HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 08 20 Regular A Winter Springs Town Center
Public Hearing
Regular X
August 20. 2001
Special Meeting
MGR. V /Dep~
REQUEST: Community Development Department presents to the City Commission the
preliminary site plan for the 3-Phase 237,500 square foot James Doran Company
Winter Springs Town Center.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to present to the Commission, in its capacity as
the Development Review Committee, the Staffs DRC recommendation for the
preliminary site plan for the James Doran Company Winter Springs Town Center,
a three (3) phase commercial development on approximately 15.07 acres, located
in the City's Town Center, at the northwest corner of the intersection of S.R. 434
and Tuscawilla Road.
APPLICABLE LAW: The most pertinent portions of the 3 documents that relate most
directly to this project are listed below, A through C. .
I. Intent
The City of Winter Springs seeks to create a town center based upon traditional
standards for city building. In February, 1998 the City of Winter Springs created a
plan for the town center through a design session involving the community and a
team of design professional. This Code is based on that plan. Traditional urban
design conventions have been applied to create a pallette of squares, parks, and
street types that fonn the framework for the town center. These conventions are
derived from a number of sources in planning literature. ... Should any conflict
arise between the provisions of this Code and other local land development
Regular Agenda Item
August 20, 2001
regulations for the City of Winter Springs, the provisions of this Code shall apply.
To the extent that this code is silent where other codes govern, they shall apply.
A. How To Use This Code:
... The images contained in this code are meant to demonstrate the character
intended for the Town Center, but are for illustrative purposes only. The
accompanying text and numbers are rules that govern permitted development.
B. Review Process
Applications are subject to review by the Development Review Committee. The
Committee shall have authority within reason for approving all aspects of site
planning and exterior architecture, including aesthetic appropriateness,
environmental implications, traffic impacts, and any other site-specific matters not
delineated herein.
V. General Provisions
L. Large Footprint Buildings:
a. Buildings may be one story in height on any frontage except Main Street and
Market Square, but shall be at least 24 feet in height. This may be
accomplished with Liner Buildings or higher ceiling heights and/or parapets.
b. To encourage use by pedestrians and decrease the need for solely auto-
oriented patronage, Large-Footprint Buildings must reinforce the urban
character of the Town Center and shall therefore continue a connected system
of walkable street frontages.
Large Footprint Buildings are wrapped in a liner of smaller buildings with
doors and windows facing the street.
Large Footprint Building has a blank fa~ade and sits behind a field of parking.
VIII. Architectural Guidelines
Regular Agenda Item
August 20,2001
The list of permitted materials and configurations come from study of traditional
buildings found in Central Florida and have been selected for their
appropriateness to the visual environment and climate.
A primary goal of the Architectural Guidelines is authenticity. The Guidelines
encourage construction which is straightforward and functional, and draws its
ornament and variety from the traditional assembly of genuine materials.
General Requirements:
The following are prohibited:
.. . Plastic or inoperable shutters;
.. . Reflective and/or bronze-tint glass...
D. Opacity & Facades
Each floor of any building fayade facing a park, square or street shall contain
transparent windows covering from 15% to 70% of the wall area.
Retail storefront areas only:
In order to provide clear views of merchandise in stores and to provide
natural surveillance of exterior street spaces, the ground-floor along the
building frontage shall have transparent storefront windows covering no
less than 50% of the wall area. Storefronts facing Main Street, parks and
squares shall remain unshuttered at night and shall utilize transparent
glazing material, and shall provide view of interior spaces lit from within.
Doors or entrances with public access shall be provided at intervals no
greater than 50 feet, unless otherwise approved by the Development
Review Committtee.
F. Signs
1. General Requirements
* . .. Free standing monument signs are permitted by special exception along
State Road 434 frontage.
D. Windows, Skylights, & Doors:
1. General Requirements
Regular Agenda Item
August 20, 2001
The following accessories are permitted:
Shutters (standard or Bahama types)
Wooden Window Boxes
Muntins and Mullions
Fabric Awnings (no backlighting; no glossy-finish fabrics)
Page 3 of 15 (top):
... JDC agrees to permit and develop the project under the terms and
conditions of this Agreement and the Town Center Code. The final site plan
approved for the three phase project shall be in substantial conformity with the
Conceptual Site Plan unless otherwise approved by the City during the City's
Town Center development permit process. The City acknowledges that the layout
of the Conceptual Site Plan is generally in accordance with the Town Center
District Code...
