HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 07 10 Regular 302 Jesup's Landing
ITEM 302
July 10, 2006
REQUEST: Public Works Department requesting the City Commission review and
consider a proposed modification to the Jesup's Landing final engineering,
specifically to the foundation design at four townhome buildings
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission's review and
consideration for a proposed modification to the Jesup's Landing final engineering,
specifically to the foundation design at four townhome buildings.
Section 166.021, Florida Statutes.
Chapter 9, Land Development.
Town Center District Code.
Binding Development Agreement.
. Jesup's Landing is a planned 185-unit townhome site located on 17.15 acres in the Town
Center on the south side of Orange Avenue. The project is currently under construction.
. The final engineering plans for Jesup's Landing were originally approved with conditions
by the City Commission at the June 27,2005 Commission meeting. Several minor
modifications were approved by the Commission at the October 10, 2005 meeting.
. The geotechnical evaluation for the original site design, performed by Universal
Engineering Sciences, indicated the presence of buried organic muck material within the
eastern portion ofthe site. Based on this evaluation, Universal designed a surcharging
plan to pre-consolidate the deeper muck deposits at six (6) building footprints. The
approved surcharging plan consists of installing 12-foot high surcharge mounds at the six
071006_ COMM _Regular _302 jesups Landing Geotechnical Engineering Modification
Regular Agenda Item 302
July 10, 2006
Page 2
footprints for a minimum of six (6) months. Under this plan, the surcharge mounds would
be monitored and removed after confirmation that the compressible soils have
consolidated or settled to at least 90 percent under the surcharge load. The surcharging
plan as originally designed was approved by the Commission as a part of the Final
Engineering at the June 27,2005 meeting. Please refer to Exhibit 1 for a drawing of the
surcharging plan.
. Levitt & Sons recently had Universal perform additional geotechnical exploration to
further evaluate the extent of the muck and to provide additional recommendations to
support the affected buildings. Due to the depth and thickness of the buried muck and the
potential for artesian pressures, removal of the muck or using pile foundations are not
viable options. Universal provided three options for the building foundations for the four
buildings located over the deep buried muck:
1. Surcharging with structural slab design (as described above)
2. Use ofgeofoam in conjunction with structural slab design (see below)
3. Helical pier system
Levitt & Sons has proposed to use geofoam in conjunction with structural slab design, as
described in detail below.
. Levitt and Universal have proposed an alternative to surcharging by using "geofoam" in
conjunction with the structural slab design. Geofoam is lightweight, thermally-fused,
expanded polystyrene (EPS) material that weighs only 1.0 to 2.0 pounds per cubic foot,
which is approximately 1 % of the density of soil.
. Universal's proposed plan generally consists of installing geofoam at depths between 3
and 9 feet below the floor slabs at four buildings. The lightweight geofoam displaces the
heavier existing soils beneath the floor slabs. The net result is that when the buildings are
constructed, the deep compressible muck deposits should not experience any additional
structural loading, since the reduction in weight from the geofoam offsets the additional
weight of the buildings. Please refer to Exhibit 2 for a drawing of the geofoam plan.
. Based on the results of Universal's additional geotechnical investigation and analysis, only
four of the six buildings originally designated for surcharging are still recommended for
surcharging or an alternative building foundation, such as geofoam.
. Exhibit 3 is a letter dated June 13, 2006 from Universal providing their recommendations
and installation guidelines for the geofoam option. Exhibit 4 is an article from
STRUCTURE magazine that provides some background information about geofoam and
its functional applications.
071006_COMM_Regular_302_Jesups Landing Geotechnical Engineering Modification
Regular Agenda Item 302
July 10, 2006
Page 3
. Universal Engineering Sciences, a reputable Florida-based geotechnical engineering firm,
has prepared a complete design for the proposed geofoam based on a thorough
geotechnical evaluation.
. Geofoam is used extensively as lightweight fill in various engineering applications, such as
bridges, highway embankments, and building foundations.
. The building structural engineer has approved the use of geofoam in the foundations as
described in Universal's report.
. Geofoam is not a standard construction material on townhome building foundations in
Central Florida, and it has not been utilized on any City projects that Staff knows of
Staff recommends the following conditions be required if geofoam is utilized:
. Mandatory notification of all potential buyers of townhome units supported by geofoam.
