HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 07 10 Regular 303 Metric Engineering roadway improvements
ITEM 303
July 10, 2006
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting City Commission approval to enter into a
contract for professional engineering services with Metric Engineering, Inc. for
$19,640 to implement roadway improvements on S.R. 434 to improve u-turn
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission's approval to enter
into a contract for professional engineering services with Metric Engineering, Inc. for
$19,640 to implement roadway improvements on S.R. 434 to improve u-turn
· At the City's request, the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) recently completed
a Roadway Corridor Study for S.R. 434 from Talmo Street to Hayes Road. The report was
prepared by Metric Engineering, Inc., an FDOT continuing consultant who was not involved
in the original project design or construction. The purpose of the study was to evaluate u-
turn operations as well as the need for left turn improvements within the study section. A
brief summary of the results was presented by Mr. Rick Morrow, FDOT District 5 Traffic
Operations Engineer, at the May 8, 2006 Commission meeting. The Executive Summary and
selected pages from the report are included as Exhibit 1.
· Staff reviewed the FDOT report and met with FDOT staff in DeLand on May 25,2006 to
review Staff's recommended improvements. Based on the report, Staff recommended the
following improvements as being feasible and appropriate at this time:
1. Remove the existing concrete median from Costa Rica Drive to Sherry Avenue
(approximately 460 feet) and install a center turn lane (See Exhibit 2).
2. Remove the existing concrete median from Hacienda Boulevard east to just past
Bennet Street (approximately 80 feet, see Exhibit 3).
3. At Hayes Road intersection, remove a short segment of the eastbound median to
allow safer u-turns at this location (see Exhibit 4).
071006_ COMM _Regular _303 _SR434 _ U-turn_Improvements
Regular Agenda Item 303
July 10, 2006
Page 2
4. At Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road, install protected-permitted left turn phases for
the eastbound and westbound left turning movements.
5. At Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road, modify the side street phasing to a leading
northbound protected-permitted left-turn phase followed by the through movements
phase. Also install a "left turn yield on green" sign facing the northbound left turn
lane and a "delayed green" sign facing the southbound left turn lane.
· FDOT has agreed to implement items 4 and 5 above, and no additional action or payment
from the City is required to implement these two items.
· FDOT Staff agreed in concept with the City's recommendation to implement items 1 through
3 above. The cost to design, permit, and construct these improvements is the City's
· Exhibit 5 is a proposal from Metric Engineering, Inc. to complete the design and permitting
portion of the work for $19,640. Metric was selected because they have already performed
the corridor study for FDOT and the City has successfully worked with Metric before on
transportation design projects.
The recommended funding source for the project is a supplemental appropriation from the
1999 Construction Fund to the Village Walk project line code (#305-65000-30044). The current
unappropriated fund balance is $366,000.
Staff recommends that authorization be given to the Public Works Department to enter into
contractual agreement with Metric Engineering, Inc. for the design and permitting of the S.R. 434
improvements identified herein at a cost of$19,640.
1. Exhibit 1 - S.R. 434 Roadway Corridor Study (selected pages)
2. Exhibit 2 - S.R. 434 from Costa Rica Drive to Sherry Avenue
3. Exhibit 3 - S.R. 434 from Hacienda Blvd to Bennet Street
4. Exhibit 4 - S.R. 434 at Hayes Road
5. Exhibit 5 - Metric Engineering proposal dated June 29, 2006
071006_ COMM _Regular _303 _SR434 _U-turn _Improvements
SR 434
From West of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road
Seminole County
Section 77120 - M.P. 9.175 to M.P. 11.136
Prepared For:
District 5 Traffic Operations
Florida Department of Transportation
Continuing Service Contract for Traffic Operations
Work Order 173
Metric Project No. 4.1522
Prepared By:
Metric Engineering, Inc.
2269 Lee Road-Suite 200
Winter Park, FL
Florida Cert. No. EB-0002294
Professional Engineer: Khaled S. Shaaban, P.E.
