HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 04 23 Public Hearings B Second Reading - Ordinance 2001-29 Construction Material Required for Fences
Public Hearing X
April 23. 2001
Mgr /~
Authoriz o~ -
The Community Development Department-Building Division requests that
the City Commission hold a second reading of Ordinance 2001-29 that amends the
code dealing with construction material required for fences.
The purpose of this item is to consider amending Article VII FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES,
Section 6-187, Construction Materials, to allow the use of PVC(polyvinyl chloride) vinyl and
Aluminum material in the construction of fences.
SECTION 6- 187 FENCES, WALLS, HEDGES currently provides for the use of WOOD
constructed to resist rot and termite infestation, eleven-gauge galvanized steel of noncorrodible
metal, ornamental iron, and ventilated concrete or masonry.
· At the February 6, 2001 Commission meeting, staff was directed to research other materials
available for fencing, which are now available and not included in the ordinance.
. On April 9, 2001 the City Commission conducted a first reading on Ordinance 2001-29.
APRIL 23, 2001
Page 2
. PVC and ALUMINUM are two new products available for fencing. These products are long
lasting and present an aesthetically pleasant appearance. Most other communities are
allowing these materials for fencing.
Staff recommends that the City Commission conduct a Second Reading and approve Ordinance
A. Proposed Ordinance 2001-29
B. Copy of existing ordinance
C. YARD SMART Vinyl Fencing Product Specifications
D. U.S. FENCE, LLC Fence testing report
E. Fence Ordinances
City of Hollywood, Fl.
City of Lake Mary, Fl.
City ofLongwood, Fl.
F. Information on aluminum fences.
WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs recognizes and finds that industry
continues to improve on its products which necessitates revision of the City ordinances; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs, Florida is desirous of amending its
fence material requirements to ensure that compatibility and aesthetic values are maintained
throughout the City; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
Ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare ofthe citizens of Winter
Section 1. Code Amendment. Chapter 6, Buildings and Building Regulations, Section 6-
187 is hereby amended to read as follows (underlined type indicates additions and sttikcout type
indicates deletions):
Sec. 6-187. Construction Materials. Fences and walls constructed within the City
shall conform to one (1) of the following:
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-29
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(1) Wood fences constructed of rot-and termite-resistive species of wood or
chemically pressure-treated to resist rot and termite attack.
(2) Street posts and wire fabric fences with fabric of a minimum of eleven guage
galvanized or other non-corrodible metal.
(3) Ornamental iron.
(4) Ventilated concrete or masonry.
ill PVC or Aluminum. structurally sound to maintain spans and 110 mph wind-
Section 2.
Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and
resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 3.
Incorporation Into Code. This Ordinance shall be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 4.
Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5.
Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-29
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ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of
, 2001.
City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
F:\DOCS\City of Winter Springs\Ordinances\Fence Materials. wpd
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-29
Page 3 of 3
~~?t~~~:=~ f~~~~t;
institute an appropriate action in the courts to
compel compliance or the person shall be tried in
a court of competent: jurisdiction and if found
guilty shall be punished in accordance with sec-
tion 1-15.
(Code 1~74, * 5-91)
Sec. 6-169. Vacating unsafe buildings and
closing adjacent streets.
When a building or structure is in an unsafe
condition, so that life is endangered thereby, the
building inspector may order and require the
inmates and occupants to vacate the building or
structure forthwith. He may, when necessary for
the public safety, temporarily close sidewalks,
streets, buildings, structures and places adjacent
to such building or structure and prohibit the
same from being used.
(Code 1974, ~ 5-92)
Sees. 6-170-6-185. Reserved.
Sec. 6-186. Permit required.
Plans showing the location of any proposed
fence or wall in excess of one hundred dollars
($100.00) value and the type of construction shall
be submitted to the building official and a permit
obtained therefor from the building official.
(Code 1974, * 5-122)
Sec. 6-187. Construction materials.
Fences and walls constructed within the city
shall conform to one (1) of the following:
(1) Wood fences constructed of rot-and termite-
resistive species of wood or chemically
pressure-treated to resist rot and termite
(2) Street posts and wire fabric' fences with
fabric of a minimum of eleven-gauge gal-
vanized or other noncorrodible metal.
.Cross references-Beautification board, * 2.76 et seq.;
enclosure for swimming pool required, * 6.217; land develop-
ment, Ch. 9; zoning, Ch. 20.
* 6-192
(3) Ornamental iron.
(4) Ventilated concrete or masonry.
(Code 1974, * 5-123)
Sec. 6-188. Exceptions to section 6-187.
Where zoning classifications within the city
allow for horses, barbed wire fences will be per-
mitted as well as fabric fences with fabric of less
than a minimum of eleven-gauge galvanized or
other noncorrodible metal.
(Code 1974, * 5-124)
Sec. 6-189. When barbed wire permissible.
In areas where security fences are permitted,
barbed wire may be used above six (6) feet with
approval of the building officials.
(Code 1974, * 5-125)
Sec. 6-190. Height limitations generally_
All walls or fences hereafter located, erected,
constructed, reconstructed, or altered outside of
the established building lines shall adhere to the
following heights: If front of the front building
line, no more than four (4) feet in height; if to the
rear of the front building line, provided the pro-
visions of section 6-191 are met for corner lots, no
more than eight (8) feet in height.
(Code 1974, ~ 5-126)
Sec. 6-191. Limitations when adjacent to
street, intersection.
To avoid the obstruction of clear vision around
or through corners on corner lots, no fence, wall or
hedge shall be erected, planted or grown within
twenty-five (25) feet of the intersecting property
line corner adjacent to the street intersection
(Code 1974, * 5-127)
Cross references--Streets, sidewalks and other public
places, Ch. 17; streets, ~ 17-26 et seq.; motor vehicles and
trartie, Ch. 12; zoning, eh. 20.
Sec. 6-192. Utility easements.
(a) It shall be' lawful for any person to enclose
or fence any utility easements; provided, however,
that adequate access must be provided thereto by
the fence owner. If it becomes necessary to cut a
fence or remove walls for the purpose of installa-
* (;-192
tion of new utilities or repairing or maintaining
installed utilities, the utility company involved
shall be responsible to repair or replace the fence
or wall to the condition existing previous to the
installation, repair or maintenance.
(b) A dedicated right-of-way shall not be fenced
by any private citizen. However, and only when it
is determined by the board of adjustment that
fencing, in whole or in part, of a public right-of-
way is necessary to protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the citizens of the city as a whole, the
board may authorize a special exception to permit
a private citizen to erect a fence on a dedicated
right-of-way contiguous to that citizen's property.
Requests for such special exceptions to this sec-
tion shall be decided pursuant to the criteria of
section 20-82(l)b, and to the procedures of sec-
tions 20-83 and 20-84.
(c) Any fencing approved by special exception
to be erected on a dedicated right-of-way shall be
constructed according to plans approved by the
city staff, with gates adequate to allow access to
maintenance vehicles. All costs incurred in fenc-
ing the right-of-way shall be borne by the contig-
uous property owner to whom the special excep-
tion may be granted. The fence shall be maintained
in safe condition by the property owner who
installed it, and the fencing when removed may
be reclaimed by that property owner.
(dl Such fences erected privately by special
exception on a dedicated right-of-way shall not
preclude access to or use of such public land by
any citizen of the city.
(Code 1974, * 5-129)
Cross reference-Utilities. Ch. 19.
Sec. 6-193. Distance from property line.
Fences or hedges must be at least three (3)
inches from property lines.
(Code 1974, * 5-130)
Cross references-Land dpvl'lopmcnt. CIl. 9: 1.Onint::, CIl.
