HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 02 26 Informational F Commerical Vehicle Enforcement
Informational X
Public Hearing
February 26. 2001
Mg!. / Dept.
AUthOrizafi~n -
The Community Development Department-Code Enforcement Division requests
the City Commission considers information regarding commercial vehicle
The purpose of this agenda item is to request the City Commission considers information
regarding commercial vehicle enforcement.
Section 20-432 through 20-437 prohibits commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods.
On Wednesday, January 31, 2001 an e-mail from Mr. JoelE. Peisner was received at city hall
and addressed to the City Commissioners. Mr. Peisner expressed concern that although he had
called the Police Department about commercial vehicles parked on Sundance Ct., he felt that his
requests were not being addressed.
. On January 26, 2001, four (4) violations of the parking ordinance were issued and one (1)
specific commercial vehicle parking violation was issued on Sundance Ct.
. On January 27,2001, two (2) additional commercial vehicle parking notices were issued on
Sundance Ct..
The Police Department did respond to Mr. Peisner's request in the manner that is consistent
with City Code and Florida State Statute.
FEBRUARY 26, 2001
Page 2
A. Section 20-432 through 20-437, City Code
B. Mr. Peisner's e-mail
C. Code Enforcement's response to Mr, Peisner's e-mail.
!l 20-431
truck and to be used as a dwelling
for recreation, travel or living pur-
poses. The vehicle shall be equipped
with tanks for storage of water and
for holding of sewerage and shall
have an interior light system opera-
ble from a source of power from
within the vehicle.
Motor home. A structure, built on
and made an integral part of a self-
propelled motor vehicle chassis pri-
marily designed to provide tempo-
rary living quarters for recreation,
camping or travel use.
Occupy. To reside in or use as owner,
tenant or occupant for the purpose of
eating, sleeping, bathing, entertain-
ing or such other activities.
Overnight. A period commencing at
7:00 p.m. on one (1) day and termi-
nating at 7:00 a.m. on the day imme-
diately following or any period therein
contained of more than seven (7)
Owner's property. The property of
owners of the parked or stored vehi-
cle. This section only applies to prop-
erty in residentially zoned districts.
Recreational vehicle, Camping trailer,
truck camper, motor home, house
trailer or other such vehicle de-
signed or modified to provide tempo-
rary living quarters or designed or
modified to facilitate recreation,
camping or travel by accommodating
the needs for temporary quarters.
Residentially zoned districts. Any res-
idential district as identified in sec-
tions 20-101,20-121,20-141,20-161,
20-181, and 20-206, Such districts to
include but not be limited to: R-U,
R-1AAA, R-Cl, R-1AA, R-IA, R-1
and R-3.
State of good repair. The vehicle must
be functional, usable and in such a
state as it may be used without fur-
ther repair or alteration for the pur-
pose for which it is intended.
k. Temporary living quarters. Any ve-
hicle used on a temporary basis for
the purpose of eating, sleeping, bath-
ing, resting, entertaining or other
such activities normally associated
with residential property or recre-
ational vehicles.
1. Truck camper. A portable structure,
designed to be loaded onto, or affixed
to, the bed or chassis of a truck,
constructed to provide temporary liv-
ing quarters for recreation, camping
or travel use.
(4) Penalty.
a. It is unlawful for any person to vio-
late this division or fail to comply
with any of its requirements. The
judge shall consider the costs in-
curred in enforcing this division in
determining the amount of any fine
b. The owner or tenant of any building,
structure, premises or part thereof,
and any other person who commits,
participates in, assists in, or main-
tains such violation may each be
found guilty of a separate offense
and suffer the penalties herein pro-
c. Nothing herein contained shall pre-
vent the city from taking such other
lawful action as is necessary to pre-
vent or remedy any violation or nui-
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.81, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 170, ~ 2,
7-11-78; Ord. No. 721, ~ 2, ??-??-??)
Sec. 20-432. Commercial vehicle-Definition.
For purposes of this chapter, commercial vehi-
cles are defined to be all passengers vehicles,
trucks, trailers, and construction equipment of
any type used in or designed to be used in
business; all vehicles temporarily or permanently
designed to accommodate, support, house, store,
deliver or transport material, supplies, equip-
ment machinery or power plants of all types; all
construction related equipment; and all vehicles
of any type, trailers and construction equipment
upon which a business name or sign is perma-
nently or temporarily affixed.
(Ord. No. 44, ~ 44.82, 1-8-68; Ord. No. 721, ~ 3,
??- ??- ??)
