HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 06 12 Regular 305 Orange Avenue
June 12.2006
Public Hearing
Regular X
ITEM 305
.t MGR. //}/ fDep#
The Community Development Department requests the Commission consider the final
engineering/subdivision plan and its associated development agreement for a 1 03-unit town-house
development on 7.87 acres in the Winter Springs Town Center, located on the south side of Orange
Avenue, immediately adjacent to Tuskawilla Trace (east), the trail (south), and Jesup's Landing (west).
The purpose of this Agenda Item is for the Commission to consider and approve the final
engineering/subdivision plan and its associated development agreement for a 103 unit town house
development on 7.87 acres within the Winter Springs Town Center.
Chapter 166, Florida Statutes
Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 5, City Code
Chapter 9, City Code.
Town Center District Code (sections 20-320 thru 20-327).
The approximately 8 acre site is a mixture of largely vacant property with trees, one existing residential
structure, ancillary structures, and a wetland area (primarily in the SE comer). It is located within the
Winter Springs Town Center on the south side of Orange Avenue, north ofa portion of the Cross
Seminole Trail and the unimproved Hicks Avenue right-of-way (ROW), and immediately adjacent to
and between Jesup's Landing and Tuskawilla Trace. The applicant proposes 103 rear loaded (garage
entrances in the rear, with access from an alley) town house units, a plaza with a club house and pool, a
boulevard roadway with storm-water features in the median (3 segment pond in the median), and another
storm-water pond (at the northwest comer). The site has a significant slope from south to north toward
Orange Avenue and Lake Jesup (32 feet elevation near the SW comer to 18 feet near the NE comer-
elevations are 1929 NGVD). The deep muck deposits found under part of the adjacent Jesup's Landing
site are also considered likely to occur under part of this site as well. The existing wetlands (total area of
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0.58 acre, depicted on sheets C003 and C200), located primarily at the southeast comer of the site, must
be mitigated through the St. Johns River Water Management District, prior to any site work or
encroachment. There are no known or suspected listed species on-site.
The subdivision is planned with different sized town home units in different settings, mixed throughout
the subdivision to add variety. Some of the units have internal- to-the-unit garages and others have
detached garages (with small semi-private private back yards between the unit and the garage). All
garages are rear loaded from alleys and all are designed to accommodate 2 cars. There are 38 at-grade
live-work units, 40 units with detached garages (some of which may have accessory dwelling units
above the garage), and 15 of the units with attached garages will have a finish floor 0-5" above the
sidewalk grade and the option of at grade first floor lock-out units (with the main living space located
10' above sidewalk grade). The 10 units facing Orange Avenue (attached garages) are proposed at 47-
52" above the Orange Avenue sidewalk.
The effective application of life-safety codes requires adequate unobstructed alley access to the units
where the divided boulevard does not provide 20' of unobstructed vehicular access. The units along the
west side of the property share the same alley, which extends north and south, provided along the eastern
boundary of Jesup's Landing. The subdivision shares two east-west Edge Drive roadway connections
with Jesup's Landing as well as the shared alley that connects the two east-west Edge Drives.
The subdivision is proposed with 2 garage parking spaces for each unit (206 garage spaces), and 84 on-
street parking spaces, and one handicap-accessible space near the clubhouse, totaling 291 parking spaces
(2.8 parking spaces per unit). Staff believes adequate parking is proposed. No parking is to be allowed
in the alleys.
The Town Center Code addressed this property in its Squares, Parks, and Streets Map. The proposal
differs from this map in that it does not provide the Orange Avenue Park along Orange Avenue and
provides 1 boulevard, extending generally north and south within the west side of the property, and a
neighborhood street within the east side of the site, instead of the neighborhood lanes depicted in the
Town Center master plan. The original Town Center plan considered master planned stormwater
management for the entire Town Center - which has not proven practical. Therefore, on-site stormwater
had to be planned into the subdivision - for both the on-site drainage and for a portion of the adjacent
Orange Avenue. A portion of the storm-water is accommodated as water features in the boulevard
medians. These ponds are designed in separate segments to accommodate the topographic relief.
The site has central water and sewer available, with adequate capacity. Central water will connect to the
subdivision within the Orange Avenue ROW, near the northwest comer of the site. A sanitary lift
station will be shared by this and the adjacent Jesup's Landing subdivision.
The roadway and alley (alleys are referred to as "passes") names are tentative and must be approved by
the County's 911 committee. Mill Pond Lane and Gee Hammock Lane are extensions of platted
roadways within the adjacent Jesup's Landing subdivision.
Adiacent Properties
The site is located between the south side of Orange Avenue and the north side of a portion of the Cross
Seminole Trail and the unimproved Hicks Avenue ROW, is immediately adjacent to the 17.15 acre
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Jesup's Landing to the west, is immediately adjacent to Tuskawilla Trace (24 single family residential
lots and conservation areas on 11 acres) to the east. The north side of Orange Avenue contains single
family residential development along Lake Jesup.
The applicant owns a small (approximately lf4 to 1/3 acre) non-contiguous triangle-shaped parcel
adjacent to the southwest comer of the site, where the unimproved Hicks Avenue ROW meets the trail.
There are presently no plans for this off-site property.
Inconsistencies with Code
Section 20-324 (5) of the Code requires residential first floor height to be at least 2 feet above the
sidewalk grade. The applicant proposes that all of the 38 live-work units have the first floor elevation
at the sidewalk grade, 15 of the units (other than the live-work units) with attached garages will also
have a first floor at 0 - 5" above grade and will have the option of having first floor lock-out units
(with the main living area 10' above sidewalk grade), another 40 units will have first floor elevations
at between 19" and 24" above the sidewalk grade in front of the units.
