HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 02 13 Regular 303 Resolution 2006-09, East Rural Area Property Owner's Committee Report
City of Winter Springs
February 13,2006 Regular Meeting
021306_ COMM_Regular_303 _ERAPOC_Receive_Report Set Date_Approve_Resolution
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ITEM 303
Regular X
February 13,2006
Mgr./ Dept.
Regular Meeting
REQUEST: City Manager requesting the City Commission to formally receive the Report
of the East Rural Area Property Owner's Committee, adopt Resolution Number 2006-09,
and establish a date for a Special Meeting for discussion and deliberation of the
Committee's recommendations.
This agenda item is needed for the Commission to formally receive the report of the Study
Committee, to thank the Committee and Project Team for their participation through the
adoption of Resolution Number 2006-09, and to set a date for a Special Meeting in which the
Commission will discuss and deliberate the content of the report, receive input from the public,
and to formally adopt the report with any changes the Commission deems appropriate.
On February 28, 2005, the Commission approved Resolution Number 2005-09 providing for the
East Rural Transitional Area Development Code Study Project utilizing a committee of property
owners in the study area to develop Development Standards that would govern development of
properties in the area if annexed into the City of Winter Springs.
Thanks to the hard work of the Study Committee, the City's extraordinary team of consultants,
and the excellent assistance provided to the property owners by the City staff, the project has
been remarkably successful.
On January 26, 2006 the Study Committee completed its work and approved unanimously a set
of recommended development standards.
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City of Winter Springs
February 13,2006 Regular Meeting
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The recommendations are remarkable in the following ways:
1. Balance of Interest. The Committee was able to accomplish the difficult task of balancing
the various interests of all concerned.
2. Open Space Preservation. The recommendations will result in open space being preserved in
perpetuity recognizing the opportunity for restoration of damaged open space.
3. Empowerment. The recommendations empower the land owners to determine the future of
their property. They can choose to leave their property under current County zoning, or if
they choose, allow their property to be developed in one of the three conservation
development patterns provided for in the recommendations.
4. Implementation. Thanks to the wisdom of the Study Committee to call in the assistance of
economic experts, the development schemes can be implemented in the realities of the
marketplace, something that has not been incorporated in the County land development
regulations. As a result, it is highly unlikely that this will become another study that never
gets implemented.
The question at this time is how to proceed from here. Resolution Number 2005-09 provides for
the following step after the Committee completes its recommendations.
Task IX-A
Formal publication of the Study Recommendation with the City Commission at a Public
Task IX-B
Evaluation of the recommendation by the City Commission.
These two tasks were intentionally set up in Resolution 2005-09 in two separate steps for
three reasons as follows:
a) To provide for two separate media opportunities.
b) To provide the Commission and any other interested parties time to review the
recommendation prior to formal adoption of the recommendation.
c) To allow the Commission to focus its full attention upon the Study Committee and
Project Team in the first meeting, and the content of the Report in the second
meeting. Combining the two into one meeting would take away from both functions.
For this reason the Commission will not receive the report in advance of the first
meeting, and no discussion should take place upon the content of the report in the first
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City of Winter Springs
February 13, 2006 Regular Meeting
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In this concept, in the first meeting the Commission would formally receive transmittal of the
study recommendations from the Study Committee, thank the Committee for its work, and
formally set a Special Meeting date to workshop the recommendations. At the following Special
Meeting the content of the Report will be presented in detail by the staff. The Study Committee
will be invited to help answer questions. The Commission will invite public input. Finally, the
Commission will adopt the recommendations with any amendments it deems necessary.
When the Commission gives formal approval to the recommendations of the Report, Task X and
XI would proceed. Task X and XI authorizes staff to formulate the approved recommendations
into actual code followed by approval of the code by the Commissioners.
FUNDING: This study was financed by a supplemental appropriation from General Fund
Reserves. No additional funds are needed at this time.
It is recommended that the Commission take the following actions:
1. Receive the Report from the Study Committee.
2. Adopt Resolution Number 2006-09 thanking the Study Committee for its work, and
3. Set a date for a Special Meeting to discuss and deliberate the recommendations, accept
public input, and formally adopt the report with any amendments the City Commission
deems appropriate.
A. Resolution Number 2006-09
B. Resolution Number 2005-09
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WHEREAS, on February 28, 2005 the City Commission adopted Resolution 2005-09
establishing the East Rural Transitional Area Development Code Study Project, including the
East Rural Area Property Owner's Committee, Technical Committee, and City Staff, and
WHEREAS, Resolution 2005-09 of the City Commission charged the Committee and
Project Team with the difficult challenge of developing recommendations for the
establishment of land development regulations to be known as the East Rural Transitional
Area Development Code to guide the potential development of East Rural Area lands that
may be annexed into the City of Winter Springs in the future, and
WHEREAS, Resolution Number 2005-09 of the City Commission charged the Committee
and Project Team with the difficult challenge of formulating recommendations that would
guide potential development in the East Rural Area in a manner that creates a sustainable
quality of life; that accommodates population growth in a manner that conserves open spaces;
that balances development potential and conservation of lands; that protects lakes,
waterways, and potable water resources; that protects environmentally significant wetlands,
animal and plant life; that preserves historically significant places and building artifacts;
protects significant natural occurring landscape features; that balances the interest of property
owners; and that minimizes the negative impacts of urban sprawl, and
WHEREAS, on January 26, 2006 the Study Committee with the assistance of the Project
Team completed and adopted unanimously the Committee's recommendations for
development standards in the East Rural Area.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Commission of the City of
Winter Springs expresses its sincere gratitude and appreciation to the members of the
Study Committee and the Project Team for its diligence and remarkable
accomplishments in formulating and adopting unanimously Implementable
Development Standards for the East Rural Transitional Area of Seminole County
worthy of consideration by the City of Winter Springs, the City of Oviedo, and
Seminole County.
DULY ADOPTED this the 13th day of February 2006, in Seminole County,
Winter Springs, Florida:
IN RECOGNITION OF the members of the East Rural Transitional Area
Development Code Project Committee and Project Team:
Property Owners
Paul G. Aurbeck
William Rex Clonts
Robert J. King
William Thomas Minter
Helen E. VanHouten
Susan L. Wooley
Robert D. Wright
Technical Committee
John Fernsler, Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Michael Clarke, Wallace Roberts & Todd, LLC
Randall Arendt, Greener Prospects
Owen Beitsch, Real Estate Research Consultants
Trevor Hall, Colliers Arnold Orlando
Chip Webb, Trammell Webb, Inc.
