HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 01 10 Consent Item 204 FD Emergency Roof Repairs
ITEM 204
January 10, 2005 MGR r IDEPT ..)1 h
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Meeting Authorization
REQUEST: Fire Department requesting authorization for emergency roof repairs to Fire
Station # 24 including a supplemental appropriation of $18,000.
PURPOSE: The purpose ofthis Commission item is to gain Commission authority to
authorize the City Manager to award a contract for emergency roof repairs to Fire
Station # 24 at 102 North Moss Road to Tip-Top Roofing Co., Inc. for an amount
not to exceed $18,000.00 and to request a supplemental funding appropriation of
$18,000 from the General Fund reserves to fund the request.
Fire Station # 24 has numerous roofleaks that are causing damage not only to the current
roof system but also to the building interior. The Fire Department contacted four
contractors to receive quotes to repair the roof to prevent further damage. CEl General
Roofing, Inc., McFadden Roofing Inc., Roofmasters Inc., and Tip-Top Roofing Co., Inc.
were all asked to provide a quote which would in their opinion correct the current
problem and prevent further damage. CEI General Roofing and Tip-Top Roofing were
the only contractors to show up for estimates and Tip-Top Roofing was the only
contractor to submit a proposal.
Tip- Top roofing has completed other roofing projects for the City of Winter Springs and
based upon prior work and the current scope of services it is recommended that the
proposal by Tip-Top Roofing Co., Inc. be considered for approval by the City
January 10, 2005
Consent Agenda Item "204"
Page 2
The Fire Department is requesting funding for this project for an amount not to exceed
$18,000.00 from the General Fund Reserves due to the emergency nature of this problem.
Roof patching has been made in an attempt to slow further building damage. The damage
to the roof is being considered as Hurricane related damage by the cities insurance carrier
and we anticipate a claim to cover this damage less the deductible.
The funding was not requested or approved in this current year budget, but due to the
emergency nature of this problem the Fire Department is requesting funding for an
amount not to exceed $18,000 from the General Fund Reserves.
It is recommended that the City Manager be authorized to award a contract for roofing
repairs from Tip-Top Roofing Co., Inc. for an amount not to exceed $18,000.00 from the
General Fund Reserves.
A ward the contract I purchase order by mid-January 2005.
Construction to occur within approximately 90 days from approval with completion
within 120 days.
1. Quote from Tip-Top Roofing Co., Inc.
P.O. BOX 941959
Maitland. F132794-1959
E-Mail: davecanfle1d@tiptop-rooflng.oom
Phone: 407- 660-2212
Fax: 407-680-0509
Ti To Roofin Co. Inc. .
Lt. Skip Lazlo
David A. Canfield
Fax: 407-327-4750
X Urgent
D For Review 0 Please Com.....-t Please Reply D Please Recycle
Comments: Skip, here is a quote for the replacement of the High Bay
roof, and the repairs for the metal roof. If you have any questions,
please contact me
David A. Canfield
ITR riD-ToD Roofing Co.. Inc.
P.O. Box 9411159
MalUend, Florida 32794-1958
(407) 860-2212 * Fax (407) 660-0509
State Celt. #a:C032490
To: Wimer Springs Fire Dept. I Date: December 10, 2004 J Ph: 407-327-2332
Attn: Lt. Skip lazlo Fax/EmaiJ: 407.327-4750
Address: 102 North Moss Road Job Name: Fire Station # 24 - High Bay Roof
City, State, Zip: Winter Springs, FI. 32.708 Job Address: 102 North Moss Road, Winter Springs, A.
We propose to tear-off the existing single-ply membrane down to the plywood decking and replace with a
built-up roof, five (5) ply asphalt & gravel roof system.
Tear-off the existing single-ply membrane, metal flashings and other roofing debris and dispose of properly
and haul away to the dump.
Nail rosin paper and one (1) fiberglass base sheet to the existing wood deck. OVer the new fiberglass base
sheet embed four (4) plies of Type VI fiberglass felt into solid mopping of Type III hot asphalt. Over the
new roof embed 40l)-500 pounds of W' aggregate into a unlfonn flood coat of Type III hot asphalt.
Fabricate and install new 16 oz. copper gravel stops at all perimeter edges. Install cover plates on all join1z;
and solder all miters.
Fabricate and install new 16 oz. copper 6" box gutters & two (2) downspouts on each side of the building.
Downspouts shall be located so that the water will not dump onto the lower roofs.
Provide GAF 20 year Diamond Pledge No Dollar Umit Material & Labor Warranty.
NOTE: It is the Owners/Tenants responsibility to PROTECT ALL INTERIOR contents Or
belongings from possible dust and debris that may enb!r the building through deck joints,
vent openings or other points of entry from the roof deck into the building.
",."I_e!tt, and painting If requllWl, tJI detelioratled WDOCl wlll be clone on II t111M!1 and materials bMIs, at the raIIe of $35.00 pel'
hour !'or labar, pIull materials, and Is not i~ddeclln this -I unl_ n~
11p" Top Roofing ClI., Inc. has no means by whim we may deWrmlne driveway conditions and cannot guarantee that cmc:kIng wtll not ocaJr,
therefore, we wl1l not iICa!pl: liability for ~ble damage.
GUARANTEI!: 11p- Top RoofIng Co., 1m:. guarantees against ~ks due to l'lIulty workmlJnship for a period of 2 fu/I yea~ trom date cI
axnpletion. 11p-Top Roofing ClI., Inc. also certifies that they are fully Insured, licensed and bonded.
