HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 04 10 Regular Item 307 Villa Grande
ITEM 307
Public Hearing
Regular X
April 10.2006
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission approve the
proposed preliminary subdivision/engineering plans for Villa Grande
PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis agenda item is to recommend approval for the proposed preliminary
subdivision/engineering plans for the 152 condominium units and associated infrastructure on 4.78. acres
in the Town Center on the north side of SR 434, just east ofthe City Hall Building.
Section 9-46. Filing and contents of preliminary map and plan
Section 9-47. Action on preliminary plan by City Council
Section 9-48. Reasons when preliminary plan is disapproved; conditional approval
Section 9-49. Approval of preliminary plan to be construed only as authority to submit final plan
Chapter 20, Article III, Division 12. Town Center District Code (sections 20-320 thru 20-327).
Chapter 20, Article VI, Division 2. General Design Standards for New Development Area
(sections 20-463 thru 20-475).
September 12, 2005 - City Commission considered the conceptual development plan for the 152
condominium units on 4.78 acres in the Town Center. The Commission also discussed the building
height (6 stories) and the parking at 1.88.spaces per unit.
June 27,2005
Regular Item 505
Page 2
The project is located on 4.78 acres, north of S.R. 434, just east of Winter Springs City Hall and
west of Doran Drive. The property is located in the "Town Center" zoning district and has a
Future Land Use designation of "Town Center". The heavily vegetated site abuts SR 434 along
its southern property line, Winter Springs City Hall to the west, the Hickory Grove park site to
the east, across Doran Drive, and a parcel identified as a neighborhood square to the north. All of
these parcels are within the Town Center.
The City Commission took an initial, informal look at the proposed development plan during the
August 15, 2005 Town Center Workshop. Topics of discussion during the workshop included
providing public access to the site and how to avoid the appearance ofa "gated community". The
relationship of the proposed development to the previously mentioned park, the neighborhood
square, the Doran Drive frontage, and the intersection of Doran Drive and Blumberg Boulevard
were also topics of discussion at the workshop.
The City Commission also considered the Conceptual Plan along with the building height issue
and the parking ratio at the September 12, 2005 Regular City Commission meeting.
Staff has been working with the applicant to finalize several issues relative to the building spacing
and the off-site road work along the frontage roads. Pursuant to a recommendation by Dover-
Kohl, garden walls with pedestrian openings have been used to address the spaces between
buildings. Victor Dover has suggested that this development, for purposes of integration into the
Town Center, be treated as one block. Off-site improvements include the upgrades to the SR 434
frontage to incorporate a wider sidewalk with trees planted in tree grates. Doran Drive will also
be upgraded along the project's frontage from SR 434 up to the high school entrance.
Villa Grande proposes 152 condominium units, consisting of 114 2-bedroom units and 38 1-
bedroom units. A total of284 parking spaces are provided onsite, for an overall parking ratio of
1.87 spaces per unit. A parking ratio of 1.87 is appropriate for this unit mix and it exceeds the
City's draft recommended parking guidelines, which would require 247 spaces for an overall
parking ratio of 1.63. The proposed parking plan consists of159 garage spaces under the
buildings on the ground floor, and 125 surface parking spaces, for a total of 284 onsite spaces.
Each of the 152 units will have one assigned parking space, and the remaining 132 onsite spaces
will be shared by the Villa Grande residents and visitors. In addition, approximately 54 on-street
parallel parking spaces are being constructed in conjunction with this project along the offsite
streets. These 54 parking spaces will be in the City's right-of-way and will be available to the
general public. These 54 spaces are not being counted towards meeting the onsite parking
requirements for Villa Grande. The proposed parking plan is consistent with the parking plan that
was approved by the Commission at the September 12, 2005 Commission meeting. The only
June 27, 2005
Regular Item 505
Page 3
recommendation from staff is to relocate the one handicapped parking space located by the
central fountain to be adjacent to the pool and recreation area.
Stormwater and Off site Roads
Stormwater runoff from the Villa Grande site is being collected onsite and routed to the City's
existing wet detention pond located behind City Hall. This pond was master planned to have
sufficient capacity to accommodate future development in the western portion of the Town
Center, including the Villa Grande site. The Villa Grande site was master planned with a
maximum of80% impervious area, which is not exceeded by the proposed development. In
consideration for the City's provision of pond capacity, LeCesse has been requested to improve
Doran Drive from Blumberg Boulevard to Winter Springs High School, a length of approximately
725 feet. The improved section of Doran Drive includes roadway reconstruction, parallel
parking, 11.5- foot wide sidewalks along both sides, drainage improvements, and street trees.
1. The 4.78 acre subdivision is located within the City, has a Town Center Future Land Use
Designation, and is located within the Town Center zoning district.
