HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 04 11 Regular 504 City Manager's Annual Evaluation
032805_ COMM_Regular _509 _City-Manager _ Annual_Evaluation
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ITEM 504
Public Hearin
Re ular X
April 11. 2005
Regular Meeting
Mgr./--- / Dept.
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to review information
regarding the City Manager's annual evaluation in Performance Year "9" November 1,
2003 through October 31, 2004, and to take action it deems appropriate.
This agenda item is needed to complete the City Manager's annual evaluation consistent with the
City Manager's agreement with the City Commission.
Commission Goals: As in previous years the City Commission was asked to update its goals for
the City in one-on-one meetings with the City Manager in order to verify the elected official's
desired direction for the City. That process generally confirmed the previous direction
established for the City as follows:
1. Continue Developing the Town Center.
2. Continue Redevelopment ofthe West side of the City.
3. Continue the Development of Community Events that brings our Community together.
4. Continue the Development oflnformation Technology.
5. Continue Focus on Service Excellence in all Departments.
6. Continue to Practice Fiscal Responsibility.
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In addition to the Commission's goals I added the following performance targets for Year "9".
Commitment to "Quality":
Regarding this target I asked the Commission and the staff to embrace the proven idea that
"quality is the only strategy that can add lasting value and wealth to our City. In that regard I
asked that you disregard the experiences of most cities, and focus only upon the experiences of
cities that have earned a reputation for being extraordinary cities. Relatedly, I asked for a
commitment to the concept that "if we can't do what we do first class, then don't do it." In
summary, if we want to be an extraordinary City, we cannot copy the majority; we have to be
willing to be different.
Respect for People:
As a matter of quality I asked that we make a re-commitment to the concept of respect for
people. In that regard we discussed the need to:
. Demonstrate respect for people when they don't deserve it.
. Acknowledge people's position even when we don't agree with them.
. Reach out and establishing a dialog with people on all sides of issues in an effort to create
a consensus.
Intelligent Decision Making:
I also asked the Commission and staff to recommit ourselves to intelligent decision making -
The discipline of making informed decisions, the discipline of delaying decision making until we
have learned all there is to know that is pertinent to the decision. If we don't have the
information, fmd out who does.
Customer Service:
Finally, I asked the Commission and the staff to begin to focus on improving customer service. I
was careful to point out how easy this is to say and how difficult it is to do. In implementing a
long term strategy for improving customer service I pointed out two important courses of action.
I) Continuing to improve our information technology.
2) Years of training in Total Quality Management that equips our people with the tools
of process improvement and continuous improvement.
During Performance Year "9" cooperative efforts between the residents of our City, the elected
leadership of our City and your staff has continued our City's remarkable journey toward
accomplishment of a quality of life recognized in local, regional, and national circles during a
period of unprecedented challenges.
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It is with great pride that I can say to you that your City remains one of the most progressive and
best managed cities in Florida, winning numerous awards of excellence while maintaining one of
the lowest tax rates in the state, continuing our tradition of financial strength.
Financial Results:
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for year ending September 30, 2004 demonstrates
the City's commitment to excellence in financial management as evidenced by the following
from the City's auditors.
I) An 8% increase in overall net assets.
2) A $66,611.00 actual increase in cash equity is compared to an authorized budgeted
reduction in cash equity of $5,265,624.00.
3) Issuance of an unqualified opinion on the financial statements of the City.
4) No instances of non-compliance with GAAP and GAO standards material to the
financial statements of the City.
5) Issuance of an unqualified opinion on compliance with federal grant award
accounting and financial regulators.
6) Positive Management letter.
7) Finding of no material weakness in internal controls.
8) Reserves in excess of policy target including 30% reserves in the general fund as
compared to the 25% policy target.
9) Based upon the strength of the current Financial Report we will once again be
applying for and fully expect to receive the Certificate of Achievement for Excellence
in Financial Reports for FY 04.
Unplanned Emergencies:
Two unplanned emergencies drained department resources from our planned targets; Hurricanes,
and the County Charter Amendment.
Hurricane's Charley, Frances, and Jeanne focused almost all of our resources for a three week
period on preparing for and recovery from hurricane damage. The laborious task of recovering
FEMA funds, and residential clean up operations are still on going.
Winter Springs assumed the leadership position in the fight against the proposed Charter
Amendment that was dropped upon our residents by the County at the last minute challenging
our City's fundamental right to govern ourselves. Although this effort consumed extraordinary
amounts of time and effort, and we were left to finance the litigation burden by ourselves, we
prevailed against the County's invasion of our right to govern ourselves.
