HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 03 27 Regular Item 304 Construction Orange Avenue
ITEM 304
Public Hearin
Regular x
March 27.2006
REQUEST: The Public Works Department requests authorization from the City
Commission to appropriate funding in the amount of $821,382 for the design
and construction of Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to Central Winds
PURPOSE: The purpose of this agenda item is to request authorization from the City
Commission to appropriate funding in the amount of$82l,382 for the design and
construction of Orange Avenue in conjunction with the Jesup's Landing project.
~ This agenda item is needed to authorize the City's portion of the cost to design and
construct Orange Avenue. This funding would reimburse Levitt & Sons, LLC (Levitt), the
developer of the Jesup's Landing townhome project, for the reasonable costs for the design
and construction ofthe City's portion of Orange Avenue in accordance with the terms of
the Commission-approved Developer's Agreement.
~ At the February 28, 2005 City Commission meeting, the Commission approved a
Developer's Agreement with Barclay Woods II, LLC (Barclay Woods) for the
development of the Jesup's Landing project, located on the south side of Orange Avenue,
immediately east of Central Winds Park. Jesup's Landing is a l85-unit townhome
. development that is currently under construction.
~ After the Developer's Agreement between the City and Barclay Woods was approved,
Barclay Woods sold the Jesup's Landing property to Levitt. The Developer's Agreement
is bound to the property and therefore Levitt has assumed responsibility for Barclay
Woods' obligations under the Developer's Agreement.
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)> The terms of the Developer's Agreement relating to the Orange Avenue design and
construction are summarized as follows (see Exhibit C for the pages of the Developer's
Agreement applicable to the Orange Avenue design and construction):
a. Levitt shall design and permit Orange Avenue, as depicted on the City's Town
Center Transportation Master Plan, from Tuskawilla Road to Central Winds Park, a
distance of approximately 4,000 feet, or % mile (see map, Exhibit A).
b. Levitt shall construct Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to the western
boundary ofthe Jesup's Landing Property, a distance of approximately 3,000 feet.
c. The City shall reimburse or provide transportation impact fee credits to Levitt for
the reasonable costs to complete the design, permitting, and required construction
as described in items "a" and "b" above.
d. If the cost to design, permit, and construct Orange Avenue exceeds the amount of
transportation impact fees generated from Jesup's Landing, the City is obligated to
reimburse Levitt the amount in excess ofthe transportation impact fee credits.
e. Levitt shall obtain three bids for the roadway construction, and the selected bid is
subject to City approval, which is being requested by this agenda item.
)> The Orange A venue design and permitting is complete and the project is ready for
construction. Exhibit D provides a graphical representation of the design along with the
typical roadway section. The proposed Orange A venue improvements include roadway
reconstruction, curb and gutter, drainage facilities, landscaping along both sides, and a six-
foot wide sidewalk along the south side. A six-foot wide sidewalk has been designed
along the north side 0 f Orange Avenue, but this sidewalk will be constructed at a later date
when additional right-of-way becomes available as adjacent properties become developed.
)> Levitt has provided supporting documentation to verify that the proposed roadway
construction was subject to a competitive bidding process. Levitt obtained three bids for
the project as required by the Developer's Agreement, summarized as follows:
Base Bid Se2ment Future Se2ment
(Orange Avenue (Orange Avenue from
from Tuskawilla to Jesup's Landing to
Bidder Jesuo's LandinI!) Central Winds Park) Total Bid
Nile Underground $997,502 $341,094 $1,338,596
Southland Construction $1,046,471 $291,872 $1,338,343
Swell Construction Co. $1,254,164 $409,765 $1,663,929
)> Levitt has recommended Nile Underground for the project. Nile has the lowest price for
the Base Bid Segment of the project, which is from Tuskawilla Road to Jesup's Landing
(the segment required to be constructed at this time by the Developer's Agreement).