Page 9 of 15:
VIII. Adoption of Town Center District Code.
JDC hereby consents to the adoption of the Town Center District Code and
its applicability to the JDC Property subject to the terms and conditions hereof.
X. Diaerams/"IIIustrative Purposes Onlv".
Except for Market Square Parcel, Hickory Grove Park Boulevard, Hickory
Grove Park North/South Extension Street, Main Street, and other components of
the Town Center expressly agreed to in this Agreement, the City hereby
acknowledges that all diagrams and graphics within the Town Center Plan and the
Town Center District Code, which are depicted on JDC Property, are for
"illustrative purposes only" and are intended only to illustrate the intent and
concepts of the Town Center District Code. Nothing in this section shall be
construed as relieving JDC of the requirements of the Town Center Code.
C. First Modification of Agreement (approved July 2, 2001, but not yet
Regular Agenda Item
August 20, 2001
This modification addressed the reconfiguration of Phase I, due to storm water
management issues.
. The Town Center District Zoning Code was adopted June 12, 2000.
. A City Commission Workshop to discuss general issues pertaining to the Town Center was
held on June 19,2000.
. A development agreement between JDC Calhoun, Inc. and the City of Winter Springs was
approved on August 1,2000.
. A pre-application meeting to discuss the preliminary site plan was held on December 5, 2000.
. The City Commission appointed the Town Center Development Review Committee as being
the City Commission on March 14, 2001.
. The First Modification of Agreement between JDC Calhoun and the City of Winter Springs
was approved on July 2, 2001.
. The preliminary site plan was submitted on August 6, 2001, and reviewed at a special Staff
DRC meeting on August 10,2001.
. The proposed JDC Calhoun Winter Springs Town Center preliminary site plan is consistent
with the Comprehensive Plan.
. Staff has determined that JDC Calhoun Winter Springs Town Center preliminary site plan
submitted August 6,2001, is consistent with the City's Code of Ordinances, subject to the
following conditions being met for preliminary site plan approval (unless specified
1. The plan must verify that the Market Square meets the required 0.3 acre.
2. The plan must verify that adequate ROW width is to be dedicated to the City (i.e. 11 feet
along Main Street, 10 feet along Hickory Park Boulevard, and 10 feet along the East West
Connector Road). This should include, on the plans, a depiction of current boundaries and
necessary dedications.
3. Plans and any supplementary sheets are to be signed and sealed by a Florida-licensed
professional engineer.
4. The applicant must coordinate and verify the size, location, and access to the dumpsters,
and timing of services for both garbage and recycle materials with the City's waste-hauler,
Florida Recycle Services.
5. Handicap access must be provided consistent with the "Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction," October 1997 Edition. This includes, but is not limited to, proper
slopes, striping, dispersion of accessible parking spaces, ensuring that the handicapped
person is not required to wheel or walk behind parked vehicles or maneuver through a traffic
lane (in contrast to crossing a traffic lane with an appropriately striped handicap access aisle),
and ensuring that parked cars will not overhang the required clear width of an accessible
sidewalk. Slopes and details to be adequately depicted on the final site plan. The handicap
Regular Agenda Item
August 20, 2001
spaces isolated in the parking lot in front of Publix must be changed as part of the preliminary
site plan.
6. Ensure the survivability of the trees designated to remain by providing adequate details for
barricades, grade changes, pruning, root pruning on the final site plan. To ensure the
survivability of these trees, work on these trees should be supervised or done by an
International Society of Arboriculturists-certified arborist. Preparations for saving these trees
should begin well in advance of actual site clearing or construction and follow throughout the
construction process.
7. Provide details for the proposed pedestrian cross-walks across both Tuscawilla Road and
S.R. 434 on the final site plan.
8. Depict the Phase III buildings on the site plan in a manner that clearly and adequately
shows their relationship and connection to the parking, drive aisles, and pedestrian system.
9. The proposed monument sign adjacent to the Main Street (Tuscawilla Road) right-of-way
is not allowed by Code and shall be removed from the plan. A special exception is required
by Code for each monument sign proposed along S.R. 434. Please see James Dougherty's
comments in the attached August 9, 2001, memo.
