HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 04 25 Regular 504, Engineering/Site Plan Modification for Doran Site
ITEM 504
Public Heariu
Re ular
ApriL2~, 2005
MGR. r L/
REQUEST: Community Development Department requesls the City Commission consider and
approve the Illlal engineering/site plan modification Jor the northeast 2 acres orthe approximately 15
acre .IDe: Calhoun/Doran Town Center site, just east of Tuskmvi 11a Road and south of tlle Kingsbcny
home. The building elevations are still in the modification and staff review stages.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Agenda Item is La request that the Commission approve the final
engineering/site plan modifications for this portion of the Doran site. The site layout is somewhat
different than what was approved, to remove and provide replacement trees in lieu of the large oak tree
that is dying and cannot be saved.
Section 166.021, Florida Statutes.
Chapter 9, Land Development.
I'm"n Center nistrict Code.
Binding Development Agreement.
CONSIDERATIONS: The large existing oak tree on the 2 acre site is dying and cannot be saved. The
approved final engineering plans were designed around the location of the tree, creating a curve in the
vehicle accommodation area that is inefficient and impractical without the tree. Two additional parking
spaces can be attained (62 to 64) without the large tree. However, removal of the tree requires
replacement plantings.
The applicant propOSl:S 4 replaeemeIlt trees (8 lllch caliper live oaks) in lieu o1'the large oak, one
adjacent to the round-about (Cliff Rose Drive) and 3 in the tliangular area behind Building Hi. The area
near the round-about is envisioned to eventually accommodate another building that will wrap around
April 25, 2005
Regular Item 504
Page 2
that portion oftlle round-about. The dumpster for Building 16 has been relocated from the building side
of the parking lot to the northern side of the parking lot.
StalThas reviewed the initial iteration of the proposed building elevations lor buildings 3 and 16 (110
elevation has been proposed for Budding 4, along Tllskawilla Road). Tn reviewing the proposed
huilding elevations in conjunction with the existing trees and vegetation, staff proposes that Lhe
landscape plan be amended Lo accomplish the follmvlllg:
1) expand the landscape island at the southwest comer of Building 16, by removing one regular parking
space and moving the 2 handicap parking spaces together (on each side of one handicap access aisle,
instead of2 separat~ aisles); this (a) allows the existing tr~~ that is cramped in a tiny planling space
beside a lIght pole enough room to grow and (b) also provides more shaded area for tl1e outdoor
seating/dining mea proposed along the north side ofHuilding 16; and
2) provid~ one of the proposed 8 inch caliper r~placement oaks from where it is presently proposed,
adjacent to lh~ Cliff Rose Drive round-about area to the planting area near the southeast comer of
Building 16, wh~re a small oak is presently located (currently depicted to be removed and that area
Together, these 2 minor modifIcalions provide for a more pedestrian-friendly streetscape; wi I[ provide a
better setting for Buildmg 16 (as it app~ars from either Cli ffRose Drive, buildings 1 and 2, or any of the
n~arby parking lot areas; provide needed shad~ for the west side of the building; and provide a more
logical placement for the trees.
The attached photometric plan (please see sheet 1::-100) depicts off-site light spillage onto the adjacenl
Kingsheny property in excess of the 0.5 foot candles standard for maximum off-site spillage. The
applicant has been negotiating a purchase of this portion orthe Kingsberry sile, but no plat has heen
submitted to finalize a sale of the property. The light must be shaded to eliminate the spillage in excess
of 0.5 foot candles.
RECOMMENDATION:Staffrecommends that the City Commission approve tlIe attached final
engineering/site plan, subject to the modifications stated above (e.g. moving 2 trees, eliminating one
parking spaee and some pavement, and modifying the lighting to eliminate excess spillage).
A Plam;
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Consulting Engineers • Surveyors
- Orlando • Gainesville
Plan Changes Summary
Re: Winter Springs Phase I Expansion
Changes made from last submittal
The following is a list of all major changes to the above mentioned project from the plans
submitted to the City of Winter Springs dated 1-11-05.
• Main drive horizontal alignment straightened with the removal of the large oak.
• Large oak tree replaced by 4 - 8" oaks. A planter area added to the west of building 16
to accommodate one of the oak trees.
• Parking island locations adjusted to align with corridor between buildings 3 and 4.
• Dempster north of building 16 moved to opposite side of street to provide a more
pedestrian friendly environment in the area behind building 16.
• Underground utilities adjust to allow for future off-site construction.
• Corridor between buildings 3 and 4 widened to 20' 1" to allow for more open space areas
along the wall faces within the corridor.
• Building 4 lengthened to 120'
• Removed elevated outdoor eating area on the south east corner of building 16 and
associated handicap ramp.
201 South Bumby Avenue • Orlando, Florida 32803
\Uupiteflengineering\Admin\03067 Winter Springs Town Center103067GC1062phaselUpdatesLener041105.d~~O7) 896-3317 • Fax (407) 896-9167 • www.lochrane.com
Construction Drawings winter springs town center page 1
Construction Drawings winter springs town center page 2
Construction Drawings winter springs town center page 3
Construction Drawings winter springs town center page 4
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