HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 01 14 Consent Item G Sports Lighting for Soccer Field at Central Winds Park COMMISSION AGENDA CONSENT x ITEM G INFORMA TIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR 1/14/2002 Meeting MGR. Authorization /DEPT C-C.Y REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department requesting authorization to piggyback off of the City of Jacksonville bid to install sports lighting for soccer field lighting at Central Winds Park. This is a companion item to Consent Item F to provide for poles and lights for soccer field lighting. PURPOSE: The purpose of this board item is to request authorization to piggyback off of City of Jacksonville bid #SC-0463-00 to install sports lighting for 4 soccer field lighting at Central Winds Park in the amount of $ 115,250.00. CONSIDERA TIONS: . M. Gay Constructors has installed many Musco Sports Lighting Systems. . They installed the Winter Springs High School Football, Baseball, and Softball Fields Lighting Systems. . The best available price is by piggybacking the City of Jacksonville bid. . The Public Works/Utility Director and Building Official have reviewed the lighting information. 1 FUNDING: $ 350,000 in FRDAP Grant funds were provided in the budget. Costs are: $ 132,049 $ 115,250 $ 33.716 $ 281,015 $ 68,985 Poles and Fixtures Installation Three phase underground power Total Reserves REcOMMENDA TION: The Parks and Recreation Department recommends that authorization be given to piggyback off of City of Jacksonville Contract # SC-0463-00 to install sports lighting for 4 Soccer Fields Lighting at Central Winds Park in the amount of $ 115,250.00 IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: The poles and fixtures will be installed within 120 days of approval. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment #1 Attachment #2 M. Gay Constructors Proposal. City of Jacksonville bid # SC-463-00. COMMISSION ACTION: 2 Jan 04 02 08:31a rMQ~ CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Electrical & Sports Lighting p.2 / I ATTACHMENT II 1 ~) January 3, 2002 Musco Sports Lighting Attn: Hob Decouto Re: Central Winds Soccer Fields Dear Sir: We are pt~ed to provide this proposal to install the Spons Lighting at tbe above referenced project. Our price includes all labor, material, and equipment for a complete project as detailed below. Scope of Work · AU pricing based upon the City of Jacksonville Contract # SC-0463-00 . Install 14 poles with 125 Musco fixtures 10 - 70' poles @ $2,500.00 6 - 80' poles @ $3,000.00 . Furnish and Install all field electrical wiring 2 - 30 A fceders @$1,875.00 15- 5 0 A feeders @ $2,300.00 7 - 20 A feeders @ $1,800.00 · Furnish and Install Lighting contactors 2 - 30A contactors @ $450.00 15- 60A contactors @$700.oo · Furnish and Install I - 400 amp 480V 3phase service General Notes · A water source (such as a fire hydrant) shall be provided by others . Access to pole locations shall be provided by others · No removal