10. Demonstrate, through a table on the plans, that the proposed phasing is consistent with
the existing development agreement, as amended.
11. Provide adequate notation on the plans that parapet walls will be provided where required
(e.g. buildings 7, 12, 15, & 16).
12. Architectural features shall conform to the requirements set forth in the Town Center
District Code. This shall include, but not be limited to storefronts, windows, shutters, doors,
facades, awnings, and signage. The August 1, 2000, Agreement states that, except as
specified in that agreement, the development is to be consistent with the Town Center
District Code. Nothing in the July 2, 2001, First Modification of Agreement appears to alter
that requirement/commitment. Please see James Dougherty's comments in the attached
August 9,2001, memo.
13. A traffic study, to adequately address volume as well as internal and external traffic
circulation, must be prepared by the applicant, at its expense, and reviewed by the City's
traffic consultant (CPH), at the applicant's expense, prior to or concurrent with submitting
the final site plan. The final recommendations of the City's consultant shall become
conditions of the final site plan approval and shall be incorporated into the final site plan.
14. An adequate listed species (state and federal: endangered, threatened, and species of
special concern) must be submitted to and approved by the City staff, prior to commencing
construction. All applicable permits from state and/or federal agencies must also be obtained
and any necessary relocations or mitigations that may be required by these agencies before
construction commences must be adequately documented to the appropriate City staff.
15. The applicant shall adequately document written response to each written staff comment
with each re-submittal. Any changes to the plans that are not directly related to a staff
comment are to be adequately documented in writing, as well.
16. The applicant must obtain a special exception for the provision of the Large Footprint
Building in the Town Center, before submittal of the final site plans. Any and all conditions
imposed on that special exception shall become conditions of the site plan as well
Regular Agenda Item
August 20, 2001
Staff recommends approval ofthe JDC Calhoun Winter Springs Town Center preliminary site
plan, subject to the conditions set forth in the findings section (above).
A. 8.5" x 11" site plan sheet (reduced copy of Sheet L 10 1)
B. Summary of the August 10,2001 special StaffDRC meeting.
C. August 9, 2001, memo from James Dougherty to City Manager Ron McClemore &
Community Development Director Charles Carrington, Sr.
D. August 15, 2001, memo from Sandrine Danielson to File
E. Preliminary Site Plan as received August 15,2001
Site Plan
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Staff DRC Summary
Development Review Committee (DRC)
Special meeting of August 10,2001
Attedance: Those in attendance included the following City staff: Kimberley Hall and
Kip Lockcuff (Public Works); Dennis Franklin, Michele Kelly, Charles Carrington,
Sr.,Earnest McDonald, Mike Mingea, and John Baker (Community Development); Glenn
Tolleson (Police); Bob Dallas and Tim Lallathin (Fire); Chuck Pula (Parks and
Recreation);and David Mahler (CPH). The developer's team included the following:
David Tomblin (LS3P), Sandrine Danielson (LS3P), Rick Alcala (Zumbrunnen, Inc.),
Herb Green (Avid Engineering),and Charles Carrington, Jr. (Greenberg Traurig).
Introduction: Community Development Director Charles Carrington called the meeting
to order at approximately 9:30 AM. He introduced City staff and the development team.
He then noted that there will be a strategy session on August 16, 2001, with the City
Commission, Victor Dover, and the applicant's team to discuss the SR 434 elevations
and storefronts.
Discussion: Current Planning Coordinator John Baker reviewed the attached list of
Community Development comments. In response to John Baker's comments about the
Market Square Park, Herb Green confirmed its size as 0.3 acre. Charles Carrington, Sr.,
embellished several of the items in John Baker's comment list and asked to have revised
plans to the City no later than Wednesday, August 15.
Arborist/Environmentallnspector Mike Mingea noted a correction to the arbor fee listed
in the Community Development comments, stated the need to carefully coordinate a
staged canopy reduction for trees to be preserved and urged the work be done by a
I.S.A arborist (to ensure the survivability of trees to be preserved), and stressed the
survivability of container-grown trees over "balled and burlapped" trees. He emphasized
either spending the time and money to adequately protect trees to be saved or else
removing the trees.
David Mahler (CPH) discussed the Hickory Grove Roadl SR 434 intersection, various
driveway connections, and the 2 stormwater basins being addressed together at the St.
