HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 03 13 Regular Item 302 Senior Therapy Pool COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM 302 Regular X March 13, 2006 Regular Meeting Mgr. / Dept. Authorization REQUEST: The Parks and Recreation Department requests the City Commission consideration of enhancements to the Senior Therapy Pool and provide direction. PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to consider enhancements to the Senior Therapy Pool Project and provide direction. CONSIDERATIONS: . On May 5, 2005, The City Commission approved the application of a CDBG grant for Winter Springs Senior Center Improvements in the amount of $ 660,284. . On October 24, 2005, The City Commission approved the execution of a CDBG Grant for the Winter Springs Senior Center in the amount of$ 575,000. $ 100,000 in Park Impact Fees was budgeted for the project. . Enhancements to the Therapy Pool were discussed by Parks and Recreation staff, Starmer, Ranaldi staff, and CDBG staff on February 7, 2006. . Starmer, Ranaldi has prepared Two (2) site plans: A) As proposed for the CDBG Grant - outdoor therapy pool with shade structure. B) Enhanced Therapy Pool- Pool fully enclosed and with air conditioned, sliding glass doors with pond view. Male and Female dressing rooms and showers, storage space and a supervisor's office. . The current estimated cost of Site Plan A is $ 865,000 and exceeds the budget of $ 675,000 by $ 190,000. March 13,2006 Agenda Item Regular Page -2- . The current estimated cost of Site Plan B is $ 1,197,000 and exceeds the budget of $ 675,000 by $ 522,000. . CDBG will not commit additional funds to the project. . Additional Park Impact Fees may be available based on growth to fund Site Plan A. . The CDBG Grant project must be completed by December 31, 2006; therefore, staff needs direction for Starmer Ranaldi to proceed with A & E bid documents quickly. FUNDING: Scenario A Scenario A Scenario B Bude:et Revised Cost Estimate Cost Estimates CDBG $ 575,000 $ 575,000 $ 575,000 Park Impact $ 100,000 $ 100,000 $ 100,000 Unknown $ $ 190,000 $ 522,000 $ 675,000 $ 865,000 $1,197,000 There is no source of funding for the improvements. OPTIONS Option 1 Option 2 Cancel the project Identify an additional $ 190,000 source of funds and complete the project as planned. Identify an additional $ 522,000 and complete the enhanced project with the pool enclosed. Option 3 RECOMMENDATIONS: Parks and Recreation recommends the City Commission give staff direction. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Starmer, Ranaldi Site Plan A & B. 2. Letter from CDBG. COMMISSION ACTION: ATTACHMENT #1 March 6, 2006 Winter Springs Senior Center Assembly Hall Expansion and Therapy Pool The following narrative is intended to define the two (2) site plan and building design options being considered for the existing Senior Center. SITE PLAN "A" This plan illustrates the following: 1. An expansion of 3500 GSF to the existing assembly hall. The new addition will relocate the platform stage to be centrally located between the old and new assembly hall 2. A new game room for billiards and cards 3. A new restroom facility to accommodate the additional number of residents that will be able to use the facility. 