HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 05 22 Reports McLemore
Date: May 22, 2006
The attached Document was provided to the City
Commission by Mr. Randy Stevenson on May
22, 2006 during Manager McLemore's Report.
DRAFT - Subject to Revision
TO: Seminole County Joint Services Advisory Committee
FROM: Community Development Technical Advisory Subcommittee
DATE: May 24, 2006
SUBJECT: Items for Study/Recommendation
Introduction: The Community Development Technical Advisory Subcommittee has been asked
to review and prepare recommendations regarding Community Development related services
provided by Seminole County and the Cities of Altamonte Springs, Casselberry, Lake Mary,
Longwood, Oviedo, Sanford, and Winter Springs. The following serve on the subcommittee:
Bryan Cobb, Development Services Director, City of Oviedo, Chairman
Russell Gibson, AICP, Planning and Community Development Director, City of Sanford
Dan Matthys, AICP, CPM, Planning and Development Director, Seminole County
Patrick Miller, Community Services Director, City of Longwood
Juan (John) Omana, Community Development Director, City of Lake Mary
Sandra Smith, AICP, Acting Community Development Director, City of Casselberry
Randy Stevenson, ASLA, Community Development Director, City of Winter Springs
Tim Wilson, Growth Management Director, City of Altamonte Springs
The subcommittee has developed a list of topics for further study and recommendation. We
request direction from the Joint Services Advisory Committee on whether or not to proceed with
further study and preparation of recommendations pertaining to the list of topics provided herein.
The Community Development Technical Advisory Subcommittee has conducted six (6)
meetings to date. Initial discussions concentrated on services that the governmental agencies are
currently collaborating and coordinating; and services that have common standards, processes,
and/or regulations. The governmental agencies within the County currently collaborate on the
1. The Seminole County GIS Users Group meets regularly to share land based and demographic
information and coordinate the provision of GIS services within the County.
2. The Seminole County Addressing Committee meets regularly to coordinate addressing
county-wide and troubleshoot identified problem areas.
3. The Seminole County Planners Technical Advisory Committee meets regularly to address
the planning requirements of the State's Growth Management. This committee is currently
working on a School Concurrency Interlocal Agreement.
4. The Seminole County Building Officials meet regularly to address building code issues and
develop consistency in interpretation of the Florida Building Code.
5. The Cities and Seminole County Tax Collector's Office collaborate on the collection of
Occupational License taxes.
Seminole County Joint Services Advisory Committee memorandum
May 24, 2006
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6. The Code Enforcement staffs of the Cities and County recently conducted a joint, county-
wide sweep of snipe signs. Other joint activities are in the planning stages.
Services that have common standards, processes, and/or regulations include building inspection
and plans examination; geographic information systems; and addressing. The subcommittee has
also been informed that the Joint Services Advisory Committee requested that we evaluate future
land use densities and intensities and zoning district minimum regulations within the County to
determine if county-wide consistency can be achieved.
In addition to its regular meetings, the subcommittee also met with the Seminole County
Building Officials to seek their. input on building related services that could be collaborated
among the governmental agencies within the County. The subcommittee also plans to meet with
the other standing county-wide committees to seek their input regarding issues pertinent to their
area of expertise. .
Based. on our discussions to date, the subcommittee recommends the following list of topics for
further study and preparation of recommendations:
1. Contractor LicensinglDisciplinarv Board
Seminole County has an appointed board that addresses contractor licensing and disciplinary
issues within the unincorporated County. This proposal is to expand this board's authority to
address contractor licensing and disciplinary issues countywide. The Board's membership
may need to be reorganized to include city representatives and/or certain construction trades.
The cities will need to provide funding for investigation and adjudication of cases involving
city jurisdictions. A fee structure will need to be established to cover these costs.
2. Future Land Use Densities and Intensities; and Zoning District Minimum Regulations
The Joint Services Advisory Committee requested that the subcommittee evaluate land use
intensity/density and the associated zoning categories countywide particularly those
designations and districts adjacent to jurisdictional boundaries. The subcommittee agrees
thl;lt consistency among the general future land use designations and zoning districts will be
beneficial. Each jurisdiction has special future land use designations and zoning districts that
may not be applicable countywide. Therefore, the subcommittee recommends evaluating the
standard future land use designations (i.e. Low Density Residential) and zoning districts (i.e.
R-l, Single Family Residential) to determined which can be standardized countywide.
