HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006 01 09 Regular 300.2 Customer Rates for Solid Waste Service
ITEM 300.2
January 9, 2006
Regular Meeting
City Manager requesting the City Commission to establish customer rates
for solid waste service and to authorize the City Attorney to finalize a rate
resolution memorializing the rates approved by the Commission.
To obtain Commission approval for customer rates for solid waste service and
authorization for the City Attorney to finalize a rate resolution memorializing the
rates approved by the Commission.
On January 9, 2006 (Agenda Item 300.1) the Commission approved the terms of a solid waste
contract with Waste Pro of Florida, Inc., including the rate structure for collection and disposal
In establishing the total rate to be charged by the City to its customers for solid waste service, the
Commission has 2 alternatives:
Option 1:
In addition to the Collection and Disposal Rate previously approved in Agenda Item 300.1, add:
Customer Service Fee $ .65
Franchise Fee .35
Rate Stabilization 1.00
Total Additions $ 2.00
The total customer rate under Option 1 would equal:
Approved Collection and Disposal Rate plus $2.00.
Option 2:
In addition to the Collection and Disposal Rate previously approved in Agenda Item 300.1, add:
Customer Service Fee $ .65
Franchise Fee .35
Rate Stabilization 1.00
Storm Reserve 1.00
Total Additions $ 3.00
The total customer rate under Option 2 would equal:
Approved Collection and Disposal Rate plus $3.00.
The additional $1.00 for Storm Reserve will add approximately $657,600 to solid waste fund
reserves over the life of a five year contract and $934,800 over the life of a seven year contract.
The customer rate structures presented under Options 1 and 2 are designed to maintain customer
rates without increases for the term of the contract. Additionally, Option 2 is designed to
generate a substantial storm reserve.
Solid Waste Fund Reserves, unaudited, as of September 30,2005 are $282,550.
The City Manager is recommending the Commission strongly consider Option 2. This option:
1. Provides for a sustainable rate and guarantees this rate over the full period of the contract.
2. Provides, over the period of the contract, a substantial storm reserve.
Additionally, recommend the Commission authorize the City Attorney to finalize a rate
resolution memorializing the rates approved by the Commission for approval by the Commission
at the January 23, 2006 commission meeting.
Table I
Table II
Solid Waste Fund Proforma under Option 1.
Solid Waste Fund Proforma under Option 2.
These tables will be prepared and distributed during the Commission meeting (after Commission
selection of service type and contract term under Agenda Item 300.1)
Date: January 9, 2006
The following Documents were provided to the
City Commission on January 9, 2006 during
Regular Agenda Item "300.2".
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