Even though these challenges reprogrammed our efforts, we can once again say that the
cooperative efforts between the citizens of Winter Springs, the elected leadership of our City,
and your staff gave the City yet two additional opportunities to demonstrate our commitment to
our residents and our commitment to excellence.
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For more detailed Service Program results see attachment "C".
For the next five years the City will be involved in an unprecedented period of growth and
construction that will represent great challenges to the City's ability to maintain our commitment
to excellence. Relatedly, we all need to recommit ourselves to the following:
1) Quality in everything we do.
2) Positive and courageous leadership committed to decision making that adds value to
our community.
3) Respect for people including a passion for consensus building.
4) Intelligent decision making, delaying decisions until we know factually all that we
can or need to know about the subject before us.
5) Customer service, continuing to improve the interface between the City and our
customers, and satisfaction with managed services.
6) Financial discipline, properly funding service programs, complying with reserve
policies, being stewards of financial resources.
Foremost, the staff will continue to focus its resources on the Commission goals as follows:
1) Continue development of the Town Center.
2) Continue development of the West side of the City.
3) Continue the development of community events that bring the community together.
4) Continue the development of information Technology.
5) Continue our focus upon service excellence in all department and programs.
6) Continue to practice financial responsibility.
Realization of the Commission's Goals should include careful consideration of the following:
1) Creation of a Storm Event Reserve Fund with the goal of building these reserves to
$2 million for removal of storm debris. This can be easily accomplished by placing a
storm event surcharge on the solid waste collection rate until the target amount is
reached. This will be brought forward to you in the FY 06 Budget.
2) Funding and completing a redevelopment area cherette, similar to the Town Center's
cherette, with the goal of creating a West Side Village Center Development Code.
This project will be brought forward in your FY 06 Budget.
3) Updating and funding the storm water utility master plan. The Commission has
authorized appropriate studies to accomplish this task.
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4) Funding the resources needed to ensure that we are able to require full compliance
with development and building codes during the extraordinary period of development
that we will experience for the next five, and most intensely, the next three years. To
accomplish this task it is clear that we will need to increase funding for plan review
and inspection services.
5. Passage of the referendum on the expansion of the County library system is essential
to construction of the Town Center Library. We will need to do all that we can to
enhance our ability to present the referendum to the public in an uncomplicated and
informative manner.
A. Total Compensation Survey
The total compensation survey analysis to which we have agreed is attached in Exhibits "A" and "B."
As demonstrated below from the survey data, my current compensation package is 12.3% below the
Winter Park benchmark and 1.7 % above the Tri-County average.
Winter Park Benchmark
Winter Springs
$172,925 Tri-County average
$154,000 Winter Springs average
The Tri-County average decreased due to the forced resignation of the Oviedo City Manager who had
served 17 years with the City prior to his resignation. The difference between the previous City Manager
and new City Manager substantially affected the data downward.
Performance Year "8"
Previous Manager
Performance Year "9"
New Manager
Relatedly, the Tri-County average for all Managers went down as follows:
Performance Year "8"
Performance Year "9"
However, the compensation package of the continuing managers actually increased 3% between
Performance Years "8" and "9" as follows:
Performance Year "8" $150,876
Performance Year "9" $155,352
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B. Merit Increase
In Performance Year "9" the City provided the following merit increases for City employees:
Exceptional 6.0%
Exceeds Standard 4.0%
Meets Standard 2.0%
Below Standard 0.0%
A. Survey Data
The Compensation survey data suggests the following adjustments:
Winter Park Benchmark
Tri-County average: Continuing Managers
Tri-County average: Continuing and New Managers
-1. 7%
B. Merit Increase
On the basis of merit, I believe a 6.0% Exceptional rating is fully justified. In all the years that I have
served you, I believe that no more demands have ever been made upon me or the organization than in
Performance Year "9." I can also say without reservations, that in no year during my service here have I
and the members of your senior management team responded better to the demands placed before us. In
that regard, I have with great pleasure given all the members of the senior management team Exceptional
Performance ratings and the related 6.0% merit increase.
C. Combined Survey Data And Merit Increase
Winter Park Benchmark
Tri-County average: Continuing Managers
Tri-County average: Continuing and New Managers
Merit Increase
It is requested that the Commission review all the data and decide what they believe is fair for
Performance Year "9," keeping in mind that Performance Year "9" is the time period between November
1,2003 and October 30, 2004.
A. Detailed Performance Report
B. Salary Survey Data
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Attachment A: Compensation Survey All Cities
Attachment B: Compensation Survey All Cities Except Oviedo
Attachment C: Detailed Performance Report
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