HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 05 08 Consent 404 Feasibility Study Assessment District Town Center
ITEM 404
Consent X
Public Hearing
May 8, 2006
Regular Meeting
Requesting the City Commission authorize a supplemental appropriation in
the amount of $25,000 to fund costs associated with a feasibility study for the
creation of an Assessment District in the Winter Springs Town Center.
To obtain City Commission authorization for a supplemental appropriation in the
amount of $25,000 to fund costs associated with a feasibility study for the
creation of an assessment district in the Winter Springs Town Center.
Government Services Group, Inc. (GSG) has provided the City with a proposed scope of services
to perform a feasibility study for the creation of an Assessment District within the Winter
Springs Town Center. The project is intended to develop an implementable initial funding plan
for this purpose including:
1. Project Initiation
2. Data Collection
3. Development of a Preliminary GIS Database for the Area
4. Locating the Proposed Maintenance Service Areas and Determining the Benefited
5. GIS Boundary Description of the Benefited Areas
6. Development of the Initial Database
7. Development of Funding Alternatives
8. Development of a Preliminary Assessment Methodology
9. Creation of Preliminary Assessment Rolls
10. Delivery and Presentation of the Final Report
Funding for this project is requested from a supplemental appropriation in the amount of$25,000
from the General Fund.
The City Manager recommends the City Commission approve a supplemental appropriation
from the General Fund in the amount of $25,000 to fund costs associated with GSG's feasibility
study for creation of an Assessment District in the Winter Springs Town Center.
GSG Proposal dated 4/24/06.
APR 2 5 2006
City Manager
public sector
funding & Service
April 24, 2006
Via Federal Express
Ronald McLemore
City Manager
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Re: Scope of Services for Winter Springs Town Center Funding Analysis
Dear Ron:
This correspondence is written to provide a proposed scope of services for Government Services Group, Inc.
(GSG) to assist the City of Winter Springs (City) in a funding analysis for maintenance services within the
Winter Springs Town Center. A separate proposal will be provided by Nabors, Giblin & Nickerson, P.A. (NG&N)
for their legal services for this project. Because of the uncertainty in the scope of this project, we
recommend a phased approach. During Phase One of the project, GSG will perform the following tasks:
· Identify the proposed maintenance services
. Describe the benefit areas and funding alternatives
· Provide a description of the apportionment methodology including all underlying assumptions and
proforma assessment rate calculations.
In addition, a detailed work plan will be provided as to the next steps the City would have to follow to
successfully implement the recommendations outlined in Phase One. This will include tasks, timeframes and
professional hours and fees for Phase Two.
The proposed scope of services for Phase One will be performed on a time and materials basis based on
GSG standard hourly rates. However, GSG will not incur more than $25,000 in fees without first notifying the
City in writing as to the progress to date and the estimated amount of effort remaining to complete the tasks
identified in this work order.
In addition to our professional fees, GSG will be reimbursed for actual costs incurred, such as long distance
telephone charges, travel expenses, and overnight delivery charges. Any travel expenses will be reimbursed
in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes. All production costs and travel expenses will not
exceed ten-percent of the proposed not-to-exceed fees. It is anticipated that any subsequent work orders as
a result of this initial scope of services would be based on a thorough knowledge of the work remaining and
would most likely be on a fixed-fee basis.
1500 Mahan Drive, Suite 250 I Tallahassee FL 32308 I T 850.681.3717 I F 850.224.7206
280 Wekiva Springs Rd. I Protegrity Plaza. Suite 203 I Longwood FL 32779 I T 407.629.6900 I F 407.629.6963
Ronald McLemore
April 24, 2006
Page 2
If you have any questions or need additional information, please call me. We look forward to working with
the City of Winter Springs on this project.
Camille P. Tharpe
cc: Chris Traber, NGN
Mark Brown, GSG
Scope of Services
The following tasks represent the level of effort required to develop an initial funding plan for the City of
Winter Springs for the proposed maintenance services in the Winter Springs Town Center. This work plan is
intended to develop an implementable funding plan for the various maintenance services. The following
tasks represent that level of effort.