We propose hereby to furnish material ancl labor - complete In iICIlOIdance wtttl tile above specificatlons, for tile sum of:
. Fourteen-Thousand Nine-Hundred Ninety-Nine Dollars 14,999.00
All materllllls guaranlBed to be <l5 spedlied. All worIc: to be completed In a workmanlike rnanoef according to standard pract1~. Any alteration or
deviatlon from above spedflc:atlons Induding extra costs, exdudifI(J retJU/trId wood ~1!!l!1!lJIJOt. wtll be executed only upon written orders, and wtll
become IIn extra marge over and above the estimate. All agreements CXlrItlngent upon strIl<e5, accidents or delays beyond our CXII1trOI. OWner to
cany fire, tomado and other necessary ill$lJrance. Our ~ are fully covered by Worlcrnan's Compensallon Insurance. In the event of default
on the part of the aJStnmer resulting In IllIgation sua:essful to 11p- Top Rooflng Co., Inc., the customer will pay the cost of IltIgiltlon plus attomey'$
fees. Payments not rendered in actI:)rdance with contract agreement shall be subject to finance chargeS cl18%. Tenlls for pllYlllent lIS
follows: Payment Due In Full U~mPleti.on \
~ t).. ~
Signed: David A. field
Note: This proposal may be withdrawn by us if not accepted within 30 dayS.
AmBptence or PI'op08III: TIle aboVe Price, speclncations, conditions and wms are satiSfaCtOry lII1d herebY llCCePted. IIp- Top ROOfing Is
authorized to do the WO/1( as spedfled. Paylllent Due In Full On Completion.
AutIlorlzed signor: -
IT R TiD- TOD RoofinG Co.. Inc.
P.O. IIolr 941959
Maitland, FlorIda 32794-1959
(407) _-2212 * Fax (407) &600-05011
Stab! C8rt. #CXX:032A90
To: Winter Springs Are Dept. I DlIte: December 10, 2004 I Ph: 407-327-2332
Attn: Lt. SkiD Lazlo FaxlEmail: 407-327-4750
Address: 102 North Moss Road Job Name: Are Station # 24 - Metal Roof
City, State, Zip: Winter Springs, Fl.. 32708 Job Address: 102 North Moss Road, Winter Springs, A.
Remove & replace mill finish galvalume metal parapet caps and closures on the front &. side of building
approximately 100 lineal feet. ' ,
Cap end of gutter at the rear of the building. Remove & replace any rusted out screws at the rear of the
metal panels near the gutter edge.
NOTE: It is the Owners/Tenants responsibility to PROTECT ALL INTERIOR contents or
belongings from possible dust and debris d1at may enter the building through deck joints,
vent openings or other points of entry from the roof deck into the building.
Replacement, and painting If required, of dllbft,. Mad wood 1IlII11 ...... 011 a time lIIId maIlIlrIllls NsIs, at UIe m. 01' $35.00 per
hour f1lr lebor, plus lIIilMrIa... end i!I not Indudlllll1111 1tI.. -llInl_ natacI abolre.
1l?- TOp RooIlng Co., Inc. has no means by whldl_ may dellermlne drtveway oondttions lIIld cannot gUllI"llnb!e that mcklng will not occur,
tIlertfllre, we Will not aa:ept Uablhty for posslble daIl'Iage.
GUARANTEE: Tip-Top Roofing CO., lne. gual"llntfts against leaks due tI faulty workmanship for a per10d of 2 fUll yelIl5 fi'orn date or
complellon. 1lp-Top Roofing CO., Inc. allltl tJ:rtlIie5 111M tIlev III'e fUlly Insured. licensed and bonded.
We propose hereby tI furnISh material 8nd ..bar - c:omplete In IItJ;1lrtl8nC:e with the above spedIlcaUons, for tile surn of:
One-Tbousand Six-Hund"" Dollars and 00/100 $1,600.00
All material Is gu.rcmlI!ed to be 85 spedlled. All wOl1< tI be lDIIlpleted In a workmanlike manner lICOOrding tI standard pr;ICllces. 1\trf attemlon oi
devtcltiOn ft'om aboYe $jll!df.caliollS Including extra costs, exriudintJ rtK1lJired MICIDd ~ will be exllOJled only upon wrillen orders, end Will
beoome lI1l extra charge over and llbove the estimate. All agreements contingent \IPOIl strikes, lIt'ddents or delayS beyond our oontrol. Owner to
cany flre. tlJmado IIIld other I1l!lElIl!lIIry insurance. Our workers lIIre fully oovered by Worltmlln's COmpensation Insurclnce. In the event of default
on tile pert of tile aJstomer resulting in Ilttgallon S1.IIX2SSfUI to 'Ilp- Top Roofing CO., Inc., tile c:uslDmer will pay the cost of IltIglllion plus attorney's
fees. Payments not tendered In ar:oordance with contract agreement shall be subject tI finance eharges of 18%. TemlSI for payment ..
foIl_= Payment Due In Full Upon Completion
t2-~ d. (J~i~
. Signed: David A. Ca Id
Note: 1lIls propal8l may be Withdrawn by us if not ~pted witllln 30 days.
ACCeplllllCll Of I'I'opoUll 1l'le above prICe, specifiCatIons, oonditlons IIIll1 ten11S are satiSfactory and hereby accepted. lip- Top RooIlng Is
aultlorlzed tI do the work liS specified. hyment Due In Pull On Completion.
.A\IttlOltzed sl9nor: oatls!