HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 03 14 Consent 204 Approval of February 28, 2005 Minutes CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 28, 2005 CALL TO ORDER The Regular Meeting of Monday, February 28, 2005 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:31 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). ROLL CALL: Mayor John F. Bush, present Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, present Commissioner Robert S. Miller, absent Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, present City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present A Moment of Silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC INPUT Ms. Robin Gremillion, 1570 Wescott Loop, Winter Springs, Florida: presented a Petition to the City Commission requesting that the City Commission deny a Cell Tower request. Mayor Bush said to Ms. Gremillion, "Give it to the Clerk, and she will make sure the Commissioners all get copies." Mr. Paul Rosu, 2106 Kilamanjaro Court, Apopka, Florida: spoke of subdividing land. With discussion, Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake said, "Could we have an Agenda Item at our next Meeting Mr. Mayor, that brings back to us discussion of exactly why we are only allowed to subdivide a parcel one time; and what the differences between doing that and going the subdivision process." Mayor Bush said to City Manager Ronald W. McLemore and City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, "After you look at it, if you can get it on the next Meeting Agenda - or let us know when, and let Paul (Rosu) know." With discussion, Deputy Mayor Blake added, "I think there are folks up here, me included that aren't real clear on what the purpose of the law is, the way it is written and why we should or should not change it." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 2 OF 27 Mayor Bush said, "Is the Commission in agreement with what Commissioner Blake is asking for?" Commissioner Sally McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs remarked, "Yes." No objections were noted. Mr. Tim Montgomery, 4190 Aldergate Place, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on Consent Agenda Item "207" and asked for a Continuance. Deputy Mayor Blake suggested, "Take it off the Agenda and postpone it until the next Meeting. We did also I think, direct Staff to get together with Mr. Montgomery, but we would have to check the Minutes to be sure - I think we directed Staff to get together with Mr. Montgomery and develop this Agreement." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "Wouldn't it be normal and typical for the individual upon which the Development Order has the effect, has a moment to review and make comment on the event that perhaps it doesn't accurately reflect some action that we took?" Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "With some of the conditions we have put on this property for that use, I think it is appropriate to give Mr. Montgomery an opportunity to actually contact and talk with the City Manager or the City Attorney and ask any questions relating to the Development Order, to make sure that he fully understands it." "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE POSTPONE ITEM '207' UNTIL THE SECOND REGULAR MEETING IN MARCH, AND DIRECT STAFF TO BE AVAILABLE FOR MR. MONTGOMERY TO RESPOND TO ANY QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS HE MAY HAVE." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS AWARDS AND PRESENTATIONS 100. Office Of The Mayor Presents "The State Of The City" Address. Mayor Bush presented his "State ofthe City" address. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28,2005 PAGE 3 OF 27 CONSENT AGENDA CONSENT 200. Office Of The City Manager Requests Approval For A Supplemental Appropriation Of $7,500.00 And Authorization To Enter Into An Agreement With RCC Consultants. Discussion ensued with Ms. Joanne Dalka, Director, Information Services Department. Commissioner Krebs stated, "I am not certain that just answering phones is our only problem, as far as communication is concerned." Commissioner Krebs added, "Two (2) people have approached me about calling and even leaving messages and not getting called back." Ms. Dalka stated, "If there are reports of people not returning phone calls, that is an administrative issue, in my opinion." Commissioner Krebs then said, "So what are we going to do about that." Manager McLemore noted, "We will deal with that, as part of the overall solution." Commissioner Krebs further noted, "From what I am reading here, this is one issue, but then there is another issue and - to Joanne's (Dalka) point it could be administrative also, and I just want to make sure we direct that also." Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore added, "My comments go along with the other two (2) Commissioners. " Discussion. Commissioner Krebs inquired of Ms. Dalka, "Have you looked into the product called 'Blackberry'?" Ms. Dalka responded, "Yes, and I am actually in the process of putting all that information together, so that everyone will have it." Ms. Dalka stated, "I would like to see that." CONSENT 201. Utility Department Requesting Permission To Purchase One (1) Ford F-150 (112 Ton Pickup Truck, 4x4) By Piggybacking Off Of Florida Sheriff's Association Bid #04-12-0823 With Don Reid Ford. This Agenda Item was not discussed. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 4 OF 27 CONSENT 202. Public Works Department Requesting City Commission Approval To Enter Into A Contract For The Construction Of Doran Drive And State Road 434 Intersection Improvements. Discussion. CONSENT 203. Public Works Department - Stormwater Division Requests A Supplemental Appropriation And Authorization To Enter Into An Agreement With CPH Engineers To Provide Engineering Services In The Preparation Of Documents For The Tuskawilla Road Drainage System Improvements Located At The Outfall To Lake Jesup. Brief discussion. CONSENT 204. Public Works Department Requesting City Commission Approval To Enter Into A Contract For The Design Of The City Hall Expansion. Deputy Mayor Blake asked Manager McLemore, "Have we ever done - square footage study per person?" With further discussion, Deputy Mayor Blake then inquired, "Have we instead of looking to build-out this new section, have we ever looked at what it might cost to reconfigure the square footage that we already own - because when I walk through City Hall, I am not convinced that the walls are in the right place for where we are today." Tape 1/Side B Manager McLemore said, "Can we go through that analysis, we can do that - we can do that and kind of - document that." CONSENT 205. Public Works Department Requesting City Commission Approval To Enter Into A Contract For The Construction Of The Deceleration Lane At Moss Road For Eastbound State Road 434. There was no discussion on this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 5 OF 27 CONSENT 206. Office Of The City Clerk Requesting Approval Of The February 14,2005 Regular Meeting Minutes. No discussion. CONSENT 207. Office Of The City Attorney Approve Final Development Order Regarding Eagle Bay Wood Products, Inc. This Agenda Item was handled at the conclusion of "Public Input". "MOVE TO APPROVE CONSENT AGENDA...." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE ADDED, "...LESS [CONSENT AGENDA] ITEM '207'." MAYOR BUSH STATED, "MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE EXCEPTION OF '207' WHICH HAS BEEN RESCHEDULED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE." DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. INFORMATIONAL AGENDA INFORMATIONAL 300. Community Development Department Advising The City Commission Of The Status Of Various Current Planning Projects. Brief discussion. INFORMATIONAL 301. Public Works Department Advising The City Commission Of The Status Of Various Capital Improvement Projects. This Agenda Item was not discussed. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 6 OF 27 INFORMATIONAL 302. Utility Department Informing The City Commission Of A Notice Of Publication Of A Violation Of A Drinking Water Standard. With discussion, Commissioner Krebs said, "What can be done to make it better and _ quicker." Mr. Kip Lockcuff, P.E., Director, Public Works/Utility Department said, "We could talk to the Lab." With discussion on the advertisement and handling telephone calls, Mayor Bush suggested, "Maybe you could have an additional person there to cover his phone when he is going to be gone?" Mr. Lockcuffnoted, "We will try to make sure somebody is there." Commissioner Gilmore said, "I think it would be nice to indicate - that this was not found at the Water Treatment Plant." With more discussion on the advertisement, Mr. Lockcuff noted that at this point, he could not change the advertisement scheduled for publication in tomorrow's newspaper. Commissioner Gilmore added, "I would like to see the distinction made." Mayor Bush inquired, "Is it on our W ebsite?" Mayor Bush then added, "But we could put it on our Website." Mr. Lockcuff replied, "Sure." Mayor Bush then noted, "And maybe an explanation as such as the Commission has indicated it will go along with that verifying - where the sample was taken, etceteras; that way - Commissioners, you get calls, you could refer people to the Website for the official explanation." Mayor Bush asked, "Can we have a Motion to approve the Informational Agenda Items?" "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 7 OF 27 PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The Commission As A Corrective Action, Hold A Public Hearing For Second Reading! Adoption Of Ordinance 2005-04, A Small Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment Changing The Current Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation From "Low Density Residential" To "Commercial" For One (1) Parcel Located At The Northeast Corner Of Parkstone Boulevard And SR [State Road) 434, Within The Parkstone PUD (Planned Unit Development). Parkstone Had A "Mixed Use" Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Designation At The Time The Project Was Being Master Planned In 1995. At Some Point The FLUM (Future Land Use Map) Was Changed To "Low Density Residential" Which Was Then Formally Adopted By The Commission And Submitted To DCA (Department of Community Affairs) With The Adoption Of The Comprehensive Plan By Ordinance 2001-55. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2005-04 by "Title" only. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department spoke on this Agenda Item. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. No one spoke. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM '400'." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH SAID, "MOTION TO APPROVE AND MOVE TO SECOND READING." VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 8 OF 27 PUBLIC HEARINGS 401. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The Commission Hold A Public Hearing For First Reading Of Ordinance 2005-06, Which Rezones 11.028 Acres (More Or Less), Located Along SR [State Road] (Across From Doran Drive) From "A-I" Agricultural (Seminole County) To "Town Center" (City Of Winter Springs). Mayor Bush stated, "Can we have a Motion to read by 'Title' only." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. MAYOR BUSH STATED, "SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE." DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2005-06 by "Title" only. Ms. Sahlstrom briefly introduced this Agenda Item and stated that the "LP A [Local Planning Agency] in their Minutes did speak at length about concerns about traffic and so forth which are included in your Agenda Item and they did want me to bring up before you - they were concerned about such things as the Fire Department having adequate access for the Fire Department and so forth." Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. No one spoke. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. Discussion. Commissioner Gilmore noted that regarding fire truck access, "P and Z [Planning and Zoning Board Local Planning Agency] specifically requested that the Fire Chief confirm that they have the equipment to traverse the streets. Have we done that?" Ms. Sahlstrom spoke on the Concept Plan under review, and added, "That will be done but it has not been done yet because we have not received any Submittals from the Applicant, but yes, the Fire Chiefwill be very involved in the discussions." "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM '401'." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 9 OF 27 VOTE: COMMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 402. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The City Commission Consider A Waiver Request By Ayube Khan From Section 20-486. (4) f. To The Maximum Copy Area For A Building Mounted Single Tenant Identification Sign For The New Bruster's Real Ice Cream Shop In The SR [State Road] 434 Redevelopment Area. Mr. John Baker, AICP, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. No one spoke. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. Discussion. Mr. Ayube (Benson) Kahn, 1464 Wescott Loop, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on this Agenda Item. "I WILL MOVE THAT WE ACCEPT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT'S RECOMMENDATION FOR A SIGN - 51.75 SQUARE FEET." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. MAYOR BUSH STATED, "SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER BLAKE." DISCUSSION. DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "ARE WE REGULATING THE COLOR - THERE WAS DISCUSSION AT THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT THAT THE BACKGROUND WOULD BE THE SAME COLOR AS THE BACKGROUND OF THE SIGN." MR. BAKER NOTED, "THE BACKGROUND WASN'T AN ISSUE..." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE THEN SAID, "...WE CAN'T USE RED LETTERS OR BLACK LETTERS." MR. KAHN SAID, "I AM REQUESTING ONE OF THOSE - THE BOTTOM ONE BE PLACED AGAINST THE BUILDING IN THOSE COLORS." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "THE BACKGROUND OF THE SIGN WILL BE THE SAME COLOR AS THE SIDE - THE BLACK LETTERS WILL BE ON THE SAME COLOR AS THE SIDE." MR. KAHN SAID, "CORRECT." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 10 OF 27 VOTE: DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. PUBLIC HEARINGS 403. Community Development Department Presents A Request For A Conditional Use Within The City Of Winter Springs RC- 1 Zoning District (Residential Rustic FLU [Future Land Use] Designation), To Allow A 1,728 Square Foot Detached Accessory Structure (Horse Barn) To Replace The Existing Barn Behind The Residence At 405 Moss Road. Mr. Baker opened the discussion on this Agenda Item and presented photographs. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. Mr. John Scribner, 405 South Moss Road, Winter Springs, Florida: briefly addressed the City Commission. Mayor Bush said to Mr. Scribner, "You are in favor?" Mr. Scribner stated, "Yes Sir, I am. " Tape 2/Side A Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. Discussion. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION WE APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT, SUBJECT TO STAFF'S FINDINGS." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 11 OF27 PUBLIC HEARINGS 404. Office Of The City Manager ADD-ON Requesting The City Commission To Adopt The First Reading Of Ordinance Number 2005-10 Amending The City's Transportation Impact Fee Ordinance, Chapter 9, Article VIII Of The City Code. Commissioner McGinnis left the dais at approximately 8:05 p.m. Mayor Bush stated, "Do we have a Motion to read by 'Title' only." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE Commissioner McGinnis returned to the dais at approximately 8:06 p.m. COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Garganese read Ordinance 2005-10 by "Title" only. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. No one spoke. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of the Agenda Item. Mr. Terry M Zaudtke, P.E., CPH Engineers, Inc., 1117 East Robinson Street, Orlando, Florida: and Mr. Lockcuff discussed Agenda Item materials with the City Commission. Discussion. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT WE MOVE THIS ON TO AN ADOPTION HEARING AT OUR NEXT MEETING." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 12 OF 27 VOTE: COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Zaudtke noted, "The only changes made in here were the ones requested that night at the - Workshop." Mr. Zaudtke added, "Chelsea Woods - we did change the number of units there." REGULAR AGENDA REGULAR 500. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The City Commission Approve The Final Engineering/Site Plan For The 1.4112 Acre Tuscawilla Town Square (Which Includes Tuscany Restaurant) Located At 1301 Winter Springs Boulevard At Northern Way And Gary Hillery Drive. Ms. Sahlstrom spoke on this Agenda Item and noted, "This is to approve two (2) additional buildings - actually it says three (3)." With discussion, Ms. Sahlstrom noted that regarding the four foot (4') decorative wall- "That wall does obscure the parking area - it does not go around the entire lot." Mr. Gary Hillery, 1220 Winter Springs Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: noted his comments regarding the four foot (4') wall. Deputy Mayor Blake said, "On Gary Hillery Drive, putting in parking all along both edges or one edge?" Manager McLemore said, "I thought it was both sides." Next, Deputy Mayor Blake then said to Mr. Lockcuff, "We have two things we have to talk about on that - first off, is whether or not it is legal to park there. 1 know the Town Center we have - and some language in the Code whereby it actually supersedes our other Code if it is not silent, but over here, 1 think 12-65. would prohibit parking on the roadway - on the right-of-way in that area so we would have to do something about that, just as a housekeeping issue going forward." Deputy Mayor Blake then said, "My concern over and above that however is what contribution the City would be making to provide parking for a private business venture?" Deputy Mayor Blake further asked, "This hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) includes parking? Or is it just the roadway improvements and parking is being picked up by the Developer?" CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 13 OF 27 Manager McLemore responded, "I believe that that is for the full construction of the road." Deputy Mayor Blake then asked, "Including the parking?" Manager McLemore said, "Including the parking right - including a portion of the roadway surface." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "How much extra is it with the parking on it, as opposed to not placing the parking on it - do you have a cost differential?" Manager McLemore noted, "I am sure we could get to it." Mr. Alec String, 215 Rolling Wood Trail, Altamonte Springs, Florida: addressed the City Commission and stated, "We will be getting three (3) firm bids on the roadway and it will be broken down into sections, including the parking, the outfall- and it's probably going to be pushing 150 to do the whole thing." Mr. String added, "It will potentially be more than 150 to do the road, the parking, the retention and the outfall." Regarding the wall, Mr. String remarked, "There were two things that the community asked for - one was to move the dumpster to the 7-11, which we did - moved it away from the residential house, from the residential area and also build a four foot (4') wall to shield the lights. We did that. That is the extent of the wall. Don't forget, we are going to be doing an all brick - there is no asphalt on this property, all the driving surfaces is brick - the roofs are made out of metal. We're doing a lot of other things that are going to elevate the look of this, rather than walling it in. So, we can't do everything but I think the wall was a reasonable fix to Mr. [Gary] Hillery's concern." Mayor Bush said to Mr. String, "You are saying the wall that you proposed actually shields the lights from Mr. [Gary] Hillery's home?" Mr. String stated, "Absolutely, and that was done based on a concern that Mr. [Gary] Hillery brought up in front of the Commission." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "I don't think that was here." Mr. String said, "Okay. He certainly brought it up to me that there was two (2) concerns and that's the only two (2) concerns I've heard from the residents of Tuscawilla. One was the dumpster, and two (2) was the four foot (4') wall. And they're both on the plan." Discussion. Commissioner Krebs referenced Attachment 'B' - there was a conversation that we had had regarding planting or improvements along the retention pond, again on the 7-11, and if you look in the next paragraph, 'Mr. String stated, Absolutely. And you will see that on - Landscaping Plans and the Final Engineering'." Ms. Sahlstrom explained, "The City would be preparing those documents." Mr. Lockcuff added, "We hoped to bring it back to the TLBD [Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District] since it is contiguous to their improvements." Discussion. Ms. Sahlstrom said, "If you in fact do want the wall to extend around, it will have a significant impact on the existing trees that currently Mr. String is intending to save." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 14 OF 27 Commissioner McGinnis said, "I am quite comfortable with the wall that is only in place where it would impact the residents." "I MOVE THAT THE WALL ONLY BE AS PRESENTED TO US TONIGHT, IN THOSE AREAS WHERE IT WOULD ONLY IMPACT THE NEIGHBORS AND NOT BE AN ENTlREL Y WALLED PROJECT." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "SO THERE WOULD BE NINETY FEET (90') OF WALL TOTAL - NINETY FEET (90') OF FOUR FEET (4') HIGH WALL; IT WOULD BE LOCATED AS IT IS SHOWN ON THE PLAN ALONG THE WESTERLY BOUNDARY IN FRONT OF THOSE NINE (9) PARKING SPACES, ONLY - NOWEHERE ELSE." COMMISSIONER McGINNIS ADDED, "ONLY AS PRESENTED TO US ON OUR PLANS." THEN, DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "IT WOULD HAVE THAT NINETY FEET (90') OF WALL RIGHT THERE, THAT I AM SHOWING WHICH IS ON THE WESTERN EDGE, IN FRONT OF THE PARKING SPACES THAT FACE NORTHERN WAY ONLY. THERE WOULD BE NO WALL CONSTRUCTED ANY PLACE ELSE ON THE PROPERTY EXCEPT FOR SURROUNDING THE DUMPSTER AS REQUIRED BY CODE. THERE WOULD BE NO OTHER WALL OF ANY HEIGHT." SECONDED BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. DISCUSSION. Tape 2/Side B FURTHER DISCUSSION. DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID TO MR. STRING, "IS THERE ANY POSSIBILITY OF HAVING SOME KIND OF A WALL EXTENDED DOWN THIS WAY TO KEEP SOME OF THOSE BACK-DOOR KITCHEN ACTIVITIES A LITTLE CLOSER TO THE OPERATION?" MR. STRING SAID, "WE COULD POSSIBLY PUT A MASONRY WALL THERE, INSTEAD OF A FENCED WALL." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE THEN ADDED, "IF THERE IS SOME WAY TO TRY AND BUFFER THE OPERATIONS - OF THE KITCHEN WHICH WE ALL WILL PROBABLY AGREE IS NOT THE PRIMEST OF REAL ESTATE, THEN I THINK THAT WOULD PROBABLY REDUCE SOME OF THE IMPACT FOR HIM." MR. STRING, "I WOULD AGREE TO THAT IF YOU HAVE A SUGGESTION ON HOW WE COULD DO THAT." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 15 OF 27 "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE AN AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL BUFFERING ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE TUSCANY'S RESTAURANT OPERATION AS WAS DISCUSSED." DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE ADDED, "AN ATTEMPT TO DO SOMETHING TO PROVIDE MORE OF A BUFFER FROM THE OPERATIONS FOR THE ADJOINING RESIDENCES THAN CURRENTLY EXIST." AMENDMENT TO THE MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: (ON THE AMENDMENT) DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. VOTE: (ON THE MAIN MOTION, AS AMENDED) COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 501.1. Office Of The City Manager Requesting The City Commission To Adopt Resolution Number 2005-09 Authorizing The East Rural Transitional Area Development Code Project. Manager McLemore introduced this Agenda Item. Commissioner McGinnis said to Manager McLemore, "How are we going to get the information out to the stakeholders." Manager McLemore responded, "What we would do for you is generate a property owner list and bring it back to you." Discussion. Commissioner McGinnis said, 'This is news - this ought to be in the news." Further discussion. "I MAKE A MOTION TO PASS OR ADOPT RESOLUTION NUMBER 2005-09." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 16 OF 27 MANAGER McLEMORE SAID, "WE WILL BRING YOU THE PROPERTY OWNER'S LIST AT THE NEXT MEETING." VOTE: COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. REGULAR 501.2. Office Of The City Manager Requesting The City Commission To Authorize The City Manager To Enter Into A Contract With W.R.T. (Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC.) Planning And Design To Perform A Study Of Alternative Development Patterns For The East Rural Area As Provided In Resolution 2005-09, And The Development Of An East Rural Area Transitional District Code. Manager McLemore briefly addressed this Agenda Item. "MOTION TO APPROVE ITEM '501.2'." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "AREN'T WE AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF SIXTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($60,000.00) FOR ALL COSTS OF WHICH FIFfY THOUSAND [DOLLARS] ($50,000.00) IS FOR THE AGREEMENT?" MANAGER McLEMORE STATED, "RIGHT SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION SHOULD BE SIXTY THOUSAND [DOLLARS] ($60,000.00)." VOTE: DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 170F27 REGULAR 502. Community Development Department Requests The Commission Consider A Revised Conceptual Development Plan And Development Agreement For A Unit Town-House Development On 17.15 Acres In The Town Center, Located On The South Side Of Orange Avenue, Immediately Adjacent To The Trail (South) And City Recreation Facilities (West). Mr. Baker spoke on a summary of this project that he had just passed out. Mr. Baker then stated, "We have for you tonight a Development Agreement, and there are a number of things that are covered there. There are some items that I have listed that are deviations from your Code. For example, the roadway system is different than the Town Center map that Dover Kohl did use before. We don't see a big problem with that. We don't see a problem with that as a matter of fact. Let me point out that we don't have connection to the high school; I don't think the High School would give us connection. We do have the emergency access here. This was shown as a roadway; here we have it as a shared access alley between - units, back up to us on this side; these folks would also have access." With discussion, Deputy Mayor Blake asked, "Has anybody had any discussions whatsoever with the school?" Further discussion ensued. Tape 3/Side A With discussion, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "What is the expected timeframe on that - for Orange Avenue to connect to State Road 434?" Manager McLemore responded, "We really haven't nailed that one yet, we can certainly do that." Discussion. Regarding construction vehicle access, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "We don't want that traffic going down Tuskawilla Road." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "That is a serious issue that we need to discuss." Mr. Tom Corkery, 759 Bear Creek Circle, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the level of service. Discussion. Deputy Mayor Blake remarked, "We need to take a real close look at Orange Avenue - timing.. ." Manager McLemore stated, "... We can do that..." Deputy Mayor Blake continued, ".. .And maybe check out our priority list here because that is going to be a real issue for folks down here." Further discussion ensued with Mr. Lockcuff. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 18 OF 27 Commissioner Gilmore mentioned, "I have the concern that down the road - somebody is going to have some problems with drainage from all of this going - heading to Lake Jesup and I would certainly hope that the City is aware ofthat and we aren't stuck with that cost - I hope you are looking at it as these projects are approved." Mr. Lockcuffnoted, "Yes, Sir." Mayor Bush then said to Manager McLemore, "In Commissioner Blake's concern about Orange Avenue, can the completion of Orange Avenue be expedited?" Manager McLemore responded, "It certainly can be expedited - want me to come back to you with the strategies to do that?" With discussion, Mayor Bush summarized the most recent comments as "Expedite Spine Road as well as... Deputy Mayor Blake said, "... Need to... Manager McLemore said, "...We'll come back." Deputy Mayor Blake added, 'We need to look at priorities on each of these different ones, that especially are being affected by this new development and to determine which one has to come first, how soon, or can we just do them both." Mayor Bush noted, "The Commission is in agreement. We have consensus on that." With discussion on the grading, Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "I don't understand how you can't raise those units up by six inches (6"), front and back." Mr. Dave Schmitt, P.E., Vice President, Land Development of Central Florida, Levitt and Sons, LLC, 1479 Hartford Run Drive, Orlando, Florida: as the Engineer of Record, Mr. Schmitt spoke on the issue of grade and stated, "When you have a street like this, you have a building like this, you may have six inches (6") on one side, you may have thirty- six inches (36") on the other side, that's where we're at for the Variance on that criteria." Deputy Mayor Blake then commented to Mr. Schmitt, "So, are you telling me that - this alley right here, if I am looking at these units - I have seven inches (7") - on this side of the elevation, above grade, and on this side I have how many inches?" Deputy Mayor Blake then said, "So, we're talking about the building unit, that it may be seven inches (7") - down here and thirty-six inches (36") up here? Is that what you are saying?" Mr. Schmitt noted, "Correct." Deputy Mayor Blake then said, "So if you raise this to twelve (12), then you are going to raise that to 42 (forty-two)?" Mr. Schmitt replied, "Correct." Deputy Mayor Blake then noted, "Is that because by design you have got a single slab on the whole building?" Mr. Schmitt said, "Correct." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "Is that what you are doing?" Mr. Schmitt replied, "Correct." Furthermore, Deputy Mayor Blake said to Mr. Schmitt, "In terms of construction engineering, the maximum differential you can have between floors - from one unit to the next unit is eight inches (8")?" Mr. Schmitt replied, "Correct." With further comments, Mr. Schmitt noted, "If it could work with the grade differential, we would make them all twenty-four inches (24"), but it is not physically possible to get that width - the grades on the site, even with your stepping abilities." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 19 OF 27 Ms. Pamela Stacy, Architectural Designer, Canin Associates, 500 Delaney Avenue, Orlando, Florida: briefly remarked on the grade. Manager McLemore commented on noting this for the Record. Mr. Corkery then commented that "This is the best with the problems I have with the - property, that I can meet those standards; so we're at seven inches (7") - six inches (6") to twelve inches (12") is seven percent (7%), is the best I could get out of my Engineers." Discussion. Further discussion ensued on the Tot Lot being fenced in. Tape 3/Side B "MOTION TO APPROVE, CONSIDERING THE EXTENUATING CIRCUMSTANCES AS ESTABLISHED BY THE ENGINEERING FIRM." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Attorney Garganese spoke for the Record noted that "Mr. Baker did mention that there are a few other deviations, he enumerated them - I just need to incorporate those into this Development Agreement before everyone signs off on it." REGULAR 503. Office Of The City Manager Requesting Authorization From The City Commission To Execute An Agreement With The Florida Housing Finance Corporation To Provide DISASTER RELIEF HOME ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FUNDS To Fund Repairs To Homes In Winter Springs Caused By Recent Hurricanes, And A Contract With Meridian Community Services Group, Inc. To Administer The Program On Behalf Of The City, And Adopt Resolution Number 2005-11 Authorizing The City Manager To Execute Documents On Behalf Of The City. Manager McLemore introduced a representative of Meridian Community Services Group, Inc., Mr. Calvin Knowles. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 20 OF 27 Mr. Calvin Knowles, Director of Community Development, Meridian Community Services Group, Inc., 4905 3lh Street South, #352, St. Petersburg, Florida: gave a presentation to the City Commission on this project. Commissioner McGinnis said, "My one concern is, are we really getting the information out, because we don't have a local newspaper?" Mr. Knowles stated, "Certainly - that's absolutely something that - is a local issue." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Utility bills." Commissioner Krebs asked who monitors Mr. Knowles' company and related reports? Mr. Knowles stated, "You certainly have every right to - status reports." Commissioner Krebs then remarked, "So you will give us reports?" Mr. Knowles said, "I will give you reports since you requested, yes. And the Agency requires monthly reports which we would submit on behalf of the City and the City would be copied on those monthly reports." Discussion. Attorney Garganese suggested, "My recommendation to the City would be to make sure there was an Indemnity and Hold Harmless" Clause added to the Contract. Mr. Knowles stated, "That is something that we can review." "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION WE AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH - MERIDIAN COMMUNITY SERVICES GROUP, INC. SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS BEING ADDED INTO THE CONTRACT THAT WOULD PROVIDE HOLD HARMLESS PROTECTION FROM THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS IN THE EVENT THAT THERE IS AN ERROR MADE ON BEHALF OF MERIDIAN [COMMUNITY SERVICES GROUP, INC.]." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTYMAYORBLAKE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FWRIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 21 OF 27 REGULAR 504. Public Works Department Providing The City Commission Information On The Trees For The (State Road) 434 Improvement Project (Village Walk). (Postponed From The February lih, 2005 Regular City Commission Meeting) Mr. Steven Richart, Urban Beautification Coordinator, Public Works Department presented this Agenda Item, being assisted by Mr. Michael Mingea, ArboristlEnvironmental Inspector, Community Development Department addressed the City Commission on this Agenda Item. Discussion. Commissioner McGinnis said, "Can I assume that if plantings are made and they don't make it, they will be replaced immediately?" Mr. Richart responded, "Yes." Further discussion. Mayor Bush stated, "Can we have a Motion?" "SO MOVED - I ENDORSE THEM. I SUPPORT THIS." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Bush stated, "We need a Motion to continue - it is eleven o'clock." "SO MOVED." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER KREBS. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER McGINNIS. DISCUSSION. VOTE: COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE COMMISSIONER GILMORE: AYE DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 22 OF 27 REPORTS REPORTS 600. Office Of The City Attorney - Anthony A. Garganese, Esquire No Report. REPORTS 601. Office Of The City Manager - Ronald W. McLemore Manager McLemore spoke about a meeting with the Water Management District and working with Representative David Mealor on this. Next, Manager McLemore mentioned a Letter from Shane Doran noting his concerns with changing the name of the Town Center and requested that any name change be delayed. Manager McLemore noted, "I will make sure you get that and then maybe we can talk about it at the next Meeting. REPORTS 602. Office Of The City Clerk - Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces City Clerk Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces mentioned tomorrow's Finance Seminar Summary being facilitated by Ken Small with the Florida League of Cities which begins at Noon. City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces also noted next Monday's (March 7th, 2005) Workshop on Cell Towers. REPORTS 603. Commission Seat One - Robert S. Miller Absent. REPORTS 604. Commission Seat Two/Deputy Mayor - Michael S. Blake A. Discussion Of Network Access For Commissioners Deputy Mayor Blake noted, "Because we have Network access, meaning the Internal Network - there are certain things we are not able to do. One of those things is to send and receive email- the question is do we need access to the Internal Network because if we don't, we have the ability to send and receive email." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 23 OF 27 Deputy Mayor Blake continued, "What I am asking is that we make a decision to not have access to the Internal Network." Tape 4/Side A Commissioner Krebs said, "I agree." No objections were noted and Deputy Mayor Blake said to Manager McLemore, "If you could let Joanne [Dalka] know then what our decision was." B. Discussion Of Wireless Broadband Next, Deputy Mayor Blake mentioned that "The City of St. Cloud is putting in place wireless access city-wide where all residences, all businesses within the City will have free wireless access - to them." Deputy Mayor Blake noted that Brighthouse Networks "Bundles their products such that their shifting costs from cable side into the Internet side which avoids all the Communication Services Taxes." Deputy Mayor Blake then stated, "I would like to at least look into it to see how they are doing it, who else is doing it, does it work." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "In order to find that out, we need to direct Ron [McLemore] to have Staff take a little bit of time and look into it and bring it back to us." Commissioner Krebs said, "I would like to know how they are doing it." Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Sure." Mayor Bush noted, "I think that is a good idea. One of the things that just came to mind if the City did take that over - what kind of liability would we be assuming if someone is running their business on this and our system goes down?" Mayor Bush added, "I think it is a good idea to look into it, so yes, I think the Commission is in agreement with that recommendation." Lastly, Deputy Mayor Blake noted a recent learning expenence related to Fire Department techniques. REPORTS 605. Commission Seat Three - Donald A. Gilmore No Report. REPORTS 606. Commission Seat Four - Sally McGinnis Commissioner McGinnis mentioned her concern with on-street parking. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28,2005 PAGE 24 OF 27 With discussion, Commissioner McGinnis said, "I would like for us to look again, have input perhaps, a Traffic Consultant, a Planner, somebody - bring us up to date, into the loop on on-street parking." Manager McLemore remarked, "If you're at a point in time now when you're willing to deal with it, be happy to bring Walter [Kulash] - back." Commissioner McGinnis commented, "I would like to." Deputy Mayor Blake mentioned not being in favor of this. Mayor Bush noted, "Commissioner Blake has not supported it." Commissioner Krebs said, "I would like to hear it." Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I don't think it is safe." Mayor Bush remarked, "I don't know if we need a Consultant to maybe come up with some alternatives, maybe Code Enforcement has some ideas that can be handled through Staff to accommodate." With further discussion, Commissioner McGinnis added, "There is a difference between overnight parking perhaps and if I am going to go visit a friend." Commissioner Krebs said, "I still think that we have to have some way to accommodate even overnight parking. " Commissioner McGinnis said to Captain Glenn Tolleson, Police Department, "I would like to hear what the Police Department as a whole - discuss it with the Chief - what other cities do, what some of your thoughts are." Commissioner Krebs mentioned, "I would like to find out too while we are at it, that since you believe it - downgrades an area, where we have supporting data for that too." Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner Gilmore noted, "I am in favor of the Police Department coming back with their suggestion." Next, Commissioner McGinnis noted that at the last City Commission Meeting, "Bob Rucci spoke before us and asked how we wanted to handle the sign at the Paw Park." Commissioner McGinnis added, "We need to just get back to him." Mayor Bush then suggested, "I think Mr. McLemore needs to find out about where the sign is going to go." Manager McLemore spoke of the sign and suggested to the City Commission, "Unless you want to do something to honor this kid for his persistence in getting it done." Mayor Bush said, "Yes, we can do that. Andrea [Lorenzo- Luaces] and I will take care of that one." Mayor Bush added, "The Dog Park people will want to have some kind of a little ceremony and I will be glad to go to it - and let the rest of you know." Commissioner McGinnis then mentioned the resident who spoke under Public Input tonight on the Cell Tower issue and remarked, "Is there anyway that anybody would know we are going to have a Workshop on this?" Mayor Bush mentioned, "I told her." Lastly, Commissioner McGinnis commented on David Drive and noted that "There may be dwellings in the right-of-way, we should go and assess if that is true." Captain Tolleson noted, "I am already working on it." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 25 OF 27 REPORTS 607. Commission Seat Five - Joanne M. Krebs Commissioner Krebs noted that the owner of Barnie's Coffee & Tea Company at the Winter Springs Town Center is concerned with a large tree blocking his business and the business next door. Next, Commissioner Krebs added that the owner of Barnie's Coffee & Tea Company "Wanted opportunities to bring his coffee here." Commissioner McGinnis added, "Are we buying coffee from Barnie's?" Commissioner Krebs added, "I said 1 would mention it to the Clerk." Mayor Bush added, "We'll turn that over to Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] - 1 agree with the Commissioner, we should try to give the merchants in the Town Center business when we can." Commissioner McGinnis noted, "I think so." With further discussion on the tree in front of the Barnie's Coffee & Tea Company at the Winter Springs Town Center is concerned, Manager McLemore