HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 06 11 Regular E "Request For Travel Reimbursement"
Public Hearing
Regular X
June 11, 2001
Regular Meeting
Mgr. I Dept.
City Manager is requesting the City Commission review a "Request For
Trav.el Reimbursement" for a member of the Districting Commission; in
addition to confirming that the Districting Commission is considered to be
one of the City's Advisory Boards, similar to the Board of Adjustment or
the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, which would influence the
decision regarding payment for this "Request For Travel Reimbursement."
This Agenda Item's purpose is to request that the City Commission review
a "Request For Travel Reimbursement" for a member of the Districting
Commission. An additional consideration in this matter is to have the City
Commission confirm that the Districting Commission is in fact considered
to be one of the City's Advisory Boards, similar to the Board of
Adjustment or the Beautification of Winter Springs Board, which will
influence whether this "Request For Travel Reimbursement" should be
The Code of Ordinances for the City of Winter Springs recognizes a
number of "active" Advisory Boards, including the Beautification of
Winter Springs Board; the Board of Adjustment; the Board of Trustees;
the Code Enforcement Board; and the Planning and Zoning Board/Local
Planning Agency. Also mentioned In the Code of Ordinances is the
Districting Commission.
Based on Ordinance Number 551, which was adopted on January 24,
1994, all of the City's Advisory Boards "Shall receive the sum of $25.00
for each Meeting of the Board the person attends as reimbursement for all
expenses incurred in attending the Meeting."
It is the normal practice of the Office of the City Clerk to submit
information to the Finance Department for all Board Members who attend
Meetings, so that each Member receives $25.00 for each Meeting that they
attend. This practice is done on a monthly basis.
Ad Hoc Committees such as the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification
District Advisory Committee and the Tuscawilla Lighting and
Beautification District Advisory Committee do not receive any
For the year 2001, seven (7) residents were appointed to the Districting
Commission at the January 22, 2001 Regular Meeting of the City
Year 2001 Districting Commission Member Jim McShea has submitted a
"Request For Travel Reimbursement" in the amount of $14.79. This
amount would be in addition to the $25.00 compensation that he received
for each Meeting that he attended.
Sufficient funds are currently available for this expenditure under Line
Code 1110-54010.
Based on Ordinance Number 551, it is clear that the sum of $25.00 is
reimbursement for "All expenses incurred in attending the Meeting."
Therefore we would assume that any additional requested reimbursement
would require documentation of the expenses incurred, which we don't
have in this case. (No written documentation from the files of the
previous Land Development Coordinator, Donald LeBlanc have been
found to back up this request for additional funds.)
1) It is recommended that the City Commission agree that the Districting
Commission is one of the City's Advisory Boards, and that the $25.00
compensation that all Advisory Board Members receive covers "all
expenses" including the travel expenses requested by Mr. McShea.
2) lfthe Commission finds that this expense is not covered by the $25.00
and that the $14.79 "Request For Travel Reimbursement" is a
justifiable expense, a Motion to approve this payment would be in
order and that the Commission direct Staff to bring back an
Amendment to Ordinance 551 providing for reimbursement of travel
and other out of pocket expenses for City Boards.
A. An excerpt from Chapter 12 of the Florida Statutes, specifically
B. Pages 3 and 4 frof!1 the City of Winter Springs Charter outlining the
Districting Commission.
C. A copy of Ordinance 494 which references the Districting
D. Copy of Ordinance Number 55l.
E. A Copy of the "Request For Travel Reimbursement" and an email
from Mr. McShea with additional information on this request.
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2. Any state official or employee eligible to retire
pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph may retire
from office as such official or employee with the right to
be paid, and shall be paid monthly on his or her own
requisition, during the remainder of his or her natural
life, one-half the amount of the average monthly salary
received during the last 10 years of service, less the
actuarial reduction provided for in subparagraph 1.
(c) Upon the death of a retired state officer or
employee receiving monthly benefits under this sec-
tion, the monthly benefits shall be paid through the last
day of the month of death and shall terminate on that
(2) An annual cost-of-living adjustment shall be
made to the monthly benefit payable to retirees who are
retired under this section pursuant to the provisions of
(3) Any person who is retired under this section
may be employed by an employer who does not partici-
pale in a state-administered retirement system and
may receive compensation from such employment
without limiting or restricting in any way the retirement
benefits payable to such person.
(4)(a) Any person who is retired under this section
may be reemployed by any private or public employer
after retirement and receive retirement benefits and
compensation from his or her employer withoutlimita-
tion, except that no person may receive both a salary
from reemployment with any agency participating in the
Florida Retirement System and retirement benefits
under this chapter for a period of 12 months immedi-
ately subsequent to the date of retirement.
(b) Any person to whom the limitation in paragraph
(a) applies who violates such reemployment limitation
and is reemployed with any agency participating in the
Florida Retirement System prior to completion of the
12-month limitation period shall give timely notice of
this fact in writing to the employer and to the division;
and the person's retirement benefits shall be sus-
pended for the balance of the 12-month limitation
period. Any person employed in violation of this sub-
section and any employing agency which knowingly
employs or appoints such person without notifying the
Department of Management Services to suspend
retirement benefits shall be jointly and severally liable
for reimbursement to the retirement trust fund of any
benefits paid during the reemployment limitation
period. To avoid liability, such employing agency shall
have a written statement from the retiree thafhe or she
is not retired from a state-administered retirement sys-
tem. Any retirement benefits received by such person
while reemployed during this limitation period shall be
repaid to the retirement trust fund, and the retirement
benefits shall remain suspended until such repayment
has been made. Any benefits suspended beyond the
reemployment limitation period shall apply toward the
repayment of benefits received in violation of the reem-
ployment limitation.
(c) An employer, upon employment of any person
who has been retired under a state-administered retire-
ment program, shall pay retirement contributions in an
amount equal to the unfunded actuarial accrued liability
portion of the employer contribution which would be
required for a regular member of the Florida Retirement
(d) The limitations of this subsection apply to reem-
ployment in any capacity with an employer as defined
in s. 1.21.021 (10), irrespective of the category of funds
from which the person is compensated.