P.E. No. 56023
May 5, 2006
Executive Summary
A roadway corridor study was conducted for the approximately 2.0 mile segment of SR 434 from
west of Talmo Street to the eastbound directional median located just east of Hayes Road. Based on
the analysis results, field observation, and engineering judgment, the following is recommended:
1. In order to eliminate the concerns regarding the u-turn operation, consideration should be
given to removing the raised median along the studied corridor except near signals and
isolated landscaped islands and providing a two-way left turn lane for vehicles to make a
direct left instead of performing a u-turn at the intersections.
2. As an interim improvement to improve the u-turn operation at some locations along the
corridor until removing the raised median, the following should be considered:
a. For the locations where u-turns are allowed (signalized intersections), consideration
should be given to modifying the median to provide a flare using the existing comer
radius to improve the u-turn operation (see Figure 5). After implementing the
proposed recommendation at the intersection of SR 434 and Fountaintree
Drive/Sunshadow Drive, consideration should be given to replacing the concurrent
protected-permitted left turn phasing with a protected-only lead-lag eastbound and
westbound left turn phasing to avoid concurrent left turning movements.
b. For the locations where u-turns are prohibited, additional enforcement IS
c. At Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road, consideration should be given to installing a
protected-permitted left turn phase for the eastbound and westbound left turning
movements to improve the inefficient u-turn maneuver at the intersection.
It should be noted that the above interim recommendations will partially improve the u-turn
operation at some locations along the corridor but will not eliminate the u-turn problem.
3. At Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road, to improve the side street operation, consideration
should be given to modifying the side street phasing to a leading northbound protected-
permitted left turn phase followed by the through movements phase. In addition, a LEFT
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from West ofTalmo Street to East of Hayes Road
TURN YIELD ON GREEN (symbolic green ball) sign (RlO-l2) should be installed on the
signal mast arm facing the northbound left turn lane and a DELAYED GREEN sign should
be installed on the signal mast arm facing the southbound left turn lane. Finally, a
northbound left turn lane should be installed at the intersection of SR 434 and Edgemon
4. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to pedestrian buttons for
pedestrian access per the recommendation diagram at the signalized intersections of
Fountaintree Drive/Sunshadow Drive, Sheoah Boulevard, Edgemon Avenue, Moss Road,
and Hayes Road.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 2
Qualitative Assessment
A Qualitative Assessment was conducted in the field in order to evaluate the existing operating
conditions and traffic flow patterns along the study segment and to identify areas where
improvements would be potentially beneficial to the overall safety and efficiency of the segment. A
registered professional engineer performed the qualitative assessment along the segment of SR 434
from east ofTalmo Street to east of Hayes Road. The qualitative assessment specifically addressed
the operation of u-turns and the need for additional left turn phasing along the study segment.
The traffic counts revealed that the traffic is directional on SR 434, with a heavier westbound
movement predominantly in the morning peak period and a heavier eastbound movement in the
evening peak period. The traffic volumes on this portion ofSR 434 are moderate. The 2004 AADT
is 29,500 vehicles per day.
The signalized intersections along the study segment are part of a coordinated system that runs along
SR 434. The system is used to provide progression along SR 434.
SR434, along segment one and three, features a raised median width of15' that drops to 4.5' when a
10.5' left turn lane is provided at the median openings. This geometry does not allow for the
minimum recommended u-turning radius for Passenger Cars. The Plans Preparation Manual
recommends a median width of22 feet for a Passenger Car to make a u-turn from the turn lane to the
outer lane on a four lane divided roads.
The presence of skid marks on the curbs, on the grass in the utility strip, and on the sidewalks
sometimes (see Miscellaneous Pictures in Appendix B) indicates that some motorists are hitting the
curb or going on top of it when they perform the u-turning movements.