City of Winter Springs' Staff
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Anthony Garganese, city Attorney
Randy Stevenson, Community Development Director
Eloise Sahlstrom, Senior Planner
John Baker, Senior Planner
DULY ADOPTED by the Mayor and Commission of the City of Winter
Springs, Florida:
Mayor John F. Bush
Commissioner Michael S. Blake
Commissioner Robert S. Miller
Commissioner Donald A. Gilmore
Commissioner Sally McGinnis
Commissioner Joanne M. Krebs
Andrea-Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
WHEREAS, property owners located within an area of unincorporated Seminole County
commonly referred to as the "East Rural Area" have expressed interest in annexing their
property into the City of Winter Springs; and
WHEREAS, property owners living within the "East Rural Area" have demonstrated a
strong interest in retaining the rural character of the area; and
WHEREAS, in the event that property owners within the "East Rural Area" choose to
annex their property into the City of Winter Springs in the future, the City Commission of
Winter Springs desires to adopt land development regulations ("Rural Transitional
Development Code") that specifically guide the manner in which the "East Rural Area"
located within the City of Winter Springs will be developed; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs desires that the Rural Transitional
Development Code contain development standards that would result in predictable
development patterns in the "East Rural Area" that balance the interest of property
owners who desire to receive a reasonable return on the investment of their property
through development, and those property owners who desire to preserve the rural
character of the "East Rural Area; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs hereby finds that the property
owners living and owning property within the "East Rural Area" have a significant stake
in the "East Rural Area" and should be empowered to be directly involved, at the local
level, to study and plan for the future development of the "East Rural Area," including
the adoption of a Rural Transitional Development Code that balances a variety of local
interests; and
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-09
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WHEREAS, the City Commission of Winter Springs also finds that providing a vehicle
for local citizens to address local concerns is in the best interests of the public health,
safety, and welfare of the community and those persons owning property within the East
Rural Area.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of
Winter Springs, as follows:
Section I: Mission Statement.
It shall be the mission of the City of Winter Springs to establish land development
regulations ("East Rural Transitional Development Code") to guide the potential
development of "East Rural Area" lands that may be annexed into the City in the future.
Section II: Vision Statement.
It is the vision of the City of Winter Springs that development patterns in those portions
of the "East Rural Area" that may be annexed into the City of Winter Springs should be
developed in such a manner that creates a sustainable quality of life; that accommodates
population growth in a manner that conserves open spaces; that balances development
potential and conservation of lands; that protects lakes, waterways, and potable water
resources; that protects environmentally significant wetlands, animal and plant life; that
preserves historically significant places and building artifacts; protects significant natural
occurring landscape features; that balances the interest of property owners; and that
minimizes the negative impacts of urban sprawl.
Section III: Property Owner Advisory Committee
(a) Establishment. A seven (7) person advisory committee shall be appointed by
the City Commission. Each member of the advisory committee shall own
property within the East Rural Area. The Mayor and each City Commissioner
shall have one appointment to the advisory committee. One member shall
appointed by majority vote of the City Commission. The list of committee
members shall be attached to this Resolution as Exhibit "A." The advisory
committee shall be known as the "East Rural Area Property Owners Committee
(ERAPOC). ..
(b) Responsibilities. In accordance with the schedule of tasks set forth herein, the
ERAPOC shall work with the technical advisory staff to develop a Rural
Transitional Development Code to accomplish the mission and vision
established by the City Commission for those portions of the "East Rural Area"
that may be voluntarily annexed into the City of Winter Springs. The Committee
may appoint a chairman for purposes of running the committee meetings. No
other designated officers shall be permitted.
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-09
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Section IV: Technical Staff.
The City Commission and the City Manager shall hire qualified professional consultants
and assign City staff members to selVe as technical staff to the ERAPOC. The City
Attorney shall be the legal advisor to the ERAPOC and Technical Staff. It shall be the
responsibility of the technical staff to provide technical assistance required by the City
and the ERAPOC to accomplish the mission and vision established herein by the City
Section V: East Rural Study Area
The East Rural Study Area subject to this resolution contains approximately 1,000 acres
ofland in the East Rural Area as further depicted on Exhibit "B."
Section VI: Study Methodology
The Technical Staff shall develop four (4) land development scenarios that will predict
and illustrate the potential build-out of each model as follows:
1. Land use patterns and potential development locations.
2. Dedicated conservation acreage and potential locations.
3. Square footage of new commercial development and potential locations.
4. Residential density and potential locations.
5. Recreation and open space areas and potential locations.
6. Assessed value.
7. Population.
8. General Fund Revenue per capita.
9. General Fund Cost per capita.
10. Impact on urban sprawl.
The four development scenarios shall be as follows:
1. No further Development.
2. Current County Zoning.
3. Current City Zoning assuming current low density residential densities of
3 units per net buildable acres.
4. Rural Transitional Development Scenario assuming an average density of
one unit per net buildable acre.
Section VII: Recommendation Format:
All recommendations made by the ERAPOC shall be made in writing by consensus as
opposed to voting. Minority or opposition recommendations may be presented at the
request of any Committee member or Technical Staff person.
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-09
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Section VIII: Open Meetings and Public Records; Public Input:
All meetings of the ERAPOC shall be conducted in accordance with the Florida Sunshine
Law and all records shall be handled in accordance with the Florida Public Records Act.
The ERAPOC shall entertain relevant public input from interested parties at appropriate
Section IX. Schedule of Tasks:
Task I.
Task II.
Task III.
Task IV.
Task V.A.
Task V.B.
Task VI.A.
Task VI.B.
Task VI.C.
Task VII.
Task VIII.A.
Task VIII.B.
Task IX.A.
Task IX.B.
Adoption of Resolution Number 2005-09
Appointment of Committee Members
Appointment of Technical Staff
Organizational Meeting of the ERAPOC
a) Introduction of committee members
b) Review of Resolution 2005-09.
c) Approval of chairperson.
d) Establishment of meeting dates and times.
Data Collection and Presentation - Technical Staff
Data evaluation and feedback - ERAPOC
Creation of Four Development Scenarios - Technical Staff.
Presentation of Development Scenarios to ERAPOC - Technical Staff.
Evaluation of and feedback on Four Development Scenarios - ERAPOC.
Refinement of the Rural Transitional Development Scenarios - ERAPOC
and Technical Staff.