History.-s. 1, ch. 12293, 1927: CGL 242: s. '. ch. 17274, 1935: s. " ch. 20499,
1941:s.1,ch.22828, 1945:ss.1.chs.28147,28148, 1953:s.1.ch. 74-303:s.1,
ch. 76-212: s. I. ch. 80.126: s. 2, ch. 80-130: s. '. ch. 81.307: s. 31, ch. 83.217:
s. 19, ch. 84-266: s. I, ch. 90-274: s. 3, ch. 95-146: s. 683, ch. 95-147: s. " ch.
96-368: s. 12, ch. 99-255.
Note.-Former s. 121.001.
112.0501 Ratification of certain dual retirements.
(1) Any state employee who was permitted by the
Comptroller, as administrator of the retirement provi-
sions of s. 112.05 and chapter 122, to retire under the
provisions of both such statutes prior to April 23, 1969,
when the Attorney General ruled that such dual retire-
ments are prohibited by s. 122.10(3), as recodified by
the Legislature in 1965, shall receive and enjoy the
retirement benefits awarded upon retirement. the provi-
sions of s. 122.10(3) to the contrary notwithstanding.
(2) The exceptions granted to state retirees coming
under the provisions of subsection (1) shall not apply to
any state employee retiring subsequent to November
1, 1970, and the administrator of the Florida Retirement
System is hereby directed to establish such rules and
procedures as may be necessary to prohibit such dual
retirements for members of the Florida Retirement Sys-
tem or any retirement system consolidated therein pur-
History.-s. " ch. 72-202: s. 684, ch. 95-147.
112.0515 Retirement or pension rights unaffected
by consolidation or merger of governmental agencies.
It is hereby declared to be the policy of this state that In
any consolidation or merger of governments or the
transfer of functions between units of governments
either at the state or local level or between state and
local units, the rights of all public employees in any
retirement or pension fund shall be fully protected. No
consolidation or merger of governments or governmen-
tal services, either state or local, accomplished in thiS
state shall diminish or impair the rights of any public
employee in any retirement or pension fund or plan
which existed at the date of such consolidation or
merger and in which the employee was participating.
nor shall such consolidation or merger result in any
impairment or reduction in benefits or other penSion
rights accruing to such employee.
Hislory.-s. I, ch. 72-210.
112.061 Per diem and travel expenses of public
officers, employees, and authorized persons.- ..
(1) LEGISLATIVE INTENT.- There are inequltles~
conflicts, inconsistencies, and lapses in the numerou.,
laws regulating or attempting to regulate Irav:;
expenses of public officers, employees, and authonz .
persons in the state. It is the intent of the Legislature:
(a) To remedy same and to establish unif?rmm~;
mum rates, and limitations, with certain JUstitia eS
exceptions, applicable to all public officers, employe ~
and authorized persons whose travel expenses a
paid by a public agency.
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ib) To preserve the standardization and uniformity
,;lablished by this law:
.'1. The provisions of this section shall prevail over
,;y conflicting provisions in a general law, present or
: iure, to the extent of the conflict; but if any such gen-
;.aI1aw contains a specific exemption from this section,
..c!uding a specific reference to this section, such gen-
,'al law shall prevail, but only to the extent of the
. 2. The provisions of any special or local law, pres-
,nt or future, shall prevail over any conflicting provi-
;ons in this section, but only to the extent of the con-
(2) DEFINITIONS.-Fol' the purposes of this sec-
:on, the following words shall have the meanings indi-
(a) Agency or public agency-Any office, depart-
;lent, agency, division, subdivision, political subdivi-
sion, board, bureau, commission, authority, district,
Jublic body, body politic, county, city, town, village,
;lunicipality, or any other separate unit of government
;reated pursuant to law.
(b) Agency head or head of the agency-The
nighest policymaking authority of a public agency, as
:1erein defined.
(c) Officer or public officer-An individual who in
,he periormance of his or her official duties is vested by
law with sovereign powers of government and who is
either elected by the people. or commissioned by the
Governor and has jurisdiction extending throughout the
slate, or any person lawfully serving instead of either of .
the foregoing two classes of individuals as initial desig-
nee or successor.
(d) Employee or public employee-An individual,
whether commissioned or not, other than an officer or
authorized person as defined herein, who is filling a
regular or full-time authorized position and is responsi-
ble to an agency head.
(e) Authorized person-
1. A person other tl;1an a public officer or employee
as defined herein, whether elected or commissioned or
not, who is authorized by an agency head to incur travel
expenses in the periormance of official duties.
2. A person who is called upon by an agency to
contribute time and services as consultant or adviser.
3. A person who is a candidate for an executive or
professional position.
(f) Traveler-A public officer, public employee, or
authorized person, when periorming authorized travel.
(g) Travel expense, traveling expenses, necessary
expenses while traveling, actual expenses while travel-
ing, or words of similar nature-The usual ordinary and
incidental expenditures necessarily incurred by a trav-
(h) Common carrier-Train, bus, commercial air-
line operating scheduled flights, or rental cars of an
established rental car firm.
(i) Travel day-A period of 24 hours consisting of
four quarters of 6 hours each.
U) Travel period-A period of time between the
time of departure and time of return.
(k) Class A travel-Continuous travel of 24 hours
or more away from official headquarters.
(I) Class B travel-Continuous travel of less than
24 hours which involves overnight absence from official
(m) Class C travel-Travel for short or day trips
where the traveler is not away from his or her official
headquarters overnight.
(n) Foreign travel-Travel outside the United
(a) All travel must be authorized and approved by
the head of the agency, or his or her designated repre-
sentative, from whose funds the traveler is paid. The
head of the agency shall not authorize or approve such
a request unless it is accompanied by a signed state-
ment by the traveler's supervisor stating that such
travel is on the official business of the state and also
stating the purpose of such travel.
(b) Travel expenses of travelers shall be limited to
those expenses necessarily incurred by them in the
periormance of a public purpose authorized by law to
be periormed by the agency and must be within the lim-
itations prescribed by this section.
(c) Travel by public officers or employees serving
temporarily in behalf of another agency or partly in
behalf of more than one agency at the same time, or
authorized persons who are called upon to contribute
time and services as consultants or advisers, may be
authorized by the agency head. Complete explanation
and justification must be shown on the travel expense
voucher or attached thereto.