Sec. 6-194. Article provisions not control-
ling; exception.
Provisions of this article do not supersede or
control deed restrictions running with the land
unless the provisions therein are more stringent
than in the deed restriction.
(Code 1974, * 5-131)
Sees. 6-195--6-209. Reserved.
Sec. 6-210. Code adopted.
The city hereby adopts in its entirety that
certain code known as the Standard Swimming
Pool Code, 1985 Edition, as promulgated by the
Southern Building Code Congress International,
Inc., except as otherwise provided in this article.
(Ord. No. 461, * 5, 6-26-89)
Sec. 6-211. Definitions.
As used herein, the following words, phrases,
terms and their derivations shall have the mean-
ings stated herein.
Pool is a facility contammg or intended to
contain, water of a total volume greater than
twenty-five hundred (2500) gallons, and/or is over
twenty-four (24) inches in depth, with surface
area exceeding one hundred fifty (150) square
feet, used only by an individual citizen and his
family or bona fide guests and shall not include
ownership, operation or use by any type of club,
cooperative housing or joint tenancy of two (2) or
more families.
Screen enclosure is an enclosure surrounding a
pool; the walls and roof of the enclosure consisting
entirely of screen mesh, except for minimum
essential structural framework required for its
(Code 1974, * 5-141)
"Cross references-Flood damage prevention. eh. 8;
land de"elopmcnl.. ell. 9; Illlisanecs, ell. 13; planning, eh. 1;';
zoning. ell. 20.
u.s. Fence
Page 1 of 1
~J!!~);Mlittm~j!tUt~'t : :~jAm!~{~ililijtl-
The nations leader in fence & outdoor
rail design.
[Hom~ [.eIodllct~ [How to Install] [Where to BlIX] [F.A.~] [General Information]
htlp:/ /www.lIsfcnceonline.com/body_index.html
3/6/0 I
Wood Fence
Vinyl Railing
Fiberon Decking
Fiberon Railing
.~j'';;--A "
Melamine Shelving
Hardware & Accesories
Page 1 of2
us. Fence, along with its affiliates, is the largest manufacturer and distributor of wood and
vinylfencing in north America. In 1999 alone, Us. Fence sales could build a continuousfence
from Bangor, Maine to San Diego, California..... and back again..... and still have enough to go
South to Miami, Florida.
The company was founded in 1977 as Action Sales & Marketing and began doing business as
US.Fence about 5 years later. In the early years, pre built woodfence panels made in the
Canadian Province of Quebec dominated the business. This product line began with 60
frockloads made and shipped in 1977 to over 100 times that amount this past year.
As the 1980's progressed, the company developed a pressure treated deck railing category under
the "Creat-A -Rail" brand name. This product line greatly expands the styles of railings available
to the consumer including a variety of fancy spindles. It also incorporates a patented center rail
template that makes installation very easy and makes the finished job very strong. Create-A -Rail
is the Dilly pre designed deck rail system that is approved by BOCA and the SEe for both
strength and haluster .\pacing.
As the 1990's reached middle age, baby boomers, did also and fueled an unprecedented demand
for maintenance free products in both fencing and decking. This demand reflects the "time
starved" nature of today's society along with suffi(:ient disposable income for home remodeling.
US. Fence developed a very broad selection of maintenance free vinyl fencing and deck railings
that never needs painting or staining. The company also developed a new maintenance free deck
surface known as Fiberon. Fiberon is a wood composite that does not warp, split, twist, or crack
the way typical wood decking does over time. It requires no maintenance yet cuts, nails, and can
be screwed just like wood. '
US. Fence is an independent, aggressive, entrepreneurial company committed to remaining the
dominant player in both wood and maintenance free fencing and decking. Look for our products
at the country's leading home improvement retailers.
. .1. ....'<4 J
D::IJ IV I S FiCA. '-l Ie L' .....J
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Vinyl Fencing
1. Will vinyl fencing deteriorate like wood or metal.?
o P.V.c. vinyl is formulated to meet Federal Government ASTM
Standards, just like vinyl siding and vinyl window extrusions and will
not yellow, rust, rot or decay, we guarantee it! Our Limited Lifetime
guarantee is one of the best in the business.
2. Will I ever have to paint my white fence to keep it looking good'?
o No, special U.V. (ultra violet inhibitors) in the vinyl keep it white.
There is no maintenance.
3. Is our vinyl fencing available in other colors?
o Right now the color is white only. 80% of the house trim paint sold
today is white.
4. Can I paint my new vinyl fence? .
o Your new white vinyl fence is a maintenance free product. Vinyl is a
non-porous material and paint will not stick to its surface. Therefore,
if someone vandalizes your fence by spray paint, in most cases a
product like "goof off' will remove the paint.
5. My pre-built fence is fused together using a specially developed
adhesive, can I replace a picket if necessary if one comes off?
o Yes, replacement pickets, tops and adhesive is available, either,
directly from the manufacturer or through your retailer. To replace a
picket: Remove broken picket or board. Clean backer rail of old glue
and dirt. Glue backer rail where new picket is placed. Clamp picket
for a minimum of I hour. Then let it dry 24 hours for maximum
6. Arc pre-built vinyl fence sections available in other styles not shown?
o The pre-built vinyl fence styles shown represent the most popular
styles requested by customers and retailers to date and are the only
size and styles available.
7. Do I install these pre-built vinyl fence sections and posts any different
than wood?
o Laying out your fence job and installation of the posts is done much
like a wood fence installation (see instructions}. The advantage of
vinyl vs. wood is that vinyl is much lighter weight and easier to install
with less help. Check your on center post spacing before you dig
holes and install you posts. Vinyl fence sections install between the
8. How can I contact U.S. Fence if I have additional questions or
o You may send your c-mail to clIstolllcrscrvice@lIsfcncconlinccorn or
you can call us toll frec at 1-800-336-2383.
htlp://www.L1slencconlinc.com/F. A. Q. _ s/body _ fa.q. _ s. html
Page 1 of 1
U.s. Fence, along with its affiliates, is the largest manufacturer and distributor of
wood and vinyl fencing in north America. In 1999 alone,. U.S. Fence sales could
build a continuous fence from Bangor, Maine to San Diego, Califomia..... and back
again..... and still have enough to go South to Miami, Florida.
The company was founded in 1977 as Action Sales & Marketing and began doing
business as U.S.Fence about 5 years later. In the early years, pre built woodfence
panels made in the Canadian Province of Quebec dominated the business. This
product line began with 60 truckloads made and shipped in 1977 to over 100 times
that amount this past year.
As the 1980's progressed, the company developed a pressure treated deck railing
category under the "Creat-A-Rail" brand name. This product line greatly expands
the styles of railings available to the consumer including a variety of fancy spindles.
It also incorporates a patented center rail template that makes installation very easy
and makes the finished job very strong. Create-A-Rail is the only pre designed deck
rail system that is approved by BOCA and the SBC for both strength and baluster
As the 1990's reached middle ,age, baby boomers did also andfueled an
unprecedented demand for maintenance free products in both fencing and decking.
This demand reflects the "time starved" nature of toelay's society along with
sufficient disposable income for home remodeling. U.S. Fence developed a very
broad selection of maintenance free vinyl fencing and deck railings that never needs
painting or staining. The company also developed a new maintenance free deck
surface known as Fiberon. Fiberon is a wood composite that does not warp, split,
twist, or crack the way typical wood decking does over time. It requires no
maintenance yet cuts, nails, and can be screwed just like wood
U.S. Fence is an independent, aggressive, entrepreneurial company committed to
remaining the dominant player in both wood and maintenance free fencing and
decking. Look for our products at the country's leading home improvement retailers.
