HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 01 14 Regular K Variance Section 6-4. COMMISSION AGENDA ..~ ITEM January 14. 2002 Meeting K Consent Information Public Hearin Re ular X MGM. _/Dept. l1-.~ REQUEST: The Community Development Department recommending denial of Rick and Laura Miller's request for a variance from Section 6-4 of the City Code of Ordinances, which prohibits any part of the building or structure to be constructed in violation of an approved plan. PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to consider a request of Rick and Laura Miller for a variance from the requirements of Section 6-4 of the City Code of Ordinances to allow a newly constructed pool deck and screen enclosure to remain extending as much as 11 inches into a 20 foot wide drainage easement, which is in conflict with the approved plot plan as well as in conflict with the policy of not placing buildings or structures in easements. CONSIDERATIONS: That the City Commission consider the Board of Adjustment (BOA) recommendations and review the variance request pursuant to the criteria outlined in Subsections 20-82(1) and (2) of the City Code of Ordinances. The request must be determined to be consistent with all six (6) criteria to receive a recommendation for approval. The pool builder agreed, at the BOA meeting, that the request did not meet any of the criteria. January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 2 APPLICABLE CODE: Sec. 9-4 Violations. Any person who shall violate a provision of this chapter or fail to comply herewith or with any of the requirements hereof, or who shall erect, construct, alter or repair, or has erected, constructed, or repaired a building or structure in violation of a detailed statement or plan submitted and approved hereunder, shall be guilty of a violation of this Code and shall be punished in accordance with section 1-15. Sec. 20-82. Duties and Powers; general. The Board of Adjustment shall make recommendations to the City Commission to grant any variance or special exception as delineated in this chapter. (1) The board of adjustment shall have the additional following specific powers and duties: a. ..... b. ..... c. To recommend upon appeal such variance from the terms of this chapter as will not be contrary to the public interest where, owing to special conditions, a literal enforcement of the provisions of this chapter will result in unnecessary and undue hardship. In order to recommend any variance from the terms of this chapter, the board of adjustment must and shall find: That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; 2. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; 3. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 3 4. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work unnecessary hardship on the applicant; 5. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; 6. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter, will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. d...... (2) In recommending the granting of any variance, the board of adjustment may recommend appropriate conditions and safeguards. Violations of such conditions and safeguards, when made part of the terms under which the variance is granted, shall be deemed a violation of the chapter. The board of adjustment may recommend a reasonable time limit within which the action for which the variance is required shall be begun, or both. (3) Under no circumstances shall the board of adjustment recommend the granting of a variance to permit a use not generally or by special exception permitted in the zoning district involved, or any use expressly or by implication prohibited by the terms of this chapter in the zoning district. No nonconforming use of neighboring lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning classification or district, and no permitted use of lands, structures or buildings in other zoning classification or districts shall be considered grounds for the authorization of a variance. (4) ..... (5) ..... Sec.20-83. Procedures. (a) Upon receipt, in proper form and with appropriate fees, an application for a variance, special exception or conditional use as delineated in this chapter, the board of adjustment shall schedule such application for consideration at a public meeting. January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 4 (b) All such applications will be processed within sixty (60) days of receipt of same. (c) All meetings for consideration of a variance, special exception or conditional use shall be noticed for at least seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting in the following manner: (1) Posting the affected property with a notice of the meeting which indicates the matter to be considered. (2) Posting in city hall a notice of the meeting which indicates the property affected and the matter to be discussed. (3) At least seven (7) days prior to the meeting, the board of adjustment shall also notify all owners of property adjacent to or within one hundred fifty (1 SO) feet of the property to be affected of the time, date and place of the meeting. Such letter must also indicate the variance, special exception, or conditional use requested, and must require proof of delivery. (d) All interested persons shall be entitled to be heard as such meetings or to be hazd by written statement submitted at or prior to such meeting. (e) In the event a special exception, variance or conditional use is not