Although the u-turning movement is only allowed at the signalized intersections within the study
limits and at the eastbound directional median opening west of Belle Avenue, the traffic counts
revealed that some vehicles performed the u-turning movement where u-turns are prohibited. During
the turning movement counts, the three-point turns performed along the study limits were noted.
Several three-point turns were observed at most of the intersections and median openings (see Table
4). This type of movement slows traffic and increases the potential for collisions.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 18
Table 4: Number of Three-point Turns During the TMC
Location EB Three-point turns WB Three-point turns
WB directional East ofTalmo St N/A 1
Sunshadow Dr/ Fountaintree Dr 7 2
Timberlane Trail N/A 9
EB directional West of Belle Ave 0 N/A
Belle Avenue N/A 0
Sheoah Boulevard 3 0
Edgemon Street 0 0
Moss Road 1 3
Costa Rica Drive 0 1
Sherry Avenue 1 N/A
Hacienda Boulevard 0 1
Hayes Road 14 4
EB directional East of Hayes Rd 0 0
Due to the substandard median geometric condition, many motorists used indirect routes to perform
the u-tuming movement such as parking lots and side streets.
The AutoTum CAD-based turn simulation software was used to verify and study the u-tuming
movement at all signalized intersections. AutoTum has a built-in library of standard vehicles,
including the Passenger Car. The Passenger Car was used as the design vehicle. Figure 6 shows the
swept path of the u-tuming vehicles at all signalized intersections and median openings where u-
turns are allowed using AutoTum. The results showed that the existing geometry did not allow for
adequate u-tuming radius for Passenger Cars unless part of the side street is used to accomplish the
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 19
WB Directional East of Talmo Street
The westbound directional left turn lane serves two small businesses and two single houses. The
intersection was observed to operate efficiently during peak periods. The westbound left and u-
turning volume was light during the peak hours (maximum 3 vehicleslhour) and adequate eastbound
and westbound gaps existed on SR 434.
Although u-turns are prohibited on SR 434 at this intersection, two u-turns including one three-point
turn were observed during the 4-hour count.
1. Sunshadow Drive/Fountaintree Drive (Sh!nalized)
The intersection is controlled with a mast arm traffic signal. The poles for the signal are located in
all four quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in all four quadrants of the intersection. All
push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted on the signal mast
arm upright in all four comers. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to all
pedestrian buttons for pedestrian access (see miscellaneous pictures in Appendix B). The
intersection is signalized with a single side street phase and protected-permitted left turn phase on
westbound SR 434 followed by the through phases.
Auxiliary turn lanes in place at the intersection are one eastbound right turn lane, one eastbound left
turn lane, one westbound left turn lane, one northbound left turn lane, and one southbound left turn
lane. There is no posted speed limit on Sunshadow Drive/Fountaintree Drive.
The intersection was observed operating efficiently with no phase failures recorded during the peak
hours of observation expect for the westbound traffic during the p.m. peak period. Westbound traffic
was observed to back up from US 17/92 to the intersection in the p.m. peak period (from 4:45 p.m.
to 5: 15 p.m.). Vehicles queues were observed to be the highest during the p.m. peak period with a
maximum of six vehicles in the westbound left turn lane, three vehicles in the eastbound left turn
lane, two vehicles in the southbound left turn lane, and three vehicles in the northbound left turn
lane. A limited number of u-turns were observed with the exception of the eastbound approach. It
was observed that there was a moderate amount of eastbound U-turning vehicles at the intersection
(58 vehicles during the eight hour count). Seven out of the 58 performed a three-point turn.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 20
A left turn phase warrant was completed for both the northbound and southbound left and u-turning
movements of the intersection. The warrant suggest that protection for left turns should be
considered when the cross product exceeds 50,000 and 100,000 for one and two lanes of opposing
traffic, respectively. The warrant was not met for both movements. Therefore, a protected-permitted
left turn phase should NOT be added. The left turn phase warrant sheets are in Appendix C.