4. A new covered outdoor therapy pool (300 GSF including the pool deck.) with ramp and stair pool access. A swivel transfer chair. A series of massage therapy jets and a bench seating area within the pool. An outdoor rinse shower for use before entering the water. The 3000 GSF shade structure is a contemporary steel column and steel cable and fabric tension structure. Please refer to the attached architectural plans and rendered elevations. The structure is designed to offer relief from the sun as well as allow for full natural ventilation of the pool and deck area. 5. The pool support facilities are to be a: a. Rinse showers at the pool deck. b. Handicap Pool Transfer lift and chair. c. ADA Ramp into pool d. Mainstream stairs into pool e. Massage jets area f. Below water surface handrail around perimeter of pool. 6. A (33) stall parking lot will take the place ofthe existing tennis courts. 7. The pool equipment will be located behind the rest room building on the north of the property by the basketball court. Estimated construction cost is $865,000.00. Please refer to the attached itemized cost estimate. SITE PLAN "B" This plan indicates the following: 1. The design for the Assembly areas is to be the same as in Scheme "A". 2. The parking expansion shall be the same as scheme "A" 3. The therapy pool area is being modeled after the success ofthe City of Altamonte Springs therapy pool complex. The new pool facility is 4500 GSF. It will be fully enclosed and air conditioned. The American Arthritis Association recommends the water temperature to be between 92 and 94 degrees F. This then further justifies enclosing the pool area. The water temps can be better regulated through out the year if the pool is enclosed. However, sliding glass doors are provided to be opened during mild temperatures and to allow for the natural ventilation and the desirable views to the lake side of the park. 4. The pool building enclosure will be an extension of the assembly hall building system. The building envelope wall/roof composition shall be masonry bearing walls and pre-engineered wood trusses with a standing seam metal roof system to match that of the existing building. 5. The entrance to the new pool complex shall be located on the west side adjacent to the new (33) car parking lot. 6. A new office will be located at the new exterior entrance side of the addition. 7. The pool support facilities are to be a: a. Check in and supervision office b. Male and Female dressing and shower facilities c. Therapy Pool training aids storage closet d. Rinse showers at the pool deck. e. Handicap Pool Transfer lift and chair. f. ADA Ramp into pool g. . Mainstream stairs into pool h. Massage jets area 1. Below water surface handrail around perimeter of pool. The estimated construction costs for this scheme are $1,197,000.00. Please refer to the attached itemized cost estimate. Senior Center Addition & Therapy Pool Sunshine Park City of Winter Springs Opinion of Construction Value Preliminary Design 22-Feb-06 Division unit quantity cost subtotal div sub 2 Site Work paving sy 1800 30 $ 54,000.00 site liohtino ea 4 2500 $ 10,000.00 building demolition sf 3000 4 $ 12,000.00 utilities allow 1 7500 $ 7,500.00 landscaping allow 1 5000 $ 5,000.00 subtotal $ 88,500.00 3 Concrete runnino footinos cy 13 250 $ 3,250.00 slab on grade sf 3670 3.2 $ 11,744.00 pavers sf 2000 12 $ 24,000.00 cmu tie beams cy 5 250 $ 1,250.00 cmu filled cells cy 6 250 $ 1,500.00 subtotal $ 41,744.00 4 Masonry 8" cmu walls sf 2490 8.5 $ 21,165.00 pre cast lintels ea 10 150 $ 1,500.00 subtotal $ 22,665.00 5 Metals railino If 100 50 $ 5,000.00 misc steel connections allow 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 subtotal $ 6,500.00 6 Wood & Plastics plywood roof deck sf 3670 2.5 $ 9,175.00 pre-engineered wood trusses sf 3670 3.5 $ 12,845.00 misc wood blocking mbf 0.8 1450 $ 1,160.00 subtotal $ 23,180.00 7 Thermal & Moisture