HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 07 23 Public Hearings B Second Reading - Ordinance 2001-43 Land Development Regulations
Public Hearin X
Re ular
July 23. 2001
k I~ leA
The Community Development Department requests the City Commission conduct a public
hearing for the second reading and consideration of Ordinance 2001-43 amending provisions in
the land development regulations appertaining to street names, the naming of streets, and the
uniform building numbering system.
The purpose of this agenda item is to consider the adoption of Ordinance 2001-43 that would
improve the efficiency of approvals for street name assignment and numbering.
Sec. 9-156. Street names.
New street names shall not duplicate the names of existing streets, except that new streets
that are an extension or in alignment with existing streets shall bear the same name as
that borne by such existing streets. Names likely to be confused with names of existing
streets shall be avoided. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the city. Street
numbers shall be designated by the city staff See subsection 9-298(c), method for naming
Sec. 9-372. Establishment of system.
A uniform building numbering system, as developed by the grid system guide map filed in
the land development coordinator's office is hereby adopted for use in the corporate
limits of the City. The grid system guide map and all explanatory matter thereon and
related thereto are hereby adopted, incorporated herein by reference and made a part of
this article.
Sec. 9-373. Administration and assie:nment of numbers.
(a) The City land development coordinator's office shall be responsible for coordinating
and maintaining the numbering system established by this article. The land
development coordinator's office shall approve street names and designations and
shall assign building numbers in conformity with the uniform building numbering
system established in section 9-372.. The land development coordinator's office shall
be responsible for enforcing compliance with the premises posting requirements
established in section 9-374.... "
(b) ...
(c) Assignment by the land development coordinator's office of the assigned number
to a lot or parcel on which a projectedfuture building may be constructed shall be a
condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit for any such building.
(d) In coordination with the county E-911 coordinator, the land development
coordinator's office shall record and maintain records of all street names and
numbers currently assigned under this article and all names and numbers which have
ever been assigned pursuant to this article and shall monitor the same to ensure that
duplicate street names and numbers are prevented.
Sec. 9-375. Annexations; additions.
(a) Whenever a parcel of land, a subdivision, or any part thereof, becomes part of the
corporate limits of the City by municipal annexation or otherwise, it shall be the
responsibility of the land development coordinator's office to review the address
numbers, their posting and the method of numbering for such contracted portion
conform to the uniform building numbering system established by the article within
thirty (30) days of such annexation.
(b) If the number, posting or method of numbering a building is in nonconformance with
the city grid system guide map and uniform building numbering system after a
municipal annexation, the land development coordinator's office shall give notice of
such nonconformance to the owners or occupants of the affected building or property.
The notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested or by posting
the notice in a conspicuous place on the building or by hand delivery. The notice
shall include a notification or a change of address, which shall contain the correct or
new building number assigned to the building or property in accordance with the
provisions of this article and the date of notification. The notice shall direct the
owner or the occupant to post the newly assigned building number contained in the
change of address on the building or property in accordance with this section. The
notice shall notify the owner or occupant that, if he or she disagrees with the
determination of the land development coordinator's office, an appeal may be taken
regarding the determination by the city manager.
. Planning staff believes the existing address assignment and numbering system is inefficient,
dated, and repetitious since it requires a separate but similar application to Seminole County.
. The efficient and proper assignment of addresses within a community is essential to the
preservation of health, safety, and the general welfare.
At its regularly scheduled meeting of July 9, 2001, the City Commission passed Ordinance 2001-
43 on first reading and directed staff to prepare an agenda item for second reading.
1. Seminole County has an address coordinating staff that assigns street numbers and names
to properties in the unincorporated areas of the County as well as to Casselberry,
Longwood, and Lake Mary.
2. The current street addressing and numbering system for Winter Springs requires separate
application to the City and verification by the County, which amounts to duplication,
rather than through a single uniform system.
3. There has been a cooperative effort between the Community Development Department
and the Fire Department to make this needed change.