Development of East Rural Transitional Area Design Standards -
Technical Staff.
Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Design
Standards -ERAPOC.
Publication of East Rural Transitional Area Design Standards
Recommendations - Technical Staff.
Evaluation of and feedback on Design Standards by City Commission -
ERAPOC and Technical Staff.
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-09
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Task X.A. Preparation of the East Rural Transitional Area Development Code-
Technical Staff.
Task X.B. Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Development
Code - ERAPOC.
Task X.C. Publication of East Rural Transitional Area Development Code-
Technical Staff.
Task XI.A. Evaluation of and feedback on East Rural Transitional Area Development
Code - City Commission.
Task XI.B. Adoption of East Rural Transitional Area Development Code - City
Adopted this 28th day of Februarv 2005 by the City CommIssion of the City
of Winter Springs, Florida.
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
City of Winter Springs
Resolution 2005-09
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EXHIBIT 'B'. East Rural Study Area
Approximately 1000 Acres
Date: February 13, 2006
The attached document was distributed under
Regular Agenda Item "303" on February 13,
East Rural Area
Property Owner's Committee
to the
Winter Springs City Commission
February 2006
The following report specifically addresses the findings and recommendations for the City of Winter Springs
related to a defined study area and was the result of extensive study and public input. Please note that the
greater Black Hammock area is beyond the scope of this report; and therefore, it should not be assumed that
the findings and recommendations of this study apply to the greater Black Hammock area.
. .
. '"
Comments to the Winter Springs ERAPOC
From Rex Clonts
January 25,2006
This committee was given the difficult task of balancing the wishes of citizens
with divergent views about the future of Black Hammock. The normal way land use
occurs is initially for governments to heed the cries of the no-growth few because saying
"no" is the easiest thing to do. The result is that growth pressures build and at some point
the delayed development begins to encroach sporadically, piecemeal and ultimately worst
for all concerned. A better approach is to recognize the benefit of area wide planning and
adopt a realistic position on the long term land use that recognizes the rights and needs of
everyone involved before market forces begin to make those decisions for us.
I want to commend the city of Winter Springs for taking the bold step forward
and addressing this tough problem while responsible planning can still have a positive
impact. Staffhas called on a number of respected consultants to provide guidance to the
committee and has been responsive to request for additional information and meeting
times. The meetings have been structured with plenty of opportunities for input from
members and staff has altered recommendations when appropriate to reflect input from
the committee. The committee has been responsive to the views of all members.
While no one will consider these recommendations perfect, it is my belief that our
effort can result in a much better future for the area.
. ...
From Rex Clonts
January 25, 2006
This committee was given the difficult task of balancing the wishes of citizens
with divergent views about the future of Black Hammock. The normal way land use
occurs is initially for governments to heed the cries of the no-growth few because saying
"no" is the easiest thing to do. The result is that growth pressures build and at some point
the delayed development begins to encroach sporadically; piecemeal and ultimately worst
for all concerned. A better approach is to recognize the benefit of area wide planning and
adopt a realistic position on the long term land use that recognizes the rights and needs of
. everyone involved before market forces begin to make those decisions for us.
I Wailt to commend the city of Winter Springs for taking the bold step forward
and addressing this tough problem while responsible planning can still have a positive
impact. Staffhas called on anumber of respected consultants to provide guidance to the
"'committeeand has been responsive to request for additional information arid meeting
.,' times. . Theql~etings have been structured with plenty of opportunities for input from
members and staff has altered recommendations when appropriate to reflect input from
the committee. The committee has be~n responsive to the views of all members.
While no one will consider these recommendations perfect, it is my belief that our
can result in a much better future for the area.
Dramatic impacts to Florida's natural ecosystems are occurring as environmentally sensitive
lands and open spaces are converted into housing projects. Traditional land use control
programs have not addressed this problem. Regulations are needed that encourage the
protection of open space and natural resource areas while accommodating development
One solution is the "conservation subdivision." "Conservation subdivisions" respond to market
demands for housing, while protecting open space and natural resource areas.
The result of this effort will
provide the City of Winter
Springs with needed planning
tools to address the relationship of conservation planning and development in the East Rural
"Study Area".
During 2005, the City of Winter Springs
embarked on a public participation process
to identify a development pattern to
accommodate growth while preserving
significant areas that could become an
integrated network of open space. A
seven person committee was appointed
from property owners within a 1 ODD-acre
study area.
Property owners preferred a two-tiered
system, in which existing zoning was
retained as Tier One and Conservation
Subdivision zoning was an option under
Tier Two Overlay.
- 2 -
The Tier Two Overlay allows for
three development options
depending upon tract size and
percentage of open space
preserved. As more land is
preserved in conservation,
densities are allowed to increase
on the remaining land.
This flexibility allows the market
to dictate lot size while
accommodating conservation at
50-70% of the gross acreage.
The Problem:
Ninety percent of all new development in
America occurs on the urban fringe.1
Farms, forests, natural areas, and other
cherished open spaces on the edge of
America's major metropolitan areas are fast
disappearing to accommodate our rapidly
increasing population.2 The seven county
Central Florida region is expected to grow
by 136% by 2050, compared to the national
growth rate of 49%.3 Such an increase in
our population will have dramatic impacts to
central Florida's natural ecosystems as
environmentally sensitive lands and open
spaces are converted into housing projects.
Without comprehensive standards for the quantity, quality, and configuration of open space, land
is removed from its natural state and divided entirely into lots and streets. Resulting open
spaces, if any, are the remnants- lands unsuited for anything else. Traditional land use control
programs do not address this problem. As a result, private landowners are encouraged to make
land use decisions that are in their own short-term best interest without regard for whether these
decisions will be beneficial to the broader community. This type of development pattern wastes
land resources, provides too little public open space, destroys wildlife habitat, and puts our
environmentally sensitive lands, open space, and agricultural lands at risk.4
A new development form is needed that is more land efficient, fiscally secure, environmentally
responsive, and that delivers a better way of life for all. Land preservation must be an effective
part of a comprehensive planning process and smart growth strategy rather than a reactionary
ad hoc effort. Rather than just planning for development, jurisdictions need to be proactive and
strategic about the land to be preserved. A simple and straightforward process is needed for
laying out residential development around the central organizing principle of land conservation.
Green infrastructure is as important to a community's economic well being as are its streets or
its sewage treatment plants.s
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The Alternative:
One solution is the "conservation subdivision".
