HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 04 10 Consent Item 401 Kiva
ITEM 401
Consent X
Public Hearing
April 10. 2006
Regular Meeting
Information Services requests supplemental appropriations
in the total amount of $188,513 + $5,000 contingency to
cover the additional costs of Oracle licensing for the Kiva
This request is needed to obtain supplemental appropriations in the
amounts of $188,513 + $5,000 contingency for additional costs of
Oracle licensing for the Kiva database.
Our Kiva application runs on an Oracle database. In January of this year a couple of
events occurred that have a direct impact on the Kiva environment as it is implemented here in
the City. First, Oracle revised its licensing / pricing schedules; and second, it was learned that
Accela will be dropping support for its distributed client/server architecture in favor of a web-
based architecture. The second point is being driven by Oracle as well.
Relative to the first point, our software licensing from Oracle has been of the named user
variety versus an enterprise level that allows for an unlimited number of users. As KivaNet and
KivaCitizen are implemented this summer we will exceed the point in the user base where it
financially makes sense to continue with named-user licensing based on the new pricing
schedules from Oracle. When weighed against the costs in moving to the enterprise level,
S:\Information _ Services\Admin _ Docs\Agenda Items\FY 2006\April
2006\041006_ COMM _ Consent_ 401_ Kiva_ Supplementat Appropriation.doc
upgrading from the named user method is warranted. As an agency we must comply with the
Oracle contractual requirements tied to licensing as new users are added to the mix.
The second factor driving this request is the fact that Oracle has announced that it will no
longer support its client/server architectural configuration that delivers application forms to a
user's desktop into the future. This is the currently deployed solution for Kiva here at the City.
Instead, Oracle will only continue to support its web-based architecture solution. It was learned
at the time of our upgrade to Kiva 8.0 in January, that Accela, too, will be dropping support of
the client/server architecture with the Kiva 8.1 release that is due to be available this summer. In
lieu of these statements of direction by the two vendors it is critical that we move towards the
new architecture to continue operating Kiva on a fully supported platform.
Beyond the above reasons there are also implicit benefits to be gained that become
immediately available with the implementation of the web-based architecture. In the new
architecture the implementation of Kiva enhancements or application of maintenance are effected
in one location, on one server, immediately for all users rather than is currently the case, where
new maintenance and application changes oftentimes must be done on each user's desktop client.
Also, the scenarios for disaster recovery are greatly simplified and become more consistent with
our long-term strategies for disaster recovery. For example, in our current configuration, the
entire environment must be recovered before full service can be restored to the user base. In the
web-based configuration, as long as the Kiva application and database servers are available, it is
possible for end users to access the services of Kiva from anywhere they have access to the
In addition, we are building a system by which all citizens and departments will benefit.
Here are some of the ways that everyone will benefit:
· The Finance Department is using Kiva to provide information about the completion of
building activities, requests for new building starts, and other data needs as they arise.
· The Fire Department has been a user of Kiva for a while as participants in the plan review
process where their input and comments are logged to provide downstream information to
inspectors at the time of construction. The department will be expanding their use of Kiva
through the migration of their annual fire inspection tracking application from an Access
database. With this information in Kiva it can then be shared with other departments in
real time and be extended to facilitate the automatic scheduling of annual inspections for
businesses. Through use of the wireless implementation with Kiva, fire inspectors will be
able to maintain inspection data from the field where results can be entered on site versus in
the office from their desktop workstations as is currently the case.
· Citizens will benefit from the introduction of wireless technology into the hands of
inspectors by getting up to the minute inspection results via the web without having to wait
a day or two for them to be posted. Also, the public use of Kiva is the single most
contributing factor to the increased licensing costs associated with the Oracle Database and
Application Server components of the environment. Oracle's licensing structure is driven
by the number of users of their products.
· Contractors, as with the eeneral citizenry, will also be beneficiaries of wireless
technology for the same reasons and are also significant contributors to the growth of the
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Kiva user base. They will also be using more of Kiva's features by entering permit
applications and scheduling inspections directly.
· The Building Inspectors will benefit through the deployment of wireless technology as
they will be able to enter comments and inspection results directly into Kiva while in the
field. This will save time for the administrative staff by not having to enter this
information into Kiva once it has been delivered back to the office by the field inspectors.
