HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 11 26 Consent A City's Computer Usage Policy
REQUEST:The Information Services Department requests that the
Commission approve/adopt the "Policy for Use of
Computer, Internet, E-mail, and Electronics Systems",
hereafter called "Computer Usage Policy"
To obtain approval of the City's Computer Usage Policy.
Information Services is charged with the task of providing and
maintaining technology for all the City departments. This task
includes the responsibility of ensuring proper use of this technology
as well as maintaining system security and network integrity. Policies
or guidelines are needed to inform users of their responsibilities with
regard to this technology. The City Attorney has reviewed this
RECOMMENDATION: Information Services recommends that the
Commission adopt/approve the attached Computer Usage Policy.
Immediate upon Commission Approval
ATTACHMENTS: Policy for Use of Computer, Internet, E-mail, and
Electronics Systems
City of Winter Springs
Information Services
Policy for Use of
Computer, Internet, E-mail,
and Electronic Communications Systems
Revised November 26,2001
City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for the use of the
City of Winter Springs' (the "City") computers, Internet, e-mail, and other
electronic systems, which shall collectively be referred to as "electronic
communications systems".
General Statement of Policy
Employee use of City computers and electronic systems must be to
promote the City's mission, goals, and objectives, and must be consistent
with City policies.
Limited Purpose
Employees may use the City's electronic communications systems
for research, business communications, and other uses relevant to City
Use of System is a Privile~e
The use of the City's computers, e-mail, and Internet access is a
privilege. Failure to comply with this policy could result in anyone or
more of the following: suspension or cancellation of access privileges,
payment for damage and repairs, discipline, up to and including
termination, or civil or criminal liability .
Authorized Users
City employees assigned a user ID and password are the ONLY
PERSONS AUTHORIZED to use City computers. The only exception to
this rule involves authorized contractors hired by the City and given a user
ID and password for limited network access.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Employees may NOT give their passwords to anyone except their
department head or his designee. If an employee must access another
user's computer system, access will be provided by the Information
Services Department or a person approved by the department.
Unacceptable Uses
Unacceptable uses of the City's computers, e-mail, or Internet
resources or accounts include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Accessing, reviewing, uploading, downloading, storing,
printing, posting, or distributing pornographic, obscene or
sexually explicit material.
2. Transmitting or receiving obscene, abusive, profane, lewd,
vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful, or
sexually explicit language.
3. Accessing, reviewing, uploading, downloading, storing,
printing, posting, or distributing materials or information that
use language or images that are inappropriate or disruptive to
the business environment.
4. Accessing, reviewing, uploading, downloading, storing,
printing, posting, or distributing materials that use language or
images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other
people, such as hate literature, or that may constitute illegal
harassment or <;liscrimination.
5. Knowingly or recklessly posting false or defamatory
information about a person or organization, or harassing
another person, or engaging in personal attacks, including
attacks based on unlawful discrimination.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
6. Engaging in any illegal act or violating any local, state or
federal statute or law.
7. Vandalizing, damaging or disabling the property of another
person or organization; deliberately attempting to degrade or
disrupt equipment, software or system performance by
spreading computer viruses or by any other means; tampering,
modifying or changing the City's computer software,
hardware or wiring; and using the City's computers in such a
way as to disrupt the use of the system by other users.
8. Gaining unauthorized access to information resources or
accessing another person's materials, information or files
without the direct permission of that person.
9. Gaining unauthorized access to the City's computers or any
other system throughout the City, logging in through another
person's account, or using computer accounts, access codes or
network identification other than those assigned to the user
without authorization.
10. Violating copyright laws, or usage licensing agreements, or
using another person's property without authorization,
including the downloading or exchanging of pirated software
or copying software to or from any City computer.