authorized by ordinances of the city, the person requesting the unauthorized action must submit an application pwsuant to section 20-28. (f) Appeals to the boadd of adjustment may be taken by any person aggrieved or by any officer, board or bureau of the city affected by any decision of an administrative official under the zoning regulations. Such appeals shall be taken within thirty (30) days after such decision is made by filing with the officer from whom the appeal is taken and with the board of adjustment, a notice of appeal specifying the grounds thereof. The appeal shall be in such form as prescribed by the rules of the board, The administrative official from whom the appeal is taken shall, upon notification of the filing of the appeal, forthwith transmit to the board of adjustment all the documents, plans, papers or other material constituting the record upon which the action appealed from was taken. (g) The board of adjustment shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing of the appeal, five public notice thereof, as well as due notice to the parties in interest, and make recommendations to the city commission for the appeal within a reasonable time. Upon the hearing, any party may appear I person or by agent or by attorney. For procedural purposes, an application for a special exception shall be handled by the board of adjustment the same as for appeals. January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 5 (h) Any variance, special exception or conditional use which may be granted by the council shall expire six (6) months after the effective date of such action by the city commission, unless a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exception or conditional use is obtained within the aforesaid six-month period. However, the city commission may renew such variance, special exception or conditional use for one (1) additional period of six (6) months, provided good cause is shown and the application for extension shall be filed with the board at least thirty (30) days prior to the expiration of the sic-month period, Any renewal may be granted without public hearing, however, a reapplication fee may be charged in an amount not to exceed the amount of the original application fee. It is intended that provisions contained within this subsection are to be retroactive to the extent that any variance, special exception or conditional use previously granted shall become void if a period of time in excess of twelve (12}months shall have lapsed, and a building permit based upon and incorporating the variance, special exception or conditional uses has not been issued prior to expiration of such time limit. CHRONOLOGY: June 12, 2001-Pool permit application approved for zoning requirements June 18, 2001- Building permit issued for pool, deck, and screen enclosure September 19, 2001- Variance application received by City November 1, 2001- Board of Adjustment hears the request and recommends approval with a fine FINDINGS: 1) The plot plan depicted the pool, pool deck, and easement correctly and was therefore approved for a building permit. 2) The pool deck was constructed, encroaching as much as 11 inches into the 20 foot wide drainage easement. 3) The site has been posted and abutting property owners notified as required by Code. 4) The requirements of Subsection 20-82(1)c., for granting a variance, have not been met: There are no special conditions and circumstances existing which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; That, if they exist, any special conditions and circumstances do result from the actions of the applicants and/or their contractor; January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 6 • That granting the variance will confer on the applicant a special privilege that is denied by this chapter to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; • That a literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of this chapter and would work no unnecessary hardship on the applicants; • That the variance granted is not the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; and • That granting the variance has not been demonstrated to be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Code, has not been demonstrated to not be injurious to the neighborhood, and has not been demonstrated to not be otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: At its regularly scheduled meeting of November 1, 2001, the City of Winter Springs Board of Adjustment heard the Millers' request for a variance and voted 3-0 to recommend approval, subject to a fine -the amount to be determined by the City Commission. RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending denial of this request based upon the fact that this variance request does not meet the 6 criteria specified in Section 20-82(1)c of the City Code. In lieu of a variance, staff advises the City Commission to direct the applicant to consider the following alternatives: 1) Remove the encroaching portion of the deck and screen enclosure; or 2) Apply to vacate the occupied portion of the easement. (Staff would not support this second alternative). January 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM K Page 7 ATTACHMENTS: A -Legal Description B -Address Map C -Variance Application and associated materials D -Approved plot plan E - "As-Built" Survey F -Letter to property owners G -Section 1-15 of the code H -November 1, 2001 BOA Minutes COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT A RICK & LAURA MILLER 7 03 PALENCI COURT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 3 2 7 0 8 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 9 7, SEVILLE CHASE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 51, PAGES l - 14, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. PARCEL ID NUMBER: 02-21-30-5NA-0000-0970 ZONED: RC 1 ATTACHMENT B Continued Pg 2432 =ME ~-- ' ~ , GATE ~ \ \ _____-- ` I 280 '190 \ \_ `------ - " ~ G EAST MENt ,_ - - EAST 20.OR PIN AGE _ _ _ - - I _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _~~ - \ \ \ , \ _ -r ' 170 , J68 SE D LE CHA J66' ~ m I I \ \ - EVIL /77 17S ( I \ \ ~ J64 17J, \ \\ ~ 169 ~ ~ ~ ---- ---- ~ ~ \ ,I I ~ _ __ 0 .