Should the Commission decide to construct the Future Segment (from Jesup's Landing to
Central Winds Park) in addition to the Base Bid Segment, Southland Construction has the
lowest total bid by $253. Under this scenario, Levitt would still recommend Nile
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Underground for the project due to the substantial savings Nile provides Levitt on portions
of the project not subject to City reimbursement.
~ The total project costs, including design, permitting, and construction, are summarized as
follows. Please see Exhibit B for a more detailed cost breakdown.
Task Cost
Surveyina $18,000
Geotechnical Enaineerina $7,630
Roadway Desian Enaineerina $149,500
Archaeoloaical Survey $7,500
Subtotal $182,630
Construction - Base Bid Segment
(Tuskawilla Road to Jesuo's Landina) $997,502
Total Project Costs
Base Bid Segment Only $1,180,132
Construction - Future Segment
Jesup's Landina to Central Winds Park) $341,094
Total Project Costs
Base Bid Segment plus Future Segment $1,521,226
Per the table above, the total cost to design, permit, and construct the Base Bid Segment of Orange
Avenue (from Tuskawilla Road to Jesup's Landing), is $1,180,132. The City is obligated by the
Developer's Agreement to reimburse Levitt for the amount of the roadway costs in excess of the
Jesup's Landing transportation impact fees for the Base Bid Segment of the project.
The total transportation impact fees for the 185 townhomes in Jesup's Landing are $358,750.
Therefore, the amount the City will be required to reimburse Levitt is $821.382. Reimbursement
is required within 90 days of construction completion. With construction estimated to be complete
in August 2006, reimbursement would be required by November 2006.
If the Commission decided to include the Future Segment from Jesup's Landing to Central Winds
Park, the total project cost would be $1,521,226, and the City would be required to reimburse
Levitt $1,162,476.
The funding source for the City's reimbursement is Fund 140 - Transportation Impact Fee Fund.
Revenues for the current fiscal year are approximately double the projections, due to the recent
increase in the City's transportation impact fees. At the time of the required reimbursement in
November 2006, the transportation impact fee fund balance is projected to be approximately
$1,350,000, which is sufficient to cover the requested funding of $821,382. However, future
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developer agreement funding commitments for collector roads will need to be evaluated on a case-
by-case basis for cash flow.
The City Commission has several alternatives:
1. Approve $821,382 for construction of Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to
Jesup's Landing (Base Bid Segment).
2. Approve $1,162,476 for construction of Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to
Central Winds Park (Base Bid Segment plus Future Segment).
3. Deny the funding request entirely.
Staff recommends approval to authorize funding in the amount of $821,382 plus a 10%
contingency for the construction of Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to Central Winds Park
(Base Bid Segment only).
Staff does not recommend building the Future Segment at this time. The Future Segment would
cost an additional $341,094, and committing this funding to Orange Avenue could jeopardize
funding for other transportation impact fee projects. In addition, the right-of-way along much of
the Future Segment is not sufficient to construct a complete Town Center road section as depicted
on the Town Center Transportation Master Plan. Specifically, the existing ball fields at Central
Winds Park would be impacted if Orange Avenue were constructed as a 50-foot wide right-of-
Project construction is set to begin in April 2006, with an estimated project completion in late 2006 or
early 2007.
