HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01 23 Reports Mayor Bush
Date: January 23, 2006
The following Documents were referenced by
Mayor John F. Bush on January 23, 2006 during
his Report.
Date/Time: Friday, January 20, 2006. 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Location: Seminole County Sheriff's Office & Public Safety Building, 150 North
Bush Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773
Call to Order Mike McLean, Chair
. Guest Introductions
Minutes Review & Approval Mike McLean
. December, 2005 Meeting Minutes
Chair's Report Mike McLean
. Personnel Issue
. Relationship building wI other community-based
Treasurer's Report/Finance Committee Jack Cadden, Treasurer
. FY 05-06 YTD Budget Review
Leadership Seminole Report John Ashworth, Exec. Director
Old Business
. Strategic Planning Committee Steve Glazier, Chair
0 Seminole Youth Commission
. Seminole County Survey Task Force Wayne Weinberg, Chair
0 Survey Status Report
New Business All
Lightening Round Seminole All
Next Meeting February 17, 7:30am
Seminole County Sheriff's Office & Public
Safety Building
Meeting: Envision Seminole Board of Directors
Date: December 16, 2005
Location: Seminole County Sheriff's Office
100 Bush Blvd, Sanford
Present: Present: Craig Bair, Jon Batman for Steve Wolfram, Butch Bundy, John Bush, Robin Butler, Jack Cadden, Don
Eslinger, Michael Garlich for Carol Hawkins, Steve Glazier, Paul Hoyer, Regina K1aers for Bill Vogel, Sophia O'Keefe, Mike
McLean, Sherman Yehl for Linda Kuhn, Wayne Weinberg
Staff: John Ashworth, Greg Kerrebrock
Guest: David Cookson, Cookson Research Consulting, Winter Park
Call to Order
Call to order: 7:34am
Minutes Review November 18, 2005
No corrections noted.
Motion to approve as presented: Craig Bair
Second: John Bush
Unanimous approval
Treasurer's Report
No concerns on Leadership side.
Envision doing fine from cash flow position and has enough
to support 20 weeks of payroll.
the Commission as a separate entity, continue the web site
project, and find additional ways to connect Envision and the
Youth Commission. The Committee will present final
recommendations at the January 20 Board meeting.
Seminole Countv Survey Task Force
David Cookson of Cookson Research Consulting in Winter
Park appeared before the Board to answer questions
concerning the county-wide survey. Mr. Cookson assured
the board and city members specifically, that the survey will
target both county-wide and city concerns. His methodology
will allow identification of city residents. He also expressed ,
confidence the survey will produce a sample that reflects the
make up of Seminole County. The survey deliverables
provide quantifiable data for the county and the cities.
Wayne Weinberg,
January 20
A 7:30 am meeting on January 13 or 17 will be held at the .
Sheriff's Office for all Board members who would like to offer
survey issues or concerns. Members will be notified of the
exact date. Members will receive the purpose of the survey ,
in the advance of the meeting as a guide in selecting their
concerns or issues.
Motion to authorize the Task Force to begin agreement
negotiations with David Cookson: Craig Bair
Second: John Bush
Unanimous approval
LeaderShip Seminole Report
1.Craig Blair is chairing the Health Care session in January John Ashworth
06. He strongly encouraged all Board members to attend. He Executive
gauaranteed they will walk away from the session with a new [Director
buzz about health care issues.
2. Greg Kerrebrock and John Ashworth visited with Osceola ,
Community Vision leadership to exchange ideas and to gain
insights about their Leadership programs, including those :
targeting youth and senior citizens.
3. LS annual golf tournament is Feb. 3 at Timacaun golf
course in Lake Mary. There are 18 foursomes remaining.
4. LS Graduation Celebration Luncheon name has been
change to Community Leadership Celebration. The
Luncheon is May 18 at the Marriott.
New Business -Board Member Nomination Mike McLean -January 20
Nomination of Clancy & Theys Director Gary Kreisler to the
Board was postponed until January 20 Board meeting
Kevin Grace Letter
Board asked Mike to write a letter of appreciation to outgoing
Seminole County Manager Kevin Grace for his strong
support of Leadership Seminole and Envision Seminole.