of dirt, debris, trash, or drilling spoils . Poles and fixtures are furnished by others · No repair of sod, asphalt, concrete, curbs, landscaping, or utilities Total Project: Sincerely, ':j ~(.. ftona~ Knisle Estimator $25,000.00 $18,000.00 $ 3,750.00 $34,500.00 $12,600.00 $ 900.00 $10,500.00 $10.000.00 $ 115,250.00 EC-1098 · P.O. Box 26249 · Jacksonville, Florida 32226 · Tel. (904) 714-4001 · FAX (904) 714-4007 Jan 04 02 02:58p p. 1 ATTACHMENT tI 2 "-'-ill rMQ~ CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Electrical & Sports Lighting ~ May 25,2001 City of Jacksonville Re: Renewal To Whom ltMay Concern: In reference to the City of Jacksonville Contract # SC-0463-00 all pricing, terms, and condition are fInn through the next term. Any questions please contact our office @ 714-4001. Sincerely, Michael Gay j41} Presidc:nl EC-I098 . p.o. Box 26249 · Jack~onvjIJp..Flnrj(b 'l"'A . TAl (Clnd.' 71.,Ldnnl . I:^V IQI\A\ 71A AM.., -D.ec 03 01 04: ISp p. 1 .~ MrQ@}~ CONSTRUCTORS,INC. Eleccric:l1 8. Sport$ Ughting Date: 1~/3;/()J Number of pages attached_fa To: t~-j W~~ Attention: ........ D<:.Ir'}uz;t- tY"d/tJfL- (!Jw..Jz.. f/J "'- Fromlrl~[) ~ rRt " ~J fIJ~ Remarks: S;c U1! fJd~ ~~ 1/ d/; ca.LL a~ ~- .... ?L Ko-g. -t ~ -J;Chf4 · DEC-03-2001"015= 251""\ D~~ ,,,,dQ . 1:...I((l'\nvillE!. Florida 32226 . Tel. (904) 714-400 I . FAX (904) 714-4007 95% P.01 -Dee 03 01 04:19p p.2 SUBJECT: Pl'. :;:CE ACRE01S~J'! CmlTRACT fOP. PP-.s.:< & LISri":'ING. PLAYGROUND EQU!P~ENT AND BID NO. S:-S463-0Q DATE OrE~D A~r 12, 200C j....-... GENERAL GOVERNMENT AWARDS COMMITTEE KINO BASIS Dc CONTRACT: sr':?PLY CONTRACT 0;'.::'2 0: p.,itJ';P,D TO? P. P'::R!OO or OHE: V~A? w~TH TWO (21 ONE (1) YEAR RENEWAL oPT~aNS. FOR l?l;Rf<S, R:::cp.sxrron &. EN~ERTAINt~EN'r DIVISION & 2,tI.PK. ~1;;rN:::~If..NC2. Dr',/, .... BASIS OF AWARD:ALL QUALIFISD BIDDERS Numbe: of Bids Invi~ed: 28 Numbe: Received: 20 Othe~: 2 s~y OF BIDS AND RECOMMENDED ACTIONS: RECO~ND AWARD TO ALL V2NJORS LISTF:D ON IE;:: ATT.n.CEE:D BID TASULli.TION SC-:E2.'I' FOR A SOURCE Of SUPPLY TO E"URNISP., DELIVE.R, AND Ti-iE INSTALLA7ION OF PAP.KS AND ?~AYGKQUND EQUIPMENT AS LISTED IN THE CATALOGS SUP2LIEO BY THE V:::NDORS A7 DISCOUNTS PROVIDED ON BIDS. \ ATTAC!-!~!:::NTS : l)BID TABULATION 2)MEMC FROM PARKS, RECREA!ION & ENTERTAINMENT DIVISION 3)SC02E ~~" ~SPECTFULLY SUBMITTED W!LLIAMS BU'fER H./ GIBBS, n:: RE~ltNT & SUPPLY Concurrence By: PARKS, RSCREATION & ENTE~TA!NMENT DIV~SION & 'PARK ~~INTENANCS -'7 '. . ***t*~*************+**********.***************************************** UU..L t...~,J~~DS ACTION3 SUSJECT TO AVl'-.:LAB ZLITY OF fiJNDS) DATE: itA y 2 5 20aO ACTION OF AWARDS COMMITTEE ON RECOMMENDATIONS ABOVE MEMBERS APPROVING MEMBERS DISAPPROVING OTHER *************************~************************itA~*31:Ltrrnr********** ~CTION OF AWARDING AUT~ITY Date: III Approved v/ ' .. Disapproved: Other: '::"::""":rrrEIE OF AUT""NUCAUON .,). J. 7laA DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P.02 IJ.ec 03 01 04:1Sp p.3 BID FORM REQL'EST TO BID :-;0. 