2. Timberlane Trail (Si2nalized)
The intersection is controlled with a diagonal span. The poles for the signal are located in the
northwest and southeast quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in two quadrants of the
intersection. All push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted
on the signal strain pole in the southeast comer and on pedestrian poles in the southwest and
northeast comers of the intersection. The intersection is signalized with a side street phase and a
leading left turn arrow phase for westbound SR 434 followed by the through traffic phase on SR
Auxiliary turn lanes in place at the intersection are one westbound left turn lane and one northbound
right turn lane. The posted speed limit on Timberlane Trail is 25 mph.
The intersection was observed operating efficiently with no phase failures recorded during the peak
hours of observation. Vehicles queues were observed to be the highest during the p.m. peak period
with a maximum of seven vehicles in the westbound left turn lane.
A limited number of u-turns were observed with the exception of the westbound approach. It was
observed that there was a moderate amount of westbound V-turning vehicles at the intersection (51
vehicles during the eight hour count). Nine out of the 51 performed a three-point turn.
3. EB Directional West of Belle Avenue and Belle Avenue
The two median openings do not meet the access management criteria for class 5, however, no
operational problems or conflict were observed during the qualitative assessment due to the low
volumes at the two median openings. The raised median between the two median openings features
two No Left Turn signs and two No V Turn signs. These signs are visible for the eastbound and
westbound vehicles and can easily be misleading since the left and u-turning movements are
permitted at the two median openings.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 21
It was observed that there was a moderate amount of eastbound V-turning vehicles at the intersection
(30 vehicles during the eight hour count and no three-point turns). Some of the eastbound vehicles
desiring to perform a u-turn, were observed to use the Golf Club parking lot in the northern side of
the intersection to turn-around then make a right turn. During the qualitative assessment, some of the
Passenger Cars were observed to perform the u-turning movement at this location with no
operational problems due to presence of a loon. Loons are defined as expanded paved aprons
opposite a median crossover.
4. Sheoah Boulevard (Sienalized)
The intersection is controlled with a mast arm traffic signal. The poles for the signal are located in
all four quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in all four quadrants of the intersection. All
push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted on the signal mast
arm upright in the northwest, southwest, and southeast comers and on a pedestrian pole in the
northeast comer of the intersection. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to all
pedestrian buttons for pedestrian access (see miscellaneous pictures). The intersection is signalized
with split phasing on the side street approaches and protected-permitted left turn phase on SR 434
followed by the through phases. Two-blank-out signs are installed on the mast arm facing the
eastbound and southbound approaches. When lit, the signs prohibit right turns on red.
Auxiliary turn lanes in place at the intersection are one westbound left turn lane, one eastbound left
turn lane, one southbound left turn lane, and one northbound left turn lane. The posted speed limit on
the northern segment is 25 mph and there is no posted speed limit on the southern segment.
Winter Springs Elementary School is located south of the intersection. Flashing beacons exist east
and west of the intersection. The flashing beacons are actuated two times a day: 7:30 a.m. to 8:30
a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m. on all weekdays except Wednesday, when it is actuated between
1 :30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. In addition to the flashing beacons, one crossing guard is present at the
intersection and crosswalks exist on all approaches. During the school's opening and closing
periods, moderate pedestrian volume was observed and they did not have any problems traversing
the intersection.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 22
Vehicles queues were observed to be the highest during the a.m. peak period with a maximum of
eleven vehicles in the westbound left turn lane, ten vehicles in the northbound left turn lane, five
vehicles in the southbound left turn lane and a maximum of five vehicles in the eastbound left turn
lane during the p.m. peak period.
A limited number of u-turns were observed with the exception of the eastbound approach. It was
observed that there was a moderate amount of eastbound V-turning vehicles at the intersection (34
vehicles during the eight hour count). Three out of the 34 performed a three-point turn.