(d) Travel expenses of public employees for the
sole purpose of taking merit system or other job place-
ment examinations, written or oral, shall not be allowed
under any circumstances, except that upon prior writ-
ten approval of the agency head or his or her designee,
candidates for executive or professional positions may
be allowed travel expenses pursuant to this section.
(e) The agency head, or a designated representa-
tive, may pay by advancement or reimbursement, or a
combination thereof, the costs of per diem of travelers
and authorized persons for foreign travel at the current
rates as specified in the federal publication "Standard-
ized Regulations (Government Civilians, Foreign
Areas)" and incidental expenses as provided in this
(f) A traveler who becomes sick or injured while
away from his or her official headquarters and is there-
fore unable to periorm the official business of the
agency may continue to receive subsistence as pro-
vided in subsection (6) during this period of illness or
injury until such time as he or she is able to periorm the
official business of the agency or returns to his or her
official headquarters, whichever is earlier. Such
subsistence may be paid when approved by the
agency head or his or her designee.
(g) The secretary of the Department of Health or a
designee may authorize travel expenses incidental to
the rendering of medical services for and on behalf of
clients of the Department of Health. The Department of
Health may establish rates lower than the maximum
provided in this section for these travel expenses.
headquarters of an officer or employee assigned to an
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Ch. 112
F.S. 1999
office shall be the city or town in which the office is business outside the traveler's regular place of employ-
located except that: ment if travel expenses are approved. The Comptroller
(a) The official headquarters of a person located in shall establish a schedule for processing Class C travel
the field shall be the city or town nearest to the area subsistence payments at least on a monthly basis.
where the majority of the person's work is performed, or (6) RATES OF PER DIEM AND SUBSISTENCE
such other city, town, or area as may be designated by ALLOWANCE.-For purposes of reimbursement rates
the agency head provided that in all cases such desig- and methods of calculalion, per diem and subsistence
nation must be in the best interests of the agency and allowances are divided into the following groups and
not for the convenience of the person. rates:
(b) When any state employee is stationed in any (a) All travelers shall be allowed for subsistence
city or town for a period of over 30 continuous work- when traveling to a convention or conference or when
days, such city or town shall be deemed to be the traveling within or outside the state in order to conduct
employee's official headquarters, and he or she shall bona fide state business, which convention, confer-
not be allowed per diem or subsistence, as provided in ence, or business serves a direct and lawful public pur-
this section, after the said period of 30 continuous pose with relation to the public agency served by the
workdays has elapsed, unless this period of time is person attending such meeting or conducting such
extended by the express approval of the agency head business, either of the following for each day of such
or his or her designee. travel at the option of the traveler:
(c) A traveler may leave his or her assigned post to 1. Fifty dollars per diem; or
return home overnight, over a weekend, or during a hol- 2. If actual expenses exceed $50, the amounts
iday, but any time lost from regular duties shall be taken permitted in paragraph (b) for meals, plus actual
as annual leave and authorized in the usual manner. expenses for lodging at a single-occupancy rate to be
The traveler shall not be reimbursed for travel substantiated by paid bills therefor.
expenses in excess of the established rate for per diem When lodging or meals are provided at a state institu-
allowable had he or she remained at his or her tion, the traveler shall be reimbursed only for the actual
assigned post. However, when a traveler has been expenses of such lodging or meals, not to exceed the
temporarily assigned away from his or her official head- maximum provided for in this subsection.
quarters for an approved period extending beyond 30 (b) All travelers shall be allowed the following
days, he or she shall be entitled to reimbursement for amounts for subsistence while on Class C travel on offi-
travel expenses at the established rate of one round trip cial business as provided in paragraph (5)(b):
for each 30-day period actually taken to his or her home 1. Breakfast .......................................................$3
in addition to pay and allowances otherwise provided. 2. Lunch ............................................................$6
(5) COMPUTATION OF TRAVEL TIME FOR 3. Dinner..........................................................$12
REIMBURSEMENT.-For purposes of reimbursement (c) No one, whether traveling out of state or in
and methods of calculating fractional days of travel, the state, shall be reimbursed for any meal or lodging
following principles are prescribed: included in a convention or conference registration fee
(a) The travel day for Class A travel shall be a cal- paid by the state.
endar day (midnight to midnight). The travel day for (7) TRANSPORTATION.-
Class B travel shall begin at the same time as the travel (a) All travel must be by a usually traveled route. In
period. For Class A and Class B travel, the traveler case a person travels by an indirect route for his or her
shall be reimbursed one-fourth of the authorized rate of own convenience, any extra costs shall be borne by the
per diem for each quarter, or fraction thereof, of the traveler; and reimbursement for expenses shall be
travel day included within the travel period. Class A and based only on such charges as would have been
Class B travel shall include any assignment on official incurred by a usually traveled route. The agency head
business outside of regular office hours and away from or his or her designee shall designate the most eco-
regular places of employment when it is considered nomical method of travel for each trip, keeping in mind
reasonable and necessary to stay overnight and for the following conditions:
which travel expenses are approved.' 1. The nature of the business.
(b) A traveler shall not be reimbursed on a per diem 2. The most efficient and economical means of
basis for Class C travel, but shall receive subsistence travel (considering time of the traveler, impact on the
as provided in this section, which allowance for meals productivity of the traveler, cost of transportation, and
shall be based on the following schedule: per diem or subsistence required). When it is more etfl-
1. Breakfast-When travel begins before 6 a.m. cient and economical to either the traveler or the
and extends beyond 8 a.m. agency head, jet service offered by any airline, whether
2. Lunch-When travel begins before 12 noon and on state contract or not, may be used when the cost IS
extends beyond 2 p.m. within an approved threshold determined by the
3. Dinner-When travel begins before 6 p.m. and agency head or his or her designee.
extends beyond 8 p.m., or when travel occurs during 3. The number of persons making the trip and the
nighttime hours due to special assignment. amount of equipment or material to be transported.
(b) The Department of Banking and Finance ma~
No allowance shall be made for meals when travel is provide any form it deems necessary to cover Irave
confined to the city or town of the official headquarters requests for traveling on official business and when
or immediate vicinity; except assignments of official paid by the state..
(c) .....-- ~
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Ch. 112
i BS.1999
{O:(c) Transportation by common carrier when travel-
l' ing on official business and paid for personally by the
.j traveler, shall be substantiated by a receipt therefor.