. Levitt's structural warranty for the affected townhome units shall be increased from 10 to
20 years
1. Exhibit 1 - Surcharging Plan
2. Exhibit 2 - Geofoam Plan
3. Exhibit 3 - Letter from Universal Engineering Sciences dated June 10, 2006
4. Exhibit 4 - Article "Lighten Your Load" from STRUCTURE magazine, March 2004
071006_COMM_Regular_302_Jesups Landing Geotechnical Engineering Modification
(ASTM D 1557)
(ASTM D 1557)
Consultants in: Geotechnical Engineering. Environmental Sciences
Construction Materials Testing. Threshold Inspection
Private Provider Inspection
Exhibit 3
June 13, 2006
. Clermont
. Daytona Beach
. DeBary
. Fort Myers
. Gainesville
. Hollywood
. Jacksonville
. Ocala
. Orlando
. Palm Coast
. Rockledge
. Sarasota
. SI. Augustine
. Tampa
. West Palm Beach
Levitt & Sons, Inc.
4037 Avalon Park East Boulevard
Orlando, Florida 32828
Mr. David Schmitt
Reference: Geofoam Foundation Support Option
Jesup's Landing Townhomes
Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida
UES Project No. 01-0012843-014-02
UES Report No. 485306
Dear Mr. Schmitt:
It is our understanding that Levitt & Sons has decided to select the Geofoam option for
supporting a total of four town home buildings based on our recommendations outlined in our
previous report (No. 459108). Due to the depth and thickness of buried organic soils and the
potential for artesian pressures, demucking or removal of the organic soils as well as pile
foundation is not a viable option. While surcharging is an option, there is considerable
uncertainty in the duration of surcharge due to variable thickness of the muck.
In light of our recent meeting with officials from City of Winter Springs, the following paragraph
describe and clarifies the geofoam option for support of the four town home buildings.
Geofoam falls in the category of light weight fill materials, which are typically used to reduce
stresses on soft compressible soils such as organic peat (muck) or very soft compressible
clays. Geofoam is composed of light weight, thermally-fused, expanded polystyrene (EPS)
beads and weighs only 1.0 to 2.0 pounds per cubic feet, approximately 1 % of the density of soil
that it replaces. Geofoams are generally inert and when installed properly do not degrade over
time under normal soil and groundwater conditions. Construction is relatively 0 fast and less
labor intensive, which in particularly beneficial with compressed project time lines.
Light weight fill material such as Elasticell and geofoams have been used widely over the past
30 years as a compensating fill and to reduce foundation loads over compressible soils mostly
in the DOT projects, bridge abutments, large embankment over soft soils, retaining walls etc..
Its use in residential building foundation applications, although less frequent, has been
successful as well.
Page 1 of 4 Pages
- 3532 Maggie Blvd. · Orlando, FI 32811 · (407) 423-0504 · Fax (407) 423-3106
Geofoam Foundation Support Option
Jesup's Landing Townhomes
Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida
UES Project No. 01-0012843-014-02
UES Report No. 485306
For this project, ee recommend that geofoams be installed at depths between 3 feet and 9 feet
below the bottom elevation of the proposed floor slab. For this applications, the geofoams are
intended to act as a compensating fill, where the combined weight of the building, fill material
and the geofoam will be less than the weight of the 6-foot of soils that will be excavated
between 3 and 9 feet. Therefore, no additional net weight is added on to the organic soils and
the current state of equilibrium is maintained as far as the organic muck deposits are
concerned. A minimum buffer of 3 feet of good quality fill is recommended to provide sufficient
weight and anchor the geofoam block against buoyant hydrostatic pressures as well as to install
utility lines and plumbing. Details about the fill material Geofoam area and constructional
details about Geofoam are presented in Appendix C. Calculations supporting the geofoam
option are also presented in Appendix C.
The following should be considered general guidelines for installation of the geofoam blocks
and site preparation for construction of the building. Other installation specifications outlined
by the manufacturer must also be followed as necessary.
· Perform test pits to evaluate the depth to the groundwater table
· Perform remedial dewatering using either well points or rim ditch with sump pumps
along the perimeter of the building footprint. The groundwater table should be
maintained at least 2 feet below the bottom of the excavation for the geofoam. In the
event dewatering is halted for a long duration (more than 2 weeks), place at least 4 feet
of temporary fill above the geo-foam to prevent uplift.