"Conservation subdivisions" respond to market
demands for housing, while protecting open
space and natural resource areas. The
"conservation subdivision" approach is associated
with Randall Arendt who began popularizing the
concept in the mid-1990s. The concept builds on
the older concept of cluster housing, but takes it
to a different level. Whereas cluster housing may
result in some open space, the open space is a
I Kessler, Kristina (Ed.). (2005). Green Fringe. Urban Land, 64(5), p. 57.
2 McMahon, Edward T. (2005). Green Infrastructure. Urban Land, 64(5), p. 73.
3 myregion.org. (2005). PennDesign Central Florida. Retrieved online on 12/20/05 from
http://www.nasites.comlcmvroiectslproiects/MvR eziol1/docslP ENNDes ifll1Cel1tral. pdt'
4 Daniels, Tom, & Mark Lapping. (2005). Land Preservation: An Essential Ingredient in Smart Growth. Journal Of Planning
Literature, 19(3), p. 317.
5 McMahon, Edward T. (2005). Green Infrastructure. Urban Land, 64(5), p. 73.
- 3 -
secondary consideration, resulting in fragmented areas leftover after the lot layout.
"Conservation subdivision" design, on the other hand, requires a significant portion of the site to
be set aside as undivided, permanently protected open space in a conservation easement, with
houses clustered on the remainder of the property (ideally on the least environmentally sensitive
lands). Conservation easements are a means of protecting land from development without the
expenses of fully acquiring the land. Conservation easements can be used to keep land in a
natural state or to keep it actively farmed. The intention is to preserve the area's most important
attributes and help maintain the health of the local ecosystem, goals associated with smart
The primary attraction of the "conservation subdivision" is the amount and permanence of the
open space protection. Whereas, land use regulations are notoriously impermanent, subject to
variances, rezonings, special exceptions, and conditional uses, the "conservation subdivision"
approach ensures the long-term protection of integrated open space corridors. Areas of
potential open space are pre-identified within each new residential subdivision "in such a
manner that every development contributes a segment to the community-wide conservation
Randall Arendt spoke at a workshop of the Winter Springs City
Commission in February 2005. His presentation made it clear that
the use of "conservation subdivisions" as a land management tool
is especially appropriate for areas at the edges of expanding
metropolitan regions, such as the East Rural Area. As a response
to Mr. Arendt's presentation, the Winter Springs City Commission
defined an area at the eastern edge of the City of approximately
one thousand acres, as a Study Area and adopted Resolution
2005-09. The one thousand acres was determined to be the
minimal acreage necessary to appropriately understand and plan
the area. The Resolution included the City's Vision Statement for
the East Rural Area.
East Rural Study Area Location
. .
The Study Area: '~';""'OOO"'r.;='~
The East Rural Study Area is approximately 1 000 acres located in Seminole County at the
eastern edge of the City of Winter Springs and to the immediate north of City of Oviedo. It is
bounded on the west by Barrington Estates, on the east by Canal Street, on the north by Lake
Jesup and on the south by Florida Avenue.
Vision Statement:
It is the vision of the City of Winter Springs that development patterns in those portions of the
"East Rural Area" that may be annexed into the City of Winter Springs should be developed in
such a manner that creates a sustainable quality of life; that accommodates pdpulation growth
in a manner that conserves open spaces; that balances development potential and conservation
of lands; that protects lakes, waterways, and potable water resources; that protects
environmentally significant wetlands, animal and plant life; that preserves historically significant
places and building artifacts; protects significant natural occurring landscape features; that
balances the interest of property owners; and that minimizes the negative impacts of urban
sprawl. Resolution 2005-09
6 Arendt, Randall (2004b). Linked Landscapes Creating Greenway Corridors Through Conservation Subdivision Design
Strategies in the Northeastern and Central United States. Landscape and Urban Planning, 68, p. 241.
East Rural Area Property Owners Committee (ERAPOC) Established:
The Resolution directed the establishment of a property owners committee to evaluate and to
bring forth recommendations for a development pattern for the East Rural Area. The
Commission directed that a letter go out to all of the property owners inviting participation. From
those property owners who indicated an interest in serving, a committee of seven property
owners was appointed by the Winter Springs City Commission and Mayor.
Purpose of the ERAPOC:
The purpose of the committee was to work with City staff and the City's consultant to develop a
Rural Transitional Development Code to accomplish the mission and vision established by the
City Commission for those portions of the East Rural Area (Study Area) that may be voluntarily
annexed into the City of Winter Springs in the future.
The Committee's work includes development standards identifying how growth should be
allocated within the 1000-acre Stuoy Area to achieve greater permanent (and effective)
preservation of open space.
Beginning in June 2005, meetings were held on a regular basis at approximately 4-6 week
intervals. City Staff and a consultant team from Wallace Roberts and Todd LLC worked with the
Committee. A fair, open and representative public process was used to determine what the
Study Area property owners envisioned for the future of the area.
An extensive evaluation of the Study Area provided
information important to an understanding of the
area's characteristics, including its significant
attributes, opportunities and constraints. Included
in this evaluation were:
· 2004 Aerial Map
· Future Land Use Map
· Zoning Map
· Existing Land Use Map
· Drainage and Hydrology Map
· Soils, Septic Tanks and Wells Map
· Florida Land Use and Land cover Map
· Agricultural Data for Seminole County
· Natural and Cultural Resources &
Constraints Map
· Resource Lands Map
· Property Sales Map
· Residential Activity Map
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Future Land Use and Zoning: So"",s.n_Coonly,C,lyofWinl.dlpring>.CityofCModo,Ju",,2005
There are four categories of future land use with four corresponding zoning designations within
the Study Area. Lots located down by the Fish Camp are Low Density Residential with a R-1
(8400 SF) zoning designation. Lots west of Division Street are Rural 3 with an A-3 (1 dwelling
unit per 3 acres) zoning designation. Lots east of Division Street are Rural-5 with an A-5 (1
dwelling unit per 5 acres) zoning designation south of Howard and Rural-10 with an A-10 (1
dwelling unit per 10 acres) north of Howard. County densities are based on net buildable
acreage. Commercial and industrial uses are typically not allowed under the current land use
- 5 -
and zoning, unless it is an ancillary use to agriculture. There are two parcels under public
ownership, one by Seminole County and one by the St. John's River Water Management
Existing Land Use:
The current land use is predominantly active agriculture. This is mixed with some fallow
agricultural lands, single-family residential, non-conforming commercial (Black Hammock Fish
Camp, etc.) and non-conforming light industrial uses (Cress Run). The character of the area is
mostly rural with an increasingly suburban flavor as undeveloped lots are replaced with country
According to the NASS 2002 Census of Agriculture,
. agricultural statistics for the five year period (1997-2002)
indicate all of the following have declined in Seminole
County: the number of farms (-21 %); the amount of land
in farming (-32%), the average size of farm (-15%), and
the market value of production (-8%). Only the market
value of production average per farm has increased
The majority of farms in Seminole County are now less than 50 acres in size, with 41 % being
less than 10 acres. In value of sales, nursery, greenhouse, floraculture and sod outperform all
other commodity groups at 86.8%, illustrating a move to more profitable product lines and a shift
away from producing food for people. However, where land values are high, the
greenhouse/nursery sector may also transition again into an even more profitable product, that
of housing.
