HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 04 11 Regular 503 Adopt Resolution 2005-10 Amending the FY 05 Budget
ITEM 503
April 11, 2005
REQUEST: The Finance Department Requests that the City Commission Adopt
Resolution No. 2005-10 Amending the FY 05 Budget.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the City Commission amend
the FY 05 Budget.
A mid-year budget review indicates the need to amend the FY 05 budget as shown in
Attachments A (Budget Amendment Summary- All Funds) and B (General Fund Budget
Amendment Recap)
Executive Summary
The following table indicates the effect which the 2004 CAFR and the budget amendments have
had on fund balances. Only those funds requiring budget amendments have been included.
Fund Name / Fund Number
Budgeted Fund
at 9/30/05
Budgeted Fund
at 9/30/05
General Fund / 001
Other Governmental Funds:
Special Law Enforcement Fund / 103
Parks Donation Fund / 105
Country Club Village / 106
Solidwaste Fund / 107
Emergency & Disaster Relief / 109
041105 _ COMM _Regular _503 _ Budget_ Amendment
Fund Name / Fund Number
Road Improvement Fund / 115
Transportation Impact Fund / 140
Public Facilities Impact Fee Fund / 145
Police Impact Fee Fund / 150
Parks Impact Fee Fund /155
Medical Transport Fund / 170
TLBD Debt Service Fund / 182
TLBD Maintenance Fund / 184
Oak Forest Maintenance Fund /191
Oak Forest Debt Service Fund /192
2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund / 230
1999 Construction Fund / 305
Revolving Rehab Fund / 306
TLBD Improvement Fund /308
Public Facilities Capital Projects Fund / 311
Enterprise Funds* :
Stormwater - 130
Water & Sewer - Operating Fund / 401-3600
Water & Sewer - Renewal & Replacement Fund /401-3610
Water & Sewer - 2000 Utility Construction Fund / 401-3640
Budgeted Fund
Budgeted Fund
* Note - As enterprise funds, the above 'fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but
rather a projection of their year-end umestricted net assets.
Not Applicable
Adopt Resolution No. 2005-10 amending the FY 05 Budget
Resolution No. 2005-10
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary - All Funds
Attachment B - General Fund Budget Amendment Recap
041105 _ COMM _Regular _503_ Budget_ Amendment
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds it necessary to amend the fiscal year 200412005
budget as provided herein; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs deems that this
Resolution is in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of
Winter Springs.
Section 1. Incorporation of Recitals. The foregoing recitals are deemed true and correct
and are hereby fully incorporated by this reference.
Section 2. Budget Amendment. The City of Winter Springs' fiscal year 200412005 budget
is hereby amended as provided for in Commission Agenda Item 503, dated April 11, 2005, and
included herein as Attachment "A" which is hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference.
Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Resolutions. All prior resolutions or parts of
resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 4. Severability. If any section of this resolution is for any reason held involved or
unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemed a separate,
distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining
portion hereto.
Section 5. Effective Date. This resolution shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 11 th day of April, 2005.
041105_ COMM_Regular_503_ Resolution_2005-10
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only:
041105_ COMM_Regular_503_ Resolution_2005-10
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005-10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Funds not included in this summary do not require budget amendment
General Fund #001:
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
Less balance sheet adjustments
Beginning Fund Balance 10/1/2004
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Commission Approved Amendments:
10/25/04- Consent 209- City Hall NC Unit (Fire Station)
10/25/04- Regular 502- Christmas Tree Lighting (donations)
Christmas Tree Lighting (additional expenditures)
11/22104 . Regular 500 . Commissioner Laptops
11/8/04 . Consent 203 . Hurricane Busters Appreciation Picnic
11/8/04- Report 601 . Hurricane Bonuses
12113/04- Consent 203 . Projectors in Commission Chambers
1/10/05- Consent 200 - Tuscawilla HOA donation for Canine
Canine Purchase
111 0/05 . Consent 204 . City Hall Roof Repair
1/10/05- Consent 211- Art Walls
2128/05- Consent 200 . Consulting for Communications Issue
3/28/05 . Consent 203 . Soldier's Creek Park Annexation
3/28/05 . Consent 207 . Municipal Broadband Feasibility Study
3/28/05 . Consent 209 . Library Study
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (Comm Approved)
Fiscal Year '04 Purchase Order RoJ/overs:
City Commission. Prepaid '04 Asset received in '05 (Message Board)
434 Beautification - SR 434 Median Improvements
Parks and Recreation. Sod & Irrigation (#70101)/Clear, Fill, Grade (#70104)
Parks and Recreation. Aquatics Center Consulting
City Commission. Rescheduled Appreciation Dinner
Information Services. Records Management Project (delayed by Hurricanes)
Fire. Fire Exhaust Removal grant rollover
Fire Exhaust Removal purchase (vendor delayed)
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (PO Rollovers)
To Be Approved:
Oak Forest Maint Transfer. decrease for property insurance premium
Display Advertising for Ballot Amendment Issue
Increase transfer from W&S for City Engineer
Increase transfer from Stormwater for City Engineer
Increase personnel expenditures for City Engineer
Increase in transfer from TLBD Maint for FY04 property ins premium
Decrease in transfer from TLBD for FY05 reduced coverage
Revenue Neutral:
Donations for Christmas Tree Lighting/Concert. KIA
Increase in program expenditure budget (Projects #90200, 90300)
Increase in donations - JDC for Christmas Tree Lighting
Increase in program expenditure budget (Projects #90200, 90300)
Community Youth Organization. Equipment Grant Revenue
Community Youth Organization. Equipment Grant
Increase transfer from Dev Services. KIVNGIS
Increase IS expenditure budget for new KIVNGIS department
Tuscawilla HOA donation for Canine (over and above agenda item amount)
Canine Expenditure (over.and.above agenda item amount)
Additional Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (to be approved)
Revised Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Budgeted Ending Fund Balance (Revised)
($43,101 )
Attachment A . Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005.10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Other Governmental Funds
