HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 11 26 Regular B NEW Limited Board Appointments
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Regular Meeting
Mgr. / Dept.
Commissioner Cindy Gennell requests that the City Commission reflect on
whether they wish to consider a policy limiting Board Appointments.
With the recent appointment of an individual to a second Advisory Board, the
City Commission is being asked to consider whether there should be limitations
placed up the number of Advisory Boards and/or Committees that an individual
may serve on concurrently.
. On November 12,2001 the City Attorney provided the City Commission with
an opinion stating that citizens could serve on more than one Advisory Board
or Committee.
. No formal policy can be found which references the number of individuals
that can serve concurrently on more than one Advisory Board or Committee.
. In light of the Attorney's opinion, the Commission needs to establish a policy
on regulating the number of residents than can serve on Advisory Boards or
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It is recommended that the City Commission establish a written policy, possibly
in the form of a Resolution, or if they desire additional information as to this
matter, prior to making a formal decision.
A. Opinion Letter from City Attorney Anthony A. Garganese dated November 12,
2001 on a recent appointment that involves a resident serving on two City
Advisory Boards.
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407 425 9596;
Nov;12-01 10:34AM;
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Ush<:r L. Brown ·
John H, Ward ·
Gary S. Sal7.roan"
Jeffrey S. Weiss
SU:I,:mn.: D' Ab'Testa
Anthony A. GargnneseO
Scott D. Dllnshy
Alfred Truesdell
Arthur R. "'Randy" Brown. Jr..
Bre" A Marlowe
J~ffrey P Husk
Kristine R. Kutz
Joseph G. Colomho
Debra S. Babb
Gregory A, Hss,~
Chey~nne R. Young
Joseph [, Dlitch
Two L:llldmark Center
225 Ea:it R(lbinson Street, Suire 660
Post Office Box 2873
Orlando, FL 32802.2873
(407) 415-9566
(407) 425-9596 '.'AX
Em:1i I: a~arganese@(1rl;,"doJA'" .net
Website: ,vww.orJAlldolaw.nct
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Nov 1 2 ?Om
Ccl~ ' Njlr rY:'-ERI<
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November 12, 2001
The Honorable Mayor Paul P. Partyka and
Members of the City Commission
1126 East State Road 434
Winter Springs. Florida 32708-6912
Re: Planning and Zoning iloard/LP ^
Dear Mayor Partyka and M~mhers of the City Commission:
As you may recall, Joanne Krebs was recently appointed to the Planning and Zoning.
. BourdlT ,P A. At the time ~he was app()inted, the City Commission directed that I confirm that Ms.
Krehs could simultaneously serve both on the Planning and Zoning BoardlLP ^ and -the Code
Enforcement Board. If not. Ms. Krebs indicated she would resign from the Code Board and serve
on the Planning and ZoniJlg Doard/LPA.
Subsequent to that meeting, r thoroughly researched the issue and advised Ms. Krebs by
telephone that she could serve on both boards.
Sent By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407 425 9596;
Nov.12-Q1 10:35AM;
Page 3/4
The Honurable Mayor Paul P. Partyka and
Member:; of the City Commission
Novemb~r 12, 200 1
Page 2
This \.veek Ms. Kn::bs attended her fir~t Planning and 7<ming Board/LPA meeting. I was told
by City slaffthat atlhe meeting severdl members of the Planning and Zoning Boan.lILPA questioned
Ms. Krebs' ability to serve simultalleow;ly on both lhe Planning and Zoning! LPA Hoard and Code
cnfon:ement Board. I nt)W find it necessary to formalize my opinion in \-witing so that it is clear she
can serve on both hoards.
Except a<; explained below, neither state law nor City policy prohihit a person from sen:ing
\.In two City boards. Article Il, Section 5(a), Florida Constitution provides in part:
"Nu person $hal1 hold at the same time more than one office under the
govemment of the state and the counties and municipalities UIl::rein,
except that. . . anyoffieer may be a member of a , . . statutory body
having only advisory powers."
lhis constitutional provi~ion prohibits a person [rom simultaneously holding more than one
"office:" under the governmemofthe ~(ate, counties, and ll1unieip3lilies. Tht' Florida Supreme Court
has st3[ed that the term "offil:e-' implies a delegation of a pOl1iOllllr the sovereign power to the
person filling the offil.:e. The f71(lrida Attorney General has frequently opined that purely advisol)'
board~ do not exercise sovereign .power and are exempt from Article .1.1, Section 5ea), Florida
C:onstinltion. On the other hand, quasi-judicial boards do eXG,.cise sovereign power beca1.l';e they
h...'lve final dcci~jon making authority and their decisions are appealable to a Court.