Sec. 20-433. Storage, repair, etc., of disabled
motor vehicles; approved.
The term "disabled motor vehicle" shall refer to
any motor-driven vehicle, regardless of size, which
is incapable of being self-propelled upon the pub-
lic streets, including a current motor vehicle li-
(1) Disabled vehicles shall not be permitted
in front yards or side yards; provided,
however, that a reasonable time (not to
exceed forty-eight (48) hours from the
time of disability) shall be permitted for
the removal or servicing of a disabled
motor vehicle in an emergency caused by
accident or sudden breakdown of the ve-
(2) One (1), disabled motor vehicle may be
permitted in the rear yard of a residen-
tial, commercial or industrial lot as an
accessory use to the main use of the lot;
provided, that such vehicle is not located
in any open space required by the zoning
laws. Service and repair work may be
performed on such vehicle, and parts,
tools and equipment incidental to such
service and repair thereto may be stored
and used. Nothing contained herein shall
be construed as authorizing the disassem-
bling, tearing down, or scrapping of a
motor vehicle or to permit one (1) motor
vehicle to be scavenged, stripped for parts
for some use on another vehiCle; provided,
however, that a disabled vehicle shall not
be permitted to remain outside of a build-
ing for a period in excess of thirty (30)
days on any lot used for residential pur-
(Ord. No. 44, g 44.85, 1-8-68)
g 20-434
Sec. 20-434. Authorized commercial vehi-
cles in residential areas.
(a) One (1) commercial vehicle per dwelling
unit may be parked in residentially zoned dis-
tricts of the city provided:
(1) Said vehicle is not a semi-trailer truck
tractor or semi-trailer truck trailer;
(2) Said vehicle is not a stake body or flat bed
(3) Said vehicle is not construction-related
equipment such as a backhoe, front-end
loader, utility tractor, etc.;
(4) Said vehicle is not a vehicle of any type
used to transport hazardous materials as
defined by law;
(5) Said vehicle is not a utility trailer of more
than twelve (12) feet in length, inclusive
of tool boxes and other storage areas,
however exclusive of the tongue hitch;
(6) Said vehicle is not a single or dual rear
wheeled vehicle in excess of ten thousand
eight hundred (10,800) pounds gross ve-
hicle weight, or twenty-two (22) feet in
length, or in excess of eight (8) ft. in
(7) Said vehicle has no visible commercial
lettering or signage, materials, supplies,
equipment, or storage racks attached
thereto, stored therein, or stored there-
upon; and is parked in an enclosed garage
or upon an improved or impervious sur-
face in front of the front building line of
the dwelling unit without intruding into
the public right-of-way;
(8) Said vehicle has visible commercial letter-
ing or signage, supplies materials, equip-
ment, or storage racks attached thereto,
stored therein or stored there upon, but is
parked in all enclosed garage or behind
not less than a six (6) foot high fence in
such manner that the vehicle is not visi-
ble from surrounding dwellings or the
public right-of-way.
(b) A homeowners association as defined in the
Florida Statutes or mobile home park may set
aside common property, owned by the association
9 20-434
or park, as an area set aside for the storage or
parking of commercial and/or recreational vehi-
cles, provided said area is fenced by an opaque
fence not less than six (6) feet in height that
totally prevents the viewing of said vehicles from
surrounding properties and roadways.
(Ord. No. 721, S 4, ??-??-??; Ord. No. 754, * 1,
Sec. 20-435. Authorized commercial vehi-
cles in residentially zoned dis-
Utility vehicles used to maintain the site of one
(1) acre or more and are adequately screened so
that they are not visible from an abutting prop-
erty or any rights-of-way are permitted; or horse
trailers of any length are permitted within any
parcel of one (1) acre or more within a residen-
tially zoned district that allows horses to be kept
provided that the trailers are not visible from any
rights-of-way or abutting property.
(Ord. No. 721, S 5,??-??-??; Ord. No. 731, * 1,
Sec. 20-436. Authorized commercial vehi-
cles-Limited-term parking per-
(a) One (1) authorized commercial vehicle per
dwelling unit, as defined,in section 20-434 above
and not to exceed ten (10) feet in height, may be
exempted from the garaging and fencing require-
ments of section 20-434 until July 2, 2001, if the
dwelling unit of the owner, user, or caretaker of
the authorized commercial vehicle does not have
a garage or fence capable of screening the vehicle
from view as provided in section 20-434 provided
that the owner, user, or caretaker of the autho-
rized commercial vehicle shall have first acquired
from the city a limited term parking permit which
shall be clearly affixed upon the rear window or
rear panel of the authorized commercial vehicle.
(b) Following the termination of the period of
the permit the commercial vehicle must comply in
all respects with section 20-434 or be removed
from the residential zoned district.
(c) No authorized commercial vehicle as de-
fined in section 20-434 may be provided a limited
term parking permit later than December 31,
(d) A permit may be transferred to a similar
authorized commercial vehicle as defined in sec-
tion 20-434 for the duration of the special excep-
tion provided that a new permit is acquired from
the city and the original permit is returned to the
(e) Lost limited term parking permits must be
replaced by the city and affixed upon the vehicle
as provided herein before the vehicle can be
parked in a residentially zoned district of the city.
(f) Limited term parking permits may be pur-
chased from the city for a price of twenty-five
dollars ($25.00). Transferred and replacement lim-
ited term parking permits may be purchased from
the city for a price of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).
(Ord. No. 721, S 6, ??-??-??; Ord. No. 747, * 1,
Sec. 20-437. Exempted vehicles.
(a) Governmental vehicles. Police, fire, rescue,
and other governmental vehicles which serve a
vital public safety, health or welfare purpose as
determined by the city are exempted from the
restrictions of this section and may be parked in
residentially zoned districts of the city.
(b) Automobiles. Automobiles which may be
used in business but which do not have visible
commercial lettering, signage, materials, sup-
plies, equipment, storage racks attached thereto
or stored thereupon are exempted from the re-
strictions on the parking of commercial vehicles.
(Ord. No. 721. S 7, ??-??-??; Ord, No. 731, * 2,
Sees. 20-438-20-450. Reserved.
Sec. 20-451. Telecommunications towers.
(a) Definitions.
-Editor's note-Ord. No, 645, 9 I, adopted ??-??-??, amended
the Code by adding provisions designated as section 20-434. In
order to avoid conflicts in section numbering the editor has
redesignated the provisions of Ord, No, 645 as section 20-451.
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
Wednesday, January 31,2001 2:31 PM
Edward Martinez
Paul Partyka; Robert Miller; Michael Blake; Cindy Gennell; dmcleod@wintersprigsfl.org
Commercial Vehicles
Dear Mr. Martinez,
I spoke with you on election day in regard to the new
city ordinance prohibiting commercial vehicles in residential areas. I live
on Sundance Ct. in Winter Springs, our subdivision was poorly developed in
regard to parking. Ours is a dead end street with a cul-de-sac that has some
Iimit~d parking. I and my neighbors have called the police in regard to about
6 commercial vehicles, the police basically have done nothing to enforce this
ordinance and these trucks and vans are here every night. One person actually
took his magnetic signs off his SUV and this seems to be enough for the
police. Sir, our street looks like a used car lot at night and the city seems
to be turning its' eyes and refusing to look. One neighbor sold their house
and moved out of Winter Springs altogether, This was an elderly retired
couple who had planned on spending their retirement here, but simply became
disgusted and left. There is a Time Warner cable van, a silver van with
ladders on top, an extended maroon construction van, a truck from an
electrical company, a broken down SUV from a lawn service that doesn't even
have a rear window. What do we need to do to have the police enforce this
ordinance? I have spoken with one city officer who informs me that the
department is divided on this issue, and has simply chosen to ignore the law.
I hope this is not the case. I am asking your help in solving this and
hopefully we can reduce the amount of vehicles.
Joel E. Peisner
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Jimette Cook
Jimette Cook
Friday, February 09, 2001 1 :58 PM
Mike Noland; Ron McLemore; Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces
Commercial vehicle complaint
The City Manager, Ron McLemore, asked that I respond to you in regard to your complaint of commercial vehicles in
your neighborhood.
This Division, the Code Enforcement Division, has recently added additional staff to provide code enforcement coverage
on weekends. In the meantime, the Police Department normally responds to requests for service and indeed, did write
several violation notices on the weekend of Jan. 27-28, 2001. On Monday morning, Jan. 29, 2001, I received many calls
and personal visits from those individuals who received these notices inquiring about the options available to them for
parking their commercial vehicles.
I sincerely anticipate that with the addition of additional code enforcement staff and with the continued cooperation of the
police department this problem will be taken care of in your neighborhood. I welcome you to call or visit us if you have
further questions or concerns.
Jimette Cook, Code Enforcement Manager, City of Winter Springs
1126 E. S.R. 434
Winter Springs, FI. 32708