HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 03 13 Consent Item 405 February 20 Special Minutes Approval CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2006 CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Monday, February 20, 2006 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor John F. Bush, present Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, present Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 8:35 p.m. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 200. Public Works Department Requesting The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing For The Proposed Construction Of Sidewalks And Traffic Calming On Dyson Drive. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department introduced this Agenda Item and a slideshow was presented. Examples of sidewalks and traffic circles were shown. Mr. William V Anderson, P.E., Vice President, Metric Engineering, Inc., 2269 Lee Road, Winter Park, Florida: addressed the Commission on this project and said, "For seventy five (75) or eighty percent (80%) of the length, we intend to locate the sidewalk between the property line at least two feet (2') away from the property line and the drainage ditch. What this does is avoids removal of mature trees that are adjacent to the driveway through much of this area - between the roadway and the swale. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 2 OF 9 It increases pedestrian safety - the further away you get away from the roadway, the better for the pedestrian. And once again, we are going to avoid impacts from - drainage pattern by sloping the sidewalk toward the swale - no drain will be blocked on the property, the only thing - will go toward the swale as it goes down." Mr. Anderson added, "Certain areas of this project, and I believe this is a typical section of an area near Pinto [Court] where we have a real deep ditch in that area on the north side of the road, we might put a short concrete gravity wall about a hundred feet (100') long - once again located so we don't impact the swale." With further discussion, Mr. Anderson said, "For about ten percent (10%) of the project, because we have existing landscaping and trees on the outside, a lot of beautiful trees hanging over, lots of existing trees in the area, I would like to put the sidewalk between the road and the swale, roughly five [feet] (5') to eight (8') feet away, once again sloped toward the ditch not to interrupt any drainage patterns. This does avoid most of the tree removal and landscaping of the property lines. We're looking at possibly four (4) trees - having to be taken out on this job, all small." Mr. Anderson added, "For the remaining ten percent (10%), I have had to cross the swale in a few places; something I was reluctant to do but I chose locations where the swales are very shallow or non-existent. This was done in order to transition - from one side of the swale to the other. It is required to impact the trees, landscaping and places where I really had no choice but to put it in one place or the other." Referencing traffic circles, Mr. Anderson explained, "They are going to be sixteen feet (16') in diameter which is a pretty good size traffic circle for this kind of street." Mr. Anderson noted, "It will be constructed with mountable curb, the same kind of curb you see in medians everywhere, not the six inch (6") vertical face but the more gentler slope face." Mr. Anderson stated, "It will accommodate single unit trucks." Mr. Anderson added, "Landscaping will be maintained in the circle to allow adequate site distances for all safety. The side streets will have stop signs, stop control, much as they do now. Dyson [Drive] the main street here, will have 'Yield' signs." Mr. Anderson also remarked that, "There will be reflectors placed on the traffic circle and striping as you see here, leading up to warn the driver of the upcoming circle, and crosswalks placed on the side streets. Finally, the median islands - we plan on nine (9) of them, up and down Dyson [Drive], six feet (6') wide, leaving you nine feet (9') of pavement to get a vehicle through. They will be roughly thirty [feet] (30') to forty (40') feet in length. They will be mountable curb with short ground cover landscaping to allow site distances for people pulling in and out of their driveways and located to avoid interference with drivers; and that is important so everybody will have a chance to have a large truck or emergency vehicles access any driveway." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 3 0F 9 With discussion, Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "I would prefer to see a vertical curb on the island." Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake said, "Mr. Anderson, you mentioned sidewalk meandering not just around trees, but through the swale in several occasions. How many actual crossings of the swale?" Mr. Anderson said, "I don't have an exact count. Not many." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "Wouldn't there be a safety consideration if on our rainy late spring and summer afternoons when we get a high rate of rain and kids are walking home from school?" Mr. Anderson said, "Yes, there would be a little bit of water in there. I thought about it. And then, it comes down to choices. If I don't put the sidewalk close to the road, if I kept it all the way back by the property line to miss the median trees, I am hitting trees where people have landscape on their properties." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "Let us know exactly how many crossings there are before the evening is over. I would appreciate that. And also, if you could let us or Brian [Fields] - let us know what kind of additional cost considerations there would be to have it piped underneath." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "I am not talking about moving it, I am talking about how many crossings are there that we would need to have pipes put under." With further discussion on medians, Mr. Anderson said, "The type of curb I propose putting in has also a seven inch (7") flat area on it." Discussion. Regarding removal of trees, Commissioner Sally McGinnis said, "You mentioned only four (4) trees?" Mr. Anderson said, "That was - one of my major intents was to avoid taking down - and the biggest tree diameter, I believe was eight inches (8")." Mr. Anderson added, "And I tried to keep the sidewalk as far from the road as I could." Deputy Mayor Blake asked, "Do you know how wide the toll plazas are out on the [GreeneWay] 4177" Mr. Anderson stated, "I don't know off hand - I can find out easy enough." Discussion. Tape I/Side B Discussion. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 4 0F 9 Mr. Ron Marini, 945 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in support of sidewalks and changing the swales further away from the road. Ms. Phyllis Ruebusch, 930 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: remarked about safety issues and was in favor of sidewalks. Mr. Damon Chase, 1726 Seneca Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke regarding his opposition to sidewalks. Mr. Bob Ruebusch, 930 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: also spoke about the safety issues, and was in support of sidewalks and Traffic Calming. Mr. Tom Freeman, 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: discussed his opposition to sidewalks and Traffic Calming; and spoke of his concerns with the trees. Ms. Pamela Carroll, 865 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of her concerns about safety; and suggested stop signs for Morgan Street and Dyson Drive. Ms. Carroll then presented some Petitions to the City. Mr. Stephen Thompson, 810 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: noted he was opposed to Traffic Calming devices and suggested stop signs be used instead. Mr. Lawrence J Nadrowski, 915 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: noted his concerns about safety, and spoke of his support of sidewalks. Ms. Christine Borbidge, 910 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in support of sidewalks and addressed safety concerns. Ms. Connie Nadrowski, 915 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: also spoke in favor of sidewalks and Traffic Calming. Ms. Susan Kastrinos, 901 Arabian Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in favor of Traffic Calming and suggested her preference for three foot (3') wide sidewalks on both sides. Mr. Archie Sullivan, 607 South Pinto Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the safety issues, and spoke in favor of sidewalks. Mr. Michael Dark, 1045 Northern Way, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on Traffic Calming and noted his opposition to the sidewalk project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 