HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 01 10 Regular Item 503 Naming of two streets David McLeod Way and Roberts Lane
ITEM 503
Public Hearing
Regular X
January 10, 2005
I ..
Mgr. /
/ ,/
The Customer Service Department requests the City Commission consider information about the
naming of two streets: David McLeod Way and Roberts Lane as requested by Commissioner
Michael Blake.
The purpose of this agenda item is to provide information to the commission on the availability
of street names and approval by Seminole county's E911 office.
. On December 13th, 2004 Commissioner Blake under report 608 requested the naming of
two streets along the south side of SR 434 to David McLeod Way and Roberts Lane
. On December 17th, 2004 the Customer Service Division checked with the county's E911
office and received approval for David McLeod Way but Roberts Lane was not approved
since it is already in use within the county.
. The county's E 911 recommends the use of' Sir Robert Lane" as a street name. The name
has been reserved for the city's use if the commission desires it.
. The county passed Ordinance No. 2000-22 adopted April 11, 2000 for a Uniform
Numbering System. Section 90.6 specifies the standards for naming streets.
January 10,2005
Page 2
ATTACHMENTS: Seminole County Ordinance 2000-22
The commission approves the naming of David McLeod Way when the Highlander Project
Platt is brought forward for approval and either approves Sir Robert Lane as suggested by
the county or provide another name for staff to pursue.
~ov-2l-02 11:30A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
ORDINANCE NO. 2000 - 22
WHEREAS, there is a need for uniformity in building numbers and
street names in Seminole County; and
WHEREAS, the 'E 9-1-1 Emergency Number System' is intricately
intertwined, related to, and dependent upon a Uniform Addressing
System; and
WHEREAS, the Standard Fire Prevention Code, adopted by Seminole
County, provides that 'approved numbers or addresses shall be provided
for all new and existing buildings so that the numbers Or address is
plainly legible from the street or roadway;" and
WHEREAS, Seminole County recognizes that readily locating and
finding the proper location is vital to providing police, fire or
medical emergency services; and
WHEREAS, Seminole County and the municipalities within Seminole
County have consulted,
and Seminole County has obtained the
municipalities' concurrence and guidance as to the E 9-1-1 and uniform
street naming and numbering systems; and
WHEREAS, an "E -9-1-1 Emergency Number System" would serve to
promote, protect, and improve the health, safety and welfare of the
citizens of Seminole County, Florida; and
Nov-2l-02 11:30A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
WHEREAS, a uniform system of street naming and numbering would
facilitate and enhance the smooth operation of an ~E 9-1-1 Emergency
Number System'; and
WHEREAS, it is a necessity that certain information within the
purview of municipalities be transmitted to the E 9-1-1 Office in
order to manage an effective Emergency Number System throughout
Seminole County, Florida; and
WHEREAS, Seminole County
similarity of street names adds
response; and
WHEREAS, Seminole .County is cont.?-.nuing to grow and develop with
homes, streets, and buildingi and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County has
determined that it is in the best interest of the public health,
safety and well being of the citizens of Seminole County to utilize
.and enforce a uniform street naming and numbering system, so that
every building in Seminole County shall have a uniquely numbered
address; and
WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County now
desires to replace the current language of Ordinance 86-5 of the
Seminole County Code, and set forth new language to meet the growing
needs of Seminole County.
WHEREAS, the Economic Impact Statement has been appropriately
recognizes that duplication and
to confusion and delay in emergency
prepared and made available for public review in agreement with the
provisions of the Seminole County Home Rule Charter,
Nov-21-02 11:3lA Seminole Co E9ll Of fice
section 1.
Repeal of Chapter 90, Land Development Code of
seminole County.
Chapter 90, 'Uniform Building Number Systerr(' of the Land
Development Code of Seminole County is hereby repealed.
Section 2. A new Chapter 90, of the Land Development Code of
Seminole County, 'Uniform Address System," is hereby created to read as
Chapter 90
Sec. 90.1 Purpose of Uniform Addressing System-
(a) This Chapter is adopted for the purpose of providing a
Uniform Addressing System for the assignment of street names and address
numbers to buildings and structures located on or with access from
officially named public and private streets in Seminole County, Florida.