. Perform excavation to a depth of about 7 to 8 feet below existing grade corresponding
to 9 feet below the lowest building floor slab bottom elevation, and extending at least 5
feet laterally beyond the building footprint limit. The slopes of the excavation must
conform to OSHA standards and be maintained stable.
· Install a layer of biaxial geogrid (Tensar BX 1200, Hueskar Fornit 30 or equivalent) prior
to placing the geofoam blocks. The layer of biaxial geogrid should be installed over the
entire excavated footprint. A second layer of geogrid is also recommended on top of
the geofoam.
· Compact the bottom subgrade soils to achieve at least 92 percent of the Modified
proctor maximum dry density to a depth of 2 feet. If necessary place a layer of 6 inches
of crushed concrete to ensure a uniform stable subgrade.
Page 2 of 4 Pages
Geofoam Foundation Support Option
Jesup's Landing Townhomes
Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida
UES Project No. 01-0012843-014-02
UES Report No. 485306
. Place the geofoam blocks in a staggered brick fashion as indicated in Appendix C from
the bottom-up to at least 3-feet below the slab bottom elevation.
. We recommend EPS Geofoam EPS29 or equivalent beneath the building footprint. It
is acceptable to use the geofoam billets 3' x 4' x 8' for this project as long as the blocks
extend at least 3 feet beyond the structural slab perimeter edge.
. The 3'x4'x8' geofoam billets or blocks should be installed in two layers with a BX 1200
geogrid (or Hueskar Fornit 30) geogrid at the bottom and top of the Geofoam blocks.
. The geofoam blocks will be held in place laterally with gripper plates to reduce lateral
slippage during construction. Additionally, vertical post (such as 4 foot long, #5rebars
or wooden stakes at 4-foot centers) hammered into the ground, along the perimeter of
geofoam blocks may be installed to prevent lateral movement during installation
. A filter fabric (Mirafi 160N or equivalent) should be provided immediately above the
geofoam block to prevent downward soil migration. This layer should be between the
geogrid and the geofoam block.
. A minimum of 3 feet of compacted fill buffer will be provided between the bottom of the
floor slab and the top of the geofoam blocks. The fill material between the slab and top
of the geofoam must be placed in thin lifts and carefully compacted to at least 95
percent Modified Proctor maximum dry density using light equipment (plate compactor).
. The backfill on either side of the geofoam blocks must also be placed concurrently in
thin lifts and each lift must be compacted with light equipment (plate compactor) to at
least a 92 percent Modified maximum dry density. Adequate care must be taken to
ensure that the geofoam blocks are not damaged during this process.
. The affected buildings must be supported on a well reinforced structural waffle
slab foundation system with sufficient top and bottom steel that reduces the
adverse effects of differential movement.
. The uppermost layer of geogrid (Tensar BX 1200, Hueskar Fornit 30 or
equivalent)should extend laterally at least 5 feet beyond the geofoam block footprint
limits to provide resistence to any inadvertent uplift pressures.
. The excavation of the building footprints, compaction of the subgrade soils, installation
of the geofoam blocks and the backfill operations must be conducted under the full time
observation-of a UES engineer or his representative.
Page 3 of 4 Pages
Geofoam Foundation Support Option
Jesup's Landing Townhomes
Winter Springs, Seminole County, Florida
UES Project No. 01-0012843-014-02
UES Report No. 485306
. Finally, please note that for added degree of insurance and schedule permitting, the
client may chose to placed additional fill (surcharge) above the finished floor elevation
for a duration of 2 months after installation of the geofoam blocks and prior to
construction of the building.
We hope this letter report addresses your concerns. We appreciate the opportunity to have
worked with you on this project and look forward to a continued association. Please do not
hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, or if we may further assist you as your plans
Client (6)
Appendix A.,.1 :
Appendix B-1:
Appendix B-2:
Appendix B-3:
Appendix C-1 :
Appendix C-2:
Appendix C-3:
Appendix C-4:
Appendix C-5
Appendix C-6
Respectfully submitted,
cert~cale Of,~u~~riza. 1;0" No. 549
Shrian8r S. RaQ, MS. P.E.
Vice Pr 'dent-Engineering Services
-- ~
erick. M.S., P.E. ----.-
Senior Vice-President
Profession En ineer No. 37711
Date: /. ' ,
Site Location Map
Site Location Plan
Boring Logs
Soil Classification Chart
Lithologic Cross-Section (designated as Section A-A', B-B' and C-C').