5. Edeemon Street (Sienalized)
The intersection is controlled with a mast arm traffic signal. The poles for the signal are located in
all four quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in all four quadrants of the intersection. All
push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted on the signal mast
arm upright in the northeast, northwest, and southeast comers and on a pedestrian pole in the
southwest comer of the intersection. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to
all pedestrian buttons for pedestrian access (see miscellaneous pictures). The intersection is
signalized with a single side street phase followed by a single main street phase.
Auxiliary turn lanes in place at the intersection are one westbound left turn lane and one eastbound
left turn lane. The posted speed limit on Edgemon Street is 20 mph. No u-turns were observed at the
intersection during the eight hour count.
Westbound traffic was observed backed up from Sheoah Boulevard to the intersection three times in
the a.m. period between 8:00 and 8:30. Vehicles queues were observed to be the highest during the
p.m. peak period with a maximum of two vehicles in the westbound left turn lane, a maximum of
two vehicles in the eastbound left turn lane, and a maximum of two vehicles in the southbound
through lane; and during the a.m. peak period with a maximum of seven vehicles in the northbound
through lane.
There are no auxiliary turn lanes in place on Edgemon Street at the intersection. There was more
traffic coming out of the northbound approach than the southbound approach on Edgemon Street.
The green interval is sufficiently long to fully discharge all the vehicles waiting to enter the
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 23
intersection most of the time. However, the southbound through movement was light and the
northbound left turn movement was moderate, resulting the northbound left turning vehicles not
yielding the right of way to the southbound through vehicles, especially in the morning period. A left
turn phase warrant was completed for the northbound and southbound left and u-tuming movements
of the intersection. The warrant suggest that protection for left turns should be considered when the
cross product exceeds 50,000 and 100,000 for one and two lanes of opposing traffic, respectively.
The left turn phase warrant sheets are in Appendix C. Although, the warrant was not met for both
movements, consideration should be given to modifying the side street phasing to a leading
northbound protected-permitted left turn phase followed by the through movements phase. In
addition, a LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN (symbolic green ball) sign (RlO-12) should be
installed on the signal mast arm facing the northbound left turn lane and a DELAYED GREEN sign
should be installed on the signal mast arm facing the southbound left turn lane. Finally, a left turn
lane should be added to the northbound approach. Split phasing is not recommended since this type
of operation will be less efficient than the proposed phasing in terms of intersection capacity and
performance (additional yellow and all red time).
No u-turns were observed at the intersection, however, no median exists along SR 434 at the
intersection. This geometry does not allow for an adequate u-turning radius for Passenger Cars. A
left turn phase warrant was completed for the eastbound and westbound left and u-turning
movements of the intersection. The warrant suggest that protection for left turns should be
considered when the cross product exceeds 50,000 and 100,000 for one and two lanes of opposing
traffic, respectively. The left turn phase warrant sheets are in Appendix C. Although the warrant was
not met for both movements, consideration should be given to installing an eastbound and
westbound protected-permitted left turn phase due to the inefficient u-turn maneuver at the
6. Moss Road (Si2:nalized)
The intersection is controlled with a mast arm traffic signal. The poles for the signal are located in
all four quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in all four quadrants of the intersection. All
push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted on the signal mast
arm upright in the northeast, northwest, and southeast comers and on a pedestrian pole in the
southwest comer of the intersection. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 24
southwest comer of the intersection. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to
all pedestrian buttons for pedestrian access (see miscellaneous pictures). The intersection is
signalized with a single side street phase followed by a single main street phase.
Vehicles queues were observed to be the highest during the p.m. peak period with a maximum of
three vehicles in the westbound left turn lane, four vehicles in the eastbound left turn lane, eight
vehicles in the southbound through-left turn lane, and twelve vehicles in the northbound through-left
turn lane.
There was more traffic coming out of the northbound approach than the southbound approach on
Moss Road. The green interval is sufficiently long to fully discharge all the vehicles waiting to enter
the intersection most of the time. However, the southbound through movement was light and the
northbound left turn movement was moderate, resulting the northbound left turning vehicles not
yielding the right of way to the southbound through vehicles, especially in the morning period. A left
turn phase warrant was completed for the northbound and southbound left and u-turning movements
of the intersection. The warrant suggest that protection for left turns should be considered when the
cross product exceeds 50,000 and 100,000 for one and two lanes of opposing traffic, respectively.
The left turn phase warrant sheets are in Appendix C. Although, the warrant was not met for both
movements, consideration should be given to modifying the side street phasing to a leading
northbound protected-permitted left turn phase followed by the through movements phase. In
addition, a LEFT TURN YIELD ON GREEN (symbolic green ball) sign (RIO-12) should be
installed on the signal mast arm facing the northbound left turn lane and a DELAYED GREEN sign
should be installed on the signal mast arm facing the southbound left turn lane. Split phasing is not
recommended since this type of operation will be less efficient than the proposed phasing in terms of
intersection capacity and performance (additional yellow and all red time).
A limited number of u-turns were observed with the exception of the eastbound approach. It was
observed that there was a moderate amount of westbound V-turning vehicles at the intersection (26
vehicles during the eight hour count). Three out of the 26 performed a three-point turn. A left turn
phase warrant was completed for both the eastbound and westbound left and u-turning movements of
the intersection. The warrant suggest that protection for left turns should be considered when the
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 25
cross product exceeds 50,000 and 100,000 for one and two lanes of opposing traffic, respectively.
The warrant was not met for both movements. Therefore, a protected-permitted left turn phase
should NOT be added. The left turn phase warrant sheets are in Appendix C.
7. Costa Rica Drive
Costa Rica Drive is a two-lane facility that serves as the entrance to the Hacienda Village Mobile
Homes. The posted speed limit is 15 mph. The intersection was observed to operate efficiently
during peak periods. The westbound left and u-turning volume was light during the peak hours
(maximum 16 vehicles/hour) and adequate eastbound gaps existed on SR 434.
Although u-turns on SR 434 are prohibited at this intersection, four westbound u-turns were
observed during the 4 hour count (one three-point turn). The northbound right turning vehicles
experienced minimal delay and the volume during peak hours was minimal (21 vehicles/hour).
Adequate gaps were generally available on SR 434.
Some of the eastbound vehicles desiring to perform a u-turn, were observed to use the shopping
plaza parking lot on the northern side of the intersection to turn-around and then turn right out. Some
of the westbound vehicles desiring to perform a u-turn, were observed to turn left onto Costa Rica
Drive, make a u-turn, and then make a right turn.
8. Sherry Avenue
Sherry Avenue is a two-lane facility that serves as the entrance to a residential area. There is no
posted speed limit on Sherry Avenue. The intersection was observed to operate efficiently during
peak periods. The eastbound left and u-tuming volume was moderate during the peak hours
(maximum 121 vehicles/hour) and adequate westbound gaps existed on SR 434.
Although u-turns are prohibited on SR 434 at this intersection, three eastbound u-turns were
observed during the 4 hour count (no three-point turn). The northbound left turning vehicles
experienced minimal delay and the volume during peak hours was minimal (32 vehicles/hour).
Adequate gaps were generally available on SR 434.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 26
9. Hacienda Boulevard
Hacienda Boulevard is a two-lane facility that serves as the entrance to the Hacienda Village Mobile
Homes. The posted speed limit is 15 mph. The intersection was observed to operate efficiently
during peak periods. The westbound left and u-turning volume was light during the peak hours
(maximum 2 vehicles/hour) and adequate eastbound gaps existed on SR 434.
Although u-turns on SR 434 are prohibited at this intersection, three westbound u-turns were
observed during the 4 hour count (one three-point turn).