A) Exhibit A - Orange Avenue Map
B) Exhibit B - Orange Avenue Cost Breakdown
C) Exhibit C - Page from the Jesup's Landing Developer's Agreement
D) Exhibit D - Orange Avenue Design Exhibit
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Exhibit A - Orange Avenue Map
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Exhibit B - Orange Avenue Cost Breakdown
Unit Qty Unit Price Total
Design Tasks
Surveying LS 1 $18,000 $18,000
Geotechnical Engineering LS 1 $7,630 $7,630
Roadway Design Engineering LS 1 $149,500 $149,500
Archaeological Survey LS 1 $7,500 $7,500
Subtotal $182,630
Base Bid Segment: Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to Jesup's Landing
Construction Pay Item Unit Qty U nit Price Total
Mobilization LS 1 $22,685.00 $22,685.00
Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 $15,500.00 $15,500.00
Commercial Material for Driveway LF 280 $265.00 $74,200.00
Erosion & Sediment Control LS 1 $19,500,00 $19,500.00
Clearing & Grubbing ACRES 4.3 $3,500.00 $15,050.00
Remove Existing Concrete Paving CY 719 $25.00 $17,975.00
Excavation Regular CY 796 $2.50 $1,990.00
Emabnkment CY 0 $7.86 $0.00
Type B Stabilization SY 7573 $2.50 $18,932.50
Base Group (8" Limerock) SY 4789 $7.37 $35,294.93
Base Group (5" Type B-12.5) SY 1262 $26.75 $33,758.50
Superpave Asphalt Traffic Level A TON 499.2 $101.75 $50,793.60
Concrete Class I Endwalls) EA 8 $1,510.00 $12,080.00
Concrete Class I Retaining Walls) CY 117 $950.00 $111,150.00
Concrete Class I Miscellaneous) CY 5 $235.00 $1,175.00
Curb Inlet Type 9 EA 1 $2,308.00 $2,308.00
Curb Inlet Type P-5 EA 15 $3,316.00 $49,740.00
Curb Inlet Type P-6 EA 4 $4,016.00 $16,064.00
Curb Inlet Type J-5 EA 2 $3,758.00 $7,516.00
Ditch Bottom Inlet Type 0 EA 0 $7,381.00 $0.00
Ditch Bottom Inlet Type H EA 1 $6,879.40 $6,879.40
Manhole Type P-7 EA 0 $0.00 $0.00
Manhole Type P-7 Partial EA 4 $1,032.00 $4,128.00
Manhole Type J-8 EA 2 $3,911.60 $7,823.20
Manhole Adiust EA 3 $1,750.00 $5,250.00
Modify Existing Drainage Structure EA 1 $1,750.00 $1,750.00
Inlet Relocation EA 1 $2,250.00 $2,250.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 18" SS LF 999 $35.20 $35,164.80
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 24" SS LF 993 $53.35 $52,976.55
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 30" SS LF 211 $75.90 $16,014.90
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 36" SS LF 398 $106.15 $42,247.70
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 14" x 23" SS LF 170 $38.61 $6,563.70
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 15" CD LF 33 $24.86 $820.38
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 18" CD LF 23 $35.20 $809.60
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 24" CD LF 54 $53.35 $2,880.90
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 29" x 45" CD LF 52 $134.09 $6,972.68
Mitered End Section 36" CD EA 1 $1,864.00 $1,864.00
Mitered End Section 14" x 23" CD EA 1 $660.00 $660.00
Pedestrian Railing LF 246 $65,00 $15,990.00
Type F Curb & Gutter LF 5456 $12.85 $70,109.60
Sidewalk (4" thick) SY 1165 $38.25 $44,561.25
Sidewalk (6" thick) SY 1007 $40.50 $40,783.50
Concrete Ditch Pavement SY 8 $45.00 $360.00
Fencing (Special) LF 1130 $27.00 $30,510.00
Sodding SY 10426 $2.97 $30,965.22
Sign - Single Post EA 6 $700.00 $4,200.00
Solid Traffic StriDe (dbl vellow) LF 136 $2.20 $299.20
Landscape and Irrigation LS 1 $58,955.00 $58,955.00
Total Construction Cost, Base Bid Seament $997,502.11
Total Proiect Cost, Base Bid Segment: $1,180,132.11
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Exhibit B - Orange Avenue Cost Breakdown (Continued)
Future Segment; Orange Avenue from Jesup's Landing to Central Winds Park
