HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 01 14 Regular C Cancassing BoardCOMMISSION AGENDA ITEM C January 14, 2002 Meeting REQUEST: Consent Informational Public Hearing Regular X ~2~ Mgr. / Dept. Authorization The City Manager requests that the City Commission appoint the City Canvassing Board for the February 12, 2002 City of Winter Springs Special Election dealing with the proposed Dyson Drive Annexation. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the City Commission to appoint the City Canvassing Board for the February 12, 2002 City of Winter Springs Special Election. CONSIDERATIONS: "In those years when the city conducts the election not in conjunction with the county election, returns shall be canvassed by the city canvassing board designated to canvass the returns in municipal elections. Such city canvassing shall consist of the city clerk and two (2) members of the city commission to be designated by the commission". [Section 2-93. Canvass of return. -the City of Winter Springs' Code of Ordinances]. The City Canvassing Board is comprised of the following members: • Two (2) Members of the City Commission • The City Clerk CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION REGULAR AGENDA -JANUARY 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "C" PAGE 2 OF 3 As in past years, the Police Chief, or his designee, would escort the City Canvassing Board in their duties. The City Canvassing Board will need to attend the Logic and Accuracy Test which will be done at the Supervisor of Election's Office on Friday, February 8"', 2002 at 10:00 A.M. (Note: This will need to be advertised, and the City Clerk will take care of the advertising). The City Canvassing Board will need to meet at apre-arranged time and location, on February 12, 2002. (Note: This will need to be advertised, and the City Clerk will also take care of the advertising). It is stated that the City Canvassing Board be appointed by the Commission, as per Section 2-93. Canvass of return from the City of Winter Springs' Code of Ordinances. The last time a City Canvassing Board was appointed was in September of 1999, and Commissioner Robert S. Miller and Commissioner David W. McLeod both served on the City Canvassing Board for the November 2, 1999 City of Winter Springs Municipal Election. It would be advantageous to make this determination as early as possible, so that the appointees are given as much notice as possible to plan their schedules accordingly. FUNDING: None Required. CURRENT SCHEDULING FOR THE CITY CANVASSING BOARD: Friday, February 8`", 2002 - 10:00 A.M.: The City of Winter Springs' Canvassing Board will need to attend the "Logic and Accuracy Test" which will be done at the of the Supervisor of Elections, Ms. Sandra S. Goard, 116 West ls` Street, Sanford, Florida 32771 Tuesday, February 12, 2002: The City of Winter Springs' Canvassing Board will need to meet at apre-arranged time and location. C[TY OF WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMM[SSION REGULAR AGENDA -JANUARY 14, 2002 REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "C" PAGE 3 OF 3 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff suggests that the Commission appoint two (2) Members of the City Commission and the City Clerk as the City Canvassing Board for the February 12, 2002 City of Winter Springs Special Election. ATTACHMENTS: A. Section 2-93. Canvass of return -the City of Winter Springs' Code of Ordinances. B. Excerpt from the September 13, 1999 City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes. COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT "A be eligible to vote in all municipal elections. (Code 1974, § 2-36) State law reference(s)--Qualifications of municipal electors, F.S. § 166.032. Sec. 2-90. Voting places. In those years when the city conducts the election not in conjunction with the county election, voting places for municipal elections shall be designated by the city commission. The location of the voting places shall be included in the mayor's proclamation called for by section 2-82 above. In the event there should be a runoff election, the same voting places shall be used. (Code 1974, § 2-38) Sec. 2-91. Voting machines. Voting machines shall be used for voting in the municipal elections provided for in this article in the same manner as such machines are used for voting in state and county elections. (Code 1974, ~ 2-39) Sec. 2-92. Absentee voting. A;~sentee voting in the municipal elections provided for in this article shall be permitted and governed by F.S. §§ 101.62 through 101.70. (Code 1974, § 2-40) Sec. 2-93. Canvass of return. In those years when the city conducts the election not in conjunction with the county election, returns shall be canvassed by the city canvassing board designated to canvass the returns in municipal elections. Such city canvassing board shall consist of the city clerk and two (2) members of the city commission to be designated by the commission. The canvassing board shall canvass the returns and issue their certificate pursuant to F.S. chs. 101 and 102 and issue its certificate of election to the successful candidate. The certificate of the canvassing board shall be issued in triplicate; one (1) copy to be deposited with the city clerk, one (1) copy shall be delivered to the city commission, and one (1) copy shall be posted on the public