[Home] [Products] [How to Install] [\Vhere to Huy] [F.A.Q.'s] [General Information]
3/6/0 I
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Click on any of the pictures below for an enlarged photo and specific
details on that item.
54"Hx6'L Estate Board
9'~Q'L An1~r.icaIl
Dogear Shadowbox
6'Hx:6'L Estate Board
54"Hx6'L Lattice Top
9J:lx.6'L American Dogear
Q'.~~~ L~!!ic~Jop-
lli..9m~] [Products] [lIow In .Install] [Where j() Buy] n:.A.~] [Genernl Information]
http://www.usfenceonlinc.comJProducts/Vinyl_FencinglPrivacy_Fen...!body_privacyJencing.htm 3/6/0 I
.. pre-builtFENCING
VIN~ ,,,'NTENANCE.ft,,
, .
. .
. One 4x4 post fOE each
section of fence
. One 4x4 post for each
comer and end
. One 4x4 post fOE each gate
. One gothic pott top":;::,,
. ~ ~~:ckets per sk.t\~i.i:
. 24 -!f.. screws per section':::
Gate openings between posts must be 1-114- wider
than gate. Leave 5/8" space on each side between
gate & posts to allow for the hardware clearance.
This will allow use of gate hardware available
through your rotailer.
4,,4 Gate Posts
Insert 2 Pressure Treated 2,,4's Inside post to mount hinges
for added strength. Rip 1/2. off wide side of 2 x 4's.
~xS Gate Posts
Insert 2 Pressure Treated 2x4's inside post. Keep the 2x4's flush
to the hinge mounting side of post for added strength.
1_ 2 PRESSURE 11lfATm 2x4's
roR ADIKD SU'f'Ol(T. I
AAE 0t<I ALL can
IHSOO"S ~ an
1M FllOM EM)
IlIP 1/2" Off WlM
/ SlMOF2x4.
Draw Your Own !'tot Plan
POST ro.s:
-' ---
RAil MAOCETS: ------
...._-~_.-_. ----- ---.---
)/4" SCII.Ews
,_ .0..____----- +-------- ----- -"-.---
.- .-----....-------"--..---... .. __.__.__n_______ ----. ---..... ------. ._---
V,NYl. AoHosIvE:
....-. ~ ,
ok. to......4
FOR. 4-1/2' TO (J HIGH
. One 56 post for each
section of fence
. One 56 post for each
corrn;r and end
. One 56 post for each gate
. One 5xS bevel post top
. One gothic pott top
. 6 rail brackets per section
of fence
. 36 - Vo screws
__ -.. OAUOT
.. H/'-_
r- ..........,.. --,
L- ~
ExMou: UsIHG 8' ..... EDlCI: II!C11OI<S
101 fT. + 8 .. 11.7S Oll. n SlCT1CINS
4x4 Porn;" 14
I PlJl SKTION + 1m 00 J8"
PoST Tors,,14 n
1-RN1.IlMocnl " 51 n. n'
BAG Of )A" Solws - ,
EXA'd'lE: UsING ,'..... FDIC[ SECTlOtlS
102 fT. + , a 17.00 0ll.1711CTlOlG
I PlJl SECT10N + 1 TO 00 J8"
PoST Tors -18 n
n' J1'
J-RAL 8<<AcKm -101
BAG Of V~ Solws - 11
.,+,'H'!H+H..,.4i~. ,
. ,'+ioJ+H+Hi';';'H+!o;-i-:".:,~HH!+H+;.'+i
. - . . . . .
_ pre-builtFENCING
No back -brea/(}ng ma;1!enance.
have smooth ~ 1O prevent
splinfers, scr8tctras ex cuts.
Each mY' fence section is pre-built
e6minating the need to measure
board spacing.
Made of vinyl. you can forget
about sancfng. scraping and
painting your fellCl!.
· STURDY 6' a 8'
are super fused together.
wiD never rot. warp ex )eI/ow.
No special tools needed.
Installing a fence section is fast!
Cuts instalation time in half.
Fo/Jow these 3 easy steps.
3-4-5 TRIANCliLE MmtOD
When fence must n.m a comer. square the
ccxner tMlg !he 3-4..s TrilllllPIII Method.
Glue the lOpS 1O posts using wInyt alllesiwe.
Place adhesNe arourd ~ Where the lOp
mal<es contact 1O the post. Push down IIlId
hold fa 10 seconds. WIpII off Bff1 emlSS
all1esive Immecflate/y.
Dlo " 10'" D'IAMCTDlItOU
a uvn ran .. HOU.
73-114.ON CEHI'ER
2.... IN 11C GAIOUtm..
a.cao... ....,_~
S..\n Q
~ .
~ Comer Post ~Une post
Ie Is very important Nt )00 worlc carefully and allow
plenty of time for laying out the li!nl:e. BegIn by staking
out the fence. l.ocalB the fence canerx, gate posts IJfId
end posts. Mer making sure the comers are square, lie
string tightly between each stake to establish yoor fence
rme. Measure and locate lhe posltJon of e.!dr line post.
Fa 8' wide secIions - Post spacing Is 96" 011 ceIUr. For
6'wicle sectIons- Post spacing Is 73-1/4"011 aJntef.Drive
stakes at each post location. but be careful 00( 1O dsnIlb
your sl1ing me.
Now that you have IIUI1ftJ!d all JIlIIf post /ocBtlons
it Is time 1O dig JIlIIf holes and set your posts. Begin try
a~ aD post holes 10" in diameter. The recommended
hae deplh Is 30" deep. Pour 6" of!JI'BwI t1lD the bottom
of hole. POII' concrete fNf!{ the !JI'B'IllI 1O fit the hole.
Tap the hollow post Into !he roncrete so the come!ll fiBs
the cerfJ)( portion of lhe post In !he hole. Tap the post
dC1Ml 24" to lhe top of the
gravel. PIt.m and level each
and every post. Fltish a'
posts with roncrell! coRar
sloped away from tho post
to allow water to drain away.
ConcrelB shotJd be a/liMed
to set for 24-48 hours.
:o~ ~;:.
~ ~~r.
I .... Gat.
. . .
City.of Winter Springs
T~ Dennis E. Franklin
From: David A1amina ctJ""'-
CC: File
Date: 03106/01
Re: Research on Vinyl Fences, Ordinances, and Specifications
As per your request, I searched the infonnation on vinyl fence. Please find the attached documents
relating to Codes from several local governments, Specification, Wind-loads and the testing report
sections. Please let me know if this infonnation is adequate
. Page 1
----MRR. 6.2001 12:02PM
~ ,.
U,S. Fence, LLC
o OvlJV
7830 Freeway Circle
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
August I, 2000
Re: Wind Load on PVC Fencing for Broward County, Florida
On December 14, 1999, a full-scale high velocity wind test was .perfonned on US Fence s pve Fence
System at the Ce10tex Testing Laboratory in S3int Petersburg, Florida.