5C-0463-00 r DATE. 2/15/2000 Cil)' or Jl~k.onv;lle PrlJ\.:t.pl:il"lr::""lt:.1.l'l~ Suc~I'" O"I\::.il:,.n THIS FORM MUST BE SICNED AND INCLUDED IN B1D SUBMISSION CO,'I'lPA:"Y NA:'<lE ,\:'ID ADDRESS Sl'B:'<tIT 8ID IN DCPLICA TE f"1 , G il Y Co fl :j t r u <..: Lv r. S. ! r1 C ' 1850 DU",n Avenue Jacksonvilie, FL 32218 m:liSS:'-J= S 9 - 109 7 -; q 8 TIllS BID \\:11,1. RF. OPE:"ED ON Wednesd.1Y. April OS. 2000 :!:l)l) P.Y1. ll'i THe THIR.D FLOOR CONrERE;-.JCE ROO~1 C. CITY HALL. RESPO,'iSE(S) TO BID .\1 CST BF. 1i'lli'lK OR T'i PEWRITTE:'i. Bl'YER: BEVERLY WILLIAMS PllO~E: (904) 6304950 BID SECURITY REOlJfRE.\tE:'iTS IX i'<Or1e Raquir~ r Ccrr.flc:d Checl.: Of Sond Amount; TER.'-t OF CO-';TR.~CT r Or.e :ime i'urch:lSc ~ !II:\u:l1 require:n<.:nc - Prices will ~1i.'1 n:T.'\ for one yc:r from d.3!~ of JWl/"': C Cher WI,i-! iWO (2) ONE (1 l VEAR ~:NEWAL OPTIONS. PERFOR,."lA:'<CE BOND li l"one Rl:l:luirecl [ Bond R~l,;~ S % of bid .l\V::rC S.~MPL( REOL'TRE:'o1E:'iTS eNOne Required Ii Samples R""i'~ued rRIOR to Bid Ope!'\ing IX: u[e~cure Required Wi~h Sid [', Samoles Mav be R~uir:d Subseouen[ [0 Bid'O~:'\ir.\Z OU..~C'lTrrIES: c:: Qu:lJ'ltlties \ndic:.:uee ~ e."tJ.dng IF Q,1:l..'1ri:ies indi~ ~fle-::: [he approx.im:ue qU3ntl1::es to be pur,:hased lhroughou[ conti'Jcr period 3tld an subject co flu~arion in accor6nce with ;la'.lJl ~uire~~ntS. JGG~~: ReCRE~TION fOR TECHNICAL TNO~IRI(S. co;o..;T ~CT: BO!! GOFF Tcleohone: 630,3585 I PRIC:; AGRE:MENT CONTRACT FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT AGRE~MENTWILL Be IN ACCORDANCE WITH ATTACH:D TERMS. CONDITIONS. S?ECIFICATIONS. REOUIR;!MENTS 'NO PROPOSAL FORMS, BASIS OF AWARD: MULTIPLE AWARD TO ALL aUALiFIED vENDORS. TER.....tS OF P.-\. Y:'otE:"T: NET OR % DISCO(;;-'T DAYS (DISCO(/,'viS OFFERED FOP. P.-l y,\'IE.VT PERIODS OF ti5s TH,lN.lO Oil YS IIlTLL ,vOT BE CO\'SfDeRED IN .o"f.,KING A WARD./ 8itlder'( Certilic:lllol] Material is F.O.8, OEllVERED TO: VARIOUS LOCArlONS THROUGHOUT JACKSONVillE Oeli..ery W1111x made in- businen cays ft'om receIpt or I'u,.ch~'~ order. '~""Po rcc:i,.-.Q uddenu.1 77(!.-d c\v ~~ere of AUlhorize:! i..JJlcer of Firm Mir:hrE1 Gav. Pre5id~nt Pnnt Inci,idu~l'~ ~3l7Ie ~ T'lle D:1t: 90~711l-a.OOl Phon: Numb~ r"" -1-lhrou~h...l-- fOR.....l GB.I 0::. Rc..ised M1998 DEC-03-2001 15:25 95% P.03 nee 03 01 04: 19p p.4 DEPARTMENT OF AD i'rUNISTRA nON AND FrNANCE PrOCUf"GmGnt and Supply Divi::>ion NOTIFICATION OF A\VA.RD AND RELATED ACTIONS DATE: 6/22100 M. GA Y CONSTRUCTORS 1880 DUNN AVE, JACKSONVILLE, fL. 32218 ~~ ~t~~:;VI~[D) j 1'\" ? 