The northbound left turning vehicles experienced minimal delay and the volume during peak hours
was minimal (10 vehicles/hour). Adequate gaps were generally available on SR 434.
10. Haves Road (Sienalized)
The intersection is controlled with a mast arm traffic signal. The poles for the signal are located in
all four quadrants. There are pedestrian features present in two quadrants of the intersection. All
push buttons meet the current ADA requirements. Pedestrian signals are mounted on the signal mast
arm upright in the northeast, northwest, and southeast comers and on a pedestrian pole in the
southwest comer of the intersection. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to
all pedestrian buttons for pedestrian access (see miscellaneous pictures). The intersection is
signalized with a single side street phase and protected-permitted left turn phase on
eastbound/westbound SR 434 followed by the through phases.
Auxiliary turn lanes in place at the intersection are one eastbound left turn lane, one westbound left
turn lane, and one northbound right turn lane. The posted speed limit on Hayes Road is 25 mph.
A limited number of u-turns were observed with the exception of the eastbound approach. It was
observed that there was a moderate amount of eastbound V-turning vehicles at the intersection (106
vehicles during the eight hour count). Fourteen out of the 106 performed a three-point turn. Most of
the eastbound left-turning vehicles (18 out of27 during the eight hour count) were observed to use
the dirt parking lot in the northern side of the intersection to turn-around then make a right turn.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 27
11. EB Directional East of Haves Road
The eastbound directional left turn lane serves a parking lot of a vacant business. This driveway is
currently not used. The eastbound left turning volume was two vehicles during the four-hour count.
No u-turns were observed at the directional median opening.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East ofTalmo Street to East of Hayes Road 28
Based on the results of the Signal Warrant Analysis, field observations and engineering judgment,
the following is recommended:
1. In order to eliminate the concerns regarding the u-turn operation, consideration should be
given to removing the raised median along the studied corridor except near signals and
isolated landscaped islands and providing a two-way left turn lane for vehicles to make a
direct left instead of performing a u-turn at the intersections.
2. As an interim improvement to improve the u-turn operation at some locations along the
corridor until removing the raised median, the following should be considered:
a. F or the locations where u-turns are allowed (signalized intersections), consideration
should be given to modifying the median to provide a flare using the existing comer
radius to improve the u-turn operation (see Figure 5). After implementing the
proposed recommendation at the intersection of SR 434 and Fountaintree
Drive/Sunshadow Drive, consideration should be given to replacing the concurrent
protected-permitted left turn phasing with a protected-only lead-lag eastbound and
westbound left turn phasing to avoid concurrent left turning movements.
b. For the locations where u-turns are prohibited, additional enforcement IS
c. At Edgemon Avenue and Moss Road, consideration should be given to installing a
protected-permitted left turn phase for the eastbound and westbound left turning
movements to improve the inefficient u-turn maneuver at the intersection.
~5~r~1- 71
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Figure 5: Flare at Intersections
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 29
It should be noted that the above interim recommendations will partially improve the u-turn
operation at some locations along the corridor but will not eliminate the u-turn problem.
3. At Edgemon A venue and Moss Road, to improve the side street operation, consideration
should be given to modifying the side street phasing to a leading northbound protected-
permitted left turn phase followed by the through movements phase. In addition, a LEFT
TURN YIELD ON GREEN (symbolic green ball) sign (RIO-12) should be installed on the
signal mast arm facing the northbound left turn lane and a DELAYED GREEN sign should
be installed on the signal mast arm facing the southbound left turn lane. Finally, a
northbound left turn lane should be installed at the intersection of SR 434 and Edgemon
4. A 4' by 4' flat landing area should be constructed adjacent to pedestrian buttons for
pedestrian access per the recommendation diagram at the signalized intersections of
Fountaintree Drive/Sunshadow Drive, Sheoah Boulevard, Edgemon Avenue, Moss Road,
and Hayes Road.
