HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 04 04 Joint Meeting with City of Oviedo Agenda Memorandum
Honorable Mayor Walters and City Council Members
Gerald J. Seeber, City Manager
April 4, 2006
SUBJECT: Joint Meeting with Winter Springs City Commission
Introduction: Pursuant to direction provided at earlier meetings, a joint meeting with the Winter
Springs City Commission has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 4, 2006 beginning at 6:30 p.m.
The meeting will he held at the Tuscawilla Country Club in Winter Springs. I have attached a
copy of the agenda for the meeting and I wanted to share a few comments about the agenda items
with the City Council.
Backl!round: The Oviedo City Council and the Winter Springs City Commission met in joint
session on Tuesday, November 1, 2005. At that meeting, there were eight 8-10 items on the
summary agenda, all of which related to potential issues or areas two cities might engage in some
sort of partnership or collaboration. Preliminary policy direction was provided on these items and
the elected officials from both cities agreed to meet again sometime in 2006 to continue the
discussions. In response to that policy direction, the City Managers from both communities
corresponded earlier this year to find an appropriate date that would meet the schedule of the
eleven elected officials.
There have been two (2) formal actions taken by each of the City Councils relating to issues in our
respective communities. At its March 20th regular meeting, the Oviedo City Council took action to
endorse a new Traffic Access Management Plan for SR 434 in the City of Winter Springs. A letter
in support of the Winter Springs initiative has been provided to that City with a copy to the Florida
Department of Transportation. Likewise, in response to a request from the City of Oviedo, Winter
Springs Mayor John Bush has provided a letter to our City supporting Oviedo's efforts to secure a
new hospital facility within our corporate limits.
Discussion: In conversations with Mayor Bush and my colleague, Mr. McLemore, I learned that
the Winter Springs City Commission has asked for the opportunity to discuss rural development
issues, more specifically, the Commission's recent decision to forego additional annexation in the
Black Hammock area, east of DeLeon Street. While the issues regarding the Black Hammock
may be uppermost in the minds of the Winter Springs City Commission, there are a total of 5
topics where some discussion might prove beneficial to both cities. These are as follows:
. The City of Winter Springs has completed its East Rural Area Study. A copy of that
report was shared with the Oviedo City Council in early March. I have attached another
copy for your use at the meeting on Tuesday. The Winter Springs City Commission has
asked for the opportunity to discuss the recommendations in this report with the Oviedo
City Council so that we might have a clear understanding of the contents of that report.
Honorable Mayor Walters and City Council Members
April 4, 2006
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. Seminole County staff members have approached both cities within the past year to seek a
collaborative effort in the development and operation of a park on the Jetta Point
DroDertv located within the City of Winter Springs, along SR 434 and immediately
adjacent to SR 417. Because the City of Oviedo is just beginning work on the development
of a recreation system master plan, it is difficult to determine if a new park facility
developed on our border would meet our City's overall recreation needs. Both cities have
received requests from residents (and non-residents) for the development of a dog park to
serve the community. At the joint meeting on Tuesday evening, we may wish to discuss
whether the two cities might collaborate in a joint request to the Seminole County
Commission to develop a dog park at this site.
. The City of Winter Springs has sought funding from the St. Johns River Water
Management District for development of an alternative source of irrigation water using
Lake Jessup to supplement that City's reclaimed water distribution system. The City of
Oviedo is nearing completion of its reclaimed water master plan; that plan provides for an
extension of distribution mains in the central and the southeastern part of the city. Because
of the costs associated with distribution main extensions and the limitations on reclaimed
supply, it may prove beneficial for our city to explore a collaborative effort with Winter
Springs that could provide additional sources of supply in the northwest comer of the city.
Such a policy is envisioned in the recommendations contained in Oviedo's draft reclaimed
water master plan. At the meeting on Tuesday evening, it may be appropriate for us to
discuss the potential for collaboration in this area in order to reduce the City's dependency
on potable sources of supply for irrigation uses.
. At the initial meeting last November, the elected officials in both communities agreed that
we would talk with each other prior to taking any formal action to implement
recommendations forwarded by the Joint City County Advisory Committee. The Joint
City County Advisory Committee has since adopted a number of recommendations and
forwarded those to the Board of County Commissioners. At the meeting on Tuesday
evening, the representatives from both cities who serve on the Joint City County Advisory
Committee might wish to discuss these recommendations to see if there are any areas
where both cities are in agreement with the Joint City County recommendations and
whether any formal action is appropriate.
. Each of us has received a notification this past week from the Florida Turnpike Enterprise
announcing plans for a widenin2 of SR 417 from the Orange County Line to Rinehart
Road. At the meeting on Tuesday evening, the elected officials may wish to discuss the
potential impact that the project could have on our communities and whether or not the
cities wish to pursue the construction of a service drive between the SR434 and Red Bug
Lake Road interchanges.
Honorable Mayor Walters and City Council Members
April 4, 2006
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. Earlier this fiscal year, the City of Winter Springs entered into an agreement with the City
of Longwood addressing their mutual borders along 17-92. Their agreement was driven by
concerns about the provision of utility services by the two (2) cities on this border area. At
the meeting on Tuesday evening, it may be appropriate for the elected officials from both
cities to discuss their preferences regarding a ioint plannine: ae:reement between the two
(2) cities that might address annexation and boundaries in the future.
Budget Impact: There is no budgetary impact arising from a discussion of any of the issues listed
on the agenda. Any financial commitments on initiatives between the two cities would require
formal approval at regular meetings in both jurisdictions.
Recommendation: At the meeting on Tuesday evening, the staff will await direction from the
elected officials on whether to follow up with actions on any of the items listed on the agenda for