- F ____- --"- ~ 706 --~1 -- /67 P ------ ~ ~ ' /60 700, 701704 ~ >. ------I-------------- ~ 708 m - , ' _ _ C 920' OR AINAGF /S8 70/ ~ ~ - _ , 70J . 70 _ _ _ _ 70S ~ EASEMENr I - E I I r - - - - , ~ ~ ~R~NgG _" f C~ ~ , -- f ~SEIAfN ~~ I I ZO /S4 ~ I _ ~ O~ N - ---- `~ - _ ~o oo .~ ~ - ` _-_---- a " ~ -~---`_ I I 1_ 1S/ E 20~ ;'pRaridcE 4g .v --- _--------,-- - d - .~ ------- f'~fN7~ 20'DRNNAGF ~ ' ---- ' ' ~ a -- 602 ~ easeueNr_ _ _ /SO 600 ~ ~ _ _ , 604 , 606 , 608_ - ~" " - I , . C ~ U VI : , U ' /47 ' 60J ~ ' I I 60S 607 ~ P' J46 ; 609 z' --_ --_ . ~~~ ~ ~ m ~- ---_ I _--" 14S -~--_;_ 1 ~ , `` - C _ /41 ' S04 ' soR ; s/o ~ SOI yAT ~ - ' - ~ , _ _ A CT s0/ "~ SOJ 140 /J9 ' SOS 1 ; so7 ; ' - uFr JJ8 ~ ~~STA_ ~ S09 Sl/ I I - ` ` - ~~------1 /36i 400; 402 ~--- s~,l -------- ~'--_ V 404 406 N: ; ~ I __ ---- _ ----- - IJ4 ~ A° MER~A CT ' 4oa W:' ; ~ -,-~ r --~ 30 B ' / J 40S I r /J1 ~ 4/0 O ~ _ _ - - ----- -- <:~ I -- "--__ ;407 X409 ~ a:' -_ ____- ---- -- I Q /JO - ~•o ~ -------- --__ ti.`,- I - - AV~L4 :C -'304- ~' -'~~ ~ - - - ~ ~ I ' q - - 36r- --____ ~ ~ ~ JOS - _ J1i ~ JOJ , ~ ~;: ~ ~ ~ _ - - - CoDtinued Pg 2440 N 1 2 3 4 5 -- - ~ - 8 6 r 41 = <,,~~'' m ~ ~,, ~j?'.•' m o ~ ~=~ NOTES: a N: ~ o A ,~N RD G p p o o Z RD ~ 6At~MA T R '- t > _ ¢~ z+ ! NAM =_ k, ~ _ j ~ 00~ ~ BLVD ~ ,.~~ CIR ~ - _ - J2' =hJy ~~~~ ~ Fire Department Address Map 200 '°° CVO O ~ ~ D - PRINTED: REVISED: Scale : 1" - l SO Ceet Sept 1998 D~ ru c A r J . t: z: 3. ~ m TR4",. ~ M, City of Winter Springs FL Map 2438 , Pa e AGE LOCATION KEY MAP YVfTH 1 6 2 PILE RADIUS RINGS [>M~e sr: ENGlNEER/NG 4 LAAO ST'STEYS l/>G ATTACHMENT C a u:,-_y-~Or 1 15 ~ 47 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF' WINTER SPRiNCS 11 26 EAST S'T'ATE RUAC q 3 q WTNTER'SPRINCS, F[, 32708-2799 (407)327-1BU0 F'. 03 FGR; _^__ gpECIAt, EXCc^PTIOrI - VARIANCE ----.__._, CON D T T I O N A L U S E ---__._ ADMINISTRATIVE DcECISION 1. APPLICANT;`. Rick and Laura Miller ------- -.~-_,_. P Fi oN E 4 0 7- 3 8 8 -1 2 91 ADDRESS: 03 Palenci Ct. Win_ ter Springs,. F1. 32708 -Z------~.`_____- _ 2 PURPOSE OF REQUEST: Approval for screen variance. ,. 3• ATTACH A COPY Oc THE PARCE<, SURVE}•• q• ATTACIi AN 11 x 17 MAP SHOWIIr'C THE SUBJECT PROPERTY AND 5URROUNDINC PARCELS. 5, ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION, 6• TAx PARCEL IDENTIFICATION NUMBER; 02_-21-30-5NA-0000-0970 7• LOCATION OF PARCEL ~~~~'~ Streets): 703 Palenci Ct.~SW;~te~ Spdin9s~aFld/or32~~~rest Cross ----1D~.P.~~ it n a w i t h S e v i l l e C has e D r. ~•--- B• PRESENT ZONING: RC1 _~___ FUTURE LAND USE:_ 9y Signing be:c' I understand that City of Winter Springs Officials Tay enter upon my property to insper.t that portion•as relates to this applicakion: (If the applicant is not the owner of the subjtct property, `he applicant must attach a letter of authorization signed by the owner) Rick~and~ Laura Miller OWNE+~-pL~'~/VIIV T P., ~ / ~ • I `-~~~~=~v OWNER-SIGPIATURE PERSONS ARe", ADVISED THA'I', iF THEY DECIDE TO APPEAL hNY•DECISiONS MADE AT THESE }4EETIN05/HEARINGS, THEY WILL NEED A RECORD Op THE PROCEEbINGS AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE, THEY WILL NEED TO INSURE THAT A INCLUDES THE OT ESTOIMONY AN DOEvIDENCE UPON WHICH THE A pEALST~ WHICH ` • BASED, PER SECTION 296,0105, FLORIDA STATUTES S TO BE. SECTION 20-Bq - AFPEALS FROM DECISIONS Oi•' THE BOARD Qom. (•ADJUSTA(~~~j (:) Any Parson, or parsons, jointly or sev~era~lYy a~griev~d by _ any decision of the Board of Adjustment may, withi;n_.thitt days after the filing of any decision in the office o«khe:Board-o Adjustment, but not thereafter, a Y,(3P.) administrative relief. After a hearing before tha'Ci`ty Cour,oi;fan a99rieved party may, vithiR thirty (30) days after the decisicr. of the City Caur '.;, jurisdiction over- thelsubject matter. with a court of competer,k Approved as to Form ~ ~' Comrnunit Develaoman~r.,.°,~:,,pate; ~^t..~2~ A ~~. ,g$~ ;M'. .1 s: ' r • • BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT APPLICATION CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708-2799 (407) 327-1800 APPLICANT: RICK AND LAURA MILLER ADDRESS: 703 PALENCI COURT WINTER SPRINGS, FL 32708 SEVILLE CHASE SUBDIVISION PARCEL I D# 02-21-30-5NA-0000-0970 LEGAL: LOT 97, SEVILLE CHASE, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 51, PAGES 1 - 14, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOLE COUTNY, FLORIDA. We are requesting the board of adjustment to grant this variance based on the following: • will not cause a change of character in the neighborhood. • does not constitute a rezoning of the above referenced property from the current zoning of RC1. • will not be contrary to the public interest. • it is a very minimal encroachment into the easement. • will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter. • will