HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 12 10 Consent 202 BDR to Prepate FEMA 325 Complaint Disaster Debris Management PlanCOMMISSION AGENDA
ITEM 202
December 10, 2007
REQUEST: Public Works Department Requesting Authorization for BDR to Prepare a
FEMA 325 Compliant Disaster Debris Management Plan.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request authorization for BDR (Beck Disaster
Recovery, Inc) of Orlando to Prepare a Disaster Debris Management Plan
consistent with the FEMA Public Assistance Pilot Program at a cost of $18,422
funded from the Storm Reserve Fund.
This work is needed to decrease the City's share by 5% for FEMA declared
disasters. Effective June 1, 2007, FEMA began implementing a Public Assistance (PA)
Pilot Program designed to; 1) reduce the federal costs of administering the PA Grant
Program, 2) Increase flexibility in administering the PA Grant Program, and 3) Expedite
financial recovery following a disaster.
The current cost sharing formula starts at 75% Federal, and 12.5% each State and
local. Having a FEMA approved Disaster Debris Management Plan (DDMP) and at least
two pre-qualified debris removal contractors identified prior to adebris-generating event
would increase the Federal share by 5%. For a repeat of the 2004 hurricanes, that savings
would amount to more than $300,000.
BDR has already completed the DDMP for Seminole County. As evidenced in the
Hurricane Charley event, closely coordinating debris management with Seminole County
was advantageous to the City of Winter Springs. Staff believes that continuing with that
previous protocol by using the same plan consultant would further enhance the
effectiveness of those operations if needed again.
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Consent Agenda Item 202
December I0, 2007
Page 2
The scope of work for the DDMP includes review of past problem areas and
successes, identification and evaluation of temporary debris storage and reduction sites,
review and development of debris removal zones and maps, and plan development. The
project is expected to take up to 180 days. The final plan will be subject to adoption by
the City Commission.
A supplemental appropriation from the Storm Reserve Fund (114) of
$20,000 would be required. The projected year end fund balance is $367,351.
It is recommended that authorization be given for BDR to complete the
Disaster Debris Management Plan at a cost of $18,422 payable from a
supplemental appropriation from the Storm Reserve Fund (114).
The authorization to proceed for this project will be withheld until the City
Manager is comfortable the SBA have been adequately addressed by the State.
Once BDR is given the authorization to proceed, the DDMP will take 120 to 180
days to complete.
1. BDR Scope of Services Proposal
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November 7, 2007
Mr. Alan Hill
Public Works Superintendent
City of Winter Springs
110 N. Flamingo Ave
Winter Springs, FL 32708
Subject: Scope of Services for Preparation of a
FEMA 325 Compliant Disaster Debris Management Plan
Dear Mr. Hill:
Effective June 1, 2007, the Federal Emergency Management Agency ("FEMA") began implementing a
Public Assistance ("PA") Pilot Program designed to achieve the following stated goals:
m Reduce the federal costs of administering the PA Grant Program;
Increase flexibility in administering the PA Grant Program; and
Expedite fmancial recovery following a disaster.
The PA Pilot Program increases the federal cost share by five percent for debris-related recovery costs to
those applicants that have aFEMA-approved Disaster Debris Management Plan ("DDMP") and at least
two pre-qualified debris removal contractors identified prior to adebris-generating event.
Pursuant to our conversation, this letter contains the proposed scope of services and associated cost
estimate for Beck Disaster Recovery ("BDR") to assist the City of Winter Springs ("City") in developing
a Debris Management Plan for FEMA 325 compliance and facilitate the City's ability to participate in the
PA Pilot Program.
Scope of Services -Disaster Debris Management Plan
The purpose of this scope is to develop a FEMA 325 compliant DDMP that includes components critical
to the success of a debris removal operation in the City. BDR will perform the following tasks to assist
the City in developing an integrated disaster debris response for the City.
Task 1: Project Initiation
The Project Initiation task sets the stage by identifying key personnel and the scope of the planning
process. BDR will provide a data request to the City to collect documentation, allowing sufficient time to
review prior to the kick off meeting. BDR will hold akick-off meeting with the key personnel and
determine a schedule for the deadlines of deliverables. BDR will also capture key issues that the City will
face in a debris generating event. BDR will review existing City documents provided by the City prior to
the meeting and provide an outline of the DDMP for City comment.
