HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 11 11 Other - Document Pertains to Tree Removal
On April 8, 2002, Chapter 5 of the CIty Code was repealed and replaced
with Ordinance No. 2002-08 (pertinent sections enclosed. as attaclunents).
Sec. 5-2. Intent and Purpose.
Sec. 5-3. Definitions.
Sec. 5-4. Permit Required for Tree Removal and Land Clearing;
Separate Violations Criteria.
Sec. 5-8. Specimen or Historic Trees.
\X. Sec. 5-14. Tree Protection During Devel~pmeDt and Construction;
Periodic Inspection.
Sec. 5-16. Waivers and Appeals.
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WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests of tile public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. Repeal of Prior Chapter 5. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 5, is
hereby repealed in its entirety. A copy of Chapter 5 is attached hereto as Exhibit "Al> for reference
purposes to indicate the provisions hereby repealed.
Section 2. New Chapter 5 Created. A new Chapter 5 of the City of Winter Springs Code
is hereby created as follows:
Sec. 5-1.
This ordinance shall be aQPlicable to all land lying in the incorporated area of the City of
Winter Springs. Florida.
Sec. 5-2.
Intent and Puq~ose.
W Purpose. The purpose of this Chapter is to establish protective regulations for Trees
within the City in order to maintain and protect the City Forest. to better control
problems of flooding, soil conversation. air pollution and noise.. and to make the City
a heaLthier. more attractive and safer place in which to live. .
Intent. The intent of this Chapter is~{o encourage the protection of the maximum
number of Trees within the Primary Tree Protection Zone and of Large Specimen
Trees within the Secondary Tree ~rotection Zone. It is further the intent of this
. Chapter to encourage the protection of Trees native to Central Florida.
To this end. it shall be unlawful to cut down. damage. poison. or in any other manner
destroy or cause to be destroyed any Tree or other vegetation as covered by the
provisions of this ordinance except in accordance with the provisions set forth herein.
Notwithstanding. in case of emergencies involving natural disaster such as. but not
limited to. flood. freeze or other natural disasters. the requirements oftbis ordinance
may be temporarily waived by the City Commission by resolution.
City of Winler SprinGS
Ordinance No. 2002-08
Page 2 or 19
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se~ 5'- 3
Preferred Plant List. Preferred Plant List shall mean the list of plant materials and
corresponding Tree Renlacement Credit shown in Appendix "C", which may be
amended from time to time by the City Manager in writing.
Primary Tree Protection Zone. This shall mean the front, side and rear yard areas as
established and required by the Land Development Code of the City as the same may,
from time to time, be amended.
Protected Area. An area surrounding a protected. Historic, or SQecimen Tree within
which physical intrusion is Qrohibited in order to prevent damage to the Tree, roots
and soil around the Tree base, the dimensions of which shall be established by the City
and set forth in the Tree Removal permit. in according with Section 5-14.
Protective Barrier. Shall be a circle of one-inch to two-inch wide stakes spaced a
maximum of eight (8) feet from each other at the perimeter of the Tree Protection
Zone and which extend out of the ground at least eighteen (18) to twenty-four (24)
inches. with the top two (2) to four (4) inches marked by flourescent orange paint or
Replacement Trees. Replacement Trees shall at a minimum comply with the
provisions of Subsection 5-9.
Secondary Tree Protection Zone. This shall mean all areas not included in the
Primary Tree Protection Zone. Subdivision street rights-of-way and easements are.
also defined as being within the Secondary Tree Protection Zone.
.Specimen Tree. A Tree, other than an undesirable tree. dead tree, or diseased tree.
that is twenty (20) inches or more in diameter.
Stem. The main trunk of a plant: its primary axis that develops buds and shoots
instead of roots.
fu) Topping. The severe cutting back oflimbs within the Tree's crown to prevent normal
growth to such a degree so as to remove the normal canopy and disfigure the Tree.
(y) Transplant. The act of relocating an existing Tree upon the same lot.
!2a Tree. Self-supporting wood. perennial plants of species which have a trunk with a
diameter of at least four (4) inches measured at Caliper and normally grow to an
overall Crown height of a minimum of fifteen (I5) feet.
City of Winter SprillI;s
Ordinance No. 2002-08
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5e.c ,f- 8
Sec. 5-9.
Historic Tree designations shall be subiect to aRProval by resolution
of the City Commission and the City Commission may grant tree
replacclllcnl crcdit~on granting an Historic-Tree designation.
Removal. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Chapter. SRecimen or
Historic Trccs shall not be removed except for extraordinary circumstances
and hardships and only by final permit apRroved by the City Commission.
Tr-ee Replacement Guidelines.
ill Tree Replacement. All Trees that are removed or destroyed and subiect to
replacement by this Chapter shall be replaced by a species of Tree cited in Appendix
B, Desirable Trees or Appendix C, Preferred Plant List or such other Trees prooerly
approved by the City Forester. Replacement shall occur within ninety (90) da~s of
removal or destruction unless a greater replacement period is provided for good cause
hY..Rerrni t.
(Q} Criteria for Replacement Trees is as follows:
ill Characteristics of Replacement Trees. The replacement Tree( s) shall have at
least equal shade potential, screening properties, and/or other characteristics
comparable to that of the Tree(s) requested to be removed.