Staff recommends the City Commission hold a public hearing for second reading of Ordinance
2001-43. The ordinance would amend the City's Code of Ordinances, as follows:
Code Amendments.
Chapter 9, Land Deyelopment of the Code of Ordinances would be amended to read as follows:
Sec. 9-156. Street names.
New street names shalf not duplicate the names of existing streets, exeept that new streets
that are an cxte:lsion or i/'l alignment with existing streets shall Bear the same /'lame as
that borne by such existing streets, Names likely to be corifused with names oj existing
streets shalf be avoided. Street names shall be subject to the approval of the city l1J!.
Seminole County Addressing through the Citv's Develooment Review Committee. Street
numbers shall be designated byj-he cily_sttiffSeminole Countv Addressing. See
subsection 9-298(c), methodfor naming streets.
Sec. 9-372. Establishment of system.
A uniform building numbering system, as de',eloped by the grid system guide map filed in
the land de';elopment coordinator's office is hereby adopted.fer use i."l the corporat-c
limits of the City. The grid system guide map and all explanatory matter thereon and
related thereto arc hereby adopted, incorporated herein by reference and made a part of
this artiele.
Street names and address numbers shall be the applicant's responsibilitv. subiect to
appropriate approvals through Seminole County addressing.
Sec. 9-373. Administration and assienment of numbers.
a) The City land developmel'lt coordinator's office shall be responsible for coordinating and
maintaining the numbering system established by this article. The kmd de)'elepment
cooNiinator's office shall apprme street names and designations and shall assign building
numbers in cmiformily with the uniform buitdil'lg numbering system established in section 9
m.. The kmd development coordinator's office Citv shall be responsible for enforcing
compliance with the premises posting requirements established in section 9 374 in this
c) Assignment by the land development coordinator's office off!. the assig:1ed number, as set
forthin this chavter. to a lot or parcel on which a projectedfuture building may be
constructed shall be a condition precedent to the issuance oj a building permit Jor any such
d) In coordination with the COU:1ty E 9 J J coordinator, the land development
e) coordinator's office shall record and maintain records of all street names and :1umbers
currently assigned under this article and all names and numbers which haw) ever been
assigned pursuant to this article and shall monitor the same to ensure that duplicate street
names and numbers are prc'..ented.
Sec. 9-375. Annexations; additions.
a) Whene1lcr a parcel of kmd, a subdhision, er any part thereef, becomes part of the corporate
limits ef the City by mU:1icipal annexation or otherwise, it shall be the responsibility of the
land de',;elopmcnt coordinator's office to rcview the address numbers, thcir posting and the
method of numbering for such contracted portion conform to the uniform building numbering
system established by the article withi."l thirty (30) days of such annexation.
b) If the number, posting or method at numbering a building is in no,"lcoriformance with the city
grid system guide map and u,"liform building numbering system after 61 municipal
armexatie:1, the land de'.'Ciopment coordinator's office shall gbe notice of such
nonc01iformance to the owners or eccupants of the affected building or prope,~ty. The neticc
shall be dclivcred by ccrtified mail, return receipt requested or by posting the notice in 61
conspicuous place on the building or by hand delivery. The notice shall include 61
notification or 61 change of address, which shall co,"ltainthe correct or new building number
assigned Ie the building or propcrty in accordance with thc provisions of this articl-c and thc
datc otnotificathm. The notice shall dircct thc owncr or thc occupant te post the newly
assigncd building number contained in the change of address on the buildi.'~g or p,~operty in
accordance with this section. The noticc shall notify the owner or occupant that, if he er she
disagrces with the determination of the land de',,'Ciopment coordinator's office, 611'1 appeal
may be take,"l regarding the determination by the city manage,~.
