HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 10 22 Consent A Renewal of Liability Coverages and Worker Compensation
10/22/0 I
MGR. fL-
REQUEST: General Services Department requesting the City Commission
approve staff's recommendation to renew automobile liability, general liability, property
damage, and public officials liability insurance coverages FY 02 through Coregis and
AIG, and to engage Preferred Governmental Insurance Trust (PGIT) as the city's
Workers Compensation carrier.
PURPOSE: This agenda item is necessary to allow for the renewal of liability
coverages and workers compensation for the fiscal year October 1, 200 l, through September
30, 2002.
I. Through Risk Management Associates of Altamonte Springs, the limited market of
public entity insurers was approached for quotes on the full range of our property and
casualty coverages. The results of that effort are outlined on the first page of the
attached letter from Paul Dawson of R.M.A.
2. The second page of that same letter lists the comparison of premiums from FY 00-0 1
to FY 01-02, with the following explanations for corresponding increases and
Property Damage - the premium decrease results from good loss experience,
plus revisions in the property schedule which eliminated
most underground structures and appurtenances that have
little-to-no exposures. The very slight rate per $100 of
value had no appreciable effect.
Automobile Liability - the premium increase results from the addition of 27
vehicles which had not previously appeared on our
Consent Agenda Item "A"
City Commission Meeting
October 22, 2001
schedule of vehicles. The schedule had not been
updated since 1998. To minimize the premium increase,
physical damage coverage was removed from all those
vehicles over 5 years old. A rate increase per vehicle
also had a negative impact.
General Liability - the premium increase results from an increase in net
operating expenditures, which is the major factor used by
underwriters in determining GL premiums. The rate
increase per $100 in net operating expenditures also
had a negative effect.
Public Officials Liability - the premium increase reflects the continued concern by
carriers over our losses during the past 4 years. A rate
increase also impacted the renewal premium.
3. Along with its renewal proposal for property and liability coverages, R.M.A.
has submitted a proposal for workers compensation coverage which offers
a savings of$12,530 from the renewal premiums by the Florida League of
Cities. (Both quotes reflect significantly higher total payrolls, an increase
in the city's Experience Modification, and higher state-approved rates per
$lOO of payroll for every classification code/job title).
The proposed new carrier is the Preferred Governmental Insurance
Trust. Awarding this coverage to PGIT further reduces the property and
liability premiums by $3,227, already reflected in the "Total Premium" figure on the
"Premium Recapitulation" page.
4. The following represents budgeted and actual premiums for FY 00-01 and
for FY 01-02 (if approved):
00-0 I
00-0 1
o l-02
Property Damage
and Liabilities $ 163,750
Workers Compo 253,000
Totals 416,750
* Staff recommends $1,000,000 coverage with $lOO,OOO deductible. The premium
difference can be paid by "General Insurance Settlements" funds set aside for
claims which fall within deductibles.
Consent Agenda Item "An
City Commission Meeting
October 22, 2001
It is recommended that the proposal by Risk Management Associates which includes
automobile/generaVproperty damage coverages by Coregis Insurance, public officials liability
coverage by AIG, and Workers Compensation coverage by PGIT, at a total net premium of
$503,433, be accepted.
I. Letter dated October I, 200 I, from Paul Dawson, Risk Management Associates
2. Premium Capitulation, Risk Management Associates
Oct-OB-Ol 09:55A
R il;k Management Associates
October I, 200 I
Gl:C1l: DeMarie, General Servicc$ Din:dnr
City of Winkr Springs
Winter Springs. Plorida
Dear Gene,
Picas\.: Iinu enclosed the property, liahilily and workers' compensation insurance
proposal for lhe City of Winter Springs.
A:. is the standard proccuurc for Risk Management Associates (RMA), we solicited
several other insurance carriers for insurance 4uotes on your behalf. I have
summarized their rC$pol1ses below. There arc only lhree companies and one self.
insured pool currently writing properly und liability insurance for public entities in
Florida. They arc Corcgis, Sl. Paul Argonaut and Florida Municipal Insurance Trust
(FMIT). RMA has direct access to all except FMrr.
Sl. Paul Insurance Co. '0. Not compctitiv~ with the renewal premium. Declined to
give a quote hased on Coregis premium and coverdges.