· In the 1920s, the promise of a rail line through Oviedo caused a substantial expansion in
local agriculture production with the hopes of being able to get it to market quickly.
· Historic land features have been altered (cleared and drained) to make way for farming
· From aerial data, most of the clearing has occurred since 1940.
· Historically, Seminole County was a big producer of celery, until the California market
· Most of the citrus groves have been heavily impacted by pests, disease and poor return
because of foreign competition. ~
· Damaged groves in the Study Area are not being replanted in citrus and either ,lay fallow
or have been replanted in nursery ornamentals.
· Niche markets are present, but utilize very little of the total acreage.
The residential market in central Florida is
extremely strong. This trend is predicted to
remain strong, given the projected population
growth expected during the next 20 years and
beyond. Several parcels have recently
developed as country estates.
· There are currently forty-five (45)
residences within the Study Area.
· 76% of the residences claim a homestead
- 6 -
· The majority of residences were built during the 1960's, when the properties adjacent to
the Black Hammock Fish Camp were developed.
· The oldest residence was built in 1944 and the most recent in 2005.
· The smallest residential lot is .072 acres, which is adjacent to the Black Hammock Fish
Camp and is zoned R-1.
· The largest residential lot is 8.6 acres and is zoned A-3.
· Five (5) parcels have mobile homes.
· Under the Seminole County Code, any lot that existed prior to 1992 is considered a "lot
of record" and can be developed for a residence even if the lot is non-conforming under
current zoning.
Geographic Features:
· The area is relatively flat, only rising about 12 feet above the lake level.
· The hydraulics of the area have been altered by the addition of ditches for draining
agricultural fields.
· Significant lakeshore wetlands remain.
· Less than 200 acres of native vegetation (including the lakeshore wetlands) remains
Four development scenarios were prepared and presented. The four scenarios included:
Scenario 1. No Further Development
· Curtails development rights under existing County zoning;
· Provides limited permanent protection of conservation lands; and
· Contingent upon agriculture being economic viable in the future.
Scenario 2. Build-out under existing County Zoning
· Would require an increase of septic systems, resulting in possible watershed
management and groundwater contamination issues;
· Is vulnerable to future assembly and intensification of land use;
· Bonus densities have been available in A-10 since 1992, however these have never
been utilized; and
· No provision for an areawide conservation network.
Scenario 3. Typical Suburban Development
· Average density of three units per acre;
· Incompatible with rural character;
· Watershed impacts- impervious cover and stormwater runoff; and
· No retained open space or opportunities for conservation.
- 7 -
Scenario 4. Rural Transitional Development'
· Average density of one unit per acre;
· Density of development and percentage of open space vary based upon location within
the Study Area; and
· Replicates to a large extent, the variation in density under the current county zoning
What Have We Tried to AccomDlish?
· Anticipate and manage future urban development pressures;
· Accommodate levels of population consistent with a permanently protected natural setting
and provision of infrastructure;
· Retain significant network of conservation lands;
· Provide opportunities for environmental restoration and remediation;
· Provide better choices to property owners;
· Reconcile positions of Seminole County, City of Oviedo and City of Winter Springs.
The Committee examined the options related to the typical lot size, percentage of open space
and resulting quality and amount of open space preserved. This data is important in
understanding the factors that make a "conservation subdivision" code effective as Winter
Springs moves forward to implement a "conservation subdivision" zoning district. No preference
was given to the concept of varying the pattern based upon its location within the Study Area.
Additionally, it was the consensus of the committee that they wanted to hear from someone
familiar with the development market to be assured that the patterns being discussed were
marketable here in central Florida and to understand any differences in resulting property value
between conventional subdivision zoning and conservation subdivision zoning.
Scenario 4. Rural Transitional Development,
Several more rounds of refinement ensued. The
resulting development pattern is a two-tiered
concept. Tier One retains the existing County zoning
densities of R-1, A-3, A-5, and A-10 as it exists
today. Tier Two describes the "conservation
Subdivision" overlay zoning district. The overlay
includes a menu of three variations which can be
applied anywhere within the Study Area, dependant
upon the tract size to be developed. The minimum
tract size under this structure is twenty (20) acres. In
many cases parcels will have to be assembled
together in order to develop under Tier Two, given
the existing parcel sizes and ownership patterns.
The minimum tract size is required to effectively
accomplish the intent of the zoning classification of
providing a significant network of preserved open
space. Smaller tracts (less than 20 acres) are too
constrained to effectively accomplish the goals of
"conservation subdivision" design.
- 8 -
Tier 2
Con$SfVallon SubdMslon
Tier 1
Rural large lot OevIpmt
East Rural Area
Property owners preferred the opportunity to retain the current
County zoning while also having a development alternative
available to them which includes permanently preserved open
The Tier Two overlay provides three development options
depending upon the tract size and percentage of open space
preserved. Allowable densities increase as more land is
permanently preserved in conservation.. The typical lot size is
included to illustrate what the resulting lot size would be if the
allowable density is applied to the remaining land after the
open space and road network is configured. Typical lot size
can also be understood as the average lot size, because lot
size is not dictated. This flexibility allows the market to dictate
lot size while accommodating conservation at 50-70% of the
gross acreage.