A. Ordinance 2001-43
B. Memorandum from Charles Carrington, Planning Director, dated May 11,2001.
.,',.; \
WHEREAS, Seminole County has an address coordinating staff, as a division of its Planning
and Development Department, that a~signs street names and building/lot numbers to properties in
the unincorporated areas of the County as "well as to the Cities of Casselberry, Longw~od, and Lake
Mary; and
WHEREAS, the current assignment of street names and building/lot numbers for the City
of Winter Springs requires an application to the City as a part and parcel of Site Plan Review and
further verification and approval by the Seminole County Planning and DeVelopment Department,
which amounts to duplication of efforts rather than through a single uniform system; and
WHEREAS, the Seminole County Planning and Development Department ensures that street
name assignments are distinct and that building/lot numbering is consistent along roads that traverse
multiple jurisdictions, in order to facilitate County and City emergency response; and
WHEREAS, the current Grid System, employed by the City of Winter Springs, can lead to
inconsistent building/lot numbering assignments; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. The City of Winter Springs Code Chapter 9 is hereby amended as follows:
(underlined type indicates additions and stIikcont type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *)
indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in
Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the
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language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance)
* * *
Article III. Design Standards
* * *
Division 3. Streets and Alleys
* * *
Sec. 9-156. Street names.
New street name assignments shall be subiect to the review, verification and approval of the
Seminole County Planning and Development Department. Proposed street names shall be
submitted as part of the Site Plan Review for the City of Winter Springs, and the Site Plan
Review Committee shall forward the proposed street names to the Seminole County Planning
and Development Department. New strcet names shall not duplieate the l1ellUe.s of existing
streets, e.xe.e.pt that new she.ets that elle ell} extc.nsiol1 or in aligmnc.nt with existing st~cts shall
beell the. same nellne. as that bome by sue.h e.xisting strcets. Nelllle.S likc.ly to be. e.onfused with
names of e.xisting sheets shall be voided. Street names shall be. subjeGt to the approval of the. Gity.
Building/lot number assignments shall also be designated by the Seminole County Planning and
Development Department the Gity staff. See subsection 9-298tc1, method for naming streets.
Article VII. Uniform Building Numbering System
* * *
Sec. 9-370. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Accessory building shall mean a building which is clearly incidental or subordinate to and
customarily utilized adjacent to and in connection with a principal building located on the same
Building front or facade shall mean that area or facade of a building which has yisible numbers
from a public or private street or way because it faces the public or private street or way pursuant
to which the building is numbered. When a building is constructed on a comer lot, the building
front or facade shall be that area of the building which faces the street on which a projected
address was assigned or in the event a projected address has not been assigned, the area as
designated by the land development coordinator.
Grid systcm guide shall nleelll a scries of designated north/south palallc.llines intelseeting a
second set of e.ast/west paulld lilies as indicate.d on tile official master glid nlaps dcline.ated on a
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1.2000 map of\Vinte,l Spriligs, flOlida wllicll is 011 file, in the, lalld de,vdopnlcnt GooldinatOl's
Nonconformance shall mean any failure to comply with the provisions of this article including,
but not limited to by way of example a number out of sequence, odd or even number on wrong
side of street, rural box numbers, numbers improperly affixed, numbers not visible, numbers not
present, numbers of improper size, numbers not in contrast with immediate background,
weatherworn numbers, wrong numbers and nonapproved numbers.
Occupant shall mean any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust, corporation, association or other
organization who is occupying or leasing a building or other property for a period exceeding
thirty (30) days.
Owner shall mean any and all persons, firms, entities, partnerships, trusts, corporations,
associates or other organizations who own the fee title to or have an undivided interest in any
building or property which is subject to the provisions of this article.
Principal building shall mean any structure which is designed, built or used for the support,
enclosure, shelter, or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind for any
residential, commercial or industrial purpose.
Private way shall mean any street, road, avenue, drive, cul-de-sac or other thoroughfare used for
vehicular traffic and any easement or right-of-way that provides sole access to more than one (1)
parcel or lot which is not included in the definition of public way and which is not maintained by
the city. This term shall include, hut is not limited to roadways or driveways in mobile home
parks, apartments, condominiums, commercial or industrial complexes, which have been named
and signed in accordance with this land development code.
Projected street name and numbering scheme shall mean all approved site plans and plats,
including amendments thereto, which contain projected street names and addresses although no
construction or development has occurred on the projected street.