.~ Federal tax shall not be reimbursable to the traveler
i unles~ the state and other public agencies are also
'~ required by federal law to pay such tax. In the event
:: transportation other than the most economical class as
approved by the agency head is provided by a common
carrier on a flight check or credit card, the charges in
excess of the most economical class shall be refunded
by the traveler to the agency charged with the transpor-
tation provided in this manner.
(d)1. The use of privately owned vehicles for offi-
cial travel in lieu of publicly owned vehicles or common
carriers may be authorized by the agency head or his
or her designee. Whenever travel is by privately owned
vehicle, the traveler shall be entitled to a mileage allow-
ance at a fixed rate of 25 cents per mile for state fiscal
year 1994-1995 and 29 cents per mile thereafter or the
common carrier fare for such travel, as determined by
the agency head. Reimbursement for expenditures
related to the operation, maintenance, and ownership
of a vehicle shall not be allowed when privately owned
vehicles are used on public business and reimburse-
ment is made pursuant to this paragraph, except as
provided in subsection (8).
2. All mileage shall be shown from point of origin
to point of destination and, when possible, shall be
computed on the basis of the current map of the
Department of Transportation. Vicinity mileage neces-
sary for the conduct of official business is allowable but
must be shown as a separate item on the expense
(e) Transportation by chartered vehicles when trav-
eling on official business may be authorized by the
agency head when necessary or where it is to the
advantage of the agency, provided the cost of such
transportation does not exceed the cost of transporta-
tion by privately owned vehicle pursuant to paragraph
(f) The agency head or his or her designee may
grant monthly allowances in fixed amounts for use of
privately owned automobiles on official business in lieu
of the mileage rate provided in paragraph (d). Allow-
ances granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be rea-
sonable, taking into account the customary use of the
automobile, the roads customarily traveled, and
whether any of the expenses incident to the operation,
maintenance, and ownership of the automobile are
paid from funds of the agency or other public funds.
Such allowance may be changed at any time, and shall
be made on the basis of a signed statement of the trav-
eler, filed before the allowance is granted or changed,
and at least annually thereafter. The statement shall
show the places and distances for an average typical
month's travel on official business, and the amount that
~OUld be allowed under the approved rate per mile for
etravel shown in the statement, if payment had been
made pursuant to paragraph (d).
Iic(g) No contract may be entered into between a pub-
officer or employee, or any other person, and a pub-
Iicagency, in which a depreciation allowance is used in
COmputing the amount due by the agency to the individ-
ual for the use of a privately owned vehicle on official
business; provided, any such existing contract shall not
be impaired.
(h) No traveler shall be allowed either mileage or
transportation expense when gratuitously transported
by another person or when transported by another trav-
eler who is entitled to mileage or transportation
expense. However, a traveler on a private aircraft shall
be reimbursed the actual amount charged and paid for
the fare for such transportation up to the cost of a com-
mercial airline ticket for the same flight, even though
the owner or pilot of such aircraft is also entitled to
transportation expense for the same flight under this
(a) The following incidental travel expenses of the
traveler may be reimbursed:
1. Taxi fare.
2. Ferry fares; and bridge, road. and tunnel tolls.
3. Storage or parking fees.
4. Communication expense.
5. Convention registration fee while attending a
convention or conference which will serve a direct pub-
lic purpose with relation to the public agency served by
the person attending such meetings. A traveler may be
reimbursed the actual and necessary fees for attending
events which are not included in a basic registration fee
that directly enhance the public purpose of the partici-
pation of the agency in the conference. Such expenses
may include, but not be limited to, banquets and other
meal functions. It shall be the responsibility of the trav-
eler to substantiate that the charges were proper and
necessary. However, any meals or lodging included in
the registration fee will be deducted in accordance with
the allowances provided in subsection (6).
(b) Other expenses which are not specifically
authorized by this section may be approved by the
Department of Banking and Finance pursuant to rules
adopted by it. Expenses approved pursuant to this
paragraph shall be reported by the Department of
Banking and Finance to the Auditor General annually.
(a) The Department of Banking and Finance shall
promulgate such rules and regulations, including, but
not limited to, the general criteria to be used by a state
agency to predetermine justification for attendance by
state officers and employees and authorized persons
at conventions and conferences, and prescribe such
forms as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes
of this section. The department may also adopt rules
prescribing the proper disposition and use of promo-
tional items and rebates offered by common carriers
and other entities in connection with travel at public
expense; however, before adopting such rules, the
department shall consult with the appropriation com-
mittees of the Legislature.
(b) Each state agency shall promulgate such addi-
tional specific rules and regulations and specific criteria
to be used by it to predetermine justification for attend-
ance by state officers and employees and authorized
persons at conventions and conferences, not in conflict
with the rules and regulations of the Department of
Banking and Finance or with the general criteria to be
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used by a state agency to predete'rmine justification for
attendance by state officers and employees and
authorized persons at conventions, as may be neces-
sary to effectuate the purposes of this section.
(10) FRAUDULENT CLAIMS.-Claims submitted
pursuant to this section shall not be required to be
sworn to before a notary public or other officer author-
ized to administer oaths, but any claim authorized or
required to be made under any provision of this section
shall contain a statement that the expenses were actu-
ally incurred by the traveler as necessary travel
expenses in the performance of official duties and shall
be verified by a written declaration that it is true and cor-
rect as to every material matter; and any person who
willfully makes and subscribes any such claim which he
or she does not believe to be true and correct as to
every material matter, or who willfully aids or assists in,
or procures, counsels. or advises the preparation or
presentation under the provisions of this section of. a
claim which is fraudulent or is false as to any material
matter, whether or not such falsity or fraud is with the
knowledge or consent of the person authorized or
required to present such claim, is guilty of a misde-
meanor of the second degree, punishable as provided
in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. Whoever shall receive an
allowance or reimbursement by means of a false claim
shall be civilly liable in the amount of the overpayment
for the reimbursement of the public fund from which the
claim was paid.
