HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 03 14 Public Hearings 402 First Reading Ordinance 2005-09 Revising the R-3 Multi-Family Zoning District's Uses COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 402 Consent Informational Public Hearing X Regular March 14, 2005 Meeting MGR. V /~ ) IDEPT )1 Authorization REQUEST: The Community Development Department - Planning Division requests the Commission hold a Public Hearing for First Reading of Ordinance 2005-09 which revises the "R-3 Multi-family" zoning district's permitted and conditional uses. PURPOSE: To update the language in the zoning district, redefining the type of offices that can be developed in the district and allowing for mixed use as a conditional use under the principles of the Town Center. APPLICABLE LAW AND PUBLIC POLICY: Florida Municipal Home Rule Powers Act. Section 166.041(3)(c), Florida Statutes. Winter Sprin2s Charter Section 4.15 Ordinances in General. Winter Sprin2s Section 20-57. The planning and zoning board shall serve... to recommend to the city commission the boundaries ofthe various original zoning districts... and any amendments thereto... act on measures affecting the present and future movement of traffic, the segregation of residential and business districts and the convenience and safety of persons and property in any way dependent on city planning and zoning. CHRONOLOGY: Nov. 29.1971- R-3 Multi-family Zoning District was implemented. The list of uses and conditional uses has not been amended since that time. March 26. 2001- City Commission adopted under the emergency provisions ofthe Florida Statutes, Ordinance 2001-24, a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan amendment changing the Future Land Use of properties along Moss Road (including Excelsior Parkway) from Commercial to Medium Density Resdential. @ March 14,2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 2 of 10 March 26,2001- City Commission adopted Ordinance 2001-25 Rezoning properties along Moss Road (including Excelsior Parkway) from "C-l Neighborhood Commercial" to "R-3 Multi-Family". Feb. 19,2005- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ofLPA Public Hearing March L 2005- LP A heard the request and made recommendation of Approval to Commission March 3, 2005- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for 1 st Reading (7 days prior) March 14, 2005-lst Reading of Ordinance 2005-09 CONSIDERATIONS: · Within the "R-3 Multi-family Dwelling" zoning district there are three (3) office buildings along Excelsior Parkway. These offices were constructed from 1987 to 1991 and vary in size from 7442 SF to 8500 SF. The buildings are two-story masonry structures which were constructed under the previous zoning of"C-l Neighborhood Commercial" and currently house the following businesses: S&ME, ABS Systems, Bentz Dental Lab, American Civil Engineering, Aerial Underground Telecom, RPM One, Inc., Exit Real Estate, March Electronics, Genesis Research, Gilger Design Group, Hile Controls, Precise Cargo, and Capitol Broadband. · The five (5) other lots along Excelsior Parkway remain undeveloped. · In 2001 this street, along with the immediate surrounding area was rezoned to "R-3 Multi- family Dwelling" Residential as part of the Moss Cove Redevelopment. · "R-3 Multi-family" allows office space as a permitted use, however specifically limits it to professional office space consisting of architects, engineers, attorneys, accountants, medical doctors, dentists and tax consultants. This language was drafted in 1971. · Mr. Donald Bailey of Atlantic Development Corporation who is interested in developing some, if not all, of the remaining vacant parcels approached the City with his concerns over the language included in the Code, which limits the type oftenants that can occupy the space. · Staff reviewed the intent ofthe zoning district as described in Section 20-206, to determine if a change would be compatible with the intent of the district. FINDINGS: · The request is in conformance with the purpose and intent of the "R-3 Multi-family Dwelling" zoning district. · The addition of Multi-use as a Conditional Use is in conformance with the City's Comprehensive Plan, specifically: o The request encourages the development/redevelopment of housing that will integrate diverse choices of housing in the area. (See Housing Element- Policy 1.1.4) o The request will encourage private sector participation in meeting housing needs. (See Housing Element- Policy 1.1.3) o Multi-use projects increase the variety of housing options available. (See Housing Element- Policy 1.3.7) o Multi-use projects have been shown to be an instrument of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) to reduce crime and develop community. (See Housing Element- Policy 1.1.8) o Objective 2.4 of the Comprehensive Plan promotes alternative development standards to promote infill development. (See Housing Element- Objective 2.4) March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 3 of 10 · The proposed amendment has a positive impact on the redevelopment of adjacent properties and the future improvement of adjacent vacant properties. P&Z / LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY RECOMMENDATION: At a meeting of the P&Z/LPA on March 1,2005, the Board made recommendation to the Commission for approval of Ordinance 2005-09. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission hold a Public Hearing for First Reading of Ordinance 2005-09 which revises the "R-3 Multi-family" zoning district's permitted and conditional uses. IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE: March 17,2005- Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel for 2nd Reading (5 days prior) March 28, 2005- 2nd Reading / Adoption of Ordinance 2005-09 ATTACHMENTS: A. Existing "R-3 Multi-family Dwelling" Zoning District (for reference) B. Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel C. Ordinance 2005-09 D. Unapproved Draft Minutes from the Planning & Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency COMMISSION ACTION: March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 4 of 10 ATTACHMENT A R-3 MULTIPLE-FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICTS (for Reference only) Sec. 20-206. Designation. The lands included within the R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling Districts shall be developed predominantly as apartments, townhouses, patio homes or other multiple-family dwelling structures. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.1, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ X, 11-29-71) Sec. 20-207. Uses permitted. Within any R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling District, no building, structure, land or water shall be used except for the following uses: (1) Any uses permitted in R-lAAA, R-lAA, R-IA, or R-l. (For reference these include: single-family dwellings and their customary accessory uses; and home occupations) (2) Apartments, townhouses, patio homes or other multiple-family dwelling structures. (3) Boarding and/or lodging homes. (4) Guest and tourist homes. (5) Professional offices, consisting of the following: Architects, engineers, attorneys, accountants, medical doctors, dentists, and tax consultants. Sec. 20-208. Conditional uses. (a) Conditional uses within R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling Districts are the same as for R-lAAA, R-lAA, R- IA and R-l Single-Family Dwelling Districts. (For reference these include: churches with their attendant educational buildings and recreational facilities; public utility and service structures; schools; public recreation areas and facilities; and stadiums, independently or in conjunction with existing school facilities, provided the seating capacity shall not exceed the student enrollment of the school to be served plus ten (10) percent, and provided there shall be no lights or night use.) (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.3, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XII, 11-29-71; Ord. No. 240, ~ 7, 5-26-81; Ord. 2004-49, 12-13- 04) Sec. 20-209. Building height regulations. In R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling Districts, building heights shall not be higher than forty-five (45) feet. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.4, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XIII, 11-29-71) Sec. 20-210. Building area regulations. The multiple-family dwelling structures included within the R-3 zoning classification shall not consist of more than sixteen (16) units per acre. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.5,1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XIV, 11-29-71) Sec. 20-211. Front, rear and side yard regulations. The following yard regulations shall apply in the R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling Districts: (1) Front yard. The front yard shall not be less than twenty-five (25) feet in depth. (2) Rear yard. The rear yard shall not be less than thirty-five (35) feet in depth. (3) Side yard. The side yard shall not be less than ten (10) feet in width. (4) Corner lots. The front yard setback regulation shall control when the building is located on more than one (1) street. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.6,1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XV, 11-29-71) Sec. 20-212. Lot coverage. Seventy-five (75) percent of the lot area is the maximum which may be covered by the principal and accessory buildings or structures located within the R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling Districts. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.7, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XVI, 11-29-71) Sec. 20-213. Off-street parking regulations. All parking within the R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling District shall be provided in an off-street parking lot, which shall accommodate at least two (2) parking spaces for each unit located within the multiple-family dwelling structure. (Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.45.8, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 68, ~ XVII, 11-29-71) Sees. 20-214--20-230. Reserved. March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 5 of 10 ATTACHMENT B Public Noticing in Orlando Sentinel ----~~~~~~::~~~ \ ~ NOTICE OF PROPO.SE!l CH~~~ES J Hm.m."'~~lrfM,1rl.rlflul1m:'- NOTICE OF F NOTICE OF CHANGES TO THE UNIfIED LAND D ZONING MAP AND REGULATION~ CODe OF ORDINANCES CITY Of WINTER SPRINGS ~E IS HEREBY GIVEN ,h.. the (, lowing ordin,ult:C ORDINANC~; N. 'RIlINANn. m THE CITY 0 mlNG nUl CASSELBERRY COt ED LAND D~;VEl.OPMENT RF:< ,.;1.1(1l)(51. JI'IHCIAL REVIEW t:CTION 6. PROCEDURE FOR AI '1(51. JliIllClAL REVIEW OF 01 Sl"l\IEN'r AND AIIDING sunsl ALS. TO PROVIDE FOR APPt:A1 mlNG FOR CODIFICATION, \N t:tnlcnn; IlATF_ City or C.....lb.ny City limits ".MM.)'''''._ ! ~ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATlHL crn COMMISSION Of THE CITY OF WINTER .>1'RiNGS PROPOSES m AOOPT ORDINANCE 1'00.2005-06 AN OHDlNANCE OF T1lE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF \V1'\'. TER SpHINOS. SEMINOLE CmiNT\', FUlRllJA, OIAN01>,,;O TI11 OFFI- CIAl ZONTh'O MAP DESIGNATION OF EIGIlT (S) pARO;U; OF REAL PROf'LRTY. CONTAINING II ,(118 GROSS ACRES MORE OR LESS. A:'-1D LOC'ATED OIi\ERALLY ALONG E.i\ST STATE ROAD 4,4. MORE PAR. TICULARLY AND LEtlALLY DFSCRIBEO HEREIN IN EXHIBIT "A," ATIACHED HERETO AND FeLLY INCORPORATED HEREIN lIY THIS REFERENCE. FROM SEML>,,;OLE COUNTY "A-I" TO CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS 'TOWN (,ENn,R", PROVIDING THE CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL; PROVIDING l'OR THE REPI,..I. OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORI'JINAN(H AND RFSOI.l'TIONS. SEVERAllILITY. AND AN EFFEC, TIVE DATE Pl'BI.IC HEARING \\11.1. BE FOR TIlE 2ND IlEAOIN(;/AIJ0I'f10N '-"~;~ ................ Notic. or A mendm.nl or Chapler 20, I"rlalm"ll to 11...1 Mulllpl...Famlll' Zoning lIi.uid ORDINANCE NO. 2005..09 AN ORDINA.NCE OJ'THE CITY COMMISSION or 'mE CIn OF ;VIN 'fER SPRINGS. Ii.ORlDA. AMENDING CHAPTER 20. ZONING. OF THE CODE OF ORDlNANcbS, FOR THE Rd MULTIPLE,FAMILY DWELUNG ZONL'liG D1STRKT PROVIDING FOR CONFORML'Ki DEI'ISITIONS PROVlDl,W FOR THE REPE,;L OF PRIOR INCONSISTENT ORDI. NANCES AND RESOLlJTIONS. INCORPORATION INTn THE CODf" SEVERABILITY. AND AN EfFECTIVE DATE. PLBLlC HEARING WILL BE FOR I'HE 1ST Rt::ADlN(; PLIlUC HEARINGS WILL BE HELD ON MONDAY. MARCH 14,211llS AT 6;.10 P,M, OR SOON THEREAETER IN THE COMMl."iSION CHAMBERS LOCATI'.I> AT THE WINTER SPRINGS cm HALL 1126 EAST' STATE ROAD 4.)4 WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA Th{~ pn::,pt~se.J ordrnancf's and [he ~(Irnpkl.l:! kgal dt'S;;'TIptkth:\ of Ihr rn:'fX'rties may be ()bt:.:wk'dby Lntc-rcMcd fl4~Jt.'s lw'1"CCD & am and 5 J) nt.. Mt)1klay thruu,ith, Fnday.ai the CltY'5> Cleek, OfrK.~. loc~ted >11 1 126 FA~ Stolte Road 434, Wltltcf Spnng.., Ronda For mmr lnformal10n CAll (#)7, ~.27~1800 #'...27. ~ .it\~ aJ"iMN. tr.al P.::rs';'lH wi:h di"abilitle, fie1edinr, as-Sii(.taltlCt' to participili(' in .:my of t~ P'fD'- :dnpv'ht;anogj\, they n. _ ceeding'l-'ihoold t:nlitact L.;e Emptoy'ee RthUJnDS Dep:;it1flU!fil Cfl()fWnatt"f. 4~ l. th~y may neeu to irl'5-hre that OJ -..crhatll hnu~ ill JdV~Ul'(; ",)f the meeting at (407 t 327 -1800. E~ten,q(Jn _ lJ6. These an~ :h [eCilfd mdtitks. .the !e~ttlnnn~ and c publk heiulng~L JJ: you decIde to appeal any recpmmcndahonAJc~l~lon mild~ by aied l'loC'f Scdwn 28601 O~,Flnnda StA l~ City CommlS~\tnl1 \\iilh rcspet:t, In .my rllattcr cOllMdered.at thiS mectl11g, you win need a 1'econJ d' tne pr{'lt:t"nhn~~\ aM fUfo;.uch pul'fX)~S, you may ot'ed Iu .....u.ta 4batmitia ut<<lin& asDsbensUil: that a vernJ.tirn tl.::\;'lid 01 tl",~ rri,\-'./wing$ is: Jl'Ul(ie uptm \dlkh the aprica) ....... Id ~ \be ""_i, based. I..<;.\(eo .ue ;,,1; "",1.11", they mAY' appcnr .,me 1l1e<..ng and .