Task 1: Project Initiation GSG will meet with the City staff to ensure complete understanding as to
the engagement's objectives and required time frame. All parties will agree as to the proper
course of events and tasks to be accomplished during this initial scope of services.
Task 2:
Task 3:
Task 4:
Task 5:
Task 6:
Task 7:
Data Collection GSG will collect all data, maps, drawings and reports as they relate to the
Winter Springs Town Center project. A thorough analysis of the information obtained will be
conducted by GSG so that a complete understanding of the underlying facts and
assumptions pertinent to useful funding alternatives can be developed.
Develop a Preliminary GIS database for the Area GSG will use the existing GIS data from
the City to develop a preliminary GIS database for the area. This database will be used to
assist developing the various funding alternatives. The GIS database will include a parcel
layer with parcel data including property use, ownership, etc.
Locate the Proposed Maintenance Service Areas and Determine the Benefited Properties
Using the preliminary GIS database, GSG will determine the preliminary location of the
proposed maintenance service areas to serve as basis for identifying geographic areas
benefited by the maintenance services.
GIS boundary description of the benefit areas Once the benefited properties are identified,
GSG will develop a GIS-based boundary description of the benefit areas.
Develop Initial Database GSG will develop an initial database of all affected parcels that
may be called upon to fund all or portions of the costs of maintenance services within the
Winter Springs Town Center.
Develop Funding Alternatives Based on the information gathered during tasks 1-6, GSG will
develop a series of funding alternatives based on the information and database developed.
These funding alternatives will be delivered in the form of a draft memorandum to the City
staff for their review and response. This memorandum will discuss not only various
apportionment and funding alternatives, but also initial identification of those properties that
could be affected.
Govemment Services Group, Inc. I 1
Task 8:
Task 9:
Task 10:
Develop a preliminary assessment methodology GSG will develop a preliminary assessment
methodology based on the proposed maintenance services, their location and properties
benefited by the services. This methodology may require the development of future
development capacity figures for each potential parcel. If detailed data is not available, GSG
will use current land-use information.
Create Preliminary Assessment Rolls Using the tax roll files and the assessment database
created in the prior tasks, GSG will create preliminary assessment rolls for each assessment
· Determine parcels to be included within each assessment program.
· Apply apportionment methodology to assessment database to test the data validity and
legal sufficiency.
· Calculate proforma rates for each assessment program using the apportionment
methodology for the assessment program.
Prepare and Present Final Report GSG will prepare and present a Final Report that
identifies the proposed maintenance services and describes the benefit areas and funding
alternatives. For the proposed assessment programs, the Final Report will provide a
description of the apportionment methodology including all underlying assumptions and
proforma assessment rate calculations.
In addition, a detailed work plan will be provided as to the next steps the City would have to
follow to successfully implement the recommendations outlined in the document. This will
include tasks, timeframes and professional hours and fees.
Government Services Group, Ine. I 2
The proposed scope of services will be performed on a time and materials basis based on the standard
hourly rates. GSG's hourly rates are as follows:
Sr. Vice President
Vice President
Project Manager
Sr. Consultant
Data Base Developer
Technical Services
Communications Services
Administrative Support
$ 50.00
However, GSG will not- incur more than $25,000 in fees without first notifying the City in writing as to the
progress to date and the estimated amount of effort remaining to complete the tasks identified in this work
In addition to our professional fees, GSG will be reimbursed for actual costs incurred, such as long distance
telephone charges, travel expenses, and overnight delivery charges. Any travel expenses will be reimbursed
in accordance with section 112.061, Florida Statutes. All production costs and travel expenses will not
exceed ten-percent of the proposed not-to-exceed fees. It is anticipated that any subsequent work orders as
a result of this initial scope of services would be based on a thorough knowledge of the work remaining and
would most likely be on a fixed-fee basis.
Government Services Group, Inc. I 3