HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 05 09 Regular 502, Lighting and Signage upgrade Requests By HOA's w/Public ROW
ITEM 502
Public Hearing
Re X
Mgr,~ I Dept ~
May 9, 2005
Regular Meeting
REQUEST: City Manager requests the City Commission Consider a Streetlighting and
Street Sign Agreement to address lighting and signage upgrade requests by
HOA's with public rights of way.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Commission to adopt a standard agreement
to be used by HOA's that desire to upgrade the streetlighting and/or street signage
in the public right of way at their expense.
On March 28,2005, the City Commission directed staff to draft an agreement
addressing the financial arrangements necessary for a HOA to upgrade the public right of
way streetlighting and lor signage. A draft of that agreement is attached.
The key elements of the Street Sign portion are:
. HOA pays 100% of the cost of the pole, frame, and installation. City provides the
sign plates (street name, stop, speed limit, etc...)
. HOA pays 50% prior to bidding. Balance due within 7 days of award of contract.
. HOA funds a $5,000 maintenance account with the City for repairs, replacement,
and added signs.
The key elements of the Street Light portion are:
. HOA pays the difference between the standard streetlight cost (concrete pole with
cobra fixture) and the chosen upgrade including the difference in taxes and fees.
. HOA to deposit with the City one years' worth of the estimated additional costs for
the street lights and replenish the account on January 1 st of each year. When
initiated, only funds for the balance of the calendar year will be required.
Regular Agenda Item 502
May 9, 2005
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The agreement also provides for the City to have the option to create an
assessment district to collect the necessary funds should the HOA fail to fulfill the
financial obligations of the agreement.
Presently our Urban Beautification Coordinator, Steve Richart, has had discussions
with Glen Eagle, Highlands, Winding Hollow and Oak Forest Unit 8 about street lighting
and/or street sign upgrades. If the agreement format is approved by the Commission. input
from these HO A's will be solicited.
No funding is required at this time. Budget adjustments to expenditure line codes
will be necessary as individual agreements are submitted to the City Commission for
approval although they will be offset by correlating revenues.
It is recommended that the City Commission modify as it deems necessary and approve
the draft agreement as a template for upgrading streetlighting and street sign in public rights of
way by HOA' 5.
1. Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement
OS0905 _ COMM_lWgular_502_ Streetlighting&Strect _Sign_Agre..ment
Draft May 4, 2005
Thl8 Neighborhood Street Sigo and Light Improvement Agreement C'Agreement") is
made and entered into this _ day of , 2005, by and between the City of
Winter Springs, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation ("City") and
. a Florida corporation ("Association'').
WHEREAS, the Association is ahomeowner's association located within the CityofWinter
Springs, Florida; and
WHEREAS, the City currently provides the Association and its members with standard
street signs and li.ghts located on Citystreets that traverse through therea1 propertywhich constitutes
the Association; and
WHEREAS, the Association has requested and the City desires to provide enhanced
decorative street sigDB and lights at the Association's expense under the terms and conditions herein;
WHEREAS. the parties acknowledge that this agreement will improve the aesthetic
appearance of the City's streets primarily for benefit and enjoyment of the Association and its
members and incidentally to the rest of the citizens of Wmter Springs.
NOWTBEREFORE, in oonsiderationofthemutual promises setforthhereunder, and other
good and valuable consideration, which the parties acknowledge has been exchanged, the parties
agree as follows:
Seetion 1. ~itals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and are hereby
incorporated herein as a material part of this Agreement.
Section 2. Definitions. The following words and phrases used herein shall have the
following meaning unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
2.1 "Progress Energy" shall mean Progress Energy and any successor and assign to the
City's electric francJrlse.
Neighborhood Street Sign and Light L.uywvQIl.CIlt Agreement
City of Winter Springs
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2.2 "Sip Plate" shall mean the metal face plate of the street sign on which street
names and other traffic symbols and/or language is written such as "stop" and speed limits.
2.3 'Street Light BlUe Rate" shaU mean the actual cost charged hy Progreas Energy to
install, maintain, and operate a standard concrete pole and cobra fixture. Said costs include electric,
equipment rental., maintenance, gross receipts tax, franchise fees and other associated charges
imposed by Progress Energy in accordance with law. At the effective date of this Agreement, the
StreetLightBaseRateis equalto$ . Thepartiesacknowledgethatsaidb8.'le
rate is subject to periodie adjustments by Progress Energy and the City of Wmter Springs.
Seetion 3. Scope of Project. The City and Association agree that the Association agree
that the Association desires topurchase, install, maintain and operate the decorative street signs and
street lights depicted and itemized in Exhibit "1." which is attached hereto andincorporated herein
by this reference (the "Project''). The parties acknowledge that the decorstive atreet signs most
comply with the Florida Department ofTransportstion and City of Winter Spriogs' standards and
the decorative street lights are provided by Progreas Energy.