Prot exterior rigid insulation sf 2490 1.1 $ 2,739.00 9" foil faced batt insulation sf 3670 0.95 $ 3,486.50 standing seam metal roofing sf 3670 12 $ 44,040.00 f1ashino If 180 6 $ 1,080.00 gutters If 40 10.35 $ 414.00 downspouts If 32 6.2 $ 198.40 caulking allow 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 subtotal $ 53,457.90 8 Doors & Windows HM door frames ea 11 420 $ 4,620.00 HM doors ea 2 480 $ 960.00 WD doors ea 9 400 $ 3,600.00 AI automatic doors Ipair 1 9500 $ 9,500.00 folding acoustical partition sf 450 15 $ 6,750.00 aluminum windows ea 10 620 $ 6,200.00 door hardware ea 11 350 $ 3,850.00 subtotal $ 35,480.00 Division unit quantity cost subtotal div sub 9 Finishes mtl stud wI 5/8" QYP each side sf 1500 3.5 $ 5,250.00 supended acoustical ceilings sf 4000 2.72 $ 10,880.00 vinyl tile sf 3400 1.71 $ 5,814.00 carpet sf ceramic wall tile sf ceramic floor tile sf rubber base If 350 1.54 $ 539.00 stucco sf 2490 1.8 $ 4,482.00 paint interior cmu sf 2490 0.6 $ 1,494.00 paint gyp walls sf 1500 0.6 $ 900.00 paint exterior stucco sf 2490 0.8 $ 1,992.00 paint doors and frames ea 11 210 $ 2,310.00 subtotal $ 33,661.00 10 Specialties n/a toilet partitions ea 4 1200 $ 4,800.00 toilet paper holders ea 4 110 $ 440.00 paper towel dipenser ea 2 145 $ 290.00 mirrors ea 4 125 $ 500.00 dress curtain ea 8 170 $ 1,360.00 dress bench ea 8 225 $ 1,800.00 subtotal $ 9,190.00 11 Equipment n/a 12 Furnishings n/a 13 Special Construction pool 1 190,000 $ 190,000.00 $ 190,000.00 fabric pool cover sf 1500 30 $45,000.00 $45,000.00 14 Conveying Systems n/a 15 Mechanical havc sf 3670 16 $ 58,720.00 plumbing fixtu re 18 1200 $ 21,600.00 subtotal $ 80,320.00 16 Electrical sf 3670 14 $ 51,380.00 subtotal subtotal $ 681,077.90 fees and permits 9% $ 61,297.01 desiQn continQency 5% $ 34,053.90 Qeneral conditions I mobilization 7% $ 47,675.45 OH&P I I 6% $ 40,864.67 I Total $ 864,968.93 Senior Cntr Addition & Therapy Pool Scheme B Sunshine Park City of Winter Springs Opinion of Construction Value Preliminary Design 22-Feb-06 uns me ar IlY 0 mer pnnQs re Immar y eSlgn Division unit quantity cost subtotal div sub 2 Site Work paving sy 1800 30 $ 54,000.00 site liQhtinQ ea 4 2500 $ 10,000.00 building demolition sf 3000 4 $ 12,000.00 utilities allow 1 7500 $ 7,500.00 landscaping allow 1 5000 $ 5,000.00 subtotal $ 88,500.00 3 Concrete runninQ footinQs cy 13 250 $ 3,250.00 slab on grade sf 8000 3.2 $ 25,600.00 pavers sf 2000 12 $ 24,000.00 cmu tie beams cv 10 250 $ 2,500.00 cmu tilled cells cy 12 250 $ 3,000.00 subtotal $ 58,350.00 4 Masonry 8" cmu walls sf 4000 8.5 $ 34,000.00 pre cast lintels ea 20 150 $ 3,000.00 subtotal $ 37,000.00 5 Metals railinQ If 200 50 $ 10,000.00 misc steel connections allow 1 1500 $ 1,500.00 subtotal $ 11,500.00 6 Wood & Plastics plywood roof deck sf 8000 2.5 $ 20,000.00 pre-enaineered wood trusses sf 8000 3.5 $ 28,000.00 misc wood blocking mbf 0.8 1450 $ 1,160.00 subtotal $ 49,160.00 7 Thermal & Moisture Prot exterior riQid insulation sf 4000 1.1 $ 4,400.00 9" foil faced batt insulation sf 8000 0.95 $ 7,600.00 standinQ seam metal rootinQ sf 9000 12 $ 108,000.00 flashing If 360 6 $ 2,160.00 Qutters If 80 10.35 $ 828.00 downspouts If 64 6.2 $ 396.80 caulking allow 2 1500 $ 3,000.00 subtotal $ 126,384.80 8 Doors & Windows HM door frames ea 21 420 $ 8,820.00 HM doors ea 12 480 $ 5,760.00 WD doors ea 9 400 $ 3,600.00 AI automatic doors pair 2 9500 $ 19,000.00 foldinQ acoustical partition sf 450 15 $ 6,750.00 aluminum windows ea 10 620 $ 6,200.00 door hardware ea 21 350 $ 7,350.00 subtotal $ 57,480.00 Division unit quantity cost subtotal div sub 9 