~ ofUw I'M'dine at {401} be t'k':'a.rd with r"l,v:~,~d ~ti,ht\4Ih'es. n ;ishUe Mudl Ima McPh<'''"" March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 6 of 10 ATTACHMENT C Ordinance 2005-09 ORDINANCE NO. 2005-09 AN ORDINANCE OF THE Crr\/ COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAI>TER 20, ZONING, OF TIlE CODI<: OF' ORDINANCES; AMENDING THEPERMITTEO i\ND CONDITIONAL USES FOR TIlE R-3 MULTIPLE-F.AI\UL Y DWELLING ZONING DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONFORMING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE REPEAL OF PRIOR INCONSIS1'ENT ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS, INCORPORATION INTO THE CODE, SEVERABILITY ,AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. \VHEREAS, the City is granted the authority, l.mder Section 2(b), Altide VUl, of the State Constitution, to exercise any power for municipal purposes, except when expressly prohibited by law; and WHEREAS, the R-3 Multiple-Family DweUing zoning district currently aUowsofficespace as a peunitted use, but specifically limits the office use to "professional" office space; and WHEREAS, the City Commission believes that amendi ng the permitted and conditional uses of the R-3 Multiple-Family Dwelling zoning district would be compatible with the intent of the district: and WII EREAS, such amendments would encourage the development and redevelopment of hOl.lsing that will integmte diverse choices ofhol.lsing in the area; and \VlIEREAS, the City's Comprehensive Plan promotes alternative development standards to promote infill development; and WHEREAS, the amendments would have a positive impact on the redevelopment of adjacent propelties and the filture improvement of adjaeent vacant properties; and WHEREAS, the Planning and Zoning Board, in its capacity as the City's Land Planning Agency, reviewed this ordinance for consistency 'with the City's Comprehensive Plan at its March ], 2005 meeting and recommended approval of sanie to the City Commission; and WHEREAS, the City Commission ofthe City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby fmds this Ordinance to be in the best interests ofthe public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter Springs. City QfWinter Springs Ordinance No, 2005-09 Page I of 4 March 14,2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 7 of 10 ATTACHMENT C Ordinance 2005-09 NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY C(H'fMISSION 01;' THE CIl'\" OF \VINTER SPRINGS HEREBY ORDAINS, AS FOLLO\\'S: Section I. reference. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein by this Section 2. Code Amendment. The City of Winter Springs Code, Chapter 20, Zoning, is hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and stIikoout type indicates deletions, while asterisks (***) indicate a deletion from this Ordinance of text existing in Chapter 20. It is intended thatthe text in Chapter 20 denoted by the asterisks and set forth in this Ordinance shall remain unchanged from the language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance). CHAPTER 20. ZONING ARTICLE I. IN GENERAL Sec. 20-1. DefinitiollS. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this chapter, shall have the mcanings ascribed to them in this section, execpt where the context cle..1.rly indicates a different meaning: *** Fleet. A grOUp of vehicles contained in one area for the purpose of dispatch for service or other work related to the entity~ however. governmental vehicles arc exempted. Govemmental vehicles include police. fire, rescue. and other governmental vehicles which serve a vital public safetv. hcalth. or welfare purpose as detennined by the citv. * * * Professional oJ/Ices. Professional oilkes shall include those vocations in which professed attainments in special knowledge are practiced, as distinguished from mere skills. and shall be limited to those professions so classified by the laws of the state or detemlined by decisions of the state supreme court, and which are conducted as professions and not as a trade or other business; ad ,'crtising or bU8ine;.~ display signs shall be; limited to a nameplate or 116f1illuminatea sign not t13 cxcccJ two (2) sqllat' [",t ill alc.\ in lcsidcntial A1Cas. Professional offices do not include offices for the treatment of animals on the premises. *** ARTICLE m. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS *** City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-09 Page 2 of 4 March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 8 of 10 ATTACHMENT C Ordinance 2005-09 DIVISION 6. R-3 ]VIlJLTlPLE FAMILY DWELLING DISTRICT *** Sec. 20-207. Uscs permitted. \Vithin any R - 3 Multiple-Family Dwelling District, no building, stmcturc, land or water shall be used except for the following uses: (n Any uses permitted in R-l AAA, R-lAA, R-lA, or R-l. (2) Apartments, townhouses, patio homes or other multiple-family dwelling stmctures. (3) Boarding and/or lodging homes. (4) Guest and tourist bomes. (5) rlofcssional offices, 'on.'