SDecial Law Enforcement Fund #103
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
County-wide Driver Training Facility
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Parks Donation Fund #105
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
PO Rollover - Moss Park Wall
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
CCV Streetlighting Fund #106
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Residual equity remittance to Progress Energy greater than available expenditure budget
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Solidwaste Fund #107
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual (Hurricane Transfer)
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
3/14/05 Consent 206 - Consulting for New Waste Services Contract - RCG Inc.
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Emergencv and Disaster Relief Fund #109
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Intererst Revenue Projections
State Grants
Loan Proceeds'
Consulting and Temps
Storm-related Expenditures
Debt Service - Principal
Debt Service - Interest
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised BUdgeted Fund Balance
. Note: Funds are having to be expended but FEMNState reimbursements are slow to be received. To date only
$3,483,291 in reimbursements have been received with total expenditures estimated at $8,282,252
041105_ COMM _Regular _ 503_ Attachment_ A
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005-10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Other Governmental Funds
Road Imorovement Fund #115
10/0112004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Commission approved change order (8/9/04) . Rollover of Pedestrian Bridge
Additional Purchase Order Rollovers
Commission approved 1/24/05 . Color Scheme Change
Commission approved 2/14/05- Consent 502 . Town Center Sidewalk
Commission approved 12/13/04 - Consent 205 . Regrade CWP Site due to Hurricanes
Commission approved 2/28/05 . Consent 205 . #30080 moved to Trans Impact Fund
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Transportation Impact Fund #140
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Commission approved 2/28/05 . Consent 205 . Deceleration Lane @ Moss Road
Commission approved 12/13/04- Consent 207 . Traffic Analysis
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Public Facilities Impact Fee Fund #145
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Remove transfer to LOG Debt Service. No draw down for PW/Utility Compound
Transfer to #311 for City Hall Expansion
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Police Impact Fee Fund #150
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Purchase Order Rollover. Police Expansion (Tim Williams)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Parks Impact Fee Fund #155
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Purchase Order Rollover. Sodllrrigation/Equipment
Commission Approved 11/22/04- Consent 201 . Park Entrance Modification
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
($417 ,627 .00)
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005-10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Other Governmental Funds
Medical TransDDrt Fund #170
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase budget for billing services (projected>budget)
Increase budget for fuel and oil (projected>budget)
Increase budgeted donation revenue (Markoly Foundation)
Increase budgeted expenditure for all-terrain vehicle (Markoly Foundation)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
TLBD Debt Service Fund #182
10/0112004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Admin fee allocation to this fund under budget (GSG)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
TLBD Maintenance Fund #184
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase in transfer from TLBD Maint for FY04 property ins premium
Decrease in transfer to General Fund for FY05 reduced coverage
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Oak Forest Maintenance Fund #191
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Decrease in transfer to General Fund for FY05 insurance premium adjusbnent
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Oak Forest Debt Service #192
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increased principal payment
Increased interest payment
Admin fee allocation to this fund under budget (GSG)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
041105_ COMM _Regular _503_ Attachment_ A
Attachment A . Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005-10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Other Governmental Funds
2004 Line of Credit Debt Service Fund #230
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Remove Transfer from #145 . No Draw Down for PW/Utility Compound
Reduce Principal. No Draw Down for PW/Utility Compound
Reduce Interest. No Draw Down for PW/Utility Compound
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
1999 Construction Fund #305
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Purchase Order Rollover. Magnolia Retention
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Revolvlna Rehab Fund #306
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Interest Revenue
Loan Repayment
Utilities Expense
Maintenance budget for rentals and 118 Kristi Ann Court
Homeowner's Association Dues
Properly Taxes
Recording Fees
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
TLBD ImDrovement Fund #308
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Decrease '05 expenditures. due to less than projected beg '05 fund balance
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Public Facilities CaDital Proiects Fund #311
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance. difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Purchase Order Rollover. Stanner Ranaldi; City Hall Expansion Design
Reduce capital expenditures for PW/Utility Facility. delayed tiI next fiscal year
Reduce Loan Proceeds for PW/Utility Facility. won't be utilized
Transfer from #145 (Public Facilities Impact) for City Hall design costs
Increase expenditure budget for City Hall (remainder of '04 rollover.$8180)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
$2, '00,476.00
041105_ COMM_ Regular_ 503_Attachment_A
Attachment A - Budget Amendment Summary (Resolution 2005-10)
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
Enterprise Funds
(Note - As enterprise funds, the following 'fund balances' are technically not their fund balances but rather
a projection of their year-end unrestricted net assets.)