not be injurious to the neighborhood. • will not be detrimental to the public welfare. S U N R I S E POOLS ~ SPAS P q septewLber ig, 2oos goa rd o f .4d~ ustvu.ewt citt~ o f w~wter spr~~,.gs 2i2~ fast state ~zoad X34 wiv~ter spriv~,gs, ~~ s2~og-255 pear sir or Ntadavu: first of all, i would li~,e to thaw, ever~owe for his or her tiwt.e awd tvouble to hear our case. The short stork of what has happe~.ed is huvu,aw error got iwvolved. geiv~,g there was a verb liw~.ited space to desigw the M%I.lers pool awd we were word-ziv~g off a 4o-scale plat suwe~ to detervu.iv~.e rear set bac~2s, the thic~Z~.ess of a pev~.cil equals oin.e-foot. we ewded up ewcroachC~.g elevew iv~.ches ow ov~.e side of the draiwage easew~.ewt. The total avuouwt of cov~,crete, dec~iv~g awd screew are less thaw five square feet. Please see attached suwe5. This situatiovL did wot surface uv~.til we had a f~wal property suwe~ dove ivy, preparatiow for fi~,al pool awd screew iwspectiov~.s. ~v~.closed -~ou will fiwd: s. l..etter f rows. the ~to~.eowwer's ~ssociatiow statiwg their positiow. a. New propertt~ suwe~ that iv~.cludes pool ivuprovevu.ev~ts. s. Retailed drawiv~,g of actual decl~ ev~.croachvu.ewt. 4. photos showiv~.g rear of property awd it's draiwage swells awd bervus. +-topefullt~, -~ou will fiv~.d this to be aw isolated cowditiow a~.d grawt us the varia~n.ce due to the hardship that would be experie~.ced if the screew had to be revu.oved; dechiv~.g cut awd reiti,stall the screew ev~closure. Thaw, you agaiw for dour tivu.e, ~/2~ c, `~.GCC~ Steve R.. helices presidewt suv~.rise pools ~ spas, ~wc. o STATi ~I?KTIfICA"fIC>N It CI'C037053 1319 LAKE Dtz[vE, CASSE(,E3ERRY, FL 32707 • Pt-{oNe (407) 262-9311 • Fax (407) 262-9335 "LAND DESCRIPTION" LOT 97, SEVILLE CHASE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT 1HEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5l, PACES I - 14, C/TY OF W/N1E'R SPRINGS, SEMlNOLf COUNTY, FLORIDA. BOUNDARY AND AS-BUILT SURV'E'Y" --- \~' - , ~~ ~;.~ O ~ 146'20" R ~ 115.00' L ~ 31.50' p COURT ~~, R~ pER PLAn - NI-~p)• P. ',IXIDU' rawe s N ll]~')I LrarvA rrl •C - IB1.13- C CD J''-9~ - - 6C.CJ' n. „ I D le ~ ~ ~ I IU U! 1 I II`' 1 )s'BS la. 1 1 ~_-._ [ I ~ ICC' J ID 0' ~1 Lor ~s _ ~ V Io.Li ~ __ A t i ~~ %~4 _ P.c - _ J9. Dt' r ryV'l 7 °: ..,..ae o' ~ , ~-•~~ L~~('~ ~. vII~S.~,. ~,, ~\ l ~vo'srulr vyDD Y ~ Lor 8B rCAK ANC C.1S. C TC] I m h rr. n. eB.r' ze.' I H 1 I~ ~ 1C.4 - rrnL z -... LOT 87 ~,. \ \ .~ 'Y/I N B) L ~;~,, ~~, Or \ \ J7 ~ >3A ,'L1P,D~~ "~°o TH15 BOUNDARY SURVEY MfC IS OR CXCffOS ' MC HOR/ION U( CONTROL ACCURACY tX A PI~ ALL LOT CORNERS FOUND 5/B' IRON ROD k CAP 1/7500 FEET FOR A SUBURBAN SURVEY L.B. 5610 (UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN), A B B R PRU - PCRyANCN/ RC!(R(NCC MUNUUEN/ Cy - CDNCR(/[ yCWUy[NI PUC - PDFN! CV CL'WyENUUCNI PB P T CL V I A T I n N c - [Lf VARW CDNC. - CdICRCTC WM - WARR yEIfR - LA BUUK PC - PUWI d• CLIRVA NRC PD - PALL A/C IW -AIR CLNYX HONCR C(f -GNAW LINK rENLC fN. - rW[ HMRANI - TYPICAL f ' PRC - PpNI Or R[KRSC CURVAIUR[ NR - N(W ~RAUTAt PLC P 1 UC W - 11 UDD ffNCC N tr 0 - NAA AND p5C - UIKIIY CAS[MCNI C tr L - CURB tr GU/TfR BM -BENCH NARK pN - Or CDyPOUNU CLIRVA IUa[ RAD - RMIAL P, f - PpNi LY iANL(NCY R R U.C. ' . - DRAINAC( CAS[yCNi CA1V - LABYC rCLCN51pV RISCR PVMT. - PAKMENI - AUIUS PI - PUW/ Of WICRSEC IIUN A - ARC LCNLIN I r B.S - fINLRIIEO fL 00R ICLC - /fLEPIIQYC RI$fR CS. f.- CITY SfRNCCS - BUHDN+L SE /BACK /RAMS - IRANSfpQYCR PAD PCP _ PCRNAN(NI CUN /RUT /'UW! D,U - Ull/A ([LN IRA! RNLICJ POL. - PdNI UN IrNC RP C.B S. [ASCYENI - CLIVLR[iC BL LKK S/RUC IURE L.P. - LILHI PDLC $O FI.- SWARC f[EI - gADIUS PD~NI CB - CNURO BLARING R/W - RILH I-Ul'-WAY (P) (y) -PLAT PP - PONER POLL PROP. - PRCWOSED - MCASURCO MN /B - fANLfNI BCAaINL C/!. ~ - C(N ICR TIN[ (CJ - MANNIXE -CALCULATED D. r. - DRAWf1Ct0 SURVEY NOTES' MAx. - MAX/YUM D.S. -OPEN SPAL[ 5W - SID 1. H/IS SURVEY I$ NOT VALID N7THOUT THE SIGNATURC ANO THE EWALK W.S. - wA rCR KR NCC 5 T O<.'IGINAL RAISED SfAL Of A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER - XPIK TANK CER HFIED CORRECT TO' 7. HJE `LANG OfSCR/P TION• HEREON I$ IN ACCORD NI111 THE , DESCRIPTION PRO HOED BY TNf CLICHE J. ALL BEAPoNGS AND DI$/ANC£S SHOWN HEREON ARE PER D/E DESCRIPTION AND ARf CORREC7 ANO IN AGREEMENT WITH CER TIfICATB THE FOUND AND SET MONUMENTS AS MEASURED IN THE FIELD . UNLESS OIHERW1Sf NO iEO. I HEREBY CER OFY THAT THE ATTACHED "SKETCH OF SURVEY' OF ~. SUR LEY WAS PERFORMED Wf THOU( THE BfIJEf/T OF AN TH£ HEREON DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS T14C1E AND CORRECT 70 THE ABSTRACT DR OPINION OJ' TI TLf. NO INS (RUMEN IS Of BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE ANO BEL.iEF AS SURVEYED IN THE FIfLO RECORD REEL EC ZING CASEMENTS. R/CHIS Of WA r, ANO/OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN AUGUST, 7[%01. I FURTHER CER HFY OWNERSHIP WERE TURN/SHED TO THIS SURVEYOR EXCEPT A$ NO IEO IHAl THIS SURVEY MEETS THE MINIMUM iE N/CAL STANDARDS FOR . S. NO UNDERGROUND UHLIBfS, f0UN0ATIONS, OR /uPROVE- SURVEYING IN 111E 5I E OF FLORIDA AO BY CHAPTER BIC/7- MENT$ if ANY, HAVE BCLN LOCATED EXCEPT A$ SHOWN. 