Task 2: Identification and Evaluation of Temporary Debris Storage and Reduction Sites
BDR will develop a detailed set of criteria (e.g., acreage, zoning, traffic conditions, environmental
considerations, proximity to schools, etc.) that will be cross-referenced against the City's GIS database to
identify potential properties suitable for use as TDSRS.
800 NORTH MAGNOLIA AVENUE, SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32803 t 407,803,5700 f 407.803.5701 beckdr.com
Mr. Alan Hill
November 7, 2007
Page 2
BDR will conduct a site evaluation of those sites believed to be most promising as a potential TDSRS.
One deliverable for this task will be a ranking and map of potential debris sites along with relevant
information for each site (GPS coordinates, acreage, address, description of environmental conditions,
etc.). This list will be shared with City staff for review and consideration. A fmal list of up to three sites
will be selected with Ciry input.
After potential TDSRS locations are identified and selected, BDR will assist the City in preparing the
required information needed to request pre-approval of the TDSRS sites from the Florida Department of
Environmental Protection (FDEP). At this time FDEP requires the following information:
• GPS coordinates
• Government affiliation
^ Contractor who will manage site
Site manager and contact information
• Description of operations
^ Basic directions to site
FDEP requests for TDSRSpye-approval to be made by the City. The deliverable for this task will be a
draft letter, for up to three sites, for submission to FDEP by the City.
Task 3: Review and Development of Debris Removal Zones and Maps
The purpose of this task is to develop collection zone maps that can be used for field monitoring within
the City. BDR will determine the size of the zones that are needed to provide the necessary level of detail
on 8.5" x 11" zone maps. In order to begin this task, BDR will obtain an electronic shape file from the
City. BDR will consider information such as population and vegetation density, distance to TDSRS, etc.
when determining the zones. BDR will provide a draft copy of the proposed subsections for review and
comment by the City. The deliverable for this task will be a copy of the sub-divided zone maps in the
plan as well as an electronic shape file.
Task 4: Plan Development (Preparation of Draft and Final DDMP)
The fmal step in this Scope of Services will be to compile the task elements defined above into a
summary DDMP document for reference and use by the City. BDR is estimating the plan to include
approximately 20 - 25 pages plus associated appendices (e.g., debris estimates by Category 1-5, zone
maps, health and safety supplement, TDSRS locations and maps, etc). BDR will develop the FEMA 325
compliant DDMP by reviewing and incorporating other City documents relating to debris removal
operations. The Plan will specifically outline recommended methods for handling various debris streams
including hazardous wastes, appliances and boats in addition to standard vegetative debris removal.
Other key components of the DDMP will include the following:
• Organizational structure, role and contact information for individuals and departments involved in
debris removal operations
^ Debris volume estimates
^ TDSRS report (ranking, acreage, location, maps, etc)
• Pre-event preparations during times of normalcy
^ Pre-event preparations prior to impending debris generating event
Post-event response
^ Post-event recovery
• Debris removal zone maps
^ Sample press releases
800 NORTl~ MAGNOLIA AVENUE, SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32803 t 407.803.5700 f 407.803.5701 beckdr.com
Mr. Alan Hill
November 7, 2007
Page 3
^ The City's procurement procedure of debris removal contractors
Health and safety strategy (to be developed with City input)
^ BDR will include a crosswalk that provides page references where the City's DDMP meets
FEMA PA Pilot Program debris management plan requirements
A draft version of the City's DDMP will be delivered to the City for review and comment. The City will
provide consolidated comments on the draft DDMP to BDR. BDR will incorporate the appropriate
comments into the final DDMP.
BDR will then provide the City with three copies of the final DDMP along with associated databases and
shape files as defined above.
Cost Proposal
BDR offers to provide the DDMP defined above for a fixed fee of $18,422 as defined in the tables below.
Payment for the services rendered shall be due upon completion of each task.
Beck Disaster Recovery is looking forward to assisting the City with its disaster preparedness activities
and promise to be well prepared in the event we are called upon to assist the City with post-event
activities. If you have any questions concerning this letter proposal, please contact me at (407) 803-3584
or via a-mail at kaenden~a?beckdr.com.
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Kemi Genden
Client Services Manager
800 NORTH N~AGNOLIA AVENUE, SUITE 800, ORLANDO, FL 32803 t 407.803.5700 f 407.803.5701 6eckdr.com
Table 1: Proposed Budget