bulletin board in the city hall. Such certificate shall be recorded in the minutes of any meeting of the city commission held immediately following the filing of the certificate. In years when the county supervisor of elections conducts the municipal election, the county canvassing board shall be designated to canvass the returns of the municipal election. (Code 1974, § 2-41) Sec. 2-94. Applicability of Code to election where questions are submitted. At all elections at which any question is submitted to the electors, including bond issues, this article shall apply to the extent that it can be made applicable and is not preempted by the general election laws of the state. (Code 1974, § 2-42) State law reference(s)--Bond referendum, F.S. § 100.201 et seq. Sec. 2-95. Additional duties of city clerk. The city clerk is authorized and directed to have prepared such forms and perform such ministerial duties as are required by this article by necessary implication in order to accomplish the objectives of this article, and the intent of the city commission in adopting it. (Code 1974, § 2-43) Secs.2-96--2-115. Reserved. ARTICLE V. ANNEXATIONS AND REZONING* "Cross reference(s)--Buildings and building regulations, Ch. 6; land development, Ch. 9; streets, sidewalks and other public places, Ch. 17; zoning, Ch. 20. State law reference(s)--Annexation procedure, F.S. ch. 171. ATTACHMENT «B~~ CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES C[TY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 Page 19 of 24 There was brief discussion with Mr. Schrimsher in reference to submitting a site plan; and interfering with the rights of Property Owners. C. Community Development Department -Land Development Division Presents To The Commission The Recommendation Of The Planning And Zoning Board ~s It Relates To The Winter Springs Golf Course Parking Lot Improvements. (Withdrawn At The Request Of The Applicant) Note: As stated above, this Agenda Item was withdrawn. F. Community Development Department -Land Development Division Presents To The Commission A Proposed Encroachment Agreement To Allow An Existing Swimming Pool And Also To Allow The Construction Of A Six (6) Foot By Forty (40) Foot Wood Deck (As An Adjunct To The Existing Swimming Pool) And A Pool Screen Enclosure To Be Located On A Public Easement. Mr. LeBlanc addressed encroachment agreements; vacating easements; the Property Owner's request; the easement being a utility easement; and that the Public Works/Utility Director had no objection with encroachment agreement. Mr. Alan Avery, 1069 Chokecherry Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: advised the Commission that he is the Owner of the property in question and spoke about the conservation area, and the easement. "I'D LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT THE COMMISSION APPROVE THE ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT, NOT TO EXCEED FIFTY-FIVE FEET BY TWELVE FEET AS OUTLINED IN ITEM F". MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McLEOD. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE; COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. G. City Manager Re>Iuests That The City Commission Appoint The City Canvassing Board For The November 2, 1999 City Of Winter Springs Municipal Election. Commissioner Robert S. Miller and Commissioner David W. McLeod both volunteered to serve on the City Canvassing Board. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE. MAYOR PARTYKA CLARIFIED BY SAYING, "THE MOTION IS FOR COMMISSIONER MILLER AND COMMISSIONER McLEOD TO BE ON THE CANVASSING BOARD". SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McLEOD: AYE; COMMISSIONER MARTINEZ: AYE; CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING -SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 Page 20 of 24 COMMISSIONER BLAKE: AYE; COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE; DEPUTY MAYOR GENNELL: AYE. MOTION CARRIED. • • AGENDA CHANGE: REGULAR AGENDA ITEM "J" WAS ADDED ONTO THE AGENDA IN THE BEGINNING OF THE MEETING BY MAYOR PART~1'KA. • • J. INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY Mayor Partyka announced his Appointment for the Interim City Attorney as Mr. Alan Watts, Esquire; and provided the Commission with background on Mr. Watts. The Commission discussed possibly having an "interview process" with Mr. Watts; a time period for the Interim City Attorney; and being provided with more information in advance. The Majority of the Commission requested to have more time to review information regarding Mr. Watts and were not ready to confirm the Mayor's Appointment. Tape 3/~;ide A Mayor Pr~rtyka advised the Commission, "I'm on record, this is the person I'm going to recommend, subject to your approval, subject to getting all the necessary data". VII. REPORTS A. Legal Counsel Attorney Guthrie spoke to Commissioner Martinez regarding what the Florida Statutes says in reference to putting a Referendum on the ballot. B. City Manager -Ronald W. McLemore • Land Development Status Report Manager McLemore asked for feedback from the Commission regarding the Land Development Status Report. There was much discussion regarding what information each Commissioner would like the report to contain. Commissioner Miller stated, "Point of Order, Mr. Mayor, we need to go beyond eleven o'clock, if we're going to go beyond eleven o'clock".