Streets named. and numbered prior to the adoption of this Chapter which
do not conform to the standards set forth first in this Chapter will not
be changed except when the Addressing Coordinator receives documented
notification from the Emergency Communications/E 9-1-1 Division, the
Sheriff' 5 Office, Public Safety Fire/Rescue, the Post Office or any
other government agency that they are unable to locate said address for
reasons such as, but not limited to: an address or unit/suite number
out of sequence, odd or even number on wrong side of street, rural box
numbers, numbers improperly affixed, illegible, unclear, obstructed,
not visible, unapproved numbers, unapproved street signs, street names
that are duplicates or sound alike,: street suffixes that do not
properly describe the thoroughfare as built, and subdivisions,
apartments, shopping centers, mobile home parks, condominium,
warehouses, commercial office buildings, single family residences,
duplexes, or other communities of buildings whose names are similar to
existing names or when Emergency Service Providers believe any normal
response time is impaire::d or may be impaired due to a conflict in the
street naming or numbering.
Nov~2l-02 11:3lA Seminole Co E9ll Of fice
(b) When the Addressing Coordinator obtains or is presented with
proper documentation relating to a discrepancy that could cause a delay
or interfere with providing emergency assistance, the Addressing
Coordinator will notify the property owner/occupant, as applicable, of
the discrepancy and of acti~ns the property owner/occupant must take to
come into compliance. Said notice shall be delivered to the
owner/occupant by one of the following:
(1) Certified mail, return receipt requested.
(2) Posting same in a conspicuous place on the property.
(3) Hand delivery.
The owner and/or occupant will have 30 days to comply.
(c) If the property owner/developer disagrees with the
determination of the Addressing Coordinator, an appeal may be taken
regarding the determination made. The Deputy County Manager shall
hear such appeals.
Sec.90.2 Definitions
(a) For the purpose of this Chapter, the following terms,
phrases, words, and their derivations shall have the meaning given
herein, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
Address: Consists of an identifying number, street name, and street
designator for the purpose of identifying a specific geographic
location. In the event of multi-tenant structures, each unit may also
be identified by a secondary number.
(b) Accessory Building: A building that is clearly incidental
or subordinate to and customarily utilized adjacent to and in
connection with a principal building located on the same property.
(c) Principal Building: Any structure which is designed, built
or used for the support, enclosure, shelter, Or protection of persons,
animals, chattels or property of any kind for any residential,
commercial, or industrial purpose.
~ (d) Building Front: The main egress (e. g.., . entrance or access)
of the building where numbers properly posted would be visible from a
public or private street to which the building is numbered. When a
Nov~2l-02 11:31A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
building is constructed on a corner lot, the building front shall be
that area of the building that is the main public egress. By way of
example, if a building is on the corner of street 'A' and street 'B',
and architecturally appears to be fronting street 'A', but the side of
the building that has the primary entrance or access faces street '8',
then the building will be addressed to street '8'. The front of the
building for addressing purposes will be determined by the Addressing
Coordinator with input offered by various public safety departments.
)t" (e) Egress: Refers to egress and ingress as defined in the
Standard Fire Prevention Code. Generally, ingress and egress mean
going in and going out.
(fl Address Master Maps: A master set of maps which, in
conjunction with approved plats and site plans, details the existing
street name and numbering scheme and the projected street name and
numbering scheme within Seminole County.
(g) E 9-1-1 Office: The office d~signated by the County Manager
to design and manage an emergency response system which promotes the
expeditious response of police, fire, medical, and other services
resulting from such Emergency Telephone System.
(h) Grid System Guide: A series of designated North/South
parallel lines intersecting a second set of East/West parallel lines,
as indicated on the official 'master grid maps," currently delineated
on a 1:2000 map of Seminole County.
~ (i) Non-conformance: Any failure to comply with the provisions
of this Chapter including, but not limited to, by way of example: an
address or unit/suite number out of sequence, odd or even number on
wrong side of street, rural box numbers, numbers improperly affixed
illegible, unclear, obstructed, not visible, unapproved numbers,
street names that are duplicates or sound alike, street suffixes that
do not properly describe the thoroughfare as built, and subdivisions,
apartments, shopping centers, mobile home parks, condominiums,
warehouses, commercial office buildings, single family residences,
Nov~2l-02 11:32A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice
duplexes, or other communities of buildings whose names are similar to
existing names.