The South Florida Builcllng Code <Rev:ised 1994) Section 2303.2(b)(l)(aa) allows that The vertical
supports offences not exceeding 6 -0 in height from grade may be designed for 7S MP.H. summer storm
wind load requirements. Using the wind load provisions of ASCE Standard 7~93 Mini.lnum Design L:>ads
for Buildings and Other Sf:rJ1ctnres, the maximum wind pressure (for design of the main wind force
resisting system) on a 6 ft. high fence is calculated as follows:
With KZ = velocity pressure exposure coefficient'" .80 (Table 6)
r = Importance Factor = 1.0 at oceanline for category N
v :; basic wind speed = 75 mph
Gb. ;:: gUSt response factor"" 1.32 for exposure C (fable 8)
Cf = force coefficient 1.2 (fable 13)
qz ::J basic vp;; .002S6KZ(IV)2 = .00256(.8)[(1.0)(75)J2 ::J l1.5psf
p = effective pressure ;:: qZ GH Cf = 11.5(1.32)(1.2) = 18.2 pst
F = force ':= 6(6)(18.2) = 655 pounds per post
For 6 ft. post spacing using 4-3/4" " 4-3/4" posts and 6ft. high fence panels.
6.2001 12:02PM
u.s. Fence, LLC
Middleburg Heights, OR 44130
August I, 2000
Page two
The PVC fence samples listed below all passed 110 MPH wind loading using an aiIboat motor and prop.
With a maximum post spacing of 6 ft., this fence meets the wind resistance requirements of the South
Florida Building Code as demonstrated by the testing that I witnessed and draft test reports.
Report Number 520511-7 American Dogeared Picket, PVC Fencing 68 YS" wide x 6' high (Supponed ':>y
two 4 ]14" x 4 3/.4" pOstS placed 73 Y-t on center)
Repon NtllUber 520$11-8 Shadow Box, PVC Fencing 68 W wide x 6' high (Supported by two 4 W' x 4-
W' postS placed 73 W' on center) -
Report Number 520511~9 Classic Gothic Picket, l?Ve Fencing 68 Y.alt wide x 6' high (Supported by twl) 4
Y4" x 4 W' posts placed 73 W' on center)
R.eport Number 520511-10 Lattice Top, PVC Fencing 68 14" wide x 6' high (Supported by two 4 W' x 4
';." posts placed 73 W' on center)
Report Number 520Sl1-11 Estate Board, l?ye Fencing 68 W' wide x 6' high (Supported by two 4 W' :( 4
W' posts placed 73 W' on center)
Robert F. Robins ?E.
Registered ProfeSslonnl Engineer
Florida #52401
Broward_sfl RFR 811100
. MAR. 6.2001 12: 02PM
.. ,:
V.S. Fe~~, L~C
7830 Freewil.y"Circle
Middleburg Heights, OH 44130
Aug'ust 1, 2000
Re: Wind Load on PVC Fencing in Florida Dade CountY Test Procedure
On December 14, 1999, a full-scale high velocity wind test was performed on US Fence s PVC Fence
System at the Celotex Testing Laboratory in Saint Petersburg, Florida.
The Mett"o Dade Cmmty High Velocity Wind Test Procedure for Fence Systems allows that a full-scale
high velocity wind test be performed. by a laboratory certified by Dade County for performing PAl 00
(Celotex Testing Laboonory bas said certification). The following sequence was followed on three
specimens of each of the model ~ces.
lnstaU the fence using a minimum of three postS.
Apply a 75 MP.H. wind speeo.load on sample for 5 minutes.
Apply a 110 MP.H. wind speed load on sample for 5 minutes.
Apply a 135 MP.H. wind speed load on sample for 5 minutes.
Disengagement or mpture of any part of the fences tested, or more than 100 off ser of the posts shall
constitute failure of the given fence.
.Post spacing of 4 feet is required for 6-foot high fence.
-Posts must be embedded 2' ...{}" into a concrete footing l' ...{}" in diameter and 3' -0" deep.
The PVC fence san\ples tested all passed 135 MP.H. wind load and satisfied all requirements of the M(rtro
Dade COllllty High Velocity Wind Test Procedure for Fence Systems.
., .
With a post spacing as indicated, the following fences meet the wiild resistance requirements of the Me tro
Dade County procedure, South Florida Building Code and Standard Building Code as demonstrated by the
testing that I witnessed and the draft test reports. Each post must be securely anchored according to the,
above requirementS.
I . '
''<, ,
. MAR; 6.2001 12: 02PM
u.s. Fence, LLC
. I."
Middleburg HeightS, OR 44130 ,,,., .=".' ,", .~.'
. .
. ~ :.,.......
" ,.
August 1,2000
Page two
Fence sections that I have seen draft test reports for:
I ','
RepOIt Number 520511-1 Classic Gothic Picket, PVC Fencing 8' wide x 6' high (Two 4 t X 6' sections wi
thr~ posts)
Report Number 520511-2 American Dogeared Picket, PVC Fencing 8' wide x 6' high (Two 4' x 6'
sections wI three postS)
Report Number 520511-4 Estate BOlU'dFence, PVC Fencing 8' wide x 6' high (fWD 4' x 6"sections wI
three posts) .
Repon Number 520511-5 Lattice Top Fence, PVC Fencing 8' wide x 6' high (Two 4' x 6' sections wI
three posts)
Report Number 520511-<i Shadow Box Fence, PVC Fencing 8' wide x 6' high (Two 4' x. 6' sections WI
three posts)
US Fence has applied for a Notice of Acceptance (N'OA) from the Metro Dade County Building Code .
Compliance Office. When this is approved, contractors can then use said approval for obtaining the
('equired permit N of the ~ate of this letter, test results are still pending Da.de County approval.
Robert F. Robins P.E.
Registered Professional Engin~r
Florida #52401
RFR 8/1/00
1_':' "
, .. ~ '.' , .
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Welcome to the Codified Ordinances of the City of Hollywood on Folio VIEWS! This
infobase Contains the S-25 Supplement, Complete to Ordinance 0-2000-30
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~ 153.079 DEFINITIONS.
'. .
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply, unless the context
clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
FENCE - GENERAL. The word FENCE shall in general terminology mean any structure
composed of wood, metal, stone, plastic, or other natural and permanent material erected in such
a manner and positioned as to enclose or partially enclose any premises or any part of any
premises. Trellises, or other structures supporting, or for the purpose of supporting vines, flowers
and other vegetation when erected in such position as to enclose or partially enclose or separate
any premises shall be included within the definition of the word FENCE. Structures erected
other than on lot lines or within five feet 9f lot lines, which have solely an ornamental purpose
and which do not in fact serve the purpose 'of enclosing or partially enclosing premises,
separating premises from adjoining premises, hedges, retaining walls, or radio controlled fences,
shall not be included within the definition of the word FENCE. Permitted solid fences are:
. NextPage LivePublish
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(A) Accessory uses and structures.
(1) When an accessory building is attached to"a main structure by a breezeway, passage, or
otheIWise, it shall comply with dimensional requirements of the main building.
An accessory use or structure shall not be located in the front yard of within any
(3) An accessory use or structure shall not be located closer than ten feet to the rear property
lines and no closer to the side property lines than the required sideyard setback for the zoning district
of the subject property.
(4) Mechanical units such as air conditioner units, pool pumps, heat pumps and similar
mechanical devices and remote TV receivers; satellite .dishes, antennas and the like shall not be located
in any required front yard or easements. Such units must be located in the buildable area of the yard
unless screened from view of adjacent property owners and rights- of- way by landscaping, or other
approved screening treatment, and in which case may be located no closer than three feet from any
side or rear property line.
(5) No accessory stfJ.lcture shall be located closer than 25 feet to the mean high water line of
any lake except for docks and docking facilities as set forth in ~ 154.12.
(6) Garages when attached to the main structure or freestanding except as provided by ~
154.14 (A)(7), and accessory structures for the housing of persons, such as guest houses, or any
accessory structure exceeding 200 square feet, shall not be.located in any required setback areas, nor
shall such accessory structures exceed the height of the primary structure.
