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October 10,2001 MGR ~~
Special Meeting Authorization.
REQUEST: The Community Development Department requests that the City Commission conduct
a special meeting to review the recommendations of Land Design Innovations (LDI)
for the Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) based amendments to the Housing,
Recreation and Open Space, and Future Land Use elements of the City of Winter
Springs Comprehensive Plan.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this item is to solicit comments and recommendations for the EAR
Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan from the City Commission, prior to
formal consideration and transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA).
The Comprehensive Plan is the guiding document that identifies the future
development patterns in the City and the services that will be necessary to meet the
demands of future growth. The City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted in 1992 and
was based primarily on data available as of 1990. The City is required by State
Statutes to prepare an evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan and update the
Comprehensive Plan with current data every seven (7) years. The City successfully
completed the evaluation of the Comprehensive Plan, which was determined sufficient
by DCA.
The City originally had until September 26, 2000 to complete the update of the entire
Comprehensive Plan, which afforded the Comprehensive Planning Coordinator
eighteen (18) months to complete the task. The Comprehensive Planning Coordinator
subsequently requested a six (6) month extension to complete the amendments by
March 26, 2001, and the request was granted by the State. However, the
Comprehensive Planning Coordinator left the City on March 26, 2001 without having
completed any of the required updates to the plan. The Community Development
Director reviewed the situation and immediately requested another six (6) month
extension from the State to complete the EAR Based Amendments. In response, the
State extended the deadline to September 26, 2001 in a letter dated May 4, 2001; the
State has no authority to issue additional extensions. Therefore, if the Comprehensive
October 10, 200 I
Regular Agenda Item A
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Plan updates are not completed by September 26, 200 I, the State will no longer allow
the City to process large scale comprehensive plan amendments.
The Evaluation and Appraisal Report for the Comprehensive Plan identified that the
entire document was poorly written and should be completely re-written as part of the
EAR Based Amendments. This was an enormous undertaking that was further
complicated by the resignations of both the Comprehensive Planning Coordinator and
Current Planning Coordinator in March 2001. Consequently, a supplemental
appropriation of $46,310 from the General Fund was approved to hire LDI to prepare
the EAR Based Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan.
A complete copy of the comprehensive plan, containing second drafts of all elements
was distributed on September 11,2001. This submittal addressed and/or included the
comments and recommendations of the City Commission, LP A and staff.
Specific elements of the comprehensive plan were discussed by the LPA and City
Commission over a series of special meetings, as shown below:
Meeting Date Comprehensive Plan Elements Discussion Status with
Number City Commission
I 09-13-01 Population, and Transportation Complete
2 09-25-0l Conservation, and Solid Waste Complete
3 10-01-0 I Water, Sewer, Drainage, and Complete
Aquifer Recharge,
4 I 0-04-0 I Capital Improvements, and Complete
Intergovernmental Coordination,
5 10-10-0 1 Housing, Recreation and Open Incomplete
Space, and Future Land Use
To date, the LP A has considered all proposed Plan elements and provided its
comments to LDI. The City Commission has yet to finalize discussion on the
Housing, Recreation and Open Space, and Future Land Use Elements, which is the
purpose for this meeting. Following the City Commission's discussion of these
elements, the plan adoption schedule will proceed as follows:
. October 23,2001
. November 7, 2001
. November 26,2001
. December 10,2001
. April2002
Submittal of Final Plan Draft by LDI for LP A Hearing
LPA Hearing on Plan (regular meeting)
City Commission Transmittal Hearing (regular meeting)
Deadline to Transmit Plan to DCA
DCA Deadline to Issue ORC (Objections,
Recommendations & Comments Report)
LP A Adoption Hearing
City Commission Adoption Hearing
. May 2002
. May 2002
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Staff recommends that the City Commission REVIEW, RETAIN, AND BRING the
complete draft of the Comprehensive Plan to the special meeting for discussion, in
order to provide direction to LDI.