3 2 (I n:: ~ . _ _J_ Bm: SC-0463-00 TITLE: PRICE AGREEMENT C~TRACT FOR PARK AND PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT Ladies/Gentlemen: rx: You arc a successful bidder on the above referenced bid. Bid is accepted \ subject to the terms, conditions and stipul<ltion~ in ollr specjfic~tion$, r Pexformance Bond in the amount of oS (as required in (he original hid package) must be returned within 10 days from receipt of this notific3tion. (P{~QJe include bid f1umbtr on performance bond remittance) ",- CONTRACT DOCUMENTS OR PURCHASEORDER TO FOLLOW. THIS IS NOT AN ORDER. AW:lrdod :15 Follow:: TO ALL VENDORS LISTED ON TAB SHEET IN ACCORONANCE WITH CATALOGS SUBMITTED. FOR TAB SHEET. E-MAIL SUCHReaUESTTObeverlyw@coj.net r You :lre not:l ~ucce!':.dlll hicJder, 8in~ :Ire <l~'<1ibble for inspection in the Procur.:ment :lnd Supply Division. r: Bid security is herewith returned; Check;; Amoun: Sincerely, ~vJ BEVERLY WILLIAMS 117 Wt:ll[ Duval Street. Suite 335 Jack!onvillc, Florida 32202 Ph Iln~: (90~)630-11801 Fax: (904)t'i3n-Zl ='1 , . r' Fo..... GB-1I0.1t~ CI~ DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P,04 Dee 03 01 04: 19p p.5 04,' O.j : I),) I:! . 29 F.\1 9'1.\ lS .11J 1 L q! ~\~:l:~J;)lE>iT So. Sl."P?L'i ~i)O~/004 -----. CITY OF JACKSONVILLE OE!,~nl!:::"'T 01= A.:)!'{L~STR.A TIO:'-l -,SD FDiA.'JC~ PROClJ~ME.:'''T ~~ 0 SU'PP1.. Y C[';1SiON 111 W. DUv.U STREET. SUITE m JACK.SOl'N1LLE, FLORIO" ::':O:-)4f;~ Addendum ~ umber: Bid Number: Title of Bid: ONE (l) SC-Q463-00 PRICE AGREEMENT CONTR.~CT FOR PARK A;.'ID PLA YGRO-c ~ID EQulPMENT Opening D~te lllnd Time: APRIL 11,2000 2:00 p.M. Thi3 addendlUP is u5ued for th~ information of bidders on the above titled project and will be part of the contr'a.ct. , \ RESCHEDULE BID OPENING TO APRIL 12, 2000 OR!GINAL!... ":," SCHEDULED TO OP=~ ON APRIL S, :!OOO. v.-1IEREVER FOB DELIVERED IS REFERE~CE!) IN T'rtE BID DOCU""MEN"T, CH.~'iGE TO READ: FOB SHJPPING POl}ll", CHARGES TO BE PREPAID .~"\fD ADDED TO ~'VorCE, REVISED PROPOSAL Fo~"r INCLUDED V/lTH nuS ADDENDUM. IF BID WAS S'UBMITTED. RETUR.'l THE REVISED PKOPOSAl. FOfu'vf A,;,'iD ADDENDtJM ATTACHED, Date: C;~ y, ~OO() , B~J~r:it~4J:Jd/~s (I. AClC'I'OWLEDGE RECEIPT BY RETl.JR..'( OF SIGNED corY 'MTH 13[D B,dd<r'sSignan= 1}1-~~ / Title . O....o~".L~I"".&.. Company Na.'T.~ t<1 _ r, ~ 'I r ('\" 0:; ~ ,.".... j. "Y" s, In c . Dan: 4/12/00 .r--. DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P,05 D.ee 03 01 04:20p p.6 0':. 0.1,' 0 I) 1:! : :! 9 F.n 911.1 ~:} I) 11 ~ = --' ~~E~IE~T .& SI:?PL Y III OO.J 10 I) ~ ..--.-. REVISED PROPOSAl.. FOR..'1 PRICE AGREE:vlENT CO'" (&\CT fOR. P.~ ^,-"ID PL~ '((:R0 li\1) tQl.'1P:VU:yr [ BID ~(I: 5C.0463.QO ] VE~R2' r,,:l:' C'" I'" 'i ~.,." '":... ~.,.; .-t ;l:: . ADDRESS 1880 Dunn Ave PH01'i""'E; 904 - 7 1 4 - 400 1 Fro- C'I }:~1S 59-3097398 CITY, STA Tl:. ZI? cODJ::...J..a.~_k.~ ('\ ., \I ~ , , Q , CO~'TACT M i r. h :l Q 1 G ~ 1/ . 1) Vf:IlDOlt CATAlOG: Fi~ed perelmt~&~ discow::t: vdor Discount off list ;ricc d:lY~A:$.O ~livc:ri 2) MA.'l/VFACTUP..tRS C.'\T..fo.LOC:S: Fi~d per::nt:1gc disco1.:.!rt: Man!.lfac:um Dlsccul\t 0 I 1St \1ncr Musco % Accord I % Ne....Jmar-k % ~J'. fiT Deliv~ _cbys AJ.O F.O.]j, Shippi.ng point ?n:?:l.ic:l.~ ldd. ,..,.. DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P.06 D.ec 03 01 04: 20p p.? a~'U1;OO 1~:~9 FAX 901 ~~~ ll~~ ---.