Stormwater #130
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase transfer to Gen Fund for City Engineer (70%)
2/2//05 - Consent 203 - Tuscawilla Road Drainage
Short-term loan from the General Fund (NRCS-creek clearing)
NRCS grant for creek clearing
Total cost for creek clearing project (#30092)
Transfer back to General Fund (short-term loan)
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Water and Sewer Fund. Operatina (#3600):
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Increase transfer to Gen Fund for City Engineer (20%)
11/8/04 - Report 601 - Hurricane Bonuses
1/24/05 - Consent 202 - Replace Totaled Vehicle
3/28/05 - Consent 200 - Emergency Sewer Repair (Murphy)
3/28/05 - Consent 204 - Rapid Pay
3/28/05 - Consent 202 - ACH Charges
Increase transfer to #3610 to comply with bond covenants
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Water and Sewer Fund. Renewal & Replacement (#3610):
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to Fund Balance
Increase transfer from #3600 to comply with bond covenants
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
Water and Sewer Fund. 2000 Utility Construction (#3640):
10/01/2004 Budgeted Fund Balance
Beginning Fund Balance - difference from projected to actual
FY '05 Budgeted Appropriation to Fund Balance
PO Rollover - Well #4, Water Main (WTP #1); Ground Water Inc.
I ncrease budgeted interest revenue
FY '05 Revised Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance
Revised Budgeted Fund Balance
($179,396.00) ($179,396.00)
($287,367.00) ($287,367.00)
($2,681,170.00) ($2,681,170.00)
041105_ COMM _Regular _503_ Attachment_ A
Attachment B - General Fund Budget Amendment Recap
4/11/2005 - Regular 503
FY05 Commission New FY05
Original Approved FY05 Revenue Requests Amended
Annual Interdepartmental Amendments to PO Neutral to Amend Annual
Deo~# Budaet ~ Aooroorlatlon ~ Chanaes ADDronrlat/on Budaet
General Fund Revenues $17,225,281 $17,225,281
Oak Foresl Maint Tiler- decrease for ins premium $ (357) $ (357)
Donations for Christmas Tree Lighting/Concert $ 6,000 $ 6,500 $ 14,500
Public Salety Grant - Exhaust removal (Fire dep1) $ 43,950 $ 43,950
Donations for Canine Dog (Tuscawiila HOA) $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 6,000
Increase in transler from TLBD Maint for FY04 property ins premium $ 2,844 $ 2,844
Decrease in transler from TLBD for FY05 reduced coverage $ (342) $ (342)
FDLE-Community Youth Organization-Equipment Grant Revenue $ 5,569 $ 5,569
increase transler from Dev Services- KiVA/GIS $ 185,200 $ 185,200
Increase transfer from W&S for City Engineer $ 8,620 $ 8,620
Increase transfer from Slonnwater for City Engineer $ 30,170 $ 30,170
General Fund Revenues $17,225,281 $ $ 11,000 $ 43,950 $ 200,269 $ 40,935 $17,521,435
City Commission 1100 $ 128,100 $ 4,995 $ 133,095
Various Boards 1110 $ 11,100 $ 11,100
City Manager 1200 $ 239,042 $ 5,873 $ 244,915
City Clerk 1210 $ 223,291 $ 223,291
