HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01 23 Regular Item 310 Utility Public Works Facility Contract
ITEM 310
January 23,2006
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Approval to enter into a contract to
construct the UtilitylPublic Works Facility.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization to enter into a
contractual agreement with Ruby Builders, Inc in the amount of $3,657,157.00
plus 3% contingency to construct the UtilitylPublic Works Facility.
This project is needed to provide the facilities necessary for the operations
activities of the UtilitylPublic Works Department through the build out of the City. This
project was publicly advertised on October 30,2005 as bid #ITB 001l06/GB. A non-
mandatory pre-bid meeting was held on November 21,2005. Bids were opened on
December 14, 2005 (extended from December 7, 2005 at the request of one of the plan
holders). Only two companies obtained plans and attended the pre-bid meeting.
One bid was received from Ruby Builders, Inc. for the base bid in the amount of
$4,561,504.39 for building 1 (Administration), 2 (Garage) and 3 (Operations). Building 4
(storage) was an alternate at a cost of$302,533.00. These costs exceeded the funds
budgeted for the project.
A meeting was held on January 5 with Ruby Builders, SRI, Inc. and staff to review
prices and building options with Ruby Builders providing a schedule of values for
construction costs. In an effort to stay within available project budget, Building 1 was
deleted. Considerations by staff, evaluation of costs and needs, it was determined that it
was feasible to build buildings 2, 3, and 4 with complete site infrastructure for
$3,657,157.00. This selection accomplishes the critical needs of a new vehicle and
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January 23, 2006
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equipment repair facility, locating of all Public Works and Utility operations staff in one
location and critically needed storage of supplies and equipment. This combination of
buildings allows for the vacating of the Public Works Compound on First Street with the
exception of the office on Flamingo Avenue.
Weare evaluating possible alternatives for administrative staff which include: 1)
remain in the current Flamingo Avenue and City Hall locations, 2) renting temporary
offices at the new site at a cost of $755/month, or 3) reevaluating the space needs of the
Administration Building and redesign for an expandable building. A recommendation will
be brought back to the Commission in the future for a final decision.
The funding for this project is budgeted in the current fiscal year under the line
code 311-65000-30037. Available funding in this line code is currently $3,872,690.
Building 1 (Admin - 7,095 sq. ft.)
Building 2 (Garage -7,488 sq. ft.)
Building 3 (Operations - 7,332 sq. ft.)
Site work
Base Bid
Deduct Building 1
Add Storage Building
Recommended Bid Award
Contingency (3%)
Professional Services
Misc. (telecom, furn, etc.)
It is recommended that authorization be given to enter into a contractual
agreement with Ruby Builders Inc, in the amount of $3,657,157.00 plus 3% contingency
($109,714.71) payable from line code 311-65000-30037. It is estimated the total
construction cost for this scope of work including professional services and miscellaneous
costs is $3,866,872.
The scope of work will be completed within 365 days of issuance of the Notice to
Proceed. Authorization for Professional Services with the architect will be brought back
to the Commission at a later date.
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January 23,2006
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1. Bid # ITB 001/06/GB
2. Ruby Builders Alternative Pricing
3. SRI, Inc Recommendation
Regular Agenda Item 310
January 23,2006
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Attachment No.1
City of Winter Springs Public Works Facility
Was Called By:
Nancy Vobomik, Purchasing Coordinator
ITB Opened: 3:00 pm
ITB: Closed: 3 :05 pm
December 14, 2005
Bill Starmer, Architect
Greg Bishop, Capital Projects Coordinator
Ruby Builders, Inc
Contact: Alec J. Suberman
3939 Silver Star Road
Orlando, FL 32808
Phone 407-293-8217
Fax 407-293-6481
Base Bid: $4, 561, 504. 39
Alternate No. 1
Alternate No. 2
Alternate No.3
Alternate No. 4
$ 302,533.00
$ 613,701.00
$ 928,740.00
Planning and Architecture Inc
12 Jan 06
Greg Bishop
Capital Projects Coordinator
City of Winter Springs
1126 East SR 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Public Works Complex
Bid Review
Based on our meeting Monday with Ruby Builders and subsequent cost break down received from their
office yesterday, in our opinion, it is in the best interest of the City to select Ruby Builders as a qualified
bidder and move into contract negotiations with them.
We have worked with Ruby Builders on several projects in the past and can recommend them with
confidence in terms oftheir qualifications to perform the construction of this project.
The base bid for the project of $ 4,561,504.39 although quite high, seems to be comparable to today's
construction market costs for similar facilities.
Based on our recent discussions, since this figure is approximately $ 1,000,000 over your current available
funding, In our opinion the City should proceed with a contract for construction for buildings 2, 3, and 4
including all site improvements for $ 3,657,157.00 per the attached letter and associated cost break down
from Ruby Builders dated 11 Jan 06.
We recommend that you seek the advise and approval from the City's attorney prior to award of this
contract to be certain that having received only a single bid does not violate any City or State procedures.
We believe, with additional cost break down from the contractor and possible value engineering efforts, as
a team, we can continue to reduce the overall construction cost below the $ 3.6 mil figure above.
We trust this opinion will be welI received and we look forward to helping you make this project a success.
William E. Starmer AlA, NCARB
Attn: Greg Bishop
City of Winter Springs
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, Florida 32708
Re: Winter Springs Public Works Facility
The City of Winter Springs Public Works Compound is broken out per building
with a preference on buildings 2,3 & 4 with the site included.
The cost for building 1:
$1,206,881 with no site package.
$1,042,839 with no site package.
$1,156,857 with no site package
$ 302,533 with no site package
The cost for building 2:
The cost for building 3:
The cost for building 4:
The cost for complete site package:
The cost for building 2, 3 & 4
$3,657,157 with a site package
The general conditions were broken out and adjusted to better reflect the actual
cost per building. For completing individual buildings, the general conditions
would increase (per bldg) due to the time table involved in each project.
Janus O.H.doors-power, reversing edge, self monitoring cycs. in-lieu of the
manufacturers specified, you could save approx $50,000 total
A. Jeffrey Suberman
Ruby Builders, Inc.
CC: Bill Starmer
Winter Springs Site only
Winter Springs Site only
Une Items Total
Fencing/gates $ 12,450.00
Earthwo/1( $ 321,498.00
Paving $ 421,420.00
Curblwalkslconaete paving $ 16,441.00
Utilities $ 291,435.00
Site Conaete $ 47,133.00
Site Masonry $ 18,393.00
Certified as-builts $ 10,000.00
Bid Total: $ 1,126,320.00 I
Winter Springs Public Works 1
Winter Springs Bldg 1
Line Items Total
General Conditions $ 46,500.00
Site Attached
Concrete $ 73,256.00
Grout Plates $ 2,064.00
Masonrv $ 61,822.00
P.E.M.B. $ 166,496.00
Rough Carpentry ; $ 3,773.00
Woods & Plastic $ 132,599.00
Joint Sealant $ 2,773.00
Doors Frames & Hardware $ 29,402.00
Store front sys . . $ 27,725.00
Metal Framing/Drywall/Insulation/Ceiling tile $ 83,855.00
Stucco $ 23,406.00
Ceramic Tile/VCT/carpet $ 43,529.00
Paint $ 29,295.00
Specialties $ 5,319.00 .
Equipment/Appliances $ 4,658.00
Furnishingslwindow treatments $ 11,385.00
Plumbing $ 116,887.00
Mechanical $ 168,530.00
Electrical $ 173,607.00
Bid Total: $ 1,206,881.00
Winter Springs Public Works 2
Winter Springs Bldg 2
Une Items Total
General Conditions $ 104,533.00 I
Site Attached
Concrete $ 94,258.00
Grout Plates $ 1,664.00
Masonry $ 97,871.00
P.E.M.B. $ 166,191.00
Woods & Plastics $ 7,099.00 ,
Joint Sealant $ 2,n3.oo
Doors Frames & Hardware $ 17,712.00 I
O.H.doors - $ 64,877.00
Store front sys $ 1,109.00
Metal Framing/Drywall/Insulation/Ceiling tile $ 42,874.00
Stucco $ 24,398.00 !
Ceramic Tile VCT $ 3,327.00
Paint $ 48,008.00
Specialties $ 5,378.00
Equipment/Appliances $ 4,657.00 !
Furnishingslwindow treatments $ 1,444.00
Plumbing $ 151,192.00
Mechanical $ 39,268.00 I
Electrical $ 163,606.00
Bid Total: $ 1,042,831.00 I
11:20AM 1/11/2006
Winter Springs Public Works 3
Winter Springs Bldg 3
Line Items Total
General Conditions $ 104,533.00
Site Attached
Concrete $ 49,965.00
Grout Plates , $ 1,664.00
Masonry $ 53,320.00
P.E.M.B. $ 144,007.00
Woods & Plastics $ 111,407.00
Joint Sealant $ 2,773.00
Doors Frames & Hardware ,$ 25,064.00
O.H.doors $ 6,045.00
Store front sys $ 26,616.00
Metal Framing/Drywall/lnsulation/Ceiling tile $ 65,111.00
Stucco $ 26,239.00
Ceramic Tile/vct/carpet $ 35,766.00
Paint $ 24,676.00
Specialties $ 21,792.00
Equipment/Appliances , $ 4,658.00
Furnishings/window treatments $ 5,536.00
Plumbing $ 166,575.00
Mechanical $ 132,504.00
Electrical $ 148,606.00
Bid Total $ 1,158,857.00
11:21 AM 1/11/2006