Construction Pay Item Unit Qty Unit Price Total
Mobilization LS 1 $9,000.00 $9,000.00
Maintenance of Traffic LS 1 $8,500.00 $8,500.00
Commercial Material for Driveway LF 250 $265.00 $66,250.00
Erosion & Sediment Control LS 1 $6,500.00 $6,500.00
Clearing & Grubbing ACRES 1.1 $3,500.00 $3,850.00
Remove Existing Concrete Paving CY 85 $25.00 $2,125.00
Excavation Reeular CY 510 $2.50 $1,275.00
Embankment CY 0 $7.86 $0.00
Type B Stabilization SY 2590 $2.50 $6,475.00
Base Group (8" Limerock) SY 2057 $7.37 $15,160.09
Base Group (5" Type B-12.5) SY 0 $26.75 $0.00
Superoave Asphalt Traffic Level A TON 169.7 $101.75 $17,266.98
Concrete Class I Endwalls) EA 0 $1,510.00 $0.00
Concrete Class I Retaining Walls) CY 18 $950.00 $17,100.00
Concrete Class I Miscellaneous) CY 5 $235.00 $1,175.00
Curb Inlet Type 9 EA 1 $2,308.00 $2,308.00
Curb Inlet Type P-5 EA 3 $3,316.00 $9,948.00
Curb Inlet Type P-6 EA 0 $4,016.00 $0.00
Curb Inlet Type J-5 EA 0 $3,758.00 $0.00
Ditch Bottom Inlet Type 0 EA 0 $7,381.00 $0.00
Ditch Bottom Inlet Type H EA 0 $6,879.40 $0.00
Manhole Type P-7 EA 0 $0.00 $0.00
Manhole Type P-7 Partial EA 4 $1,032.00 $4,128.00
Manhole Type J-8 EA 0 $3,911.60 $0.00
Manhole Adiust EA 0 $1,750.00 $0.00
Modify Existing Drainage Structure EA 0 $1,750.00 $0.00
Inlet Relocation EA 0 $2,250.00 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 18" SS LF 594 $35.20 $20,908.80
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 24" SS LF 0 $53.35 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 30" SS LF 0 $75.90 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 36" SS LF 0 $106.15 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 14" x 23" SS LF 174 $38.61 $6,718.14
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 15" CD LF 0 $24.86 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 18" CD LF 0 $35.20 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 24" CD LF 0 $53.35 $0.00
Concrete Culvert Pipe - 29" x 45" CD LF 0 $134.09 $0.00
Mitered End Section 36" CD EA 0 $1,864.00 $0.00
Mitered End Section 14" x 23" CD EA 0 $660.00 $0.00
Pedestrian Railing LF 90 $65.00 $5,850.00
Type F Curb & Gutter LF 1927 $12.85 $24,761.95
Sidewalk (4" thick) SY 676 $40.50 $27,378.00
Sidewalk (6" thick) SY 279 $45.00 $12,555.00
Concrete Ditch Pavement SY 0 $45.00 $0.00
Fencing (Special) LF 940 $27.00 $25,380.00
Sodding SY 1992 $2.97 $5,916.24
SiQn - SinQle Post EA 1 $700.00 $700.00
Solid Traffic Stripe (dbl yellow) LF 0 $2.20 $0.00
Landscape and Imeation LS 1 $39,865.00 $39,865.00
Total Construction Cost, Future Segment: $341,094.20
Total Project Cost - Base Bid Segment plus Future Segment: $1,521,226.31
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Exhibit C - Page from the Jesup's Landing Developer's Agreement Applicable
to the Orange Avenue Design and Construction
(c) Construction of 0range Avenue Segment. Subject to final City approval,
Barclay Woods agrees to (a) design and permit that portion of Orange Avenue
contemplated in the City's Town Center Transportation Master Plan as a fifty (50) foot
right-of-way to run from Tuskawilla Road to Central Winds Park, and (b) construct that
portion of such Orange Avenue from Tuskawilla Road to the western boundary of the
Property (together the "Orange Avenue Segment''); provided, however, the City shall
reimburse Barclay Woods for the reasonable costs thereof or provide transportation
impact fee credits as set forth below. For purposes of this Agreement. (i) the design costs
subject to City approval shall include the costs and expenses of land surveying, civil
engineering, landscape architecture, and irrigation design. and (ii) the construction costs