A-10 1 DU /10 Acres 10 NA 10
A-5 1 DU / 5 Acres 5 NA 5
A-3 1 DU /3 Acres 3 NA 3
(Lakefront 5 DU / Acre NA NA 0.2 8712
CD -1 1DU / Acre 20 50% 0.425 18,513
CD-2 2 DU / Acre 30 60% 0.255 7405
CD-3 3 DU / Acre 40 70% 0.085 3703
In response to the request of the committee, the City invited a real estate broker and a
developer to attend the December meeting to provide outside input on the proposed
development options and to answer questions of the Committee. The consultants concurred
- 9 -
that the tier structure "should be able to gain market acceptance" and that "values will be there
for the owners".
The tier structure allows flexibility in application. Lot sizes are not regulated, but rather are
driven by the percentage of open space preserved and the market demand. A development
could conceivably include a mix of lot sizes if demand warrants or could include fewer lots (less
density) resulting in larger lots.
The resulting Standards identify the specific details of how the "conservation subdivision" will be
implemented to achieve the East Rural Area vision. (The Development Standards are included
in the Appendix.)
As the existing large lot rural area transitions (changes) over time into a developed
"conservation subdivision", these Standards ensure that the new development permanently
preserves a significant quantity of open space (50-70% of the development), that the quality of
the open space is preserved by limiting the uses that are permitted, and that the open space is
configured in an interconnected network to support the objectives of the conservation
subdivision (such as agricultural production, wildlife habitat, environmentally sensitive areas,
and stormwater filtration and management).
Provision of open space shall be configured in a manner which will add value and enhance the
existing rural character of the community. The provision of permanently protected open space
will also act to buffer the new development from existing residences.
This process has provided the City of Winter Springs with needed public input and planning
tools to address the relationship of conservation planning and development in the East Rural
"Study Area". The East Rural Area lends itself to future opportunities for restoring and
enhancing its natural areas as it develops. The use of the "conservation subdivision" overlay
(Tier Two) zoning district to the existing County zoning will provide Winter Springs with a
regulatory mechanism to restore, protect and enhance resulting open space as property that
annexes into the City becomes developed. .
- 10-
The development standards for the East Rural Area of the City of Winter Springs are
established to accomplish the following:
A. To meet the intent of City of Winter Springs Resolution 2005-09 to promote sound
development in the East Rural Area should lands be annexed into the City of Winter Springs;
B. To provide flexibility and creativity in the use and development of land and in the placement
and type of dwelling units in residential development patterns and subdivisions;
C. To accommodate moderate levels of population growth through a compact form of residential
development consistent with the retention of the East Rural Area's natural character and the
provision of water and sewer service;
D. To retain significant open space as a watershed protection measure and to preserve in
perpetuity unique and sensitive natural resources including wetlands, floodplains, woodlands
and other valuable habitats;
E. To provide opportunities to restore previously disturbed lands as native landscapes, habitats,
vegetation patterns and riparian systems;
F. To provide opportunities for the retention of compatible agricultural activities;
G. To conserve scenic rural character, and enhance property values by maximizing the number
of houses with direct access to and views of open space;
H. To promote an interconnected network of, open space, habitats, greenways and trails
throughout the East Rural Area;
I. To encourage efficient well planned development and avoid fragmentation of open space
through a sliding scale of density based on property size;
J. To encourage intergovernmental consistency and coordination among local governments
including Oviedo and Seminole County in the sustainable development of the East Rural Area;
K. To meet the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan.
- 11 -
Land whose use is devoted to the production of livestock, crops, and equestrian activities.
Conservation Easement
A non possessory interest of a holder in real property imposing limitations or affirmative
obligations the purposes of which include retaining or protecting natural, scenic, or open-space
values of real property, assuring its availability for agricultural, forest, recreational, or open-
space use, protecting natural resources, maintaining or enhancing air or water quality, or
preserving the historical, architectural, archaeological, or cultural aspects of real property.
Common Open Space
Undeveloped land within a conservation subdivision that has been set aside for use as
agricultural, natural habitat, greenway corridors, stormwater treatment, and/or compatible
passive recreational purposes, and that is undivided and permanently protected from future
development. Development and incompatible use of the common open space is restricted in
perpetuity through the use of conservation easement or other approved legal instrument.
Common Recreation Area
Areas and facilities for recreational use not included within common open space.
Conservation Subdivision
A residential development characterized by compact clustered lots interspersed with significant
common open space which is left in or restored to its natural state to the greatest extent
Developable Area
Land in a proposed subdivision that is not retained as open space and which may be subject to
subdivision and development.
An activity other than agricultural that materially alters or affects the existing conditions or use of
Gross Density
A density standard establishing the maximum number of lots and/or dwelling units allowed to be
built in a subdivision based on the total size of the tract.
Homeowners Association
A formally constituted non-profit association or corporation made up of the property owners
and/or residents of a subdivision for the purpose of owning, operating and maintaining common
open space, recreational areas, landscaping, and/or facilities.
Nonprofit Conservation Organization
A charitable corporation, association or trust (land trust) the purposes or powers of which
include maintaining and/or protecting common open space.
- 12 -
Development may occur in one of eight zoning districts. These districts are divided into two (2)
tiers representing existing Seminole County zoning and conservation subdivision development.
The intent is to provide for flexibility and adaptability of development patterns to particular site or
ownership conditions within the East Rural Area.
1) Tier I - Existing County Zoning I
Large Lot Subdivision
Property owners in the East Rural Area have the option to
retain existing zoning designations as established by
Seminole County, to permit development of large lot rural
subdivisions and redevelopment of the existing small lot
Lakefront Hamlet. Permitted densities in Tier One are
determined by the applicable minimum lot size, except in
situations where a non-conforming parcel of record exists.
r;~'- I,.-t.'~~r
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Large Lot Rural Subdivision
2) Tier II - Conservation Development
Development in Tier II will consist of residential subdivisions
in the three designations below, which applicants may
choose to apply for based on acreage. The total number of
permitted dwellings is determined by the designated gross
density applied to the acreage. Minimum lot sizes are not
directly regulated, but are determined by area of a tract
minus the amount of open space required to be retained
divided by the gross density.
CD-1 - Single family subdivisions with a permitted gross
density of 1 lot / dwelling unit per acre and a minimum of
50% of the site area retained as common open space,
applicable on tracts of twenty acres or greater.
CD-2 - Single family subdivisions with a permitted gross density of 2 lots / dwelling units per
acre and a minimum of 60% of the site area retained as common open space, applicable on
tracts of thirty acres or greater.
CD-3 - Subdivisions comprising single family detached or attached dwellings (townhouses,
patio homes, etc.) with a permitted gross density of 3 lots / dwelling units per acre and a
minimum of 70% of the site area retained as common open space, applicable on tracts of forty
acres or greater. .