6 Or THE FLORID DMINlS 1RA HV£ COO ACCQ40ING TO TNf 1. BASIS OF BEARINGS' N O7' II'J7"W (ASSUMED) ALONG TIIE EAST L/Nf NA DONAL fL0 N RANGE PROC,RAM, f O INSURANCE RATE MAP Of NOR HI OR(AN00 RANCHES SfC HON 1. NUMBER 1211 C IISE , E F it DA AP lL 17, I99S 11115 7. LLEVAT/ONS SHONN HfRfON ARE BASfO ON Illf FIX LOWING B.M.: , PROPERTY (I 5 I ONE `X `. _ FOR HIE FIRM _____ RIAN K. fNC P. S. PREPARED FOR SUNRISE POOLS pR O.AECT NUMBER: 7565 PROF^SSIONAt< S~UF LL'YOR MAPPER CCL CONSUL TANTS, INC. ENGINEERS • SURVEYORS • PLANNERS CONSUL TANTS CONSUL TANTS 2603 Moillond Center Porkway, Suite C, Moillond, Florida 32751 pn.(107)660-1120 LB No 5610 fax(AOl)97S-BJOB REVISIONS DRAWN D TE FB PC CHECKE VACANT MBL J/ 99 JBJ/J6 BKN fWNOA i/ON 70W 1/29/99 JBJ/62 BKN FINAL WHN B/I6/99 101/i1 BKN ADD CERTS JSS B/IB/99 ----_ BKH UPDATE SURVEY OSB 8/1/01 ----- BKH ~ ~ uw I e/ro/ur I ---° I BKN J "t 1 • C~ • • • 4 eFa\ SUAIK~SE p~-5 e m d ue. 0~ ~ w ~ O a- ~f ~ ~ seullle ~ Ckasc I Palu ~+ po3 ^ C4. f ~~~ t`H ~`I 7 `n/~7~~~yLL''~y'~~J~ ~c A s 1 7~ ~~ LV 1 7 r Lev ~'~ ~~~, v <<e ' S ~ u ~ V+ ©Dly` a tnLK1-Sboo~ pool .S"62rbw Q~ ~><,•tf P,a,~.o~ 9 RatLtcd @ollr...~s FG"-riz" -ra" © Cud 6¢qm oZGi1 urde by a'dece,/ ti~ ,~ a~ceT/s. ®Fi6ie~' mP1,~. -dece..Ls o.d X /o IPeo7o /~ anti. /~~ ,SAS! Les1it Oid .11rt4+7C lrtlre,l-r. © atk.{-o F~n/s!1 i9'6tt~/ow be~w•~a-Lpan.><L. ® ~Pi'rnr1G Jio~i9:~I dy/ ~meOCOntr`. c pPr ~ I 20' Set- ~,;~ BocK, e yo' -~o _ +f.^ +n• SCR~7EEN ENCLOSURE COLOR: O/A4~ZG ~n ~' ROOF STYLE: ~/ 1 Uc. oooas: 2 KICKPIATES: GUTTERS: //f(/>A .4~2r_o~/a_I SOLID ROOF: .i/O FOOTERS ~p FT. OTHER: /,(l,Q/IS ~.3 ~F OTY. ALARMS: l0 f/ TILE FOOTAGE: ~S/O~ 6"X 6" /~~ FT~ 2"X 6" FT. INSERTS '7~~1L~`\ /~ ~~ ~~{AA-~ v~J 3y' pecK-o- Oraln• _ ~' ~t/l c~iecd S¢e ~~av~~ mid Q1C~a'~ Ulor,l(' - ~/£ i(/lm~s a bid ON LZ/,/~'!•r/Ay PnII diiveW,Ry eXS~-si~~ - \__ ~o .O` -- (61 ,O. /1fLa• - ~.I,~ 9, - 1 i 3y' f~ -1_ EX~S~i%x~' l~~io• ) - s~3 sy. F1. Access. /.rf~i~/Y/ic. S _ P f POOL PLAN _ ~~ scALE: T/B . ro- _ f 1 ~llS,lo ,S/3 6Xrsf,nf ,D , ~ 1. POOL DESIGN: ~ REF NO: 2. SIZE:~_ % .3/ X - DEPTMS:~_ To: ~~ 3. TILE: G XG " COLOR:} B• ~• STEP TILE: ~_ 4. DECKING TYPE: APy1L ~O~e/LfGn/~ COLOR: ~•dO 5. POOL GALLONSqq: ' 6. PUMP S~ E: Z A/'P I~ 7. FILTER TYPE: // ~~ lrl/~'d FILTER SIZE: ' 2-~O 8. HANDRAIL ~_ 9. SWIMOUT: ~ S _ / 10. GRAB RAILS: ~~ '. 11. UNDERWATER LIGHT: ~ SIZE: SA,rJ ' LENS KR:~N X_/O 12. ELECTRICAL: ~ 13. SLIDE TVP£ 8 COLOR: ~ 14. DIVING BOARD TYPE i COLOR: 15. SKIMMER: ~(PS 16. RETURN INLETS: ~//_- 17. MAIN DRAIN: Ye'/S'.Z 18. CHLORINATOR:~L rY ~6K. 19. TIME CLOCK: Y ~ 20. FlLTER LOC: /yr Q~R~/ --v r~ 21. TYPE INTERIOR FlNISN:~V [,Ai'r(Z- 22. TEST KIT: 1/PS 23. BRUSH i POLE: /F~ 24. UNDERWATER VAC: t/RS 25. HOSE FOR VAC: ~S/PS 26. THERMOMETER: _ 1/PS 27. START-UP: TPS 28. AUTO POOL CL TYPE://`P S /~VRVi4AlOi` 29. STUB OUT: SD. FENCE REMOVAL• NO 11. FENCE REINSTALLATION: 32. TREE REMOVAL NO 73. STUMP REMOVAL' ~D 34. SPRINKLER REMOVAL ./O JS. SPRINKLER RE"R~OUTING:~_ 16. PLANT REMOVAL- NO 77. RESODDING: ~v O 3B. GIRT REMOVAL ~ ]9. ADDtiIONAL FILL DIRT: 40. CLEAN-UP: ~S/P.S 41. DECK-O-GRAIN: 38 Fr 42. SPA: ~O _ 43. THERAPY JETS: ~(ID 44. HEATER SIZE: /I/O// TYPE: / ~ 45. WATER FEATURE: }~/J ~~ ~~.2--~~ c f~/'G I/ S/I[ ~' ~fl'2/I tS . L!/ .~[/ Lug 46. ACCESS APPROVAL: /~LKCS.v X/O' A?ISIYLE. 47. OTHER: SIiNRISE POOLS RC SPAS SUNRISE 1319 L.11:E DRIVE CASSELBERRY. FL 32707 POOLS 407-262-9311 9335 2 ~ FAX 407-26 - ~S-PAS WEBSITE: WWW.~],A1v511R.Coiq r NAME: /Q~cK ~ ~iaa~a. nl .//e~ ' ! ~Q~on~ i .~~ ADDRESS' 7~ 3 , PHONE: HOME: r/D~/~_?8.~/2S/ OFFIyICE: ~OLI-~VSs76~U /JJQS.CELL•~ -~7T'Sf1~o--25~Tiy LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY SUBORRSION: Se ~1I~e ~/J/4-Se- LOT~_BLOCK PlA K PAGE(S) CUSTOMER'S SIGNAT~UjjE: ~ DESMsNED BYr~~ DATE' -s ac-Qtv. -t-I~-2ovl • • • , ~ ~ ~ ~.ii e n~, rs*a3",~,c;fii~S.~?i#St±2~,ci~>ar~a>tx ,. . 't Seville Chase Homeowners' Association C/o Sentry Management 2180 State Road 434 W, Suite 5000 Longwood, Florida 32779-5044 (407) 788-6700, ext. 275 September 18, 2001 Board of Adjustment Application City of Winter Springs 1126 East State Road 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 (407) 327-1800 Dear Sir or Madam: The Board of Directors of the Seville Chase Homeowners' Association has reviewed Rick and Laura Miller's request for variance on their property located at 703 Palenci Court. We see no apparent problem that would result from the allowance of variance for encroachment of the southeast corner of the existing pool deck by 9.5 inches onto the 20-foot drainage easement at the rear of their property. We give our permission of this variance as a convenience to the property owners, provided the City of Winter Springs will also allow it. We assume no future liability with this variance being granted. If you require any additional information, please contact Pat Bellini of Sentry Management, property manager for Seville Chase. Sincerely, an Seldin President Board of Directors Seville Chase Homeowners' Association ATTACHMENT D ~~. ~: ~' r LOT 97, SENLLE Cl~AS~'DAC oROnac"TD THE PLAT TH£R£OF AS RECORDED !N PLAT BOOK 51, PACES I - I4, ClTY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEM/NOCE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SITF PLAN" ~~ ~~a c ~~, Rj~P,,,Y~ ~[). P. f. N 11]1']1' [ ,J ArrKDVED P~dyl~t~ IrvruRMNi WI; T PRESENTED ON THIS APPLICATIdN is ~ TRUE AND C~RECL l/uf' __ LrY ~T~: __ ~/,: /o , Q -- ~ _~. J 4 ~~C.aJt Fort 7{...t' T~.~ Suu-[."' ~ sit ~,,,,r„ r^ OR© 3~zY IR' U.f. 1 1 a 1 .