Argonaut Insurance Co. Callnot write property on an admitted basis in the State of
Florida. Corcgis and St. Paul will not write stand-alone properly policies. J-'Iorida
insuranl:C law prohibits us from placing covcragl: with a nOll-admitted carrier when
an admitted carrier will provide the covl:ragc.
~.Q[cgis. Quote renewal at $121,193
Public Officials' Li,loilily carriers approached w~rc as f()IJows.
Cnrt~~is - Declined due to past loss experience
Z..lIJ.if.!l_.. Dcdill~d due to paslloss experience.
St. Paul - Will not write sland-alone Public Officials' Liability coverage.
Ap.:onaut- Will not write stand-alone Public Omcials' Liability coverage.
United National Declined <..IlIl: to loss experience.
ATG .. QuoLed renewal at $51,500.
Plcasl: /ind on the allached page a summary ofpn:mium and exposure cha.nges [rom
last year to this year for your review.
Commcn:iaJ Insuranc~ . Uonds . I.h~k lHana~l:ml:n( Service~ . Pro~ram Design and Administration
r-.o r;ln If; 1507 . All,:H'I)I)n(l~ spring.;. Fll)ridi'i 3;171(,.1507 . Phonl~: (1071331.1400 . r,)(;,imill~: (1(17) 331..1111)(1
OCT-08-2001 11:16
Oct-OS-Ol 09:55A
Property (!)cluding buildings! contcnJ~l,jnJand marinel hoiler & nlacl1~l1ery
00-01 IIV $15,Ro7,751 Premium S 17,759 Rate $.0012 per $1 on value.
01-02 TIV $10,718.376 Premium $13,224 Rate $.0123 per $100 vallie.
1 (jIYG increa~e
Aut01l10bih:: L-jability
00-01 113 vehicles
01 -02 140 vehicles
Premium $ 41,304
Premium S 56,935
Rale $366 per vehicle.
Rate $407 per vehicle.
11 ~'o increm;c
General Liabilit y
00-01 $11.458.457 net expenditun:s Premium $42,882
01-02 $12.334,895 net expenditures Premium $50,781
Rate $.374 per $100
Rate $.412 per$100
10% increase
Puhlic Of/icial'sJ<.iability
00-01 $11,458,457 net expenditures Premium $44,195
01-02 $12)14,895 net expendi tures Premium 551,500
Rate $.386 per $100
RaTe $.418 per $1 00
9% incrt:ase
Premium $249
Premium 5253
2 %) i Ilcrease
Total Premium
00-01 5146,390
01-02 $172,693
18% increase
I realize the gross premium is more than anticipated. Please realize tl1<lt. the above
final premiums are a resull of several negotiations with Coregis and AIG to reduce
premiums from their original renewal q\lotes released to RMA. R.\1^ has also
reduced their commission in order to gel premiums closer to the City's hudget.
When we indicated renewal premiums to the City several months ago, we did not
anticipate the addition of 27 vehicles and the ullwillingness ofpuhlic officials'
liability can-iers to quote the City's business.
Please feel free to check with other neighboring cities to deten"ine if the above
increases are inline with their expcriem:e.
Paul Dawson
Senior Account Executive
OCT-08-2001 11:16
Risk MaJageme t ASsOcIates
City of Winter Springs
Annual Premium
Property (including equipment breakdown)
$ 11,488
Inland Marine
$ 1,736
Crime/Employee Dishonesty
General Liability, Law Enforcement, and
EMT /Paramedics
$ 50,781
Automobile Liability and Physical Damage
$ 56,935
Public Officials Liability
($500,000 limit, $100,000 deductible
(l, 000, 000 limit $100,000 deductible
Workers' Compensation
$ 47,500
$ 45,000)
$ 51,500)
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
$ 2,515
FEMA and Florida State Fire Marshall Surcharges
$ 17
Total Premium:
Notes of Importance:
. Property and Liability premiums include a $3,227 credit when Workers' compensation
coverage is purchased.
. Signed acceptance of proposal required to bind coverage
. Signed statement of values required to bind coverage
. Signed Public Officials Liability application required to bind coverage
. Signed pollution application required to bind coverage
. Property appraisal required within 60 days of policy effective date
. Signed uninsured motorists form required
The brief description of insurance coverage contained in this proposal is being provided as an accommodation only and
is not intended to cover or describe all policy terms. For more complete and tletailed information relating to the scope
and limits of coverage, please refer directly to the policy documents. Specimen forms are available upon request.