~isting of the follo\\ing. Arcltitccts, cllginceu, attomcy", a....vuntanI6, uA.Oa;"",,1 .10....1"'1", Jl..'uti6b, alIa b COlbuilauli>. General office including: medical. dental, legal. architecture/enginecring, real eslate, financial. infonnalion technology, and administrative headquarters, or similar use, however, under no circumstances will any type of office USe incompatible with residential. schools, parks or public buildings be permitted. Signage shall be1imited to building- mounted identification signage. No outside storage or fleet and dispatch yards are permitted: however. governmental vehicles are exempted. Sec. 20-208. COllditioml1 uses, (a) Conditional uscs allowed v,rithin R-J Multiple-PaIl.a, D(lI;'clliu~D;5tIkb LUcthcSilUlI..' ~ R-t AAA, R-l AA, R-l A and R-t Single-Family Dwelling Districts. ill Multi-use proiects that include a vertic.al mix of uses designed along the principles of the Town Center. Such proiects shall be exempted from Section 20-209, regarding building height regulations, and Section 20-211. regarding front. rear and side yard regulations. Such proiects, however. are still subiect to the provisions and requirements of the Town Center District Code. *** Section 3. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or patts of prior ordinances and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repcaled to the extent of the conflict. City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2005-09 Page 3 of 4 March 14, 2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 9 of 10 ATTACHMENT C Ordinance 2005-09 Section 4. Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph, number or letter, and any heading may be changed or modified as necessary to effectuate thefurcgoing. Grammatical, typographical, and like errors may be corrected and additions, alterations, and omissions not affeeting the construetion or meaning of this ordinance and the City Code may be freely made. Section 5. Se\"erabilit).. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jm"isdiction,whether for substantive, procedural, or ,my other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become etfe.etive immediately upon adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida,. and pursuant to City Charter. ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular meeting assembled on the _ day of ,2005. .JOHN F. BIJSH, IVla)'or ATTEST: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, Cit)' Clerk Appro\'ed as to legal form and sufficiency for the City of Winter Springs onl)': ANTHONY A. GARGANESE, City Attorney First Reading: Second Reading: Effective Date: City of Winter Springs Ordinance No, 2005-09 Page 4 of 4 March 14,2005 PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA ITEM 402 Page 10 of 10 ATTACHMENT D CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA UNAPPROVED MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY REGULAR MEETING MARCH 1, 2005 (RESCHEDULED FROM MARCH 2, 2005) PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 400. Community Development Department - Planning Division Requests The Planning And Zoning Board/Local Planning Agency Hold A Public Hearing Related To Ordinance 2005-09 Which Revises The "R-3 Multi-Family" Zoning District's Permitted And Conditional Uses. Ms. Eloise Sahlstrom, AICP, ASLA, Senior Planner, Community Development Department presented this Agenda Item and displayed the current Zoning Map. Ms. Sahlstrom stated, "Staff has reviewed this - and is making the recommendation that you approve this - move it forward to the City Commission for approval. We did 'Notice' this Meeting in the paper and - we will 'Notice' it two (2) more times in the paper because it would be a change to the Zoning Permitted Uses." Discussion. Chairman Poe opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. No one spoke. Chairman Poe closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. "I MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD[/LOCAL PLANNING AGENCY] RECOMMEND THAT AFTER THIS PUBLIC HEARING, RELATED TO ORDINANCE 2005-09, WE RECOMMEND APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION REGARDING AMENDING THE LANGUAGE IN THE 'R-3' ZONING DISTRICT." MOTION BY VICE CHAIRPERSON KARR. SECONDED BY BOARD MEMBER BROWN. DISCUSSION. VOTE: VICE CHAIRPERSON KARR: AYE BOARD MEMBER BROWN: AYE BOARD MEMBER VOSKA: AYE CHAIRMAN POE: AYE BOARD MEMBER TILLIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED.