HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 01 22 Regular C Temporary Signs for Review
Public Hearing
Regular X
January 22.2001
2r ~
Mgr. "-- / . ept.
The Community Development Department-Code Enforcement Division requests
the City Commission review infonnation related to grand opening signs.
The purpose of this agenda item is to present information related to temporary signs for review
by the City Commission,
Section 16, Section 20-470 (16),and Section 20-486 (16) of City Code regulate temporary signs
for such special events such as new businesses or grand openings.
· Although under current regulations trailer signs are not allowed in the S.R. 434 corridor,
provisions are in place for businesses to advertise special events with other types
of temporary signs.
· At the November 22, 1999 City Commission meeting, the Commission directed staff to offer
other alternatives for grand openings of new businesses,
· At the January 24,2000 meeting information was presented to the Commission regarding
these options. No action on the options was requested by the Commission at that time.
JANUARY 22, 2001
Page 2
· At the November 30,2000 meeting, Commission again directed Staff to present information
pertaining to options for grand opening signage.
· Currently, in addition to any permanent signs, a new business may advertise a grand opening
in the following manner, Along the S,R. 434 Corridor, banners, pennants and other tlexible-
type temporary signs are allowed for a 14-day period with a permit. In addition to any
permanent signs, a freestanding temporary sign up to thirty-two (32) square feet and double-
sided may be installed for not more than fourteen (14) days,
· In addition to all the above provisions, a trailer sign may be used in areas of the city other than
the S,R. 434 Corridor.
· The following options were discussed at the January 30, 2000 meeting.
1. The City could contract with a sign company to manufacture "Grand Opening" signs for
lease to new businesses, Factors to consider would be initial cost of signs, storage,
and installation.
2, The maximum size for freestanding temporary signs could be increased. Consideration for
traffic visibility and blockage of other permanent signage would need to be addressed at
time of permit application.
Provisions exist in the current code for businesses to advertise special events such as
Grand Openings with extra signs, banners and other temporary signs other than trailer signs in the
S,R. 434 overlay district. The Commission has expressed a desire to provide for enhanced
property development along S.R. 434 by the reduction of visual distraction through uniform sign
In order to be consistent throughout the entire city, Staff recommends the code be amended to
prohibit trailer signs in all districts,
A. Section 16, Section 20-470 (16) and Section 20-486 (16) ,City Code
~ 16-76
ment, and shall display an official city sticker
showing the date of expiration. No sign shall
obstruct the sight of any roadway or driveway
interseetion or approach between two (2) feet and
five (5) feet from ground level.
(Code 1974, S 5-113(a))
Sec. 16-77. Outdoor displaylbillboards-Off-
premises signs.
(a) Any outdoor advertising displaylbillboard
off-premises sign shall be set back a minimum of
twenty-five (25) feet from the right-of-way on all
state, county, and municipal roads.
(b) Such signs shall not be located nearer than
five hundred (500) feet to the nearest residential
(c) On all state, county and municipal roads,
such signs shall be placed a minimum dIstance of
two thousand (2,000) feet apart, No new such sign
shall obstruct the sight of an existing permitted
(d) Such signs shall not exceed one hundred
sixty (60) square feet of copy area, or projeet
more than twenty-five (25) feet above the crown of
the road which the sign is designated primarily to
serve. The copy area limit allowed on both sides is
a total of three hundred twenty (320) square feet.
"V" signs are permitted, provided they are con-
structed with an inner angle not to exceed thirty
(30) degrees.
(e) Such signs shall not be erected or main-
tained within five hundred (500) feet of a church,
.school, cemetery, public recreation area, state or
national forest, railroad intersection, or any resi-
dentially zoned property, measured along a eom-
mon right-of-way,
(f) Such signs shall be reviewed by the site
plan review board and shall be permitted in
industrial and commercial zoning classifieations
(g) Such signs require a permit, valid for a
maximum of two (2) years, which may be re-
(Code 1974, S 5-113(b))
Sec. lH-78. Same-On-premises signs.
(a) Any outdoor advertising displaylbillboard
on-premises sign attached to a building shall
have a total allowable copy area, including iden-
tification and advertising, of one (1) square foot
for each lineal foot of store frontage,
(b) Such signs not attached to a building shall
be placed not less than twenty-five (25) feet from
any intersection, with a maximum copy area of
thirty-two (32) square feet on each side. Double-
sided or "V" signs are permissible provided they
are constructed with an inner angle not to exeeed
thirty (30) degrees.
(e) Signs not attached to a building, proposed
as part of a development plan, shall be reviewed
by the site plan review board, or staff review, as
appropriate, during initial site plan review.
(Code 1974, S 5-113(c))
Sec. 16-79. Trailer signs.
(a) A trailer sign shall be considered a tempo-
rary sign, and as such the copy area of a trailer
sign shall not be considered as part of the maxi-
mum allowable copy area for an outdoor advertis-
ing displaylbillboard on-premises sign.
(b) Any person engaged in the renting, leasing,
owning or otherwise providing for hire of any'
trailer sign shall be properly licensed as required
by law,
(c) Prior to the display of any trailer sign upon
any premises, a permit for each sign from the
building department is required. A permit shall
be valid for no longer than a period of thirty (30)
days. A permit cannot be renewed, nor can a
permit be obtained for the same business within a
period of ninety (90) days,
(d) Trailer signs must be placed entirely on
private property and may be placed immediately
adjacent to the property line provided no traffic
hazard is thereby created as determined by the
building official, and provided such sign is placed
not less than ten (0) feet from the edge of the
paved surface of any road.
(e) No trailer sign may be placed in a parking
space which is required to meet the minimum
parking requirements for that development_
~ 16-83
Sec. 16-83. Garage sale signs.
Garage sale signs are permitted on the sale
premises. Such signs shall also be permitted on
off-premise private property provided that the
private property owner has consented. All garage
sale signs shall 'only be permitted on the day of
the sale and must be removed at the end of the
sale. All garage sale signs shall be limited to six
(6) square feet.
(Code 1974, S 5-113(h); Ord. No. 755, S 1, 12-6-99)
Sec. 16-84. Directional signs.
Directional signs are of a permanent nature
and may be permitted without expiration date. If
such sign is to be loeated within a city right-of-
way, the size and location of the sign must fIrst be
approved by the city commission and must meet
the sign standards established by the state de-
partment of transportation_ If such sign is to be
located on private property in a planned unit
development, the architectural review board or in
the absence of such board, the developer, shall
determine its size and location,
(Code 1974, S 5-113(i))
Sec. 16-85. Bench signs.
A franchise agreement between the city and
the applicant shall be required before bench signs
are permitted to be installed. Bench signs are
permitted subject to the terms and conditions of
such franchise agreement.
(Code 1974, ~ 5-113(j))
Sec. 16-86. Identification signs.
(a) IdentifIcation signs may be located on pri-
vate property in any district, provided the use or
activity is permitted or approved in such a dis-
(b) Such signs shall be located on private prop-
erty only and not less than twenty-five (25) feet
from any intersection. Each sign shall not exceed
fourteen (14) feet in height nor exceed thirty-two
(32) square feet in copy area.
(c) Sign lights shall be focused, directed and
arranged to prevent glare or direct illumination
so as not to create a traffic hazard on abutting
property or adjacent streets or roads.
(d) Signs not attached to a building, proposed
as part of a development plan, shall be reviewed
by the site plan review board, or staff review, as
appropriate, during initial review.
(Code 1974, S 5-113(k))
Sec. 16-87. Banners.
Banner signs shall require a permit, which
shall be valid for fourteen (14) days.
(Code 1974, S 5-113(1))
Sec. 16-88. Weather.
All nonpermanent signs shall be moved to a
secure location upon a warning of high winds or
hurricane by the National Weather Service.
(Code 1974, S 5-116)
[The next page is 1101)
~ 20-470
e. Bench signs.
f. Snipe signs (e,g., signs attached to
trees and poles),
g, Freestanding signs unless otherwise
provided for herein.
h, Trailer signs.
}, Signs attached to temporary struc-
j. Billboards.
k. Any vehicle with a sign or signs
attached thereto or placed thereon
with three (3) exceptions as follows:
(a) any vehicle when parked or stored
within the confines of a building; or
(b) any vehicle upon which is placed
a sign identifying a firm or its prin-
cipal product ifsuch vehicle.is one
which is operated during the normal
course of business and shall be parked
in the least visible spot from the
road; or (c) a trailer placed on a i~b
site during construction.
1. Pole signs.
m. Balloon signs.
n. Ribbon signs.
(15) Permanent {lags: Only project flags or
governmental flags shall be permitted in
conformance with the following stan-
a. One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may
be permitted per parcels of two (2)
acres or more.
b, The maximum width from top to
bottom of any flag shall be twenty
(20) percent 'of the total distance of
the flag pole,
c. Flagpoles shall maintain the same
setback requirements as project iden-
tification signs.
d. Flagpole heights shall be between
twenty (20) and thirty-five (35) feet
in height above grade,
e_ A project flag shall only contain in-
formation permitted on the project
identifieation sign. A project flag shall
be submitted to the design review
board for approval.
(16) Temporary signs for special events.
a. Permits for.temporary signs, such as
pennant and banner signs, not oth-
erwise prohibited are allowed for such
purposes as auctions, special events,
notice of opening of new businesses,
and going-out-of-business sales. Per-
mits for temporary signs shall autho-
rize the erection of the signs and
maintenance thereof for a period not
exceeding fourteen (14) days; and
permits cannot be renewed on the
same sign, nor shall another tempo-
rary permit be issued on the same
location, within ninety (90) days from
the date of expiration of any previ-
ously issued temporary permit.
b. Signs for specific .events shall be
removed within two (2) working days
after conclusion of the event. A free-
standing temporary sign shall be no
larger than thirty-two (32) square
feet, and may be double sided, Ban-
ner signs may be sized to extend
across roads,
(17) Maintenance: All signs and associated ap-
paratus shall be maintained by the owner
of the site. Violations shall be processed
through the city's code enforcement divi-
(18) Nonconforming signs.
a. Any sign, other than billboards, hav-
ing an original cost in .excess of one
hundred dollars ($100,00) and which
is nonconforming as' to permitted
sign area or any other reason which
would necessitate the complete re-
moval or total replacement of the
sign, may be maintained a period of
from one (1) to five (5) years from the
effeCtive date of these design stan-
dards. The term of years to be deter-
mined by the cost of the sign or of
renovation, including installation cost,
shall be as follows:
Bench signs,
Snipe signs (e.g. SIgnS attached to
trees and poles).
Freestanding signs unless otherwise
provi"ded for herein,
Trailer signs_
Signs attached to temporary struc-
Any vehicle with a sign or signs
attached. thereto or placed thereon
with three exceptions as follows: (a)
any vehicle when parked or stored
within the confines of a building; or
(b) any vehicle upon which is placed
a sign identifying a firm or its prin-
cipal product if such vehicle is one
which is operated during the normal
course of business and shall be parked
in the least visible spot from the
road; or (c) a trailer placed on a job
site during construction.
1. Pole signs.
m, Balloon signs_
n. Ribbon signs,
(15) Permanent flags: Only project flags or
governmental flags shall be permitted in
conformance with the following stan-
a, One (1) flagpole and one (1) flag may
be permitted per parcel.
b. The maximum width from top to
bottom of any flag shall be twenty
(20) percent of the. total distance of
the flag pole,
c, Flagpoles shall maintain the same
setback requirements as project iden-
tification signs,
- d. Flagpole heights shall be between
twenty (20) and thirty-five (35) feet
in height above grade.
e, A project flag shall only contain in-
formation permitted on the project
~ 20-486
identification sign: A project flag shall
be submitted to the design review
board for approval,
(16) Temporary signs for special events.
a. Permits for temporary signs, such as
pennant and banner signs, not oth-
erwise prohibited are allowed for such
purposes as auctions, special events,
notice of opening of new businesses,
and going out of business sales. Per-
mits for temporary signs shall autho-
rize the erection of the signs and
maintenance thereof for a period not
exceeding fourteen (14) days, and
permits cannot be renewed on the
same sign, nor shall another tempo-
rary permit be issued on the same
location, within ninety (90) days from
the date of expiration of any previ-
ously issued temporary permit.
b. Signs for specific events shall be
removed within two (2) working days
after conclusion of the event. A free-
standing temporary sign shall be no
larger than thirty-two (32) square
feet, and may be double sided_ Ban-
ner signs may be sized to extend
across roads,
(17) Maintenance: All signs and associated ap-
paratus shall be maintained by the owner
of the site. Violations shall be processed
through the city's code enforcement divi-
(18) Nonconforming signs,
a. Any sign, other than billboards, hav-
ing an original cost in excess of one
hundred dollars ($100,00) and whieh
is nonconforming as to permitted
sign area or any other reason which
would necessitate the complete re-
moval or total replacement of the
sign, may be maintained for a period
offrom one (1) to five (5) years from
the effective date of these design
standards. The term of years to be
determined by the cost of the sign or
of renovation, including installation
cost, shall be as follows: