HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 07 22 Document Referenced by Commissioner Krebs
Date: July 22, 2006
The following Document was referenced by
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs during the July
22, 2006 Workshop.
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Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces
From: Commissioner Krebs [CommissionerKrebs@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Monday, July 17, 20069:51 AM
To: Andrea Lorenzo-Iuaces
Subject: FW: Leadership Seminole Government Session
Andrea: I will need your help with this.
Joann{l M. l{r{lb$
City of Winter Springs
Commissioner District 5
District/Seat 5 MAP
Telephone: (407) 699-4391 [Residence]
Facsimile: (407) 327-4753
email: jkrebs@winterspringsfJ.org
From: Jade McGovern [mailto:jmcgovern@leadershipseminole.org]
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 9:13 AM
To: 'Commissioner Krebs'
Cc: 'Alice Weinberg'
Subject: RE: Leadership Seminole Government Session
Here is the updated session sponsorship benefits listing (including the two class levels) and Class 14 roster (so
they know the caliber of people who go through the program). Winter Springs was at the Emerald Level for Class
'06 ($250), whi~h as you can see on the attached form, gets the in-kind level benefits.
Please let me know if there's anything else you need.
Thanks for taking the reins on this! Looking forward to seeing you next week!
T. Jade McGovern
Program Director
Leadership Seminole, Inc.
801 International Parkway, 5th Floor
Lake Mary, FL 32746
Phone: 407.562.1286
Cell: 407.808.7973
Fax: 407.562.1787
Email: imcgovern@leadershipseminole.org
Web: www.leadershipseminole.org
Platinum Sponsors:
Central Florida Regional Hospital, Gibraltar Integrity, Invacare Corporation and Progress Energy
Gold Sponsors:
Cingular Wireless, Colonial Bank and First Commercial Bank
Cb.~k QutJl!es~J~'yents anJlim-Pj)rt3nLdat~~;_
Finally Fridays! after hours events (held after each session from 5:30-7:00 p.m.)
August 10 and 11, 2006-Class #14 starts
January 25, 2007-Class #15 application deadline * Applications now being accepted
February 2007 - Class #15 starts
Page 2 of 4
Learn more at www.Ieadershipseminole.org.
From: Alice Weinberg [mailto:alice@scpafJ.org]
Sent: Friday, July 14, 20064:39 PM
To: jmcgovern@leadershipseminole.org
Subject: FW: Leadership Seminole Government Session
Can you send her the infoon the sponsorship for Winter Springs?
Community Services Director
t!lE!MlNClU!! .1"t.OAlDI\.
1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771
(407)665-7555 (Direct Line) - (407)665-7924 (Fax)
(407)665-7506 (Customer Service Department)
scpafl.org (website)
From: Commissioner Krebs [mailto:CommissionerKrebs@cfl.rr.com]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3:32 PM
To: Alice Weinberg
Subject: RE: Leadership Seminole Government Session
Thank you Alice.
I see that the City of Winter Springs was an Emerald level sponsor last year. Since I am one of the City
Commissioner's, I would behappy to request sponsorship from the City of Winter Springs and would appreciate any
materials you could provide.
I will be at the meeting on July 24th, but I will need to leave no later than 5:15 as we have a scheduled Commission
meeting that evening at 6:30 PM.
Look forward to July 24th.
)oann{l M. K.r{lb$
City of Winter Springs
Commissioner District 5
District/Seat 5 MAP
Telephone: (407) 699-4391 [Residence]
Facsimile: (407) 327-4753
email: jkrebs@winterspringsR.org
From: Alice Weinberg [mailto:alice@scpafJ.org]
Sent: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 3: 12 PM
To: Alice Weinberg; Andy Bowman; Bob Dallari; Charles Drago; Don Payton; Gary Brender; Jennifer Small;
Joanne Krebs; John Ashworth; John Bush; Ireynolds@seminolebusiness.org; Martha Miller; Meloney Lung; Mona
Liza Guglielmo; Robert Gebaide; Sally Sheibenberger; Sean Barth; Sheryl Mays; Steve Kuiper; Tom Sacha; Tyra
Subject: Leadership Seminole Government Session
Greeting to Class #14 Leadership Seminole Government Session Facilitators!
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Thank you for your commitment to serve on the Government Session committee! I hope you will find it an
enriching experience and an opportunity to learn, work with your fellow facilitators and get to know our new class
members. Please mark your calendars for all day Friday, September 8,2006 from 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM (and
longer if you choose to attend the Finally Fridays After Hours - trust me, you will need it!). Remember, this is the
first actual session following Orientation Day I and 1\ - therefore, it is important we make it as meaningful as
possible. You will find there is not enough time to include what happens in government in one day and in an
interesting and non talking heads format. Thankfully, this class of 50 will be easier to maneuver than the larger
class last year!
The first committee meeting will be Monday, July 24th at 4:00 PM - sharp! It will be held in the conference room
of the Seminole County Property Appraiser @ 1101 E. First Street, Sanford (County Services Building). We are
located on the first floor and if you enter'by the front entrance to the building please take the first left, go to the
end of the hallway and turn right, the conference room is on your left. Parking is in the front of the building.
Should you enter via the Commission Chamber side - proceed to the hallway on the left to the end of the hall,
make a right and continue till you see the Property Appraiser logo at the end of the hallway, turn right and the
conference room is on your left.
We will cover the day's agenda items and discuss changes or tweaks that should be considered based upon
previous Government Day presentations and new materials. Since the class has not yet met to establish their
strengths, weaknesses, and unknowns we will discuss those items on another day and work them into them into
the agenda. There are a number of important items that have already been addressed due to necessity:
. BCC Chambers and County Manager Meeting Room Scheduled
. Congressman Mica's office contacted about the date - will not know until August 1st
. Flag request
. Lunch sponsor (thank you committee member Andy Bowman and Site Secure!)
. Notification of Constitutional Officers of date (not time or agenda)
. Notification of Legislative Delegation of date (not time or agenda)
. Secured "Know Your Legislator" books (50)
. Contacted County regarding selection of a case for the mock hearing
The committee will discuss at the meeting sponsorships; our last session's sponsors included:
Sapphire Level
. Andreyev Engineering
. City of Lake Mary
. SC Property Appraiser
. Site Secure, Inc.
Emerald Level
. City of Altamonte Springs
. City of Casselberry
. City of Longwood
. City of Oviedo
. City of Sanford
. City of Winter Springs
Should you wish to sponsor at any level or if your are connected with the aforementioned sponsors and would like
to contact them in advance for their participation this year please let me know in advance and we can provide the
materials you will need to do so.
Please refer to the Biography Format located in your Facilitator Handbook and complete or update the one on
file. This should be brought to the meeting or e-mailed to Jade - I am confident she will appreciate your
timeliness in providing it to her in advance. All facilitators are listed in the bio section of the class handouts.
I also would appreciate your responding to this e-mail to let me know if you will be able to attend and also if you
could let me know if you are interested in continuing in this role (if you know at this time) for the Class # 15
Page 4 of 4
session scheduled for March 15,2007. Planning ahead is very important to make our upcoming a big success.
Thank you for your commitment and I look forward to seeing you on July 24th!
P.S. The committee co-chairs are Sean Barth and Gary Brender - thanks to both of them for stepping up!