(j) Uniform Addressing System: A system by which eKisting
buildings, groups of buildings, units within buildings, and lots and
parcels projected for future buildings are assigned addresses in a
coordinated and uniform method based upon a designated numbering grid
system contained in the official master grid maps and clear and
concise street names as recorded in the Address Master Maps and the E
9-1-1 Master Street Address Guide.
(k) Occupant: Any person, firm, entity, partnership, trust,
corporation, association, or other organization that is occupying or
leasing a structure or other property.
(l) Owner: Any and all persons, firms, entities, partnerships,
trusts, corporations, associations, or other organizations, which own
the fee title to, or have an undivided interest in, any building or
property which is subject to the provisions of this_Chapter.
(m) Public Way: Any area of a right-of-way, either paved or
unpaved, that has been dedicated to Seminole County for use as a
street for vehicular traffic whether accepted or not by Seminole
County, eKcluding, service entrances or driveways.
(n) Private Way: Any street, road, avenue, drive, cui de sac or
other thoroughfare used for vehicular traffic and any easement that
provides sole access to more than one parcel or lot which is not
included in the definition of 'public way' and which is not maintained
by Seminole County. This term shall include, but is not limited to,
roadways or driveways in mobile home parks, apartments, condominiums,
commercial or industrial complexes.
(0) Street Name: A unique name that identifies a street
exclusive of the designator, e.g. Spinnaker.
(p) street Designator: The suffix following the street name
that describes the street layout as follows:
1. Boulevard or Parkway: A maj or thoroughfare in excess
of 5000 feet with a divided median.
Nov~2l-02 11:32A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice
2. Drive: A winding main thoroughfare (at least 2500 feet)
extending the length of a subdivision or complex which continues through
to other rights-of-way.
3. Court, Cove or Point: Dead end streets or cuI de sacs.
4. Place: A street with a cuI de sac on each end. A dead
end street with at least one intersecting cuI de sac.
S. Lane or Way: A street that connects one street to
another 1n a subdivision or complex.
6. Circle: A street that returns to itself.
7. Loop: A street that begins and ends at the same cross
street, such as a semi circle.
8. Terrace: A street that loops back onto itself without
forming a full circle.
9. Trail or Run: A street located in a rural area, that
generally dead ends and is at least 1200 feet in length.
(q) Projected Street Name and Numbering Scheme: All approved
site plans and plats, including amendments thereto, which contain
projected street names and addresses although no construction or
development has occurred on the projected street.
Sec. 90.3 Incorporation of Map
A Uniform Addressing System, as shown on the maps identified by
the title, "Address Master Maps," and filed in the Office of the
Seminole County Addressing Coordinator (hereafter called 'the maps')
is hereby adopted for use in toe unincorporated areas of Seminole
County. The Addressing Coordinator shall coordinate all activities
relating to the system and maps with t~e E 9-1-1 Office. The current
version of these maps, the electronic data used to create the maps,
and all explanatory matter thereon and related thereto are hereby
adopted, incorporated herein by reference, and made a part of this
Ordinance. The maps shall have existing street naming arid assigned
numbering scheme thereon. The maps shall include or have reference to
existing site plans and plats that have been approved and amendments
thereto. The maps shall be made reasonably accessible to the public
Nov-2l-02 11'33A S .
. em,nole Co E9ll Of fice
during normal business hours. Each approved plat and each amendment
thereto shall be filed in the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court. The Uniform Addressing System and the maps may be adopted for
use in any municipality in Seminole County pursuant to an interlocal
agreement. Any such interlocal agreement shall be filed in the
Official Records of the Board of County Commissioners and in the
Official Records of each city that 1.S a party to such interlocal
agreement. Upon adoption by a city, the current version of the maps
shall be provided on paper copy or on an acceptable electronic media
format by each party of the interlocal to every other party of the
interloca1 as changes or made or, at a minimum, on a quarterly basis.
Sec. 90.4 Administration of the Uniform Addressing System
(a) The Seminole County Addressing Coordinator shall be
responsible for coordinating and maintaining the addressing system
established by this Ordinance. Said Coordinator shall assign numbers,
approve street names and designations in conformity with the sections
following. Charges for such assignments shall be made in accordance
with the fee schedule duly adopted by resolution of the Board of
County Commissioners.
(b) Should an existing building, unit, or group of buildings
fail to conform with the Uniform Addressing System, the Addressing
Coordinator shall give notice to those owners or occupants whose
address is in non-conformity with the Uniform Addressing System. Said
notice shall be delivered to the owner or occupant by one of the
1. cert~fied mail, return r~ceipt requested.
2. posting same in a conspicuous place on the property.
3. Hand delivery.
Said notice may inqlude a notification of a change of address, which
shall contain the new building number (5) assigned to the building in
accordance with the provisions of this -Ordinance. Said notice shall
direct the .owner or the occupant to post the newly assigned building
number on said building or property in accordance with Section 90.5 of
Nov-2l-02 11:33A Seminole Co E911 Of fice 4076655057
this Chapter. The owners or occupants shall have thirty ( 30) days
from receipt of the notice to come into compliance with this Chapter.
'Receipt' is defined as one of the following: If sent certified mail,
the date of postal delivery; if posted, the date posted on the
property; if hand delivered, the date it was handed to the recipient.
(c) Assignment by the Addressing Coordinator of a number to a
lot Or parcel on which a building may be constructed shall be a
condition precedent to the issuance of a Building Permit for any such
(d) In coordination with the E 9-1-1 Office, the Addressing
Coordinator shall record and maintain records of all street names and
numbers under this Chapter which have been assigned pursuant to this
Ordinance and shall monitor same to insure that duplicate street names
and numbers are prevented.
(e) When site plans include construction of new streets (either
private or public), a list of all proposed street names shall be
submitted to the Addressing Coordinator for review to conformance to the
standards as listed in Section 90.6.
See. 90.5 Building and Unit Numbering
All residential and commercial buildings, principal and accessory
(such as, but not limited to guest cottages,cdetached ~~~~_?=-~ stables,
schools, churches) in unincorporated Seminole County; shall be issued an
address by the Addressing Coordinator, and shall post that address
including suite or unit numbers on or about their property in accordance
with the following guidelines:
{a} All addresses shall contain whole numbers only.
Alpha/numeric and fractional addresses shall not be permitted.
Addresses shall be assigned by the Addressing Coordinator and shall be
posted as follows:
1. Large commercial type occupancies which do not have all
occupants directly fronting the appropriate street will be assigned a
building address number in conjunction with suite numbers to identify
individual occupants. Commercial buildings will be assigned four-digit
,Nov~2l-02 11:33A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice
suite or unit numbers to be posted above all means of egress. Unit
numbers shall be of contrasting colors so as to be readily identifiable.
Unit numbers shall be a minimum of three inches (3") in height and one-
half (1/2") in width.
2. Address numbers on buildings which are less than fifty
(50) feet from the street or driving lane of the parking lot for plazas,
multi-tenant or rear access shall affix numbers directly over the main
egress door and all other means of egress. Address numbers shall
contrast with the surrounding surface, be of durable material and a
minimum of three inches (Y') in height and one-half (1/2") in width.
3. Buildings which are over fifty (50) feet from the
street shall be required to use five (5) inch or larger numbers. All
numbers are to be clearly seen from the right-of-way, and shall be made
of durable material and contrast with the surrounding surface.
4. For plazas or other such commercial occupancies with
multiple addresses, the range of addresses shall also be posted on the
main plaza or occupancy sign readily viewed from the street from both
5. If the main entrance of the building is not readily
visible from the street, numbers shall be posted at the entrance street
or driveway to the building. Authorization may be acquired from the
Addressing Coordinator in situations where these standards may not be
appropriate. Any decisions made shall be based in the interest of
emergency response.
6. Residential one or two family dwellings which are more
than fifty (50) feet from street must also have the address numbers
posted on both sides of a mailbox or addressing post located at the
entrance to the property. If access is by way of a street different
from the address assigned, numbers shall be posted on the addressed
street. Signage containing the street name and address number shall
be required at the entrance street in these cases.
(b) Subdivisions and condominiums will be pre-addressed within
14 working days after recording the plat in the public records.
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Developers of commercial sites with multiple occupants or similar
residential projects (apartments or condominiums) shall be required to
coordinate individual addressing prior to issuance of any building
permits. This can be accomplished by providing the Addressing
Coordinator with a reproducible mylar of the site and building layout
plan at least ten working days prior to the submission of building
permi t applications. This plan should include adj acent road names,
entrance locations, and all possible occupant division lines for each
(c) The Addressing Coordinator shall have the authority to
deviate from these standards as necessary to ensure the safety of the
general public.
Sec. 90.6 Standards for Naming Streets
(a) There shall be no duplication of street names..
(b) There shall be no numbers used as ,street names e. g., First
(c) There shall be no punctuation in street names, e.g., O'Brien,
(d) It is not permissib.:_':ito differentiate the same name by a
suffix such as stree or aven~,< e. g., Washington Street and Washington
(e) There shall be no directionals used as street names, e. g.,
East Street.
(f) Street names that "sound alike" such as Peach and Beach' and
Lynwood and Linwood and Pinetree and Pine Tree shall not be permitted.
(g) A street running continuously; in one direction will have one
name only throughout its length.
(h) Street names, including spaces between words, prefix, and
street designator should be no more than fifteen (15) spaces in length.
(i) No street shall be named for a person, living or dead,
without the consent of the Board of County Commissioners.
(j) There will be no spaces between initials in street names,
e.g., EFK Drive.
Nov~2l-02 11:34A Seminole Co E91l Of fice 4076655057
street names containing the word .. and" shall not be
An ampersand (&) will be used in street naming, e.g., Seek &
Find Lane.
~ Sec. 90.7 Mandatory Private Street Naming
The following regulations are established for the mandatory naming
of private streets providing access to multiple residences or commercial
buildings which are remotely located from one another. Private streets
shall be required to be named under the following conditions:
(a) If an easement (singular or multiple) is accessed from a
public street or another private easement and occupied by two or more
structures it constitutes a private street.
(b) When an unnamed private street is deemed by the Addressing
Coordinator to require naming, notification is sent to abutting property
owners. Notification shall include the parcel identification (10)
number and the private street/designation naming form.
(c) The private street naming form shall contain spaces for four
(4) name suggestions to be provided by the property owners.
(d) Private street names will comply with standards set forth in
Section 90.6.
(e) A street sign is required on all private streets. Seminole
County' 5 Traffic Engineering Department will erect the sign with the
approved name.
(f) Unapproved street signs will not be erected within 20 feet of
right-of-way. Non-conforming signs are subject to removal.
(g) When property owners fail to respond to or participate in the
street naming procedure, the Addressing' Coordinator, after due notice
and a minimum of thirty (30) days, shall provide a name for the subject
street without ,recourse to property owners.
Sec. 90.8 Changing the Nama of a Street
When any Emergency Service Provider believes any normal response
time is impaired or may be impaired due to a conflict in the street name
database, a request will be submitted following the procedures as listed
Nov-2l-02 11:35A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
(a) All requests to rename a street will be submitted in writing
to the Addressing Coordinator. If the request is received from the
public, the following must be completed:
1. A petition signed by a majority of the property owners
abutting the street requesting the change.
2. An application fee as established by Board of County
(b) The application is made to and processed by the Addressing
(c) The proposed street name shall meet the criteria of Sections
90.6 and 90.7 of this Ordinance.
(d) The property owners abutting the street will be notified by
the Addressing Coordinator by the means listed in Section 90.4 of any
proposed street name change.
(e) If the street is a platted street, the following additional
steps are required:
1. An agenda item and resolution for adoption will be
prepared and presented to the Board of County Commissioners at their
regularly scheduled meeting.
2. The Board of County Commissioners shall grant or deny
the renaming request within its sound discretion, after recommendation
by the Addressing Coordinator.
(f) Upon approval, all concerned parties will be notified of the
street name change by certified mail within 45 days of approval.
(g) Upon approval by the Board of County Commissioners of a
street name change, the street name sha+l not be changed again for ten
(10) years, unless the Board of County Commissioners find that a threat
to the health, safety or welfare of the residents exists.
(h) The Board of County Corrunissioners shall have authority, on
its own motion, to change the name of any street within the
unincorporated limits of Seminole County, whenever the health, safety,
or welfare of the residents of Seminole County shall so require.
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P .14
Sec. 90.9 Posting Street Signs
(a) Signage shall be provided and maintained by Seminole County
Traffic Engineering Department.
(b) Should the owner(s) of the street signs, whether individuals
or associations, elect to maintain signage they must comply with
Seminole County standards.
Sec. 90.10 Subdivision, Plaza and Building Names
(a) At the time of plan review for all new construction, the
name by which the development shall be legally known, (apartment
complexes, telecommunication towers, shopping centers, commercial
buildings, mobile home parks, and all developments requiring site plan
approval) shall be submitted for review and approval to the
Development Review Committee at the pre-application meeting or prior
to submitting a development application.
(b) Potential names fo"r subdivisions shall be submitted for
review to the Development Review Committee at the pre-application
meeting or prior to submitting a development application. Name
approval shall be determined prior to preliminary subdivision plan
approval by the Board of County Commissioners. Potential names for
condominiums shall be submitted at the pre-application meeting or
prior to submitting a development application. Name approval shall be
determined prior to or during the site plan review process.
(e) No names shall be approved which conflict with existing
names or those previously approved developments or preliminary
subdivision plans. The name shall not be the same or sound similar or
in any way so similar to any name appearing on any recorded plat or
prior condominium or site plan in Seminole County as to confuse the
records or mislead the public as to the identity of the subdivision,
or condominium except when the subdivision is further divided as an
additional unit or phase by the same developer or developer's
successors in title. In that case the additional unit or phase shall
be given the primary name followed by the unit, section or phase
number in English words or numerals (No Roman Numerals).
Nov~2l-02 11:35A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
(d) Model Homes requiring estoppel letters require street name
approval of the plat prior to issuance of the building permit.
(e) Names, once approved, shall be held until subdivision or
site plans are no longer valid by exceeding development approval time
limits. Said name shall be the only conspicuous name posted on the
property. If the plan approval expires, the name shall require
additional review and approval at the time of resubmittal. Names may
be reserved upon request for up to one year pursuant to the pre-
application meeting submittal.
(f) The owners of a commercial building, plaza, apartment
complex or telecommunication tower, who desire to rename their
property shall submit an application and fee to the Addressing
Coordinator. Said application shall include the legal description,
the Property Appraiser Parcel Identification Number (s), the current
name, and the proposed name of the development. The application will
be subject to review and approval prior to being presented to the
Board of County Commissioners adopting the name change. Upon recording
the adopted Resolution, notification of affected parties shall be by
established procedures.
Sec. 90.11 Enforcement
Where an addressing problem lS found, the Addressing Coordinator
will notify the property owner of the discrepancy as set forth in
Section 90.4. If after 30 days, the addressing problem is not resolved
by, for example, posting of numbers, removing inco.rrect or unapproved
numbers, removal of unapproved street signage, etc, the Addressing
Coordinator shall either issue a Notice,of Code Violation, or issue a
Citation to the OWner, Tenant/Occupant, or Property Manager/Trustee as
provided in Ordinance 53, 'Code Enforcement" of the Seminole County
(a) Notice of Code Violation shall include: the Parcel
Identification Number, Description of Violation~ Recommendation to
Comply, Date of Violation, and Date of Expected Compliance.
Nov-21-02 11:36A Seminole Co E9ll Of fice 4076655057
, I
(b) If the Addressing Coordinator determines that the discrepancy
~s critical and presents a serious threat to the public's health, safety
and welfare a Citation without notice shall be issued pursuant to the
provisions of Section 162.21(3) (b), Florida Statutes.
Section 3. Codification
It is the intention of the Board of County Commissioners that the
provisions of this Ordinance shall become, and be made a part of the
Seminole County Code.
The word . Ordinance' may be changed to section,
article, or other appropriate word or phrase and the sections of this
Ordinance may be assigned new numbering or lettering to accomplish such
intention; providing, however, that Sections 3, 4 and 5 shall not be
Section 4. Severability
If any section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is
held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way effect the validity of
the remaining portions of this Ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date
This Ordinance shall become effective upon receipt of official
acknowledgment by the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners from
the Department of the State that this Ordinance has been filed with the
Department of State.
ENACTED this 11th day of
, 2000
317/00CALKO )\MYOOCS\ORO\911 orddoc