Lightning Round Mike McLean: Mayor Tom Greene and City Manager John
Litton will be bringing items to hurricane devastated south
Robin Butler: Invited all board members to attend the Traffic
Safety Education forum at the county on December 15.
Paul Hoyer: Kids House has moved into new building.
Next Meeting Next board will be January 20,2006, 7:30-9:00am at the,January 20
Seminole County Sheriff's Office.
Adjourn Hearing no other annoucements, meeting was adjourned at Mike McLean 9:03am
AlIamonte Springs. Casselberry. Lake Mary. Longwood .Oviedo. Sanford. Seminole County. Winter Springs
January 18, 2006 - 3:00 p.m.
County Services Building - Room 1028
1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771
1. Review / approval of minutes of the November 16, 2005 meeting-Action item
2. Update from previous meeting
> Peace River Authority; School Facilities Letter of Understanding; Visitor's
Bureau Briefing
3. Stormwater Committee -Action Item
> Mosquito Control District Report
> Review of projected budget/start-up cost estimates
> Review proposed presentation to cities
> Schedule for development of stormwater utility recommendations
4. Review of topics covered and agreement to date -information item
> Parks and Recreation
> Solid Waste
> Telecommunications
> Mosquito Control
> Stormwater Utility
5. Discussion and guidance for topics not yet addressed -information item
> Briefing regarding on-going water supply study in cooperation with SJWMD
- Timeframe
- Development of supply options within study
- Deferral of governance discussion until after completion of study
> What should Joint Committee attempt in remaining time regarding,
- Public Safety
- Water Supply
- Community development
> Implications for Joint Committee work plan and schedule
6. Chairmanship discussion
7. Scheduling of next meeting - February 15, 2006
Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceeding should contact the
Human Resources Department, ADA Coordinator, 48 boutS in advance of the meeting at 407-665-7941.
For additional information regarding this notice, please contact Fran Newborg at 407-665-7205. Persons
are advised that if they decide to appeal decisions made at these meeting/hearing, they will need a record
of the proceeding and for such purpose, they may need to insure that a verbatim record of the proceedings
is made, which includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based, per Section
286.0105, Florida Statutes.
OUR MISSION: The mission of the Joint City/County Advisorv Committee is to identify, evaluate and
offter recommendations regarding areas that the County and the seven cities therein may partner to
increase efficiency of services operations and/or savings for the tax payer.
NOVEMBER 16, 2005
Commissioner Jon Batman, Altamonte Springs
Mayor Bob Goff, Casselberry
Mayor Thom Greene, Lake Mary
Commissioner Mike McLean, Lake Mary
Mayor Butch Bundy, Longwood
Commissioner Brian Sackett, Longwood
Mayor Tom Walters, Oviedo
Councilwoman Regina Bereswill, Oviedo
Mayor Linda Kuhn, Sanford
Mayor John Bush, Winter Springs
Commissioner Don Gilmore, Winter Springs
Co Chairman Carlton Henley, Seminole County
Commissioner Randy Morris, Seminole County
Marty Chan, PBAS Representative
Steve Glazier, Winter Springs Business
Hank Lander, Casselberry C of C
Kim Hengehold, Oviedo C of C
Tom Marin, Seminole C of C
Jonathon Moore, Seminole C of C
David Gierach, Sanford C of C
Mayor Russ Hauck, Altamonte Springs
Commissioner Susan Doerner, Casselberry
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Morris.
Review/approval of minutes of the September 21, 2005 and October 19, 2005 meetings.
Motion to approve the September 21, 2005 minutes by Mayor Bundy, seconded by
Commissioner Batman. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to approve the corrected October 19, 2005 (Commissioner Sackett was not in
attendance) by Mayor Bundy, seconded by Commissioner Henley. Motion passed
Introduction/welcome of new member from Oviedo
Chairman Morris welcomed Councilwoman BereswiII.