3) Permitted Uses
Within any CD - Conservation Development district no building, structure or land shall be used
except for one or more of the following:
· Single family detached dwellings;
· Single family attached dwellings;
· Home occupations; and/or
· Uses permitted in required common open space per section E(3).
- 13 -
4) Conditional Uses
In CD-3 zoning districts, uses permitted in C-1 Neighborhood Commercial Districts may be
permitted as conditional uses, not to exceed a total gross square footage of fifty (50) square feet
per dwelling unit in the subdivision.
Permitted residential densities and required common open space shall be as follows:
A-I0 1 DU /10 Acres 10 NA 10
A-5 1 DU /5 Acres 5 NA 5
A-3 1 DU /3 Acres 3 NA 3
R -1 (Lake front
Hamlet) 5 DU / Acre NA NA 0.2 8400 SF min.
CD-l IDU / Acre 20 50% 0.425 18,513
CD-2 2 DU / Acre 30 60% 0.255 7405
CD- 3 3 DU / Acre 40 70% 0.085 3703
* Typical lot sizes are determined by subtracting from the total tract size, the required common
open space, and the area devoted to roads and utilities, then dividing this residual developable
area by the permitted number of lots (gross density times total tract size). Lot sizes are not
regulated and can vary.
- 14-
1) Configuration of Common Open Space
Common open space shall be configured in a manner consistent with the following
. Common open space shall be configured and located to provide a scenic amenity to the
residents of conservation developments;
. To the extent practicable, common open space shall be configured to create a
contiguous open space network, adjoining common open space on adjacent
conservation developments, as well as designated greenways and trails;
. As determined by specific site conditions, common open space shall be of a size and
shape to enable conservation, restoration and functioning of natural landscapes and
habitats and/or as working landscapes for agricultural use;
. Common open space shall be configured so as to provide buffers (no less than 50') to
protect adjacent properties and public roadways from adverse inputs.
. Small areas of impervious surface may be included within the common open space but
cannot be counted towards the minimum open space requirement;
. At least 75 percent of the common open space shall be contiguous; and
. The common open space shall be directly accessible to the largest practicable number
of lots within the subdivision. Non-adjoining lots shall be provided with safe, convenient
access to the common open space.
2) Designation of Common Open Space
All dedicated common open space shall incorporate those site features considered most worthy
of long-term protection, environmental restoration and with the greatest amenity value to
residents of conservation developments. The following guidelines shall apply in the identification
and delineation of lands to be included in common open space.
. Areas subject to flooding with a recurrence interval of 100-years or greater frequency;
. Wetlands regulated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, as determined by the National
Wetlands Inventory, or more accurate on-site studies, including a buffer of at least 100
feet around such wetlands;
. Habitats of threatened, endangered, or listed species;
. Riparian corridors associated with natural water courses and existing or proposed
drainage ways flowing to Lake Jesup;
. Shoreline buffer areas of 250 feet, unless modified as warranted by mitigating actions;
. Indigenous plant communities, including but not limited to bald cypress, lowland
hardwoods, pines and oaks, as well a$ lands well-suited for restoration to indigenous
plant communities;
. Areas in productive agricultural use;
. Areas contributing to the recharge of groundwater or aquifers, or to the contribution of
freshwater to Lake Jesup as identified by the St. Johns River Water Management
District; and
. Historic, archaeological or other culturally significant sites.
3) Use of Common Open Space
Permitted Uses and Activities:
. Meadows, woodlands, wetlands and upland buffers, wildlife habitats, or similar
conservation-oriented areas;
. Unpaved and unlit recreational areas including open fields, sport fields, and trails;
- 15 -
. Stormwater retention areas which are gently sloping, landscaped with indigenous
material, unfenced and designed to be an integrated element within the common open
. Pasture lands for equestrian facilities; and
. Agricultural uses, provided that applicable best management practices are used to
minimize environmental impacts.
4) Dedication Requirements
All required common open space shall be protected by a permanent conservation easement,
the form of which shall reflect U.S. Internal Revenue Service guidelines as well as the
requirements of Section 704.06, Florida Statutes, as amended, and shall include at a minimum
the following provisions:
. The easement shall be perpetual and shall run with the land; and
. The easement shall prohibit all use or development other than specified herein as
permitted uses.
5) Ownership and Management of Common Open Space
The designated common open space may be dedicated and managed by one of the following
entities, as may be approved by the City of Winter Springs:
A) Homeowners' Association
Lands and facilities to be held by a homeowners association must be approved by the City. The
conveyance to the homeowners association must contain appropriate provisions for reversion in
the event that the association becomes unwilling or unable to uphold the terms of the
conveyance. Membership in the association is mandatory for all purchasers of homes in the
development and their successors. The homeowners' association bylaws, guaranteeing
continuing maintenance of the open space and other common facilities, and the declaration of
covenants, conditions and restrictions of the homeowners association shall be submitted for
approval to the City as part of the information required for the preliminary plat. The
homeowners' association bylaws or the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions of
the homeowners association shall contain the following information:
. The legal description of the common land;
. A description of common facilities;
. The restrictions placed upon the use and enjoyment of the lands or facilities;
. Persons or entities entitled to enforce the restrictions;
. A mechanism to assess and enforce the common expenses for the land or facilities
including upkeep and maintenance ~ expenses, real estate taxes and insurance
. A mechanism for resolving disputes among the owners or association members;
. The conditions and timing of the transfer of ownership and control of land facilities to the
association; and
. Any other matter the developer deems appropriate.
B) A Nonorofit Conservation Oraanization
If the common open space is to be held by a nonprofit conservation organization, the
organization must be approved by the City. The conveyance to the nonprofit conservation
organization must contain appropriate provisions for reversion in the event that the organization
becomes unwilling or unable to uphold the terms of the conveyance.
- 16 -
C) Public Dedication of Ooen Soace
The City of Winter Springs may at its discretion, accept a dedication of a conservation easement
to the common open space.
D) Individual Ownershio
An individual may hold fee title to the land while a nonprofit or other qualified organization holds
a conservation easement for the common open space.
6) Open Space Management Plan
Every conservation development must include a plan that provides evidence of a means to
properly manage the common open space in perpetuity and evidence of the long-term means to
properly manage and maintain common open space, including any storm water facilities. The
plan shall be approved by the City prior to final plat approval.
A) The plan shall do the following:
· Designate the ownership of the common open space;
· Establish maintenance responsibilities;
· Estimate costs and define the means for funding the same on an on-going basis;
· Include a land stewardship plan specifically focusing on the long-term management of
common open space lands. The land stewardship plan shall include a narrative, based
on the site features specifically referencing:
a. Existing conditions including all natural, cultural, historic, and scenic elements in
the landscape;
b. The proposed use of each common open space area; and the measures proposed
for achieving the end state;
c. Proposed restoration measures suited to proposed uses, including measures for
restoring riparian areas, natural drainage features, wetlands, hammocks and other
habitats or ecosystems indigenous to the Black Hammock and other areas of the
East Rural Area; and
d. The operations needed for maintaining the stability of the resources, including:
mowing schedules; weed control; removal of exotic species; planting schedules;
clearing and cleanup. At the City's discretion, the applicant may be required to
place in escrow sufficient funds for the maintenance and operation costs of
common facilities for a maximum of one year.
B) In the event that the organization established to own and maintain the open space and
common facilities, or any successor organization, fails to maintain all or any portion of the
common facilities in reasonable order and~ condition, the City may provide notice to the
residents and owners of the open space and common facilities, setting forth the manner in
which the organization has failed to maintain the common facilities in reasonable condition.
Such notice shall set forth the nature of corrections required and the time within which the
corrections shall be made. Upon failure to comply within the time specified, the organization,
or any successor organization, shall be considered in violation of this Section, in which case
the bond, if any, may be forfeited, and any permits may be revoked or suspended. The City
may enter the premises and take corrective action. The costs of such actions by the City
may be charged to the owner and may include administrative costs and at the City's
discretion, may become a lien on all subdivision properties.
- 17 -
1) Dimensional Requirements
Lot sizes in conservation developments are not directly regulated and can vary. Lot sizes are a
function of the permitted number of lots under the gross density provisions. the percent of open
space required and the proportion of the site developed as roads and utilities. The following
standards apply to yard setback, coverage and building heights.
Zoning \Jin. Front !\Jin Side !\JI!l. ReJ! i\Iax. \Jax Building
District Yard Yard ') dl'd CO\L'!'.lg\.' I !eIght
CD -1
CD- 3
2) Subdivision Design Characteristics
· All lots shall be accessed from interior streets, except for pre-existing structures that will
be incorporated into the conservation development;
· To the maximum extent possible, lots shall abut open space on at least one side. A local
street may separate lots from open space (single-loaded street);
· Rear residential lots and any structures including fences shall be located no closer than
35 feet from any exterior public road; and
· Conservation subdivision developments shall not be designed as disconnected "gated
communities". Fencing and walls surrounding conservation developments and individual
lots are generally discouraged, so as to preserve scenic views. However, rustic and
traditionally rural fencing which is largely transparent (such as split rail) is permitted.
3) Street Requirements
· Urban cross-sections with curb and gutter are discouraged;
· Streets shall include the minimum amount of pavement width required to function;
· Native or naturalized trees shall be planted (or retained) in groupings with non-uniform
spacing on both sides of internal streets at a minimum interval of 75 feet;
· Street lighting shall utilize luminaires which direct the light downward so that light
spillage is not released into the night sky; and
· Street and trail connections to adjacent conservation developments are encouraged to
provide pedestrian and vehicular connectivity within the East Rural Area and shall be
provided in logical locations to avoid creating landlocked parcels.
4) Stormwater Requirements
Comply with the requirements of the City of Winter Springs and the St. Johns River Water
Management District using Outstanding Florida Water criteria found in Chapter 40C-42 of the
Florida Administrative Code.
- 18 -
The application and approval procedures for conservation development in the East Rural Area
shall generally follow those set out in Chapter 9, Article II - Procedures for Approval of Plans
and Plats of the City of Winter Springs Code, modified as follows.
1) Initial Conference
Before submitting an application for a subdivision or re-zoning for a conservation development,
the applicant shall schedule an appointment and meet with the Director of Community
Development or his designee to discuss the procedure for approval of a conservation
subdivision, including submittal requirements and conservation design standards and principles.
Applicant shall be notified of the requirement that an initial sketch plan be prepared by a
landscape architect licensed by the State of Florida Department of Professional Regulation.
The initial conference may be conducted in coordination with a site visit.
After the initial conference, the applicant shall submit a series of maps and descriptive
information to the Director. Mapping for the initial application can be done in any combination of
features as long as individual map components can be distinguished and the relationship
between map components can be determined.
2) Sketch Plan Submission
In addition to the requirements set out in Section 9-46 - Filing and Contents of a Preliminary
Map and Plan, applicant shall submit the following:
· Views of the site, including views onto the site from surrounding roads, public areas and
elevated areas, including photographs with a map indicating the location where the
photographs were taken;
· Sketch plan indicating the site's natural conditions, including vegetation, soils, wetlands,
floodplains and habitats;
· Sketch Plan depicting conceptual layout of lots, roads, and land to be reserved as
common open space and protected by a conservation easement; and
· Proposed method of ownership and management of common open space.
3) Final Plan
In addition to the requirements of Section 9-73 - Form and Contents of Final Development Plan,
applicant shall submit the following:
· Ooen Soace Manaaement Plan - An open space management plan, as described
herein; and
· Instrument of Permanent Protection - An instrument of permanent protection, such as a
conservation easement.
- 19 -
John F. Bush, Mayor
Robert S. Miller, District 1
Michael S. Blake, District 2
Donald A. Gilmore, District 3
Sally McGinnis, District 4
Joanne M. Krebs, District 5
William Thomas Minter, Chairman
Paul G. Aubreck
William Rex Clonts
Robert J. King
Helen E. VanHouten
Susan L. Wooley
Robert D. Wright
WRT - Wallace Roberts &. Todd LLC, Lead Consultant
John E. Fernsler, Project Manager
Michael G. Clarke
Randall G. Arendt, Greener Prospects, Advisory Consultant
Supplementary Consultants:
Owen Beitsch, Real Es!ate Research Consultants
Trevor Hall, Colliers Arnold Orlando
Chip Webb, Trammell Webb, Inc.
City of Winter Springs' Staff
Ronald W. McLemore, City Manager
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
J. Randy Stevenson, Community Development Director
Eloise M. Sahlstrom, Senior Planner
John C. Baker, Senior Planner
Joan L. Brown, Deputy City Clerk
- 20-