~' v Y I N.]J~ • la[r C4]]'$ rl ' b . Als.l IRpgiC1 IQJIC L Y 1 r.l LOT ~Q I TIM then t]-CMI ~ pOCI~'A ~ ]] Z faS r 7 1 I 't(' r>. n. xfr LNGI USVI:I- til,~.hFl_IV `_~~ - ti~= FEQUIREU'~rJ:~l I SS'VININU~~(~'r~~ b PRInf1 ~~ F1fJ~.l iNSN~=C'IOr~, ~LQ.Ck' Sri ~ ~ LOT D7 ~~ J , ~ .1,•,r ~, ' ' OFFI CE COPY ~~~~ B P# oi--dn 9/ ~ wa~pr.21,s' "t~k• '~'of ~ CITY OF WINTER S~ S Yf RR ANf ARK I f I ! /[[/ 0 1 ~. I J I, 7:,~ ~~ ~UUtJ Ifs C{-rtL'1 (NOT A FIELD SURVEY) NATIONAL ELECT. COnE ~ C l'1 R~RFpNT F E ~; ~ ~ ,,~~rr'pr I ~L(~(~ f~l.iJNaIC3WQ~.M e I -- ,, t ~, _ I D ~ 1478 20' R ~ 125.00' S.B.C./~o•3 (~An. g ~~,,ar.~osp U TO AVOID DEROGATION OF TI IE ADJA.CENT ~ EXISTING STRUCTURE CARE SHOULD BE Z ExERCISF_Fr wrIICH SHOULD INCLUDE ;~cnarl OF THE ADJACENT PORTION OF THE ExCn\!~il BY THE CONTRACTOR TO PREVENT UNDEHMI OF THE EXISTING FOUNDATION IF CONDITIi •N', THE TIME ~)F THf. ExCnvnTl(~N f~~~~>~ :'~I ICtI AC T InN BE rnNl N sg. s(5 /~}/ ` ~~ AREA fABULARON : ~ / ~ `~ - (T o/` / ~~/•4G a LOr - 17, 029lSOFI, ~~~ ~•r ~ 1C ~S/YL..~AI/~~ \ HWSt -SCE SKf fCH JT DanE - scc sxnuf P.R.Y. - PCRYANCNI RCRAYMq YpMMICNf C.Y - CgYCIKIC ~ P0.[ - PgNi O' LCYYCNCCIKNf. P.b. - PI A7 flCYRf111AYUYCNf CI. - CIfYA IIOY C'pIC - dIVORCM P.C - ILWf a LLRVA RRI[ _ A/Y - Aq Cp1p/KRKR 1[Y - RARR PR.G - PQNI a Rf1CRY CLNYA fVl7C NR, _ NPV- /YP - /YryCAC CLr. - CNAN (Nx C[NCf l.N. - !M N/W P.[C - PON/ p' RApA/ U.f. - U/R/I1' [ASCYCN! Mr. - ~~ RNU N f 0 -MAR ANp P f. PONI Qr f CNPYAflRl[ ~ RAD. - RApA( O.C. - MAMACf [AYMCNf C f C - CUt/ R p/fRR tY -KNOT Y PL - P0.N! Qr NARYCR/N 'R' - RApI/f /.~ - rMpKO /LOOK G/Y - CART[ /flCNfA}V AYf[R PMII. - PA1[IKN P.[P. - P[RYAMfM/ C0.N/Rq PpNf '~ -ARC 1[NOM R.S RlC - IRfNKYK R/fCR [tC.- Qfy f[RNQ e,0 - OCI fA (C[M/RAL ANLLQ [0.Z - CONOt[7 IXOGX )'JRIK'/UeC 'ANS - L p~ PIXCCR TAO P.0.1. - PQWf fR/ IRK RI: - RA011/p PQW/ fAf[Y[N C.R. - d/pro aYARMC AM -RICA/- (IJ - PIAI P.Y. - MNL.R f0. FI.- fOYARC L - fANQN1 N'ARR,C ~-wAC (Yf - lI(AfIM[0 Pp[ PROP. - PRp•03C SI/RVEY NOICS C~• [ LYNICR LNC (CJ - G/CUA1(p • YH - YAAIKKC 0.l. - PRAMRLO YAL - YAXIMDY O.f - OPCM SPACC Sw, - SKICWA(K R.S - WAAR 3'CR • IMS SKCTCH IS NOl VAL/0 MI DfDUf D1f SICNA NRE ANO DfE ff - YPIK 1ANK ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL Of A lLORIOA LICENSED SURI•CYOR ANO MAPP(R. ME 1AN0 DESCR/PRON' HEREON /S IN ACCORD HI /H TNf • OfSC/RPRON PRONOCO BY TNf CLJCNI. CERRFICAIF: CLfVA BOYS SHOiNf NCR£ON AR£ PROPOSCO UNLCSS SHOWN ~ "~ I HCREBY CfR A/'Y 1NAr OfE Af1A[LKO 'SKETCH tX DESCRM RON' OF AS PRONGED BY EAICVLYJ/~~ ARE BASED ON COTS IRUCAON PANS OF L/Y KNONLfbCC%ANO BEL~EFRI R/RIHER G'£RT~ JryA~r ~S ~E ~Sr ME[fS OR EXC[COS 7Hf MIN/MUH (FCHHICAL SfANUA S %OR SVR1t'i1NG BASJS OF BEARINGS ASSUMED NO)'II'J)'W AI OWG AfE fASf LINE JN NE SPATE Qr fLOR/pA AOOPfEO RY CNMfCR ~61 Y-b''OF MC FIQR Or NORM ORLAN00 RANCHES SECBON L(PER PLAfJ f0A AOMNVISTRA7/YL' C S'ORAWiNG WASP l % ~ ERON 1NSTRUNfNf3 DF R ANO OOCS NO CON Nl'.A F~0 SURVCY AS SUCH. ACC 0G CIO THE NA QL QO / SURANCE PROGRAM FLOOD /NSURANCC R r• MAP~NUAfAC Ij1 7r UI r3 E ~ E?CCRFC OA7E ' APR/( 17. 199.E M ' ~ f.4/Y U IN j N ;r•. FOR 1NL F/RLI BY.•_ ______ PREPARCO fOR: [NCLE HOMCS ~ . - B IAII K. l1EFNfR, P. N ~ ---- PRO-ECf NUMBER: )363 PROIFSSIONAL' SURYEYOA',!.• (v ' I\ ~ ~~~ppp -- RORNA REGlS1RA LOV NVMBC ..J70 .'~ CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. ~ RENSIONS 'DRAWN 'OAT F PC CHECi CNdNCCRf • SUAFCYORS • J'IANNCRS PLOP PLAN u0% 7/,t,l •S )NSULIANT3 ~----- BKH CONSUL TANTS 260J MBiflond Center Porkwoy, Suite C, Moitlond, Florido 3275! Ph.(107)660-7110 (. B. No. 5610 !ar(107JB)S-BJOR LLD~~ t~J -.• ~EC.~C-10, , ~ ~ ~ - ,~ _-- ~~~' ~y~5 ATTACHMENT E ~, 0 u o w - o "LAND DESCRIPTION' ~ f~ LOT 97, SEVILLE CHASE ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF 1/ ~\ 1%'\~y17 ~\ AS RECORDED /N PLAT 800K 5!, PAGES 1 - !4, CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, SEMINOL£ COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONSULTANT! BOUNDARY AND AS-BUILT SURVEY" - ~ _ P.R.w ~~' R~ ER~Rn P.c ~ ~;e'ID'y' L~PnAIL1 _ aN Iw G I~(>> L /Oq Lb' r • N n19='JI' C - 1_~)S _ ~ J9.Vl' o.~1a G-I ~y~ seer euD JD- ly n, r~Ur; y1.1 - ___ 1~ ~ ~,~d,. ----~~,~..»''R'° r .~_ D ~ !426'20' R >< 125.00' Z L ~ JL50r n LOT 96 i iq'uL 1 _ - _ _ - . r . - ( IN JS'Bt ~? 1 l I ~ lnr a . to o ~, - /w sraR+ woo ~ raAlc ANn L.nt. ~ I >O] rr. a ser io.o' ter u - /~ w ~ _ PfpL L 4 ........ .. '.. ~LM1 iP:.. I' ... 1.. - I t ~..~__ a r°(~ ~ `.'.uRly.4~: b ~ -' n '_I. I LOT 98 m nLSr UL I LOT 97 \\ \_ N h~l N \ s~• /-' JB.T* ~ ~ l ~~ 77 1j. 0 • BOUNDARY $URKY MfE IS 04 CXC[f05 hIDRIZONlA( CON iROL ACCURACY Or NQ(E~ ALL LOT CORNERS FOUND S/B"/ROW ROO k CAP 500 FFC/ fOR A $UDURBAN $URKY. L.B. 5610 (UNLESS OIHfRW)$C SNONN). A B B R - P(R4AN[NI R[rCRCNCC YONWCNI CY - CLWCR[LC YOMIYCNI - POMII LV COY4(NC[Y[NI PB - P A/ B CL V/ A / I O N S - CLLVA BON CONC. - CONCRC7C W.N. - WARR YCIfR ( OOK - Pplll Or GIMVA IURC PI. -PAL[ A/C Iro - AIR C(XAN BONCR CL.l. -GNAW LIMN r[NG[ C.N. - FNPC NSplANI - IWICAL w! - PpNIW q(IfpSE GupVA IUp( N.R -NON-RA/XAL - PbN1 a CO4Pd v R R UC . W000 rCNCf M f O - NAA AAq p5C - Ulq IIY CASCY(N/ C t L - CURB t fA/11CR B.Y. - BC>KN NARK g 0 CU VA IIMr AO - RADIAL - PpNI a /ANLCNCr' R - RAOiUS 0(. f - ORAINAL( LAS[4ENI CA IV - CAp[ !EL[NSIOV RIS'[R PWI. - PAKIKNI - POWII a wl(Ry[IIOV A - ARC IfNL III ! BS - lrNISIIrO lLOCW I(LC - t(L[PIIONC RISER CSC.- CITY SCRVK[5 - BUROINL SC IBACtt TRANS - lRANSlORY[R PAO - I`rR4INENl GONIRIX I•pNI O,O - M~I IA (CLNIRAI ANIXC) - PpN1 ON IWC CBS. fA$[YENI - CONCRE IC pOClf SIRUCIUR[ L.P. - LILNI PIXC SO~ !I.