Community Services Director
SEMlNOt..E C()UIIt1"I', ~
1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771
(407)665-7555 (Direct Line) - (407)665-7924 (Fax)
(407)665-7506 (Customer Service Department)
scpafl.org (website)
Community Builder
]005 ('Ol'fJontll' In\'e.\llIlenl ,c"j)(J/lSOI' Benefils
Session Sponsorship Benefits:
$2,000 '"" Diamond Level Sponsor'"" $3,000 (Multi-class exposure)
A Diamond Level sponsor of a Leadership Seminole Session Day will receive the following benefits:
~ Recognition as Diamond Level sponsor on pre-and-day-of event communication and
promotional materials
~ Opportunity to join the class on the sponsor session day and participate in the session activities
~ Opportunity to make 5 minute presentation to the class sometime during the session
~ Opportunity to distribute promotional product materials to class members during session
~ Acknowledgement on Program Session signage and agenda
~ Recognition as Diamond Level sponsor in Leadership Seminole Alumni directory and Annual
Facilitators' Handbook, e-newsletter and future recruit communication
~ Feature article in Leadership Seminole e-newsletter emailed to Leadership Seminole Alumni,
Leadership Seminole Executive Council and Envision Seminole Board of Directors
$1000'"" Ruby Level Sponsor'"" $1,500 (Multi-class exposure)
A Ruby Level sponsor of a Leadership Seminole Session Day will receive the following benefits:
~ Recognition as Ruby Level sponsor on pre-and-day-of event communication and promotional
~ Opportunity to distribute promotional product materials to class members during session
~ Acknowledgement on Program Session signage and agenda
~ Recognition as Ruby Level sponsor in Leadership Seminole Alumni directory and Annual
Facilitators' Handbook, e-newsletter and future recruit communication
~ Acknowledgement in Leadership Seminole e-newsletter emailed to Leadership Seminole
Alumni, Leadership Seminole Executive Council and Envision Seminole Board of Directors.
Community Builder
('Ol'jJO/,(//(' //1\'C\/II/CIl/ Sj}()!/.\Ol' BCllc!i/,\
$500 -- Sapphire Level 'Sponsor -- $750 (Multi-class exposure)
A Sapphire Level sponsor of a Leadership Seminole Session Day will receive the following benefits:
~ Recognition as Sapphire Level sponsor on pre-and-day-of event communication and
promotional materials
~ Acknowledgement on Program Session signage and agenda
~ Recognition as Sapphire Level sponsor in Leadership Seminole Alumni directory and
Annual Facilitators' Handbook, e-newsletter and future recruit communication
~ Acknowledgement in Leadership Seminole e-newsletter emailed to Leadership Seminole
Alumni, Leadership Seminole Executive Council and Envision Seminole Board of Directors.
In-Kind -- Emerald Level Sponsor
An Emerald Level sponsor of a Leadership Seminole Session Day will receive the following benefits:
~ Recognition as Emerald Level sponsor on pre-and-day-of event communication and promotional
~ Acknowledgement on Program Session signage and agenda
Payment: Check enclosed:
Invoice me
Credit Card #:
Exp. Date:
*I'd like to sponsor the
(i.e. Education) session
(Date) at the
sponsorship level.
* _ Contact me about program and event sponsorships!
John A. Ackley, JR.
Vice President/Commercial Loan
The Citizens Bank of Oviedo
156 Geneva Drive
Oviedo, FL 32765
P: 407-365-5631
F: 407-365-5635
E: jackley@cboviedo.com
Ray Acosta, AlA
Baker Barrios Architects, Inc.
300 South Orange Avenue,
Suite 900
Orlando, FL 32801
P: 407-926-3000
F: 407-926-3390
E: racosta@bakerbarrios.com
Kristi Aday
Deputy City Manager
City of Sanford
300 North Park Avenue
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-302-9412
F: 407-330-5616
E: adayk@ci.sanford.fl.us
Susan Ballerino
Area Vice PresidentlManager
Colonial Bank
4699 West Lake Mary Boulevard
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-444-0435
F: 407-444-0435
Susan _ Ballerino@colonialbank.com
JeffP. Bosworth
Sales Growth Group
377 Northlake Boulevard, # 1020
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
P: 407-786-7330
F: 407-786-7334
E: jpb@salesgrowthgroup.com
Glen Casel
CBC of Seminole
605 Crescent Executive Court, Suite
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-328-3809
F: 407-333-8269
E: glen.casel@cbcseminole.org
Lee Chaykin
Chief Operating Officer
Central Florida Regional Hospital
1401 Seminole Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-302-7393
F: 407-324-4790
E: lee.chaykin@hcahealthcare.com
Bryan Cobb
Development Services Director
City of Oviedo
400 Alexandria Boulevard
Oviedo, FL 32765
P: 407-977-6038
F: 407-977-6106
E: bcobb@cityofoviedo.net
Lynn Colon
Dean, Altamonte Springs Campus
Seminole Community College
510 Hunt Club Blvd.
Apopka, FL 32703
P: 407-708-2152
F: 407-708-2348
E: colonl@scc-fl.edu
Catherine Davey
Catherine E. Davey, PA
P.O. Box 941251
Maitland, FL 32794
P: 407-645-4833
F: 407-645-4832
E: catherine@cedaveylaw.com
Joe DeSousa
Vice President/Commercial Lender
First Commercial Bank of Florida
3505 West Lake Mary Boulevard
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-323-3393
F: 407-330-5811
E: jdesousa@fcbflorida.com
Joe L. Durso
Director of Community Relations
CBC of Seminole
605 Crescent Executive Court, Suite
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-328-3802
F: 407-333-8269
E: jdurso@hotmail.com
Bill Eplin
Gibraltar Integrity
111 N. Orange Ave., 20th Floor
Orlando, FL 32801
P: 407-517-7775
F: 407-426-9191
E: beplin@nexiastrategy.com
Jayna Fox
Director of Guest Services
Central Florida Zoo
P.O. Box 470309
Lake Monroe, FL 32747-0309
P: 407-323-4450 x. 136
F: 407-321-0900
E: jaynaf@centralfloridazoo.org
Dona Hohensee
H2U Coordinator
Central Florida Regional Hospital
1401 West Seminole Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-302-7385
F: 407-302-7327
1.. Central Florida
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~~ cingular' Ct:.2!t>1~',.~~.
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.... . Commercial
Bank of"_
Margie W. Hotaling
Vice President-Adolescent
Program! AftercarelPartial
The Grove Counseling Center, Inc.
583 East State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32750
P: 407-327-1765
F: 407-327-2001
E: mhotaling@thegrove.org
Ron K. Jacobs
Oviedo Police Department
300 Alexandria Blvd.
Oviedo, FL 32765
P: 407-977-6136
F: 407-977-6321
E: rjacobs@cityofoviedo.net
Claire Jordan
Branch Manager
Randstad U.S.A.
4255 West Lake Mary Boulevard
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-328-8794
F: 407-302-3420
E: claire.jordan@us.randstad.com
Regina Klaers
Director, Community Involvement,
Public Information Officer
Seminole County Public Schools
400 E. Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32773
P: 407-320-0176
F: 407-320-0285
E: regina_klaers@scps.kI2.fl.us
Jill Kling
Tax Manager
Chastang, Ferrell, Sims & Eiserman
1400 West Fairbanks Avenue, Suite
Winter Park, FL 32789
P: 407-629-1944
F: 407-740-0671
E: jkling@cfsecpa.com
Terry C. Knox
Development Director
Girls and Boys Town of Central
37 Alafaya Woods Boulevard,
Alafaya Square
Oviedo, FL 32765
P: 407-366-3667
F: 407-365-5377
E: knoxt@girlsandboystown.org
Laura P. Lara
Community Relations Manager
1000 AAA Drive, MS 75
Heathrow, FL 32746
P: 407-444-8011
F: 407-444-8030
E: llara@national.aaa.com
Cindy Lindsay
Director of Finance
City of Oviedo
400 Alexandria Boulevard
Oviedo, FL 32765
P: 407-977-6045
F: 407-977-6055
E: clindsay@cityofoviedo.net
Jeff Manno
Project Manager
Invacare Corporation
2101 E. Lake Mary Blvd.
Sanford, FL 32713
P: 407-328-5928
F: 407-328-1983
E: jmanno@invacare.com
~ Central Florida G ~ ~~ Progress Ene
Dave Maxon
Regional Vice President
Progress Energy
3300 Exchange Place
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-942-9242
F: 407-942-9222
E: david.maxon@pgnmail.com
April McCoy
Development Officer
Florida Hospital Foundation
601 East Altamonte Drive
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
P: 407-303-2639
F: 407-303-1329
E: april.mccoy@flhosp.org
Amanda Mishler
Community Liaison
Seminole County Healthy Start
Coalition, Inc.
