HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 06 12 Consent 406 Orlando Paving
ITEM 406
June 12, 2006
/~EPT /~
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting to engage Orlando Paving Company,
a division of Hubbard Construction Company for the resurfacing of various
City streets.
PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis Board item is to request to engage Orlando Paving Company,
a division of Hubbard Construction Company for $104,440 plus 10% contingency
for the resurfacing of various City streets piggy backing Seminole County Contract
The Public Works Department resurfaces roads to extend their useful life. The budget for
the street resurfacing this fiscal year is $140,000. The streets for resurfacing include Ironwood
Court, South Greenleaf Court, Wi shaw Lane, Aberdeen Court, Aberdeen Lane, Clearn Court,
Canadice Lane, Erie Court, North Galloway Terrace, Sleeping Rock Court, Holiday Lane, and
Mockingbird Lane. The majority of these streets had previously had microsurfacing which is a
polymer modified asphalt surface that is thinner than a hot mix asphalt overlay.
The life of the micro surfacing did not meet the expectation of the product and the City has
since stopped utilizing this process in the resurfacing program. It has become necessary to
resurface these roads using a one inch hot mix asphalt overlay. Orlando Paving Company
currently has a term contract with Seminole County #RFP-4242-05/GMG and agreed to honor
the same unit prices to the City.
June 12, 2006
Consent Agenda Item 406
Page 2
The cost ofthe street resurfacing is $104,440 plus 10% contingency payable from the
Transportation Improvement Fund - Capital Improvements line code (104-65000/30001)
Budgeted amount is for FY 05/06 is $140,000.
It is recommended that authorization be given to enter into agreement with. Orlando
Paving Company, a division of Hubbard Construction Company for $104,440 plus 10% for the
resurfacing of various City streets.
The scope of work will be completed within 90 days of approval.
1. Pavement Management Plan
Attachment No.1
City of Winter Sprillgs
5-Year Pavement Master Plan
Last Pavillg Estimated
Year Project Year Project Type Cost
FY 20ilS-<l6
Winter Scr;nc~ 3t)ul~vard - Phase I 19a~99 R~:onstr:::~ 5800.000
Ironwood Ct.. S. Green~eaf Ct.. Wisr.;!;\\, lane. Ab~rde~n Ct. 1992, Res::rfa~ S34.000
;",berdeen lane. Cleam Ct.. Canad'ce l';;'nE!. N. Gallowav TeIT.. 1992- Res!1rfa~ 530,000
Holiday lane I Mockl:lgb'l'd lane - north olAI:on 1986. 19a5 Res::rfa~ S19,OOO
Sle~pina Rock Ct.. Ene Ct. 1985. 1924 Reslirfa~ SI6.000
lotaJ Reccns:ruc: S8GO.C-oO
iotal Resurface SHl5.GOO
Total 5S05,OOO
FY 2006-<l1
Winter Scr:nils- 3<lulev,;;,rd - Phase II 198~-99 Re:onstr::Cl S800,ODO
Shepard Roac - 17-92 to Wldwood 1958 R~s:J'rfa~ S70,€DO
Sheoah Circle 19a~. Res:;rfa:e S112.0DO
Moss Road (lon:bardy to Mo:;rphv) 195~ Mill & Resurface S70,400
Wade S:reet i<34 to 41 P\ 1970 Res::rfa~ S<S,ODO
'iotal Recens:ruc: saOO,C.DO
'j otal Resurface 5307.200
Total 51.1 07.200
FY 2007-<l8
Winter Scrino~ 30ulevard - Phase III 198~-99 R~:on~Il'::Cl S8oo.000
Glen Eaale Pr.a~e I 19a'? Res:;rfa~ 5200.000
lotal Reccns:ruct 5800.000
lotal Resurface S20D.000
Total 51,000.000
FY 200B-<lS
Glen Eaale Pna~e II 19a? R~s:;rfacina 51~4.e60
Murph\' Road - Edl.:;en:on to Elden400d 1974 Res:;rfa~ 552.670
Winding Hollow Phase I Reccns:ruct 1996 Re:onsll':::~ien 5336.000
'iotal Recens:ruc: S336.OO0
,otal Resurface 5213,330
Total 5549.~0
FY 20G9-10
Windina Hollow Phase II Resurface 1996 Res:;rfa~ S8'?e,00
S. Mess Road -lombard', to Murp::y and DC1phin:o Bahama 1972 Res:lrfa~ S90.OO0
Ha.'l'lhorn Cirele - M:l"rohv to cuke-sac 1974 Resarfa~ 532.270
I rotllood Bculevllrd - iuska'o'itla to Park =ntr<lnce 1994 Re:onsll'::lClien 5125,ODO
.etal Reccns:ruc: 5126.000
'iotal Resuriace 5217.B70
Total 5343.1170
FY 2010-1'
N. Edgemon A\'e. -'::34 to ~ Hi; a'so 3rd St. from Edoemon 10 Bombav 195';i Resurfa~ 5103.2DO
Cortez Avenue - lomb,;;,rdv ~o 2nci Slreet 195~ Res :Jrfa:€ S121,eDO
C';;'Y'Jga Drive (Chelsea Weods) lP9tl Reconstrllc:icn 5~0.OOO
'iotal Reconstruct S,..O.CDO
7cUl Ruuri.1c", S2N.EDO
ioul 5374,81)0