Johns River Water Management District.
Kip Lockcuff discussed a possible 6 month lag time. Regarding the additional right-fo-
way dedication needed for the proposed diagonal parking, he suggested depicting the
current property boundaries and necessary dedications on the plans.
Herb Green (Avid Engr.) addressed a possible temporary east-west stormwater cross-
Charles Carrington, Jr. ,(Greenberg Traurig) briefly addressed the development
agreement and the amendment.
Kip Lockcuff then voiced concern about how long it will take to get to Phase II.
Charles Carrington, Jr., commented on the necessity to develop Main Street.
Glenn Tolleson commented on what traffic movements the FOOT will allow to and from
the site, as well as what improvements may be required and/or allowed.
Dennis Franklin addressed both handicap accessibility issues and wind load
requirements for signs.
Charles Carrington, Sr., stated that staff must determine if the code allows temporary
marketing signs in the Town Center. He also spoke of the need for a marketing trailer
After staff had made comments, Charles Carrington, Sr., called for a 10 minute
break, with everyone to return by 10:40 A.M.
Sandrine Danielson (LS3P) stated that her presentation only addressed the Publix
falfade along SR 434. Her presentation addressed adding awnings, keeping the parapet
largely the same, and the color scheme.
Charles Carrington, Sr., asked Ms. Danielson to consider altering the height of the
parapet wall on different portions of the building. He stated that the City may need to
establish an architectural authority to ensure architectural compatibility within the Town
Center, particularly as the rest of the 250 acres develop.
Sandrine Danielson passed around a sample of the non-transparent glass that she is
proposing for the Publix windows along SR 434, stating that Publix proposes putting its
refrigerators along that wall. They propose fixed (closed) shutters along that side, in
contrast to the code requirements. The entrance side (not facing SR 434) will have a
metal awning. She briefly addressed the newly proposed 70' deep retail building
adjacent the east side of Publix.
Charles Carrington, Sr., asked Ms. Danielson to address the restaurants by the turn-
Sandrine Danielson explained that the Wendy's is proposed to be a one story structure
with a parapet.
David Tomblin (LS3P) stated that he has been working with Washington Mutl!al
regarding pedestrian and drive-thru access. The area, at the southeast portion of the
site, that had been considered for a Walgreens may be used for a restaurant with
outdoor seating. He addressed the existing magnolia trees and other trees, located
generally north of the traffic turn-around. He stated that changes in the proposed
building areas allow opportunities to provide more green-space. He then addressed the
proposed modifications to the western portion of the site - removing one building and a
portion of another and adding a pocket park and additional landscaping behind the
Publix. Embellishing the area behind Publix includes saving a 40" oak tree and
removing some of the parking area that had been proposed there. He stated that they
are trying to "manipulate" the site to save trees and greenspace along Hickory Grove
Park Road and to provide multiple isolated greenspace areas. He noted that buildings
along Hickory Grove Park Road have customer access from both the road and from the
interior of the site.
Dennis Franklin inquired of the stacking and loading areas for delivery trucks behind the
Publix site, the facades along Hickory Grove Park Road, and signage.
David Tomblin stated that they are at the second level of design - addressing details,
such as benches and dumpster enclosures/gates. He stated there will be cut-outs in the
pavement for vegetation (e.g. palms).
Charles Carrington, Sr., reminded everyone that whatever goes here sets the theme for
the rest of the 250 acres.
Earnest McDonald inquired of how the greenspace northeast of the turn-around will
relate to the adjacent out-parcel.
David Tomblin replied that the greenspace creates a north-south green and pedestrian
Charles Carrington, Sr., stated that Publix often has a deli with a separate seating area
(e.g. the one on Winter Springs Boulevard). A side entrance to the deli would be a
positive feature for the Town Center.
Dennis Franklin inquired as to whether or not consideration had been given to providing
a gazebo in the middle of the green area.
Charles Carrington, Jr., spoke of the development agreement and its changes. He
stated that the developer is committed to approach the owner of the corner out-parcel to
purchase and incorporate that area into the project. Phase I was previously larger-
scaled back because of stormwater issues that appear close to being resolved. He
noted that Phase IA does not include Main Street and the citizens may question this.