237 Fernwood Boulevard, Suite 101
Fern Park, FL 32730
P: 407-830-7235 x. 206
F: 407-830-8493
E: mishlera@earthlink.net
Chris Neal
Licensed Funeral Director
5000 CR 46A
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-322-4263
F: 407-322-0952
E: cneal@steLcom
Lew Newberry
Chief Financial Officer
Orlando Regional Healthcare South
Seminole Hospital
555 West State Road 434
Longwood, FL 32750
P: 321-842-5104
F: 407-767-5801
E: lewis.newberry@orhs.org
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Steve Olson
Community Information Director
Seminole County Government
1101 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-665-1174
F: 407-665-1177
E: solson@seminolecountyfl.gov
Shelley Ouellette
Communications Manager
Seminole Community College
100 Weldon Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32773
P: 407-708-2418
F: 407-708-2455
E: ouellets@scc-f1.edu
Kathy Panter
Marketing Manager, Leadership
Orlando Regional Chamber of
P.O. Box 1234
Orlando, FL 32802-1234
P: 407-835-2499
F: 407-835-2500
E: kathy.panter@orlando.org
Laura J. Phipps
Director-Medical Trauma Program
Florida Hospital Altamonte/Kids
5467 North Ronald Reagan
Sanford, FL 32773-6332
P: 407-324-3036
F: 407-324-3045
E: phipps@kidshouse.org
Deborah Rios-Barnes
Community & Government
Relations Manager
Orlando Magic
8701 Maitland Summit Boulevard
Orlando, FL 32810
P: 407-916-2643
F: 407-916-2985
E: dbarnes@orlandomagic.com
Mark S. Romagosa
Director of Development
The Sharing Center
600 North Highway 17-92, Suite
Longwood, FL 32750-3638
P: 407-260-9155 x. 23
F: 407-332-0535
Wendy Ruskin
Office Manager
Colon & Rectal Specialists
661 East Altamonte Drive # 120
Altamonte Springs, FL 32701
P: 407-331-9595
F: 407-331-9595
E: niksur1961@aol.com
Missy A. Schierman
Executive Sales Associate
Seminole County Regional
725 Primera Boulevard, Suite 100
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-333-4748
F: 407-829-2100
Stephen Spence
Information Technology Director
Seminole County Property
110 1 East First Street
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-665-7510
F: 407-665-7517
E: stephen@scpafl.org
David Stahl
Assistant Vice President, Business
Banking Relationship Manager
SunTrust Bank
1100 Town Park Ave.
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-547-3106
F: 407-333-1091
E: david.stahl@suntrust.com
Robyn Stowell
Associate Chief Nursing Officer
Central Florida Regional Hospital
1401 West Seminole Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-321-4500 x. 5611
F: 407-324-2155
robyn. stowell@centralfloridaregion
Steve Tishman
Results Marketing
P.O. Box 161087
Altamonte Springs, FL 32716
P: 407-786-5660
F: 407-786-5661
E: stishman@resultsmarketing.com
Kathryn Townsend
Purchasing Supervisor
Seminole County Sheriffs Office
100 Bush Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32773
P: 407-665-6681
F: 407-665-6530
E: ktownsend@seminolesheriff.org
~ Central Florida
G .-. ~~ ProgressE
GIBRALTAR INTEGRITY Yes, you con.' ~ nergy
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Bob Tunis
Economic Development Director
City of Sanford
P.O. Box 1788
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-330-5607
F: 407-330-5616
E: tunisr@cLsanford.fl.us
Denise Ward
Health Promotions and PIa
Seminole County Department of
400 West Airport Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32773
P: 407-665-3384
F: 407-665-3385
E: denise _ ward@doh.state.fl.us
Steve Watts
Division Manager, Emergency
Seminole County Government
150 Bush Boulevard
Sanford, FL 32773
P: 407-665-5131
F: 407-665-5036
E: swatts@seminolecountyfl.gov
Alan D. Wiginton
Executive Vice President
Wiginton Fire Systems
699 Aero Lane
Sanford, FL 32771
P: 407-585-3205
F: 407-585-3282
E: adwl@wiginton.net
Karen Willis
Executive Director
Early Learning Coalition of
239 Rinehart Road
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-871-1104
F: 407-871-1100
Tom L. Wilson
Matson, Driscoll & Damico, LLP
200 Colonial Center Parkway
Lake Mary, FL 32746
P: 407-531-1050
F: 407-531-1052
E: twilson@mdd.net
Applications received as of 7/12/2006
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