Public way shall mean any area of a public road or right-of-way, either paved or unpayed, which
is intended for vehicular traffic and that has been dedicated to the city for the purpose of
vehicular traffic and for use as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic whether or not by the city
excluding service entrances or driveways.
Uniform building numbering system shall mean a system by which existing buildings and
projected lots and parcels for future buildings are assigned addresses in a coordinated and
uniform method based on the policy and procedures set up by the Seminole County Planning and
Development Department a de,sighate,d gIla s)lstell1 e,olItailicd in tile offieial111aste,1 gl id llIapS
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which ale. on file. in the. lalld devdopnlelit cooldillatol'S offiee.
Sec. 9-372. Establishment of system.
For any development within the municipal boundaries of the City of Winter Springs. the
assignment of street names and building/lot numbering, in order to ensure uniformity County
wide. shall be reviewed. verified, and approved by the Seminole County Planning and
Development Department. A unifunn building mimbcIing systcm, as detcnnincd by the glid
system guide map file.d in thc land devdopment coordinator's office is hereby adopted for use in
the eOlporate limits of the city. The gIid system guide map and all explanatory matter thereon and
related theleto are heleby adopted, ineOlpolated herein by lefcrence and made a part of this
Sec. 9-373. Administration and assignment of numbers.
(a) The City shall be responsible for enforcing compliance with this Chapter. inciuding the
posting of building/lot numbers as required by section 9-374. City Code.. The city land
devdopment coordinatol's officc shall be responsible for coordinating and maintaining the
numbeling system established by this altiele. The land dCvelopment eooldinatOI's office shall
applove sheet nallleS and designations and shall assign building numbers in confonllity with the
unifonn building numbering system established in section 9-372. The land de,velopment
coordinatol's office shall be lcsponsible. for enfOlcing compliance, with the, Plemises posting
requilemc.nts cstablished in scction 9-374.
(b) If an existing building fails to conform with the uniform numbering system, the land
development coordinator's office shall give notice to those owners or occupants whose building
number is in nonconformity with the uniform building numbering system. The notice shall be
delivered to the owner or occupant by certified mail, return receipt requested or by posting it in a
conspicuous place on the property or by hand deliyery. Such notice may include a notification of
a change of address which shall contain the new building number assigned to the building in
accordance with the provisions of this article and shall direct the owner or the occupant to post
the newly assigned building number on the building or property in accordance with section
9-374. The owners or occupants shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice sent by
certified mail or from the date of hand delivery if delivered by hand or from the date of posting if
such notice is posted on the property to come into compliance with this article.
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(c) Assignment by the land development cOOldinator's office of~ thc assigned number, as set
forth in this Chapter. to a lot or parcel on which a projected future building may be constructed
shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit for any such building.
(d) In coordination with the county 13-911 coordinatOl, the land development coordinator's
office shall record and maintain rccOlds of all strect names and Humbers c,uuently assigncd under
this article and all names and numbers wllich havc cver been assigned ptllsuant to this article and
shall monitor sa11le to ellStlle that duplicate street names and numbers ale prevented.
Sec. 9-375. Annexations; additions.
(a) Whenever a palecl ofland, a su~division, or any part thereof, bceomes part of the cOlpOlate
lil11its of the city by municipal arIDexatiori or othcrwise, it shall be the responsibility.pftIle land
devclopmcnt coordinator's office to levicw the address numbcrs of SUell propcrty and deteiluine
w hcther such numbers, their posting and the method of numbering for such contracted portion
C011[o1111 to thc designated grid system and the uniform building nunlbering system established by
this ar ticle ~ ithin thirty (30) days of such annexation.