Phase IA does not provide what the developer wants, either, but had to be designed that
way because of the stormwater issue. He stated that this does allow funding for
embellishments. He stated that Publix is "driving the show," they insist on freezers along
the SR 434 wall, that Victor Dover's apartment conceptual design was "out of the
question," and that "Publix has no sympathy for clear glass along SR 434."
David Tomblin stated that Publix has looked outside of their prototype on a number of
issues to make this store fit into the Town Center.
Charles Carrington, Sr., stated that Phase I was not really scaled back - just relocated.
He stated the need for solutions, noting that we are having multiple special meetings to
resolve these issues - everyone is trying to make it happen.
Charles Carrington, Jr., replied that the development agreement established minimum
standards for the developer. Phase IA is smaller in size. The developer is closing on
the site for $3 million. The development agreement does not allow them to do more in
Phase IA (limited by the amount of the previous Phase I). The "extraordinary" proposal
from Victor Dover goes beyond the economics of this project.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned at approximately
11 :45 A.M.
AUGUST 9, 2001
1. Fees (this is a general list of the site plan-related City of Winter Springs fees,
provided to assist the applicant - failure to list a fee or to quote the correct cost does not
absolve the applicant of the responsibility to pay all applicable fees):
Preliminary & final site plan ------------------------------------$1,000 each
Cond itiona I use/S pecia I exce ption-------------------------------$250
Va ria nce----------------------------------------------------------------$250
Arbor -----------------------------------------------------------$200 for 25 acre increment or portion
Subdivision (if proposed)
Prel i m i nary --------------------$3,000
F i na 1----------------------------$2,500
Final Plat--------------------------$50 plus costs *
*Including but not limited to surveyor's review fee, attorney's review fee, recording,
certified copies from Seminole County for the City
Con structi on perm it ----------------------------------------------------n 0 fee, at present
R OW perm it -------------------------------------------------------------$00
Construction trailer----------------------------------------------------$100 per year, or portion
This does not include tree removal/replacement fees, impact fees, fees charged by other
governmental agencies, building permit, inspection fees, or fees charged by the City's
consultants to review, for example, a traffic study. These fees are presently being
reviewed and may be up-dated by the time this project goes to construction.
2. Site Plan:
a. Demonstrate that the market square is the required 0.3 acre;
b. ROW widths - demonstrate that adequate ROW width is provided for each of the
affected roadways (e.g. 11' along Main Street), especially with the proposed
diagonal parking (this may require ROW donation);
c. Plans are to be signed and sealed by a Florida-licensed professional engineer -
while the plans submitted 8/06/01 were signed and sealed, the supplemental
sheet submitted subsequently was not (at lease one signed and sealed tree
survey must be provided);
d. Coordinate size, location, timing of garbage/recycling pick-up, and access to and
from the dumpsters with the waste-hauler (FL Recycling Services, at 407831-
1539) - it appears that some of the units, as proposed, may need to be seviced
when the general public is not using the vehicle accommodation areas;
e. Perhaps the one-way driveway aisles thru the parking lot could be narrower than
the proposed 18', if determined appropriate by the City's engineering staff (if so,
this could result in more green area, less impervious surface, and a parking lot
that appears more user-friendly and less automobile-oriented);
f. Handicap access shall comply with the "Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction," Oct. '87 ed. Final engineering plans to depict all sidewalks and
HC spaces at the proper slopes, proper signage, etc. Please note that the HC
spaces in front of Publix do not meet code (e.g. no access aisle and they require
the HC person to walk or wheel in a traffic lane - not just across the lane directly
in front of the store - which must have adequate striping for such crossing).
Ensure all outdoor public telephones meet HC standards. HC parking spaces
must be coordinated to ensure they are located on the shortest safely accessible
route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible entrance/exit. In buildings
with multiple accessible entrances with adjacent parking, accessible parking shall
be dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrances. Ensure parked
vehicles will not overhang the required clear width of an accessible route. Drain-
spouts, telephones, etc. must not reduce the clear width of an accessible route or
maneuvering space.