2. The subdivision abuts Doran Drive, which is a City roadway that must be reconstructed to City
standards before any Certificates of Completion or Certificates of Occupancy are issued.
3. The subdivision will connect to City potable water and sanitary sewer. The City has adequate
capacity for both.
4. A traffic study and subsequent review by the City's consultant determined that no additional
offsite traffic improvements are required.
5. The subdivision plan is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and with the City Code, except as
specified in the developer's agreement and subsequent Town Center Phase I Site Development
Permit Agreement.
Staff recommends that the City Commission approve the preliminary subdivision / engineering plans for
Villa Grande.
A. Preliminary Engineering Plans
B. Landscape Plans
April 4, 2006
Brian Fields, P. E.
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Villa Grande at Town Center
File No. 3172
Dear Mr. Fields:
The following is in response to your comments dated January 17, 2006:
1. C-02. Add a note under "Traffic Control" stating that a MOT plan shall be submitted to the
applicable agencies for approval prior to beginning any work in the right-of-ways.
Response: Note added. Please refer to sheet C-02 revision #2.
2. C-04. On Doran Drive and the site access road, use the Town Center typical plans. On Doran
Drive, provide a 6' sidewalk at the edge of the right-of-way on both sides. On the site access
road, provide a 6' sidewalk and a 3' green strip between the curb and the sidewalk.
Response: The sidewalks have been maximized to the RIW lines on both sides along
Doran Dr. per staff's subsequent request. The site access road has been
revised as requested. Refer to sheet C-04.
3. C-04. At the north end of Doran Drive, provide on additional parallel parking space on both sides.
Provide a curbed bulb-out (landscaped area) on both sides approximately halfway between the
school road and the site access road.
Response: Revised as requested. Please see sheet C-04.
4. C-04. At the site exit road, switch the location of the last island on the right side with the first
parking spot.
Response: Revised as requested. Please see sheet C-04.
5. C-04. Delete the crosswalks between buildings 4 and 5 and between the two handicap parking
spaces in front of building 5. Provide a crosswalk where the sidewalk between buildings 3 and 5
crosses the road towards the fountain area.
Response: Revised as requested. Please see sheet C-04.
6. C-04 and LA-1/2. The landscape plans show pavers at the crosswalks, while C-04 shows
standard striping. The pavers are acceptable (and encouraged) provided that they are clearly
2603 Maitland Center Parkway, Suite C, Maitland, Florida 32751 USA (407) 660-2120 FAX (407) 875-8308
CCL (CCL Consultants, Inc.) is a Division of IBI Group
Response: Sheet C-04 has been revised to show
7. C-04. Re-align the crosswalk connecting building 1 to the fountain area to be parallel to building 4
and the shortest distance between the connecting medians.
pavers to match the landscape
Response: Revised as requested. Please see revised sheet C-04.
8. C-05. Label the public right-of-way and dimension the widths. Provide a note stating that all
striping in the right-of-ways shall be thermoplastic.
Response: Public RIW have been labeled and dimensioned as requested. See revised
sheet C-05.
9. C-05. Clarify (delete?) the note at the bottom right stating the "applicant will contract with private
company for daily collection."
Response: Note deleted. See revised sheet C-05.
10. C-05. Delete the note on the lower left regarding the town center code signage. There are no
specific requirements in the Town Center Code. The installation of decorative traffic control
signage is encouraged, but it is not required by Code.
Response: Note deleted. See revised sheet C-05.
11. C-05. At the Doran Drive I Blumberg intersection, change the curb radius from 33' to 20'.
Relocate the stop sign in front of the sidewalk. Modify the sidewalk to maintain a minimum width
of 6' at all locations, and provide a sidewalk ramp for crossing Blumberg.
Response: The above revisions have been performed as requested. Please see revised
sheet C-05.
12. C-05. At the Doran Drive intersection with the site access road, move the stop sign up so that it is
adjacent to or just behind the stop bar. The stop bar should be a minimum of 4' away from the
crosswalk per MUTCD standards.
Response: Revised as requested. Please see revised sheet C-05.
13. C-07. One or both of the stormwater pipe crossings at the site access road appear that they may
be in conflict with the existing sanitary sewer. Provide top of pipe of invert elevations at the
Response: All conflict top and invert elevations have been provided as requested. Please
see revised sheet C-07.
14. C-07. One or both of the existing storm manholes at tag #s 26 and 34 may need to be replaced in
order to make the tie-ins as shown (discuss at staff meeting).
Response: Revisions have been made per outcome of staff meeting. See sheet C-07.
15. C-07. The new 24" RCP at the existing manhole at tag #26 does not have the minimum 3' of
Response: Cover is now provided. See sheet C-07.
16. C-07. The new 24" RCP at the existing manhole at tag #34 does not have the minimum 3' of
Response: Cover is now provided. See sheet C-07.
17. C-07. Storm manhole #10 at tag #19 is shown with a rim elevation of 45.20 but the roadway
profile shows the roadway finished grade in this area closer to 44.0. The new 24" RCP at the SE
invert does not have the minimum 3' of cover.
Response: Cover is now provided. See revised sheet C-07.
18. C-07. Provide a note stating that all existing storm and sanitary manholes shall be adjusted to the
new finished grade.
Response: Note provided. See sheet C-07.
19. C-07. At the northeast corner of building 2, the swale grades of 47.75 and 47.10 are higher than
the building finished floor. Please clarify the finished grading in this area.
Response: Grading has been adjusted at this location. Please see sheet C-07.
20. C-07. Consider adding a stormwater pipe from tag #24 to tag #27 and eliminating the crossing
and tie in to the existing manhole between tag #24 and tag #26.
Response: Revision made per staff recommendation. See sheet C-07.
21. C-07/C-08. Show the existing contours on these sheets (faded back).
Response: Contours are now shown. See revised sheets C-07 & C-08.
22. C-09. For the sanitary sewer tie-in, provide a manhole near the site entrance and complete the tie-
in at the existing manhole at the northwest corner of the site. This minimizes the impact to
existing sanitary service and does not require cutting in a new manhole to an existing sewer.
Response: New manhole provided as requested. Please see sheet C-09.
23. C-09. For the sanitary sewer data, list the orientation for each invert, such as NE, SW, etc.
Response: Invert orientations are now provided. Please see revised sheet C-09.
24. C-09/10. Show the concrete pads for the backflow preventers based on the actual dimensions
required per the detail on Sheet C-14.
Response: Pads are now shown as requested. Please see revised sheets C-09 and C-10.
25. C-09/C-10. There is not an active water main in 434 as shown. The second point of connection
shall be to an existing 8" water main at the north end of Doran Drive, on the south side of the
school access road (see drawing attached). The existing water main stub-out in Doran Drive at
tag #10 is being extended to the western edge of the right-of-way as a part of the City's Doran
Drive traffic signal project. Connect to this water main and then route it along the SR 434 side of
building 5. Delete the portion of the water main shown along Doran Drive from 434 north to just
north of the Blumberg intersection. At building 2, extend the 8" water main east to Doran Drive
and then continue the 8" water main north along the west side of Doran Drive to the point of
connection (wet tap) near the school access road.
- 4-
Response: Watermain has been re-routed and all revisions made as requested above.
Please see revised sheet C-09 & C-10.
26. C-11. Doran Drive is required to be a standard crowned section with the high point in the center
of the road. Provide a valley gutter between the parking and the travel lanes on both sides. See
Tuskawilla Road for an example.
Response: The road section has been revised as requested. Please see sheet C-11.
27. C-11. Provide a speed limit 25 mph sign at approximate station 16+50 for vehicles traveling
southbound on Doran Drive.
Response: A 25 mph speed limit sign has been provided around station 15 + 75. Please
see revised sheet C-11 & C-05.
28. C-12. Note that the typical pavement section is for the onsite roads only.
Response: Note added. Please see revised sheet C-12.
29. C-14. In the fire hydrant detail, change note #2 to state: "Fire Hydrant shall be painted Sherwin
Williams Safety Yellow." Delete "or mega lug" from note #3.
Response: Note added and correction made. Please see revised sheet C-14.
30. C-14. In the backflow preventer detail, provide a note stating that the entire assembly shall be
painted black.
Response: Note added. Please see revised sheet C-14.
31. The boundary survey needs to be updated to show the correct right-of-way at the Doran Drive /
434 property corner.
Response: Boundary Survey has been corrected.
32. LA-1. Both sides of the improved portions of Doran Drive are required to be landscaped up to the
school access road. The roadway landscaping should consist of street trees and sod. Response
to previous comment #20 states that the street side landscaping has been updated per the Town
Center Code but it has not.
Response: Please see updated landscape plans.
33. IR-1. Along Doran Drive, move the irrigation piping out of the sidewalk, unless this portion of the
sidewalk will be built (or re-built) as a part of Villa Grande. Right now this portion of the sidewalk
is planned to be constructed as a part of the City's Doran Drive traffic signal project.
Response: Please see revised irrigation plans.
34. IR-1. The irrigation plans show a point of connection; however, an irrigation well/pump is required
and should be shown and detailed on the plans.
Response: Please see revised irrigation plans.
35. Please provide the hydraulic analysis and sanitary sewer demand calculations.
Response: Hydraulic analysis and sewer demand calculations will be provided following
this submittal.
36. Please contact Progress Energy to prepare a street light design for the offsite roads (coordinate
with City.)
Response: Progress Energy will be contacted in coordination with the City upon final
approval of the road layout.
Geotechnical Report:
37. Page 1 states that the report "cannot be relied upon for final design of buildings, pavements, and
stormwater management areas." A final geotechnical report is required that does not have this
Response: A corrected (revised) geotechnical report will be submitted before final
approval is received.
38. Page 5 states that due to the high groundwater table onsite, "underdrains will be necessary... if
pavements are constructed at current grades." Based on the grading plan and topo survey, it
appears that much of the paved area onsite is at or below the existing grade and thus required
underdrains per the engineer's recommendation.
Response: A corrected (revised) geotechnical report will be submitted before final
approval is received to verify the depth to water table on-site.
39. The possible need for underdrains should be evaluated for the offsite roadway improvements.
The site access road is proposed below existing grade and would require underdrains per the
geotechnical report. Doran Drive is at or above grad and may not need underdrains.
Response: A corrected (revised) geotechnical report will be submitted before final
approval is received.
40. Appendix B is missing a boring log for boring B-2.
Response: A corrected (revised) geotechnical report will be submitted before final
approval is received.
Comments from Memo dated 1/6/06
41. Lighting plan is not signed and sealed and only depicts the parking lot portion of the site and the
entrance. It must depict lighting on the entire site, be coordinated with the landscape plan (or
vice-versa), and provide useable descriptions of the fixtures, poles, height, etc.
Response: Acknowledged.
42. Although we have asked for a list of deviations to be addressed thru a development agreement,
the response we received was "No engineering variances were detected." Any deviation from the
Town Center Code or any other part of the City Code must be appropriately addressed thru a
development agreement (DA), special exception, variance, or other mechanism that the City
Attorney determines acceptable, not by ignoring it. The most obvious issues to address in a DA
are as follows:
distance between buildings;
first floor parking garage, instead of housing;
club-house has one-story appearance;
off-site light spillage at entrance;
maximum building height (above 55'); and
specimen trees
Response: Acknowledged. The developer will address these issues via a separate letter.
43. On sheet C-12, the HC fine sign detail to specify the fine amount ($250). The bottom of the fine
sign to be 7' 0" above the adjacent finish grade/pavement.
Response: Revised as requested. Please see sheet C-12.
44. On sheet C-04, amend the off-site parking data to exclude parking spaces not immediately
adjacent to the site (on the other side of Doran Drive and on the same side of Doran Drive,
generally north of the "roadway" that extends between Doran Drive and the City Hall vehicle
accommodation area.
Response: Staff reconsidered during our meeting to allow the parking data to remain the
45. Some of the parallel parking spaces are shorter that 20' (min. of 20' required by TC Code Sec. 20-
Response: Revised as requested.
46. Doran drive is not designed to Town Center street specifications, as depicted in and detailed in
Sec. 20-235. Street needs a street light plan & HC accessible ramps and cross-walks at
intersections (at least where there are stop signs or a traffic light.)
Response: Revised as requested.
47. The plan depicts an ornate design in the Doran Drive intersection at SR 434. Please describe
who will provide, when, etc.
Response: The Developer will coordinate with staff on the above issue.
48. HC accessible cross-walks, interior to the site, leave the mobility impaired exposed to automobile
traffic longer than necessary in at least 2 locations.
Response: Revised as requested.
Comments from Memo dated 1/17/06
49. C-01. Cover page indicated TS-1 (Tree Saved Plan); however I cannot locate TS-1 with the
Response: TS-1 is now included.
50. C-01. Cover page does not indicate TR-1 (Tree Removal Plan); however TR-1 is included with
the plans.
Response: TS-1 is now indicated on cover sheet. See revised C-01.
51. C-04. Please include a section elevation at location Building 5 (North East Wall) which is adjacent
to the community poollwall. Concerned about the five story building foundation imposing loads
onto the pool walls or the opposite (see Florida Building Code Section 1805.)
Response: Staff has agreed to address this issue within building plan approval.
52. C-05. The crosswalks at Building 1 and Building 3 indicate [#4] which is identified by plans to be
6" curb. This should be labeled [#2] which is Handicapped Ramp. This is also true for location at
Northeast of Building 2.
Response: Revised as requested.
53. C-07. Section B-B indicated 2% slope towards property line. My concern is that the drain off from
Building 1 west side will be dumped onto the adjacent property without drainage control. There is
a Septic and Drain Field at the same location which may further complicate the drainage and flow.
Response: The contributing area in section B-B is minimal and should be well dissipated
without posing a problem.
Yours truly,
CCl Consultants, Inc.
A division of IBI Group
Joaquin Mojica,P.E.
Project Manager
KI3172\AdminlENGINEERICity (Fields) - Response to Comments 1-17-OO.doc