(7) Garages used for the parking of motor vehicles may be located within three feet of the
rear property line when all of the following apply: ..
(a) The rear property line abuts a1 alley with a minimum of20 feet of platted right-of-way;
(b) The garage is free standing and detached from the main structure; and
( c) The garage is a maximum of 200 square feet in size, and a maximum of 12 feet in
(B) Fences and walls.
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(1) Residential. Fences and walls may be permitted in any residential zone provided that no
fence or wall shall be erected or maintained within 20 feet of a comer intersection of street rights-of-
way nor shall any fence or wall be erected within the front or streetside setbacks, except for
decorative fences or walls which shall not exceed four feet in height. Fences or walls located within
front yard or streetside setbacks shall be limited to a maximum height of four feet. A fence or wall
shall be limited to a maximum height of eight feet in the rear and side yards. No electrically charged
wire, ribbon, or barbed wire fence shall be erected in any residential district, except for the security of
public utilities, provided that such use is limited to three strands, a minimum of six feet above the
ground. (See ~ 154.09 Definitions FENCE DECORATIVE).
(2) General. Any fence higher than eight feet shall be considered as a variance and must be
approved by the Board of Adjustment. All fences and posts may be set on the property line:
(3) Design and maintenance.
(a) All fences and walls shall be maintained in their original upright condition.
(b) Fences and walls designed for painting or similar surface finishes shall be maintained
in their original condition as designed.
(c) Missing, severely damaged or rotted boards, pickets, or posts shall be replaced in a
timely manner with material of the same type and quality.
(C) Permit required. All accessory structures, fences and walls must obtain an approved
building permit prior to construction and/or installation.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85; Am. Ord. 349, passed 12-3-87; Am. Ord. 484, passed 1-8-90; Am. Ord.
829, passed 3-6-97; Am. Ord. 874, passed 3-19-98) Penalty, see & 154.99
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t 7.70.060 Wall, fencing and hedge requirements.
A. Location and Heigh!. A fence, wall or hedge may be constructed, installed and maintained in
any permitted or required yard along the rear, interior or side lot line, if said fence or wall or hedge
does not exceed six feet in height at any point; provided, however, such fence, wall or hedge shall not
extend into the required minimum front yard or into the required minimum street side yard. For
purposes ofthis'chapter, t~e height of any fence or wall or hedge shall be measured from the highest
ground elevation immediately adjacent on either side of such fence or wall or hedge.
B. Corner Lots. In the case of comer lots where driveways extend into the side yard, fences,
hedges or walls shall inset at a forty-five degree angle, fifteen feet on each side of such driveway;
provided, however, that this subsection shall not apply to any security fence or wall as set forth in
Section 17.70.020, nor the erection of fences, walls or hedges around any building or structure used
for providing public utility services.
C. Security Fenci_~g. Fences and walls in commercial, industrial and agricultural zones may have
an additional two feet of security fencing added onto the enclosure permitted by subsection A.
Security fencing may be an extension of permitted fencing or wall materials, or barbed or razor wire.
In multiple family zones and districts, perimeter wrought iron fencing can be increased up to a height
of eight feet for security purposes. This provision applies only when the fencing is all wrought iron or
wrought iron with decorative masonry pilasters. .
D. Tennis Courts. Fences, walls and hedges not exceeding twelve feet in height shall be permitted
to enclose tennis courts located within the rear half ofthe lot; provided, however, such enclosure shall
be located not less than three feet from any side or rear property line; and provided, further, however,
that any portion of said enclosure which is higher than six feet shall be composed of wire mesh or
other material whose vertical surface shall not be closed more than ten percent.
E. Perimeter walls and interior fencing of tract home developments of four or more lots shall be
subject to the review and approval of the planning director and shall be included as part of the required
landscape and irrigation plans.
F. .F~_I!<:.i!!g in the Front Yard Setback. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary stated in this
code, no walls exceeding three feet in height at anyone point thereof shall be constructed, erected,
installed or built on any portion of property adjacent to any street or highway. The following are
exceptions to the height limits set forth in this subsection: .
1. Fence and wall heights may be permitted to a maximum of sixty inches in the front yard
setback area and the side yard setback area adjacent to the street on any residential lot subject to the
following conditions:
a. Fence and wall height shall be measured from the abutting sidewalk elevation or from the
top elevation of retaining structures upon which a wall is to be constructed.
b. Fences and walls located in the front yard setback area and side yard adjacent to the street
from the front property line to a point even with the front of the house shall be constructed to a
maximum height of sixty inches of wrought iron or a combination of no more than thirty-six inches of
decorative block with an additional projection of wrought iron up to a maximum of sixty inches in
total height.
c. Pilasters up to a maximum of sixty inches shall be spaced eight to twelve feet apart.
d. Wrought iron bars shall be spaced a minimum offour inches between parallel members.
e. Chain link fencing is not permitted in the front yard setback of any single-family or
multiple-family zone or district.
2. Vcncing in the Street Side Yard. In the side yard area adjacent to a street, from a point
even with the front of the house to the rear property line, a seventy-two inch fellce or wall may be
constructed of any material, subject to compliance with the following conditions:
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a. The height of such a fence or wall within a triangular area twenty feet on each leg at the
intersection of the rear property line and the street side property line of a reverse comer lot shall not
exceed three feet above the elevation of the adjacent sidewalk or driveway. The resulting triangle area
shall be landscaped and maintained subject to the planning director. The requirements of this
subdivision (a.) shall not apply if the adjoining driveway of the key lot is a minimum often feet from
the rear property line of the reverse comer lot.
b. Landscaping and a sprinkler system shall be installed and maintained in the side street
parkway adjacent to the higher fence or wall, and shall be subject to the approval of the planning
director. "
c. Such a fence or wall may only be constructed or continued in use upon full compliance
with all conditions of the fence permit issued therefor by the planning director. Such permit shall
require the continued maintenance by the property owner of all landscaping planted pursuant to
subdivisions a and b. Failure to so maintain the landscaping shall be a violation of the provisions of
this chapter, and shall be punishable pursuant to Section 17.1 08.130.
d. The wall or fence shall be constructed of decorative materials subject to planning
department standards, and may include masonry, stucco, wrought iron or similar durable material.
However, chain link. or wood fencing shall not be permitted in the street side yard.
G. Commercial Zone. All fencing in the commercial zone shall be constructed of wrought iron or
decorative block. Wood, precision block or chain link. fencing shall be prohibited within such zone.
For purposes of this section 'commercial zon~1 means the C-P, C-2, and C-3 zones as defined in this
code or any commercial district of a specific plan. .
H. Industrial Zone. All fencing in the industrial zone within view of a public street shall be
constructed of wrought iron or decorative block. Chain link. or precision block fencing in such zone
shall be permitted if not within view from a public street. The planning director in his or her discretion
shall determine whether proposed fencing will be within view from a public street. Wood fcncing
shall be prohibited within the industrial zone. For purposes of this section, , public street' means a
public thoroughfare or right-of-way dedicated, deeded or condemned for use as such or an approved
private thoroughfare used for public access, and 'industrial zone' means the M-l, M-2, M-3 and M-4
zones as defined in this code or any industrial district of a specific plan.
I. Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage uses in the industrial zone shall be enclosed within a six to
eight foot high opaque fence. Opaque fencing includes block or other durable materials as may be
approved by the planning director. Decorative block walls shall be required for all fencing for outdoor
storage yards located within view from a public street. The planning director in his or her discretion
shall determine whether proposed outdoor storag~ yards are within view from a public street. Wood
fencing, chain link. fencing and chain link. fencing' with wood or plastic slats shall be prohibited for
use as fencing for outdoor storage yards. "
J. Adiacent to Residential Uses. Any fence or portion thereof in a commercial or industrial zone
fronting or directly abutting a parcel used for residential purposes or zoned for residential purposes
shall be constructed of decorative block. The height, location, and materials of such fcncing shall be
as approved by the planning director.
K. Temporary fel.~.~hl.g. Temporary chain link fencing shall be pennitted on sites under
construction but must be removed upon completion of construction. Temporary fcncing may also be
permitted for vacant lots, agricultural areas or similar uses for security purposes, subject to the
approval of the planning director.
L. Residential Tract E~.IJ_~!I.lg. Residential subdivisions shall provide perimeter and interior tract
fcncing prior to certificate of occupancy in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Perimeter walls adjacent to streets shall be of decorative masonry, wrought iron or similar
durable material. The color, materials and style shall be consistent with the appropriate Specific Plan,
the South Corona Theme Wall Design adopted by the planning commission, or planning department
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standards. No wood shall be used for perimeter fencing of subdivisions.
2. Interior fencing for residential subdivisions with lots that side and/or rear onto public or
private streets, parks, schools or greenbelt lots/easements shall be constructed either of decorative
masonry block similar in architecture to the exterior theme wall of the proposed tract, or of wrought
iron with decorative masonry pilasters. The color, materials and style shall be subject to planning
department standards.
3. Interior fencing shall be required to enclose rear and side yard areas for each lot. For
locations other than those in subsections 1 and 2, fence materials may be wood, masonry or wrought
iron, subject to planning department standards. . i .
(Ord. 2437 9 5, 2000; Ord. 2282 9 1, 1995; Ord. 2235 9 1, 1995; Ord. 2106 994, 5, 6, 1992; Ord.
1998 ~ 1, 1990; Ord. 168899 1,2, 1983; Ord. 1624 S 5, 1981; Ord. 1570 S 1, 1980; Ord. 1568 S 1,
1980; Ord. 15569 1, 1979; Ord. 1451 92, 1977: prior code 9 9-1-430(C).)
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.' ,
This infobase is current. through the 2000 S-23 Supplement,
up to and including Ordinance 966, passed 3-02-00.
Published by:
American Legal Publishing Corporation
432 Walnut Street, 12th Floor
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202
Tel: (800) 445-5588
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(1) Residential. Fences and walls may be permitted in any residential zone provided that no
fence or wall shall be erected or maintained within 20 feet of a comer intersection of street rights-of-
way nor shall any fence or wall be erected within the front or streetside setbacks, except for
decorative fences or walls which shall not exceed four feet in height. Fences or walls located within
front yard or streetside setbacks shall be limited to a maximum height of four feet. A fence or wall
shall be limited to a maximum height of eight feet in the rear and side yards. No electrically charged
wire, ribbon, or barbed wire fence shall be erected in any residential district, except for the security of
public utilities, .provided ,that such use is limited to three strands, a minimum of six feet above the
ground. (See ~ 154.09 Definitions FENCE DECORATIVE).
(2) General. Any fence higher than eight feet shall be considered as a variance and must be
approved by the Board of Adjustment. All fences and posts may be set on the property line.
(3) Design and maintenance.
(a) All fences and walls shall be maintained in their original upright condition.
(b) Fences and walls designed for painting or similar surface finishes shall be maintained
in their original condition as designed.
(c) Missing, severely damaged or rotted boards, pickets, or posts shall be replaced in a
timely manner with material of the same type and quality.
(C) Permit required. All accessory structures, fences and walls must obtain an approved
building pennit prior to construction and/or installation.
(Ord. 241, passed 11-27-85; Am. Ord. 349, passed 12-3-87; Am. Ord. 484, passed 1-8-90; Am. Ord.
829, passed 3-6-97; Am. Ord. 874, passed 3-19-98) Penalty, see 9 154.99 3/6/0 1
, American Legal Publishing
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(A) Accessory uses and structures.
(1) When an accessory building is attached to a main structure by a breezeway, passage, or
otherwise, it shall comply with dimensional requirements of the main building.
An accessory use or structure shall not be located in the front yard of within any
(3) An accessory use or structure shall not be located closer than ten feet to the rear property
lines and no closer to the side property lines than the required sideyard setback for the zoning district
of the subject property.
(4) Mechanical units such as air conditioner units, pool pumps, heat pumps and similar
mechanical devices and remote TV receivers; satellite dishes, antennas and the like shall not be located
in any required front yard or easements. Such units must be located in the buildable area of the yard
unless screened from view of adjacent property owners ~d rights- of- way by landscaping, or other
approved screening treatment, and in which case may be located no closer than three feet from any
side or rear property line.
(5) No accessory structure shall be located closer than 25 feet to the mean high water line of
any lake except for docks and docking facilities as set forth in ~ 154.12.
(6) Garages when attached to the main structure or freestanding except as provided by ~
154.14 (A)(7), and accessOlY structures for the housing of persons, such as guest houses, or any
accessory structure exceeding 200 square feet, shall not be located in any required setback areas, nor
shall such accessory structures exceed the height of the primary structure.
(7) Garages used for the parking of motor vehicles may be located within three feet of the
rear property line when all of the following apply:
(a) The rear property line abuts al alley with a minimum of20 feet of platted right-of-way;
(b) The garage is free standing and detached from the main structure; and
(c) The garage is a maximum of 200 square feet in size, and a maximum of 12 feet in
(B) Fences and walls. htm&q=fence&x=Simple&2. 3/6/01
Hist9ric City of Longwood
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City Commissioo
City Departments
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Emi'~ment Opp()fQlnWes
BUSloC!l!l Directory
funns & PubtiC:l1tion!il
Lougwood Link!;
$t!lu:~h Our Sin!
D' .0"~' '.,'
'.:" "." ....
" <1/iT',' ;<<;"1' ';
The Building Division of the Community Services
Department issues building penn its and enforces the
Standard Building Code.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I improve my property without a contractor?
Florida Law allows property owners to improve
property that is for their personal use without a contractor, providing a
waiver is signed and workers compensation insurance is provide for any
person working on the job other than the owner. Rental property is not
considered personal use and therefore does require a contractor.
What types of work require a building pennit1
The Standard Building code section 104.1.1 says any owner, authorized
agent, or contractor who desires to construct, enlarge, alter, repair,
move, demolish, or change the occupancy of a building or structure, or
to erect, install, enlarge, alter repair, remove, convert or replace any
electrical, gas, mechanical or plumbing system, the installation of which
is regulated by the technical codes or to cause any such work to be
done, shall first make application to the Building Official and obtain the
required pennit for the work.
Are there exceptions to the requirements that a permit be issued
under 104.1.11
Yes, there are several exceptions, most notably, section 104.1.4 allows
for minor repairs to be made with the approval of the building official
providing such repairs do not violate any of the provisions of the
technical codes. To obtain answers to any questions regarding
exemptions please contact the building department at (407) 260-3464.
Where can I obtain copies of application fonns?
http://www.ci .lonf:,'Wood. fl.lIs/departmcnts/i nspcction. asp
" Histo.ric City of Longwood
Page 1 of I
Submittal Requirements
I, Completed building permit application.
2. Two (2) current property surveys or plot plans, indicating where fence
will be erected.
3. If homeowner is pulling permit, owner/builderaffidavit must be
completed and attached and if anyone is helping on' project,
homeowner must provide city with certificate of insurance providing
worker's compo For anyone working on job.