5 OF9 Mr. David Humbarger, 988 Shetland Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: noted his opposition to the proposed sidewalks and asked about the Seminole County Report. Tape 2/Side A Mr. Moti Khemlani, 605 Morgan Street, Winter Springs, Florida: stated he was against the sidewalk project. Ms. Sherri P. Moore, 925 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: suggested that Traffic Calming needs to be addressed. Ms. Janet Putnam, 955 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: Mayor Bush stated, "You are in favor but you do not wish to address the Commission." Mr. Pete Van Caulil, 614 North Pinto Court, Winter Springs, Florida: stated he supports the sidewalks, and noted his safety concerns. Mr. Edward Martinez, Jr., 205 Little Creek Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of smart development, and property values. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. Mayor Bush read an email from the Principal of Rainbow Elementary School, and spoke for the Record about information received from the Police Department related to traffic. Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs thanked Mr. Fields for his assistance on a Site Visit. Additionally, Commissioner Krebs stated, "Moti [KhemlaniJ had contacted me yesterday regarding a petition that he had." With further discussion on sidewalks, Commissioner McGinnis asked, "Could four feet (4') be considered?" Mr. Fields said, "It could." Mr. Freeman stated, "Point of personal privilege". Additionally, drainage issues were discussed to which Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore said to Mr. Anderson, "Is there a potential of flooding of houses with this situation?" Mr. Anderson said, "The sidewalks will be constructed sloping in the same direction as the existing ground does now; everything toward the swale." Mr. Anderson added, "No drainage patterns have changed." Furthermore, Mr. Anderson stated, "No flooding is anticipated of private property." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 6 OF 9 Discussion. Mr. Spencer Kisby, 855 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on flooding on his property and stated, "Putting in sidewalks will not have any significant effect, one way or the other on how water accumulates around my property, so that doesn't scare me at all." With discussion on the width of sidewalks, Commissioner Gilmore suggested, "In my opinion, we should continue to look at the five foot (5') width sidewalk." Furthermore, Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I want to make sure that if we go with this, we do a reevaluation of the engineering and do a good study on it to make sure that - that sixteen foot (16') circle isn't too big and those six foot (6') wide medians are really - is the cure going to be worse than the disease. That is one of my major concerns." Commissioner Gilmore added on this issue of mailboxes, "Weare going to have to make certain that the mailboxes are placed in accordance with the engineering standards and the Post Office Department requirements." Mr. Fields said, "We can look at it to make sure." Discussion. City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 8:35 p.m. Commissioner Miller spoke for the Record that he did not think that any Commissioner on the dais, himself included, thought that Seminole County wanted the City of Winter Springs to push this project on the residents. Discussion ensued regarding a Straw Ballot and safety concerns. Tape 2/Side B Mayor Bush stated, "Commissioners, you have got a recommendation from the Manager, recommend a Straw Ballot be mailed to the surrounding homeowners with the results to be recorded back to the City Commission. That is the recommendation of Staff." Discussion. Commissioner Krebs said, "I will go with the Straw [Ballot] if that is what everybody wants to do." Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I am not in favor of a Poll. 1 am in favor at the next Meeting, we get on with the subject." Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is why I would go along with the recommendation from Staff that we do a Straw Poll. But, either way, it doesn't matter - it's just one issue. It's a public safety issue." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 7 OF9 "I MOVE THAT WE DO NOTHING ON A POLL AND THAT WE BRING THIS BACK AT THE NEXT CITY COMMISSION MEETING FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND PASSING OF ORDINANCE, OR WHATEVER WE HAVE TO DO TO PROCEED WITH AT LEAST THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE SIDEWALKS ON DYSON [DRIVE] AT A LATER DATE, BUT NO POLL NOW." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Point of Order". IN CLARIFYING THE MOTION, MAYOR BUSH ASKED, "IS YOUR MOTION IN FAVOR OF THE SIDEWALKS AND THE CALMING DEVICES?" DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER GILMORE ADDED, "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE THEN PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN AND FURTHER REVIEW AND DESIGN OF THE TRAFFIC CALMING. BRING THAT BACK TO COMMISSION FOR PASSING THE ORDINANCE - I MAKE A MOTION WE PROCEED WITH THE SIDEWALKS AND BRING BACK THE TRAFFIC CALMING AFTER FURTHER DESIGN, ENGINEERING, AND REVIEW." MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER PREPARE A POLL FOR THE AREA TO INCLUDE EACH OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS WHERE THE PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES WOULD BE INSTALLED AND TO INCLUDE - ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WHO LIVE WITHIN THE TWO (2) MILE RADIUS OF RAINBOW ELEMENTARY [SCHOOL] THAT WOULD CONCEIVABLY USE ONE OF THE PROPOSED ROUTES TO WALK TO RAINBOW ELEMENTARY [SCHOOL]." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. DISCUSSION. MANAGER McLEMORE SAID, "ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF DOING A STRAW BALLOT IS, IT GIVES PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE HERE TONIGHT, AN OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR WHAT WAS SAID, TO SUM IT UP - YOU NEED TO SUM UP IN A DOCUMENT FACT SHEET. HERE ARE THE PRO'S; HERE ARE THE CON'S; AND THE CONCERNS VOICED BY PEOPLE, AND ALL THAT, SO THEY GET A GOOD INDICATION OF THE PROCESS - WHAT'S BEEN ON THE TABLE AND WHAT THE ISSUES ARE, AND WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THEM." DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE80F9 MR. FIELDS STATED, "I WOULD ANTICIPATE HAVING THREE (3) OPTIONS ON THAT. ONE WOULD BE 'YES SIDEWALKS, YES TRAFFIC CALMING'; 'YES SIDEWALKS, NO TRAFFIC CALMING'; 'NO SIDEWALKS, NO TRAFFIC CALMING'." COMMISSIONER McGINNIS SAID, "CORRECT." MR. FIELDS SAID, "MAYBE WE COULD CLARIFY COMMISSIONER [DEPUTY MAYOR) BLAKE'S MOTION - I THINK WE COULD PROBABLY DRAW THOSE PROBABLE LIMITS NOW, JUST SO IT'S CLEAR. THE QUESTION WOULD BE ALL THESE FOLKS IN HERE WOULD OBVIOUSLY USE DYSON DRIVE IN THE CITY LIMITS TO GET OVER. ANYBODY UP HERE WOULD USE SHETLAND [A VENUE) - THE SHETLAND [AVENUE) FOLKS WOULD GO DOWN SHETLAND [AVENUE), THEY WOULDN'T USE DYSON [DRIVE). THE ONLY QUESTION WOULD BE WHETHER FOLKS UP IN THIS AREA WOULD GO DOWN ARABIAN [AVENUE) AND OVER ON DYSON [DRIVE), INSTEAD OF GOING DOWN NORTHERN [WAY) OR SHETLAND [AVENUE). IT WOULDN'T BE THE CLOSEST ROUTE, SO I WOULD MAYBE RECOMMEND THAT WE INCLUDE PONY COURT AND ON ARABIAN [AVENUE) UP TO THE LIMITS OF PONY COURT." DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH SAID, "MR. BLAKE, BRIAN'S [FIELDS) RECOMMENDATION IS ON THE THREE (3) OPTIONS ON THE STRAW BALLOT. IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?" DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "STAFF WAS GIVEN LEEWAY TO DO ON THE BALLOT WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE IN ORDER TO MAKE IT A FAIR, CREDIBLE BALLOT THAT MEASURES OR SENSES THE PUBLIC OUT THERE. THE AFFECTED PARTIES AND THE POTENTIAL USERS WITHIN THAT TWO (2) MILE LIMIT THAT I SUGGESTED ON THE PATH, AND PROVIDE STAFF WITH ALL THE GUIDANCE I THINK THEY NEED, AND THE CITY MANAGER I HAVE HEARD CONCURS, THAT THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE JOB WITH THE MOTION AS IT WAS STATED." COMMISSIONER MILLER SAID, "I SECONDED IT. AND I ALSO CONCUR WITH THE GUIDANCE." VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: NAY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bush adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:05 p.m. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2006 PAGE 9 OF 9 RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CMC, CITY CLERK AND JOAN L. BROWN DEPUTY CITY CLERK APPROVED: JOHN F. BUSH MAYOR NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the , 2006 Regular City Commission Meeting. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING FEBRUARY 20,2006 CALL TO ORDER The Special Meeting of Monday, February 20, 2006 of the City Commission was called to order by Mayor John F. Bush at 6:30 p.m. in the Commission Chambers of the Municipal Building (City Hall, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter Springs, Florida 32708). Roll Call: Mayor John F. Bush, present Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake, present Commissioner Robert S. Miller, present Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore, present Commissioner Sally McGinnis, present Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs, present City Manager Ronald W. McLemore, arrived at 8:35 p.m. City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese, present A moment of silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC HEARINGS AGENDA PUBLIC HEARINGS 200. Public Works Department Requesting The City Commission Hold A Public Hearing For The Proposed Construction Of Sidewalks And Traffic Calming On Dyson Drive. Mr. Brian Fields, P.E., City Engineer, Public Works Department introduced this Agenda Item and a slideshow was presented. Examples of sidewalks and traffic circles were shown. Mr. William V Anderson, P.E., Vice President, Metric Engineering, Inc., 2269 Lee Road, Winter Park, Florida: addressed the Commission on this project and said, "For seventy five (75) or eighty percent (80%) of the length, we intend to locate the sidewalk between the property line at least two feet (2') away from the property line and the drainage ditch. What this does is avoids removal of mature trees that are adjacent to the driveway through much of this area - between the roadway and the swale. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2006 PAGE 2 OF 9 It increases pedestrian safety - the further away you get away from the roadway, the better for the pedestrian. And once again, we are going to avoid impacts from - drainage pattern by sloping the sidewalk toward the swale - no drain will be blocked on the property, the only thing - will go toward the swale as it goes down." Mr. Anderson added, "Certain areas of this project, and I believe this is a typical section of an area near Pinto [Court] where we have a real deep ditch in that area on the north side of the road, we might put a short concrete gravity wall about a hundred feet (100') long - once again located so we don't impact the swale." With further discussion, Mr. Anderson said, "For about ten percent (10%) of the project, because we have existing landscaping and trees on the outside, a lot of beautiful trees hanging over, lots of existing trees in the area, I would like to put the sidewalk between the road and the swale, roughly five [feet] (5') to eight (8') feet away, once again sloped toward the ditch not to interrupt any drainage patterns. This does avoid most of the tree removal and landscaping of the property lines. We're looking at possibly four (4) trees - having to be taken out on this job, all small." Mr. Anderson added, "For the remaining ten percent (10%), I have had to cross the swale in a few places; something I was reluctant to do but I chose locations where the swales are very shallow or non-existent. This was done in order to transition - from one side of the swale to the other. It is required to impact the trees, landscaping and places where I really had no choice but to put it in one place or the other." Referencing traffic circles, Mr. Anderson explained, "They are going to be sixteen feet (16') in diameter which is a pretty good size traffic circle for this kind of street." Mr. Anderson noted, "It will be constructed with mountable curb, the same kind of curb you see in medians everywhere, not the six inch (6") vertical face but the more gentler slope face." Mr. Anderson stated, "It will accommodate single unit trucks." Mr. Anderson added, "Landscaping will be maintained in the circle to allow adequate site distances for all safety. The side streets will have stop signs, stop control, much as they do now. Dyson [Drive] the main street here, will have 'Yield' signs." Mr. Anderson also remarked that, "There will be reflectors placed on the traffic circle and striping as you see here, leading up to warn the driver of the upcoming circle, and crosswalks placed on the side streets. Finally, the median islands - we plan on nine (9) of them, up and down Dyson [Drive], six feet (6') wide, leaving you nine feet (9') of pavement to get a vehicle through. They will be roughly thirty [feet] (30') to forty (40') feet in length. They will be mountable curb with short ground cover landscaping to allow site distances for people pulling in and out of their driveways and located to avoid interference with drivers; and that is important so everybody will have a chance to have a large truck or emergency vehicles access any driveway." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20,2006 PAGE30F9 With discussion, Commissioner Robert S. Miller stated, "I would prefer to see a vertical curb on the island." Deputy Mayor Michael S. Blake said, "Mr. Anderson, you mentioned sidewalk meandering not just around trees, but through the swale in several occasions. How many actual crossings of the swale?" Mr. Anderson said, "I don't have an exact count. Not many." Deputy Mayor Blake stated, "Wouldn't there be a safety consideration if on our rainy late spring and summer afternoons when we get a high rate of rain and kids are walking home from school?" Mr. Anderson said, "Yes, there would be a little bit of water in there. I thought about it. And then, it comes down to choices. If I don't put the sidewalk close to the road, if I kept it all the way back by the property line to miss the median trees, I am hitting trees where people have landscape on their properties." Deputy Mayor Blake said, "Let us know exactly how many crossings there are before the evening is over. I would appreciate that. And also, if you could let us or Brian [Fields] - let us know what kind of additional cost considerations there would be to have it piped underneath." Deputy Mayor Blake added, "I am not talking about moving it, I am talking about how many crossings are there that we would need to have pipes put under." With further discussion on medians, Mr. Anderson said, "The type of curb I propose putting in has also a seven inch (7") flat area on it." Discussion. Regarding removal of trees, Commissioner Sally McGinnis said, "You mentioned only four (4) trees?" Mr. Anderson said, "That was - one of my major intents was to avoid taking down - and the biggest tree diameter, I believe was eight inches (8")." Mr. Anderson added, "And I tried to keep the sidewalk as far from the road as I could." Deputy Mayor Blake asked, "Do you know how wide the toll plazas are out on the [Greene Way] 417?" Mr. Anderson stated, "I don't know off hand - I can find out easy enough. " Discussion. Tape lISide B Discussion. Mayor Bush opened the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE40F9 Mr. Ron Marini, 945 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in support of sidewalks and changing the swales further away from the road. Ms. Phyllis Ruebusch, 930 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: remarked about safety issues and was in favor of sidewalks. Mr. Damon Chase, 1726 Seneca Boulevard, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke regarding his opposition to sidewalks. Mr. Bob Ruebusch, 930 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: also spoke about the safety issues, and was in support of sidewalks and Traffic Calming. Mr. Tom Freeman, 900 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: discussed his opposition to sidewalks and Traffic Calming; and spoke of his concerns with the trees. Ms. Pamela Carroll, 865 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of her concerns about safety; and suggested stop signs for Morgan Street and Dyson Drive. Ms. Carroll then presented some Petitions to the City. Mr. Stephen Thompson, 810 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: noted he was opposed to Traffic Calming devices and suggested stop signs be used instead. Mr. Lawrence J Nadrowski, 915 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: noted his concerns about safety, and spoke of his support of sidewalks. Ms. Christine Borbidge, 910 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in support of sidewalks and addressed safety concerns. Ms. Connie Nadrowski, 915 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: also spoke in favor of sidewalks and Traffic Calming. Ms. Susan Kastrinos, 901 Arabian Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke in favor of Traffic Calming and suggested her preference for three foot (3') wide sidewalks on both sides. Mr. Archie Sullivan, 607 South Pinto Court, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on the safety issues, and spoke in favor of sidewalks. Mr. Michael Dark, 1045 Northern Way, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke on Traffic Calming and noted his opposition to the sidewalk project. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 5 OF9 Mr. David Humbarger, 988 Shetland Avenue, Winter Springs, Florida: noted his opposition to the proposed sidewalks and asked about the Seminole County Report. Tape 2/Side A Mr. Moti Khemlani, 605 Morgan Street, Winter Springs, Florida: stated he was against the sidewalk project. Ms. Sherri P. Moore, 925 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: suggested that Traffic Calming needs to be addressed. Ms. Janet Putnam, 955 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: Mayor Bush stated, "You are in favor but you do not wish to address the Commission." Mr. Pete Van Cauli!, 614 North Pinto Court, Winter Springs, Florida: stated he supports the sidewalks, and noted his safety concerns. Mr. Edward Martinez, Jr., 205 Little Creek Lane, Winter Springs, Florida: spoke of smart development, and property values. Mayor Bush closed the "Public Input" portion of this Agenda Item. Mayor Bush read an email from the Principal of Rainbow Elementary School, and spoke for the Record about information received from the Police Department related to traffic. Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs thanked Mr. Fields for his assistance on a Site Visit. Additionally, Commissioner Krebs stated, "Moti [Khemlani] had contacted me yesterday regarding a petition that he had." With further discussion on sidewalks, Commissioner McGinnis asked, "Could four feet (4') be considered?" Mr. Fields said, "It could." Mr. Freeman stated, "Point of personal privilege". Additionally, drainage issues were discussed to which Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore said to Mr. Anderson, "Is there a potential of flooding of houses with this situation?" Mr. Anderson said, "The sidewalks will be constructed sloping in the same direction as the existing ground does now; everything toward the swale," Mr. Anderson added, "No drainage patterns have changed." Furthermore, Mr. Anderson stated, "No flooding is anticipated of private property." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE60F9 Discussion. Mr. Spencer Kisby, 855 Dyson Drive, Winter Springs, Florida: commented on flooding on his property and stated, "Putting in sidewalks will not have any significant effect, one way or the other on how water accumulates around my property, so that doesn't scare me at all." With discussion on the width of sidewalks, Commissioner Gilmore suggested, "In my opinion, we should continue to look at the five foot (5') width sidewalk." Furthermore, Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I want to make sure that if we go with this, we do a reevaluation of the engineering and do a good study on it to make sure that - that sixteen foot (16') circle isn't too big and those six foot (6') wide medians are really - is the cure going to be worse than the disease. That is one of my major concerns." Commissioner Gilmore added on this issue of mailboxes, "Weare going to have to make certain that the mailboxes are placed in accordance with the engineering standards and the Post Office Department requirements." Mr. Fields said, "We can look at it to make sure." Discussion. City Manager Ronald W McLemore arrived at 8:35 p.m. Commissioner Miller spoke for the Record that he did not think that any Commissioner on the dais, himself included, thought that Seminole County wanted the City of Winter Springs to push this project on the residents. Discussion ensued regarding a Straw Ballot and safety concerns. Tape 2/Side B Mayor Bush stated, "Commissioners, you have got a recommendation from the Manager, recommend a Straw Ballot be mailed to the surrounding homeowners with the results to be recorded back to the City Commission. That is the recommendation of Staff." Discussion. Commissioner Krebs said, "I will go with the Straw [Ballot] if that is what everybody wants to do." Commissioner Gilmore stated, "I am not in favor of a Poll. I am in favor at the next Meeting, we get on with the subject." Commissioner McGinnis said, "That is why I would go along with the recommendation from Staff that we do a Straw Poll. But, either way, it doesn't matter - it's just one issue. It's a public safety issue." CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 7 OF9 "I MOVE THAT WE DO NOTHING ON A POLL AND THAT WE BRING THIS BACK AT THE NEXT CITY COMMISSION MEETING FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION AND PASSING OF ORDINANCE, OR WHATEVER WE HAVE TO DO TO PROCEED WITH AT LEAST THE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF THE SIDEWALKS ON DYSON [DRIVE) AT A LATER DATE, BUT NO POLL NOW." MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GILMORE. Commissioner McGinnis stated, "Point of Order". IN CLARIFYING THE MOTION, MAYOR BUSH ASKED, "IS YOUR MOTION IN FAVOR OF THE SIDEWALKS AND THE CALMING DEVICES?" DISCUSSION. COMMISSIONER GILMORE ADDED, "I WILL MAKE A MOTION THAT WE THEN PROCEED WITH THE DESIGN AND FURTHER REVIEW AND DESIGN OF THE TRAFFIC CALMING. BRING THAT BACK TO COMMISSION FOR PASSING THE ORDINANCE - I MAKE A MOTION WE PROCEED WITH THE SIDEWALKS AND BRING BACK THE TRAFFIC CALMING AFTER FURTHER DESIGN, ENGINEERING, AND REVIEW." MOTION DIED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. "I WOULD LIKE TO MAKE A MOTION THAT THE CITY MANAGER PREP ARE A POLL FOR THE AREA TO INCLUDE EACH OF THE AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS WHERE THE PROPOSED SIDEWALK AND TRAFFIC CALMING DEVICES WOULD BE INSTALLED AND TO INCLUDE - ALL PROPERTY OWNERS WHO LIVE WITHIN THE TWO (2) MILE RADIUS OF RAINBOW ELEMENTARY [SCHOOL) THAT WOULD CONCEIVABLY USE ONE OF THE PROPOSED ROUTES TO WALK TO RAINBOW ELEMENTARY [SCHOOL)." MOTION BY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE. SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER MILLER. DISCUSSION. MANAGER McLEMORE SAID, "ONE OF THE BENEFITS OF DOING A STRAW BALLOT IS, IT GIVES PEOPLE WHO DIDN'T HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE HERE TONIGHT, AN OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR WHAT WAS SAID, TO SUM IT UP - YOU NEED TO SUM UP IN A DOCUMENT FACT SHEET. HERE ARE THE PRO'S; HERE ARE THE CON'S; AND THE CONCERNS VOICED BY PEOPLE, AND ALL THAT, SO THEY GET A GOOD INDICATION OF THE PROCESS - WHAT'S BEEN ON THE TABLE AND WHAT THE ISSUES ARE, AND WHAT PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THEM." DISCUSSION. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE80F9 MR. FIELDS STATED, "I WOULD ANTICIPATE HAVING THREE (3) OPTIONS ON THAT. ONE WOULD BE 'YES SIDEWALKS, YES TRAFFIC CALMING'; 'YES SIDEWALKS, NO TRAFFIC CALMING'; 'NO SIDEWALKS, NO TRAFFIC CALMING'." COMMISSIONER McGINNIS SAID, "CORRECT." MR. FIELDS SAID, "MAYBE WE COULD CLARIFY COMMISSIONER [DEPUTY MAYOR] BLAKE'S MOTION - I THINK WE COULD PROBABLY DRAW THOSE PROBABLE LIMITS NOW, JUST SO IT'S CLEAR. THE QUESTION WOULD BE ALL THESE FOLKS IN HERE WOULD OBVIOUSL Y USE DYSON DRIVE IN THE CITY LIMITS TO GET OVER. ANYBODY UP HERE WOULD USE SHETLAND [A VENUE] - THE SHETLAND [AVENUE] FOLKS WOULD GO DOWN SHETLAND [A VENUE], THEY WOULDN'T USE DYSON [DRIVE]. THE ONLY QUESTION WOULD BE WHETHER FOLKS UP IN THIS AREA WOULD GO DOWN ARABIAN [AVENUE] AND OVER ON DYSON [DRIVE], INSTEAD OF GOING DOWN NORTHERN [WAY] OR SHETLAND [A VENUE]. IT WOULDN'T BE THE CLOSEST ROUTE, SO I WOULD MAYBE RECOMMEND THAT WE INCLUDE PONY COURT AND ON ARABIAN [AVENUE] UP TO THE LIMITS OF PONY COURT." DISCUSSION. MAYOR BUSH SAID, "MR. BLAKE, BRIAN'S [FIELDS] RECOMMENDATION IS ON THE THREE (3) OPTIONS ON THE STRAW BALLOT. IS THAT ACCEPTABLE?" DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE SAID, "STAFF WAS GIVEN LEEWAY TO DO ON THE BALLOT WHATEVER NEEDS TO BE DONE IN ORDER TO MAKE IT A FAIR, CREDIBLE BALLOT THAT MEASURES OR SENSES THE PUBLIC OUT THERE. THE AFFECTED PARTIES AND THE POTENTIAL USERS WITHIN THAT TWO (2) MILE LIMIT THAT I SUGGESTED ON THE PATH, AND PROVIDE STAFF WITH ALL THE GUIDANCE I THINK THEY NEED, AND THE CITY MANAGER I HAVE HEARD CONCURS, THAT THEY WILL BE ABLE TO DO THE JOB WITH THE MOTION AS IT WAS STATED." COMMISSIONER MILLER SAID, "I SECONDED IT. AND I ALSO CONCUR WITH THE GUIDANCE." VOTE: COMMISSIONER GILMORE: NAY DEPUTY MAYOR BLAKE: AYE COMMISSIONER MILLER: AYE COMMISSIONER KREBS: AYE COMMISSIONER McGINNIS: AYE MOTION CARRIED. CITY OF WINTER SPRINGS, FLORIDA MINUTES CITY COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING - FEBRUARY 20, 2006 PAGE 9 OF 9 ADJOURNMENT Mayor Bush adjourned the Special Meeting at 9:05 p.m. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ANDREA LORENZO-LUACES, CMC, CITY CLERK AND APPROVED: NOTE: These Minutes were approved at the March 13,2006 Regular City Commission Meeting.