HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 03 13 Regular Item 303 CAPP CITY COMMISSION ITEM 303 Regular X March 13. 2006 Meeting MGR. / Dept. REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests the City Commission review the attached information about the City of Longwood's Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) as well as staffs analysis and recommendations and advise staff as to whether the Commission would like staff to proceed with implementation of a similar program for the City of Winter Springs. PURPOSE: This agenda item presents information about the City of Longwood's CAPP program and incorporates staffs comments relative to that program. The purpose of this agenda item is to request that the City Commission consider and provide comments on the CAPP program and direction to staff as to whether or not they want such a program incorporated into the City of Winter Springs Code of Ordinances. CONSIDERATIONS: In meetings with the City of Longwood, staffhas discussed the following information about the existing CAPP program and its implementation: 1. The formal staff review meeting on most projects that are preparing a CAPP report is optional. The information gathered as a result of the CAPP program is used by staff as part of their review and the comments are sent directly to the applicant without a formal meeting - usually within two (2) weeks. 2. The CAPP program is used primarily on projects that abut residential properties. 3. The existing language contained in Section 10.0.8 of the City of Longwood's Code of Ordinances is in the process of being amended to give staff more flexibility to determine which projects actually would benefit from a CAPP report. The aim of this language revision is to provide flexibility so that not City Commission Agenda Item 303 March 13,2006 every project will necessitate a CAPP report. Longwood staff feels that there are certain projects for which the City's standard notification process and posting of the site is sufficient. 4. The CAPP program, and therefore the resultant report, is tailored to each project depending on the level of citizen involvement. Less citizen involvement will result in a more concise, less detailed report. 5. The CAPP program has been part of an effort to shorten the amount of time that is required to review a project before the City Commission. To that end, the areas of concern are summarized in a table and are submitted as part of the agenda packet. This allows the Commission to concentrate on those areas that are a concern to the citizens affected by the proposed development. After discussing the CAPP program with Longwood staff and having reviewed the code language and the CAPP Guideline and Resource Handbook, Winter Spring's staff feels that certain aspects of the CAPP program could be utilized on selected projects within the City of Winter Springs. Should the City Commission decide to proceed with the implementation of a process similar to the CAPP in Winter Springs, staffhas the following comments/suggestions: . A CAPP report should not be required on projects within the Towncenter District unless that project is located on the outer perimeter of the District. . All associated costs of implementing the CAPP program must be the responsibility of the applicant! developer. . Specific distance requirements for notification of property owners must be a part of the plan and should be based upon the size of the proposed project and the density of the surrounding neighborhoods. Standard distances commonly used vary from 150' to 500'. . The applicant must be responsible for implementing all notification associated with the CAPP and providing all documentation to the City in order to minimize the impact on staff's current workload. Should the Commission decide to proceed with the implementation of a program similar to the CAPP, staff will need to assess the potential impacts on staffing and budgetary needs. Staff would note that the American Planning Association, the American Institute of Certified Planners, and the American Society of Landscape Architects have long been proponents of increased public participation in development related issues. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission provide comments and direction relative to the establishment and implementation of a program similar to the CAPP program, subject to staff's comments and suggestions detailed under considerations. 2 City Commission Agenda Item 303 March 13, 2006 ATTACHMENTS: A Sample "Concerns and Issues" table B. Sample CAPP report C. Longwood code language relating to the CAPP program CITY COMMISSION ACTION: 3 Concerns and Issues Regarding the Wildmere West Subdivision ATTACHMENT A ATTACHMENT B City of Longwood Wildmere West Subdivision Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan Report Longwood, Seminole County, Florida Applicant Sand Hill Homes, Inc. 1736 Whitney Isles Drive Winter Garden, FJ., 34786 Engineer VllBN anasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. 135 West Central Boulevard Suite 800 Orlando, Florida 32801-2436 EB# 3932 June 17, 2005 VHB Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan Report .......................................................... 1 Appendix A: Letter of Notification to Surrounding Property Owners Appendix B: List of Recipients Appendix C: Returned Certified Mail Postcard Figures Figure Number Color Rendering of Site Layout ..............................................................,............................ 