Section 4.
Association's ObUptlons. The Association agrees to perfonn the following
4.1 Decq1YltiYe Street Signs. The Association agrees to fully cooperate with the City to
purchase, install. and maintain the decorative street signs required by the Project as follows:
(A) The Aasociation shaU agree to pay the City's actual out-of-poeket cost of purchasing
and installing the d.ecomtive street signs required to complete the Project, excluding the actual cost
of the sign plates which will be the City's responsibility.
(B) Prior to the City competitively bidding the decorative street sign component of the
Project, the Association agrees to pay the City a deposit in the amount of
($ ) which represents at leastfiftypercent(50%) of the
estimated cost of the street sign component of the Project, excluding the estimated cost of the sign
(C) Within seven (7) days of the City awardingthe contractforthe street sign component
of the Project ('"Street Sign Contract") and prior to contract execution with the contractor, the
Association shall pay the City the amount that is due under the Street Sign Contract, less the deposit
and excluding the cost of the sign plates. The City reserves the right to tenninate the Street Sign
Contract should the Association fail to make said payment.
(D) In the event any of the decorative street signs must be replaced or repaired due to
damage, deterioration, or age, the Association agrees topaytheCitythe cost of the repairs orthe cost
Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement
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ofpW'Chasing and installing the replacement decorative street signs. The Association's payment
shaU be made within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notice from the City and prior to the
replacement. Notwithatanding, the City will be responsible fur the repair or replacement of any
damaged, deteriorated, or aged street sign plate. All other components of the street sign including,
but not limited to, the foundation, framing, and pole will be the responsibility of the Association.
(E) During the tenn of this Agreement, the Association agrees to malntalo with the City a
sign repair escrow account ("Sign Escrow Account"). At all times, the Association agrees to
maintain a balance of Five Thousand and no/IOO Dollars (55,000.00) in the Sign Escrow Account.
In the event the balance goes below $5,000.00, the City shall notify the Association in writing that
the SignEscrow Accountmust be replenished to satigJythe balancerequiremeots of this Agreement.
Upon receipt of said notice, the Association shaU have thirty (30) days in which to replenish said
account The City shall have the right to use the money in the Sign Escrow Account to repair or
replace any street sign required by this Agreement or to purchase and install any additional
decorative street signs that the City determines are needed for traffic safety purposes within the
Association property. In the event that a street sign must be replaced, repaired, or added and the
Association has failed to maintain an adequate balance in the Sign Escrow Account. the City shall
have the unconditional right to make said repairs, replacement, or addition using a standard non-
decorative street sign.
4.2 Decorative Street LigIW. The Association agrees to fully cooperate with the City to
acquire, install, maIotain, and operate the decorative street lights required by the Proj ect as follows:
(A) The Association shall agree to pay the City the difference between the City's actual out-
of-pocket cost of acquiring, installing, maintaining, and operating the decorative street lights
required to complete the Project and the Street Light Base Rate. The parties acknowledge that soid
cost is currently itemized by Progress Energy on a monthly statement of service to the City and
includes the cost of electric, equipment rental, maintenance, gross receipts tax, franchise fees and
other associated charges imposed by Progress Energy in accordance with law.
(B) During the term of this Agreement, the Association agrees to maintain with the City a
street light escrow account (''Streetlight Escrow Acconnf'). Within thirty(30) days of the effective
date of this Agreement and by January 1 of each year subsequent to said effective date, the
Association agrees to deposit in the Street Light Escrow Account an amount equal to the estimated
actual cost of acquiring, installing, malntaloing, and operating the decorative street lights for the
upcoming calendar year. The first escrow payment, however, shall be based on theremainder of the
current calendar year. So that the City iB not required to up-front the Association's cost for the
decorative street lights, the City reserves the right to increase the amount on deposit in the Street
Light Escrow Account during the calendar year in the event that Progress Energy increases its
monthly cost for the decorative street lights during any particular calendar year. In such cases, the
City shall provide the Association with written notice and justification for the adjusbnent to the
balance required to be on deposit in the Street Light Escrow Account and the Association shall
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increase the balsnce by making psyment to the City within ten (10) days of receipt of .aid notice.
Section S. City's Oblleatlons. Subject to the Association's compliance with its payment
responsibilities set forth onder this Agreement, the City agrees toperform the followiag obligstions:
5.1 The City agrees to pay the cost of purchasing the Sign Plates required to complete
the Project. The City agrees to also contribute to the acquisition,. installation, maintenance, and
operation of the deeocative street lights in sn amoont equal to the Street Light Base Rate.