- SOUARC FC(/ pP - RApUS POINT - GNORB B(ARWL R/W - R/LNI-0l-WAY (P) (Y) - PL A! PP - POM[R Ppf /MPp°. - ppp+OS[O - 4[ASUR[O 411 - IANL[N! B(AgML G>l, ( - CENI(p lw[ (C) - YANNCtC - GLCULAI[O B.l. - ORAMRICLO 'EY NOiCS: OS $URKY I$ NOI VA(ID WI IHOUI D/f $I(:NA /t/Rf ANO THE yAr - yArIMUU OS -OPEN SPAC[ SW. - SIO[WA(K W.S - WA I[R SCRVKY ' .X:'II;INA( RAI$f0 SEA( OF A fLGL9/DA LICENSED $URKYOR AND MAPPER ' 5.1 - SCP IIL LANK !'ER RFIFO CORR i l0~ D/C LAND Of$CRIP I/ON' NfREON f$ IN A00040 W1 )H /HC .OE$CRJP/ION PRO HOED BY INC CL/EN I. ALL BCARINL$ ANO DISTANCES SHOMN HEREON ARC PfR D1f 0f$CR1P ilON AND ARf CORRECT AND IN AOREEMfNT Wt Bf CER IIrICA If' Illf fOUNO AND $CT MONUMCN/$ A$ MEASURED IN B/C flfLO, UNLf$$ OINERNI$f NOTED. I HEREBY CER /lFY MAI 7Hf A//ACHED `SKE (CH a< $URK'Y OF :URKY wA$ PERFORMED WI IHOUI /Hf BCNEFI/ Of AN IH[ I/EREON DESCRIBED PROPER EY 1$ RLIE AND CORRECT TO THE SBS IRACI OR OPIIIIOVI Of Ill(f. NO IN$IRUMfN I$ OF BEST OF Mr KNOWLEDGE ANO BChlEF AS SURKYEO IN TNf FIELD +ECORD REfLCC/INC CASEMCN 15, RICH I$ OF WAY, ANO/OR UNDER MY OIREL /ION /N AUGUS/, 7(.OI. I FUr71NER CER RFY JWNCRSHIP W[RC FURNISIffO f0 /HIS SURKYDR fXCEP1 A$ NOIfO (HAT THIS $URKY 4lEE IS /NE MiN/MJM iEGINICA( STANDARDS FOR . 'O UNDERGROUND UDLl DfS. FOIANOA iION$ OR l(IPROK- SURKYING IN Tllf Si E Or FLORIDA AO BY CHAFICR 61C17- I[NIS, IF ANY, HAK BECN (OCA I[D EXCEPT AS SHONN. 6 Of THE FLORID OMINIS IRARK COU ACCORDING 70 ME IAL$ OF BEARINGS N O7' 11'J7 W (ASSUMED) ALONG THE CAS/ VN[ NA /TONAL FLO N RANCf PROLP AM, f 0 INSURA7lCC RA iE MAP r NQR DI ORLANDO RANCHES SCC lipJ 1. NUMDfR 1111 C IISE , f E 11 DA AP lL !7, 1993, Rl/S LfVA 1IONS $HO WN N[REON AR[ BA$fD OVJ Dlf FOLLOWING B.M.: PROPER IY LI S I ONE •X `. ~~ FOR II IC FIRM "` _____ - RIAN K, r FNC P. S. RCPARCD FOR: SUNRISE POOLS PROJ[CI NVMB[R7565 PROFC$$IOVAL $US;EYOR MAPPCR . LDRIDA RCCI$/RAlON N LBCR SJ70 ) RFVISMNC now uA, CCL CONSULTANTS, INC. (C~~ ENCIN[fR$ SUR KY0.4$ . P(ANNERS \ ~~~.- :UL (ANTS CONSUL IAN TS 260J MOiUOnd Cenfer Parkway, Suif a C, Maitland, Florida .3275/ (A07J6B0-7170 L.D No 5610 fa.(AO/)R7.5 -BJOB VACAN/ MBL J/ fl9 JBJ/J6 V•gr({•,` rOUNOA /ION TOW (/79/99 JBJ/67 BKN FINA( WI/N B/16/99 101/11 BKN A00 CER[$ J$$ B/!8/99 ----- BKN UPOA IC SURKY OSB B/1/OI ----- BKH L C ~, . ATTACHMENT F October 24, 2001 RE: Variance for Pool Deck & Screen Enclosure in Easement at 703 Palenci Court Dear Adjacent Property Owner: The Winter Springs Board of Adjustment will consider a request, on Thursday, November 1, 2001, by the property owners, Rick and Laura Miller, for a variance from the requirements of Section 6 - 219 of the City Code of Ordinances, to allow a swimming pool deck and screen enclosure to encroach as much as 11 inches into a 20 foot-wide drainage easement, located in the rear of lot 97 (703 Palenci Court). The Board of Adjustment meeting is held at the City Hall, located at 1126 East State Road 434, and begins at 7:00 P.M. Please contact me at (407) 327 - 5966 if you have any questions about this variance. Sincerely, ~-~ C ~~_ John C. Baker, AICP Current Planning Coordinator ATTACHMENT G GENERAL PROVISIONS Glared unconstitutional by the valid judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, such unconstitutionality shall not affect any of the remaining phrases, clauses, sentences, para- graphs or sections of this Code. (Code 1974, § 1-5) Sec. 1-14. Altering Code. It shall be unlawful for any person in the city to change or amend by additions or deletions, any part of this Code, or to insert or delete pages, or portions thereof, or to alter or tamper with such Code in any manner whatsoever, except by ordi- nance or resolution or other official act of the city commission which will cause the law of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, to be misrepresented thereby. Any person violating this section shall be punished as provided in section 1-15. (Code 1974, § 1-6) Sec. 1-15. General penalty; continuing vio- lations; violation as public nui- sance. (a) Whenever in this code, or in any ordinance or resolution of the city, or rule, regulation or order promulgated by any officer or agency of the city under authority duly vested in him of it, any act is prohibited or is declared to be unlawful, or the doing of any act is required or the failure to do any act is declared unlawful, and no specific penalty is provided for the violation thereof, the violation of any such provision of this code or any such ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or order shall be punished by a fine of not more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). Each day any violation of any of the provisions of this code or any such ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or order shall continue, and shall constitute a sepa- rate offense. (b) In addition to the penalties hereinabove provided, any condition caused or permitted to exist in violation of any of the provisions of this Code or any such ordinance, resolution, rule, regulation or order shall be deemed a public nuisance and may be abated by the city as pro- § 1-15 vided by law, and each day that such condition continues shall be regarded as a new and sepa- rate offense. (Code 1974, § 1-8; Ord. No. 632, § I, 11-25-96) Charter reference-Authority to provide for fines and penalties, § 4.14. Cross reference-Miscellaneous offenses, Ch. 11. t'Phe next page is 133J 83 ATTACHMENT H BOA Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 1, 2001 I. CALL TO ORDER Vice Chairperson Elizabeth Randall called the Board of Adjustment Regular Meeting to order Thursday, November 1, 2001, at 7:03 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Chairperson Greg Smith, absent Vice Chairperson Elizabeth Randall, present Board Member Sally McGinnis, present Board Member Jack Taylor, present Board Member Thomas Waters, absent The Pledge of Allegiance followed. II. CONSENT CONSENT A. Approval Of The September 6, 2001 Regular Meeting Minutes. MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR. "I'LL MAKE A MOTION WE APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM THE LAST MEETING." SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. WITH CONSENSUS OF THE BOARD THE MOTION WAS APPROVED. MOTION CARRIED. III. REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR A. Variance For Rick And Laura Miller. 