(b) If the number, posting or nlethod ofnumberil1g a building is in nonconfonnance witII the
city grid system guide map alld uniform building numbering system after a municipal all1lexation,
the land devclopnlent coordinator's .offiee shall gi ve notice of SUGh nonconfOrmallCe to the
o~ners or occupants of the affected building or property. The notice shall be dclivered by
certified mail, return rcceipt requested 01 by posting thc notice in a conspic,uous place on the
building or by hand deli v cry. The notice shall include a notification or a change of addr ess which
shall contain the eoncet 01 new building number assigned to the building or property in
accoldance with tile provisiol1S oftllis article alld the date of notification. The notice 511.111 direct
the o~ncr or thc occupant to post the newly assigned building number contained in the Challge of
addless on the building 01 plOperty ill aecoldallce with this section. The notice shall notify the
o~ner or occupant dlat, ifhe or she disaglees ~ith the dGtGllnillation of the lalld devdopment
coordinator's office, an appeal may be taken legalding the determination made to the city
Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 3. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be
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changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion
shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately
upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of , 200 I.
City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
F:\Lawyer\jeffb\City of Winter Spnngs\Ordinances\Amend Chapter 9 Ordinance - Street Names.wpd
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WHEREAS, Seminole County has an address coordinating staff, as a division of its Planning
and Development Department, that assigns street names and buildinglIot numbers to properties in the
unincorporated areas. of the County as well as to the Cities of Casselberry, Longwood, and Lake
Mary; and
WHEREAS, the current assignment of street names and buildinglIot numbers for the City
of Winter Springs requires an application to the City as a part and parcel of Site Plan Review and
. further verification and approval by the Seminole County Planning and Development Department,
which amounts to duplication of efforts rather than through a single uniform system; and
WHEREAS, the Seminole County Planning and Development Department ensures that street
name assignments are distinct and that building/lot numbering is consistent along roads that traverse
multiple jurisdictions, in order to facilitate County and City emergency response; and
WHEREAS, the current Grid System, employed by the City of Winter Springs, can lead to
inconsistent building/lot numbering assignments; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
. ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Section 1. The City of Winter Springs Code Chapter 9 is hereby amended as follows:
(underlined type indicates additions and strikeout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (* * *).
indicate a deletion from the Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 9. It is intended that the text in
Chapter 9 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the
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language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance)
* * *
Article III. Design Standards
* * *
Division 3. Streets and Alleys
* * *
Sec. 9-156. Street names.
. New street name assignments shall be subiect to the review. verification and approval of the
Seminole County Planning and Development Department. Proposed street names shall be
submitted as part of the Site Plan Review for the City of Winter Springs. and the Site Plan Review
Committee shall forward the proposed street names to the Seminole County Planning and
Development Department. New stJ eet MInes shall not duplicate the names of existing streets,
except tllat new stl eets that are an extension or in alignment with existing stl eets shall beal the
same name as that bOIne by such cAisting streets. Names likely to be conwsed with names of
existing stl eets sllall be voided. Street names sllall be subject to the approval of the city.
Building/lot number assignments shall also be designated by the Seminole County Planning and
Development Department the city staff. See subsection 9-298(cJ, method for naming streets.
* * *
Article VII. Uniform Building Numbering System
* * *
Sec. 9-370. Definitions.
The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings
ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Accessory building shall mean a building which is clearly incidental or subordinate to and
customarily utilized adjacent to and in connection with a principal building located on the same
Building front or facade shall mean that area or facade of a building which has yisible numbers
from a public or private street or way because it faces the public or private street or way pursuant
to which the building is numbered. When a building is constructed on a corner lot, the building
front or facade shall be that area of the building which faces the street on which a projected
address was assigned or in the event a projected address has not been assigned, the area as
designated by the land development coordinator.
Grid system guide sllalllllean a selies of designated hOlth/soutll parallel lilies ilitersectillg a second
set of east/west pal allellines as illdicated 011 tile officiallllastel gl id maps delineated on a 1.2000
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map of Winter Springs, Hodda which is OIl file ill the lalld developrl1ellt COOl dilIatol 's office:-
Nonconformance shall mean any failure to comply with the provisions of this article including, but
not limited to by way of example a number out of sequence, odd or even number on wrong side of
street, rural box numbers, numbers improperly affixed, numbers not visible, numbers not present,
numbers of improper size, numbers not in contrast with immediate background, weatherworn
numbers, wrong numbers and nonapproved numbers.