Chairman Morris stated that at the last meeting there was discussion on the process by which
recommendations from the working subcommittees would be presented and dealt with by this
committee. The next step then is to present that information to the various entities. Not only
should this committee be thinking about how to accomplish this, the consultants have also been
working on this. Later in the meeting, we will discuss what has been discussed thus far.
Another issue discussed at the last meeting was the complex issue of stormwater, water supply
and sewer systems. It was decided to invite Henry Dean, one of the top experts in Florida, to
talk to us about his thoughts on these very important issues. Mr. Dean was with the St Johns
River Water Management (SJRWMD) for 20 years and was appointed by Govemor Bush to
handle issues at the South Florida Water Management District. Mr. Dean is now in the private
sector as a consultant.
State/Regionallssues related to Stormwater and Water Supply-Henry Dean
Mr. Dean stated he believes this area is one of the finest in the country. One of the challenges
facing elected officials is the reality that we are just renting the resources-land and water-and
will turn it over to the next generation. So the question is "What is best for maintaining and
improving the quality of life for east Central Florida as it deals with stormwater, water supply,
and waste water"? He suggested there are a number of ways to work together to move ahead,
but through a formal regional authority or interlocal agreements seems to be the best solution.
Mr. Dean discussed Integrated Water Resource Management; how each entity has a group of
constituents and mayor may not have their own utilities, but works together looking at the
needs of each municipality He continued by explaining the importance of waste water reuse
and the process of obtaining consolidated Consumptive Use Permits (CUP's). He continued
that there was a legislative bill passed for funding for alternative water resources development
and waste water improvements. Although there will always be issues that need to be sorted out
by working together you can address the problem comprehensively, not as isolated cases. He
cited Brevard and Sarasota Counties that have a voluntarily countywide stormwater utility and
how the JEA consolidated their CUP's with SJRWMD in Jacksonville.
Mr. Dean stated another reason to work together is the upcoming EPA application of the total
maximum daily load (TMDL) requirement. Basically TMDL's are federal requirements to look at
each basin, see what the discharge into those bodies of water are, what the assimilative
capacity of those water bodies are and what is the total maximum daily load - how much gunk
can be put into that water with out totally destroying it.
Mr. Dean continued by discussing the mechanics of consolidation since water does not
recognize political boundaries. When entities work with the EPA or SJRWMD they do not just
look at one entity, but the impacts on the entire region. Although there is no perfect model to
establish a water authority - it all is dependent on the entities involved - what works is what to
go with.
Commissioner Henley questions which would be more successful in drawing revenues from the
state-an interlocal agreement or an authority? Mr. Dean replied he thinks both would work and
are much better than proceeding individually as there is about $80 million available. He cited
examples of entities working together throughout the state.
Discussion continued on establishing base rates, the fair distribution of operational costs, what
has been jointly done so far, and the success of interlocal agreements.
Mr. Dean concluded by stating that historically east central Florida has benefited from an
abundance of fresh, cheap water but the area's growth has impacted the aquifer. Now, as in
the past, citizens are benefiting from high quality water but as we look to the future there are too
many straws in the aquifer. So it is not a question of are our constituents going to be paying
higher rates because water will cost more, but is how much higher?
Chairman Morris asked if a plant was developed by Seminole and Volusia counties and the
SJRWMD to take water out of the St. Johns River, would the cities be required to get their water
from that source. Would the cities want to be forced into doing something like that instead of
joining forces now and looking at all options available? Mr. Dean replied there is an element in
the State Water policy that requires water will be taken from the lowest quality source available.
In response to a question regarding the Peace River Authority project in Citrus County, Mr.
Dean stated the facility has been expanded to treat Peace River water and store it through Aqua
Storage and Recovery which is a very successful operation. There is a lot of emphasis on local
governments talking about regional cooperation throughout the state.
Commissioner Henley added he believes it would be beneficial to get a representative from
each of these authorities to come and brief the working subcommittee on the operations and
logistics of their authorities and then meet with this committee in the afternoon.