Section 20-325 (C) of the City Code contains the "Squares, Parks and Streets Map." The map
depicts an "Orange Avenue Park" along the south side of Orange Avenue, in front ofthe site. The
subdivision is proposed with the storm-water pond in a portion of that area. The applicant also
proposes an extended build-to line (deeper than the prescribed 10' build to line) in front of the 10
units fronting on Orange Avenue. This is inconsistent with the Orange Avenue diagram provided
by Dover Kohl and Partners. The "Squares, Parks and Streets Map" also depicts Neighborhood Lanes
extending generally north and south to an Edge Drive along the southern site boundary. The Edge
Drive at the southern portion of the site has a 12 foot "build to" line, instead of the 10' prescribed.
The Neighborhood Lanes have been replaced, in part, by a one Neighborhood Street and one
Urban Boulevard. The boulevard has a water feature in the middle (for utilitarian and aesthetic
purposes). The east-west roadway located approximately 220' north of the southern property line,
and which extends between the plaza and the clubhouse, appears to be a modified Neighborhood
Street with parallel parking along a portion of one side.
Section 20-325 requires 6' wide planting areas between the sidewalks and parallel parking within the
road ROWs. The plan depicts 5' wide planting areas between sidewalks and parallel parking
spaces. Elsewhere, throughout the site, where no parallel parking is proposed, the planting spaces are 6'
The applicant proposes 4 banner signs to be allowed for up to 36 months, instead of 14 days
maximum, with no renewal for 90 days, as prescribed by Section 20-470 of the City Code. Staff
would not support any permanent or temporary off-site signage for this or any other project within the
Model units, not to exceed a total of 16 townhouse units, are proposed for construction prior to
platting, in lieu of sections 9-2 and 9-14, subject to having a stabilized driving surface and
functional fire protection. The units would be granted a certificate of completion at the time they are
completed for use as model units and then converted to townhouse units before being issued a certificate
of occupancy (CO). No other building permit for a town house or the clubhouse may be issued and no
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CO may be issued for the conversion of models to townhouses before the property is platted. While in
use as model units, the garage of at least one unit may be used as a sales office (converted back to a
garage before receiving a CO for a townhouse).
Individual garbage pickup will be provided for each townhouse and the clubhouse, in contrast to
the requirements of Section 9-280.
A 6' wide maintenance berm is proposed around the retention pond at the northwest corner of the
site in lieu ofthe 10' maintenance berm prescribed by Section 9-241 of the City Code.
A lighting plan must be provided, approved, and implemented on-site before any CO may be
issued, in contrast to the requirements of 9-73, which require a street light plan be submitted with
the final engineering/subdivision plans. The power company is behind on preparing subdivision and
site lighting plans for a number of projects.
March 14, 2005
July 27, 2005
October 10, 2005
November 21, 2005
City Commission approved Concept Plan
Revised Plan submitted with one boulevard (previously 2)
City Commission approved modified Concept Plan
Final engineering/subdivision plans submitted
1. The proposed development is located within the City of Winter Springs Town Center.
2. The attached development agreement and final engineering/subdivision plan are consistent with
the Comprehensive Plan, subject to (a) mitigation for the small existing on-site wetlands which
are proposed to be removed and (b) modification of the landscape plan to provide 50 percent
xeriscaping and native plant materials.
3. Any deviations from the Code must be addressed through a development agreement, special
exception, or some other appropriate mechanism.
4. Street names on the plans are tentative and subject to approval by the County's 911 committee, to
avoid duplication.
Staff recommends the City Commission approve the attached final engineering/subdivision plan, subject
to the associated development agreement, any further Dover Kohl comments, and modifications to the
landscape and irrigation plans.
A - Orange Avenue Diagram
B - Color-coded plan (finished floor elevations)
C - Concept plan (previously approved)
D - Steve Richart memo (RE: landscape & irrigation)
E - Development agreement (provided no later than Friday by the City Attorney)
F - Final Engineering/subdivision plans
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Regular Item 305
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.uan.-03-05 11: 55A DavIA TT ACHMENT A 305 666 0360 P .01
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10. Orange Drive Extension
'The Edge Drive provides public access B. Building Volume:
along the natural boundarieli of the town Bldg. Width: 16 ft. minimum
center. Occasionally running parallel to 160 ft. maximum
the Cross Seminole Trail, this street has
the frunts of itq buildings positioned to Bldg. Depth: 125 ft. maximum
face the trail and licenicopen lipaces.
,A. Building Placement:
futilQ-tQ:-line location: 10 it. from
(TypiCal) R.o.W. line
Bldg. Height: 2 stories minimum
4 stories maximum
55 ft. maximum
Space Between
50 ft. maximum
c. Notes:
1. Appurtenances may extend beyond the height limit.
2. All permitted uses are allowed Cm all floors.
3. Tree spacing shall be optimized {or the species used, in cOI1!;ultation
with the City Arborlst.
4. The alignment of floor-to..floot heights of abutting buildings is
encouraged to allow for shared use of elevators.
Build-to Line
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To: John Baker
From: Steven T. Richart, U.B.S.D.M.
Date: 6/2/2006
Re: Artesian Park Irrigation Plan
Please fmd the following issues that need revision for the Artesian Park Landscape and Irrigation
nguage added regarding fluid velocity in mainlines and lateral lines not exceeding 5 feet
second. Sheet 5.
. sers shall be staked with steel angle and secured with stainless steel hose clamps. Sheet
zone valve must be labeled and numbered with the GPM and the number of heads listed
'n the label. Sheet 4.
50% Native Plant requirement has not been met in quantity. Sheet 3.
5. Although not disallowed, I would recommend against using the Laurel oak on the site. Sheets