(a) Authorization forms.- The Department of
Banking and Finance shall furnish a uniform travel
authorization request form which shall be ,used by all
state officers and employees and authorized persons
when requesting approval for the performance of travel
to a convention or conference. The form shall include,
but not be limited to, provision for the name of each
traveler, purpose of travel, period of travel, estimated
cost to the state, and a statement of benefits accruing
to the state by virtue of such travel. A copy of the pro-
gram or agenda of the convention or conference, item-
izing registration fees and any meals or lodging
included in the registration fee, shall be attached to,
and filed with, the copy of the travel authorization
request form on file with the agency. The form shall be
signed by the traveler and by the traveler's supervisor
stating that the travel is to be incurred in connection
with official business of the state. The head of the
agency or his or her designated representative shall
not authorize or approve such request in the absence
of the appropriate signatures. A copy of the travel
authorization form shall be attached to, and become a
part of, the support of the agency's copy of the travel
(b) Voucher forms.-
1. The Department of Banking and Finance shall
furnish a uniform travel voucher form which shall be
used by all state officers and employees and author-
ized persons when submitting travel expense state-
ments for approval and payment. No travel expense
statement shall be approved for payment by the Comp-
troller unless made on the form prescribed and fur-
nished by the department. The travel voucher form
shall provide for, among other things, the purpose of
the official travel and a certification or affirmation, to be
signed by the traveler, indicating the truth and correct-
ness of the claim in every material maller, that the
travel expenses were actually incurred by the traveler
as necessary in the performance of official duties, that
per diem claimed has been appropriately reduced for
any meals or lodging included in the convention or con-
ference registration fees claimed by the traveler, and
that the voucher conforms in every respect with the
requirements of this section. The original copy of the
executed uniform travel authorization request form
shall be attached to the uniform travel voucher on file
with the respective agency.
2. Statements for travel expenses incidental to the
rendering of medical services for and on behalf of cli-
ents of the Department of Health shall be on forms
approved by the Department of Banking and Finance.
(12) ADVANCEMENTS.-Notwithstanding any of
the foregoing restrictions and limitations, an agency
head or his or her designee may make, or authorize the
making of, advances to cover anticipated costs of travel
to travelers. Such advancements may include the costs
of subsistence and travel of any person transported in
the care or custody of the traveler in the performance
of his or her duties.
AGENCY.-Whenever an agency requires an
employee to incur either Class A or Class B travel on
emergency notice to the traveler, such traveler may
request the agency to pay his or her expenses for
meals and lodging directly to the vendor, and the
agency may pay the vendor the actual expenses for
meals and lodging during the travel period, limited to an
amount not to exceed that authorized pursuant to this
section. In emergency situations, the agency head or
his or her designee may authorize an increase in the
amount paid for a specific meal, provided that the total
daily cost of meals does not exceed the total amount
authorized for meals each day. The agency head or his
or her designee may also grant prior approval for a
state agency to make direct payments of travel
expenses in other situations that result in cost savings
to the state, and such cost savings shall be docu-
mented in the voucher submitted to the Comptroller for
the direct payment of travel expenses. The provisions
of this subsection shall not be deemed to apply to any
legislator or to any employee of the Legislature.
Hislory.-ss. 1.3, ch. 22830,1945: ss. 1,2,3, ch. 23892.1947; ss. 1, 36~~.
25040, 1949; ss. 1,3, ch. 26910.1951; s. " ch. 28303.1953; s. " ch. 29 ".
1955: s. " ch. 57.230; s. 1, ch. 61.183; s. 1. ch. 61-43; s. 1. ch. 63.5; s. I.~:
63.192; s. 1, ch. 63-122; s. 1. ch. 83.400; ss. 2, 3. ch. 67-371; ss. 1,2, ch. 67.2206:
s. 1. ch. 69.193; s. 1. ch. 69-381; ss., ch. 69-106; s. 65, ch. 71,' ".
s. 1, ch. 72-213; s. 1, ch. 72-217; s. 1, ch. 72-324; s. 26, ch. 72-404; s. " c,
73.169; s. 1, ch. 74-15; s. 1, ch. 74-246; s. 1, ch. 74-365; ss. 1, 2, ch. 75.33; ~3':
ch. 7&166; s. 2, ch. 76-208; ss. 1,2, ch. 76.250; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 1, ch. 77, ,;.
ss. 1.2. ch. 77-437; s. 2, ch. 78.95; s. 51, ch. 79-190; s. 1, ch. 79-205; s. ",0
79.303; s. 1, ch. 79.412; ss. 1,2, ch. 81.207; ss. 1,2, ch. 83-307; s. " ch. 85.1 ,,:
s. 1, ch. 87-407; s. 4, ch. 88-235; s. 12, ch. 89-291; s. 18. ch. 91-45; s. '3~
94.139; s. 1403, ch. 95-147; s. 26, ch. 95-312; s. 5, ch. 96-310; s. 43, ch. 96' ..
s. 23, ch. 98.136; s. 9, ch. 99.8; 5.7, ch. 99-155; s. 16, ch. 99-399.
112.062 Cabinet members; educational and infor;
mational travel expenses.-When he or she de~ms If
necessary in order to carry out an official function 0
office, a member of the Cabinet may incur and be relm-
. ,",,-~,~;I
i/~.,F.S. 1999
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bursed lor'
. -' the purpose
. 'the Cabinet
HlslOry.-s. '.
. 112.063
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Ch. 112
fully qualified and capable of meeting all servicing
requirements. Each local governmental unit may self-
insure any plan for health, accident, and hospitaliza!ion
coverage or enter into a risk management consortium
to provide such coverage, subject to approval based on
.;: 112.063 Reimbursement of county employees for actuarial soundness by the Depa~ment of Insurance;
educational expenses.-County constitutional officers and each shall contract with an insurance company or
and county commissioners are authorized to reimburse professional administrator qualified and approved by
,employees for educational expenses, subject to the fol- the Department of Insurance to administer such a plan.
/lowing conditions: (b) In order to obtain approval from the Department
.I{~, (1) The coursework must be designed to enhance of Insurance of any self-insured plan for health, accl-
;iihe knowledge, skills, and abilities relating to official dent, and hospitalization coverage, each local govern-
[duties which the employees perform. mental unit or consortium shall submit its plan along
i;. (2) The reimbursement of educational expenses in with a certification as to the actuarial soundness of the
, ~no way obligates the officer or commissioner to grant plan, which certification is prepared by an actuary who
,time off or leave for the taking or completion of such is a member of the Society of Actuaries or the American
":course or program of instruction. Academy of Actuaries. The Department of Insurance
.. (3) An employee shall not be permitted to utilize shall not approve the plan unless it determines that the
:' any space, personnel, equipment, or supplies of the plan is designed to provide sufficient revenues to ~ay
'r office by which he or she is employed in the process of current and future liabilities, as determined according
; :fulfilling any of the requirements imposed by the to generally accepted actuarial principles. After imple-
~~Icoursework for which he or she is being reimbursed. mentation of an approved plan, each local govern men.