11. Using the City's computers to conduct personal business, for
unauthorized commercial purposes or for financial gain
unrelated to the mission of the City or advertise goods or
services unrelated to City employment or for other personal
use without authorization from the City Manager.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
If a user inadvertently accesses unacceptable materials or an
unacceptable Internet site, the user shall immediately disclose the incident
to Information Services so that this site can be added to the "No Access"
list in our Internet usage monitoring software database. This disclosure
may also serve as a defense against an allegation that the user has
intentionally violated this policy. A user may also, in certain rare
instances, access otherwise unacceptable materials if necessary to complete
a job function, and if so, must be done with the prior approval of the City
No Expectation of Privacy
The City uses a web monitoring software which collects data on
every user on the Internet, including date, time, IP address, where the user
went or attempted to go on the Internet and more. A weekly report will be
provided to department heads with this information.
A. All e-mail should be considered public record. The City
controls use of the City's computers, e-mail, and Internet
resources. Users should expect no privacy in the contents of
e-mail or personal files on the City's computers, as all
materials and files may be accessed by the City at any time.
B. Employees must not lock files with passwords.
C. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the City's computers
may lead to a discovery that a user has violated this policy,
another City policy, or the law.
D. An individual investigation or search will be conducted if City
officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will
uncover a violation of law or City policy.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
E. The City will cooperate fully with local, state, and federal
authorities in any investigation concerning or related to any
illegal activities or activities not in compliance with City
City Software
Software is automatically protected by federal copyright law from
the moment of its creation. Federal copyright law makes it illegal copy a
piece of software for any reason other than as a backup without the
permission of the copyright holder.
For the City's purpose, illegal or unauthorized software is defined as
any software that has not been approved by the City Information Services
Department and/or any software for which the City has not purchased a
license. Copying of illegal or unauthorized software to any system can
result in contracting a virus, which can spread and cause serious damage to
any or all systems. All City software contains a license identifier linked to
the City of Winter Springs and should not be used by any other person or
entity .
1. Copying of City software is not allowed. Absolutely no
software is to be copied from the network to a floppy disk or
any other system.
2. Copying of unauthorized software to the network or to any
City PC is not allowed. Absolutely no illegal or unauthorized
software is to be loaded onto any City system.
3. Any software that my be unique to your specific function
within the City and that may only need to be installed on your
system alone must still be approved by the Information
Services Department.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
4. Absolutely no illegal software is to be loaded onto any City
computer. The Information Services Director must approve all
5. New Software Purchases: All software purchased for use on
any City computer must be pre-approved by the Information
Services Department for validity, compatibility and licensing.
Software purchases will not be approved without the signature
of the Information Services Director.
6. Software spot-checking: Designated Information Services
personnel have the authority to audit, without notice, any City
computer for unauthorized use and illegal software
Any illegal or unauthorized software installations will be removed
immediately and will be reported, detailing the specific location of the
incident, the type of software, and any "damages" that may have resulted
from the illegal installation.
City Hardware
1. New Hardware Purchases: The Information Services
Department must approve all new purchases of computer
and/or related peripheral equipment. Hardware purchases will
not be approved without the signature of the Information
Services Director.
2. Personal Use of City Computer/Peripherals: Personal use of
City computers and/or related peripheral equipment is not
allowed. Employees may not remove equipment from City
property or employee's work area unless authorized by the
Information Services Department and City Manager.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
3. Moving Computer Equipment: Moving of computer equip-
ment within the City must first be cleared through Information
Services. When possible, Information Services personnel
should move or supervise the move to insure proper
installation and configuration of the equipment after it has
been moved.
4. User to Maintain Equipment in Good Working Condition:
Users should routinely clean computer equipment (dust, clean
keyboard, mouse, and monitor) to maintain equipment in good
working condition.
5. Policies to Prevent Damage to Equipment:
A. Beverage containers and food shall not be placed near
computers, keyboards, mice, printers, or any other
computer equipment.
B. Eating and/or drinking over computer equipment shall
not be permitted.
C. Plants should not be located above or near any computer
Internet Use A~reement
A. Employees are responsible for properly using the Internet.
B. The Internet Use Agreement form must be read and signed by
the employee before access will be authorized.
C. Employees may not remove their name or domain information
from postings or access anonymously to conceal their identity.
D. Employees may not lend out their e-mail accounts to other
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
E. Employees may not allow non-employees to access the Internet
through City facilities.
F. Spamming is the automated sending of messages to large
numbers of news groups or people simultaneously. This is
different from a legitimate e-mailing list because spamming is
indiscriminate and unsolicited. Spamming is strictly
G. The Internet and e-mail should not become a distraction that
prevents employees from getting their work done. The
productivity and amount of time spent on the Internet and
sending e-mail will be closely monitored.
Limitation on the City's Liability
Employees use City computers at their own risk. The City will not
be responsible for legal or financial obligations arising through
unauthorized use of City computers, e-mail, Internet, or electronic
communications systems.
Implementation Policy Review
The City will conduct periodic reviews of this policy, which is
subject to change at the sole discretion of the City.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Employee A~reement for Use of Computers, Internet, E-mail,
and Electronic Systems
I agree to read and abide by the policies relating to acceptable use of
the City's computers, e-mail, Internet resources, and electronic systems. I
further understand that any violation of the policies above may constitute
termination of employment or other disciplinary actions as deemed
necessary by Management. Should I commit any violation, my access
privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action may be taken, and I may
face legal consequences.
User's Full Name (please print)
User's Signature
Page 10
I n formation Services
Telephone (407) 327-1800
Ron McLemore, City Manager
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerkl
Charles Carrington, Community Development Director
Chuck Pula, Parks & Recreation Director
Dan Kerr, Police Chief
Gene DeMarie, General Services Director
Kip Lockcuff, Public Works/Utility Director
Louise Frangoul, Finance Director
Tim Lallathin, Fire Chief
Joanne Dalka, Info11l1ation Services Director \f;)
February 5, 2002
New Revised Computer & Electronics Use Policy
I have attached one copy of the final "Computer & Electronics Use Policy" as
approved by the City Commission on November 26, 2001. Please make enough
copies for your department and keep one master copy; give one copy to each
employee in your department who uses any part of the City's computer or
electronics system. Have the employee sign the back sheet (Employee Agreement
for Use of Computers, Internet, E-mail and Electronic Systems) and return it to me
by 5 P.M., Tuesday, February 19,2002.
It is the responsibility of the department head to:
~ distribute this policy to new hires and to ensure that the signed sheet gets
returned to I.S. along with the "New User Info!1TIation" form which is the form
used to request that a new user be set up on the ctty's computer system.
~ make sure all updates to the policy get distributed to their employees
Call me if you have any questions.
Attachment: Revised" ComDuter & Electronics Use Policv"
cc: Bruce Tegg, PC Tech, Bill Thompson, System Administrator
\\CITYHALL]DCVDALKA\Docs\Correspondence\FY 2002\Febmary 2002\Memo to department heads
transmitting new computer use policy.doc
City of Winter Springs
Information Services
Policy for Use of
Computer, Internet, E-mail,
and Electronics Systems
As approved by City Commission
Consent Agenda Item A - November 26, 2001
Revised February 5, 2002
City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for the use of the
City of Winter Springs' (the "City") computers, Internet, e-mail, and other
electronic systems, which shall collectively be referred to as "electronic
communications systems". This policy is inclusive of all authorized users
of City computer equipment, which includes employees (temporary,
permanent, seasonal, part time and full time), Mayor, Commission, elected
officials, board members, committee members, interns, and contractors.
General Statement of Policy
The City computers and electronic systems shall be used to promote
the City's mission, goals, and objectives, and shall be consistent with City
Limited Purpose
The City's electronic communications systems may be used for
research, business communications, and other uses relevant to City
Use of System is a Privile~e
The use of the City's computers, e-mail, and Internet access is a
privilege. Failure to comply with this policy could result in anyone or
more of the following: suspension or cancellation of access privileges,
payment for damage and repairs, discipline, up to and including
termination, or civil or criminal liability .
Authorized Users
City employees assigned a user ID and password are the ONLY
PERSONS AUTHORIZED to use City computers. The only exception to
this rule involves authorized contractors hired by the City and given a user
ID and password for limited network access.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Employees shall NOT give their passwords to anyone except their
department head or his designee. If an employee must access another
user's computer system, access will be provided by the Information
Services Department or a person approved by the department.
Unacceptable Uses
Unacceptable uses of the City's computers, e-mail, or Internet
resources or accounts include, but are not limited to, the following:
1. Deliberately accessing, reviewing, uploading, downloading,
storing, printing, posting, transmitting, receiving or
distributing pornographic, obscene, abusive, profane, lewd,
vulgar, rude, inflammatory, threatening, disrespectful or
sexually explicit material; materials or information that use
language or images that are inappropriate or disruptive to the
business environment; materials that use language or images
that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people
such as hate literature, or that may constitute illegal
harassment or discrimination.
2. Knowingly or recklessly posting false or defamatory
information about a person or organization, harassing another
person, or engaging in personal attacks, including attacks
based on unlawful discrimination.
3. Engaging in any illegal act or violating any local, state, or
federal statute or law.
4. Vandalizing, damaging, or disabling the property of another
person or organization; deliberately attempting to degrade or
disrupt equipment, software, or system performance by
spreading computer viruses or by any other means; tampering,
modifying, or changing the City's computer software,
Page 3
City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
hardware, or wiring; and using the City's computers in such a
way as to disrupt the use of the system by other users.
5. Gaining unauthorized access to information resources, the
City's computers or any other system throughout the City;
accessing another person's materials, information, or files
without the direct permission of that person; logging in
through another person's account; or using computer accounts,
access codes, or network identification other than those
assigned to the user without authorization.
6. Violating copyright laws, or usage licensing agreements, or
using another person's property without authorization,
including the downloading or exchanging of pirated software
or copying software to or from any City computer.
If a user inadvertently accesses unacceptable materials or an
unacceptable Internet site, the user shall immediately disclose the incident
to Information Services so that this site can be added to the "No Access"
list in our Internet usage monitoring software database. This disclosure
may also serve as a defense against an allegation that the user has
intentionally violated this policy. A user may also, in certain rare
instances, access otherwise unacceptable materials if necessary to complete
a job function, and if so, shall be done with the prior approval of the Chief
of Police. In this circumstance, the Information Services Director must be
notified of this need in writing.
No Expectation of Privacy
The City uses a web monitoring software which collects data on
every user on the Internet, including date, time, IP address, where the user
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
went or attempted to go on the Internet and more. A weekly report will be
provided to department heads with this information.
A. All e-mail should be considered public record. The City
controls use of the City's computers, e-mail, and Internet
resources. Users should expect no privacy in the contents of
e-mail or personal files on the City's computers, as all
materials and files may be accessed by the City at any time.
B. Employees shall not lock files with passwords.
C. Routine maintenance and monitoring of the City's computers
may lead to a discovery that a user has violated this policy,
another City policy, or the law.
D. An individual investigation or search will be conducted if City
officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will
uncover a violation of law or City policy.
E. The City will cooperate fully with local, state, and federal
authorities in any investigation concerning or related to any
illegal activities or activities not in compliance with City
City Software
Software is automatically protected by federal copyright law from
the moment of its creation. Federal copyright law makes it illegal to copy
a piece of software for any reason other than as a backup without the
permission of the copyright holder.
For the City's purpose, illegal or unauthorized software is defined as
any software that has not been approved by the City Information Services
Department and/or any software for which the City has not purchased a
Page 5
. City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
license. Copying of illegal or unauthorized software to any system can
result in contracting a virus, which can spread and cause serious damage to
any or all systems. All City software contains a license identifier linked to
the City of Winter Springs and should not be used by any other person or
1. Copying of City software is not allowed. Absolutely no
software is to be copied from the network to a floppy disk or
any other system.
2. Copying of unauthorized software to the network or to any
City PC is not allowed. Absolutely no illegal or unauthorized
software is to be loaded onto any City system.
3. Any software that may be unique to your specific function
within the City and that may only need to be installed on your
system alone must still be approved by the Information
Services Department.
4. Absolutely no illegal software is to be loaded onto any City
computer. The Information Services Director must approve all
5. New Software Purchases: All software purchased for use on
any City computer must be pre-approved by the Information
Services Department for validity, compatibility and licensing.
Software purchases will not be approved without the signature
of the Information Services Director.
6. Software spot-checking: Designated Information Services
personnel have the authority to audit, without notice, any City
computer for unauthorized use and illegal software
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Any illegal or unauthorized software installations will be removed
immediately and will be reported, detailing the specific location of the
incident, the type of software, and any "damages" that may have resulted
from the illegal installation.
City Hardware
1. New Hardware Purchases: The Information Services
Department must approve all new purchases of computer
and/or related peripheral equipment. Hardware purchases will
not be approved without the signature of the Information
Services Director.
2. Personal Use of City Computer/Peripherals: Personal use of
City computers and/or related peripheral equipment is not
allowed. Employees may not remove equipment from City
property or employee's work area unless authorized by the
Information Services Department and City Manager.
3. Moving Computer Equipment: Moving of computer equip-
ment within the City shall first be cleared through Information
Services. When possible, Information Services personnel
should move or supervise the moving to insure proper
installation and configuration of the equipment after it has
been moved.
4. User to Maintain Equipment in Good Working Condition:
Users should routinely clean computer equipment (dust, clean
keyboard, mouse, and monitor) to maintain equipment in good
working condition.
5. Policies to Prevent Damage to Equipment:
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
A. Beverage containers and food shall not be placed near
computers, keyboards, mice, printers, or any other
computer equipment.
B. Eating and/or drinking over computer equipment shall
not be permitted.
C. Plants should not be located above or near any computer
Internet Use A2reement
A. Employees are responsible for properly using the Internet.
B. The Internet Use Agreement form shall be read and signed by
the employee before access will be authorized.
C. Employees may not remove their name or domain information
from postings or access anonymously to conceal their identity.
D. Employees may not lend out their e-mail accounts to other
E. Employees may not allow non-employees to access the Internet
through City facilities.
F. Spamming is the automated sending of messages to large
numbers of news groups or people simultaneously. This is
different from a legitimate e-mailing list because spamming is
indiscriminate and unsolicited. Spamming is strictly
G. The Internet and e-mail should not become a distraction that
prevents employees from getting their work done. The
productivity and amount of time spent on the Internet and
sending e-mail will be closely monitored.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Limitation on the City I s Liability
Employee's use City computers at their own risk. The City will not
be responsible for legal or financial obligations arising through
unauthorized use of City computers, e-mail, Internet, or electronic
communications systems.
Implementation Policy Review
The City will conduct periodic reviews of this policy, which is
subject to change at the sole discretion of the City.
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City of Winter Springs
Computer, Internet, and Email
Acceptable Use Policy
Employee A~reement for Use of Computers, Internet, E-mail,
and Electronic Systems
I agree to read and abide by the policies relating to acceptable use of
the City's computers, e-mail, Internet resources, and electronic systems. I
further understand that any violation of the policies above may constitute
termination of employment or other disciplinary actions as deemed
necessary by Management. Should I commit any violation, my access
privileges may be revoked, disciplinary action may be taken, and I may
face legal consequences.
User's Full Name (please print)
User's Signature
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