g. Ensure the trees to remain are adequately protected to ensure their long-term
survivability; tree survey was not signed and sealed; "grand tree" not defined in
City Code; and tree protection barricade details not provided (barricade details to
be depicted on final engineering plans);
h. Final engineering plans to depict pedestrian crossings across Tuscawilla Road
and SR 434;
I. Revise the preliminary plans to clearly depict the Phase III buildings as they will
fit into, what in some cases are, the Phase I parking lot;
j. Wall sections, floor plans, and other clearly building plan information is accepted
and reviewed only as supporting information to the site plan and renderings of
the facades - no other reviews or approvals may be inferred by the applicant's
k. Staff views the proposed entrance feature signs as monument signs and
questions whether one is allowed along Tuscawilla Road (Main St.) - require a
special exception along SR 434;
I. Explain the major modification of the west end of the site (where the buildings
were removed and a pocket park proposed) - staff questions this modification
and its effect on the project;
m. Demonstrate that the project phasing is consistent with the latest agreements.
Please explain how consolidating the 2 stormwater reviews may change this; and
n. Parapet walls required on buildings # 12, 15,716; and
o. Building missing behind building # 8 and building #9 is new - explain.
3. Given the language on pages 3 of 15 and 9 of 15 of the original development
agreement, and the specific language in (at least) pages 9, 29, 31, and 34 of the
Town Center District Code, the Community Development staff stands by its
position on real display windows (or Dover, Kohl & Partners' proposed
alternatives) along SR 434.
4. A traffic study must be provided by the applicant and reviewed by the City's
consultant, at the applicant's expense, for the curb-cuts onto SR 434, the median
directional cuts in the SR 434 ROW, internal circulation issues (e.g. separation
issues and stacking) and any other issue that staff or the City's consultant deem
germaine to safe and efficient traffic movements.
5. A listed species survey must be provided to the City.
6. Please provide an adequate written response to all written staff comments as
part of the re-submittal process. Further, adequately document any changes to
the plans that are not directly in response to a staff comment.
7. Failure of staff to identify an item does not absolve the applicant of the
responsibility of providing all applicable information in the proper format,
obtaining all necessary permits, and paying all pertinent fees - all on a timely
basis. Additional comments may be forthcoming when additional information is
8/09/01 James Dougherty Memo
Aug-09-01 03:57P Dover, Kohl & Partners
305 666 0360
town planning
T\): R?n M.cL~more~a~
City of Wmter Spnngs .
Cc: Victor Dover
From: James Dougherty
Date: August 9, 200 I
Subject: Comments regarding the "Town of Winter Springs Presentation Set.
August 10th, 2001" for the Doran parcel (with Code page references)
Ron and Charles,
[n this latest set of plans for the Doran parcel of the Town Center, Market Square
appears to have been restored. This one improvement is, unfortunately, outweighed by
several other concerns.
The configuration of Phase 1 of construction, according to these latcst plans, appears to
be virtually identical to a conventional strip shopping center. All town center
characteristics of the overall design seem to have been carefully pared away and
relegated to future phases. The conventional prototype Publix faces its standard parking
field (page 9, V. General Provisions, L. Large Footprint Buildings). Within the large
parking field are several outparcel buildings. All of the buildings are only one story in
height (Squares, Parks and Streets pages 12-25, B. Building Volume, Building
(-I eight: 2 stories minimum......). None of the multistory buildings along the
Tuskawilla Main Street are presently included in Phase 1. Ifbuilt as currently
configured, Phase I will not look or function like a town center. It will look and
function like a conventional strip shopping mall (page 3, II. Administration, C. Special
Exceptions, 1. The proposed development contributes to......) .
Additionally, the strip shopping format is exacerbated by several other elements:
I. The treatment of the blank 434 side of Publix is still just surface decoration (with the
exception of the added awnings), and does not activate this important street frontage
(page 31, VIII. Architectural Guidelines, D. Opacity and Facades), (page 9, V.
General Provisions, L. Large Footprint Buildings, b. To encourage use by
2. The pocket park behind the Publix is in a poor location, as it creates direct views into
the parking lot and loading zone at the rear of the Publix (page 9, V. General
Provisions, L. Large Footprint Buildings, d. Loading docks, service areas......).
3. Freestanding monument signs are hallmarks of sprawl development. Town center
signage should be in keeping with the character of a town center (pages 32-33. VIII.
Architectural Guidelines, F. Signs).