Mayor Goff stated he has heard how critical the water situation is and how to get more for
growth needs, but there has been no discussions regarding conservation and using less. He
feels it would be irresponsible for this committee to not look at water conservation such as zero-
scaping on all municipal buildings. Mr. Dean added it is a lot cheaper to conserve than it is to
find alternative supplies.
Mayor Bundy stated a few months ago, at the urging of the County, the Mayors and Managers
up a water resource committee which now has a consultant under contract. He believes that
report will be presented at the January or February meeting and will cover many of these
issues. He feels that instead of spending more staff time looking at this issue in the working
subcommittee, perhaps this should be put on hold until after that report is presented.
Mayor Greene added that the consensus seems to be that there are three organizations (this
committee, CALNO and the Mayors and Managers Group) dealing with regional issues with
staff involvement so perhaps the life of this committee needs to be looked at. Chairman Morris
agreed adding that this committee has a goal with a beginning and an end, hopefully in April.
This committee is unique with 2 elected officials from each city and the county as well as
representatives from the business community. This committee shows that there may be more
of a will by politicians for regionalism than from staff. As ideas are presented, some of these
can be forwarded to these other organizations so they can have a mission.
Mayor Goff stated he visions issues to be discussed and agreed upon in this committee. These
issues could then be forwarded on to the Mayors and Managers for final details before being
presented to each jurisdiction. He is leery of committing time and staff-time without input from
the staff. Chairman Morris stated nothing done at this committee is binding-this presents the
opportunity for an elected official to go back and present the information to the council or
commission. He continued the consultants are working on a draft plan on how the ideas work
through each subcommittee, this committee and forward to the end. They feel they will be able
to present this information in January.
Mayor Bundy interjected he feels we should wait on any subcommittee work on our water
resources work until we hear from the consultant. Mr. Fisher added that he has heard from staff
regarding this other subcommittee and suggested that the same members be appointed to this
subcommittee so there would be basically nothing further to study other than the stormwater
element. He understands that the contract approaches looking at CUPs and stormwater, but
does not know if that is to the level this committee is looking for. In his opinion there should be
no additional work other than some stormwater emphasis. Chairman Morris added that Mr.
Dean is also available for advice at no cost to the cities as he is under contract with Seminole
Ms. Chan added that PBAS looked at water a few years ago and as they look at reuse, there
are some really interesting, innovative ideas out there such as using retention or fountain water
as a reuse and creating a utility to fund it.
Recommendations from Stonnwater Technical Subcommittee.
Kim Ornberg , Seminole County and Carol Zime, Oviedo, presented the findings and
recommendations for a Mosquito Control district (received). The recommendation from the
subcommittee is to establish a Mosquito Control district for the county and presented the
various options developed by the subcommittee and the steps taken to arrive at each option.
Under questioning, Ms. Ornberg stated that the level of service for the entire district would be
more proactive instead of reactive. Ms. Zime added that a district would be more effective
because they would be able to do a coordinated effort and provide a higher level of service. She
stated that the subcommittee agreed upon D3 as the option to go forward with. Discussion
continued on the various options, capital and operating costs and current and anticipated level
of service.
Motion by Mayor Goff requesting the subcommittee bring back at the next meeting the cost and
level of service for D3 as well as a funding proposal, seconded by Commissioner Henley. Ms
Chan asked that start up cost be included and Mayor Greene asked that the structure also be
included. Commissioner Henley added it would be helpful if a list of equipment for each entity
could be provided as well as condition. Motion passed unanimously.
Update and recommendation from Parks and Recreation Subcommittee.
Joe Gasparini, Seminole County Parks Manager, presented via power point the tasks, findings
and recommendations (received) from the Parks and Recreation subcommittee. The four
recommendations developed by the subcommittee were 1) continue working to develop city/
county/school cooperation; 2) continue research on city/county cooperatives; 3) incorporate
senior activity centers with library expansion plans; and 4) establish a sports business task force
to coordinate sporting events countywide.
Discussion continued on the recommendations. Mr. Gasparini explained the possibility of using
school facilities with a letter of understanding to provide trade-offs such as security or parking lot
resurfacing modeling after the Volusia County program which seems to be working well.
Chairman Morris asked if the School Superintendent, facilities manager, and the heads of high
schools, middle schools and elementary schools be invited to the January or February meeting
for participation when this issue is updated. This would enable discussion on creating a model
for each jurisdiction to the level of activities desired.
In response to questioning from Commissioner Henley, Mr. Gasparini explained the sports
marketing option would be an arm of the TDC and members would be from the seven cities to
match events and facilities. These would be county-wide events which would create an
economic impact, not the day to day events. This too will be brought back in January or
February. Mr. Lander asked if the Seminole County Visitors Bureau would be involved in this
and Mr. Gasparini assured him it would be. Chairman Morris asked that a briefing be provided
to this committee regarding the workings of the Visitors Bureau.
Information on video coordination between cities-Jonathon Moore.
Mr. Moore distributed an email (received). Reviewingthediscussionfromlastmonth,Mr.
Moore stated he understood that SGTV would coordinate with the cities on airing their
commission/council meetings. Some of the cities expressed concern over the cost of this, so he
contacted SCC to see if their students would be able to assist in this endeavor.
Chairman Morris stated there are two cities-A Ita monte Springs and Lake Mary-along with the
county that now broadcast their commission meetings. Mayor Goff stated Casselberry will have
an update report regarding this from the new city manager at their upcoming meeting, so he will
pass this email along. Mayor Bush asked for more information on this proposal and will contact
SCC. Mr. Fisher stated there is a technical subcommittee that both SCC and the School Board
have been invited to sit on so this information will be presented to that subcommittee.
Information from the Sheriff and Chiefs of Police on cooperative efforts.
Mr. Fisher stated that per Chief Harriett from the Sheriff's Office, it is preferable for any city that
is interested in exploring cooperative efforts regarding law enforcement and code enforcement
to come to the Sheriff's Office. Chairman Morris asked for written information from the Sheriff's
Office on what the current cooperative efforts are for this committee to review.
Mayor Goff asked for clarification on attendance to this committee as Commissioner Doerner
has been absent for the past several meeting. Commissioner Henley stated it may be
appropriate for the Chairman to write a letter to the city to let them know of the absences and
see if there are circumstances surrounding these absences.
Mayor Greene congratulated Mayor Bundy on his re-election. Chairman Morris reminded the
committee there will be no meeting in December, the next meeting will be January 18, 2006.
Being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:50 pm.
Cablevision Broadcast Technical Subcommittee
Update to the Joint City/County Advisory Committee on Cable Television
Franchising issues and Government/Educational Cable Access Channel
Joint Usage
January 18, 2006
Summary of Progress
. Casselberry Meetings to be cablecast County-wide.
. Winter Springs interested in cablecasting meetings within the City only.
. Increased interest in cablecasting city meetings by other cities.
. Possibility of more SGTV programming shown in Oviedo.
. Sharing of information on equipment and vendors.
. Discussion of uniform franchise expiration dates.
. Discussion of equipment funding option for cities.
Cablecasting of City Meetings
Based on feedback from City Management and City Commissions, the
subcommittee has not reached consensus on uniform increased utilization of
SGTV. Desired utilization of the government channel for cablecasting city
meetings and other events ranges from none at this time, to city-wide only, to
Altamonte Springs: Meetings are cablecast live within the City. No interest in
county-wide playback of meetings at this time. There may be an interest in
cablecasting some other City activities and events countywide.
Casselberry: Casselberry City Commission voted to have SCC Video
Production students tape their regular meetings for playback county-wide on
SGTV. SGTV staff is providing technical assistance.
Lake Mary: Meetings are cablecast live within the City. The City may wish to re-
play meetings and other events county-wide on SGTV in the future.
Longwood: Cablecasting Longwood City Meetings is on the table but it is not
likely that it will happen soon.
Oviedo: Meetings are cablecast live within the City. There is an interest in
carrying more SGTV programming in Oviedo. The possibility of defaulting to
SGTV is being discussed. A City Council decision is anticipated in the near
Sanford: City staff has prepared a three phase proposal for audio and video
upgrades for the City Commission Chambers. Staff reports favorable comments
among Commissioners regarding increased utilization of SGTV.
Winter Springs: In the recent franchise renewal, Bright House agreed to
provide the City a switch for cablecasting City meetings within the City. Winter
Springs is not interested in broadcasting their meetings county-wide at this time.
SGTV staff providing technical assistance.
Potential consolidation of cable television franchises and/or uniforma
franchise expiration dates
Franchise consolidation
Seminole County is proposing franchise consolidation language to be
incorporated in the renewal of the Bright House franchise in Seminole County.
Several city representatives expressed concern about giving up the right to
negotiate franchise items or concessions which may be specific to an individual
city by allowing the County to negotiate on their behalf. If the franchises were
consolidated in the future, any items specific to a city could be included in the
negotiations of a consolidated franchise agreement. In addition, each city would
have to approve any consolidated agreement with Bright House. Even if the
cities are not interested in participating in franchise consolidation at this time,
having the consolidation language in the County's Agreement with Bright House
would leave the door open for potential future consolidation.
Uniform franchise expiration dates
Franchise Expiration Dates
· Altamonte Springs 2009
· Casselberry 2012
· Lake Mary 2015
· Longwood (Expired, currently in negotiations)
· Oviedo 2012
· Sanford 2008
· Winter Springs 2015
· Seminole County
(Expired, Currently in negotiations for 2015)
The subcommittee discussed the advantages of uniform expiration dates such as
the efficiencies of pooling resources and sharing of information during
Cities with franchises expiring sooner than 2015 can propose and negotiate
franchise extensions to 2015 in order to move toward uniform franchise
expiration dates. Franchise extensions can include consideration such as
equipment grants for the government channel in the city.
Allowing charges on cable bills in order to increase funding for the
government channel
Seminole County is negotiating a potential capital funding grant in the Bright
House franchise renewal for equipment to enhance SGTV. Federal law permits
the cable company to recover the amount of any grant over the term of the
franchise by a separate line item on monthly cable bills. Most city
representatives were not aware that such grants can be negotiated. Any city
offering Bright House a franchise extension to 2015 can attempt to negotiate an
equipment grant in return for the franchise extension.
The subcommittee also discussed the potential of sharing any grant received by
the County with the cities to increase government channel funding. Under this
scenario, cities would need to agree to allow the monthly charge on cable bills
within the cities.
Subcommittee members were not willing to support either of these possibilities
until checking for support by City Management and City Commissions. In
addition, the Bright House representative stated that the legality of such an
arrangement would need to be determined and franchises within each city would
require modification.
FLATOA Legislative Workshop on Video/Cable Franchising
December 12, 2005
The workshop was sponsored by the Florida Chapter of NA TOA (The National
Association of Cable Television Administrators and Advisors). Attendees included
representatives from several Florida cities and counties, The Florida League of Cities,
Florida Cable Telecommunications Association and law firms and consultants who
represent Florida cities and counties.
The workshop focused on state and federal legislation supported by major telephone
companies who seek to provide video services (cable TV) without obtaining local
franchises. Legislation on both the state and federal level is being heavily lobbied by
large phone companies, primarily Verizon and SBC (now AT&T) and Bell South. These
large phone companies stand to benefit most by being permitted to enter the video
market without obtaining local franchises. Incumbent cable television companies, who
have local franchises, are opposed to the legislation. Local governments are generally
also opposed to the legislation because it would remove the ability to negotiate many of
the local public interest issues, such as customer service, local channels and support,
build-out requirements and more.
Federal Level Activity
Proposed federal legislation would free video service providers from having to negotiate
video franchises with local governments and give the FCC more authority over the
process. On the federal level, activity includes:
Senators Ensign/McCain Bill -- S. 1504
House Commerce Committee Draft Legislation
FCC Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
State Level Activitv
On the state level, legislation permitting a statewide franchise through a simple
application process has already passed in Texas. Similar legislation is pending in at
least two other states.
It is anticipated that legislation permitting similar statewide franchising will be introduced
in the Florida legislature this year.
Local Strategies
The Florida League of Cities has already passed a resolution opposing any such state or
federal legislation. FLATOA, the Florida League of Cities and other interested parties
will monitor any action in the Florida Legislature. If a bill is introduced this year, cities
and counties will be asked to join in opposing such legislation.
Implications in Seminole Countv
Bright House supports local franchising and is cooperating in working toward finalizing a
franchise renewal agreement in Seminole County. If statewide franchising legislation is
introduced in Florida, implications to existing local franchises will depend upon the
wording of the bill. It should also be noted that Bell South has a 15 year cable TV
franchise in Seminole County, granted in 1996, but has never moved toward providing
Cable TV service in the County.
Stormwater Technical Committee
Final Mosquito Control Report & Cost Analysis
January 18, 2006
Dependent Mosquito Control District (MCD)
Reporting Under the Health Dept.
(Orange County Model)
Three year implementation Plan
Significant benefits of comprehensive &
integrated program:
Much more effective science-based controls
Less impact on the environment
Better Service
Reasonable cost
Estimated Budget & Function by Year
Year 1 (FY06/07)
Program Initiation
$224,124 District budget (doesn't include $50,000 state reimbursement)
Hire Manager & 1 Admin Staff
Cities/County continue existing programs
County increase budget to $720,000 to cover initial program cost
($150,000 above FY06/07 budget)
Develop/Adopt final funding structure assessments/agreements
Year 2 (FY07/08)
Ramp up Program
$920,608 District budget (doesn't include $50,000 state reimbursement)
Hire technical staff (scientist & GIS) & cutomer service specialist.
CIties/county reduce individual programs;begin integration into MCD program
Capital equipment purchased to allow for delivery by beginning of Year 3 (FY08/09)
Estimated Budget & Function by Year
Year 3 (FY08/09)
Operational Program
$984,208 complete budget (doesn't include $50,000 state reimbursement)
All positions filled (field staff)
Contract some activities, if needed
Estimated Budget & Function by Year
Year 4
Fully Implemented program
$999,200 complete annual budget
(anticipated typical on-going annual cost;
does not include annual state reimbursement
of $37,000)
Current Program Costs vs.
Proposed MCD Costs
Total Current Annual Costs $749,600
Proposed MCD Est.Annual Costs $999,200
Current $/person $1.86
Proposed $/person $2.49
Current $/sq.mi $2,173
Proposed $/sq.mi. $2,896
Funding Structure Options
MSTU-Unicorporated Area & Cities
Countywide Millage-General Fund
Some variation of above
Est'd millage req'd to fund program: 0.037
(based on proposed Seminole County FY06/07 budget &
estimated costs presented)
Next Steps:
Joint Committee approval
Individual Board/Council presentations,
sponsored by respective Joint Committee
Funding structure (fiscal,leagal issues) w/
appropriate additional representatives on
Initiate implementation plan
Mosquito Control District
Position and Salary Estimates
Mosquito Control District
Estimated Overall Cost and Funtion by Year
Current Program Costs:
Functions by Year:
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 1 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 2 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 3 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Mosquito Control District
Year 4 Estimated Budget
Funding Scenarios
Potential Funding Mechanisms for Dependent Mosquito Control District (MCD)
1)MSTU-Unincorporated Area & Cities
2)Countywide Millage General Fund
3)Variation of the Above
Funding Needs: 1 mil = $26,827,400.00 (Proposed Sem.Co. FY06/07)
MCD est.cost: $999,208.00
millage req'd to fund program: 0.037
Cost Comparison:
Cost Analysis MCD Program Current Program
Annual Costs $999,208 $749,600
Total County Population 402,000 402,000
Annual Cost/Person $2.49 $1.86
Total Square Miles 345 345
Cost/sq.mile $2,896 $2,173
* Using 2004 US Census Bureau data