Occupant shall mean any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust, corporation, association or other
organization who is occupying or leasing a building or other property for a period exceeding
thirty (30) days.
Owner shall mean any and all persons, firms, entities, partnerships, trusts, corporations, associates
or other organizations who own the fee title to or have an undivided interest in any building or
property which is subject to the provisions of this article.
Principal building shall mean any structure which is designed, built or used for the support,
enclosure, shelter,. or protection of persons, animals, chattels or property of any kind for any
residential, commercial or industrial purpose.
Private way shall mean any street, road, avenue, drive, cul-de-sac or other thoroughfare used for
vehicular traffic and any easement or right-of-way that provides sole access to more than one (1)
parcel or lot which is not included in the definition of public way and which is not maintained by
the city. This term shall include, but is not limited to roadways or driveways in mobile home
parks, apartments, condominiums, commercial or industrial complexes, which have been named
and signed in accordance with this land development code. .
Projected street name and numbering scheme shall mean all approved site plans and plats,
including amendments thereto, which contain projected street names and addresses although no
construction or development has occurred on the projected street.
Public way shall mean any area of a public road or right-of-way, either paved or unpaved, which
is intended for vehicular traffic and that has been dedicated to the city for the purpose of yehicular
traffic and for use as a thoroughfare for vehicular traffic whether or not by the city excluding
service entrances or driveways.
Uniform building numbering system shall mean a system by which existing buildings and projected
. lots and parcels for future buildings are assigned addresses in a coordinated and uniform method
based on the policy and procedures set up by the Seminole County Planning and Development
Department a designated grid sy stem cOlltained in the officialll1aster gr id maps which a:r e on file
in the lalId developlltent CO or dinatOl's office.
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Sec. 9-372. Establishment of system.
For any development within the municipal boundaries of the City of Winter Springs. the
assignment of street names and building/lot numbering. in order to ensure uniformity County
wide. shall be reviewed. verified. and approved by the Seminole County Planning and
Develooment Department. A uniforlll building numberihg system, <1S detell11ined by the grid
system guide map filed in the land development coordinatol's office is heleby adopted fOI use ilI
the corporate limits of the city. The grid system guide map and all explanato! y matte! tllereon alId
related thereto al e hereby adopted, incorporated herein by reference and hlade a part of this
Sec. 9-373. Administration and assignment of numbers.
(a) The City shall be responsible for enforcing compliance with this Chaoter. including the
posting of building/lot numbers.as required by section 9-374. City Code. The city land
development coordinator's office shall be responsible for COOl dinating and lllaintaihing the
numberihg system established by this altide. Illeland developlllent cooldil1ator's office, shall
approve street Mules ahddesighations and shall assign building numbe! s in cOljfoIlllity with tile
unifoIlll building numberihg system establislled in section 9-J72. The land developlhent
coordinatol's office sllall be respohsible fOI enforcing conlpliance with tile plelhises posting
requilements established in section 9-J74.
(b) If an existing building fails to conform with the uniform numbering system, the land
development coordinator's office shall give notice to those owners or occupants whose building
number is in nonconformity with the uniform building numbering system. The notice shall be
delivered to the owner or occupant by certified mail, return receipt requested or by posting it in a
conspicuous place on the property or by hand delivery. Such notice may include a notification of a
change of address which shall contain the new building number assigned to the building in
accordance with the provisions of this article'and shall direct the owner or the occupant to post
the newly assigned building number on the building or property in accordance with section 9-374.
The owners or occupants shall have thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice sent by certified
mail or from the date of hand delivery if delivered by hand or from the date of posting if such
notice is posted on the property to come into compliance with this article.
(c) Assignment bY' the land development coordinatOl's office of~ the assigned number. as set
forth in this Chapter. to a lot or parcel on which a projected future building may be constructed
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shall be a condition precedent to the issuance of a building permit for any such building.