A Recommendation Diagram has been incorporated into this report (Figure 6) to show the
recommendations for the study segment and is included in the following pages.
Metric Engineering, Inc. - Roadway Analysis for SR 434 from East of Talmo Street to East of Hayes Road 30
Exhibit 2
S.R. 434 Between Costa Rica Drive and Sherry Avenue
Exhibit 3
S. R. 434 Between Hacienda Blvd and Bennet Street
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June 29, 2006
City of Winter Springs
Public Works Department
1126 E. State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Mr; BriaI1Fields, PE
City Engineer
Tec~ical'.~~fee Propos~l
SR434 Median ImprovementS'
Metric Engilleering, Inc. (MEI) is very pleased to submit the enclos:d,J~.~~~~!k~r~~B~.~~,~~~
Proposal,~d Schedule for the above referenced project. M~,J,.i:!~i..!Pt-epirredto hegmwot~
immediately on thi~.llssignrnent. We look forward to ' . workiIlgtelationship with the
City of Winter Springs.
Me:nur:: PU'.ZA . CORPD.AATE
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PHONe: taosl 235-.5098'
If you have questions or require additional
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D~~.~OdY, Ii: PTOE
Vice President of Traffic
SR 434 Median Improvements Plans
A Traftic Operational study conducted in 2006 for the Department of Transportation recommended the removal of the
raised median at different locations along the SR 434 segment located in the City of Winter Springs to improve the u-
turn operation. SR 434 with the project limits is an urban four-lane divided arterial. Land use surrounding this segment
of the arterial is characterized as commercial interspersed with single-family residential propertied. Lane widths are
typically 11' for the inside through lane and 11.5' for the out,;ide through lane. The median width is typically 15' and
drops to 4.5' when a 10.5' left turn lane is provided at median openings.
As discussed with the City of Winter Springs, the project requires the preparation of concept drawings and 90%
construction drawings for the proposed median improvements at three locations along SR 434. The plans will be
developed from the SR 434 Improvements plans developed by TEl Engineers and Planners for Seminole County. Metric
Engineering, Inc. (ME!) will work closely with the City's staff, property owners, and utility owners, etc. to ensure the
proposed improvements are consistent with the City's budget and the project stake holder's desires.
Data Collection - MET's approach to data collection will place an emphasis on site visits and the use of existing data
such as design plans, subdivision plans, tax maps, and aerial photography. This existing documentation will be llsed to
develop 1"=40' plan sheets indicating the roadway geometry and location, side streets, and R/W lines.
Design Survey - It is not anticipated that a survey will be needed for this project.
Design Services - The ultimate location of the proposed median removal will be the result of a careful analysis of
multiple issues. Consideration will be given to property owners acces<;.
Construction Documents - MEI will prepare construction plans for the City review. These plans will contain, at a
minimum, typical sections, summary of pay items, general notes, 1"=40' plans including signing and pavement
markings, and construction details.
FOOT Permitting - ME! will prepare the FDOT permit package required to construct the project.
Utility Coordination - It is not anticipated that the median removal will impact buried utilities. However, ME! will
submit plans to each utility owner having facilities in these intersections to obtain approximate utility locations (offsets
and depths) and input after the concept sheets have been developed.
Landscaping Plans - It is not anticipated that the median removal will impact the landscaping along the corridor.
Construction Cost Estimates and Specifications Package- MEr will also prepare a construction cost estimate for the
improvements as well as a specifications package.
Metric Engineering, Inc. is immediately available to begin this assignment. We will perform the field data collection
and prepare the concept plans indicating the proposed types, locations, and sizes of the improvements for the City's
initial review. MET will suhmit these concept plans to the utility companies to obtain approximate utility location
information, if needed. Based on the concept plans comments, we will then complete and submit 90% plans. The plans
will be revised, if necessary, to any adjustments resulting from the City's final review. MEl will then submit finalized
signed and sealed plans and construction cost estimates.
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