HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 12 09 Regular H Pilot Project Licensing System
120902 Regular H Pilot Project Licensing System
December 9,2002
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to approve a Pilot Project
with Seminole County to develop a seamless occupational license and tax system.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is needed for the City Manager to get Commission authority to
pursue this pilot project to determine the extent to which a seamless system is possible.
The County Tax Collector's Office desires to simplify the levying and administration of
occupational licensing. In that regard they simplified their tax levy from numerous categories to
two. Additionally, they desire the cities to collect their tax so that the users do not need to go to
Sanford to apply and pay for the license.
GOAL: The goal of the pilot project would be to determine two things.
1. The degree to which the City and County ordinance structure could be unified.
2. The degree to which the administration of the system can be made seamless to the
The project team would be made up of City and County Staff and a Consultant. The role of the
Consultant would be to analyze the two fee schedules to explore the degree to which the two tax
structures could be unified while being revenue neutral to the City. The City has a proposal from
G.S.G. to perform the revenue analysis of the City's occupational license structure for an amount
not to exceed $10,000. The balance of the study will initially be performed by City and County
120902 Regular H Pilot Project Licensing System
Proiect Coordinator
City Manager/Tax Collector
City Staff Project Tax Collector
Louise Frangoul Government Paul Warsicki
Dennis Franklin Services Group - Bill Allan
Max Epstein Skip Burnside Linda Hedrich
Joanne Dalka
1. Commission approval
2. Complete study with recommendations
3. Commission approval
4. Implementation
December 2002
March 2003
March 2003
April 2003
Cost would be limited to a consultant contract in the amount of $10,000. The source of funds
would be a supplemental appropriation from General Fund Reserves.
It is recommended that the Commission authorize the City Manager to proceed with the study
phase of the project, enter into a contract with G.S.G. to conduct the feasibility and revenue
analysis of the City occupational license structure, and provide a supplemental appropriation
from the General Fund Reserves in the amount of $1 0,000.
a) G.S.G. Consultant Proposal
b) Paul Warsicki, Assistant Tax Collector Memorandum of November 20,2002.
c) Seminole County Mayors/Managers Agenda of November 21,2002.
Government Services Group, Inc.
Dedicated to soMng funding and setvice delivery issues In the pubHc
(;'O\....rIlUll:nf !=:t:I'\.'i(Ocs f;~'()UII..llle.
1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 250, Tallahassee, FL 32308. Phone (850) 681-3717. Fax (850) 224-
7206 . E-mail: Qsq@Qovserv.com
December 4, 2002
Mr. Ronald McLemore,
City Manager
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Scope of Services for Performance of Business & Occupational Licensing
Analysis for the City of Winter Springs (the "City'')
Dear Mr. McLemore:
This correspondence is written to present a proposal for Government Services Group, Inc.
("GSG'') to provide specialized assistance to the City of Winter Springs and its staff in the
analysis of business and occupational license revenues.
It is our understanding that the City is interested in identifying the effect that adopting the
County's business and occupational licensing schedule would have on City revenues.
Accordingly, we have provided a scope of services and fee that would allow GSG to perform
such an analysis.
Attached as Appendix A is a work plan that articulates the scope of services required to
assist the City in performing the analysis. We have also attached in Appendix B an hours
and fees matrix for the scope of services to assist the City in understanding the magnitude
of the work effort required to perform such an analysis.
Appendix C is a list of the project deliverables and a delivery schedule, as well as a payment
For services provided by GSG, we will work under a fIXed fee professional fee arrangement
described in the attached scope of services on a percent-completed basis. A fixed fee
method of compensation eliminates any uncertainty in the total fee.
We look forward to working with the City of Winter Springs on this very important project. If
you or any other C~y official have any questions, please feel free to telephone e~her Skip
Burnside or me.
Robert E. Sheets
The following scope of services provides the major tasks required to prepare a central
service cost allocation plan for the City of Winter Springs:
Task 1. Data request and project initiation
Prepare data request letter identifying business and occupational licensing data in an
automated format needed to prepare the analysis. Conduct meeting with City staff to
develop a consensus on project tasks to be performed, data to be provided, project time
frames and cost plan documents to be provided. Deliver the data request letter to City staff
at the meeting..
Task 2. Receive and review data and format for analysis
City business and occupational licensing data will be downloaded for analysis along with
corresponding actual revenue amounts and contrasted against County business and
occupational licensing fee schedules.
Task 3. Perform analysis
The data will be analyzed and resulting revenue projections and fee schedule revisions
required to maintain current revenue levels will be established.
Task 4. Prepare comparative analysis memorandum/report
A draft report documenting the process and providing the analysis and results of the
analysis will be prepared and provided to the City for review and comment. Upon receipt of
the City's comments, a memorandum/report will be prepared and transmitted to the City.