703 Palenci Court. Section 6-219. (Yards). Mr. John Baker, AICP, Current Planning Coordinator, Community Development Department introduced the Agenda Item. Mr. Baker distributed to the Board a memorandum from Ms. Kim Hall, City Engineer/Stormwater Utility Manager and then C[TY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING -NOVEMBER I, 2001 PAGE 2 OF 3 stated, "She recommends that the deck and the screen be removed and she explains very well why this is a problem. This is not just an encroachment on a piece of paper it gets down into the Water Management District regulations for the Swale that's there." Mr. Baker further said, "At -the last City Commission Meeting when we were talking about the Heidenescher case that you had all heard in September, the City Attorney clarified that all six (6) of the criteria are to be met for a Variance to be granted. Staff does not believe that of the six (6) criteria, that even one (1) of those criteria has been met. We do advise that the encroaching part of the deck could be removed and should be removed. - Staff does not support, but it is open is that the applicant request -have that portion of the easement vacated." The Board questioned Mr. Baker about his statement regarding vacating the easement, and the City Code. Mr. Steve Felices, 1319 Lake Drive, Casselberry, Florida: as builder of the pool, said that he understood the need for restriction but "It was an human error" and presented to the Board a petition from the neighborhood in support of a Variance. Mr. Felices further stated "This comes in for a hardship and literally tear the screen enclosure which that is the only thing we fall in line with in those six (6) criteria, yes we don't meet any of them but the word hardship?" Mr. Felices spoke of the homeowner beautifying the Swale by re-grading and re-sodding the area. Discussion. Mrs. Laura Miller, 703 Palence Court, Winter Springs, Florida: as homeowner, spoke of the Homeowners Association's and neighbors' support of the Variance and requested the Board's approval. "I PERSONALLY WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE EXPRESS OUR AGREEMENT AND PASS IT ON TO THE COMMISSION THAT WE GRANT THIS VARIANCE AS REQUESTED, BUT THAT THE BUILDER BE FINED A FIXED AMOUNT TO BE USED AS THE WINTER SPRINGS COMMISSION DIRECTS" MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR STATED, "I WOULD ALSO LIKE THE MINUTES TO POINT OUT THAT YOU HAVE IN FACT HAVE GONE BEYOND IN ACTUALLY SODDING THE EASEMENT AND BEAUTIFYING THE EASEMENT, WHICH IS SOMETHING YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO DO." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT REGULAR MEETING -NOVEMBER 1, 2001 PAGE 3 OF 3 VOTE: BOARD MEMBER McGINNIS: AYE BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR: AYE VICE CHAIRPERSON RANDALL: AYE MOTION CARRIED. IV. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS Mr. Baker informed the Board that he has forward to the City Attorney the request for a Workshop in the future. V. REPORTS None. VI. ADJOURNMENT MOTION BY BOARD MEMBER TAYLOR. "I'll MAKE A MOTION THAT WE ADJOURN." SECONDED. DISCUSSION. THE BOARD AGREED TO THE MOTION BY CONSENSUS. MOTION CARRIED. Vice Chairperson Randall adjourned the Meeting at 7:40 p.m. RESPECTFULL Y SUBMITTED: ~~.LJw.~.1.CJZ~ DEBBIE GILLESPIE DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPR vED: ELIZA TH RANDALL, VICE CHAIRPERSON BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT S:\dept -City Clerk\Docs\Word\BOARDS\ADJUSTME\alll\MINUTES\2001\Adj I IOl0l.doc NO"fli These minutes wcre approved at the ~ -~, , 2001 Board of Adjustment Meeting. ~~NTER S ~ ~ ~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA ~rc~~~ 1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 '~~oRtOP~ WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 Telephone (407) 327-1800 Utility /Public Works Fax (407) 327-6695 Department MEMO TO: John Baker, Current Planning Coordinator FROM: Kim Hall, City Engineer/Stormwater Utility Manage' ` DATE: November 1, 2001 RE: Structures in easements I have reviewed the documents relating to the pool and screen enclosure at 703 Palenci Court. It appears that 11" of the deck and screen enclosure are built inside the 20' drainage easement. The purpose of this drainage easement is to act as an environmental swale to capture and hold runoff before entering into the wetland system. This swale was designed and permitted to meet SJRWNID regulations. This drainage easement should be free and clear of obstructions. Unlike a fence or driveway, which is easily removed and replaced, a deck and screen enclosure would be considered a permanent structure, which would not be easily removed and replace. I am recommending that this deck and screen enclosure be removed from the drainage easement.