· Planning Division staff members involved with the planning process, especially the senior
planners and building official, are beginning to use Kiva for the tracking of all information
associated with the various projects underway within the City. As plan reviews are
conducted, each reviewer will be entering comments about requested changes, issues,
conditions needing to be met prior to permit issuance or to final approval for occupancy,
etc. Further, all activities associated with a given project can be readily identified so that
the status of the review can be provided quickly and efficiently to anyone making the
request. The senior planning staff also makes extensive use of GIS data currently so they
will greatly benefit once the Kiva environment can connect directly to the GIS application
to establish a direct relationship between the data about a project and its graphical
· Code Enforcement staff in the Police Department have been using Kiva since its inception
in the City. The Police Department is the heaviest user of the Request for Services (RFS)
application within the Kiva system environment for tracking violations, board hearings,
inspection scheduling and recording results. This department will further benefit through
the deployment of wireless technology to its inspectors who will be able to enter comments
and inspection results directly into Kiva while in the field. This will save time for the
adminstrative staff by not having to enter this information into Kiva once it has been
delivered back to the office by the enforcement officers, thus freeing them to issue violation
notices and follow-up correspondence that is a much more efficient use oftheir time.
· The Engineering Division is currently involved in the planning review process and are
actively entering information about their areas of responsibility including comments, issues,
or concerns about a project; conditions that need to be met prior to final approval for
permitting or occupancy once the project is complete; etc. The engineering staff also
makes extensive use of GIS data currently so they will greatly benefit once the Kiva
environment can connect directly to the GIS application to establish a direct relationship
between the data about a project and its graphical representations.
· The Storm Water staff is currently involved in the planning review process and are
actively entering information about their areas of responsibility including comments, issues,
or concerns about a project; conditions that need to be met prior to final approval for
permitting or occupancy once the project is complete; etc. The storm water staff also
makes extensive use of GIS data currently so they will greatly benefit once the Kiva
environment can connect directly to the GIS application to establish a direct relationship
between the data about a project and its graphical representations.
· The Utilities staff is a long time user of Kiva for the recording of inspection results for their
various inspection types. Staff will benefit through the deployment of wireless technology
to its inspectors who will be able to enter comments and inspection results directly into
Kiva while in the field. This will save time for the adminstrative staff by not having to
enter this information into Kiva once it has been delivered back to the office by the field
inspectors. Some members of the staff also rely heavily upon GIS application data so they
will greatly benefit once the Kiva environment can connect directly to the GIS application
to establish a direct relationship between the data in Kiva, especially addressing
information, and its graphical representations.
· The Urban Beautification staff has had its arbor permits issued through Kiva since its first
use within the City. This group participates in the planning review process and is getting
on board to tracking their related activities in Kiva as are the other groups involved with
planning where they will record their information for a given project. Irrigation Inspections
are also being entered and scheduled with results posted in Kiva for this group.
What does the requested $188,513 include?
· Consulting/Training Services (includes travel) Oracle App Server
· Maintenance Agreements
· Oracle Database Maintenance .
· Oracle Forms & Reports Application Server Maintenance
· Capital Expenses - Data Processing
· Oracle Database - Increase Licenses to Enterprise (2 proc.)
· Oracle Forms & Reports Application Server Lic. Fees
. Contingency
$ 22,000
$ 16,613
$ 9,900
$ 80,000
$ 60,000
$ 5.000
In summary, because of Kiva and Oracle's move away from client/server architecture to a
web based architecture, we are requesting a supplemental appropriation in the amount of
$188,513 + a $5,000 contingency in order to move to from an Oracle client/server licensing
platform to an Oracle Enterprise.
FUNDING: Supplemental appropriations are needed from the following funds:
General Fund Reserves 40% $ 77,405
Water & Sewer (Utilities) 15% $ 29,027
Storm Water 5% $ 9,676
Development Services 40% $ 77,405
These supplemental appropriations will not reduce fund reserves below reserve policy
RECOMMENDATIONS: That the Commission approve the supplemental appropriations as
shown above in the total amount of$193,513 ($188,513 + $5,000
contingency) to be placed into department 1343 (Kiva):
1343-53180 $22,000
1343-54633 $26,513
1343-64200 $140,000
1343-56910 $5,000