Finishes mtl stud wI 5/8" QYP each side sf 1500 3.5 $ 5,250.00 supended acoustical ceilings sf 4000 2.72 $ 10,880.00 vinyl tile sf 3400 1.71 $ 5,814.00 carpet sf ceramic wall tile sf ceramic floor tile sf rubber base If 350 1.54 $ 539.00 stucco sf 4000 1.8 $ 7,200.00 paint interior cmu sf 4000 0.6 $ 2,400.00 paint gyp walls/ceiling sf 3000 0.6 $ 1,800.00 paint exterior stucco sf 6000 0.8 $ 4,800.00 paint doors and frames ea 21 210 $ 4,410.00 subtotal $ 43,093.00 10 Specialties n/a toilet partitions ea 4 1200 $ 4,800.00 toilet paper holders ea 5 110 $ 550.00 paper towel dipenser ea 3 145 $ 435.00 mirrors ea 5 125 $ 625.00 dress curtain ea 9 170 $ 1,530.00 dress bench ea 9 225 $ 2,025.00 subtotal $ 9,965.00 11 Equipment n/a 12 Furnishings n/a 13 Special Construction pool 1 190,000 $ 190,000.00 $ 190,000.00 14 Conveying Systems n/a 15 Mechanical havc sf 8000 16 $ 128,000.00 plumbing fixture 20 1200 $ 24,000.00 subtotal $ 152,000.00 16 Electrical sf 8000 14 $ 112,000.00 subtotal subtotal $ 935,432.80 fees and permits 10% $ 93,543.28 desiQn continQency 5% $ 46,771.64 general conditions I mobilization 7% $ 65,480.30 OH&P I 6% $ 56,125.97 I Total $ 1,197,353.98 SITE PLAN A SITE PLAN B SENIOR CENTER SITE PLANS SENIOR CENTER FLOOR PLANS SENIOR CENTER ELEVATIONS SENIOR CENTER ELEVATIONS COMMUNITY SERVICES DEPARTMENT COMMUNITY ASSISTANCE DIVISION COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICE February 17, 2006 Mr. Chuck Pula, Parks & Recreation Director City of Winter Springs 1126 E. SR 434 Winter Springs, Florida 32708-2799 Dear Chuck, It was a pleasure meeting with you, Bill Starmer, Steve Murphy, Susie Coffman and Frank Comier on February 7, 2006, to discuss the Senior Citizen Center Addition/Renovation and Therapy Pool Project. At the meeting, Bill Starmer, President of Starmer and Ranaldi Planning and Architecture, Inc., presented a revised site plan drawing which proposes total enclosure and attachment of the therapy pool, a therapy storage room, a mechanical/pool equipment room, a men's changing room with showers, a women's changing room with showers, an office, a family changing area, and a mechanical room, all to be enclosed and attached to the senior center building. This revised site plan is a major alteration to the site plan that was included in the City of Winter Springs funding application and subsequently made part of the Subrecipient Agreement between the City and the County which provides $575,000 in CDBG funding. The County has no objection to the City revising the original site plan. At the meeting everyone was informed that there are no unallocated County CDBG funds available for addition to the project. If it is the City's decision to approve the revised site plan, the City will be obliged to provide the necessary funding to provide for the difference between the $575,000 CDBG grant to the City and the final construction costs to complete the project. The County is excited about its partnership with the City and is looking forward to the impending construction project which will create a Senior Center that will provide increased and improved services to all the senior citizens of Seminole County. Sincerely, Robert F. Heenan Principal Coordinator/HUD Grants cc: David Medley, Manager, Community Assistance Diane Ledford, Program Manager, Community Development File: Winter Springs Senior Center CDBG 2005-2006 L:\cr\projects\community dev\TargetAreas\Cities\Winter Springs\senior center revised site plan addition and therapy pool.doc 1101 EAST FIRST STREET SANFORD FL 32771-1468 TELEPHONE (407) 665-7384 FAX (407) 665-7366