Isometric View of Boring Profiles
Geofoam Plan
Typical GeoFoam Installation Cross-Section
Compensating Fill Calculations using Geofoam
Surcharge Plan
Page 4 of 4 Pages
Graphic 2: EPS-geofoam blocks were
used in a cramped urban site for a
pile-supported hotel in Honolulu, HI
fcredit: Pacific: Allied Products, Ltd.].
. Use as backfill or fill behind basement
and retaining walls - This drastically
reduces the lateral 'earth' pressures acting
on the walls as well as the vertical stresses
on the adjacent ground (an important
consideration for soft-ground sites when
settlements are a design issue);
. As backfill and fill over the roof slabs
of below-ground structures (parking
garages, etc.) or elevated exterior slabs
- This significantly reduces the loads for
which these slabs must be designed;
. As backfill or fill under shallow
foundations (footings, mats, slabs-on-
grade) supporting lightly loaded buildings
and even small bridges - On sites where the
underlying soils are soft and compressible,
it is possible to design a compensated or
'floating' foundation for a structure by
replacing soil with EPS-geofoam blocks
and constructing the foundation directly
on or above the geofoam layer.
Engineers continue to find new
applications for geofoams as lighrvveight
fill. In recent years, rhe use of EPS blocks
has migrated inside eXlstll1g structures
and been used to fill basements for various
purposes and create 'stadium' seating for
movie theaters.
Compressible-I nclusion
Functional Applications
One of the newer functional
applicarions ofEPS geofoam is compressible
inclusion. This is the economical use of
only a relatively thin (of the order of 6
inches (150 mm)) layer of crushable
geofoam material between a structure
and the adjacent ground. Conceptually,
compressible-inclusion applications can
be visualized as the way in which a foam
egg carton cushions and protects eggs.
There are two primary ways in
which the use of geofoam compressible
inclusions has proven useful and cost
effective in practice:
· Beneath structural slabs underlain
by potentially expansive soils and rock
- Although cardboard 'void formers' have
been used in such applications, the use
of EPS-geofoam products has become
the preferred alternative in recent years
because EPS is unaffected by wet ground
or weather and will not decompose after
construction (which can create a methane-
gas explosion hazard as was experienced
on at least one project in the U.K.);
Gmphic 3: Below-ground parking
structure il1 Chicago, IL being backfilled
with EPS-geoioam blacks 011 its roof
slab /Credit: AF1VI].
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STRUCTURE magaz.ine . March 2004
Graphic: 4: EPS-geofoam blocks
both spread-fiJoting foundation
Iwd retaining wall Jill for a low-rise
commercial buiUing in CbiCllgo, lL /credit,
PofyjollJn Pa('kel~<J.
Graphic 6: Placing an EPS-geofoam
compressible inclusion (void former) on a
building project in Winnipeg, Manitoba,
Canada {credit: PFF Corporation Plasti-
fab Division}
Graphic 5: Filling with blocks of EPS
geofomn inside an existing building
basement in Chicago, IL. [credit: Polyfoam
Graphic. 7: Use of a multifunctional geofoam
compressible inclusion for a deep building
basement in Kansas City, MO [credit:
Geo Tech Systems Corporation.]
STRUCTURE magazine · March 2004
Graphic 8: Close-up of tbe geofoam product
providing the functions of compressible
inclusion, groundwater drainage, and
thermal insulation in Kansas City [credit:
GeoTech Systems Corporation].
. Behind basement and retaining
walls - This is a lower-cost alternative to
using EPS blocks as a lightweight fill as
described above ,and is useful on projects
where only a modest reduction in lateral
earth pressures is desired or cost effective.
In such applications the geofoam product
is usually designed to be multifunctional,
and provide drainage and thermal
insulation in addition to serving as a
compressible inclusion.
Getting Started with Geofoams
Additional information about geofoams
can be found at the Manhattan College
Center for Geotechnology (CGT')
website at www.engineering.manhattan.
edu/civillCGT.html. One of the goals of
the CGT is to foster greater interaction
between structural and georechnical
engineers in practice. 10 that end, the
CGT maintains a special webpage to
keep structural engineers apprised of
new developments in georechnical
engineering. This page can be accessed
directly at www.engineering.manhattan.
edul civil/CGT IT2structural.html.
Please pay us a visit and lighten up!.