Relevanr to Ms. Krebs' appointment, the Florida Attorney GeCl~al has held that service on
a Planning amI Zoning BO<Jrd/Land Planning Agency which has only advisory functions Would not
violate the dual ofliec holding prohibition. In Attorney General Opinion 99-16, it \Va.'.; held that a
memher of a county planning commi:-;sion may serve on the South Florida Water Management
I)istrict without violating the prohibition against dual ofJil:e holding contained in Article II, Sectinn
5(a), Florida Constitution. The planning commission in question W~s ,lUthoriL~d and directed to,
among other things, prepare the comprehensive plan and to rc(;ommcnd the plan to the cOUnty
wmmissiofl lor adoption. In addition, the agency was authorized to nlonitor the effectiveness and
Stauis of the plan and recommend to the county commission such changes in the plan as may be
required from time to time. There was no evidence to indicate that the planning commission
possessed any authority to take final action regarding the plan or in granting an)' variances. Tnstcad,
the evidence indicated that the powers of the local planning commission were infonnation gathering
and advisory only.
Similarly, in A ttorney General Opinion 74-232, the Florida Attorney General concluded that
a planning commission established pursuantlo Part 2, Chapter 163, Florida Stannes, and possessing
only those powers contemplated by that part was a "statulO!)1 body having only advisory powers" for
purposes or Article 11, Section 5(a), Florida Constitution. Accordingly, the Attorney General"
considered the duties ofsuch a planning commission to be information-gathering and advisory only.
~~~t By: BROWN,WARD,SALZMAN&WEISS,P.A.; 407425 9596;
Nov-12-01 10:35AM;
Page 4/4 -\,,"\,:: l~\l~-
lhe Honorable Mayor Paul P. Partyka and
Members or thc City Commission
Nowlllba 12.2001
Page 3
Section 20-57 oflh~ Winter Springs Code provides for the general duticJ:: ofthc Planning and
Zoning Board which also selVes 3S the Land Planning Agency. The gellt.'Tal duti~s under Section 20.
57 appear to bc advisory only SillC~ the Planning and Zoning Board can only make recommendations
to the City Commission for final action. Section 163.3174(4), Florida Statutes, provides that the
Local Planning Agency shall bc responsible Jc)r making certain reCOn1nl(.'l1datioIlS relative to the
(;()Illpr~hcnsive plan to the governing body. 'Ibcrerore, it is ckar that the Planning and Zoning
Board/LP A does no~,~rci::;e sovereign power becatl';e it is purely an information-gathering and'
advisory hody cnly. '
As an advisory body. the City of Winter Springs' Planning and Zoning Board'LP A is exempt
from Arricle II, Section Sea), Florida Constitution ond its members, including Ms. Kreb~. may serve
on another City hoord. including a quasi-judicial board like lhe Code Enforcement Board.
Ir is also notcworthy that the City Clerk could not locate a.ny previously adopted City
Commission policy which would prohibit a penlon from s~rving on more lhan one City board_
Furthcrnltlre. Ms. Krebs' appointment does not present a situation where she would simultaneously
.'ierVe on Cwo quasi-judicial boards, which would be prohibited by Article II. Section 5(a), Florida
CO/lsr.ituriorJ. It is, therefore, my opinion thal Ms. Krebs may simultaneously serve on both the
Planning and Zoning Board/LPA and the Code Enforcement Board,
I hope this letter clarifies the ::;ituation. Pleasc contact me should you have any questions.
Anthony A. Garganese
City Attorney
cc: Ron McLemore. City Manager
Joanne Krebs
Planning and Zoning Roard (via City Clerk's Office)
~ ',lH..K:S',( il}'..f Wmh::r $prin!:::(;cner:\I\Co/rcsrnndcllcc\Mayt'f IIlld City C(Jrnmi~~I(\n'J'&Z-Jo:rch"< Appl. Ilr r 1-12-1)1 "'pd
:::.;' , NQ\.)-12-2001 10: 45
407 425 9596