--- PRC)<:T:RE)\E:-1' &. Sr:PPLY III 1)1) V 1)0-4 p~F'ERE~CE 1) 1:'\ST.u.LA 110:"( A) Fi~ed p~(::ec.UeC of cost (.'l!t:r di.ScoW\u) of eqwpa<;IH O' ~. - YE.S NO -- B) Price requested a: time: of priee for CTl:J.!cn:lls Is confirmed U1 writing. (prier:: per job of \alo'" n cn:.tcil.ls) _YES_NO List \'e:ldor!~l1lIuf:1c~r wnrtel1 factory :er.:.fic-..tion. th.:U is ccin~ supplid with bid or within (3) dlYS upon req\les:. ..\I>Dmo".~ INfOlL"tiAnON: SH!?PC:O C'iiAROES s AllA- r J" CW'T v~'lCES: Ptc:!Sc state 3I1Y~ to the: speci..~C:1tiOClS rcg3.-cing Ye~dor, alWur.u:~, Jhii'pi~. ~<:ig!:~ :~~~. tIC. (AdC 3.ddirion:u ia.fo:m:JJ:ion. if QC(::SSJ1')' on ;1 ScC~ i'a;er.) ~- MD'OlUTY STA ns PLE,l,SE fl'lDICATE IF .....Mf.'ICRlTI a~cl) Oil WC~.E.."I oVt'0E.!J BvS~I!SS (~I~I,,) _YC.S~"O AnOino!'! Sl.l;lpO~i: :icC:I;,:~e"'3 3.lld ~\:e~tS for ;sdditiol':U iclort:\~co:1 nl.:1)' be requi.-d prior to :1ward of :ontnC.,. The City of Jack:loc'Villc. F'lo,.;~ rnc:T"'~ the :'i0':!\[ ~o ccjc:C ~ or '~11 ?ropo~. to ....aive infor::l:Jlil1<:'S, ::r.: ~ ~:l%';It J11 ,,~ o.'y lllC:'l or:ICi' ?ro;:co;.;U :1:1 :II"')' o,e dec';':'\tC [0 be :r\ :;:C bt:lt in[~~: of:J'l: C;[)' of r..cl;.:;O'l1,..;lte. ; r'- 2 DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P,07 D.ec 03 01 04: 20p Product Compliance Certification 81D~ SC-D463-00 Year 2000 Compliance and Certification Levels Th~ ;e rtil)llC\ ~ mJnJ g-:r and the testing mar,ag-.:r <.lr~ 1'!:sponsi ble for sp <:c i t:..i n~ th.: correa l:omp lia.'1: I~'id. C.)mpll:.lnc~ 1~.,~I) 1rc ddined bdo\u'. l V[l o ESCRJPT10N 0 Prcdll.:t i~ nc:ith<!'l' d:)l~ ;l\N::lrC nor daL~ sc:n:;itivc; does nat ;HOC~S d:ue d:1l:l. 1 _Independent testing successfully complCled. '"lndepcrldent"' testing is that .;onC:t.::;:ed b)';ln in depcnde:1t testing or ce:-:ifying org:lniz:uion nOt connected to t~c wpplicr. _ A 1/ !/ue$tio 'IS have positive respol',sJS ,,'M!!re applicable. I 2 _Independeot :ludit ofprodu::: ar.c supplier's lCS, results comple!r:d successfully. An '"indC?e:1ce:1r" Audit is on cond!.lC'ted by a GU\cr.1mcnt or Cont:-1C:Or orz~nizar.ioC\ our:sid~ the Sl.:.p~id~ chain ~f responsi bi lity. '. ' , .' ...Ill questions have positiVI! respO,'lSes wh ere applicab Ie. - 3 . Self. testing of the produCt( s) were successful. '"Sd f-testing" is accomplished by the supp lier in t.'l~:r own facility, with no additional outSide r~iew of the produCt or of the te::it results. . All quesciuru' ItOw: p03iclllc f"6Spo1!ur whtre applicabk \ 4 _ NOT Tested, Derl!\itions ...- . C trtific:ltion: t!'le act ofpro\'iding writt~n t~timony ot" qual i iic.:uion of J crocess or p rod!.lCt with regare! to Ye3l" :2000 compliJ,nc:. including identiiiC3tion ane: doc;;mentation ~fall fomJIs ofDat: Processing and Date E.r:change. such formatS may include ISO standards. other gen~aJly accepto:! indUStry due representations. or otho::- documented methed5 urdal:c: rcprc~ent:1tion. ProcdS certific..uion does not neccssJrily me3n prod~c: ce:-:ific3!:ion. D:l.te Excha.nge: th: intcr;h811;e<i of dXl! dar~ MdWecr. twO or mOre sy,t~S or system elements. tn