4. If contractor is pulling permit we must have copy of current.
occupational license and a Certificate of Insurance made out to the
City of Longwood as certificate holder, showing contractor has
worker's compensation.
Special Instructions
1. Complete packets shall be submitted t6 the Planning Division, 174
W. Church Ave. The Inspections Division will contact person
applying for permit to advise that permit is ready for pick up.
2. Fences shall comply to appropriate section of the district
requirements stated in the City Codes. To determine the proper
zoning district and requirements, contact the Planning Division, (407)
3. Fences shall be a maximum of 8' in height. Wood fences shall have
smooth side facing outward.
4. Permit "Hard Card" must be posted at job site and plans must be
available for inspector's review !:luring final inspection.
S. After completion of installation of fences, a final inspection is
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Community Services Department.
(407) 260-3464. .
'~ 1l'R.-
:'~l,~' ~~"'-'&.~!;;'
316/0 1
Histqric City of Longwood
Page 2 of9
Many of the Divisions fonns are available on the Forms and
Publications portion of our site.
Instructions and Requirements
. New Residential Construction
. Interior Alterations - Residential
. Interior Alterations -.: Commercial
. Swimming Pools
. Roofs
. Fences
. Building Penn it Fee Schedules
New Residential Construction
Submittal Requirements:
1. Complete application.
Note: Contractor is responsible for obtaining property address.
This can be obtained from Maggie Ketcham of Seminole County
Planning Division. Call (407) 321-1130 ext.7391
2. Two (2) sets of signed and sealed construction plans to includ~
electrical, mechanical and plumbing.
3. Two (2) surveys of property indicating location of house,
setbacks, etc.
4. Three (3) sets of energy calculations.
5. If residence is single family. the Inspections division will complete
the Seminole County Road Impact Statement. If other than single
family, such as duplex or multi-family, it is the contractor's
responsibility to contact Phyllis Wallace of Seminole County,
(407) 321-1130 ext.7356, who will calculate the road impact fee.
A copy of the road impact statement must be submitted at the
time of plan submittal.
6. If on septic tank, septic tank permit is required. This can be
obtained from Seminole County Environmental Health Section.
3004 Southgate Road, Sandford. FL (407) 321-5479.
7. Recorded Notice of Commencement to be completed and
recorded at Recording Office, Seminole County, 201 N. Park
Ave., Sanford, FL (407) 323-4330, ext 4336, and submitted with
8. Contractor pulling permit must submit current copy of state
license, occupational license and a Certificate of Insurance with
the City of Longwood as certificate holder, showing worker's
compensation coverage, or worker's compo exemption.
9. Completed Residential Submittal Sheet
10. Indicate type of lot grading (A, B, or C)
http://www.ci.longwood.fl.us/departments/inspection. asp
Hist?ric City of Longwood
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Special Instructions
1. Complete packets are to be submitted to the Planning Division,
174 W. Church Ave.
2. Building Division will contact contractor and advise when pennit
has been approved and is ready for pick up. They will also advise
as to fees due for building pennit.
3. At time of pick up, a copy of a receipt showing that all water and
sewer fees have been paid, shall be submitted. Water and sewer
fee infonnation can be obtained from the Utility Billing Division,
155 W. Warren Ave., Longwood, FL (407) 260-3470
4. Pennit "Hard Card" and Notice of Commencement to be posted
on job site and approved plans to be available for inspector's
review at all times.
5. Sub contractors (electrical, plumbing and HVAC) to pull own
permits prior to commencing work.
6. Inspection requests should be called in 24 hours in advance,
(407) 260-3464.
7. Final "as-built" survey to be submitted a minimum of 24 hours to
request for Certificate of occupancy.
8. If on septic tank, copy of final inspection by Health Dept. is
required prior to C.O.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Community Services Department at
(407) 260-3464.
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Interior Alterations/Additions to Residential Buildings
Submittal Requirements
1. Completed application.
2. Two (2) copies of survey indicating setbacks from property lines if
adding to structure.
3. Three (3) sets of energy calculations.
4. Two complete sets of construction drawings. Drawings must show
floor plan, elevations, typical wall sections, footers, etc and must
include electrical, plumbing & HVAC.
5. Completed Residential Submittal Sheet.
6. Recorded Notice of Commencement if project cost is over
$2500.00. This document to be recorded at Seminole County
Recording Office, 201 N. Park Ave., Sanford, FL (407) 323-4330,
7. Contractor pulling pennit must submit current copy of state
license, and a certificate of Insurance with the City of Longwood
at certificate holder, showing worker's compensation coverage.
8. If homeowner is doing work, they must submit signed
owner/builder affidavit and if anyone is helping on project,
homeowner must provide city with certificate of insurance
providing worker's comp for anyone working on job.
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Special Instructions
1. If square footage is being added, packets are to be submitted to
the Planning Division, 174 W. Church Ave. for approval. If not,
packets shall be submitted to the Building Division. Building
Division will notify colltractor when permit has been approved and
is ready for pick up. Fee amount will be verified.
2. Subcontractors (electrical, plumbing and HVAC) will be required
to pull their own permits prior to commencing work.
3. Inspections shall be scheduled 24 hours in a advance by calling
(407) 260-3464.
4. Final inspection is required on all jobs.
If you have any question regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Department of Community Services
at (407) 260-3464.
Interior Alterations of Commercial/Industrial
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Submittal Requirements
1. Completed application.
2. Two (2) sets of signed and sealed construction plans to include
electrical, mechanical and plumbing.
3. Three sets of energy calculations.
4. Completed Commercial Submittal Sheet
5. Recorded Notice of Commencement if work is over $2500.00
6. Contractor pulling permit must submit current copy of state
license, and a Certificate of Insurance made to the City of
Longwood showing and worker's compensation coverage.
Special Instructions
1. Inspections Division will contact contractor and advise that permit
has been approved and is ready for pick up. They will also advise
of fees due.
2. Should additional water or sewer fees be required, a copy of
receipt must be presented at time of pick up. These fees to be
paid at the Utility Billing Division, 155 W. Warren Ave.,
Longwood, FL (407) 260-3470.
3. Subcontractors (electrical, plumbing and HVAC) to pull own
permits prior to commencing work.
4. Inspection request should be called in 24 hours in advance, (407)
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Hist~ric City of Longwood
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5. Final inspection required for all permits.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Community Services Department at
(407) 260-3464.
Swimming Pools
Submittal Requirements
1. Completed building permit application.
2. Letter from Florida Power Corp. indicating whether or not pool
conflicts with any underground or overhead power lines. This may
be obtained from FPC, Apopka Engineering & Operations Center,
275 Ponkan Rd. Apopka, FI 32712, (407) 886-7332.
3. Recorded Notice of Commencement if value of work is $2,500 or
over. Must be recorded at Recording Office, Seminole County, N.
Park Ave., Sanford, FL.
4. Two current property surveys indicating setbacks from property
lines and. proposed final grading and drainage diagram.
5. Two sealed engineer's plans of pool construction.
6. If homeowner is pulling permit, owner/builder affidavit must be
completed and attached, and if anyone is helping on project,
homeowner must provide city with certificate of insurance
providing work's comp for anyone working on job.
7. If contractor is pulling permit, we must have copy of current state
license, and a Certificate of Insurance made out to the City of
Longwood as certificate holder, showing contractor has work's
8. Separate permits required for electrical, fences and/or pool
Special Instructions
1. Complete packet to be submitted to the Planning Division, 174
W. Church Ave. The Building Division will notify person applying
for permit to advise that permit is ready for pickup.