shall include the costs and expenses for clearing. grubbing and earth excavation, and for
the construction of aU stonn drainage facilities, Progress Energy-approved decorative
streetlights, landscaping, hardscape, irrigation, sidewalks. curbs. pavement, striping,
signage, and any required offsite improvements related to the Orange Avenue Segment
(all of the foregoing costs and expenses are hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"Roadway Expenses"). To the extent any of the Roadway Expenses also benefit other
aspects of the Project not related to the Orange Avenue Segment (e.g.. stonnwater
improvements for the buildings and common areas), the City shall only be responsible for
reimbursing the proportionate share of the particular expense related to the Orange
Avenue Segment. The City shall reimburse Barclay Woods in the amount of the
Roadway Expenses within ninety (90) days after the Orange Avenue Segment has been
completed and accepted by the City. The City s.hall designate Orange Avenue as a
"Collector Road" and provide transportation impact fee credits to Barclay Woods to be
applied to the Roadway Expenses owed by the City. The payment of the transportation
impact fee credits by Barclay Woods shall be reconciled at the time the Orange Avenue
Segment is accepted by the City. If the Roadway Expenses exceed the amount of the
transportation impact fee credit, the City shall reimburse Barclay Woods, by che.ck. the
amount of the Roadway Expenses in excess of the transportation impact fee credit. On
the other hand, if the Roadway Expenses are less than the amount of the transportation
impact fee credit, Barclay Woods shall pay the City, by check, the amount of the
transportation impact fee in excess of the Roadway Expenses.
Barclay Woods agrees that all Roadway Expenses shall be subject to an informal
competitive bid process under which Barclay Woods shall obtain three (3) written quotes
or bids. Each quote or bid and all change orders shaH be submitted to the City for review
and approval prior to Barclay Woods entering into any contract or modifications thereto
for the design. pennitting and construction of the Orange Avenue Segment. Barclay
Woods further agrees that at the time reimbursement for any Roadway Expense is
requested, Barclay Woods shall provide the City with a copy of all applicable invoices,
receipts. warranties, maintenance bonds and documentation. including all change orders.
which shall clearly evidence each reimbursable Roadway Expense. The City shall not be
responsible for reimbursing any Roadway Expense which was not approved in advance
by the City and cannot be properly and reasonably documented in writing. The City shall
not unreasonably withhold any approvals required under this paragraph.
City of Wfnter Springs
1000 Central Wfnds Dr.
City of IMnter Springs
Orange Ave.
1112 Orange Ave.
1120 Orange Ave.
City of Winter Springs
Orange Ave.
Levitt Son.s of Seminole Co., LLC
Orange Ave..
1136 Orange Ave.
1148 Orange Ave.
Reference Only
No Address
Levitt & Sons of SemInole Co., LLC
1156 Orange Ave
Hyde 1166 Orange Ave.
Levitt & Sons of Seminole Co., LLC
1181 Orange Ave.
1184 Orange Ave.
Orange Avenue
Landscape Plan
STA 120+00 TO STA 125+00
1192 Orange Ave.
1200 Orange Ave.
1200 Orange Ave.
1204 Orange Ave.
1206 Orange Ave.
101 Privado Ct.
Orange Ave.
1220 Orange Ave.
1228 Orange Ave.
DR Horton Inc.
106 Trace Pt
1232 Orange Ave.
De Sautel
1240 Orange Ave.
1244 Orange Ave.
1252 Orange Ave.
Orange Ave.
106 Trace Pt
108 Trace Pt
DR Horton Inc.
Orange Ave.
1268 Orange Ave.
1276 orange Ave.
1290 Orange Ave.
100 Tuskawllla