5.2 The City will competitively bid and award the decorative street sign component of
the Projeet and the Street Sign Contract in accordance with the City'. purchasing policies and
S.3 The City will be responsible for acquiring, installing, m::linrnining, and operating the
decorative street ligh't5. Further, theCitywill beresponsiblc for remitting the Association's payment
(held by the Cityin Street Light Escrow Account) and the Streetlight Base Rste to Progress Energy
in accordance with Progress Energy's monthly statement of service.
Section 6. Title to Street sUms and Ltehts. The right, title and interest of the
decorative street signs shall be vested in the City. The right. title and interest of the decorative street
lights shall be vested in Progress Energy. The As.ociation shall bave no property interest in the
decorative street signs and streetlights.
Section 7. AODlieable Law: Venue. This Agreement shall be governed by and
construed in accordance with 1he laws of the State ofFIorida and the Winter Springs Code. The
parties agree that venue shall be exclusivelywitbin Seminole County, Florida,. for all state disputes
or actions which arise out of or are based upon this Agreement, and in Orlando, Florida. for all such
federal disputes or actions.
Section 8. Amendments. This Agreement shall not be modified or amended except by
written agreement executed by all parties hereto and approved by the City Commission or City
Manager of the City of Winter Springs.
Section 9. EntireAveemen.t:. R"Adin~$. This Agreement contains the entire agreement
between the parties as to the subject matter hereof. Paragraph headings are for convenience of the
parties only and arenot to be construedas part of this Agreem.ent. All references to whole paragraph
numbers (e.g. 2) shall include all subpm:agraphs thereunder (e.g., 2.1).
Section 10. SeverabDity. H any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid
or unenforceable to any extent by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City shall have the
onconditioualrightto eitherterminstethisAgreement, modifYthis Agreementwith the Association's
consent. or remain in the Agreement as modified by the court.
Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement
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Section 11. SOVerei2D Immunitv. Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be
construed as a waiver of the City's right to sovereign immunity under Section 768.28, Florida
Statues, or any other limitation on the City's potential liability under state or federal law.
Section 12. Notice. All notices and correspondence in coxmection with this Agreement
must be in writing. Notice and correspondence shall be sent by first class mail or band delivered at
the addresses set forth below or at such other addresses as the parties hereto shall designate to each
other in writing.
(a) If to the City::
Mr. Rouald W. McLemore, City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708-2799
407-327-5366 (phone)
407-327-4753 (pax)
(b) -Ifto Assoeiation:
Sectlon 13. Waiver Any forbearance by the Cityin exercising anyright or remedy under
this Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
~on 14. City's Rimt to Seek Euuitable Relief and Special Assessment. The
Association agrees, acknowledges and recognizes that any breach of this Agreement by the
Association may resolt in irreparable harm tc the City. The Association agrees that in addition tc
and not in lien of all legal and equitable remedies available to City by reason of socb breach, City
shall be entitled to equitablerelief(ineluding, without limitation, specificperfonnance and injunctive
relief) to enjoin the occurrence and condition of the breach. Further, in the event the Association
fails to make the payments required herein, the Association acknowledges and agrees that the
decorative street signs and street lights provide a special benefit to the Association and its members
and that said special benefit is shared proportionately by all the members of the Aasociation. In tbe
event that the City determines that the Association has not made the payments required by this
Agreement, the City reserves the WlCOnditional right to assess the Association and its members for
the Association's costs for the decorative street signs and street lights. In the event the City is
required to institute an assessment. the Association agrees to fully support the assessment and the
Neigbborllood ~'treet Sigo and Ligbt lmproveroeol Agreement
City of Winter Springs
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Association shall not contest, challenge or intervene in the assessment process.
Seetlon 15. Attornevs Fees. The prevailing party in any litigation arising under this
Agreement shall be entitled torecoveritsreasonable attorneys' and paralegal fees and costs, whether
incurred at trial or appeal.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed thi, Agreement as of the date first
written above.
Print Name
Print Name
a Florida Mnnicipal Corporation:
Print Name
Ronald W. MeLemore, City Manager
Print Name
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of
2005, by . who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged
before me that he executed the same for the uses and purposes therein expressed and D who is
personally known to me or 0 who has produced as identification
Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement
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and who did not take an oath.
Notary Public Sigoature
Typed or Printed Notary Name
The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this __ day of
2005, by RONALD W. MCLEMORE, City ManagerofWinter Sprinl;', Florida. who ispcrsonally
known to me.
Notary Public Signature
Typed or Printed Notary Name
Neighborhood Street Sign and Light Improvement Agreement
City of Winter Springs
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