:~, ~. (4) The limitations contained in subsections (1 )-(3) tal unit or consortium shall annually submit to the
It.: 'shall not be construed to apply to any courses offered Department of Insurance a report which includes a
~by or as a part of an educational program sponsored by statement prepared by an actuary who is a member of
any state agency for which the constituti.onal offic~r or the Society of Actuaries or the American Academy of
. . fcommissioner is obligated to perform duties prescribed Actuaries as to the actuarial soundness of the plan. The
by law, or any educational program conducted in fur- report is due 90 days after the close of the fiscal year
. therance of s. 195.002, if such limitations did not exist of the plan. The report shall consist of, but is not limited
. .prior to July 1, 1990. to:
'1~.Nothing in this section shall be construed as pr.ohibiting 1. The adequacy of contribution rates in meeting
h d the level of benefits provided and the changes, if any,
I.employees from receiving otherwise aut orlze pe.r needed in the contribution rates to achieve or preserve
~9iem expenses provided for by s. 112.061, nor shall It
'l~e construed as prohibiting the payment of wages oth- a level of funding deemed adequate to enable payment
erwise due under the provisions of state or federal law. of the benefit amounts provided under the plan and a
1..;yHlstory.-s. 1, ch. 90-80; s. 686. ch. 95-147. valuation of present assets, based on statement valued'
, and prospective assets and liabilities of the plan an
;~:-f112.08 Group insurance for public officers, the extent of any unfunded accrued liabilities.
;tf:-I~mployees, and certain volunteers; physical examina- 2. A plan to amortize any unfunded liabilities. a~d
I:~!ons.- a description of actions taken to reduce unfunded habil-
~)f-" (1) As used in this section, the terr~ "I~cal govern- ities.
ji.i,.,~ental unit" means any county, muniCipality, ?o'"!1mu- 3. A description and explanation of actuarial
.', l~lty college district, school board. or special district or assumptions.
iir)y county officer listed in s. 1 (d), Art. VIII of the State 4. A schedule illustrating the amortization of any
ilConstitution. unfunded liabilities.
r(2)(a) Every local governmental unit is authorized 5. A comparative review illustrating the level of
,to provide and payout of its available funds forall or funds available to the plan from rates, investment
ip-art of the premium for life, health, accident, hospital- income, and other sources realized over the period
'iZation, legal expense, or annuity insurance, or all or covered by the report with the assumptions used. .
any kinds of such insurance, for the officers and 6. A statement by the actuary that the report IS
employees of the local governmental unit and for complete and accurate and that in the actuary's opinion
,health, accident, hospitalization, and legal expense the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable
'insurance for the dependents of such officers and and meet the requirements and intent of thiS subsec-
lemployees upon a group insurance plan and, to that tion.
end, to enter into contracts with insurance companies 7. Other factors or statements as required by the
~r' professional administrators to provide such insur- Department of Insurance in order to determine the
~!1ce. Before entering any contract for insurance, the actuarial soundness of the plan.
.<5cal governmental unit shall advertise for competitive
tilds'. and such contract shall be let upon the basis of All assumptions used in the report shall be based on
~Ch bids. However, the local .9overnm~ntal unit may recognized actuarial principles acceptable to the
!l,dertake simultaneous negotiations With those .com- Department of Insurance. The Depart~ent of Ins~r-
~nies which have submitted reasonable and timely ance shall review the report and shall notify the admln-
Cfs'and are found by the local governmental unit to be istrator of the plan and each entity participating in the
bursed for travel expenses pursuant to s. 112.061 for
the purpose of educating and informing the public as to
the Cabinet member's official duties.
HIstory.-s. I, ch. 80.212; s. 685. ch. 95-147.
. ,
I ~
Section 1.01. [Corporate name.]
The municipality hereby established shall be
known as the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
Section 2.01. Territorial boundaries (re-
Editor's note-'Territorial boundaries of the city have not
been set out in this Code at the time of the 2000 republication.
The current description of the boundaries of the city is on file
in the city clerk's office.
Section 2.02. Property added by annexation
since 1972 (reserved).
All property annexed to the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, since the adoption of the Char-
ter of 1972 through 1996/7.
Editor's note-A listing of ordinances annexing property
to the city is not included herein at the time of the 2000
republication, but annexation ordinances are available in the
office of the city clerk.
Section 2.03. Annexation [procedure].
The commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, may propose by ordinance to annex an
area of contiguous, compact, unincorporated land
to the territorial limits of the municipality; or
upon petition by all landowners of real property
which is contiguous, reasonably compact and un-
incorporated, the City of Winter Springs, may
annex said land to the territorial limits of the
municipality by ordinance. The procedure to be
followed in the annexation of territory shall be as
set forth in Chapter 171, Florida Statutes as it
now exists or as it may be renumbered or amended.
Section 3.01. [Generally.]
The city shall have all powers possible for a city
to have under the constitution and laws of this
state as fully and completely as though they were
specifically enumerated in this Charter.
Section 4.01. Composition; qualification of
members; and commission dis-
(a) Composition. There shall be a city commis-
sion of five voters of the city at large. Each city
commission member shall reside in a designated
geographical district, which districts shall con-
tain as equal a number in population as practica-
(b) Qualifications. Only qualified voters of the
city shall be eligible to hold the office of mayor or
commissioner. Qualifications for candidates for
the offices of mayor and city commissioner are as
set out in Section 2-87, Code of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida, as may be amended from time to
(Ord. No. 494, S 1, 8-13-90)
Note-See the editor's note following 9 4.02.
Section 4.02. Commission districts; adjust-
ment of districts.
(a) Number of districts. The city commission of
the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by
separate ordinance divide the city into five (5)
geographical commission districts.