8/15/01 Sandrine Danielson Memo
FROM Sandrine Danielson
August lS'h 2001
Preliminary design review meeting notes for August 15lh 2001
LS3P Associates Project Manager: Sandrine Danielson
LS3P Associates Landscape Architect:David Tomblin
ZumBrunnen Inc.,Owner Representative: Rick Alcala
AVID Engineering:Herb Green
CPH Engineers:David Mahler
Winter Springs City Engineer:Kim Hall
Winter Springs Community Development Director:Charles Carrington
WInter Springs Planning Coordinator:John Baker
Winter Springs Police Department:Glenn Tolleson
Winter Springs Police Chief:Dan Kerr
Winter Springs Fire Chief:Tim Lallathin
Winter Springs Fire Marshal:Bob Dallas
Winter Springs Public Works:Kip Lockcuff
Director of Parks and Recreation:Chuck Pula
Winter Springs Environmentallnspector/Arborist:Michael Mingea
Winter Springs Code Enforcement and Landscaping:jimette Cook
Winter Springs:Michele Kelly
Winter Springs:Earnest McDonald
Winter Springs Building Official:Dennis Franklin
,f there is a discrepancy In the Information lined, please contact LSJP within 3 calendar days from receipt.
Preliminary Review of Winter Springs Town Center Site Plan
Preliminary Review of Publix elevations at the Winter Springs Town Center
Response to staff comments:
1. Fees-no comments. Applicant will comply.
2. Site Plan:
Herb Creen of AVID Engineers to confirm acreage for Market Square
park, and forward information to Charles Carrington by August 13th
The right of way dedications have already been accounted for in the set
of documents sent to staff for August 10'h meeting. Shane Doran will file
a formal legal dedication for the referenced ROW with the City of
Winter Springs.
8US77.H"" fAX S43.72~.4789 WWW.L~3P.COM LSJPIllI.SJP.COM
....-..P. 2' '-'., -...---.
Page 2 of 2
c. All documents sent to the City of Winter Springs will be embossed and
sealed per Florida Regulations.
d. David Tomblin of lS3P Associates will coordinate.
e. David Tomblin of LS3P Associates and Herb Green of AVID Engineers
will coordinate the possibilities of mlnimizil'1g all drive aisles outside the
Publix parking spaces.
f. All final construction documents will conform to the necessary Florida
Accessibilty codes.
g. David Tomblin of lS3P Associates together with Michael Mingea will
coordinate the trees to be saved. Preconstruction measures will be
utilized to insure health during and after construction. lS3P will work
with staff to propose impervious and pervious paving materials to help
tree survivability.
h. Herb Green of AVID Engineers and LS3P will coordinate the planned
pedstrian crossings with the City of Winter Springs.
I. LS3P will provide Phase 3 site plan in addition to the current Phase 1 &2
Site Plan for Final Review Submittal.
j. These referenced drawings submitted for clarification purposes only.
k. David Tomblin of lS3P Associates together with Shane Doran will
review and submit required Special Exception Application.
I. This park is one in a number of planned pocket parks that connect
pedestrian circulation throughout the site. This park will be carefully
landscaped and planned to be used by the community as well as
provide screening for the Publix. This park in combination with the
large landscape island along Publix truck dock containing a 40" Oak
creates a very desirable buffer. lS3P with the approval of Pub/ix and
Shane Doran reduced the number of parking spaces behind the Publix
to save the large oak which resulted in a limited number of spaces
available for the adjacent retail buildings. Applicant also understands
that due to the limited ROW, the North South connector may lose
additional spaces than what is currently shown.
m. The Doran Company is currently working with the City to draft the latest
Developer Agreement that will conform to the current phasing shown.
Herb Green of AVID Engineers to explain possible consolidation of
n. All one story buildings will have a high parapet per agreement,
o. These buildings will be reflected in a modified development agreement.
Sizes of buildings are being modified due to possible tenants. Applicant
understands that each building will require review and approval by
Winter Springs.
3. This issue will be addressed at the August 16111 meeting at Winter Springs with
Victor Dover present.
4. Shane Doran is currently having one prepared by Mr. Durvish. This study will be
submitted with Final Review Documents.
5. An endangered species survey will be submitted by the owner with Final Review
G. Noted, applicant will comply.
7. Noted.
Please feel free to call with any questions or comments.
Thank you,
~andrjne Danielson
LS3P Associates Ltd.
813.577.4444 FAX 843,731.4789 WWW.UJP,COM LS3POLS3P.COM