(d) In COOl dil1ation \\Iitll tile county 12-911 COOl dil1ato1, the lal1d developlllent coordinator's
office shall record and nlaintail1 recol ds of all street harne.s and numbers GUll endy as sighed uhdel
this article ahd all nallles al1d 1.U111bel 5 wl.ich have ever beel1 as sighed pursuant to t1lis article and
shalllllol1itol sallie to ehSUl e that duplicate Stl eet nanles al.d hUlllbels are pi evented.
* * *
Sec. 9-375. Annexations; additions.
(a) Whenevela palcel oflalld, a subdivision, 01 auy palt thereof, becohles part of the cOlpOlate
lilllits of tile city by I/lUl1icipal al1l1exatioh or otherwise, it sllall be the respol1sibility of tile land
developllleht cOOldihator's office to leview tile addless nUIl.bels of such ploperty and detelll1ine
whethel sucl. nUlllbels, tlleil posting and the 1/1ethod of hunlbeJing fOI such cOhtracted portioh
cOl/folln to the designated gl id sy stem and tile Unif01l1l building numbeIing sy stem established by
tI.is article within thirty (30) days of sucll ahnexation.
(b) If the number, posting or 111ethod ofnUlllberihg a building is ill nonconformance. with the
city grid systenl guide map and uniform building nunlbelihg system aftel a IlIuuicipal annexation,
the lahd developl/lel1t coordinator's office sllall give notice of such 110nCOllfulll1ahCe to the owners
or occupants of the. affected building or property. The notice shall be delivered by certified nlail,
I eturh receipt 1 equested or by posting tile notice in a conspicuous place on the building 01 by hand
delivery. Tile notice shall include a hotification 01 a change of addle.ss whicll sllall cOl/taildhe
COli ect 01 new building IlUlllber assighed to the building 01 plOperty in accordal1ce with the
provisiohs of this al1icle and the date of notification. The hotice shall direct the owner or the
occupant to post the newly assigned buildihg humber contaihed in the chal1ge of addLess 011 the
building 01 ploperty ih accOldahce with tllis section. The notice shall notify the ownel 01 occupant
tllat, if he 01 she disagrees with the detelll1ihation of tile lal1d developlt1eht coordinator's office., an
appcallhay be takeul egaJ ding the dete1 hlil1atiol11hadG to the city manager.
Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior
ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 3. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 4.
Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
City of Winter S.prings
Ordinance No. 2uul-43
Page 5 of 6
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion
. shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect
the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the 23rd day of July , 2001
First Reading: July 9, 2001
Second Reading: July 23, 2001
Effective Date: July 23, 2001
F:\DOCS\City of Winter Springs\Ordinances\Amend Chapter 9 Ordinance-Street Names.kj
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-43
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.. M ,-""LLA -,-r\- ,,...,j_
I ,..-
1126 EAST STATE ROAD 434 ....,........-
WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32708-2799 ~ !'fJ ~ ~
Telephone (407) 327-1800 rU I ~ -
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Charles c~on. Community Development Director
May 11, 2001
Street Names
Seminole County has an address coordinating staff that assigns street numbers
and names. Currently this procedure applies to Casselberry, Longwood and Lake
Mary. Tim Lallathin and I met with Maggie Ketcham, Seminole County Address
Coordinator on May 9, 2001 to discuss the application of this procedure to Winter
Springs. The advantage to Winter Springs is that the County staff will coordinate
all street names, house numbers, private road names, and re-addressing with
emergency 911 and with twenty-two other entities such as the School Board and
If the procedure is applied to Winter Springs, the County staff would receive
subdivision plats and site plans during the preliminary DRC Review and would
work with the developer of streets and assigning street numbers in full compliance
with 911 and the postal selVice.
This program is properly administered and Tim and I recommend that the City of
Winter Springs adopt the program. If you agree with the transfer of this work effort
it will require a letter of request to County Administrator Kevin Grace.
U:\Does\ Word\Mernos\MayO I \Street Naming Numbering.doc