(b) Districting commission. By the first day of
February, 1991, the first day of February, 1992,
and every three (3) years thereafter, the city
commission shall appoint seven (7) city electors
determined from the registration of the last reg-
ular election, one (1) to be appointed by each
commissioner from his/her respective district, and
two (2) appointed by the mayor from the city at
large, who shall comprise the districting commis-
sion. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the
city in any other capacity. The initial districting
commission, creating and establishing the first
commission districts, shall be appointed by each
commissioner and the mayor from the city at
(c) Report; specifications. The districting com-
mission shall file with the official designated by
the city commission a report containing a recom-
mended plan for establishment or adjustment of
the commission district boundaries. The initial
S 4.02
districting commission, creating and establishing
the first commission districts, shall file such re-
port within ninety (90) days of appointment.
Thereafter, such reports shall be filed within one
hundred twenty (120) days of appointment to the
districting commission. The commission district
boundaries shall comply with the following spec-
(1) Each district shall be formed of compact
contiguous territory, and its boundary lines
shall follow the center lines of streets
insofar as practical or possible, or other
boundaries available.
(2) The districts shali be based upon the
principle of equal and effective represen-
tation as required by the United States
Constitution and as represented in the
mathematical preciseness reached in the
legislative apportionment of the state.
(3) The report shall include a map and de-
scription of the districts recommended
and shall be drafted as a proposed ordi-
nance. Once filed with the designated
official, the report shall be treated as an
ordinance introduced by a commissioner.
(d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the
city manager to provide staff assistance and tech-
nical data to the districting commission.
(e) Procedure. The procedure for the city
commission's consideration of the report shall be
the same as for other ordinances, provided that if
a summary of the ordinances is published pursu-
ant to this Charter and general law, it must
include both the map and a description of the
recommended districts.
<0 Failure to enact ordinance. The city commis-
sion shall adopt the redistricting ordinance at
least one hundred twenty (120) days before the
next city election. If the city commission fails to
either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance,
the report of the districting commission shall go
into effect and have the same effect of an ordi-
nance. The proposed redistricting ordinance may
not be rejected for any reason except for failure to
comply with the specifications listed in section
4.02(c) of this Charter or failure to comply with
other local, state or federal law.
(g) Effect of enactment. The new commission
districts and boundaries as of the date of enact-
ment shall supersede previous commission dis-
tricts and boundaries for all purposes; provided
all incumbent commissioners shall continue to
hold office for the entire term to which elected
notwithstanding any change in commission dis-
trict and boundaries.
(Ord. No. 494, S 1,8-13-90)
Editor's note-Ord. No. 494, S I, adopted Aug. 13, 1990,
provided for the amendment of Char. SS 4.01 and 4.02 to read
as herein set out. Such amendments were approved by the
voters at an election held Nov. 6, 1990.
Section 4.03. Election and terms.
(a) The regular election of mayor and commis-
sioners shall be held on the first Tuesday follow-
ing the first Monday in the month of November of
each year an election is held. All elections shall be
for three-year terms of office. The terms of the
mayor and commissioner shall begin the first
Monday after the first day of December of each
year an election is held.
(b) City commission seats are hereby desig-
nated as seats one, two, three, four and five. The
commissioners elected to serve on the city com-
mission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,
shall serve as the first city commission until the
first election under this Charter.
(c) Those commissioners and mayor elected
simultaneously with the referendum election held
pursuant to Section 166.031, Florida Statutes at
which this Charter provision was approved by the
electorate shall serve as commissioners and mayor
for a three-year term; at the first election held
under this Charter the remainder of the previ-
ously elected two-year term positions shall be for
three (3) years.
(d) All commissioners and the mayor shall be
limited to three (3) terms, to be served consecu-
(Ord. No. 548, S HExh. A), 9-13-93)
Editor's note-Section I ofOrd. No. 548, adopted Sep. 13,
1993, provided for the amendment of 94.03 to read as herein
set out. Such amendment was approved by a majority of the
voters at an election held Nov. 2, 1993.
WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of
Florida, has previously adopted Ordinance
Ordinance amends the present of the City of
Florida and provides for referendum approval of
Florida Statute 166.031; and
Winter Springs,
No. 241, which
Winter Springs,
same pursuant to
WHEREAS, the Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, has determined that the best interests of the City will
be served by an amendment to Article IV, City of Winter Springs,
Florida, and amendment to Section 2-87, Code of Winter Springs,
to provide for designated geographical districts for the city
commission; and for a distr icting commission to establish and
adjust the Commission District boundaries;
NOW, THEREFORE, be it enacted by the Mayor and Commissioners
of the City of Winter Springs, Florida:
Section 1. The following proposed amendments to the Charter for
the City of Winter .Springs, Florida, is hereby approved and
adopted by the commission for placement on the ballot in the next
general election;
(a) Composition. There shall be a city commission of five
(5) members and a mayor, each to be elected by the qualified
voters of the city at large. Each city commission member shall
reside in a designated geographical district, which districts
shall contain as equal a number in population as practicable.
(b) Qualifications. Only qualified voters of the city
shall be eligible to hold the office of mayor or commissioner.
Qualifications for candidates for the offices of mayor and city
commissioner are as set out in Section 2-87, Code of the City of
Winter. Springs, Florida, as may be amended from time to time.
(a) Number of districts. The city commission of the City
of Winter Springs, Florida, shall by separate ordinance divide
the city into five (,5) geographical commission districts.
(b) Districting commission. By the first day of February,
1991, the first day of February 1992, and every three (3) years
thereafter, the ci ty commission shall appoint seven (7) city
electors determined from the registration of the last regular
election, one (1) to be appointed by each commissioner from
his/her respective district, and two (2) appointed by the mayor
from the city at large, who shall comprise the districting
commission. Electors chosen shall not be employed by the city in
any other capacity. The initial districting commission, creating
and establishing the first commission districts, shall be
appointed by each commissioner and the mayor from the city at
(c) Report; Specifications. The districting commission
shall file with the official designated by the city commission a
report containing a recommended plan for establishment or
adj ustment of the corrunission district boundaries. The initial
districting commission, creating and establishing the first
commission districts, shall file such report within ninety (90)
days of appointment. Thereafter, such reports shall be filed
within one hundred twenty (120) days of appointment to the
districting corrunission. The commission district boundaries shall
comply with the following specifications:
( 1 ) Each district shall be formed of compact,
contiguous territory, and its boundary lines shall
follow the center lines of streets insofar as
practical or possible, or other boundaries
(2) The districts shall be based upon the principle of
equal and effective representation as required by
the United States Constitution and as represented
in the mathematical preciseness reached in the
legislative apportionment of the state.