3. Mutual Aid Agreement for Building Inspection and Plans Examination Services
Each of the jurisdictions need staff assistance from time to time due to illness, resignation,
and increased demand for services when an agency is short staffed. The proposed mutual aid
agreement will formalize a process by which the other agencies in the County can provide
assistance to cover staff shortages on a temporary arrangement. The subcommittee met with
the County Building Officials Committee regarding this issue. Most jurisdictions have
agreements with private providers to supply staffing in times of need. However, this is quite
costly. The Building Officials expressed concern that when one jurisdiction is busy, all of
the jurisdictions are busy. During times of high demand, allocating staff resources to another
Seminole County Joint Services Advisory Committee memorandum
May 24, 2006
Page 3 DRAFT - Subject to Revision
jurisdiction may not be possible. However, the Building Officials reacted positively to
having an agreement that gives the jurisdictions the ability to share resources. The mutual
aid agreement can be structured to also address training, fees, and sharing of other services
among the jurisdictions.
4. Private Provider RFO/Continuing Services Agreements for Building Inspection. Plans
Examination. Surveyor Peer Review. Transportation Planning. and Environmental Planning
Most jurisdictions have agreements with private providers to supply staffing in times of need
and to provide an expertise not available on staff. This proposal will involve the preparation
of countywide Requests-for-Qualifications (RFQ) for the identified fields in an effort to
reduce contract fees for services. The subcommittee believes that a multiple jurisdiction
RFQ will be more attractive to private providers. Each jurisdiction will have the ability to
access these services.
5. Training Program for Building Staffs to Achieve and Maintain State-required Standard
Building staffs are required to obtain a certain level of training in order to obtain State
certifications. They are also required to continue the training in order to maintain these
certifications. A countywide training program will provide localized training utilizing
existing staff resources. Sharing of this knowledge and expertise will help reduce training
costs, especially those requiring out of area travel and overnight stay. It will also be helpful
in creating more consistent interpretation of the various building and life safety codes,
exchanging of information between jurisdictions on common problem areas that are
occurring, and raising the level of competency of professional staff.
6. Standardized Building Application Forms
Standardized building application forms requiring the same information countywide will
provide a valuable customer service enhancement to local contractors and property owners.
This will save time as well as create fewer errors in filling out application information to
make the application complete.
7. Implementation of SB 360 (State Growth Management Act) requirements through the
Seminole County Planners Technical Advisory Committee
The Seminole County Planners Technical Advisory Committee (PTAC) was created to
address State growth management requirements that affect the County and the cities. It has
also become a forum for addressing other issues and sharing information among the
jurisdictions. This proposal is to use PT AC as the technical clearinghouse for all countywide
growth management and comprehensive planning mandates. PTAC's role would be
collaboratively address state growth management requirements that require amendments to
each jurisdictions comprehensive plan or the establishment of interlocal agreements among
the County's jurisdictions, including the School Board. Current examples include the update
to the school board interlocal agreement that will clear the way for an educational element in
Seminole County Joint Services Advisory Committee memorandum
May 24, 2006
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each jurisdiction's comprehensive plan, as well as establish the framework for school
concurrency and required agreements between the school board and developers. Upcoming
issues include concurrency for all other services and facilities and interagency agreements for
transportation, utilities and other required services.
8. Geographic Information System (GIS) Services
The opportunity exists for better coordination and exchange of land-based information. The
subcommittee identified a need for a compatible GIS system among the jurisdictions to
increase our ability to share information; to assist internal and external customers with land-
based data analysis; to allow for easy property file maintenance; and to increase consistency
with the mapping layers. This proposal is similar to standardizing building application forms
in that it will allow for the provision of consistent information to customers and users of GIS
9. Property Addressing Program
A countywide property addressing program will enhance the operations of the County E9-1-1
system by reducing duplicate and similar street names and creating consistency with address
mimbering sequences. The County and the cities have an interlocal agreement that requires
collaboration in addressing problem areas throughout the County. This proposal will expand
this collaboration to include the creation of a countywide addressing program with consistent
processes for updating non-conforming addressed areas and standardizing addressing
methods for multi-unit land use types and structures.
Recommendation: Following its review and discussion of the above list of topics, we
recommend that the Joint Services Advisory Committee provide direction regarding what items
within the above list, and/or items not included in the above list, that the Subcommittee should
proceed with further study and preparation of recommendations.