2. Permit "Hard Card" and Notice of Commencement must be
posted at job site and plans must be available for inspector's
review during inspections.
3. Swimming pools shall comply to approved engineered drawings
and 197 Standard Swimming Pool code.
4. Electrical work must comply to 1996 National Electrical Code.
5. The City of Longwood Building Division requires the contractor
call for a steel and ground inspection and a final inspection.
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Inspections Division of the Department of Public Safety at
(407) 260-3464.
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. Historic City ofLongwood
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Roof Permits
Submittal Requirements
1_ Competed application.
Be sure to include number of squares and slope of roof. Slope of
roof is determined by inches in rise to run in feet. If flat roof,
indicate type of roof being installed, torch down, bituminous
materials, single ply, hot mop, tar & gravel.
2. If homeowner is pulling permit, owner/builder affidavit must be
completed and attached and if anyone is helping on project,
homeowner must provide city with certificate of insurance
providing worker's comp for anyone working on job.
3. If contractor is pulling permit, we must have a copy of state
license, and a Certificate of Insurance made out to the City of
Longwood as certificate holder, showing the contractor has
worker's compensation.
4. If roofing a single family attached dwelling and FRT board is
required to be replaced, a separate permit is required.
Special Instructions
1. Roofs shall comply to the 1997 Standard building code.
2. If roof is less than 4/12 slope, must be doubled felted for shingles.
No shingles on roofs with slope less than 2/12 slope.
3. Permit "Hard Card" must be posted at job site.
4. Final Inspection required.'
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Community Services Department at
(407) 260-3464. ..
Submittal Requirements
1. Completed building permit application.
2. Two (2) current property surveys or plot plans, indicating where
fence will be erected.
3. If homeowner is pulling permit, owner/builder affidavit must be
completed and attached and if anyone is helping on project,
homeowner must provide City with certificate of insurance
providing worker's camp. For anyone working on job.
http://www.ci.longwood.fl.us/departments/inspection . asp
Historic City of Longwood
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4. If contractor is pulling penn it we must have copy of current
occupational license and a Certificate of Insurance made out to
the City of Longwood as certificate holder, showing contractor has
work.er's compensation.
Special Instructions
'. .
1. Complete packets shall be submitted to the Planning Division,
174 W. Church Ave. The Inspections Division will contact person
applying for permit to advise that pennit is ready for pick up.
2. Fences shall comply to appropriate section of the district
requirements stated in the City Codes. To determine the proper
zoning district and requirements, contact the Planning Division,
(407) 260-3462.
3. Fences shall be a maximum of 8' in height. Wood fences shall
have smooth side facing outward.
4. Pennit "Hard Card" must be posted at job site and plans must be
available for inspector's review during final inspection.
5. After completion of installation of fences, a final inspection is
required. .
If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to
contact the Building Division of the Community Services Department.
(407) 260-3464.
Addendum "An
Building Penn it Fee Schedule
I. Valuation
1. All dwellings - $40.00 per square foot of living area.
2. Carports and open porches - $20.00 per square foot
3. Garages or storage buildings - $25.00 per square foot.
4. Multi-family buildings - Construction contract price.
5. Commercial and Industrial buildings - Construction contract price.
6. Interior alterations - Construction contract price.
ll. Fees
1. Building pennit - $5.00 per $1,000.00 of value or a portion thereof
2. Plan review
$0 to $5,000.00 valuation $10.00
$5,001 to $20,000.00 valuation $50.00
$200,001 to $100,000.00 valuation $75.00
Over $100,000.00 valuation $100.00
3. Manufactured homes/trailers $100.00
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4. Demolition $50.00
5. Building moving $100.00
6. Subcontractors $25.00 (administrative fee)
(DPR licensed trades working under a general contractor)
III. Fees for DPR licensed trades NOT working
under a general contractor.
1. Electrical pennit fees
Contract value under
Contract value over $100.00
Temporary power
2. Plumbing pennit fees
Contract value under
Contract value over $100.00
$25.00 plus $10.00
per $1000.00 of contract value
$25.00 plus $10.00
per $1000.00 of contract value
Gas Piping
3. Mechanical pennit fees
Contract value under
Contract value over $1000.00 $25.00 plus $10.00
per $1000.00 of contract value
4. Swimming pool pennit fees
Pools and enclosures
5. Arbor pennit fees $15.00
IV. Special Pennit fees
$25.00 plus $5.00
per $1000.00 or valuation
1. Portable trailer signs (28 day limit)
2. Fireworks display
3. Tents
4. Billboards
5. Pennanent signs
6. Temporary signs, including balloons
banners, inflated items, etc.
7. Fences
8. Storage sheds - prefab/portable
9. Re-roof pennits - Residential
V. Miscellaneous Fees
http://www.ci.longwood.fl.us/departments/inspection .asp
$25.00 plus $5.00 per
$100.00 of contract value
nlswnc CIty ot Longwood
i f'
1. Re-inspection of rejected work.
2. HRS required inspections
3. Use of the inspection team - contractors request
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Estate gate style #8600
Scalloped gate style #8600
Estate cantilever style #9600
Classic style #8000
~ ....
iDEAL's gates, standard and custom, are
available in Residential, Commercial and
Industrial formats. Featured, are all four options
available for how your gate may operate: double
or single swing, rolling and cantilever. All gates
are of welded construction, fabricated from
heavy wall aluminum so as to eliminate any gate
sag and can span an opening of3'-40'. latches
and self closing hinges are available on all
gates. Our own Powder Coating process
ensures customers a timely maintenance free
iDEAL offers a minimum of forty individual frame
designs (gate frames+ fence styles); but it's our
custom work that makes your selection virtually
limitless. Working with our dealers, we now
have the capacity to afford a detailed
architectural scale drawing of any custom
design. A different breed altogether are the
Cantilever and Rolling gate systems offered by
iDEAL. Every bit as attractive as our swing
gates, the space saved by sliding the gate make
it an excellent alternative.
Estate style Rolling
Rolling style #9320
Estate style cantilever !!
Cantilever style #9300 ~
Scalloped style #8010
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Our products establish a perimeter for your
property. This improves appearance and value,
which are the two primary concerns of our
customers. We manufacture fencing that is an
inexpensive alternative to the traditional look
of wrought iron.
The selection offered to our customers far
exceeds that of all our competitors. Ten of our
most popular styles have been listed on back.
iDEAL has access to countless aluminum
castings and hand crafted iron scrolls enabling
us to include years of experience and
craftsmanship into the production of aluminum
products. Typical applications include
residential communities, hotel/apartment
grounds, swimming pools and shopping plazas.
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Custom manufacturing
Long Islander style #300
Floridian style #303
Royal Arch style #8020
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Estate stvle #8030
Californian #200
Maine #203
Long Islander #300
Floridian #303
Alamo #400
Carolina #403
#600 with Pawn Finials
#300 w/Double Pickets
~':" ~~ ~':" ":"I ~':"<
Astor #501
Vanderbuilt #502
iDEAL Aluminum Products, LLC · 531 Codisco Way. Sanford, FL 32771
PH. (407)323-7589 · Fax (407)323-6109 · Toll Free 1-877-323-6496
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Maine #203
Floridian #303
Carolina #403
#300 w/Oouble Pickets
Vanderbuilt #502
Distributed By:
l1j{' x .070
1" x .080
Std. Posts: 2" sq x .062 2" sq x .062 2 lj{'sq x .075
Gate Posts: 2"sq x .125 2" sq x .125 3" sq x .125
2 Ij{'sq x .125 4"sq x .125
Pickets: 5/8" sq x .050 3/l'sq x .060 l"sq x .062