(3) The report shall include a map and description of
the districts recorrunended and shall be drafted as
a proposed ordinance. Once filed with the
designated official, the report shall be treated
as an ordinance introduced by a corrunissioner.
(d) Support. It shall be the responsibility of the ci ty
manager to provide staff assistance and technical data to the
districting corrunission.
(e) Procedure. The procedure. for the city corrunission IS
consideration of the report shall be the same as for other
ordinances, provided that if a surrunary of the ordinances is
published pursuant to this Charter and general law, it must
include both the map and a description of the recommended
(f) Failure to enact ordinance. The city corrunission shall
adopt the redistricting ordinance at least one hundred twenty
(120) days before the next city election. If the city corrunission
fails to either accept or reject the redistricting ordinance, the
report of the districting corrunission shall go into effect and
have the same effect of an ordinance. The proposed redistricting
ordinance may not be rejected for any reason except for failure
to comply with the specif ica tions listed in Section 4.02 (c) of
this Charter or failure to comply with other local, state or
federal law.
(g) Effect of enactment. The new corrunission districts
and boundaries as of the date of enactment shall supersede
previous corrunission districts and boundaries for all purposes;
provided all incumbent corrunissioners shall continue to hold
office for the entire term to which elected notwithstanding any
change in corrunission district and boundaries.
Section 2. Section 2-87 of the Code of the City of Winter Springs
is hereby amended as follows subject to approval by referendum
Section 2-87. Qualification of Candidates.
Each candidate seeking the off ice of city corrunissioner or
mayor or any other elective office. of the City shall file a
peti tion signed by fifteen (15) registered voters of the city
with the city clerk. Each candidate seeking the office of city
commissioner or mayor or any other elective office of the city
shall have resided in the city one (1) year prior to the time of
qualifying. Each candidate seeking the office of city
commissioner shall be a resident of a designated commission
district as established by ordinance and shall have resided in
the designated commission district six (6) months prior to the
time of qualifying. Notwithstanding the above requirement, city
commissioners shall run at large as commission candidates under
district designation. All candidates for office in municipal
elections shall be registered and qualified electors of the city
at the time of their qualifying as a candidate with the city
clerk and shall file an application designating the office for
which he/she is a candidate and pay the qualifying fee provided
for in Section 2-88. Such application shall be filed and the
qualifying fee paid between the first day of September and the
fifteenth day of September, during which the office shall be open
for qualifying for election.
Section 3. All other provisions of the Charter and Code of the
City of Winter Springs, Florida shall remain in full force and
Section 4. The mayor and city commission hereby direct that the
proposed amendments to the City Charter and Code of Winter
Spr ings, Florida, as set forth in Sections 1 and 2 of this
ordinance, be placed on the ballot in the form of a single
question, as set forth in Section 6 of this ordinance indicating
the chief purpose of the proposed amendments, for approval or
rejection by the city electors at the next general election held
in the city.
Section 5. Such referendum election shall be held in conformance
with the laws of the State of Florida and ordinances of the City
of Winter Springs, Florida, relating to the amendment of the City
Section 6. The ballot to be used in the referendum election
shall be substantially in the following form:
Shall the proposed amendment to the Charter and Code for the
Ci ty of Winter Springs, providing that city commissioners
shall reside in a designated commission districts of
approximately equal population, and further providing that
city commissioners be elected at large, approved by the
mayor and city commissioners in Ordinance No. 494 on
, 1990, be approved and adopted?
Section 7. Upon adoption of the proposed Charter amendments by a
maj or i ty of the electors voting in a referendum election upon
such amendments, the city commission shall have the Charter, as
amended, filed with the Secretary of State, at which time the
amended Charter and Code shall take effect.
Section 8. The provisions of this ordinance are severable and if
any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance shall
for any reason be held invalid or unconstitutional the remaining
sections, sentences, phrases or clauses of this ordinance shall
remain valid and in full force and effect.
Section 9. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conf lict
herewith be and the same are hereby repealed.
Section 10. This ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon its passage and adoption.
Passed and adopted this 13th
day of August
~CU14U "^.
~ --:~
First Reading: July 9, 1990
Posted: July 11, 1990
Second Reading and Public Hearing: Aug. 13, 1990
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs,
Florida, is desirous of reimbursing each person appointed by the City
Commission to a volunteer City board;
SECTION I - That each person appointed by the City Commission
for the City of Winter Springs, Florida, shall receive the sum of$25.0Q~for
each meeting of the Board the person attends as reimbursement for all expenses
incurred in attending the meeting.
SECTION 11- That any person who is a member of an appointed City
Board shall have the right to waive acceptance of any reimbursement.
SECTION III - That any ordinances or resolutions in conflict here-
with are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict. All ordinances or
resolutions pre-existing this ordinance and setting the fees or reimbursements
for any appointed board in the City is hereby repealed.
SECTION IV - This ordinance shall take effect upon passage.
Passed and Adopted this
24th day of
, 1994.
?r11~:t r ~71:::;
First Reading
Public Hearing
Public Hearing & 2nd Reading
Sept. 27, 1993
Oct. 1, 1993
& 2nd Reading
LIST OF EXPENSES: (Attach receipts for all expenditures for transportation, meals and
lodging or a signed statement listing expenses for which no receipts are available.)
51 MILES @ $.29/MILE
$ 14.79
$ 14.79
$ 14.79
JANUARY 18, 1996
Debbie Gillespie
McShea Jim [Jim.McShea@swpc.siemens.com]
Friday, March 16,2001 2:00 PM
Debbie Gillespie
Inspection of boundaries
Debbie, the following is a listing of dates and miles driven to inspect the
five districts as outlined by Mr. LaBlanc's, Coordinator meno dated 2/13/01
to the City Manager.(Attachment C). Saturday.. 3/3/01.....17 miles,
Saturday.. 3/10/01...18 miles and Sunday.. 3/11/01.16 miles.
Regards...........Jim McShea