Size 0 Re lacement Trees. Re lacement Tree s are to be made accordin~
to a standard of one (I ") inch DBH total replacement for .each one (I ") inch
DBH removed, unless (I) the Trees are replaced w~th Trees from the
Preferred Plant List: or (2) otherwise agreed upon by the City Cominission
and applicant. Acceptable spacing and. design standards are the only criteria
that shall limit the number.of Trees used to meet the inch for inch
Tree Species. Relocated or Replacement Trees shall include only species
defined as Desirable Trees (Appendix B) under this ordinance.
Transplanting and Maintenance Requirements. All Trees transplanted
pursuant to this ordinance shall be maintained in a healthy. living condition.
Any such Trees which die shall be replaced and maintained by the property
owner. The City shall retain perpetual jurisdiction to ensure compliance with.
this Chapter.
Waivers of Replacement Tree(s) Specifications. The number of required
Replacement Trees may be waived by the City Commission. if the City
Cily or Winler Springs
Ordinancc No. 7.007.-01'\
1';I/.:C II or 19
. l'
Any new single-family or duplex dwelling unit on a lot of less than 6,000 square feet
or greater not fcwer than two (2) Trecs.
(Ql Any ncw single-familv or duplcx dwelling unit on a lot of less than between 6,001 and
10,000 square feet: not fewer than three (3) Trees.
. CD Any single commercial, industrial, multi-family or other structure requiring site plan
approval under the City land develoRment regulations: no fewer than five (5) Trees
or approximately three (3) Trees per acre, which ever is greater.
Sec. 5-14.
Tr'ee Protection During Development and Construction; Periodic
ill Restrictions During Construction. It shall be unlawful for any Person, during the
construction of any structures or other improvements. to place solvents, paint or
masonry materials, construction machinery or temporary soil deposits within the
Dripline of any Tree for which a Tree Removal permit is required but has not been
obtained. This provision includes soil that is placed in the Dripline permanently for
the purpose of a grade change, unless the grade is changed according to the guidelines
described in the Florida Division of Forestry, De{Jartment of Agriculture and
Consumer Services Publication, Tree Protection Manual for Buildings and
Burden of Tree Protection on Property Owner. It shall be the responsibility ofa
developer or applicant to ensure thatany Tree shown on the Tree inventory for which
a Tree Removal permit has not been obtained is to be protected. . The property owner
shall guarantee survival of retained trees and Replacement Trees for one (1) year from
completion of pennitted construction, unless a greater time period is required by
development agreement. If a retained or replacement Tree dies during that time
period. the property owner shall replace the Tree in accordance with a remedial action
approved under Q 5-17 of this Chapter.
Protective Barriers Required. Posts shall be used as Protective Barriers to the roots
and Trunk of every Tree on the parcel being developed. The posts shall be placed at
points not closer than one-halfradius of the Dripline of the protected tree. unless the
structure has been permitted by the City to be erected within the Dripline of a Tree
with a wide canopy. Each section of the barrier shall be clearly visible (flagged with
brightly colored plastic tape or other markers). No attachments or wires other than
those with a Rrotective or non-damaging nature shall be attached to any Tree.
City of Winlcr Springs
Ordinancc No. 2002-08
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Sec. 5-17.
Sife IlIsf}ecfiolls. The City Forester may conduct periodic insRections of the site. It
is the responsibility oCthc aI2P1icant to ensure that all provisions of this Chapter are
111 c t.
See. 5-15.
\folunlact' TrOtc Planting.
Sec. 5-16.
Waiver's and AI.!pcals.
Waivers. The City Commission may grant a waiver to provisions of this Chapter
where the apRlicant demonstrates that the literal interpretation of the ordinance will
deny the applicant reasonable use of the property or where such waiver can be
demonstrated to be-consIstent with the purpose and intent of the ordinance. The
preservation of any approved Tree over four (4) inches in caliper may be considered
as the basis for the granting of a waiver from the literal application of thc provisions
of the City's land development regulations. If. in the determination of the City
Commission. the sole basis for the request for waiver is to preserve such Tree which
would otherwise have to be removed, it may direct any required waiver fee to be
Appeals. Any Person adversely affected by an administrative interpretation of this
Chapter may appeal that interpretation to the City Commission by filing a written
notice of appeal of said interpretation within thirty (30) days of said interpretation.
Failure to file an aRpeal within said time period shall result in the administrative
interpretation to be declared final. 'The City Commission shall decide said appeal
within thirty (30) days of the City's receipt of said notice of appeal and the City
Commission's decision shall be final.
Remedial Action.
Violations Require Remedial Action. Where violations of this Chapter have occurred.
remedial action shall bc taken to rcstore the property consistent with a restoration
plan approved by the City Forester. The restoration plan may require Tree
rcplacement at not more than a ratio offour to one (4: I) and require mitigation of any
other damage to the proRerty, as well as Tree replacements.
Replacement Formula. Each Trcc dcstroyed or receiving maior damage during
construction must be rcplaccd by cither a comparable size and desirablc type of Tree
as listed within ^E1>Clldix I3 or four (4) Replacement Trees before issuance of a
City or Will[er SprillGS
OrdillilllcC No. 2002-0l\
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