $38,065.
On February 28, 2005, the Commission authorized an appropriation for the design of this
project in the amount of $21 ,520. Therefore, the additional appropriation required to fund the
City's portion of this project is $16,545 ($38,065 less the $21,520 previously authorized).
The additional funding required for the City portion of this project ($16,545) would come
from the Stormwater Utility fund balance. A loan from the General Fund will cover the cash flow
necessary to encumber the work prior to the receipt of the grant funds, which is anticipated within
90 days.
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Consent Agenda Item 203
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It is recommended the Commission authorize the City Manager to enter into a contract
with Sunshine Building and Development Corporation in the amount of $152,259 plus 10%
contingency for the Tuskawilla Road Drainage System Improvements. The funding is to come
from a supplemental appropriation of $16,545 plus any contingencies needed from the Stormwater
Utility fund balance.
The work is to be completed by September 30,2005.
A) Bid Tabulation dated May 25, 2005
June 13,2005
Consent Agenda Item 203
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Attachment A - Bid Tabulation 5/25/05
No. Oesen tlon Units Quanti
Mobilization, Permits, and Traffic Control LS
Performance Bond 110% of Total Pro'ect Cost LS
Maintenance Bond (10%. 2-year) at Time of Project
4 Com lelian LS
5 Testin LS
R rade' Fill Swales and Roadwa LS
Construct Spreader Area at Outfall (grading, filter fabric,
sod, rock LS
Siltation' Erosion Fence FOOT Index 102 LF 1520
o en Cut and Restore Pavement Ora eAve. SY 51
10 Restore Dirt Drivewa at a prox. Sta. 15+80 SY 9
11 24" Class III RCP LF 1095
12 19" x 30" Class III EIIi tical RCP LF 30
13 Trash Collector Box EA
14 FDOTT eO Inlet EA
15 FOOT T eC Inlet EA
16 24" Mitered End Section with Ene Dissi ator EA
17 LF 105
18 EA
19 EA
20 EA
21 LS
22 SY 2300
23 Tree Protection EA 10
24 Remove Tree EA
25 Dead End S' n EA
26 Case II Terminus LS
27 Dewateri LS
Grand Total: