HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 11 26 Public Hearings E Final Reading - Ordinance 2001-53 Natural Gas Services in the City
Public Hearing X
November 26,2001
Mgr. / Dept.
The General Services Department requests the City Commission conduct a public hearing for the
adoption on final reading of Ordinance 2001-53, a Franchise Agreement between the City and
Florida Public Utilities Company, which provides for natural gas services in the City.
The purpose of this Agenda Item is to request the City Commission conduct a public hearing for the
adoption on fmal reading of Ordinance 2001-53, a Franchise Agreement with Florida Public Utilities
Company allowing FPUC to provide natural gas services in the city.
Section 4.14 (4), Charter of the City of Winter Springs
1. Ordinance 54, passed and adopted on December 21, 1970, by the Village Council of the Village
of North Orlando, with a term of thirty (30) years, granted an original non-exclusive franchise
to Florida Public Utilities Company to provide natural gas services within the corporate
boundaries ofthe Village of North Orlando.
November 26,2001
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2. That original franchise was extended by Emergency Ordinance 2000-44 and Emergency
Ordinance 2001-41 while negotiations continued on the terms of a new franchise agreement.
3. A new franchise agreement has now been finalized and is encapsulated in Ordinance 2001-53
(attached), which was adopted on first reading at the Commission meeting of November 12,
Upon adoption of Ordinance 2001-53, the franchise fee immediately rises to six and one-half percent
(6.5%) of gross revenues for the first fifteen (15) years of the thirty (30) year term, and rises again
to seven percent (7%) at the start of the second fifteen (15) years.
1. Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance 2001-53 on final reading.
. Ordinance 2001-53 to be provided in final form by City Attorney.
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U~hcr L. Brown ·
.101111 H Ward.
Gary S. SallmanQ
Jefti"ey S. Weiss
Suzanne D'Ab'"r~sla
^nthony A. GargnneseO
Scott D. Danahy
AlfrcJ Tru~:;delf
Arthur R. "Randy" Drown, Jr.+
Dn:!t A. Marluwe:
.klln:y P. Ruak.
Kristine K Kut~
.I(1)t:ph G. Colombo
Debra S. Babb
Gregory A. Hass"
CheyelUlc R. Young
Joseph E. Rlitch
T.....o LJndmark Center
225 East Robinson Street, Suite 660
Po~t Oflit;c Rox 2873
Orlando, FL J28(J2.2~73
(407) 425.9566
(407) 425.9596 FAX
Email: agarganc~e(!9orJandol::lw.nct
Wcb~itt;: wv..w.orlandolaw.ncl
· rli)ard C~ll floo Civil 'I rllll J IIW)'CT
n Goard ('c",lied Hu(ine.<< J ..tipuon l.Awycr
u fJIlll1d Certified City, County &. 1.oc.1' (jovcrnmcJlr L~w
· Hoard (c",lied I .\hm & Fll1l'lol'Il1Cl1tl.,3ll'
Nllv~rnb~r 21, 200 1
VIA FACSlJ"fnE #407/323-4354
Mr. Donald Kitner
Florida Power Utilities Company
Post Office Oox 530969
Debary. Florida 32753-0969
Re: Florida Public Utilities Company Gas Franchise
City of Winter Springs - General
OUf File IJ 1193
Dear Dnn:
This letter is a follow-up to your telephone call today at which you requested several
amendmc:nts to the gas franchise ordinance based on Chuck Stein's cnmmenK Fnclosed is a
blacklined ordinance which reflects the changes that you requested und the addition of Artick XVTT.
Article XVII witI provide the City of Winter Springs a most favored franchise fee status. In other
words, if your company negoliates a higher franchise fee \vith any other City or County after the
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Mr. DOl1..1ld Kitner
November 21, 200 I
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effective date 0 rlhe Winter Springs gas ordinance, the City of Winter Springs wi 11 receive the bene lit
of the same higher franchise fee purs1l1'Jntto the tenns uf Article X VII.
The City Commission will be considering second reading and tinal adoption of the Gas
Franchise Ordinance with your company on Novemher 26.2001 at 6:30 p.m. I would appreciate it
if you attended that meeting in the cventlhat the City Commission bas any questions.
Please contact me should you have any questions.
Anthony A. Gargancsc
cc: Andrea Loren7.o-Luaces, City Clerk (w/enclosure)
nDOCSICity "fWintcr Spnng,IF,.nch"", A~r:C1l1CIll\Don Kitllcrlull-7.01 J ,'"
.~- 4'""'11'7 ~l:"'''''-
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Sent By: BROWN,WARO,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596;
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WHEREAS, the City is authorized to grallt one or more non-exclusive, franchises to
construct, reconstruct, operate, and maintain a natural gas system within the City; and
WHEREAS: the City finds it in the public inlerest to make available within its corporate
limits high-ql1.1lity and reliable natural gas service; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to retain regulatory aUlhority over the
provision of natural gas service, to the extent allowed by law, because of the overriding public
health, safety and welfare considerations associated with the provision of this service; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public int~rest to rerain control over the use of public
rights-of-way by providers of natural gas to prohibit interference with the public convenience, to
promote aesthetic considerations, to promote planned andcfficienl use of limited right-of-way space.
and to protect the public investment of right-of-way property; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to ensure that high quulity natural gas
service is maintained through a responsive customer service procedure; and
WHERF:AS, the City Commission finds that the granting of a non-exclusive natural gas
franchise is the best means of assuring that the above described interests of the City of Winter
Springs arc promoted and maintained; and
WHEREAS, the City, after public hearings and due evaluation, has determined that it is in
the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare of the City and its residents to approve this
Gas Franchise
Section 1. Recitals. Each and all of the foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated and
~cknowledged to be true and correct.
Ciry of Winter Springs
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Section 2. Grant of Franchise. The City ofWinlcr Springs hereby grants, in accordance
wit.h the foregoing, a gas franchise to Florida Public Utilities Comp3J1Y:
1.1 111is Ordinance shall be known and may he cited as "Winter Springs Natural
Gas Franchise".
2.1 Purpose.
The City finds th:'lt the development and maintenance of a natural gas
distribution sysLcm ha.-; the potential of having great benefit and impact upon the people of the City.
lhe City further finds that the public convenience, safety and general welfare can best he served by
exercising regulatory powers which are vested in the City or such persons as the City shall designate.
It i::; the intent of this Ordinance to provide for aml specify the means to anain the best possihle
public interest and public purpose in the distribution of natural gas within the houndaries o[the City.
and this finding shall be an integral part of this Ordinance.
Further, the City recognizes that natural ga3 has, as a fuel source, the
capilbility of providing abundant clcan-burning and efficient energy to the City's residents and
commercial businesses.
2.2 Goals.
contained herein:
For these purpos~s. the following goals underlie the regulllti.ons and provisions
(a) Natural gas should be made available to all City resldents 'and
conuncrcial businesses in accordance with the Florida Public Utilities Company Natural Gas til!iff
filed with the Public Service Commission and any amendments, modifications, or revisions thcreto.
(b) The Natural Gas Distribution System should be cilpablc of
accommodating both the cum:nt amI n:a.sonably foreseeable future energy nt=eds of the City.
(c) The Natural Gas Distribution System should be improved and
upgraded, if lleccs:;;ary, during the franchise term so that the new facilities necessary for the operation
of this system shall be integrated to the maximum extent possible with existing facilities.
elly uf Winter Spring,
Ordinance N(\. 200 I-53
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Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596;
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For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following tenns and words shall have the
meaning a.."icribcd to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
3.1 "Agreement" or "Fnmchise" shall mean this grantoffranchise, as amended
from time to time, which shul I constitute authorization, voluntarily entered inro by the Company and
granted by the City, for the purpose of providing the Company authorization to construct or operdte
a Natural Gas Distribution System in rhe Franchise Area. Any such authorization, in whatever form
granted, shall not mean or inc1ud~ any license or permit required for the:: privilege oftransacling and
carrying on a business within the City as required by any City ordinance or resolution.
3.2 "City" means the City of Winter Springs, a Florida Municipal Corporation,
its Succl;:ssors and assigns.
3.3 "Company" means Florida Public Utilities Company, a Florida Corporation,
its successors and assigns as authorized hereunder.
3.4 "Franchi!lc Areas" means all of the territory within rhe incorporated City,
and such additional rcrrirory as may be from time to time annexed into the City.
3.5 "Gross Annual Revenue" means all receipts derived by the Company
(lirectly from the transport and sale of natural gas in the Franchise Area, excluding receipts derived
from large volume commercial clIstomers utilizing in excess ofan average of500 Thcnns of Natural
Gas per month (i.e., large motel. Outback restaurant). .
3.6 "Natural Gas" means natural gas in a gaseous state.
3.7 "Natural Gas Distribution System" shall mean the transmission pipelines
or any related equipment, facility, or huilding necessary or desirable to the transportation or delivery
or natural gas, or its treatment or storage during the course of transportation or delivery, under the
control of the Company, for the transmission, distribution or sale of Natural Gas pursuant to this
Ordinance, or any part thereof
3.8 "Public Ri~ht-of-Way" means the surface, the air ~pace l'lbove the surface,
and the area below the surface of any public street, sidewalk, bridge. waterway, utility easement, or
other public property, which shall entitle the City and the:: Company to the use thereoffor the purpose
of installing and maintaining the Company's Natural Gas Distribution System. No reference herein,
M in any Franchise, to the "Puhlic Right-of- Way" shall be deemed to be a representation or guarantee
by the City that its title to any property is sufficient to pcm1it its use for such purpose, and the
Company shall. by its use of such terms, be deemed to gain only such rights to use property in the
City as the City may have the:: undisputed right and power to give.
City of Winler $prings
Ordinlm~c No. 200l-.'i~
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J.9 "Transfer" means the disposal by the Company, directly or indirectly, by gift,
~signment, voluntary sale, merger, consolidation or otherwise, \If t" Gllty pc, CGlLt (20%) VI I/lOt" at
OtlG tim~ of the ownership or controlling interest in the Company, \11 tIurly-fivc pelccut (J5%)
cUlllula:ti,dy 0"_1 Un;: kllU oftI., rl.im.h~;)\. of ~mch iutl:Oldt5 to a corporation, partnership, limited
partnership, trust or association, or person or group of persons acting in concert or a change in
control. Transfer shall not include any transfer or assignment to a peTson controlling, controlleu by,
or under the same conunon conlrol as the Company.
4.1 Grant of Franchise. The Company is hereby granted a Natural Gas
Franchise, subject to the tem1S and conditions of this Franchise. Pursuant to this Franchise, the
Company may construct, operate, and maintain a Natural Gas Distribution System in, under, over,
along, across or upon the Public Rights-of-Way within the City for the purpose of transmission,
distribution and sale of Natural Gas for conuncrcial, industrial, and residential use, in accordance
with the provisions of Chapt~r 337, Florida Statutes and subject to any right-of-way regulations
which are duly adopted by law.
In exercising rights pursuant herelo, the Company shall not endanger or
intertere with the lives of persons, interfere \villi any structures, buildings) or facilities of the City,
tlny public utility, or any othcr person permitted to use the Public Rights-of-Way, nor unnecessarily
hinder or obstruct the irce W;~ of the Public Rights-of- Way. The grunt of this Franchise does not
establish priority for use over other present or future pem1it, license. or utility franchise holders or
the City's own use of the Public Rights-of-Way.
^II rights granted for the construction, reconstruction, mairiteilanc'e, iuid
operation of the Natural Gas Distribution System shall be subject to the continuing right of the City
lo approve such reconstruction or relocalion of the Natural Gas Distribution System in the Public
Rights-of- Way as shall, at the sole discretion 0 f the City, be in the public interest.
4.2 Franchise Not Exclu.~ivc, Ibe grant of this Franchise shall be non-exclusive
and shall not afrect the right of the City to grant t{) ibdf 01 any other person the right to: build,
operate, or own a Natural Gas Distribution System; occupy or use the Public Rights-of-Way for the
construction, reconstruction, mainttmance, and operation of a Natural Gas Distribution System or
for any purpose whatsoever. No privilege or JXlwer of eminenl domain is bestowed on the Company
by thc grant of this Franchise, but this Franchise shall not be construed to limit the Company's power
of eminent domain under state law.
4.3 Event of Conflict. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions
of any agreement hdwt:en the parties and this Ordinance, (his Ordinance shall control. In all events,
the Company shall comply with all laws, ordinances and rcgulations enacted hy the City pursuant
to its lawful police and regulatory powers as authorizeu by law. This Franchise is hereby made
Cit), "rWintcr Spring$
Ordinance No. 2001-53
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subject to the general City Code provisions now in el1ect and hereafter made effective. Nothing in
the franchise shall bl: u~t::med to waive the requirem~nts ofthe various codes of the City regarding
pcrmi Is, laxes, and fees to be paid. .
5.1 Effective Date. The effective dale of this Franchise shall be
5.2 Term. The Lerm of this Franchise shall be for a period of thirty (30) years
from the effeclive date unless :sooner terminated as provided ror in this Franchise. The Franchise
shall terminate on , 2031.
6.1 Use of Public Rights-of-Way. For the purpose of operating and maintaining
a NaLural Gas ~istribution System inlhe Franchise Area, the Company may crect, install, construct,
repair, replace, reconstruct and retain in, on, over, under, upon, across and along the public streets
and ways within the Franchise Area such pipes, appurtenances, or related attachments or equipment
and other property and equipment as are necessary to the operation of the Nutural Gas Distribution
System; provided, however, that the Company complies with all design, construction, safety, and
performance provisions contained in this Franchise, applicable local ordinances, and stale and federal
6.2 Right of Condemnation Reserved. Nothing herein shall limit any cighllhe
City may have (0 iil:quire by eminenLdomain or otherwise any property of the Company; provided,
however, that any such acquisition shall be for a price that values the CClmpany's property as allowed
hy law.
6.3 City's Right to Perform Public Work'!. Nothing in this Franchise shall be
in hindrance to the right of the City or any governmental authorily to perform or carryon, directly
or indirectly, any public work:. ur public improvements of any description. Should the Natural Gas
Distribution System in any way interfere with the construction, maintenance or repair of such public
works or public improvements, the Company shall, at its own cost and expense, protect or rdocate
its Natural Gas Distribution System, or part thereof, as reac;onably directed by City otlicials or any
govenunental authority.
6.4 Emergency Response, The Company shall respond promptly in the case
of fire, emergency, or disaster in the City. The Company shall he responsible to take all prudent
actions necessary to mitigate any hazardous impact its Natural Gas Distribution System could
contribute to any lire, emergency, or disaster at it's 0...1'11 expense.
Cily uf Winter Springs
Onlinancc No. 2001-53
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6.5 Removal or Abandonment. lfthe Company elet.1:S to remove any portion
of the Natural Gas Distribution System, the Company shall restore, in accordance with the directions
and spel.:itications of all affected departments and agencies of the City and aU applicable law, any
property, public or private, to its original condition prior to the removal of the Natural Gas
Distribution System. .
6.6 Time Is of the Essence. \Vhenevcr this Frant.:hise shall set forth anytime for
any act to be performed by or on behalf of the Company, such time shall be de~med to he of the
essence. and any failurc of the Company to perform within the time allotted shall be sufficient
ground for the City to invoke any applicable provision of the City Codl:: or this Franchise.
6.7 No Waiver of Rights. No course of dealing beh....ecn the Company and the
City nor any delay on the part ofrhe City in exercising any rights hereunder shall operate as a waiver
of any such righb oft.he City or acquiescence in the actions orthe Company in contravention of the
City's rights, except to the extent expressly waived by the City in writing or expressly provided for
in the Franchise.
7 .1 Transfer of Franchise. This Franchise shall not be sold, TransJerre.d,leased,
assigned or disposed of. including but not limited to, by forced or voluntary sale, mcrgL'T,
consolidation. receivership or other means without the prior written consent of the City, and then
only under ~uch reasonable conditions as the City may establish which mayJ(lclude..b.~t not ~e
limited to financial guarantees to the NAtural Gas Distribution System. '~Ki'd:;;d6it~~6.t:sH'~t1!i!fr(.jVbt
7.2 Transfer Threshold. The Company shall promptly notify the City of any
actual or proposed change in, or Transfer of, or acquisition by any other party of, control of the
7.3 City Approval. Every change, Transfer, or acquisition of control of the
Company shall make the Franchise subject to canl.:ellation unless and until the City shall have
consented thereto in writing. For the purpose of detcnnining whether it may consent to such change,
Transfer, or acquisition of control, the City may inquire into the legal, [mancial, character, technical.
and other public interest qualifications of the prospective Transferee or controlling party, or the term~
and conditions of the proposed change, transfer, or acquisition of control, and the Company shall
assist the City in obtaining all required information. failure to provide all reasonable information
requested by the City as part of said inquiry shall be grounds lor denial of the proposed change,
Transfer or acquisition of control.
7,4 Signatory Requirement. Any approval by the City of Trans fer of ownership
shall be contingcnt upon thc pro!ipective assignee becoming a signatory to the Pranchise.
City nrWintcr Sprin8~
Ordinance No. 2001-53
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8.1 For years one (1) through fifteen (15) the Company shall pay to the City a
Franchise Fee of six and half percent (6.5%) of the Gross Annual Rev~nLl~s excluding bad debts,
taxe::; and fees collccted by the Company on behalf of any governmental agency. For years sixteen
(16) through thirty (30) the Company shall pay to the City a Franchise Pee of seven percent (7%) of
the Gross Annual Revenues excluding had debts, taxes and fees collected by the Company on behalf
of any governmental agency.
8.2 Frnnchise Fees in Addition to Other Tues or Payments. Payment of the
Franchise Fce made by the Company 10 the City shall not be considered in the nature of a tax, but
shall be in addition to any and all taxes of general applicability which are now or may be required
hereafter to be paid by any Federal, State, or local law.
8.3 Acceptance by the City. Subject to applicable law, no acceptance of any
payment by the City shall be construed as a releasc Or as an accord and satisfactjon of any claim that
the City may have tor further or additional sums payable as a franchise Fee under this Franchise or
for the performance of any olher obligation of the Company.
8.4 Failure to Make Required Payment. [n the cvent that any Franchise Fcc
or rccompul~d amount is not made on or hefore the dates specified herein, the Company shall pay
a$ additional compensation an interest charge, computed from such due dale, at an annualized rate
equal to the commercial prime interest rate of the City's primary depository bank during the period
that such unpaid amount is owed.
8.5 Periodic Payments to Be Made. The Company shall make fee payments of
monies due hereunder within thirty (30) days of the end o reach calendar quarter for Franchise Fees
Reventi<bs; Accompanying said payment, the Company shall also provide a written report of its
Gross Revenues gcnerated in the Franchise Area for th~ prct.:~ding quarter's period.
8.6 City Right to Inspection. The City, at its discretion, shall have the right to
inspect the Company's Gross Annual Revenue records, to audit, and to recompure any fee amounts.
Inspections, audits or recomputations may bc pertonned either by the City or an independent firm
selected by the City and qualified for sllch purposes. No audit of the Company's records relating to
Gross Annual Revcnues shall take place later than thirty-six (36) months following the close of each
of thc Company's fiscal years. Audits that result in payment of four percent (4%) or more of
Franchise Pecs during the audit period, shall be at the expense of the Company. Any additional
amount due to the City as a result of the audit shall be paid within thirty (30) Days of notice by the
City, unless the Company disputes the results of the audit 'lne Company agrees to meet with the
City and willl'lnempt in good faith to resolve any differences. Thereafter, the additional amount due
City of Wi Iller Springs
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shall be subject to payment within thirty (30) days after ~ajd additional amount is determined to be
due by the Company and the City, or the City declares an impasse in the negotiations with the
8.7 Payments Due in Event of Termination or Expiration. In the event that
the Company continues the operation of any part or all of the Natural Gas Distribution System
beyond the termination, revocation, or expiration of the Franchise granted herein, it shall continue
to pay to the City the Franchise Fee in the manner set forth in this Franchise. This ~ection shall not
bc con~trued to authoriu the operation of the Natural Gas Distribution System beyond the
termination, revocation, or expiration of this franchise.
8.8 Alternative Fee Contingencies. In the event thaI the Company's obligation
to pay a Franchise Fee is held invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction or due to
the actions ofany legislative body, the Company shall negotiate with the City in good faith and shall
agree, if permissible undeJ then applicable law, to provide compensation to the City in lieu of the
hanchise Fee. The amount uf l:ompensation shall, to the extent pennitted by applicable law, as
amended from time to time, be comparable to that which the Company would pay as the franchise
Fee under the terms or this Franchise and shall be passed through to the natural gas customers in a
mannl:r similar to the Franchise Fee.
8.9 Other Fees and Taxes. To the extent that any federal or stale law or
r~gulaLion may now forhid the City from assessing any type offee or tax, upon repeal, modification,
or judicial/udministrative interpretation of said law or rule that would permit the City to assess said
fee or tax, the City shall have the right to assess said fee or tax to the full extent authori~t:d by law;
provided, that the City shall first consult with the Company. Upon such occurrence, the parties shall
meel and confer within ninety (90) days of notice from the City to in good faith negotiate Franchise
provisions to implement the collection of said fee or tax.
9.1 Grounds for Revocation. The City reserves the right to revoke any Frmchisc
grantcd hereunder, pursuant to the procedure in paragraph 9.4, and rescind all rights and privileges
assoc.iatcd with the Franchise in the following circumstances, each or which shall represent a default
and breach of this Franchise:
(a) Company has defaulted in the pt:'r[onnancc of any of the material
obligations under this Franchise or any provision of the City Code not conflicting with this
(b) Company has failed to provide or maintain in full force and effect the
liability and indemnification coverage as required herein;
City of Winlt:r Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-53
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Sent By: BROWN,WARO,SALZMAN&WEISS,P,A,j 407 425 9596j
Nov-21-01 3:58PMj
(c) Company has violated a material provisi on of any orders or rulings 0"
any regulatory body having jurisdiction over the Company relative to this Franchist: and any
regulatory ordinance of the City, and the Company fails to begin eure within five (5) business days
ofnotke from the City and to complete cure within a rea<;onable time after notice, as determined by
the City;
(d) Company has committed any act of fraud upon the City or natural gas
(e) Company has acted grossly negligently, as defined by general law, in
maint..1ining or operating the Natural Gas Distribution Systcm provided in this Franchise;
or is adjudged bankrupt;
Company has become insolvent, is unable or unwilling to pay its debts,
(g) Company has made a material misrepresentation of fact in thc
application for or negotiation of the Franchise or any extension or renewal thereof; and
(h) Company has failed to pay the Franchise Fee in the manner provided
in this Franchise.
9.2 Effect of Circumstances Beyond Control of Franchisee. The Company
shall not be declared at fault or be subject to any sanction under any provision of this franchise in
any case, in which performance of any such provision is prevented for reasons beyond lhe Company's
control. For the purposes of this Franchise, causes or events beyond the Company's control shall
include, v,rithOllt limitation. acts of God, floods, earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, fires and other
natural disasters, acts of public enemies, riots or civil disturbances, sabotage, strikes and restraints
imposed by order of a governmental agency or court. A cause or event shall not be deemed to be
beyond the Companyts control if committed by a corporation or other bu.')iness entity in which the
Company holds a controlling interest whether held directly or indirectly, when such fault is due to
Company's financial inability to pertorm or comply, economic hardship, or misfeasance, malfeasance
or nonfeasance by any of the Company's directors, officers, employees or contractors or agents.
9.3 Effect of rendiD~ Liti~ation, Pending litigation or any appeal to any
regulatory body or court having jurisdiction over the Company shall not excuse the Company from
the performance of its obligations under this Franchise, unless spel,;ilically provided for by court
order or by the regulatory body having jurisdiction over such matters. Failure of the Company to
perform such obligations because of pending litigation or petition may result in forfeiture or
revocalion pursuant to the provisions of lhis section.
9.4 Procedure Prior to Revocation. The City Manager shall notify the Company
in writing of the exact nature ofrhe alleged violation constituting a ground for termination and give
City ofWintet' Springs
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the Company thirty (30) days, or such greater amount or time as the City Manager may specify, to
correct such violations or to present facts and arguments to the City Manager to refute the alleged
violation ("Cure Period"). If by the end of the Cure Period the Company does not remedy the
violation or convince thc City Manager lhere is no violation, the City Manager shall schedule a
public meeting of the City Commission for purposes of addressing the alleged violation. The
Commi~c.;ion meeting shall be held within thirly (30) days from the expiration ofthc Cure Period.
The City Manager shall promptly provide the Company written notice o[the Commission meeting.
During the Commission meeting, the City Manager, Company, and all interested partie~ ~hall have
the right to be heard in person and through counsel, present evidence, and cross examine adverse
witnesses. At the conclusion of the Commission meeling, the Commission may suspend or revoke
the Franchise, ifit dctermines that thcre are sutlicient grounds which warrant sueh action; otherwise,
the rranchise remains in full force and effect. The Company shall not be held in default nor suffer
any penalties where non-compliance or default is caused by an event beyond the Company's control,
as stated in Section 9.2. The Company shall have the right of review by a court of competent
jurisdiction upon any determination by the City Commission to suspend or revoke this franchise.
However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the City from seeking an equitable remedy
including but not limited to injunction relief or spccific performance.
) 0.1 Certificate of Insurance. In no event latcr than thirty (30) days after the
erfel:live date of this Franchise and thereafter continuously throughout the duration of this franchise
and any extensions or renewals thereof, the Company shall furnish to the City, certificates of
insurance, upproved by the City, for all types of insurance required under this section. Failure to
furnish said certificates of insurance in a timely manner shall constitute a tailure to faithfully comply
with this franchise. At the City's request, the Company shall furnish certificates ofinsurance which
are in effect from time to time.
10.2 No Lillhility Limit. Neither the provisions of this article or any damages
recovered by the City hereunder, shall be construed to limit the liability of the Company for damages
under this Franchise.
10J Endorsement. All insurance policie:s maintained pursuant to this rranchise
shall contain an endorsement in substantially the following form:
It is hereby lUlderstood and agreed that this insurance policy may not
be modified or canceled by the insurance company nor thc intention
not to renew be stated by the insurance company unlil thirty (30) days
after receipt by the Cit)' of Winlt-'T Springs City Manager by certified
mail, of a written notice of such intention to cancel or not to renew.
10.4 State Institution. Except for self-insured policies, all insurance policies
Cil)' of Winter Spring~
Ordinance No. 200 1-5J
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Nov-21-01 3:59PM;
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provided pursuant to this franchise shall be written by companie~ authorized by thc Florida
Insurance Commissioner to do busincss in the State of Florida as an insurance company.
10.5 Named Insured. The City shall be an additional named insured for all
insurance policies written pursuant to this Franchise.
10.G Changes in Polil.")' Limits. To offset the effects of inOation and to ret1ccr
changing liability limits. all of the coverage, limits, and amounlS of the insurance provided for herein
arc subject to reasonable increases at the end of every three (3) year period of this Franchise,
applicable to the next three (3) year period. allhe City's discretion.
10.7 Commercial General Liability In~urance. The Company shall maintain
throughout the tcnn of this Franchise, general liability insurance insuring the Company in the
minimum of:
(a) $1,000,000 for property damage single limit; and
(b) $3,000,000 single limit liability for pen;onnJ bodily injury or dcath to
anyone person.
Such general liability insurance must incl ude coverage for all of the following:
comprehensive form, premises operations, explosion and collapse hazard, undergroWld hazard,
products/completed operations ha7.ard, contractual insurance, broad form property damage, and
personnl injury.
10.8 Automobile Liability Insurance. The Company shall maintain throughout
the term of this Franchise, automobile liability insurance for owned, non-owned, or rented vehicles
in the minimum amount of:
(a) $1 ,OOO,OOOsingle limit liability for bodily injury and conscquc'Tltdeath
per occurrence; and
(b) $1,000,000 for property damage per occurr~nce.
10.9 Worker's Compensation. The Company shall maintain throughout the tem1
of this Franchise, worker's compensation in the minimum amounl or the statutory limit for worker's
compensation, as amended from time to time,
11.1 Indemnity and Hold Harmless. The City shall in no way be liable or
responsible for any accident or damage caused by the Company that may occur in the construction,
City of Winter Spril1&S
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operation. or maintenance by the Company of the Natural Gas Distribution System, and the
acceptance of this Franchise on the part of the Company shall be deemed an agreement on the part
(lfthe Company to fully indemnify, defend and hold harmle~!'; the City and its officers, boards and
Commission, contractoni, aUomeys and City employees against the full amount of any (i) claims, (ii)
liabilities, (iii) actions. (iv) suits, (v) proceedings, (vi) payments, (vii) assessments. (viii)judgments,
(ix) losses, (x) damages, (xi) costs and (xii) expenses (including interest, penalties and reasonable
attorneys' rct;S and disbursem~nts) claimed against the City in connection with the following:
(a) To persons or property, in any way arising out of or through thc acts
or omissions of the Company. its servant~, agenls or employees; and
(b) Arising out of the Company's failure to comply with the provisions
of any federal, slale, ur loc.allaws, ordinances, or regulations applicable to the Company in its
business here\U1der.
11.2 Condition. The foregoing indemnity is conditioned upon the City giving the
Company prompt notice of any claim or the commencement of any action, suit or other proceeding
covered by the provisions of this section. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the City fi.om
cooperating with the Company and participating in the ddense of any litigation by its own counsel
at its o\Vn costs and expense.
12.1 Authorization to Commence Construction and Application Procedures.
Prior to the installation or erection of any pipelines, towers, poles, conduits, fixtures, or other
appurtenances thereto. other than minor or emergency excavation and maintenance, or the upgrade
or rebuild of the Natural Gas Distribution System, the Company shall firsl ~ubmil to the City for
review a concise description of the facilities proposed to be maintained, erected, removed, or
in~tuJled. including engineering drawings, if required by the City. No erection, excavation, or
installation of any part of the Natural Gas Distribution System, or any olher appurtenances thereto,
shall be commenced by any person until pmpcr permits have been receivcd from the City, except in
the event of an emergency.
12.2 City Maps. The City does not guarantce the accuracy of any maps showing
th~ horizontal or vertical location of existing substructures or utilities.
12.3 Compliance with Construction and Technical Standards. The Company
shall install or erect any pipelines, towers, poles, conduits, fixtures, or other appurtenances thereto,
in accordance with commonly accepted good engineering practices and technical standards. The
Company shall comply with all applicahle construction and technical codes adopted hy local, state,
and federal law.
City or Winler Springs
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12.4 Quality of Construction. Construction, installation, reconstruction,
operation, and maintenance of the Natural Gas Distribution System shall be performed in an orderly
and workmanlike manner, in accordance with then current technological standards. The Company
shall use its best efforts to install or erect the Natw'al Gas Distributiun Sy!)lem parallel with existing
other utilities located in the rights-of-way. Nothing herein shall preclude underground installation.
12.5 Underground Installation.
(a) All installations of the natural gas transmission pipelines shall be
underground unless otherwise approvcd by the City in \\-Titing. No paved street, alley or other paved
Right-of- Way shall be cut unless approved by the Cily in writing, except in case of emergency.
(b) Prior to pcrf{llming any underground construction, lh~ Company shall
use its bcst efforts to locate, in advance, any water, sewage, gas, electric, cable, drainagc, or other
utility lines, including compliance with Chapter 556, Florida Statutes, to the extenl applicable.
Where any damages or alterations occur to said utility lines in the public right-of-way as a result of
construction, reconstruction, maintenancc, or removal ofthe Natural Gas Vistribution System by the
Company, its agent!> or independent contractors, the cost of such repairs including all services and
materials will be the responsibility of the Company to the extent provided in Chapter 556, Florida
Statutes and Jaw.
12.6 Construction Notice. Except with regard to routine mainlt:nance and
emergency circumstances, the Compan)' shall give appropriatc notice to the City and residents v.ithin
a reasonable period oftimc of proposed conEilruction, reconstruction, excavation, laying or stringing
of the Natural Gas Distribution System under streets or on poles, but in no event shall such notice
be given less than five (5) business days before such conunencemcnt.
12.7 Interference with Persons, Public and Private Property, and Ulililit:S. Tht:
Company's Natural Gas Distribution System and all appurtenances shall be located, erected and
maintained so that such system shall:
(a) Not endanger or interfere with the health. safety or lives of persons;
(b) Not tnll:.Tfere with any improvements which the City, county Of !)lale
may deem proper to make;
(c) Not interfere with the free and proper use of public rights-of-way,
alleys, bridges, easements or other public property, except to the minimum extent possible during
actual constntction or repair;
(d) Not interfere with the rights and reasonable convenience of private
property owners, except to the minimum extent possible during actual construction or repairs; and
City of Winter Springs
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(e) Not obstruct, hinder or interfere with any ga<;, cable, electric, water,
wastewater, reclaimed water, stormwater drainage, telephone, or other utility facilities located \vithin
t,he City.
12,~ Restoration to Prior Condition, Tn ease or any disturbance of pavement,
sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing, the Company shall, at its own cost and expense, and in a
manner approved by the City, replace and restore all paving, sidewalk, driveway, landscaping, or
surface of any street or alley disturbed, in as good a condition ~ bdore said work was commenced
nncl in a good workmanlike, timely manner in accordance with standards for stich work set hy the
City or the govcrnrnmtal entity having operational and maintenance responsibility for the Public
Right-of- Way. Unless otherwise approved by the City Manager, such restoration shall be undertaken
within ten (I 0) hu~ine~~ days arter the damage is incurred and shall he completed as soon as possible
12,9 Private Property, The Company shall promptly repair or replace all private
property, both real and personal, damaged or destroyed as a result of the construction, installati?n~
~,bi~tribiiti off$ystem-at~llieot6Pi.ttY;.ownerjs~re'qcieSt)'!
12,10 Progress Report~, For work involving Public Right-of- Way excavation for
other than in the event of an emergency, prior to commencing construction, the Company shall
provide the City with a schedule for completion of said work and keep the City informed of the
construction progress as reasonably necessary.
12.11 Anncx~tion. In the event of annexation of any territory to the present
corpordtc limits of City, any and all portions of the gas system of Company located in said annexed
territory shall be subject to ail of the terms and conditions of this franchise as though it were an
exten~ion made hereunder.
13.1 Records. With advance wriUcn request, the City shall have the right Lu
inspect at any time during normal business hours, all books, records, maps, revenue statements,
service complaint logs, performance test resull" and other like materials of the Company which relate
Lo thl:: opl:ration and cnforc~ment of the franchise within the City. Access to the aforemenlioned
records shall not be denied by the Company on the basis that said records contain "proprietary"
information, unless applicable law exempts said records.
13.2 Review. The Company shull peI1uit, during the Company's l10nnal business
hours, any duly authorized representative oflhe City to examine, at the City's discretion, any and all
City of Winter Springs
(lrdin;ll1ce No, 2001-5:\
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maps and other records kept or mnintaincd by the Company or under its controll:um;~rning the
operations, affairs, transactions or property of the Company relati ve to the Narural Gas Distribution
System operations in the City. The examination shall take pl~ce at the Company's place of business.
13.3 Reports to Be Filed. The following tlnancial reports for the Franchise area
shall be submitted to the City:
(a) An annual report prepared by the Company or the parent company of
the Company shall be provided annually at the time said report is published.
(b) A quarterly financial report showing the Company's esti.l:htiWd
quarterly woss R~venues and quarterly franchise fees collected in the Pranchise Area, pursuant to
Paragraph 8.5 herein.
13.4 Other Records, The City may impose reasonable requests for additional
information, records and docwnents from time to time, and the Company shall produce said records
v.rithin ten (10) business days, so long as such request relates to the City's enforc~m(;nt abilities under
this Franchise or [he City's ordinances or resolutions.
All services rendered and all nlles and regulations adopted by the Company shall have
generalllPplication to all persons and $hall not subject any person to prejudice or-disadvantage on
account of race. gender. religion, origin, or ethnicity. The Company shall not deny Natural Gas
service to any group of potential residential customers within the City because of the income of the
residents of the area in which such group resides. The Company shall not charge customers different
rates for Natural Gas service for the same class or type of service, unless the different rate is
approved by the Public Service Commission as part of the Company's tariff.
) 5.1 Operation. The Company shall maintain and operate ilS Natural Gas
Distribution System and render emcicnt service in accordance with the rules and regulations us are.
or may be. set forth by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs as provided in this
Franchise and by the Public Service Commissiun.
15.2 Planned Downtime. lhe Company shall provide reasonable notice to nIl
City of \Vin~r Springs
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customers who will be affected by an interruption of service for the purpose of repairs to, and
installation of, the Natural Gas Distribution System to customers.
15.3 Rules and Rcgulatious. Company shall hav~ the right to adopt and enforce
rules and regulations with respect to the extension, initiation and rendering of gas service, provided
lhe same are not im:onsistent with this Ordinance, including rutes providing [or the discontinuance
of service to any customer for nonpayment of bills whcn due, or for failure to comply with the
Company's other rules and regulations. All rates for gas and rules and regulations established by
C:ompany from t.ime to time .':\ha] 1 be those prescribed and approved by lhe Florida Public Service
16.1 No Joint Venture. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create a joint venture
or princi pal-agent relationship hetween the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either
party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such
relationship with the other.
16.2 Entire Agreement. This grant and all City Code provisions regulating the
distributiun, transmission, or sale of Natural Gas are incorporated herein by reference, represent the
entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter
hereof, and supersede all prior oral n~gotiations between the parties. This grant may be amemlt:d,
supplemented, modi tied, or changed only by adoption of an Ordinance by the City and execution of
an instrument agreeing to said amendment, supplementation, modification, or ehange in the terms
hereof by the Company.
16.3 Provisions Cumulative. The rights and remedies reserved to the City by this
Ordinance are cumulative and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other rights or
remedies which the City may have with respect to the subject matter of this grant of franchise subject
to applicable law, and a waiver thereof at any time shall have no effect on the enforcement of such
rights or remedies at a future lime.
16.4 Notices. All notices from the Company to lhe City pursuant to this Franchise
shall he st:nt to: Cit)' Manager, City of Winter Springs, Florida, 1126 East State Road 434, Winkr
Springs, Florida 32708. All notices to the Company shall be sent to: Senior Vice President, Florida
Public Utilities Company, 40 I South Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. The names
and addn:ss in this sccljon may be: unilaterally amended by either party at anytime by giving written
notice to the other party.
16.5 Captions. Captions to sections through this Ordinance are solely to facilitate
the reading and reference to the sections and provisions of the Ordinance. Such captions shall not
affect the meaning or interpretation of the Franchise.
City of Wimer Springs
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16.6 Cit).,s Rights of Intervention. 1l1e Company agrees not to oppose
intervention by the City if any suit or proceeding to whieh the Company is a party. concerning or
involving the Company and the City's rights under this Franchise.
16.7 Governing Law. This Franchise shall be governed in all respects, including
validity, interpretation and effect, by the laws of the State of Florida.
16.8 Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties hereto agree that the !ltale or federal
courts located in the State of Florida shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over the parties and the
subject matter of any litigation between the parties arising hereunder. For purpose of slale court
action, venue shall lie \\;thin Seminole County, Florida, and for the pUl-pose offederal court action,
venue shall lie within Orlando, Florida. THE COMPANY HEREBY WAlVES RIGHT TO
1 tl. 9 Attorney's Fees. In the event of any litigation or arbilrdtion arising out of this
Ordinance, the prevailing pany, to the extent permilled by law, shall be entitled to an award of its
reasonable attorney's fees and court coste; incurred in such action.
16.10 Franchise Costs. The Company agrees to pay the public advertising costs
incurred by the City in puhlishing newspaper advertisements required by law to grant this Fmnchisc
or any renewal or assignment thereof.
16.11 Reneglltiation Clause. In the event of a material change in federal or Statc
law(s) or Public Service Commission rule(s) or in the eventth~ Company enters into a franchise or
other agreement with Seminole County or any other City within Seminole County which provides
the County or other City more favorable Franchise Fees than provided to the City under this
Franchise. the City and the Company mutually agree to renegotiate those particular tcrnlS of this
Franchise affected by changes in said law(s), rule(s), or franchises or agreements. This Franchise
shall remain in full force and effect until any negotiated amendments have been duly approved by
both the City and the Company, however, if the Company fuils to negotiate said amendments in good
Taith and in a timely manner, the City shall have the right to terminate this Franchise pursuant to
paragraph 9.4 herein.
16.12 Purchase System. As a condition precedent to tht::' taking effeet of this
Franchise, City hereby reserves and Company hereby gives and grants to City, the right ut and after
the expiration of this franchise to purchase the Natuml Gas Distribution System used by Company
under this Franchise at a valuation to be detennined by negotiation between the parties. or in the
event an amount cannot be negotiated, by an amount determined by a Court of competent
City of Winter SpriJlg.~
Ordinance Nfl 2(101-,'1)
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xw; MijSt;F.AV:QRJn?;ttt~(bMf8E~f,~~'!:&fAijtt'jS;:
1~7.f3' Ltrfilljfttons~::;S~v~~:fhni~illie:fbi'adhbt~diii)nOefth'js'paraitriiph;iiliaJI::
Section 3. Incorporation Tnto Code. nus ordinance sha1l no' be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code nnd any section or paragraph number or letter and any h~a.cling may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
SeCtion 4. Severability, If any section, subsection, senlence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutionnl by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other rcason, such portion shall
be deemed n separate, distinct ar.d independent provision, and such holding shall not nffect the
validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Cit), of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 200 I-53
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Which: ;ffi.is!'OtdiLfS~~i~1}itlj~.~ii~ml;iri~;:~idf
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties h~reto have caw;ed this Franchise to be executed as
of the day and year first above written.
City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only
Anthony A, Gargane.se, City AUorncy
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Ef[e~live Date:
t':\DOCS\Cily (If Wjlll~r Springs\Ordil\.1l~\rINAL DRAFTS\Ga~ Frdochisc Fi~ Draflll.21~1. wpd
City of Wimer Spring~
Ordinance No. 2001-53
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WHEREAS, the current natural gas franchise ordinance, originally granted on December 21,
1970, will expire on October 1, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the City staff has negotiated a new natural gasfranchise ordinance with Florida
Public Utilities Company, and has provided a copy of the Ordinance to Florida Public Utilities
Company to review; and
'WHEREAS, the City Commission is scheduled to hold only one (1) meeting prior to the
expiration of the current gas franchise, therefore, an emergency exists requiring immediate and timely
action to extend the franchise to allow for review and comment by the City Commission and public;
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, hereby finds this
ordinance to be in the best interests of the public health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Springs to extend the franchise term provided in Ordinance No. 54, and extended by Ordinance No.
2000-44 and 2001-41, for a period of time set forth herein in order to provide for the requisite public
Section 1. Franchise Term Extended. The natural gas franchise term set forth in
Ordinances No. 54, 2000-44, and 200] -41 is hereby extended until November 12, 2001. All other
terms and conditions contained in said Ordinances No. 54, 2000-41, and/or 2001-41 shall be
unchanged by this Ordinance and shall remain in full force and effect. For reference purposes only,
a copy of the most current draft of the proposed gas franchise Ordinance is attached hereto as Exhibit
"A" to this Emergency Ordinance. Due to the short time frame before which the original gas
franchise ordinance will expire, any and all comments from the Commission, staff and Florida Public
Utilities Company regarding the proposed gas franchise Ordinance may be directed to the City
Attorney's Office so the same may be considered for incorporation into the Ordinance. The proposed
City or Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 2001-5 I
P'ge I of 2
gas franchise Ordinance shall be subject to the City Commission's approval at a later date.
Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior
inconsistent ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of prior ordinances
and resolutions in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 3. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity
of the remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 4. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
A T~EST: [/ .
'- It L ~j-___
City Clerk
ADOPT~D by the City Commission of the ityof
meeting assembled on the 24th day of September, 200 .
ed as to legal form and sufficiency for
of Winter Springs only
Effective Date: September 24, 2001
Accepted by Franchisee (Florida Public Utilities Company
C~_h > ~t ,~\:. ?b~~~
Print name/title: -:::=:J:::::)c'_., l-' '-'-" ~_
1<" \ ocr- ~ s.. ,-
r'l <~ :;T'-.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No. 200 I-51
Page 2 of 2
WHEREAS, the City is authorized to grant one or more non-exclusive, franchises to
construct, reconstruct, operate, and maintain a natural gas system within the City; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to make available within its corporate
limits high-quality and reliable natural gas service; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to retain regulatory authority over the
provision of natural gas service, to the extent allowed by law, because of the overriding public health,
safety and welfare considerations associated with the provision of this service; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to retain control over the use of public
rights-of-way by providers of natural gas to prohibit interference with the public convenience, to
promote aesthetic considerations, to promote planned and efficient use oflimited right-of-way space,
and to protect the public investment of right-of-way property; and
WHEREAS, the City finds it in the public interest to ensure that high quality natural gas
service is maintained through a responsive customer service procedure; and
WHEREAS, the City Commission finds that the granting of a non-exclusive natural gas
franchise is the best means of assuring that the above described interests of the City of Winter Springs
are promoted and maintained; and
WHEREAS, the City, after public hearings and due evaluation, has determined that it is'in
the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare of the City and its residents to approve this
Gas Franchise
Section 1. Recitals. Each and all ofthe foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated and
acknowledged to be true and correct.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 1 of 18
Section 2. Grant of Franchise, The City of Winter Springs hereby grants, in accordance
with the foregoing, a gas franchise to Florida Public Utilities Company:
Gas Franchise".
This Ordinance shall be known and may be cited as "Winter Springs Natural
2.1 Purpose.
The City finds that the development and maintenance of a natural gas
distribution system has the potential of having great benefit and impact upon the people of the City.
The City further finds that the public convenience, safety and general welfare can best be served by
exercising regulatory powers which are vested in the City or such persons as the City shall designate.
It is the intent of this Ordinance to provide for and specity the means to attain the best possible public
interest and public purpose in the distribution of natural gas within the boundaries of the City, and
this finding shall be an integral part of this Ordinance.
Further, the City recognizes that natural gas has, as a fuel source, the capability
of providing abundant clean-burning and efficient energy to the City's residents and commercial
2.2 Goals.
contained herein:
F or these purposes, the following goals underlie the regulations and provisions
(a) Natural gas should be made available to all City residents and
commercial businesses in accordance with the Florida Public Utilities Company Natural Gas tariff
filed with the Public Service Commission and any amendments, modifications, or revisions thereto.
(b) The Natural Gas Distribution System should be capable of
accommodating both the current and reasonably foreseeable future energy needs of the City.
(c) The Natural Gas Distribution System should be improved and
upgraded, if necessary, during the franchise term so that the new facilities necessary for the operation
of this system shall be integrated to the maximum extent possible with existing facilities.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 2 of 18
For the purpose of this Ordinance, the following terms and words shall have the
meaning ascribed to them, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
3.1 "Agreement" or "Franchise" shall mean this grant offranchise, as amended
from time to time, which shall constitute authorization, voluntarily entered into by the Company and
granted by the City, for the purpose of providing the Company authorization to construct or operate
a Natural Gas Distribution System in the Franchise Area. Any such authorization, in whatever form
granted, shall not mean or include any license or permit required for the privilege of transacting and
carrying on a business within the City as required by any City ordinance or resolution.
3.2 "City" means the City of Winter Springs, a Florida Municipal Corporation,
its successors and assigns.
3.3 "Company" means Florida Public Utilities Company, a Florida Corporation,
its successors and assigns as authorized hereunder.
3.4 "Franchise Areas" means all ofthe territory within the incorporated City, and
such additional territory as may be from time to time annexed into the City.
3.5 "Gross Annual Revenue" means all receipts derived by the Company directly
from the transport and sale of natural gas in the Franchise Area.
3.6 "Natural Gas" means natural gas in a gaseous state.
3.7 "Natural Gas Distribution System" shall mean the transmission pipelines
or any related equipment, facility, or building necessary or desirable to the transportation or delivery
of natural gas, or its treatment or storage during the course of transportation or delivery, under the
control of the Company, for the transmission, distribution or sale of Natural Gas pursuant to this
Ordinance, or any part thereof
3.8 "Public Right-of-Way" means the surface, the air space above the surface,
and the area below the surface of any public street, sidewalk, bridge, waterway, utility easement, or
other public property, which shall entitle the City and the Company to the use thereoffor the purpose
of installing and maintaining the Company's Natural Gas Distribution System. No reference herein,
or in any Franchise, to the '~Public Right-of-Way" shall be deemed to be a representation or guarantee
by the City that its title to any property is sufficient to permit its use for such purpose, and the
Company shall, by its use of such terms, be deemed to gain only such rights to use property in the
City as the City may have the undisputed right and power to give.
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3.9 . . "Transfer" means the disposal by the Company, directly or indirectly, by gift,
assignment, voluntary sale, merger, consolidation or otherwise, of twenty percent (20%) or more at
one time of the ownership or controlling interest in the Company, or thirty-five percent (35%)
cumulatively over the term of the Franchise of such interests to a corporation, partnership, limited
partnership, trust or association, or person or group of persons acting in concert or a change in
control. Transfer shall not include any transfer or assignment to a person controlling, controlled by,
or under the same common control as the Company.
4.1 Grant of Franchise. The Company is hereby granted a Natural Gas
Franchise, subject to the terms and conditions of this Franchise. Pursuant to this Franchise, the
Company may construct, operate, and maintain a Natural Gas Distribution System in, under, over,
along, across or upon the Public Rights-of-Way within the City for the purpose of transmission,
distribution and sale of Natural Gas for commercial, industrial, and residential use, in accordance with
the provisions of Chapter 337, Florida Statutes.
In exercising rights pursuant hereto, the Company shall not endanger or
interfere with the lives of persons, interfere with any structures, buildings, or facilities of the City, any
public utility, or any other person permitted to use the Public Rights-of-Way, nor unnecessarily hinder
or obstruct the free use of the Public Rights-of-Way. The grant of this Franchise does not establish
priority for use over other present or future permit, license, or utility franchise holders or the City's
own use of the Public Rights-of-Way.
All rights granted for the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and
operation of the Natural Gas Distribution System shall be subject to the continuing right of the City
to approve such reconstruction or relocation of the Natural Gas Distribution System in the Public
Rights-of-Way as shall, at the sole discretion of the City, be in the public interest.
4.2 Franchise Not Exclusive. The grant of this Franchise shall be non-exclusive
and shall not affect the right of the City to grant to itself or any other person the right to: build,
operate, or own a Natural Gas Distribution System; occupy or use the Public Rights-of-Way for the
construction, reconstruction, maintenance, and operation of a Natural Gas Distribution System or for
any purpose whatsoever. No privilege or power of eminent domain is bestowed on the Company by
the grant of this Franchise, but this Franchise shall not be construed to limit the Company's power of
eminent domain under state law.
4.3 Event of Conflict. In the event of conflict between the terms and conditions
of any agreement between the parties and this Ordinance, this Ordinance shall control. In all events,
the Company shall comply with all laws, ordinances and regulations enacted by the City pursuant to
its lawful police and regulatory powers as authorized by law. This Franchise is hereby made subject
to the general City Code provisions now in effect and hereafter made effective. Nothing in the
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Franchise shall be deemed to waive the requirements of the various codes of the City regarding
permits, taxes, and fees to be paid.
5.1 Effective Date. The effective date of this Franchise shall be
5.2 Term. The term of this Franchise shall be for a period of thirty (30) years
from the effective date unless sooner terminated as provided for in this Franchise. The Franchise shall
terminate on , 203 1.
6.1 Use of Public Rights-of-Way. For the purpose ofoperating and maintaining
a Natural Gas Distribution System in the Franchise Area, the Company may erect, install, construct,
repair, replace, reconstruct and retain in, on, over, under, upon, across and along the public streets
and ways within the Franchise Area such pipes, appurtenances, or related attachments or equipment
and other property and equipment as are necessary to the operation of the Natural Gas Distribution
System; provided, however, that the Company complies with all design, construction, safety, and
performance provisions contained in this Franchise, applicable local ordinances, and state and federal
6.2 Right of Condemnation Reserved. Nothing herein shall limit any right the
City may have to acquire by eminent domain or otherwise any property of the Company; provided,
however, that any such acquisition shall be for a price that values the Company's property as allowed
6.3 City's Right to Perform Public Works. Nothing in this Franchise shall be
in hindrance to the right of the City or any governmental authority to perform or carry on, directly
or indirectly, any public works or public improvements of any description. Should the Natural Gas
Distribution System in any way interfere with the construction, maintenance or repair of such public
works or public improvements, the Company shall, at its own cost and expense, protect or relocate
its Natural Gas Distribution System, or part thereof, as reasonably directed by City officials or any
governmental authority.
6.4 Emergency Response. The Company shall respond promptly in the case of
fire, emergency, or disaster in the City. The Company shall be responsible to take all prudent actions
necessary to mitigate any hazardous impact its Natural Gas Distribution System could eontribute to
any fire, emergency, or disaster at it's own expense.
6.5 Removal or Abandonment. lfthe Company elects to remove any portion
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of the Natural Gas Distribution System, the Company shall restore, in accordance with the directions
and specifications of all affected departments and agencies of the City and all applicable law, any
property, public or private, to its original condition prior to the removal of the Natural Gas
Distribution System.
6.6 Time Is of the Essence. Whenever this Franchise shall set forth any time for
any act to be performed by or on behalf of the Company, such time shall be deemed to be of the
essence, and any failure of the Company to perform within the time allotted shall be sufficient ground
for the City to invoke any applicable provision of the City Code or this Franchise.
6.7 NoW aiver of Rights. No course of dealing between the Company and the
City nor any delay on the part of the City in exercising any rights hereunder shall operate as a waiver
of any such rights of the City or acquiescence in the actions of the Company in contravention of the
City's rights, except to the extent expressly waived by the City in writing or expressly provided for
in the Franchise.
7.1 Transfer of Franchise. This Franchise shall not be sold, Transferred, leased,
assigned or disposed of, including but not limited to, by forced or voluntary sale, merger,
consolidation, receivership or other means without the prior written consent ofthe City, and then only
under such reasonable conditions as the City may establish which may include but not be limited to
financial guarantees to the Natural Gas Distribution System.
7.2 Transfer Threshold. The Company shall promptly notify the City of any
actual or proposed change in, or Transfer of, or acquisition by any other party of, control of the
7.3 City Approval. Every change; Transfer, or acquisition of control of the
Company shall make the Franchise subject to cancellation unless and until the City shall have
consented thereto in writing. For the purpose of determining whether it may consent to such change,
Transfer, or acquisition of control, the City may inquire into the legal, financial, character, technical,
and other public interest qualifications of the prospective Transferee or controlling party, or the terms
and conditions of the proposed change, transfer, or acquisition of control, and the Company shall
assist the City in obtaining all required information. Failure to provide all reasonable information
requested by the City as part of said inquiry shall be grounds for denial of the proposed change,
Transfer or acquisition of control.
7.4 Signatory Requirement. Any approval by the City of Transfer of ownership
shall be contingent upon the prospective assignee becoming a signatory to the Franchise.
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8.1 For years one (1) through fifteen (15) the Company shall pay to the City a
Franchise Fee of six and half percent (6.5%) of the Gross Annual Revenues excluding bad debts,
taxes and fees collected by the Company on behalf of any governmental agency. For years sixteen
(16) through thirty (30) the Company shall pay to the City a Franchise Fee of seven percent (7%) of
the Gross Annual Revenues excluding bad debts, taxes and fees collected by the Company on behalf
of any governmental agency.
8.2 Franchise Fees in Addition to Other Taxes or Payments. Payment of the
Franchise Fee made by the Company to the City shall not be considered in the nature of a tax, but
shall be in addition to any and all taxes of general applicability which are now or may be required
hereafter to be paid by any Federal, State, or local law.
8.3 Acceptance by the City. Subject to applicable law, no acceptance of any
payment by the City shall be construed as a release or as an accord and satisfaction of any claim that
the City may have for further or additional sums payable as a Franchise Fee under this Franchise or
for the performance of any other obligation of the Company.
8.4 Failure to Make Required Payment. In the event that any Franchise Fee or
recomputed amount is not made on or before the dates specified herein, the Company shall pay as
additional compensation an interest charge, computed from such due date, at an annualized rate equal
to the commercial prime interest rate of the City's primary depository bank during the period that such
unpaid amount is owed.
8.5 Periodic Payments to Be Made. The Company shall make fee payments of
monies due hereunder within thirty (30) days of the end of each calendar quarter for Franchise Fees
collected during the preceding quarter. Accompanying said payment, the Company shall also provide'
a written report of its Gross Revenues generated in the Franchise Area for the preceding quarter's
8.6 City Right to Inspection. The City, at its discretion, shall have the right to
inspect the Company's Gross Annual Revenue records, to audit, and to recompute any fee amounts.
Inspections, audits or recomputations may be performed either by the City or an independent firm
selected by the City and qualified for such purposes. No audit of the Company's records relating to
Gross Annual Revenues shall take place later than thirty-six (36) months following the close of each
of the Company's fiscal years. Audits that result in payment of four percent (4%) or more of
Franchise Fees during the audit period, shall be at the expense of the Company. Any additional
amount due to the City as a result of the audit shall be paid within thirty (30) Days of notice by the
City, unless the Company disputes the results of the audit. The Company agrees to meet with the
City and will attempt in good faith to resolve any differences. Thereafter, the additional amount due
shall be subject to payment within thirty (30) days after said additional amount is determined to be
due by the Company and the City, or the City declares an impasse in the negotiations with the
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8.7 Payments Due in Event of Termination or Expiration. In the event that
the Company continues the operation of any part or all of the Natural Gas Distribution System
beyond the termination, revocation, or expiration of the Franchise granted herein, it shall continue
to pay to the City the Franchise Fee in the manner set forth in this Franchise. This section shall not
be construed to authorize the operation of the Natural Gas Distribution System beyond the
termination, revocation, or expiration of this Franchise.
8.8 Alternative Fee Contingencies. In the event that the Company's obligation
to pay a Franchise Fee is held invalid by a decision of any court of competent jurisdiction or due to
the actions of any legislative body, the Company shall negotiate with the City in good faith and shall
agree, if permissible under then applicable law, to provide compensation to the City in lieu of the
Franchise Fee. The amount of compensation shall, to the extent permitted by applicable law, as
amended from time to time, be comparable to that which the Company would pay as the Franchise
Fee under the terms of this Franchise and shall be passed through to the natural gas customers in a
manner similar to the Franchise Fee.
8.9 Other Fees and Taxes. To the extent that any federal or state law or
regulation may now forbid the City from assessing any type offee or tax, upon repeal, modification,
or judiciaVadministrative interpretation of said law or rule that would permit the City to assess said
fee or tax, the City shall have the right to assess said fee or tax to the full extent authorized by law;
provided, that the City shall first consult with the Company. Upon such occurrence, the parties shall
meet and confer within ninety (90) days of notice from the City to in good faith negotiate Franchise
provisions to implement the collection of said fee or tax.
9.1 Grounds for Revocation. The City reserves the right to revoke any Franchise
granted hereunder, pursuant to the procedure in paragraph 9.4, and rescind all rights and privileges
associated with the Franchise in the following circumstances; each of which shall represent a default
and breach of this Franchise:
(a) Company has defaulted in the performance of any of the material
obligations under this Franchise or any provision of the City Code not conflicting with this Franchise;
(b) Company has failed to provide or maintain in full force and effect the
liability and indemnification coverage as required herein;
( c) Company has violated a material provision of any orders or rulings of
any regulatory body having jurisdiction over the Company relative to this Franchise and any
regulatory ordinance of the City, and the Company fails to begin cure within five (5) business days
of notice from the City and to complete cure within a reasonable time after notice, as determined by
the City;
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(d) Company has committed any act of fraud upon the City or natural gas
(e) Company has acted grossly negligently, as defined by general law, in
maintaining or operating the Natural Gas Distribution System provided in this Franchise;
or is adjudged bankrupt;
Company has become insolvent, is unable or unwilling to pay its debts,
(g) Company has made a material misrepresentation of fact In the
application for or negotiation of the Franchise or any extension or renewal thereof; and
in this Franchise.
(h) Company has failed to pay the Franchise Fee in the manner provided
9.2 Effect of Circumstances Beyond Control of Franchisee. The Company
shall not be declared at fault or be subject to any sanction under any provision of this Franchise in any
case, in which performance of any such provision is prevented for reasons beyond the Company's
control. For the purposes of this Franchise, causes or events beyond the Company's control shall
include, without limitation, acts of God, floods, earthquakes, landslides, hurricanes, fires and other
natural disasters, acts of public enemies, riots or civil disturbances, sabotage, strikes and restraints
imposed by order of a governmental agency or court. A cause or event shall not be deemed to-he
beyond the Company's control if committed by a corporation or other business entity in which the
Company holds a controlling interest whether held directly or indirectly, when such fault is due to
Company's financial inability to perform or comply, economic hardship, or misfeasance, malfeasance
or nonfeasance by any of the Company's dire"ctors, officers, employees or contractors or agents.
9.3 Effect of Pending Litigation. Pending litigation or any appeal to any
regulatory body or court having jurisdiction over the Company shall not excuse the Company from
the performance of its obligations under this Franchise, unless specifically provided for by court order
or by the regulatory body having jurisdiction over such matters. Failure of the Company to perform
such obligations because of pending litigation or petition may result in forfeiture or revocation
pursuant to the provisions of this section.
9.4 Proced ure Prior to Revocation. The City Manager shall notify the Company
in writing of the exact nature of the alleged violation constituting a ground for termination and give
the Company thirty (30) days, or such greater amount of time as the City Manager may specify, to
correct such violations or to present facts-and-argurrients to the City Mariager te> refute the alleged'
violation ("Cure Period"). If by the end of the Cure Period the Company does not remedy the
violation or convince the City Manager there is no violation, the City Manager shall schedule a
public meeting of the City Commission for purposes of addressing the alleged violation. The
Commission meeting shall be held within thirty (30) days from the expiration of the Cure Period. The
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City Manager shall promptly provide the Company written notice of the Commission meeting.
During the Commission meeting, the City Manager, Company, and all interested parties shall have
the right to be heard in person and through counsel, present evidence, and cross examine adverse
witnesses. At the conclusion of the Commission meeting, the Commission may suspend or revoke
the Franchise, ifit determines that there are sufficient grounds which warrant such action; otherwise,
the Franchise remains in full force and effect. The Company shall not be held in default nor suffer
any penalties where non-compliance or default is caused by an event beyond the Company's control,
as stated in Section 9.2. The Company shall have the right of review by a court of competent
jurisdiction upon any determination by the City Commission to suspend or revoke this Franchise.
However, nothing contained herein shall prohibit the City from seeking an equitable remedy including
but not limited to injunction relief or specific performance.
10.1 Certificate of Insurance. In no event later than thirty (30) days after the
effective date of this Franchise and thereafter continuously throughout the duration of this Franchise
and any extensions or renewals thereof, the Company shall furnish to the City, certificates of
insurance, approved by the City, for all types of insurance required under this section. Failure to
furnish said certificates of insurance in a timely manner shall constitute a failure to faithfully comply
with this Franchise. At the City's request, the Company shall furnish certificates of insurance which
are in effect from time to time.
10.2 No Liability Limit. Neither the provisions of this article or any damages
recovered by the City hereunder, shall be construed to limit the liability of the Company for damages
under this Franchise.
10.3 Endorsement. All insurance policies maintained pursuant to this Franchise
shall contain an endorsement in substantially the following form:
It is hereby understood and agreed that this insurance policy may not
be modified or canceled by the insurance company nor the intention
not to renew be stated by the insurance company until thirty (30) days
after receipt by the City of Winter Springs City Manager by certified
mail, of a written notice of such intention to cancel or not to renew.
10.4 State Institution. Except for self-insured policies, all insurance policies
provided pursuant to this Franchise shall be written by companies authorized by the Florida Insurance
Commissioner to do business in the State of Florida as an insurance company.
10.5 Named Insured. The City shall be an additional named insured for all
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insurance policies written pursuant to this Franchise.
10.6 Changes in Policy Limits. To offset the effects of inflation and to reflect
changing liability limits, all of the coverage, limits, and amounts of the insurance provided for herein
are subject to reasonable increases at the end of every three (3) year period of this Franchise,
applicable to the next three (3) year period, at the City's discretion.
10.7 Commercial General Liability Insurance. The Company shall maintain
throughout the term of this Franchise, general liability insurance insuring the Company in the
minimum of:
(a) $1,000,000 for property damage single limit;
anyone person; and
(b) $3,000,000 single limit liability for personal bodily injury or death to
Such general liability insurance must include coverage for all of the following:
comprehensive form, premises operations, explosion .and collapse hazard, underground hazard,
products/completed operations hazard, contractual insurance, broad form property damage, and
personal injury.
10.8 Automobile Liability Insurance. The Company shall maintain throughout
the term of this Franchise, automobile liability insurance for owned, non-owned, or rented vehicles
in the minimum amount of:
per occurrence; and
(a) $1,000,000 'single limit liability for bodily injury and'consequent death
(b) $1,000,000 for property damage per occurrence.
10.9 Worker's Compensation. The Company shall maintain throughout the term
of this Franchise, worker's compensation in the minimum amount of the statutory limit for worker's
compensation, as amended from time to time.
II. I Indemnity and Hold Harmless. The City shall in no way be liable or
responsible for any accident or damage caused by the Company that may occur in the construction,
operation, or maintenance by the Company of the Natural Gas Distribution System, and the
acceptance of this Franchise on the part of the Company shall be deemed an agreement on the part
of the Company to fully indemnifY, defend and hold harmless the City and its officers, boards and
Commission, contractors, attorneys and City employees against the full amount of any (i) claims, (ii)
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liabilities, (iii) actions, (iv) suits, (v) proceedings, (vi) payments, (vii) assessments, (viii) judgments,
(ix) losses, (x) damages, (xi) costs and (xii) expenses (including interest, penalties and reasonable
attorneys' fees and disbursements) claimed against the City in connection with the following:
(a) To persons or property, in any way arising out of or through the acts
or omissions of the Company, its servants, agents or employees; and
(b) Arising out of the Company's failure to comply with the provisions of
any federal, state, or local laws, ordinances, or regulations applicable to the Company in its business
11.2 Condition. The foregoing indemnity is conditioned upon the City giving the
Company prompt notice of any claim or the commencement of any action, suit or other proceeding
covered by the provisions of this section. Nothing herein shall be deemed to prevent the City from
cooperating with the Company and participating in the defense of any litigation by its own counsel
at its own costs and expense.
11.3 Bond. Company shall execute and file with the City Manager its bond in the
penal sum of Fifty Thousand and Noll 00 Dollars($50,000.00), in satisfactory form, guaranteeing its
performance of all obligations under this Franchise which bond shall be enlarged or reviewed from
time to time as required by the City Commission.
12.1 Authorization to Commence Construction and Application Procedures.
Prior to the installation or erection of any pipelines, towers, poles, conduits, fixtures, or other
appurtenances thereto, other than minor or emergency excavation and maintenance, or the upgrade
or rebuild of the Natural Gas Distribution System, the Company shall first submit to the City for
review a concise description of the facilities proposed to be maintained, erected, removed, or
installed, including engineering drawings, if required by the City. No erection, excavation, or
installation of any part of the Natural Gas Distribution System, or any other appurtenances thereto,
shall be commenced by any person until proper permits have been received from the City, except in
the event of an emergency.
12.2 City Maps. The City does not guarantee the accuracy of any maps showing
the horizontal or vertical location of existing substructures or utilities.
12.3 Compliance with-Construction and-Technical-Standards. The Company
shall install or erect any pipelines, towers, poles, conduits, fixtures, or other appurtenances thereto,
in accordance with commonly accepted good engineering practices and technical standards. The
Company shall comply with all applicable construction and technical codes adopted by local, state,
and federal law.
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12.4 Quality of Construction. Construction, installation, reconstruction,
operation, and maintenance of the Natural Gas Distribution System shall be performed in an orderly
and workmanlike manner, in accordance with then current technological standards. The Company
shall use its best efforts to install or erect the Natural Gas Distribution System parallel with existing
other utilities located in the rights-of-way. Nothing herein shall preclude underground installation.
12.5 Underground Installation.
(a) All installations of the natural gas transmission pipelines shall be
underground unless otherwise approved by the City in writing. No paved street, alley or other paved
Right-of-Way shall be cut unless approved by the City in writing, except in case of emergency.
(b) Prior to performing any underground construction, the Company shall
use its best efforts to locate, in advance, any water, sewage, gas, electric, cable, drainage, or other
utility lines, including compliance with Chapter 556, Florida Statutes, to the extent applicable. Where
any damages or alterations occur to said utility lines in the public right-of-way as a result of
construction, reconstruction, maintenance, or removal of the Natural Gas Distribution System by the
Company, its agents or independent contractors, the cost of such repairs including all services and
materials will be the responsibility of the Company.
12.6 Construction Notice. Except with regard to routine maintenance and
emergency circumstances, the Company shall give appropriate notice to the City and residents within
a reasonable period of time of proposed construction, reconstruction, excavation, laying or stringing
of the Natural Gas Distribution System under streets or on poles, but in no event shall such notice
be given less than five (5) business days before such commencement.
12.7 Interference with Persons, Public and Private Property, and Utilities. The
Company's Natural Gas Distribution System and all appurtenances shall be located, erected and
maintained so that such system shall:
(a) Not endanger or interfere with the health, safety or lives of persons;
(b) Not interfere with any improvements which the City, county or state
may deem proper to make;
(c) Not interfere with the free and proper use of public rights-of-way,
alleys, bridges, easements or other public property, except to the minimum extent possible during
actual construction or repair;
(d) Not interfere with the rights and reasonable convenience of private
property owners, except to the minimum extent possible during actual construction or repairs; and
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(e) Not obstruct, hinder or interfere with any gas, cable, electric, water,
wastewater, reclaimed water, stormwater drainage, telephone, or other utility facilities located within
the City.
12.8 Restoration to Prior Condition. In case of any disturbance of pavement,
sidewalk, driveway or other surfacing, the Company shall, at its own cost and expense, and in a
manner approved by the City, replace and restore all paving, sidewalk, driveway, landscaping, or
surface of any street or alley disturbed, in as good a condition as before said work was commenced
and in a good workmanlike, timely manner in accordance with standards for such work set by the City
or the governmental entity having operational and maintenance responsibility for the Public Right-of-
Way. Unless otherwise approved by the City Manager, such restoration shall be undertaken within
ten (10) business days after the damage is incurred and shall be completed as soon as possible
12.9 Private Property. The Company shall promptly repair or replace all private
property, both real and personal, damaged or destroyed as a result of the construction, installation,
operating or maintenance of the Natural Gas Distribution System at its sole cost and expense.
12.10 Progress Reports. For work involving Public Right-of-Way excavation for
other than in the event of an emergency, prior to commencing construction, the Company shall
provide the City with a schedule for completion of said work and keep the City informed of the
construction progress as reasonably necessary.
12.11 Annexation. In the event of annexation of any territory to the present
corporate limits of City, any and all portions of the gas system of Company located in said annexed
territory shall be subject to all of the terms and conditions of this Franchise as though it were an
extension made hereunder.
13. 1 Records. With advance written request, the City shall have the right to inspect
at any time during normal business hours, all books, records, maps, revenue statements, service
complaint logs, performance test results and other like materials of the Company which relate to the
operation and enforcement of the Franchise within the City. Access to the aforementioned records
shall not be denied by the Company on the basis that said records contain "proprietary" information,
unless applicable law exempts said records.
13.2 Review. -The-Coinpanishall permit, during the Company's normal business
hours, any duly authorized representative of the City to examine, at the City's discretion, any and all
maps and other records kept or maintained by the Company or under its control concerning the
operations, affairs, transactions or property of the Company relative to the Natural Gas Distribution
System operations in the City. The examination shall take place at the Company's place of business.
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13.3 Reports to Be Filed. The following financial reports for the Franchise area
shall be submitted to the City:
(a) An annual report prepared by the Company or the parent company of
the Company shall be provided annually at the time said report is published.
(b) A quarterly financial report showing the Company's quarterly gross
revenues and quarterly franchise fees collected in the Franchise Area, pursuant to Paragraph 8.5
13.4 Other Records. The City may impose reasonable requests for additional
information, records and documents from time to time, and the Company shall produce said records
within ten (10) business days, so long as such request relates to the City's enforcement abilities under
this Franchise or the City's ordinances or resolutions.
All services rendered and all rules and regulations adopted by the Company shall have
general application to all persons and shall not subject any person to prejudice or disadvantage on
account of race, gender, religion, origin, or ethnicity. The Company shall not deny Natural Gas
service to any group of potential residential customers within the City because of the income of the
residents ofthe area in which such group resides. The Company shall not charge customers different
rates for Natural Gas service for the same class or type of service.
15.1 Operation. The Company shall maintain and operate its Natural Gas
Distribution System and render efficient service in accordance with the rules and regulations as are,
or may be, set forth by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs as provided in this
Franchise and by the Public Service Commission.
15.2 Planned Downtime. The Company shall provide reasonable notice to all
customers who will be affeeted by an interruption of service for the purpose of repairs to, and
installation of, the Natural Gas Distribution System to customers.
15.3 Rules and Regulations. Company shall have the right to adopt and enforce
rules and regulations with respect to the extension, initiation and rendering of gas service, provided
the same are not inconsistent with this Ordinance, including rules providing for the discontiilUance ..
of service to any customer for nonpayment of bills when due, or for failure to comply with the
Company's other rules and regulations. All rates for gas and rules and regulations established by
Company from time to time shall be those prescribed and approved by the Florida Public Service
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16.1 No Joint Venture. Nothing herein shall be deemed to create ajoint venture
or principal-agent relationship between the parties, and neither party is authorized to, nor shall either
party act toward third persons or the public in any manner which would indicate any such relationship
with the other.
16.2 Entire Agreement. This grant and all City Code provisions regulating the
distribution, transmission, or sale of Natural Gas are incorporated herein by reference, represent the
entire understanding and agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter
hereof, and supersede all prior oral negotiations between the parties. This grant may be amended,
supplemented, modified, or changed only by adoption of an Ordinance by the City and execution of
an instrument agreeing to said amendment, supplementation, modification, or change in the terms
hereof by the Company.
16.3 Provisions Cumulative. The rights and remedies reserved to the City by this
Ordinance are cumulative and shall be in addition to and not in derogation of any other rights or
remedies which the City may have with respect to the subject matter of this grant offranchise subject
to applicable law, and a waiver thereof at any time shall have no effect on the enforcement of such
rights or remedies at a future time.
16.4 Notices. All notices from the Company to the City pursuant to this Franchise
shall be sent to: City Manager, City of Winter Springs, Florida, 1126 East State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708. All notices to the Company shall be sent to: Division Manager, Florida
Public Utilities Company, 830 W. Sixth Street, Sanford, Florida 32771. The names and address in
this section may be unilaterally amended by either party at anytime by giving written notice to the
other party.
16.5 Captions. Captions to sections through this Ordinance are solely to facilitate
the reading and reference to the sections and provisions of the Ordinance. Such captions shall not
affect the meaning or interpretation of the Franchise.
16.6 City's Rights of Intervention. The Company agrees not to oppose
intervention by the City if any suit or proceeding to which the Company is a party, concerning or
involving the Company and the City's rights under this Franchise.
16.7 Governing Law. This Franchise shall be governed in all respects, including
validity, interpretation and effect; by the'laws df the State of Florida.
16.8 Jurisdiction and Venue. The parties hereto agree that the state or federal
courts located in the State of Florida shall have the exclusive jurisdiction over the parties and the
subject matter of any litigation between the parties arising hereunder. For purpose of state court
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 16 of 18
action, venue shall lie within Seminole County, Florida, and for the purpose of federal court action,
venue shall lie within Orlando, Florida. THE COMPANY HEREBY WAIVES RIGHT TO
16.9 Attorney's Fees. In the event of any litigation or arbitration arising out of this
Ordinance, the prevailing party, to the extent permitted by law, shall be entitled to an award of its
reasonable attorney's fees and court costs incurred in such action.
16.10 Franchise Costs. The Company agrees to pay the public advertising costs
incurred by the City in granting this Franchise or any renewal or assignment thereof
16.11 Renegotiation Clause. In the event ofa material change in Federal or State
law(s) or Public Service Commission rule(s) or in the event the Company enters into a franchise or
other agreement with Seminole County or any other City within Seminole County which provides the
County or other City more favorable Franchise Fees than provided to the City under this Franchise,
the City and the Company mutually agree to renegotiate those particular terms of this Franchise
affected by changes in said law(s), rule(s), or franchises or agreements. This Franchise shall remain
in full force and effect until any negotiated amendments have been duly approved by both the City
and the Company, however, if the Company fails to negotiate said amendments in good faith and in
a timely manner, the City shall have the right to terminate this Franchise pursuant to paragraph 9.4
16.12 Purchase system. As a condition precedent to the taking effect of this
Franchise, City hereby reserves and Company hereby gives and grants to City, the right at and after
the expiration of this franchise to purchase the Natural Gas Distribution System used by Company
under this Franchise at a valuation to be determined by negotiation between the parties, or in the
event an amount cannot be negotiated, by an amount determined by a Court of competent
Section 3. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall not be incorporated into the
Winter Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be
changed or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or
provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of
competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall
be deemed a separate, distinct and independent-provision; 'andsuch. holding-shall not affect thevalidity-
of the remaining portions of this ordinance_
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon
adoption by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Franchise to be executed as
of the day and year first above written.
City Clerk
Approved as to legal form and sufficiency for
the City of Winter Springs only
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
F:\DOCS\City of Winter Springs\Ordinances\Gas Franchise 9-18-0 I.jd
City of Winter Springs
Ordinance No.
Page 18 of 18
THIS NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement") executed
on this J.I" 'day of December, 200 I, is entered into by and between CITY OF WINTER
SPRINGS, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is I 126 North State Road 434, Winter
Springs, Florida 32708, (hereinafter "City"), and FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY,
whose address is 401 South Dixie Highway, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401, (hereinafter
WHEREAS, the City and Company desire to enter into a natural gas franchise agreement
pursuant to the terms and conditions of this Agreement and the franchise that was granted by the City
in accordance with Ordinance No. 2001-53 which was adopted by the City Commission of Winter
Springs on November 26, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the City and Company acknowledge that this Agreement is a material part of
the franchise granted under Ordinance No. 200 I-53 and but for this Agreement, the City would not
have approved said Ordinance and granted the franchise.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth
herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
1.0 Recital: The foregoing recitals are hereby incorporated herein and deemed a
material part of this Agreement.
2.0 Franchise Accepted: The company hereby fully accepts the natural gas franchise
granted by the City pursuant to Ordinance No. 2001-53. The Company agrees to comply with all
the terms an conditions set forth herein and in Ordinance No. 200 I-53 and further agrees to fully and
faithfully perform the obligations and responsibilities contained therein. A copy of Ordinance No.
200 I-53 is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and hereby fully incorporated herein by this reference.
Together this Agreement and Ordinance No. 2001-53 shall be known as "The City of Winter Springs
and Florida Public Utilities Company Natural Gas Franchise."
3.0 Most Favored Franchise Fee Status: The terms and conditions set forth in
Ordinance No. 2001-53 are hereby supplemented with the following:
(a) Increased Franchise Fee. During the term of this Franchise, and any renewal
or extension thereof, when and if the Company negotiates any gas franchise with any other City or
County after the effective date of this Franchise, which has a franchise fee payable above that
provided by this Franchise, the City shall have the right to amend this Franchise during the term
hereof to provide for a franchise fee equal to that provided in the other franchise, and the Company
hereby irrevocably consents to any such amended franchise fee adopted pursuant hereto. The City
shall provide at least thirty (30) days notice prior to the effective date of any amended franchise fee
adopted pursuant to this paragraph.
Page I of 3
(b) Franchise Report. Annually, as of January I of each year, the Company will
furnish the City a list of all of its gas franchises including the name and address of the franchisor,
the date of the franchise, the percentage of the franchise fee, and the length of the tenn of the
(c) Limitations. Any amended franchise fee adopted under this paragraph shall:
1. apply only to a change in the applicable franchise fee percentage and
not to any change in class of service to which it applies.
11. apply only to gas franchises negotiated, in whole or in part, by the
Company with any other City or County after the effective date of this
Franchise and not to gas franchises acquired by the Company through
acquisition, purchase or merger.
4.0 Cross-default: A default by the Company of any term and/or condition of this
Agreement shall be deemed a default under the franchise granted under Ordinance No. 2001-53 and
vice versa. In the event of such default under this Agreement or Ordinance No. 200 I -53, the City
shall have the right to terminate and revoke this Agreement and the franchise pursuant to the
procedure set forth in Section 2, Article IX, Forfeiture or Revocation, of Ordinance No. 2001-53.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed
as of this dl J r day of December, 200 I.
RONALD W. McL~10RE~ City M~na.ger
ZO-LUACES, City Clerk
C!u~L }JL__
Senior Vice President and Operating Officer
Page 2 of 3
~Tan /.Ul.'-~ :u:o ~
Sworn to and subscribed before me this IfY-/t day of Decemeer 209-:1, by RONALD W.
McLEMORE, City Manager for City of Winter Springs, who ~rsonaIly known to me, or 0
who has produced as identification, and who did take an oath.
COUNTY OF pel \ f\.l B-e.otCk
Sworn to and subscribed before me this J{...s {-day of December 2001, by CHARLES L.
ST~IN, Senior Vice President and Operating Officer for Florida Public Utilities Company, who
(t('is personally known to me, or 0 who has produced as identification,
and who did take an oath.
My Commission Expires: VV'\aA.-t.Vl tlJ/ moy
"~,, Deborah L Gillespie .
* ~ * My Commission CC920806
.".....' ExpIres March 21.2004
kuJ!.~J~ 'I?
My Commission Expires: (
e tA-CtCLlLdvk. L- ,Sa y Vy
/~~';:.!'X!k'f;:',- CHAUNDRA L. SAYLOR
t: ;.~ MY COMMISSION # CC 7199Tl
~.... .....iV EXPIRES: June 5 "^^"
II, 0,. f\.O,,' B""""" Th . ......hI.
.......... ~""'" 1\1 NoWy PlIbUc UndeIWlfl8/S
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