Generai Gov1- Legal Services 1220 $ 225,000 $ 225,000
General Gov1- General 1900 $ 121,350 $ 2,793 $ 124,143
Finance 1300 $ 470,635 $ 470,635
Finance - Utility Billing 1360 $ 548,246 $ 548,246
Gen Svc - Admin 1350 $ 71,734 $ (9,575) $ 62,159
Gen Svc - Human Res 1310 $ 94,086 $ 1,097 $ 95,183
Gen Svc. Purchasing 1330 $ 57,310 $ 57,310
Gen Svc - City Hall 1910 $ 160,094 $ (50) $ 10,000 $ 170,044
Gen Svc - Risk Management 1920 $ 317,150 $ 8,528 $ 325,678
Gen Svc - Library 1930 $ 1,000 $ 1,000
Infonnation Systems - General 1340 $ 573,296 $ (4,583) $ 6,925 $ 575,638
Infonnation Systems - Special Projects 1341 $ 379,162 $ 4,583 $ 36,974 $ 420,719
Infonnation Systems - Records Management 1342 $ 282,521 $ 14,077 $ 296,598
infonnation Systems - KIVA/GIS 1343 $ $ 185,200 $ 185,200
Comm Dev - Admin 1510 $ 219,003 $ 5,000 $ 224.003
Comm Dev - Pianning 1515 $ 82,309 $ 82,309
Comm Dav - Dav Review 1520 $ 73,626 $ 73,626
Com Dev - ArlJor 2510 $ 61,618 $ 61,618
Police - Chief 2110 $ 320,887 $ 275 $ 4,851 $ 326,013
Police - COPS Grant Officer 2111 $ 140,211 $ 140,211
Police - COPS Grant Equip 2112 $ $
Police - Criminal Investigations 2113 $ 501,798 $ 501,798
Police - Operations Support 2114 $ 373,159 $ 5,569 $ 378,728
Police - Operations 2115 $ 2,033,069 $ 2,225 $ 2,035,294
Police - Info Services 2116 $ 874,759 $ (550) $ 874.209
Police - Tech Services 2117 $ 380,835 $ (2,725) $ 378,110
Police - Code Enforcement 2118 $ 251,062 $ 251,062
Police - Motorcyde 2119 $ 260,772 $ 575 $ 261,347
Police - Canine 2120 $ 59,193 $ 200 $ 5,000 $ 1,000 $ 65,393
Fire - Admin 2210 $ 237,067 $ 6,110 $ 243,177
Fire - EMS 2220 $ 85,686 $ 85,686
Fire - Prevention 2230 $ 76,237 $ 76,237
Fire. Operalions 2240 $ 3,108,659 $ 59,416 $ 3,168,075
Fire - Training 2250 $ 119,186 $ 119,186
Public Works - Admin 4410 $ 160,656 $ (500) $ 160,156
Public Works. 434 Beaut 4411 $ 108,027 $ 3,250 $ 15,000 $ 126,277
Public Works - Roads & ROW 4412 $ 1,218,129 $ (3,250) $ 1,214,879
Public Works. Fleet 4413 $ 176,829 $ 176.829
Public Works - Facilities 4414 $ 106,325 $ 106,325
Public Works - Capilal Projects 4415 $ 65,453 $ 65,453
Public Works - Engineering 1500 $ 72,732 $ 500 $ 43,101 $ 116,333
P&R - Admin 7200 $ 176.849 $ 964 $ 177,813
P&R - Athletics 7210 $ 152,803 $ 13,000 $ 4,065 $ 169,868
P&R - Athletics League 7211 $ 108,400 $ 108,400
P&R - Athlelics Partnerships 7212 $ 44,173 $ 44,173
P&R - Concessions 7220 $ 100,795 $ 100,795
P&R - Parks & Grounds 7230 $ 990,647 $ 990,647
P&R - Programs 7240 $ 197,967 $ 16,000 $ 8,500 $ 222,467
P&R - Seniors 7250 $ 138,333 $ 138,333
P&R - CDBG 1 7232 $ 77,274 $ 77,274
P&R-LWCF 7233 $ $ 200,000 $ 200,000
P&R - FRDAP #4 7236 $ $ 45,277 $ 45,277
P&R - FRDAP #5 7238 $ $ 13,013 $ 13,013
P&R - FRDAP 6 7239 $ 200,000 $ 200,000
General Fund Expenditures $17,257,645 $ 110,697 $ 355,843 $ 200,269 $ 45,894 $17,970,346
Budgeted Appropriation to (from) Fund Balance (32,364) $ $ (99,697) $ (311,893) $ $ (4,959) $ (448,913)