Task 6. Prepare presentation & present results to City Officials
A presentation of the report will be prepared and presented to the appropriate City Officials
as determined by the City.
Fees and Costs
For professional consulting services provided and printing of the cost plan document
pursuant to the proposed scope of services, a fixed fee professional services fee of $9,900
is proposed. A fixed fee method of compensation eliminates uncertainty in the total fee.
The hours and fees matrix on the following pages describes the level of work effort for
each task. Travel related expenses associated with Task 1, Project initiation, are included
in the amount provided under the assumption that two visits to the City will be required.
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
Any additional visits will be require a modification of this agreement and will be subject to
additional payment by the City.
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
12 $1,500
Task 2 - Receive and review data and format for anal sls
8 $1 ,000
Task 3 - Perform anal sis
32 $4 000
Task 4 - Pre
is memorandum/re ort
8 $1,000
Task 5 - Pre are resentation & resent results to CI Officials
12 $1,500
1 Ex enses are calculated at 10% of rofessional service fees and Include two site visits to the C'
2 Professional service fees are calculated at $125 er hour.
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
Deliverable Schedule Payment Schedule
Notice to Proceed by the By December 16, 2002
Project Initiation By December 30,2002
Draft Report By February 4, 2002 90% of Fixed Fee
Presentation Upon date agreed 10% of Fixed Fee
Upon by the City
City of Winter Springs
Business & Occupational License Analysis
Honorable Seminole County City Mayors and City Managers
Paul Warsicki, Seminole County Assistant Tax Collector
Cindy Hall, Seminole County Fiscal Services Director
November 20, 2002
Seminole County Occupational License tquity Study
Seminole County Commissioners have conceptually approved moving to a much less
complicated Occupational License methodology.
The selection of an Equity Study Commission, comprised of business representative's
within the county, has begun and will be submitted to the Commission for approval.
The purpose ofthis committee is to provide input from a business perspective.
The goals for the new ordinance are to simplify it, make it more equitable, and revenue
neutral. We believe the aggregate of these goals will result in a large 'improvement in
customer service.
The plan being considered:
(1) . Two types oflicenses:
A. Not Regulated - $25.00
B. Regulated - $45.00 ("regulated" defined as state licensed,
county certification, or state regulation required)
(2) One license per business location (primary function)
The current Seminole County Occupational License is issued by the Tax Collector.
The fee paid by the County (to the Tax Collector) is approximately $2.50 per account.
This process requires each business located in a municipality to make two separate
transactions. A new business must make separate application and provide duplicate
Our suggestion is that each city enter an interlocal agreement with the county to add
the county fee, as a line item to the city's occupational license.
Monthly, each city would report and submit payment to the Tax Collector for the
accounts collected. $2.50 per account is retained by the city as payment for
The primary benefit of this plan is to improve service to the business community. We
do not envision additional burdens to city workers since:
A. City staff are already well trained,
B. No additional forms cost,
C. No additional postage during renewal period.
The additional income should offset a one-time cost to adjust any existing software or
Based on the Occupational year-end 2001 data, we forecast the city administrative
income to be:
Lake Mary
Altamonte Springs
Winter Springs
REVENUE @ $2.50
All cities will continue to receive the statutory population share distributed by the Tax
Collector in addition to the administration fees. Since the Tax Collector's collection fee
will be reduced, the distribution to the cities will gain another moderate revenue
The question - would your city be willing to further evaluate the possibility of this joint
Our plan is to implement at the beginning of the next Occupational License fiscal year
(August, 2003).
Seminole County Govemment and the Seminole County Tax Collector's staff would
work with your staff to make this customer service improvement.
Individual meetings with each city to discuss the partnership will be scheduled by Cindy
Hall, Seminole County Fiscal Services Director, at 407-665-7172.
Seminole County Mayors and Managers
November 21, 2002
· Seminole County is restructuring its occupational license ordinance. The current
Occupational License Ordinance was essentially passed in 1995 to comply with FS
205.0535 allowing a reclassification and restructure of fees charged for local
occupational licenses.
. The license classification structure, however, received few updates from the
ordinance passed in 1980, and may in fact largely resemble the ordinance passed in
. We are proposing several significant improvements to the ordinance, primarily:
Simplification reducing our current number of classifications from 49
categories and 812 types of businesses to 2.
One license per business.
· An additional proposal by the Tax Collector is one-st9P shopping for city/county
licenses. This idea would be a tremendous benefit to business owners, and is possible
due to the simplicity of the proposed license structure.
1101 East First Street Sanford FL 32771-1468 Telephone (407) 665-7176 Fax (407) 665-7183