order to fad itate proper date dar.a e.'tc~a.,ge been ,we or more syStl::':'1 s or 5ySteTn .:I~:nr:!lts. defined formats li.U$t be identiiied atld docume:1ted by the: supplie;s of~yste:":i or sySte:-:1 :ler.1e~,~. Da Ie 'Processin~: the handl ins of dJIe dat:l within a sySter:l or syste:n demc:nL Ye:J.r 2000 compli~nt: tcehnolo:iY. includinz hut nOt limiteC to. infomadon ,echnology. embedded sySt~s. or any ache:- clecno-:nechanic:J.1 or proc~sor.based systrnl. whC'l used in lceordance With its as~ociatc:J doc'Jmenta.cion. is c:1pabl e of accuraIely processing. providin g. 3n d'or receiving !bte data from. into. and bClW~t:U Ulc: ~cn:ieth.3nd :wen(y.fir~t ~ennlries. and t.~e years 1999 wd ~OOO, including It3;:1 yc:l.r calc:.sl;uions. 4. Certification (see ;1tt:li:hment for definitions) The 1 ev e\ of compl iatlce of tl':e produ~(s) desc:ibed abOlle is cer:ificd to be -D- (eMr:t' 0 .4). I fthat level is not zC!"o. Y~K testing haS been conducted for this produ~. Testing inc!!.ldec. aI minimum. thc: itCl'nS in this checldist and attachmc:nt. Complc:e tc:.:H plll1\~. teet d.:ll.~. aI\n f~t results ;1I'e :utached to t!:is c~ification. I ,"';;; ,ho ,he ;, fO",,~"l;; dosl ;, '"'' "d "rr"" " ,', b,,' of my ,,,.I,d,, ",d b, Ii' r ~ . -f .I I/. ,J.' I . rj1.~., " ~/',,)1r:;'1 \, -' " . I - i!yln!:~:l./'lage~ Dale Dale Td[ing :-'(an:l;g~ .""_ ~~.~s. 'l..".d 2(1999 DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% p.8 P.08 D-ec 03 01 04: 20p p.9 M. CAY CONSTRUCTORS, I:'-iC. BID FOR.\-l A TT:\CH;\(E~T OF CNlT PRICES CITY OF JACKSONlilllE PROCUREMENT .A...ND SUPPL Y Df'llSION Date: 414,'00 Request To Bid No. SC-0463-00 1) Musco light Structure System- Price: per pole and tixtures furnished and installc:d with all wiring co bottom of ballast box. 50' Pole 60' Pol~ 70' Pol~ 1-13 Fixtures 70' Pole 14-27 Fixtures 80' Pol~ 1-19 Fixtur~s 80' Pole 20-33 Fixtures 90' Pol~ 1-12 Fixtures 90' Pole 13-40 Fixtures 100' Pold-15 Fb...tures 100' Pok 16-28 Fixtures 2) Musco Light Structure S~'stem $6,750.00 Per Pok $6,050.00 Per Pok $fi,900.00 Per Pole $19,430.00 Per Pole $8,730.00 Per Pole $18,.330.00Per Pole $13,470.00 Per Pole $40,6<10.00 Per Pole S12,040.00Per Pole $34,800.00 Per Pole 5950.00 Per Fixture $950.00 Per Fixtur~ $950.00 Per fixture $950.00 Per Fixture $950.00 Per Fixture S9S0.00 Per Fixture S950.00 Per Fixture $950.00 Per Fixture 5950.00 Per Fixture 5950,00 Per Fixture Used for standard charted little Leagu:: Price per field- poles, fixtures installed and wired to ~xisting power source. 200' Radius LLBf Fidd 300' Radius llBf Field $57,000.00 Per Each $89,000.00 Per Each 3) Install Owner Furnished Musco light Structure System Our prii.:e lnc\udcs unloading. assembling, and installing th~ Musco Light Structure System: Install : r--. SO' pole 60' pole 70' polt:: with 1 to 13 fixtures 70' pole \:".ith 14 to 27 fixtures 80' pole: with I to 19 fix.tures 80' pule with 20 tu 3:; fixtur~s 90' pok with 1 to 12 fixtur~s 90. p01c with 13 ro 40 fixtures DEC-03-2001 15:25 $1,800.00 52,100.00 $2,500.00 $2,800.00 $3.000.00 S3 ,200.00 53,500.00 S~,60().OO '35% P.0'3 Dee 03 01 04:20p p. 10 100' pole with 1 to 15 fixtur~$ [00' pok with 16 to 28 ~i:\turt:s S3,800,OO S4,000.00 This quote is based on a 100 m.p,h. \vind zone add 10% for 110 m.p.h. . , 4) l\lusco Sports Cluster fixtures ( to be installed on concrete potes) Fixture installed on existing poles and wired to bo~om of pole. (Remote Ballast) (Remote Ballast) SC-l - lOOOW SC.1-1500W 5955.00 S995.00 5) Fixtures installed on new concrete poles, (Remote Ballast) (Remote Ballast) SC-l - lOOOW SC-1-1500W 5875.00 $975.00 6) Musco SC-2 Furnished and installed on e):isting poles and wired to bottom. (Standard Ballast) (Srandan.l Ballast) (Remote Ballast) (Remottt Ballast) SC2- 1000W SC2- 1500W SC2- 1000W 5C2- 1500W 5780.00 ea, $825.00 ea. 5985.00 ea S 1090.00 ea. M uS eo SC-2 Furnished and installed on new concrete poles and wired to ---. -- bottom. (St:mdard Balll.Cil) (Standard Ballast) (Remot~ Ballast) (Remote Ballast) ,,---.. DEC-03-2001 15:25 - lOOOW . 150QW 5C2- 1000W SC2- 150QW UNIT PRICE S725.00 $750.00 5885.00 $925.00 2 95% P.10 ~ec 03 01 04:21p 7) Spill and Glare Control Furnished & [nsto.lkd on new fixture$ .L.::vd 8 visor (qoo...g spill and gl<w~ c:nntrol) -S 129.00 Per Each -TLC (Total Light Conlrol) , -S25&.00 Per Each Furnished & Installe,d on existmg poles -l~v~l 8 vizor (90% spill and glare control) -S 173.00 Per Each Existing fixture -ILC (Total Light Control) -$275.00 Per Each Existing Fixture 8) Disconnt:ct adder for remote ballast -$310.00 Per Each 9) Concrete poles furnished and installed concrete poles. \ The below Quoted prices include the followinQ:: Poles installed with fixtures and wiring to bottom of poles. SPUN CONCRETE POLES p. 11 .' ...... Item # Description Quantity Pnce !tern # 1 40' 2.4K T Spun Concrete 1 $:1,620.42 Item #2 40' 3.7K 9" Spun Concret~ 1 $2,632.13 [tern ::3 45' 2.4K 7" Spun Concrete 1 $2,643.85 [tern #4- 45' 3. 7K 9" Spun Concrete 1 $2,655.56 r tem # 5 50' 2.4K T Spun Concrete 1 $2,8~ t .08 Item !:#6 50' 3.7K 9" Soun Concrete 1 $3,006.16 Item #7 55' 2.4K T' Spun Concrete 1 $3,354,20 lLC:1II #8 55' 3.7K 9" Soun Concrete 1. $3,697.45 I Item #9 60' 2.4K T' Spun Concrete 1 $3,495.95 Item #10 60' 3.7K 9" Spun Concrete 1 $3,779.87 item #1 L 65' 2.4K T Spun Concret~ 1 $3,795.10 [tern #12 65" J.7K 9" Spun Concrete 1 $4,123.55 [tern :; 13 70' 2.4K T Spun Cnm;rclC= 1 $3,8J8.2d Item # 14 70' 3.7K 9" Spun Concr~te 1 S4,694.49 (tern Ii 15 75' '1 7K 9" Soun Concrete 1 $4,938.16 ... Item #16 75' 6.7K 10" Soun Concrete 1 $5,164.26 Item # 17 80' 3.1K 9" Soun Concrete 1 $5,038.91 h~rn 1118 80' 6.7K 10" Soun Concrete 1 $5,454.04 [tern #19 85' 3.7K 9" Soun Concrete 1 $5-,383.75 1tem #20 85' 6.7K 10" Spun Concrete 1 $5,8?~~6 ~. Item If2! 90' 3.7K 9" Soun Concrete 1 $5,974.61 Ilt:m ~'22 90' 6.7K 10" Spun Concrete 1 $6,001.13 r--- ~ .J DEC-03-2001 15:25 '35;~ P.11 Dee 03 01 04:21p p. 12 - Item #23 95' 4.7K 9" Spun Concrete 1 $6.573.77 I hem #24 95' 6.7K 10" Spun Concret~ 1 56,723.72 .. . -.. .