said, "This particular tree was meant to be temporary." Manager McLemore added, "We just need to get it moved." Commissioner McGinnis said, "I agree." Commissioner McGinnis said, "Simple." Furthermore, Manager McLemore mentioned, "The intent was to put it down at Magnolia Park, and we need to go on and do that." Commissioner Krebs next asked Attorney Garganese whether notes written to herself on her Tablet PC were Public Records. Attorney Garganese stated, "Once you disseminate to somebody that information, then arguably that is a Public Record." Brief discussion. Commissioner Krebs then said, "Opportunities to educate the public on anything including Codes or anything like that - 1 think we are missing them. 1 think that if we could in the future - that when we have events at Central Winds [Park] or within the City maybe, like our Christmas Tree Lighting, and things like that, that we somehow put our own booth or stand or something up about the City and offer information." Commissioner Krebs further suggested ideas like "Have a time - to speak with a Commissioner, or you can have just something with information, talking about Codes." Furthermore, Commissioner Krebs noted, "I just think we are missing opportunities to communicate to the residents, and 1 think that is what we need to be doing. We need to find creative ways to do that." Mayor Bush added, "Mr. McLemore is working on that- that very issue." Next, Commissioner Krebs stated, "I need from Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces] - 1 need Applications for Oak Forest [Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee] - because Dick [Taylor] is leaving." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 26 OF 27 Regarding State Road 434, Commissioner Krebs noted that "Last meeting when we were leaving, Robert King was here and he was showing - me and some other Commissioners some areas on a board out there and - it might have been the Future Land Use." Commissioner Krebs added, Mr. King "Was talking about some natural resources that are in an area in Winter Springs that we mayor may not be aware of, and we were talking about developing or talking to - the Black Hammock - issue tonight, but there is also some other natural resource features I think we have here that - we may not have identified and I thought that if we could find - I don't know how we go about finding those out, so I am asking you, how do we - do we know about them?" Commissioner Krebs said, "I know that we are going to be developing that area and sure would like to - know what is in that area and make sure we are on the right page." Mayor Bush said to Commissioner Krebs, "Maybe you could come up during the day and Mr. McLemore could get the appropriate Staff out there to look at that." Manager McLemore noted, "I suspect we already know about it, but if we don't, we would like to." Manager McLemore added, "1'11 give him a call." Next, Commissioner Krebs asked, "We were talking about improving the Lobby, where are we on that? And, aren't we going to have a Kiosk of some sort?" Brief discussion. Lastly, Commissioner Krebs said to Manager McLemore, "Could you call Kevin Gilliam?" Commissioner Krebs continued, "He lives over there by Fisher Road and Williams Road - upset about some issues with Fisher Road and him not being able to turn from one of the roundabouts, without turning illegally." Manager McLemore remarked, "I can get the appropriate person to call him." Commissioner Krebs added, "Can we get a sign out there." Manager McLemore noted, "I will need to talk to him and see what his issue is first." With further comments, Manager McLemore said, "Be happy to talk with him." REPORTS 608. Office Of The Mayor - John F. Bush Mayor Bush noted a document from Winter Springs High School and asked the City Commission if they wanted to place an ad in this publication. With discussion, Commissioner McGinnis said, "No, I don't." Deputy Mayor Blake remarked, "I just think it is a dangerous precedent to start." Mayor Bush said, "Is the rest of the Commission in agreement with that?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." No Member of the City Commission noted their support of placing an ad in this publication. Secondly, Mayor Bush stated, "I congratulate the Rotary on the dedication of the Veteran's Memorial this past week." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING - FEBRUARY 28, 2005 PAGE 27 OF 27 Thirdly, Mayor Bush noted, "I would like to see some name badges, especially for our women Commissioners that indicate they are Commissioners." Mayor Bush said to City Clerk Lorenzo-Luaces, "Could you take care of that?" With further discussion on name badges, Mayor Bush said to Andrea [Lorenzo-Luaces], "Why don't you work it out and show it to the two (2) Commissioners." The fourth item that Mayor Bush noted was recent discussions with Seminole County Commissioner Randy Morris and said, "There seems to be a reversal in what is going to happen with Jetta Point, and - not only Commissioner Morris made the comment that - 'Are we interested in Soldier's Creek Park as well'?" With further comments, Mayor Bush added, "I mentioned this to the Manager and Commissioner Morris also brought this up, and he said, 'Why doesn't Winter Springs annex up [State Road] 419 to [U.S. Highway] 17-92'?" Mayor Bush added, "Is that something the Commission would want the Manager to pursue, to find out about?" Commissioner McGinnis said, "Yes." Commissioner McGinnis added, "I think it is worthy of a study." Mayor Bush noted, "Take a look at it and see if it would make sense for us." Fifth, on Wednesday, March 2, 2005 at 8:30 a.m., Mayor Bush remarked that he would be at Indian Trails Middle School to present a Proclamation for the "Teacher of the Year. " Lastly, Mayor Bush mentioned that the Mayor's and Manager's Meeting is scheduled for the 10th of March, at 7:30 a.m., at the Tuscawilla Country Club and noted that this group may l~ok into the consolidation of services. ADJOURNMENT ~~ Bush adjoumedthe Meeting at 11 :49 p.m. \ A LORENZO-LUACES, CMC LERK K7:.~ NOTE: These Minutes were-approved at the March 14,2005 Regular City Commission Meeting.