HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 04 04 Joint Meeting with City of Oviedo Follow Up Report
APRIL 4, 2005
Follow Up Report
County Charter Review Process
Original Winter Springs Request:
To adopt a mutually acceptable County Charter recommendation to prevent the erosion of
Home Rule.
Oviedo Response:
Oviedo chooses to rely upon a State Legislative solution.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests Oviedo to support the Arza Bill currently before the Legislature.
Rural Area Development Standards
Original Winter Springs Request:
To adopt mutually acceptable Development Standards and Regulations for the East Rural
Oviedo Response:
No action to date.
Winter Springs Follow Up:
On February 27, 2006 the City Commission received the Study Report from the East
Rural Area Property Owners Committee containing the recommendations for
development standards in the East Rural Area. On March 6, 2006 the Commission
directed the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance terminating eastward expansion of the
city at Deleon Street.
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Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests to update Oviedo on Winter Springs' action, and for Oviedo to
acknowledge the hard work of the Committee through careful review and consideration
of the report. Winter Springs will be ready to provide Oviedo with a short presentation
of the East Rural Area Study Committee Report and Recommendations for information
only, if Oviedo would desire this information.
Joint Planning: Ag:reements
Original Winter Springs Request:
To adopt mutually acceptable policies regarding the description of common boundaries,
and the provision of municipal services.
Oviedo Response:
Oviedo's priority is to finish their amended l.P.A. with Seminole County before entering
into discussion with Winter Springs. Oviedo does not desire Winter Springs to be
involved in Oviedo's amended l.P.A. with Seminole County.
Oviedo does not have staff time to allocate to a Winter Springs/Oviedo lP.A. in the
foreseeable future.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Like Oviedo, Winter Springs does not have staff time to undertake a l.P.A. process in the
foreseeable future. Winter Springs' requests that the two cities discuss the alternative of
jointly employing a consultant to develop a preliminary l.P.A. identifying key elements
and alternative policy options for further refinement, or enter into a standstill agreement
on annexation until the two staff s can undertake the project.
Reclaimed Water
Original Winter Springs Request:
To determine the feasibility and desirability of a joint reclaimed water reclamation
facility, and operations thereof.
Oviedo Response:
Oviedo has completed its reclaimed water master plan indicating a need for additional
reclaimed water in the north western quadrant of the city, and recommends the
desirability of this matter to be further discussed by the two cities.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs recommends that the desirability of this matter be further discussed
by the two cities.
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Utility Billing
Original Winter Springs Request:
To adopt cooperative billing procedures for sewer services provided by the City of
Winter Springs within Oviedo.
Oviedo Response:
Winter Springs and Oviedo staff will develop a draft inter local agreement between
the two cities for review at a future joint meeting.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests that Oviedo review a draft inter local agreement that Winter
Springs will prepare and forward no later than May 1, 2006, and that the two staff s work
out an mutually acceptable agreement for approval by the two Commission's
State Road 417
Original Oviedo Request:
To determine cooperative strategies for reducing tolls on State Road 417 between Red
Bug Road and State Road 434.
Oviedo desires the two cities to discuss strategies for construction of a non-toll service
road between Red Bug and SR 434, and impacts of the proposed widening of SR 417.
Oviedo Follow Up:
Oviedo forwarded a letter to the toll road authority requesting a review of existing tolls.
The authority has not responded.
Winter Springs Follow Up:
Winter Springs pursued this matter with the toll road authority in 2002 without success.
A feasibility study performed by the authority indicated a change of tolls was not
warranted, and advised that they would not give the issue further consideration.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests that the issue of toll reductions be deleted from future discussion
based upon previous Winter Springs experience and recent Oviedo experience. Winter
Springs agrees with discussion on a service road and impacts of SR 417 widening.
Jetta Point Recreation
Original Winter Springs Request:
To determine the feasibility and desirability of joint Oviedo/Winter Springs, and
Seminole County utilization of Jetta Point.
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Oviedo Response:
Oviedo recognizes the need for a dog park. However, Oviedo is in the process of
completing a recreation master plan and desires to defer action until the plan is
complete this fall.
Based upon the needs under consideration in the master plan it does not appear that
Oviedo will have funds to complete its priority projects, and thus, no funds to commit to
a joint future arrangement for Jetta Point. Furthermore, Oviedo does not have a 3-5 acre
site to develop a dog park.
Seminole County Response:
Seminole County has master planned the Jetta Point site. The master plan does not
include a dog park.
The Winter Springs dog park is located on a temporary site and needs to be relocated.
Winter Springs advised the county that more than half of the users come from outside the
city indicating a need for a county facility. Winter Springs requested the county to
consider amending the master plan to include a dog park to serve the area. The request
was not well received. The county indicated an interest in finding another site.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests Oviedo to advise the county of its need for a dog park in Oviedo,
Oviedo's lack of space and funds, and Oviedo's desire for the county to reconsider Jetta
Point or some other site in the area that would serve city and county residents in this
area of the county with a dog park.
City/County-Wide Mosauito Control Study
Original Winter Springs Request:
To adopt mutually acceptable policy statements regarding the findings of the City/County
Study sponsored by Seminole County.
County Response:
To date the study has resulted in one formal recommendation, the county taking over
mosquito spraying county-wide.
Oviedo Response:
Oviedo has requested the county to make a presentation of the proposal to Oviedo. That
date has yet to be scheduled.
Winter Springs Follow Up:
At its March 28, 2006 Commission Meeting Winter Springs received a report from the
county on its proposal. The Commission expressed concerns with the maintenance of
city service standards and future cost escalations, and directed staff to return the proposal
to the Commission with staff recommendations.
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Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
Winter Springs requests that Oviedo and Winter Springs continue to communicate on
this, and future proposals recommended from the City/County Study.
Oviedo Medical Facilitv
Original Oviedo Request:
Oviedo requested that Winter Springs support Oviedo's goal of locating a hospital in
Winter Springs Response:
Winter Springs responded with a resolution of support adopted at its February 27, 2006
Commission Meeting.
Winter Springs will continue to provide support for the Oviedo hospital as requested by
Winter Springs Town Center Access and Circulation Plan - State Road 434
Original Winter Springs Request:
Following the first Oviedo/Winter Springs Joint Meeting Winter Springs requested
Oviedo to support Winter Springs' efforts to have FDOT accept the Traffic Access and
Circulation Plan for the Winter Springs Town Center.
City of Oviedo Response:
On March 28,2006 Oviedo mailed a letter of support to FDOT.
Winter Springs Follow Up Request:
No further request at this time.
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