1 Color Rendering of Elevations ............................................................................................2 Floor Plans.................................................................... ........................................................... 3 VHB Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. C.A.P.P. Report Sand Hill Home, Inc. plans to construct eleven (11) homes on approximately 2.70 acres of land. The homes will be custom built for each home owner. The project site is south of E. Wildmere Avenue, west of Oleander Street ,and north of Overstreet Street, less than 14 mile east of S.R. 436 in the City of Longwood, Florida During the Preliminary Plat submittal process, Sand Hill Homes, Inc. and their engineer, Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. mailed out notifications to surrounding property owners publicizing the intent to develop Wildmere West subdivision. As a result, several property owners requested a formal review the project. . Notification Sand Hill Homes, Inc. and VHB, Inc. hosted a meeting about the proposed preliminary plat of Wildmere West on Friday, June 10, 2005 at 7 PM. The meeting was held at the Church of God, 220 East Wildmere Avenue, Longwood, Florida. A letter of notification was mailed out certified to the surrounding property owners and the City of Longwood City Council (See Appendix A). Based, on the Seminole County Property Appraisers' web site, the list of property owners was derived. This is the same list used during the Preliminary Plat submittal notification (See Appendix B). There were approximately 56 property owners including Council members informed of the meeting. Approximately, 43 recipients signed and returned the postcard alerting receipt of the letter (See Appendix C). . Presentations Sand Hills Homes, Inc. and VHB, Inc. started the meeting with an introduction to the Applicant, Mr. David Coggin, and Engineer, Mr. Joe Kolb to approximately fifteen (15) homeowners. Mr. Coggin presented two proposed elevations and footprints for the proposed home sites. He explained the thought process and intent with the style and feel for each. Mr. Kolb discussed the engineering aspects of the project. He showed the subdivision layout with the proposed footprints. P:\60983.00\reports\CAPP\60983.00 Exec Summary.doc VHB Issues/Concerns Recommendations Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. During the course of the meeting, several property owners voiced their concerns regarding the proposed density and frontage of Wildmere West. Mr. Kolb explained that per the City of Longwood the maximum density is 4 units per acre of land. On the table was an offer to purchase 0.05 acres of land from the Church of God. This would have satisfied the density requirement. The residents expressed desires for Sand Hill Homes, Inc. to reduce the number of home sites and increase the minimum frontage from 65 ft to 100 ft. Once again, Mr. Kolb explained that per the City of Longwood, each lot is within "the required minimum area based on the lots told by the City to use for area minimum calculations. Other concerns included: . Plans for hurricane management, i.e., making sure there are no loose woods, equipment, etc. . Overflow parking for guests . Sanitary sewer backups and increased demands on the existing system . Stormwater management for Wildmere West and adjacent areas . Improvements to Overstreet Avenue (road and sidewalks), Oleander Street (sidewalks), and East Wildmere (sidewalk) . Maintenance of the FDOT ditch In the meeting Mr. Kolb addressed all the concerns and issues fairly with the exception of decreasing the density and increasing the frontage of the home sites. After the meeting Mr. Coggin decided to cooperate with the adjacent property owners by decreasing the number of lots on the south side from six (6) to five (5) lots. With this reduction, the minimum lot frontage goes from 65 ft to 80 ft. On the north side, the lots will have a minimum frontage of 70 ft with the exception of Lots 4 and 5. These lots do not have typical lot dimensions. The density is within the required limits without the additional 0.05 acres for _ the eleven (11) lots. Also, overflow parking will be added to the east on Oleander Street. P:\60983.00\reports\CAPP\60983.00 Exec Summary. doc 2 Transportation Land Development Environmental. Services CD Imagination \ Innovation \ energy Creating results for our clients and benefits for our commlmities May 24, 2005 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin,Inc. Ref:60983.00 Property Owner Address Address Re: Wildmere West Subdivision Dear Property Owner: Sand Hill Homes, Inc. would like to invite you to attend a neighborhood meeting to discuss Wildmere West Subdivision. The meeting will be held at the following place and time. Church of God 220 E. Wildmere Ave Longwood, FL 32750 Friday, June 10, 2005 at 7:00 P.M. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. has submitted a preliminary plat package to the City of Longwood. The submittal package details the proposed subdivision of approximately 2.7 acres of land located at the southwest intersection of East Wildmere Avenue and Oleander Street. The project consists of developing the land for an eleven-lot subdivision to include a dry detention storm water management facility. The homes will range from approximately 1,800 square feet to 2AOO square feet. By adding these homes, Sand Hill Homes, Inc. plans to enhance the visual appearance of the neighbor. Through the use of landscaping, the subdivision will add to the existing features. The home sites will reflect and maintain the existing ambiance of the neighborhood, and should have a positive effect on property values. Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. and Sand Hill Homes, Inc. would like to address any comments and concerns you may have regarding this proposal. 135 West Central Boulevard Suite 800 Orlando, Florida 32801-2476 407.839.4006 . FAX 407.839.4008 email: info@vhb.com www.vhb.com \ \ \60983.00\docs\\etters\Neighborhood meeting notification5-23-0Sa.doc Project No.: 60983.00 May 24, 2005 Page 2 Please call me at 407-839-4006 before the meeting if you have any questions regarding the proposed development. I look forward to meeting you. Very truly yours, VANASSE HANGEN BRUSTLIN, INC. Joseph F. Kolb, Jr., P.E. Director of Land Development JFK:dlg \60983.00\docs \ \etlersNeighbor hood meeting notificationS- 23-0Sa.doc 001A Seminole County Property Appraizer-Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Vanasse Hangen Brustlin, Inc. Figure No. 1 03/14/05 West Wildmere Subdivision Longwood, Florida ATTACHMENT C 10.0.8 Citizen Awareness and Participation Plan A. Applications for the following land use decisions shall include a citizen awareness and participation plan (CAPP): 1. Site development plan review. 2. Variances involving a non-residential use. 3. Other applications at the discretion of the Administrator. B. The purpose of the CAPP is to: 1. Ensure that applicants pursue early and effective citizen participation in conjunction with their applications, giving them the opportunity to understand and mitigate any real or perceived impacts their application may have on the neighborhood and community. 2. Ensure that the citizens and property owners of Longwood have an adequate opportunity to learn about applications that may affect them and to work with applicants to resolve concerns at an early state of the process. 3. Facilitate ongoing communication between the applicant, interested citizens and property owners, City staff, and elected officials throughout the application review process. 4. The CAPP is not intended to produce complete consensus on all applications, but to encourage applicants to be good neighbors and to allow for informed decision-making. 5. At a minimum the CAPP shall include the following information: a. Identification of the residents, property owners, interested parties, political jurisdictions, and public agencies that may be affected by the proposed development. b. Description of how notification will be provided to those interested in and potentially affected by the proposed development. c. Description of how information will be provided to those interested and potentially affected of the substance of the change, amendment, or proposed development for which approval is sought. d. Description of the means by which an opportunity will be provided to those interested or potentially affected to discuss the proposal and express any concerns, issues, or problems well in advance of the first public hearing. e. The applicant's schedule for completion of the CAPPo f. The means by which the applicant will keep City officials informed on the status of citizen participation efforts. 6. The level of citizen interest and area of involvement will vary depending on the nature of the application and the location of the proposed development. The applicant will determine the target area for early notification after consultation with the Planning Division staff. At a minimum, the target area shall include the following: a. Property owners within the public hearing notice area as required by other sections of this Code. b. The head or chair of any homeowners association or registered neighborhood group within the public notice area required by other sections of this Code. c. Other interested parties who have requested to be placed on an interested parties notification list maintained by the Planning Division. 7. These requirements apply in addition to any other notice provisions required elsewhere in this Code. 8. The applicant may submit a CAPP and begin implementation prior to formal application at the applicant's discretion. This shall not occur until after the required pre-application conference and consultation with the Planning Division. 9. Where a CAPP is required by this Code, the applicant shall provide a written report on the results of the citizen participation efforts prior to the notice of public hearing. This report will be attached to the public hearing report. The report shall, at a minimum, contain the following information. a. Details of techniques used to involve interested and potentially affected parties, including: i. Dates and locations of all meetings where citizens were invited to discuss the applicant's proposal. ii. Content, dates mailed, and numbers of mailings, including letters, meeting notices, newsletters, and other publications. iii. Location of residents, property owners and other interested parties who received notices, newsletters, or other written materials. iv. The number and names of people that participated in the process. b. A summary of concerns, issues, and problems expressed during the process, including: i. The substance of the concerns, issues, and problems. ii. The manner in which the applicant has addressed or intends to address these concerns, issues, and problems. iii. The concerns, issues, and problems the applicant is unwilling or unable to address and why.