--- ltem #25 95' 7.5K 11" Spun Concrete I $7,62086 ltc:m #26 lOa' 4.7K 9" Spun Concret~ I $7,681.78 Ltem :r!;1 100' 6.7K 10" Spun CU!l\.;n::t~ 1 $7.S7~..3:! Item 1;:28 100' 7.5K 11" Spun Concrete 1 $8, lO9.80 Item #29 lOS' 4.7K C)" Spun Concrete 1 $8,366.87 ..-.-." . - Item #30 105' 6.7K 10" Spun Concrete 1 $8,537.91 Item #31 105' 7.51<. 11" Spun Concrete 1 $8,776.90 Item #32 110' 4.7K 9" Soun Concrete I S8,609.80 ltem #33 110' 6.7K to" Spun Concrete 1 58,791,38 (ttrn i,!34 110' 7.5K 1 t" Spun Concrete 1 $9,12057 : 10) Retro- Fit Set to SC2: furnish and install (ReOc;l:tor [nscrt, 1500 W Spring Londed Z Lamp, Replacement Centering Ring) -5270.00 Furnish and install nev.' knuckk c.ones -$180.00 11) Incandescent Fi..'Ctures: New Pole Existing Pole -$675.00 ea per fixture -$975.00 ea per 12) Musco )it'p.!, linit -S275.00 ca 13) Osprey Platform: Ne\v Polt: Existing Pole -S2,500.00 c;a -S3,500.00 ea r--. 4 DEC-03-2001 15:25 94% P.12 nee 03 01 04:21p p. 13 14) Fielll Electrical Wiring for Poles: Amps Singk Phas~ Thr~t Ph:J.s~ 20 S 1,800.00 S l,850.00 30 $l,825.00 $ \ ,875.00 40 $l,900.00 S I ,957.00 50 $2,2UO,OO S2,300.00 60 $:!,'lOO.OO S2,500,OO 70 $2,600.00 52,700.00 80 $2,800.00 52,900.00 90 53,000.00 $3,100.00 100 $3,400.00 $3,600.00 110 $4,000.00 S.J.,200.00 no $4,500,00 $4,700.00 \ 15) Service: Amps Single PhaSe Three Phase .r -'. 100 $.J.,500.00 55,000.00 150 $4,600.00 55,100.00 200 55,000.00 $5,400.00 250 55,200.00 $5,600.00 400 $9,500.00 $10,000.00 600 $11,000.00 Sl:!,OOO,OO 800 $14,000.00 S [5,000,00 1000 S 19.000.00 $20,000.00 1200 $15,000.00 $26,000.00 16) Lighting Contactors: Contactor Price 30 $45000 60 $700.00 100 S 1.500.00 200 $3,400,00 400 $7,500.00 11) Time Clock: -$ 975.00 13) Control Switch -$ 375.00 r-- 19) Light locker Building -S 11,000.00 5 DEC-03-2001 15:25 '34% P,13 nee 03 01 04:21p 21) Provide Crane and Auger Truck Savice Ladder truck 30 ton crane:: 50 ton cran~ 70 LUll crane 125 ton cr:lm~ Auger truck Production di fJ(.1~r ~-- Flat bt:d Water ITu(;k Backho~ Trencht:r Dir~ctional boting Dir~ction:ll boting Directional boring Electrician He1p~r High lift 4hr min. 4hr min. Shr min. 8hr min. Shr min. 4hr min. 8hr min. 4hr min. 4hr min. up to 2" 2Y:to4" 4 y~ to 8" ..- 21) Mark up on Material 20~'o plus tax (not included in unit prices) 23) Per Diem Rates Outside of Duval County - 24) M'{jSCO G y~{ P AK Furnish and install Gym Pak Lighting Syste:n- -8 Gym Pak Fixture System -12 Gym Pak FixLUre SY$t~m -16 Gym P~k Fi:-.1:ure System -~o Gym Pak Fixture System -24 Gym P:lk Fixture Syst~m -Additional Fixtur~s ,--... 6 DEC-03-2001 15:25 p. 14 oS 70,00 per hr S 80.00 p~r hr $ 150.00 per nr $1 80.00 ~r hr $275.00 pc::rhr S 80,00 per hr $150.00 p~rhr S 75.00 per hr S 75.00 per hr $350.00 per day $250.00 per day S 14'sOperft $ 14.50 per ft $ 34.50 per ft $ 45.00 per hr $ 35.00 per br $350.00 per day $450.00 per day Per Each S 18,800.00 $22,800.00 :525.400.00 $29,000.00 $32,600.00 $ 1,975.00 ~1ch 94% P.14