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2005 02 28 Other - Distributed by Robin Germillion During Public Input
Date: 02/28/05 The following was provided to the City Commission during "Public Input" from Robin Germillion on 02/28/05 " PETITION TO THE WINTER SPRINGS CITY COMMISSION We the under signed home owners of Barrington Estates are petitioning the City Commission to deny the request for Special Exemption to allow an additional Telecommunication Co-Locator to place ground equipment (associated with co-location additional antennae on the existing Telecommunications Tower) within a 100' X 100' lease site, pursuant to Chapter 30 of the Seminole County Code. This Tower is located at 249 Cress Run (approximately 4/10 of a mile north of SR434, and 40 feet from Barrington Estates. By doing so we petition the Commission to over ride Seminole County's agreement to allow the tower to be extended another 20 feet. The land use has changed since the agreement was made with the County. We feel that the extension of the tower does not fit with the current land use and would be detrimental to our community. We the undersigned, petition to deny the special exemption and any further extension of this tower. Name (Print) Address Signature ~ .~. ~ ;/i'td ;6:;0 WLJ-~J..i) 0 .. .. . .... . ~~tY9'l 1. 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