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2001 01 22 Regular A Enhancements to the Winter Springs Blvd and Tuskawilla Rd Intersection
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM A CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARING REGULAR X January 22,2001 Meeting MGRh IDEPT Jff Authorization REQUEST: City Manager Requesting the City Commission Make a Final Determination on the use of Brick Pavers or Stamped Asphalt at the intersection of Tuskawilla Road and Winter Springs Boulevard with accurate costs now available. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is to request direction from the City Commission on whether to use brick pavers at a cost of $262,738.36 or stamped asphalt at a cost of $76,878.99 to enhance the intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and TuskawiIIa Road. CONSIDERA TIONS: This agenda item decision is needed in order for the contractor to proceed with the construction of TuskawiIIa Road as originally designed, or for staff to initiate a change order for the brick pavers at a cost of $262,738.36, or for staff to initiate a change order for stamped asphalt at a cost of$76,878.99. The City Commission approved an interIocal with Seminole County for the construction of the brick pavers at a cost $192,000 on July 6, 1999. The County staff subsequently returned the interlocal in a revised format for execution with concerns about the estimated brick pavers cost being low. We then retained Bowyer, Singleton & Associates to design the intersection improvements in the appropriate County road standards format. The design was provided in January 2000 to the contractor via County staff and Parsons Brinkerhoff, the County's CEI (Construction and Engineering Inspection) representative for TuskawiIIa Road. We received the change order cost estimate for the brick pavers along with a proposal for stamped asphalt. Regular Agenda Item A January 22,2001 Page 2 On January 11th, the Oak Forest Wall and Beautification District Advisory Committee met and unanimously voted to recommend the installation of the stamped asphalt. The Tuscawilla Lighting and Beautification District met on January 16th and also unanimously voted to recommend the installation of the stamped asphalt. Both committees considered aesthetics, cost, noise, construction duration and inconvenience, and maintenance in making their recommendation. Each of the Boards were advised that the maintenance would be shared between the Assessment Districts. AL TERNA TIVES The brick pavers change order cost is $262,738.36. A copy of the pattern and construction detail is attached. A change order for the brick pavers would result in a two- month time extension to the construction contractor's contract and the CEl's contract. The improvements would be constructed in halves with Winter Springs Boulevard closed to Tuscawilla and Oak Forest for thirty days each. The unsolicited alternate provided by the contractor is for stamped asphalt at a cost of $76,878.99. A copy ofthe literature provided is attached. The stamped asphalt has an advantage of being able to be "repainted" with the polymer coating periodically to rejuvenate the appearance. Any repair restoration would be more consistent with traditional asphalt repairs although the vendor would be needed to restore the pattern. Staff reviewed two sites that had stamped asphalt; the Oviedo trailhead, which was unacceptable, and the McCulloch Road traffic-calming median that was well done, a picture of which is attached. The vendor indicated a "certified" installer did not do the Oviedo trailhead, which would not be the case on Tuskawilla Road. The County recently removed the stamped asphalt at McCulloch Road due to threatened litigation by the adjacent homeowner regarding the noise. The stamped asphalt would result in a two-week extension to the construction contractor's contract and the CEl's contract. As requested at the January 8th City Commission meeting, the alternative of stamped concrete was broached with the CEI. A price proposal for stamped concrete would require a Regular Agenda Item A January 22,2001 Page 3 design submittal and modification to the road quantities by the design engineer, which was not feasible in the time frame available. The stamped concrete alternative was not the preferred choice of the TLBD and therefore a second design was not submitted for pricing. The stamped asphalt did not alter the base construction quantities or require any design modifications, which is why it was provided by the contractor as an alternate. FUNDING: The funding needed for this project is $262,738.36 for the brick pavers or $76,878.99 for the stamped asphalt. The source offunds would be the City's allocation from the Seminole County Transportation Plan whose source of revenue is the One-Cent Sales Tax. Of the City's original $2,8 million allocation, to date $292,000 has been appropriated for the Oak Forest Wall Footing and Design leaving $2,508,000 currently dedicated to "Traffic Operations and Capacity Improvements to be Designated". Once this issue is resolved, we will be pursuing an interlocal agreement dedicating all remaining funds to the Town Center collector roads. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Commission direct staff to proceed with a change order for the installation of stamped asphalt at the intersection of Winter Springs Boulevard and Tuskawilla Road at a cost of$76,878.99 and for staff to work with County staff to prepare a construction and maintenance interlocal agreement incorporating the stamped asphalt costs as a portion of the City's allocation of the One Cent Sales Tax. IMPLEMENTATION: Staff will proceed with finalizing an interlocal agreement designating the remaining funds from the City's allocation of the One-Cent Sales Tax. Regular Agenda Item A January 22,2001 Page 4 ATTACHMENTS: 1. Change Order Analysis of Brick Pavers and Stamped Asphalt by CEI 2. Brick Pavers Plan and Profile 3. Stamped Asphalt Vendor info 4, McCulloch Road Pictures COMMISSION ACTION: A TT ACHMENT NO. 1 -- -- -- -- ---- ---- ---- --- -- -- -- --- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - Transmittal 100 YEARS e Parsons Brinckerhoff 805 Tuskawilla Road Winter Springs, FL 32708 407-388-0017 .~~... ..... ........~~p. ..~?~.~~.~.~. ............ ............................................... ................ fr..~~........ ...:..~.i.I.I..~.~~ ~.~.?n.. ...... ...... ....... ...... ......... ... .... ......... ... ..................... ~.i .tY...? f. .V!.~.n. ~ ~.~.. ~ p. ~~ .rl~~............................................. ......... date December 29, 2000 .................................................................,..-................. p.r~i~c.t.. Tuskawill Road. Phases III and IV .p..'.o.ie.~t.~u.."!.h.e.~ FC - 168 -99 I BJC viJl: o mail 18I messenger o fedex for your: o information/use o approval 18I review/comment the following: o slides o photographs o prints o videos o plans o samples o specifications 18I other '!.~tt.t~t!f....... .~.~S.c:!.l'..~i~.... ................ ................................ .... ... ......... ......... ........... .... ..... ... ........ .... date .~e.tll.~.b.y..... . ~~.~.Il~.~. 9.r.~ .e.~. .~~.~ I y"~.i.~.. f().r ..s.r.~ ~~. .~.~.v.~r.~............................................................... 12/29/00 N/A . .~.~~.t ~r.. ~:.().~. .s.~.r.~.e.r().Il.~!.~~. .P'.~()p().s.~!. !.?r.. ~.~!.~.~ .~?~~:.~........................................... 12/4/00 N/A ..~.e. ~.~ ~r.. ~:.().~. .s.~.r.~.e.~().Il. .~!.~~. .Ti.~~.. ~.x.~~.1l ~ i ?Il. ~Il.~!y.~!.s..!().r:..s. r.i. ~~..~ ~.~.e.~.s............. 12/22/00 N/A .~~.~.Il~~.9.r.~.~L~~.~!Y..~!.~..!().r..~~.~!!.'.p.~..~~.v.~E.~.................................. .............. ............ 12/29/00 N/A If enclosures are not as noted. kindly notify us at once, co"u,unts Please find attached the above referenced items for your review and approval. The following is a summary of the contractor's and eEl's price for both the Brick Pavers and the Stamped Pavers: Brick Pavers with 2 Month Time Extension $262.738.36 Alternate for Stamped Pavers with lfz Month Time Extension $76.878.99 ";,:;t~,,,~mmm .................... .......m.....mm;,;~,::3/4ff~mmmm Over a Cefltury of EIIKilleerillK Excellellce 12129/00 Pi- 100 YEAk$ t, SEMINOLE COUNTY FC-168-99/BJC TUSKAWILLA ROAD PHASES III AND IV CHANGE ORDER ANALYSIS BRICK PAVERS CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL JOBSITE SUPERVISION-9Q DAY TIME EXT Labor Supervisor 528.00 HR $28.00 $14,784.00 328.00 HR $28.00 $9,184.00 328.00 HR $28.00 $9,184.00 Road Foreman 528.00 HR $24.00 $12,672.00 328.00 HR $24.00 $7,872.00 328.00 HR $24.00 $7,872.00 Clerk 528.00 HR u!g~q9__u $6,336.00 328.00 HR $12.00 $3,936.00 328.00 HR m!!?..Q9m_ $3,936.00 ..---.---muu-S.ubtotaCl.abOrm-m--m--.-.-u-mm--mu ..-.....--------.. ....--..-- -$33.792~OO- --------..------ -------------.. -------..-..-..-- -$20,992~OO-- --------------- ------- -$-20,992~OOu Burden, BLD 54.29% PBCS 35% -------------- ------- ......-----------... $18,346.00 --.._----------- -----....._------ -------------- $7,347.20 -------------..- ------- --------------- $7,347.20 -mmmm----s-ubiota~TabOr----------.-m-mmu----.um -$52:13ifoo- -$28,339~20- -$28,339~20- Allowance 15.00% -------------- ...---....... ---------...--...- $7,820.70 -------------..- -------------- ...------------- $4,250.88 --------------- ------- --------------- $4,250.88 --..---.u-uuUTotai,-LabOr--u-.---------uuu---u-nnu---u -$-59,958~jO- -$32-,590.08-- '$32-,590.-08u Equipment u____.f~<:~~I?_T..~~~mm______mmu_____mum_____uum_ 528.00 HR u_~LqQ_._. $3,696.00 328.00 HR $7.00 __Ec~?_~:9Qu 328.00 HR ____~LqQ____ ..~?c~?.~:qQ__ -...---..-------- ------- --$3:696~60u ------------..-- ------..------- ..-..----------- -------....---...... Subtotal, Equipment $2,296.00 $2,296.00 Allowance 15.oook $554.40 $344.40 ..--....--..-......-..- $344.40 --- - _.ou ou_ _u - Totai:Equipmeiiim--- _ .__._ .oum_m___u____ ....-..---...--........ -......--- ..-.......--------- --$(2~50~40-- --------------.. -------------- -........--------- --....--------..--- --------.............. ---....-.. u$.f640~40-- $2,640.40 Material _m__.1':!?~6pP..I!~~~~~__umuu_m_______m______._______h_m 0.00 LS m~g:Q9..____ $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 _____~9;9.9__.__ 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 ..-....-----....--- ..------ m-$6~OOmu -..-..--..-------- -------------.. ----------..--- --....-........--..--- -----..- --......-..-------- -..-..-......-------.. Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% _..----- ------......---..- $0.00 -------..--....-- ---..-....------.. .____~9;9.q_m_ ---....--..------- ..-........--------- $0.00 .------muuu-Totai:Mai-eriaiuu--h----mmm--ummuu ---..-----....--- m.$6~06-m- -..--------......-- $0.00 --...._-- onu$6~06m-- Other Bond 1.00 LS -g]-~]_.~~-- $2,131.49 0.00 LS __~~_~];_~~m $0.00 0.00 LS ---~~-~];].~--- ___u~9;9.qmn ..on.m--.m--s-ubiotaCOiiieron--.-u-----mm--m--mm- --..-..........------ ...._---... --$2:i3'f4S-- --------------.. -------------.. uu$6~OO---n -----.._-------- $0.00 Allowance 0.00% -----------.....- ..--..--- -.............-...------ $0.00 -...-----.........---- -.....---------...- --...----------- $0.00 -..------------- -..----- --..------..----- $0.00 --.---- uuu----Totai,-6ther-uu---uuuu-u----uu-----u ---- --$2:i3'i~49u uU$6~OOmu -u-$6~OOmu TOTAL, JOBSITE SUPER $66,340.59 $35,230.48 $35,230.48 SURVEY & LAYOUT-90 DAY TIME EXT Labor Instrument Man 131,00 HR $12.00 $1,572.00 16.00 HR $12.00 $192.00 16.00 HR $12.00 $192.00 Party Chief 131.00 HR $24.00 $3,144.00 16.00 HR $24.00 $384.00 16.00 HR $24.00 $384.00 Rodman 131.00 HR u!lQ._Q9____ $1,310.00 16.00 HR $10.00 $160.00 16.00 HR u_~.!Q.Q9m_ $160.00 - __ou uuu-----s-ubiotaC l.aborm-mouon--. __ u______m__m ..---...----..---- -......-...- --$6:026~60-- --------------- -.........._----..-.. ..-..----------- ou$-i36~6o.-- -------....------ m$-i36~OO--- Burden, BLD 54.30% PBCS 35% -..-........--_..---.. ......---- ---..---------- u~~P_~:9Q__ ----........------.. ....-..---....----- -----..-......-..-- $257.60 ---....---------- ------- ---------..----- ___~??L~Q_._ .----.-----.--mS-ubtotaCTabor--------m..u.--mu-----m-.- $9,298.00 ---$993~60--- $993.60 Allowance 15.00% -..---........-----.. ....----- ---..--.....------ $1,394.70 --------........_-- $149.04 $149.04 'u .-u--...umToi<ii,Tabor..-----.--.u-.----m-.---.---..-ou. -$-iO,69Do- ..-..-------..--- --....-..---..---- -T(i4Ts4-- ---..---..-..-..--- -..----- ---..-----........-- --$1-:i4-2~64-- PBCS, INC. Page 1 of 9 CO Analysis Briel< Pavers Winter Springs. xis 12/29/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Equipment _n_.n~~_':.":~Y_~~~~.T!.I!~~_un_m..n_m.n_mm___mmu_ 131.00 HR $10.50 --~-~~~?_~:?Q.. 16.00 HR $7.00 $112.00 16.00 HR ____~LQ2.m_ $112.00 ........--.........--...... -------------- ----..--_..-..---- ..---------......- -------------- m$-i12~6o..- ........._..........-........- m$-i12~6om Subtotal, Equipment $1,375.50 Allowance 15.00% ..............-------- ------.. -------------- $206.33 .....------------- -------------- -------------- $16.80 ....---..-----..--.. ------- ----------..---- .m~]_~:?Qm. m..._ _.. nmntotcii,-Equipmi;nt--nu-un _mom nm_h_ ._u h$1-~58r83h -u$"i28~80m $128.80 Material moo n!:!?.t_~~p"I!~~_~~~n___n_ .n_nm___n m m.n nmm.nm 0.00 LS $0.00 m_!9~9..Q_nh 0.00 LS $0.00 m.!9~2.q__m 0.00 LS __n~Qg9_n._ nn!9~2.qm__ ............--.....---.... ......-..-.. -......--.....--.....--- ------------..-.. -_....-....-.._---- ------------..- -------..-..----.. Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% $0.00 --------------- -------------- -----------_..- $0.00 --------------- ..-........-- -------..-----..- $0.00 -- 00 00 moo ---U-totcii:Maieriai _oo__h_____mh_____U____mU__ -------..------ --......_- -------------- -----$b~06~--.- ----$b~06nm -00-$0.00.0000 Other mm. ~~.':.":~y.~~P..~!i~~______m_______n_uu_____n_ .nnm_m 3.00 MN $350.00 $1,050.00 0.00 MN $350.00 $0.00 0.00 MN ___E~9~2.qu. .___!9~2.q__m -----------...... .....----- ----.......---...-- n$"f656~b(j-- -----------........ ---_.._----...-..... ......----------..- oo-.$b~06mn --------------- --....-.... Subtotal, Other $0.00 Allowance 5.00% -.....-......_..---...... ..--..-..... ...........--..--..---- $52.50 --........-....--...-..- --------.....-..-- -------------.. $0.00 --------------.. ...-.....- --..--..--..-..---- m_!9~9..Q__n_ -.nnnn-------totcii:otheru------u------n---nn---n--uu-- n$-fioB(j-' --n$b~06m-- $0.00 TOTAL, LAYOUT $13,377.03 $1,271.44 $1,271.44 FIELD OFFICE-SO DAY TIME EXT Labor .00 m. !:!~t_~~p_I!~~_~~~nnh__n___m____.nmm_nu___._ __. u_ 0.00 HR ___~_~:9Qm_ $0.00 0.00 HR nJ~:9Q_m $0.00 0.00 HR nn~Qcq2.__n $0.00 ......-..-----.-- h--$b~06nm ---..-...--------- ---....----....--.. ----$b~06-n-- ...------_..-......-..- n--$b~OO--u- Subtotal, Labor Burden ...-.......-..............- .........--- --...........-...---..... $0.00 ----..--....------ -------.......-..-- --.............--.-- $0.00 --------......--...-- -----..- ----...................-...... m_!9.:..(~!L_u 00 ------ uumus-uiitotaC-LabOrm-m----------------m-mm- ----$0.00--00- -m$b~06--h- $0.00 Allowance 15.00% ---.-..---..... ............ ....----------- $0.00 -------..-...--.... .-------..-....... -..-----..----.... $0.00 -------..------- -........... -.......-..-...-.--..-... $0.00 --...-----.....-...............-----..----..---------...-------..-----..-------------- m.$b~06un- -m$b~06----- ---.$b~OO---u Total, Labor Equipment mhh!:!?_t_~~pJ!~~_~!':_______.___mm.__.. mh___mn ._____u__ 0.00 HR m~_~:99.m_ $0.00 0.00 HR nJ_~:qQ__n $0.00 0.00 HR nn~Qcq2.____ $0.00 .......................-....- ..........-... --u$b~OO---n ----..-_.................- -------------- ----$b~06--n- -----_...-....--_.. ----$Cfoo..-u Subtotal, Equipment Allowance 15.OOo,l, ..........-... -...---........---...-.. $0.00 ---........-------..- ------........----- ..........-------...- $0.00 --------......----- ..-......--- -.......................... -----~~9.Q----- m __m - h h--Utoiai:Equipmi;riih--.----m-mmm. on mm ........--....--............. ----$b~06n--- n-.$b~OO--m $0,00 Material m____!;!~t_~flp_I!~~_~~':u___.__..___._.m.n..__un_n.__m__.m 0.00 LS m~Q:QQ__n $0.00 0.00 LS hJ.~:92.n__ $0.00 0.00 LS nu~QcQ2..m $0.00 ..._--..................- m-"$o~o6----. -------...------... ------------..- m-"$b~o6nm ---------..--..-- m-"$o.OO----- Subtotal, Material Allowance 15.00% -----.._.............- -..-........ .......--..---..---... $0.00 ...-...-......--------- $0.00 $0.00 00-- 00__00__. ---.totcii,"Material----n-hnn-u-u--.-u--.---nn- m-"$o~o6---n ....-------...-.... ...---------.....- --n"$b~(iOmu -..----.....---...--- ---...--- .....-..---...-................ m-$O~OO----- Other Dumpster 3,00 MN $70.00 $210.00 2.00 MN $70.00 $140.00 2.00 MN $70.00 $140.00 Field Office Rental 3.00 MN $350.00 $1,050.00 2.00 MN $350.00 $700.00 2.00 MN $350.00 $700.00 Ice & Supplies 3,00 MN $250.00 $750.00 2.00 MN $250.00 $500.00 2.00 MN $250.00 $500.00 Aierial Photos 3.00 MN $70.00 $210.00 2.00 MN $70.00 $140.00 2.00 MN $70.00 $140,00 Temp Toilets 3.00 MN $125.00 $375.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250.00 Office Furniture 3.00 MN $180.00 $540.00 2.00 MN $180.00 $360.00 2.00 MN $180.00 $360.00 Utilities, Field Office 3.00 MN $150.00 $450.00 2.00 MN $150.00 $300.00 2.00 MN $150.00 $300,00 Telephone, Field Office 3.00 MN $250.00 $750.00 2.00 MN $250.00 $500.00 2.00 MN $250.00 $500,00 Portable, Septic Tanks 3.00 MN $125.00 $375.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250,00 PBes, INC. Page 2 of9 CO Analy.i. Brick Paver. Winler Spring..x/. DESCRIPTION 12/29100 Yard Misc Safety Supplies uuuuu---uuS-ublotaC6itieru-u----u-----u--u----u.uuu Allowance 5.00% 00_ 00_ uuuuu-Totai:5ttieru-u----u-uu--u-u-uu-u-_uu- BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 3.00 MN $400.00 $1,200.00 2.00 MN $400.00 $800.00 2.00 MN $400.00 $800.00 3.00 MN $100.00 $300.00 2.00 MN $100.00 $200.00 2.00 MN $100.00 $200.00 3.00 MN $125.00 $375.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250.00 2.00 MN $125.00 $250.00 -....-----....---- ...............----.... -..$6~5ff5~6o-.. un___________ _n_..___..u..u ..-..----------- --$4:39-6~6o-- --------------- _______u__nn --$4:396~6o-- $329.25 $219.50 $219.50 ........_...._....'h..... "__"n ..-.............--_..... --$6~91-4~:25-- ........-..............--...--- ___un___........ ..-----------.... -"$4)309~50-'" _......._........__n....._ --............. .......n.........._____... --$4:609~50-- tt:::::t::::::jj::::::::t://f?:j::::r:j:m::::m:{:r:::1wijli:[:::f:~:j:t:Jiill:l:t:l:t:j::r:ir::r:: TOTAL, 90 DAY TIME EXT TEMP BASE & ASPHALT-BRICK PAVERS Labor Grader Operator Laborer. Unskilled Loader Operator Rough Roller Operator Finish Roller Operator uu------u-u--S-ubloia~-Labor----uuuuuhu-_hu_-uu---- Burden, BLD 54.29% PBCS 35% ------.u--------S-ublola~TaiiOr-------uuu------------.---u--- Allowance 15.00% ...... ......_------........ ----------...............------------------- --------.......-..--- Total, Labor Equipment Pickup Truck Cat 936 Loader Cat 12G Grader Hyster 530 Rub Tire Roller I.R. SD 100 Vib Roller Water Truck -.-----------uuS-ubtoiiCEquiiimeni-----------.----u--.--uu- Allowance 15.00% -----.-----------Totoii:Equipmenr-.---uu--u-h----.-m------ Material Limerock -------u------us-ubloiiCMiiteria'l---u----u---u----------u--- Allowance 15.00% u.uuu-u-----Totai:Materiai------------------uu-----------u Other Asphalt Subcontractor Limerock Haul u---uum-----S-ublolaC6itier-------u--m-------u-----u---- Allowance 5.00% u-------------UTotai.-5tti-er---u---------u-u---u-.---mu---- TOTAL, TEMP BASE & ASPH ADDITIONAL MOT-BRICK PAVERS PBCS, INC. 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 32.02 HR 1161.00 TN 1665.00 SY 1161.00 TN ::It:l:1t::;::;;:;:r::::::: .. . $86,631.87 $15.00 $480.30 0.00 HR $8.00 $256.16 0.00 HR $15.00 $480.30 0.00 HR $9.00 $288.18 0.00 HR $10.00 $320.20 0.00 HR u_u_uu_n_ -.$-f82-5~14u _uuu_.______ uu____u____ $990.86 _..___0000____ --$2:81"6~6ou u______u__u_ -------------- $422.40 _n___u____u u$3:23'8~40-- ____UmU_m .mh____Uh $7.00 $224.14 0.00 HR $30.00 $960.60 0.00 HR $38.50 $1,232.77 0.00 HR $25.00 $800.50 0.00 HR $30.00 $960.60 0.00 HR $47.00 $1,504.94 0.00 HR ----------00-- u$5:683~55-- --00-0000------ 0000_0000__00_ $852.53 ___0000.______ -'$6:53-6~68-- _n____muu_ _m___mu__ $3.50 $4,063.50 0.00 TN ___u___mm --$4:66T5ou ___________00__ _.____________ $609.53 _m__________ u$:i:67T63-- 00_._____0000._ ___________00_ $4.55 $7,575.75 0.00 SY $5.35 $6,211.35 0.00 TN _UUUuuu_ -$'13',787'-10- _._._00000000._ 00_0000_______ $689.36 ____00________ '$-14'.476'-46- _____m__u_u ______.___0000 $28,923.96 Page 3 of 9 ::::::~:i:~~:~;::T=g:::::: ........................ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: .. ~.~(~:~:::1:g:::::: , . . . .. .......... :;:;:;:;:::::::::::::;:;:::;:::::;::::::::::::::: $41 ,111.42 $41,111.42 $15.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $15.00 $480.30 $8.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $8.00 $256.16 $15.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $15.00 $480.30 $9.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $9.00 $288.18 u!12.,g9__u _____~g;2.~___u _h_~~g?m__ HR ___~_12..Q9uu ___~_~?Q~~2.___ $0.00 $1,825.14 $0.00 $638.80 ______mmu --n-$6~06----- muu___u___ 00____. _m_h________ --$2:46:3:9400 $0.00 $369.59 -------------- uu$6~o6.---- 00___0000__0000 ___Om __hm____m_ u$2:83-3~53u $7.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $7.00 $224.14 $30.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $30.00 $960.60 $38.50 $0.00 32.02 HR $38.50 $1,232.77 $25.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $25.00 $800.50 $30.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $30.00 $960.60 $47.00 $0.00 32.02 HR $47.00 $1,504.94 __.____m____ ----$6~06----- __00___________ Um_. __._m_m____ --$5:683~55u $0.00 $852.53 uu_u_u____ --u$6~06-Uh ____h____m__ muu u._.__uu_m u$6:536~68-- $3.50 $0.00 1161.00 TN $3.50 $4,063.50 hU___.______ uu$6~06----- __mu___u___ h_n___m__.. u$4:663~5ou $0.00 $609.53 ______m___u u--$6~06u--- _u_u_____u_. ------- _.u_.__muu u$4:67-3~63n $4.55 $0.00 0.00 SY $4.55 $0.00 $5.35 $0.00 0.00 TN $5.35 $0.00 _00_000000__00 uu$6~OO---u ..00__0000_00__ 00__0000__0000_ uu$6~OO--u- $0.00 $0.00 ____00__000000 ----$6~06-u-- _00__.___00____ __0000_ _00__00000000__ -.--$6~OOuu- $0.00 $14,042.64 CO Ane/Y$/$ Brich PevtJ($ WinltJ( Springu/$ 12129/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Labor Laborer, Unskilled 68.00 HR ___~~~QQ_m $544.00 68.00 HR m~~~QQ_m $544.00 68.00 HR mJ~~QQu__ $544.00 -- _m._ --uu---SublotaCLabOr-m--u---um __ooo____u___ooo_ ..............--......... .-............. ooo$-544~60-u ..-..------------ -----_...---..--- .......------------- -.......--..----..--- ....-......-- ,u$544~60-'- $544.00 Burden, BLD 54.23% PBCS 35% $295.00 $190.40 -.............----...--.. ----_...- ----------..--...... $190.40 uooo---u----u-s-ublotaCLabOruooooooooou.ooouooo-----u-uu ---....-...............- ------.. --..--..----..-..- u-$83-9~60OOO ------..-------- ----...--------- ---....-..........---- u-$-i34~40u- ---$734~40--- Allowance 15.00% $125.85 ...........----........-- ....._.....-----..--- ---..----..---..- $110.16 -------_.......-.._- ..----.... .......--........---....... $110.16 u--u--u----u-Totai,-LabOr-u--uu----u---uu-----u--------- ............---............. ..-..--..... -..---..-----..-- ---$964~85--- u-$844~56--- OOO$84-4~56--- Equipment __ooo__.!':!?.t_~~.P.I!~~E~~__________u___ooouooo___u_ooo____u_ooo___ 0.00 HR .__~Q~l?Qm_ $0.00 0.00 HR __J_q~QQ__u uooo~9~9_gooo__ 0.00 HR _uJQgQu__ $0.00 ---.....---..........-- --.....-..... -u-$O~06ooo-- -_......................---- ------_..-....--.. ..----....---..---- ooou$O~Q(y---- Subtotal, Equipment $0.00 Allowance 15.00% $0.00 ____~g~Qg___u $0.00 -ooouu-u--ooo-totai:EquCpmi;riiuooou-u-uoooooo---mooo-ooo ---....--...........--.. -.............. ........---..---..-- ----$O~06uooo ----...-----..---.. ......--......--..--- ---............-......... -----...-.....-..-......- ------- --........---------- ----'$O~OOooo-- $0.00 Material __uu_~?_~~~pJ!~_~~~____u__uuu____u_____u..______u__u__u 0.00 LS ooo~_q~QQuu $0.00 0.00 LS uJ_q~QQ_u_ $0.00 0.00 LS __u~Q~l?Qu._ $0.00 ----...---.......-..- u--.'$o~06OOOu ---..-........................ -------...------ -000'$0.00----- --------------- u--$O~OO--ooo Subtotal, Material Allowance 15.00% $0.00 -...........---------- ..-...--..-----...-.. ------......------ $0.00 ...----...--------... ................. ..-------.............--- $0.00 --- -u-----------totai:Mat-erf.;r-uoo-u----u----u-----------u- --------...----.. ----....... .........._---.....---- u--$O~06u--- 000-'$0.06----- u--$O~OO----- Other Barricade Subcontractor 1,00 LS ~~J?.!?~,:g9__ $1,552.00 1.00 LS ~~J?.!?~_.g9u $1,552.00 1.00 LS _~1!?_~?;QQu $1,552,00 u---ou---------s-ublotaCOiher--u----.u--------u----ooo------ .....--...-------...... ---.........- --$-;:55:foou ...-......---.....-..........- .....-......-------- oo$";:552~6ou ..--..-........--.......... u$-;:5s:foo" Allowance 5.00% $77.60 ..................-----...- -..--------........... $77.60 ..........--.....--.......... $77.60 uu----u----u-totai:Oiiier------------uu-u--u-.--------uu- ...-....--...-.......-.... ......---.. .....----................- --$";:62-9~60-- ..-..--..---....-..... oo$-;:629~60u ........-........--.....-..-- ..---..-- u$-,-~629~60-- TOTAL, ADD MOT $2,594.45 $2,474.16 $2,474.16 EXCAVATION SPECIAL-BRICK PAVERS Labor Dozer Operator 4.46 HR $15.00 $66.90 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 Laborer, Unskilled 8.92 HR $8.00 $71.36 0.00 HR $8.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $8.00 $0.00 Loader Operator 4.46 HR $15.00 $66.90 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 __ uou.!3?_':!~_~_~_~!~17L9~!~_~~~____ooo____uuooo_________________ 4.46 HR ooo~_~~QQ____ $40.14 0.00 HR $9.00 $0.00 0.00 HR ooo_~~~QQ____ $0.00 -........----.......--- ....---_.. ooo$245~30--- --...---..--..----.. -..--------..-..- ....-..----....---- ----'$o~06---u --..----..-..--..-- ----'$o~06----- Subtotal, Labor Burden, BLD 54.10% PBCS 35% ............----..--.... ....-......... ..-.......----..-..-- $132.70 ..----...---....--.... ..-..---...-.....-..-... -..-----..--..--- $0.00 --......--...------- -..----- .....-...........-..------ $0.00 ooo-u-------u--S-ubtotaCLabOr---------------------m-----oou- ---$378~OOOOO 000-$0.0600000 u---$O~06uu- Allowance 15.00% ..--....-... ...----...--.............. ____~?_~~?g_ooo --..--..-..........-..- $0.00 $0.00 ---u--u-uUU-totai:LabOr-u-u-u--uu--u.----_u-uu--uu .......-...........--..-.... $434.70 _..-----..-_.......... -....---..--..-....- ----'$o~06-uu ---------............... ......---- -..---........-....--- -ooo$O~06----- Equipment Dump Truck 8.92 HR $42.00 $374.64 0.00 HR $42.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $42.00 $0.00 Cat 04 Dozer 4.46 HR $36.50 $162.79 0.00 HR $36.50 $0.00 0.00 HR $36.50 $0.00 Cat 936 Loader 4.46 HR $30.00 $133.80 0.00 HR $30.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $30.00 $0.00 __ _ ___ _~9]_~_~~~~~!?_ry_~~!~~!._____u__________________________ ____~;~~__... HR __~~Q~qQ_ooo _u~_~~A~~Qooo 0.00 HR u~~Q.gg____ $0.00 0.00 HR ___!~Q.Q9____ $0,00 --............ _...-...--.._---_....- -....-----..--..-.. "'-$O~06-OOO- ----..--..-............ ..-..--..... -"'$0.-00----- Subtotal, Equipment $805.03 Allowance 15.00% ---......---..........-... .........-_.. $120.75 ____~9~QQ__... $0.00 .-u--...uuooo-totai,-Equipment--------uooou.m-um--ooo-- -......----------- -u$925~78OOO ---....---------.. --------....-..-- ---..---....-..--- ....-....-....-----..- ............- -..-..--.............--- ----$O~OO.--u $0.00 Material Not Applicable 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 PBes, INC. Page4019 CO Anafy.i. Brick Paver. Winter Spring'.xl. 12129/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% --..--.............--...- eo..____... ........-----..--.... $0.00 -.......-..........-.....--- --------..----- -..--..........__..-.... _uu~9;9_C?__u_ --------------- ------- --------................ $0.00 -u--u-n-----ni'otai,-Materfai-nu-u---.------u-------uu-n- m--$O~o<rn-- $0.00 ----$O~OO-.m Other ____m~?_~~!?p_Ii~~_~~~_________u_mn_____n______u_._n__unn 0,00 LS nJQ:'?9._m $0.00 0.00 LS m~_~:QQ___. $0.00 0.00 LS ____~QgQ__u $0.00 ---....-.......-..--... -n-$O~06----- --------------- -.......-..__.............. ----$O~06---u --------------- ----....... u--$O~06--m Subtotal, Other Allowance 5.OOoA, -..------..--..-.. -..----- ......--.............--- $0.00 ..-.....---------- $0.00 __u.~9;9_C?_____ ..---------------....-.......-------......-----.....................--------------------..-- -m$O~OO-u-- ..-..----------.... ......-----.........-- ---------------- --.............._------ --........... ..---------.......-- Total, Other $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL, SPECIAL EX $1,360.48 $0.00 $0.00 EXCAVATE FOR CONCRETE-BRICK PAVERS Labor Backhoe Operator 7.65 HR $14.00 $107.10 0.00 HR $14.00 $0.00 7.65 HR $14.00 $107.10 Laborer Unskilled 15.30 HR $8.00 $122.40 0.00 HR $8.00 $0.00 15.30 HR $8.00 $122.40 Laborer Skilled 7.65 HR $9.00 $68.85 0.00 HR $9.00 $0.00 7.65 HR $9.00 $68.85 _______!3~l;!~_~_~_~~~~.9~!~~~~___________.m.________m_____m 6.00 HR __!1~._~9m_ $90.00 0.00 HR u!1~.~9_u_ $0.00 6.00 HR m!1~.~9m_ $90.00 ------.....-....--- m$388~35--- -..-----................ ..........----..-......... --u$O~06---u ..............................-- ....---..oo -u$388~35--- Subtotal, La bor Burden, BLD 54.24% PBCS 35% ----..----............ ......----- --.............-..--..... $210.65 -----..---..--..-.. -------------- -----..-............... ____!9;QQm__ ----....-----.._-- ------- -------.............-- $135.92 --- -------- ------s-ubiotal~TabOrm-mn------m-m-- .---- .---- ---$599~60--- $0.00 ---$524~27-n Allowance 15.00% $89.85 $0.00 n__E~:~~____ n_ oooooo---un-i:otai:LabOr-u-u-uuu-..uuuuuuu-uuu- ..............-.......---- ------- --...---.....--........ m$688~85m ................................. ..------------- --........--.....---.. ----$O~06u--- ........---......--..-- -----..- ...-------------- $602.91 Equipment Cat 316 Moon Machine 7.65 HR $65.00 $497.25 0.00 HR $65.00 $0.00 7.65 HR $65.00 $497.25 Dump Truck 15.30 HR $42.00 $642.60 0.00 HR $42.00 $0.00 15.30 HR $42.00 $642.60 CatlT28 Loader 6.00 HR __!~l~~9__n $186.00 0.00 HR $31.00 $0.00 6.00 HR ___~_~)_.~9_h_ $186.00 hh.m--------.SubiotaCEqulpmeiii--oou----mm-------u--- ------.._----..- ------- n$-(32-5~85-- -......-..--------- -------------.. .....----------_.. uh$O~06----- --------------- ------- h$.1:32.5~85.- Allowance 15.00% $198.88 $0.00 $198.88 u-u-------mutotai:Equipiiie-riC---m---------uumnmm- -------...----..- ------- ---------..--.... --$-'f:52-4~73n ----..---------- -------------- ----...--------- ---------------- -_.._----..------ ------- --------------- --$-f524~73u $0.00 Material _umu~?t_~!?.P_li~~~~~__________m___oo___uu_______m_______m 0.00 LS ___~_q:<?Quu $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 ___u~9;9..Q___oo 0.00 LS ____~g:Q9..m_ nu!9;9_C?m__ -------------- ------- ----$cr06--m --------------- -------------- -------------- --------------- Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00oA, ---...---------- ------- -------------- $0.00 --------------- $0.00 $0.00 - ----unoonu--totai:Mat-erfai----nu.----uu-uu--------um u--$O~06-uu -------------- -------------- ---------------- --------------- ------- --------------- 00--$0.06000.- $0.00 Other _ m __ u~?t_~!?.P_li~~_~~~_________u_oo___ _______mu___u_m_______ 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS ___~_~:QQ_m $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 ___u~9;Q<?mn -------------- ------- -------------- ----$o~06m-- -------------...- -------------- ----$o~o6-u-- --------------- ------- --------------- Subtotal, Other $0.00 Allowance 5.00% ------- $0.00 ____!9;9..<?_____ ____!9;9_C?_____ u-unuuu--ntotai:Oitier-uuu-oon..--u---_uu.n---u-u- ---..............--......- -------------- ----$O~06-h.- -------------...... -------------- -----------..-... ................--------- -...----- --------------- $0.00 $0.00 TOTAL, SPECIAL EX $2,213.58 $0.00 $2,127.64 CONCRETE BASE SLAB-BRICK PAVERS Labor Carpenter 216.84 HR $15.00 $3,252.60 216.84 HR $15.00 $3,252.60 216.84 HR $15.00 $3,252.60 Concrete Forman 216.84 HR $24.00 $5,204.16 216.84 HR $24.00 $5,204.16 216.84 HR $24.00 $5,204.16 Concrete Finisher 216.84 HR $14.00 $3,035.76 216.84 HR $14.00 $3.035.76 216.84 HR $14.00 $3,035.76 PBCS, INC. Page 50f9 CO Analysis Brick Pavers Winter Springs. xis 12/29/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL laborer, Unskilled 216.84 HR $8.00 $1,734.72 216.84 HR $8.00 $1,734.72 216.84 HR $8.00 $1,734.72 laborer, Skilled 216.84 HR uJ_~:QQ__n $1,951.56 216.84 HR ___~_~:QQn__ $1,951.56 216.84 HR $9.00 $1,951.56 mmnm-mn~'-ubtoiai,T<ibOr---.-n_mmn-nm-_n.nm-. -------------- -$15,"17'S:80- --------------- ...----....--....--- -$15:1-78~8O'- --..-....--------- -------------..- -$-15:1-78~8O'- Burden, BlD 54.29% PBCS 35% $8,241.20 $5,312.58 ----.._- $5,312.58 ------n._m-..-S-ubtotaCLabOr------m-mnmnnmm_---n -..------------ ...........-- ---..--.._.._-_..- -$23,42(5."60'- -----..------..-- -------------- --..-.........-....._-- -$-2O',49T3Sn --------------- --------------- -$2O',49-f~38- Allowance 15.00% --------..-..-..- ------- ...------------- $3,513.00 ..........-.......--.....--- .....----..-----.... _.E~Q?_~:?_~__ --------------- ------- --------------- $3,073.71 n-nnnn-nu-tot<ii,-i.-.ibOr-.n--- _nn_.nu_ uuu_u_____n_._ -$2f5,933~6O'. -------------- $23,565.09 -$23-,565~69- Equipment Conc Crew Truck 216.84 HR __!!~._Q9____ $3,252.60 216.84 HR $15.00 $3,252.60 216.84 HR $15.00 n~~~?~:~Q__ __mm-nm-nS-ubtotaCEquipment---.--mm-mmumuu- ......................-.... ..-..---.. u$3~252~60-- ..........------....--- -------------- -------------.. --$3~2~i2~66-- -..-----..------- ------- --------------- $3,252.60 Allowance 15.00% ------...----...-- ------.. $487.89 -----------..--- -------------- $487.89 ------.. ..-------------- ou~~~L~gou -.ummmm-tot.ii,"Equipmeiiiou-u--umm-mmmuuu ..-...---...----..-- --$3~j4-6~49-- ............------.... .-$3~j46~49-- ..-------------- $3,740.49 Material 6" X 6" Welded Wire Fabric 25.00 Rl $91.00 $2,275.00 25.00 Rl $91.00 $2,275.00 25.00 Rl $91.00 $2,275.00 Class I Conc 412.00 CY $68.00 $28,016.00 412.00 CY $68.00 $28,016.00 412.00 CY $68.00 $28,016.00 Curing Compound 78.08 GL $3.75 $292.80 78.08 Gl $3.75 $292.80 78.08 Gl $3.75 $292.80 Keyway Expansion 900,00 IF $0.40 $360,00 900.00 IF $0.40 $360.00 900.00 IF $0.40 $360.00 RE Steel 6200.00 lB $0.29 $1,798.00 6200.00 lB $0.29 $1,798.00 6200.00 lB $0.29 $1,798.00 Wooden Forms 732,00 IF $1.00 $732.00 732.00 IF $1.00 $732.00 732.00 IF $1.00 $732.00 Misc Conc Material 412.00 CY .__~_~~!Qu__ $865.20 412.00 CY $2.10 $865.20 412.00 CY $2.10 $865.20 --u---.-.-------S-ubtotaCMaterlalm-----------.-m-----.--.--- .....-.........--........- ---............ -$34-,339~6o- -------------.... .._...............---....... .......-..---..----- -$-34-,339~6O" -..-------..-....-- ......-..--..............- -$34-,339~OO- Allowance 15.00% __~~~!?9:~~__ n~~~!?g:~~u ..~~~!?g:~~.- --.-----------.-.tot.ii,-Materiai---.----------- ________._n_uU_._ ----------..--.. _....-...-- --...-.........---............ -------...--..._..._- ......-.....-...---....- ---.....--..-----.. ------------..-- ---...--- -.......---..........-.....- $39,489.85 $39,489.85 $39,489.85 Other __ __.__~~~~~.P_~~~_~~~______..__......______n__n_____..___.______ 0,00 lS __.~_qg9.____ $0.00 0.00 lS $0.00 $0.00 0.00 lS uu~QgQm_ ____!9~Qqmn ......-..-------..... ------- --.-$O~06-u-- ------..-...........-- ......-------..---- -----...-..-........- -m$O~OO--..- -............-...-............-- -....---- Subtotal, Other $0.00 Allowance 5.00% $0.00 _.u!9~QC2mu $0.00 -u--------n-u-tot.ii,-other----uu-----u-..uu---.--.-u--n-. -.....----............-. -..----- --...----...-.........-... ----$O~O(ym- ...----........---.....-- ------..------- ---.....-..................-- ----------_....-... ...........-..- -..------..----...... ----$O~o6nou $0.00 TOTAL, CONC BASE SLAB $70,163.34 $66,795.43 $66,795.43 6" CONC SIDEWALK CRAMPS)-BRICK PAVERS labor Carpenter 3.55 HR $15.00 $53.25 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 Concrete Forman 3.55 HR $24.00 $85.20 0.00 HR $24.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $24.00 $0.00 Concrete Finisher 3.55 HR $14.00 $49.70 0.00 HR $14.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $14.00 $0.00 laborer, Unskilled 3.55 HR $8.00 $28.40 0.00 HR $8.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $8.00 $0.00 laborer, Skilled 3.55 HR ___~_~:QQ__u $31,95 0.00 HR ---~-~:QQ._.- $0.00 0.00 HR m_~~:QQ____ $0.00 oumuu----mS-ubtotaCLabOrmummm--uum....mou- --..--..--........-...- ...-............ --.$248~50-u ---------..-..--- -..-....-..------- -m-$O~06m-- ..--...--......-...........- ..--..--- --n$O~06--ou Burden, BlD 54.12% PBCS 35% -...................--..--.. .................. ----------....-- $134.50 -------...-......-..- ----..-..-----...- ---..-...-..-..---- $0.00 ...--....---------- .._---...... --.....-......-...........-..- $0.00 --umu--------S.ubtotaCLabOrmm---mmn-m----m---m ---$383~60-u -m$O~OO-n.- -m$O~OOmu Allowance 15.00% ----..--............-.. .....-...-...... .....-..............--....-... $57.45 ...............----......-- u_._~9~QC2n_u $0.00 - -.--.- .----n---tot.ii:r.ibOr----.-------n-u-.-n-u---.----..--- ---$440~45-.- ---....--...-..-...... --..-------..--- ----------............. ...-....--- .....-....--....-..---.. -m$O~Ocrm- $0.00 Equipment Conc Crew Truck 3.55 HR $15.00 $53.25 0.00 HR $15.00 $0.00 0.00 HR ou!!~.Q9____ $0.00 u-u...--muuS-ubtotaCEquipmentnmuuum--------nn-- -......----...-.............. .................... -----...---......-..- -.n$53~25n-- -..-....-..-...-..---- --..-...------..-- -------------- -.n$O~o6-u.- -..-..------..--.... ..---...... --"$O~OOmu Allowance 15.00% ...........---..........-.... ....-.......... $7.99 _m!9~QQ___n $0.00 -----0000_00 mUfot.iCEqiiipme-rir----nm----------m--m--u ..-..........-..................... n--$Sr24u-- --------..-..-..-- --........-----.......... --........---..----- ---.....--------..- -..--..._- ..--.......-..........---.. u--$O~06--m $0.00 PBCS. INC. Page 6 of 9 CO Analysis Brick Pavers Winter Springs.xls ..-..;..;;r" 1 f '2129/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Material Class I Conc 3.54 CY $68.00 $240.72 0.00 CY $68.00 $0.00 0.00 CY $68.00 $0.00 Curing Compound 1,10 GL $3.75 $4.13 0.00 GL $3.75 $0.00 0.00 GL $3.75 $0.00 Wooden Forms 42.00 LF $1.00 $42.00 0.00 LF $1.00 $0.00 0.00 LF $1.00 $0.00 Misc Conc Material 21.32 SY __J_~:QQ__u ____E!~~_~____ 0.00 SY _u~_~:~9..____ $0.00 0.00 SY _u_~LQQ_... $0,00 - --uu--u-u-uS-ut;ioiiiCMateriiir-----u-uu----uu----u---u ...................-........-- ............................-- ..-----------.... --u$O~06----- --------------- ------- ..........................-......... $308.17 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% $46.22 $0.00 $0.00 u__.. .-u---uuToiii:MaieriajUU-UUU------uu--u-uu-uu ....-.........--...---.. ------- --..........--.....--.. ---$354~39--- --------------- ..--------....--- ......._----_..--..... ----$O~06----- ------.....------- ........-..- ---_....................-... ----$0.06----- Other __u.._~?.t_~~.P..li~~_~~~u______u__u__u______oou_oo_oo_u____u__ 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS uJ_~:~9..____ $0.00 0.00 LS ___J9..:~9..____ $0.00 ..--.................--- --....-------........ -----$O~06u--- --------------.. -........................-.... ---------------- -..-..----------- ..u$O~06----- Subtotal, Other $0.00 Allowance 5.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -- -- ---------..--Toiii:other------u--u-----------u------u-uu ................-....-......... ------- -----------....... ----$O~06uu- --------------- -----------..-- ------.....------ ---------------- ...................------ ---.....-... ..............-..------- ----$O~(Xr---- $0.00 TOTAL, 6" CONC SIDEWALK $856.08 $0.00 $0.00 1" FC-3 SPECIAL PAVING-BRICK PAVERS Labor __ ______t:!?.~~~.P..li~~_~~~__________________u________________________ 0.00 HR ___~_~:Q9.._m $0.00 0.00 HR __JQ~g9..__.. $0.00 0.00 HR _m~Q~g9..____ $0,00 Subtotal, Labor .....--.....---.......... ----$O~06----- ................-----...... ..........................---- -..-$O~06----- ------...-------- ----$0.06-..-- Burden $0.00 uu~9~9g_____ ..__~9~9..g_m_ . ------00 ---oo---S-ubtotaCLabOr-uuu---u--------m---------u .....--...---.............. --.....--- ............-......----- ----$O~06mu ----------..-....... -..--....--....--_... -------................. --------------- ....----- ------------..-.. $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00',E, $0.00 um~9~9_~_____ ____~9~9..Q_____ 0000-00- --u-uuToiii:LibOr---uu-u---uu---oo-uu----oo--u- ........................--- ------- -------------- --------------..- ------_..-.....--..... -..-----_.._---- ---..-...-------- -----...----....--- ---....-.. -.................---...... $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Equipment _u..__~?.t_~E>.P..I!~~_~~~_____________u__oo__uu_u___uu__.._ u_u 0.00 HR u_~_~:QQ_m $0.00 0.00 HR u_~_~:~9..____ $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 Subtotal, Equipment ........---------- ---.......... ----$O~06--m --------------- -------..------ ----$O~06----- --------------- ------- --------------- 0000$0.06-00-- Allowance 15.00% $0.00 $0.00 __u~9~9.9___u m----.---------Toiii:Equ"ipme-nt--------umu.--m---u--u-- .................------.. -..----.. .......---..----...-- -u-$o~06u--- ..-------------- ----------..-...- ...---...--------- ---------------- ----------......-- ------- --------------- $0.00 $0.00 Material __oouu~ ?_~~E>.P..I!~~_~~~______u _____u_m_ _ _u__u__u____oo_______ 0.00 HR u_~_~:g9.._m ___u~9~9..q_oooo 0.00 HR ___~Qg9.__h $0.00 0.00 HR _u_~Qg9.____ $0.00 -------------.. ------- ----------..---- -......---..------ -m$O~06--m --------------- ----..-- ----.$O~06--u- Subtotal, Material $0.00 Allowance 15.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 u_ uu----------Toiii:MaferiajU--UU----u---u---u --00------- -------_..----- ----....- ................................. ----$O~06-m- ---..--------..-- ---..--...------- -------------- ----$O~06U-h -..------------- ------- --------------- ----$O~06-uu Other _h____ ~~.P..~~~_~_':!!>:.c:'?!:t.r~~!'?r_uu__u_____m._____________u_u 508.00 SY _u~_~:~~____ $5,003.80 508.00 SY ---~~:~~---- $5,003.80 508.00 SY ----~~~~?_--_. $5,003.80 Subtotal, Other ......---......._..---- ......----- --$5:6b-3~80-- --------------- --------..----- u$5:003~80-- -.......------..---- ------- --$5:603:8000 Allowance 5.00% --..---- $250.19 $250.19 u_~~?Q:!~uu --- -u-----u----toiii:otheruu-u-uu-uuuuu-u.-u--u-u- ..-----....-..--..- -------------- --$5::253~99-- ...-------------- ------------...- -------------- u$s::253~99-- -------...------- ...------ ---...----------- $5,253.99 TOTAL, 1" FC-3 $5,253.99 $5,253.99 $5,253.99 3" S-1 SPECIAL PAVING-BRICK PAVERS Labor Uu ___ ~?.t_ ~E>'p"li~~_~~~_________u. 00_ ______________. __., ___. on 00__ 0.00 HR u.~g:g9..u__ $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 u__~9~9..9_____ 0.00 HR __u~Q~g9..__u ___u~9~9..guu_ -------------- ------- u--$O~06----- -----------..--.. -------------- -------------- --------------- ------- Subtotal, Labor $0.00 $0.00 PBCS. INC. Page 70f9 CO Analysis Brick Pavers Winter Springs. xIs 12129/00 DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Burden ............................. $0.00 mh~9"9..Qmh $0.00 --.h.-.-..--m.subioiiiCLabOr---uoomoom------uh----hm ............... -------------- -h-$O~OOm-- ......------------ .._----------..... ----------..--- ---------- ...---- -""'''''''- --...... ..-------_.. hh$O~06----- $0.00 Allowance 15.00% ---..---..........-.. $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 -- ------------h-Tot.ii,-labOr---hh- ____00_00__00_______00_'00 u__ "..00"-_'" -..-...-........_-_..... ..--$O~06hm ---....-..__...-.....-- -------------- -..--..--------- .---$O~06--.h --------------- ..----.... -_........--........_-- h--$O~06---h Equipment _h__m~?.t_~~.P..ll~~~~~__hm_mmhhmum..____oo...___mh 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 h_h~9"9..Q_____ 0.00 HR $0.00 m_!9"9..Q__oo_ ---------..---.. ..-..---..------.. -m$O~06hm -------------..... ....--....------.... ----------..--- ---..----------- ...._-..-- ------......-..--.... Subtotal, Equipment $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% --------....---- ......---- $0.00 ____!9"9..Q_u__ _m!9"9..Q_m_ ...... ---- -.... ---.... -------------................------------------.....--..............--..---.. ------------.... .---$O~06hm ...---..---------.. ................-..--.- -----..-..------ --------------- ------. --------------- Total, Equipment $0.00 $0.00 Material u m...~?.~~!?p.ll~~_~~~____mmu._....._____u_ 0000_____. _m_m 0.00 HR n_~_~~Q9..__._ $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 -------------- -...........- ..h-$O~06----- --------------- -..-....---...--- ..-..---..------- m--$O~o6..-.- --------------.. -----.--.....--.- -----$O~06-u.- Subtotal, Material Allowance 15.00% $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 00 ---mhuhu-Tot.ii,"'Materiaiuumhh---..------------m---- -...--...--...------ --...._-- -..--.......------- --u$O~06n-u ....------------... -...-...---------- -----....-...---- --------......-............ ..--.....---...-........-... .....----- ---..-..--.....---...- --.-$O~O6----- $0.00 Other m__._~~.P..~~~_~_':!~'?n.t..r~~!'?!.m_m______nu___mm..._____. 508.00 SY u!9:_~~_.h $6,985.00 508.00 SY $13.75 __~~c~~_~:9Qu 508.00 SY ___!!~'!~n_. $6,985.00 ..---.........--......-..... ..$6~91:i5~oon ......-...-----..-..-...- .....-...--..-......--- --------...---..... ----...--............-..-- --$6~985~60-- Subtotal, Other $6,985.00 Allowance 5.00% $349.25 $349.25 $349.25 ---uun-n-nuTot.ii,-6ttier-......- .00000000__0000_00.__00___._.. -..............-............ ----.....- -----------...-- n$T334~25n ......_--------........ ..--.....-....-..--..- ------------..- h$7~33-4~25u -----..--------- ....--..-.. ----..--.-......--.. --$7~334~25h TOTAL, 3" S-1 $7,334.25 $7,334.25 $7,334.25 BRICK PAVER SUB-BRICK PAVERS La bor _. _. ___~?~~!?.P..ll~~~~__._h...___m.._m_m_____.__.____m____ 0.00 HR ---~g:Q9.---- $0.00 0.00 HR .__~_~:Q2____ $0.00 0.00 HR Uh~Q~Q9.hh _'h!9"9..Q..n_ --..----..----..... .....---- ----$O~06-u.. ....-..-.......-..----- -..-....------..-- --..$O~O6----. ....--....-------..- --....--- Subtotal, Labor $0.00 Burden $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 u---hhhm-uS-ubiotaCLabOrm--- ____...m u______unmu_ --......-----....--- ....--..-- -..--....-------- --h$O~06--.n -------------_.. ----..--..--..-.... --------..----- m-$O~06---.- --....----------- --..---- -------_.._---..- -h-$O~06u--. Allowance 15.00% $0.00 $0.00 __..!9"9..Qu___ --n-n-uuu-"Tot.ii:L.ibOr-..n.. _00000000_0000___.0000_. 00_0000 .....--.....----...-- ------- -------------- .-..$O~06---u -----..--......---- -------------- ----..-..............- ---------------- --------------.. --..---- -------..------- $0.00 $0.00 Equipment -- _m_~?~~!?.P..I!~~~~~______uh__mn_mumh____.___hh___.. 0.00 HR .__~_~~Q9.uu $0.00 0.00 HR ___~_~~Q9..____ $0.00 0.00 HR ___Jg~Q9..h__ $0.00 ------------...- ....----- --h$O~06--... -.....----..----..-- ---.._--_..-...-... -----$O~OOmu ---....--..----..-- ------- --u$O~OO--..- Subtotal, Equipment Allowance 15.00% ----...... .---..---..---..- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 n - - --- ---- h-u-Tot.ii:Equfpmeiiiuu---- ______m.__ __ ______ - - u ........-.....-----..- --h$O~OO--u. --..-..---..--..-.... ....--....-------- ..---..-..----....- -----..---------- ------...------... -..--..-- ----..--..------- ----$O~OO---.- $0.00 Material _ 00___' .~?"~~!?p'll~~_~~~m...._n_oo_____u___h__'_ .__uu...h_... 0.00 HR ___~_~:Q9..____ $0.00 0.00 HR _..~_~:Q9..hU ___._~9"9..Qu___ 0.00 HR ....~2~Q9....u _____~9"9..Qm__ ..-------..--..-- ..---..-.. h-"$O~06----- --..-...--..-....--..- ------....------ --..-..---------.. Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% ..-...........--..-..-..- ------- -----............._-- $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ---- ------ n-----Tot.ii:'Materiai-oo.----------m..-----.h-m---- --u$O~OO....- ------..----..--.. -....-------..--- ----------..--- ----$O~06-un ---..---....-----... ----_..- ......----..---..--- ----$O~OO--u- Other Brick Paver Sub Mobilization 1.00 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 1.00 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 1.00 LS $1,000.00 $1,000.00 Brick Paver Sub Installation 9006,00 SF _h~_~~~P.u__ $48,542.34 9006.00 SF _u~_~~~P.____ $48,542.34 9006.00 SF $5.39 $48,542.34 - n_ --- uu --uus-ubiotaCOiiieruun--.-u-hmm. _. hm__n_ -..---....---..-.. .-..-...-- -$"49,542.-34- -----..--------- ---..------..-.... -$49,542:34-- --..--..----.....--.. ----_..--------- -$49,542:34u Allowance 5.00% ...---...----.......- .......-..-... .........---...------ $2,477.12 $2,477.12 $2,477.12 -oo.u-----------Tot.ii,-6tiieru.----------------------u--..------- -$52-,0;9.41'-- -..--....-..------- -..-...-....---..--- .......-----..--..-- -$52-,0;9:41'-- ---....--------.- ------.. .......-.........-..-.......- -$-52,019:46- PBCS, INC. Page 8 019 CO Analysis Brick Pavers Winter Springs. xis DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY :::.::::::::,:.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!.~T.~;:::::::;0:::::;:):0:0:1:::;;:%):: ...... : :::fOTAC:SRicK PAVERS TOTAL FOR ADDITIONAL WORK CEI COSTS FOR 2 MONTHS GRAND TOTAL PBCS, INC. ::::;:i::;:::i;r:;:~:~;;:;:: $169,359.10 $255,990.97 2,00 MN $35,789,69 $71,579,38 $327,570.35 P~ge 9 of 9 2,00 PBCS ESTIMATE UNIT PRICE 12129/00 NEGOTIATED AMOUNT TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT I PRICE TOTAL m:jjj:1:1:f::1::t:j\: $133:8'77:28 $174,988.70 MN $35,789.69 $71,579.38 $246,568,08 ::::~;;::g~::;.:~:~::::: ................... .... ................. $150,047'.5("" $191,158,98 2,00 MN $35,789.69 $71,579.38 $262,738,36 CO Analysis Brick Pavers Winter Springs.xls 12129100 ~ 100 YEARS l, SEMINOLE COUNTY FC-168-99/BJC TUSKAWILLA ROAD PHASES III AND IV CHANGE ORDER ANALYSIS STAMPED PAVERS CHANGE ORDER DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL JOBSITE SUPERVISION-15 DAY TIME EXT La bor Supervisor 48.00 HR $28.00 $1,344.00 48.00 HR $28.00 $1,344.00 48.00 HR $28.00 $1,344.00 Road Foreman 48.00 HR $24.00 $1,152.00 48.00 HR $24.00 $1,152.00 48.00 HR $24.00 $1,152.00 Clerk 48.00 HR n!!f..~~m_ $576,00 48.00 HR __!!f..~~9_n_ $576.00 48.00 HR ___!!?_'~_n_ n_~~?~~QQm ____n__ -mm--s-ubiota(-t.abOr---------m---------m--nn---- ------..------- --$3~67:f6o-- ........-----......---..... ----...........--.......... n$3:072~6o-- --------------- $3,072.00 Burden, BlD 34.99% PBes 35% $1,075.00 --------------.. $1,075.20 __~_~~~?_~:?Qn ___m 00- --------S-ubtotaCt.abOr---n---n---------n--m-------- ---------.....--- ------- .......-----...........- --$4~;4T6on .....-----................ ..------------- --$4~;4r20-- ---......-...._------ ------- ------.................... $4,147.20 Allowance 15.00% -..-........------.... -......_-- ................-------- $622.05 ------------...... -----------....... ----------..-...- $622.08 --------------- ------- --..------------ $622.08 - - ---- --n-n----totai:LabOr--n-n----oo-n--n-------------- ---- n$4~769~65-- oo$4~769~28-- n$4:769~28u Equipment Pickup Truck 48.00 HR _n~L9Qm_ $336.00 48.00 HR _ooE~9Qm_ $336.00 48.00 HR nu~Lq9u___ ___~_~~~~<?Q_n 00 u m moo .m-s-ubiotaCEquipmeni"n-n-mmn- ummm_ -------------- m$336~OOm -------------~~ -------------- m$336~00--- --------------- $336.00 Allowance 15.00% -..------------ $50.40 n__~?.9:~Qm_ nn~?.Q:~Q_u_ m.---oo--mmtotai,"EquipmenCoo--.-n-.nm-nmm------- -------------- -..----- ---$386~40m --------------- ---_...._------~ ----..--------- --------------- ..--....-- ------..-------- $386.40 $386.40 Material nmn~?.~ ~t''p''I!~~_~~~u__. _.nm_mmm_n__.. n_m____nm_ 0.00 LS _n~g~QQm_ $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 __u~9c~__m 0.00 LS nn~Qg2._u_ nn!9cQ~u_n ---------......--.. -..._--- --n'$6~06--m --------------- -----_.._---..-. -----..-.....----- ------....---....-- --..--..- Subtotal, Material $0.00 $0.00 Allowance 15.00% ......--....----....- $0.00 -......----------.. ------~~---_..- 1-_00___00_0000_ $0.00 $0.00 - -. - u - m_ 00 - uYotai:Materiaimn m _mm _ _ 0000__00._ ___ 00_ 00 ......-....--..-..--- -.............. -m'$O~OO--'-- ooOO'$6~00mn ----.._-~--_...._.. ..------ -----------......- um$6~06----. Other Bond 1.00 LS u~~~~cQ~m $463.05 0.00 lS $463.05 $0.00 0.00 lS m~~~~c9_~oo_ m_~9c2.Q___u 0000 m - uu._ -- -s-ubtCitaCOitier __m 00 ______ _m 00000000000000___ ..............-......--- -----..- u.$463~05m -_...._----...~--_.. ~~--------_.._- ----..---...----- 0000'$0.00.000- -..---......------- ---...--- $0.00 Allowance 0.00% ------- ...-----------...- $0.00 ------...-------- -.....----------- --..----------- $0.00 $0.00 - --n-n--uoo---tCitai,-othern--nnn--n-nn-u--n---n--u.n -.......................-_.... u-$463~65m n.-'$6~00mu -------...------... ...--...--- ---------......_--- ----'$0.00-00-- TOTAL, JOBSITE SUPER $5,618.50 $5,155.68 $5,155.68 SURVEY & LAYOUT-15 DAY TIME EXT labor Instrument Man 8.00 HR $12.00 $96.00 8.00 HR $12.00 $96.00 8.00 HR $12.00 $96.00 Party Chief 8.00 HR $24.00 $192.00 8.00 HR $24.00 $192.00 8.00 HR $24.00 $192.00 Rodman 8.00 HR __!!Q~~9____ $80.00 8.00 HR __~}Q.g9.___ $80.00 8.00 HR n_!!9:_q9__n $80.00 -n-----mm---subiotaCt.abOrn-num-.-oo-m.m-mm-m -...-...----..-.....-- --.......... m$368~00m ----..------...-.... -..------..----- m$-j68~00--- ---..--..-------- u-$368~60-n Burden, BLD 35.05% PBCS 35% -.....---............--- ....--....- --....-......--....-- $129.00 ----..---------- ----------...--- -------------- $128.80 $128.80 00__ n m u-.-msubiotaCt.abOr--------mnnmnm- .__. ______ ---$49To(jm m$496~80-u ----.._-.._-~-_...- ------- --..-....------..-- -n$496~80.-- Allowance 15.00% ......--...---.......--- --......--- ..-.......---.....---- $74.55 ---...-..-----...--- ---......._------- .........--------.... $74.52 $74.52 - - - - u. - u - u. - - -fotoii,TabOrn m._________mmnmn__ -__00 - 00 m$57-1-~55m ---$5rr32m. ----~.._-------- ----..-- -------..-..--...-- -n$5rr32m- PBCS, INC. Page 1 of3 CO Analy.i. Slamped Paver. Winler Springs. xl. DESCRIPTION BLD ESTIMATE QUANTITY UNIT PRICE QUANTITY PBCS ESTIMATE UNIT PRICE TOTAL NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Equipment __mh~!:l_r::~Y_~~~~_!!_':!:_~____n..nmmmmmu_m________ Subtotal, Equipment Allowance 15.00% ---h---m---mtoiai:Equfpmenr---m--m-------mm---n-- Material Not Applicable ---.um..-mns-ub'iot<ii,-Maierial--m---n-m--mmn------u Allowance 15.00% mun__nn -U-toiai:Materlainnu--mu----mn-mnn-n-- Other _ __ _ ___~!:l..r::~Y_~~P-!?!i!~_______m_________n_____________u_______ Subtotal, Other Allowance 5.00% . n' --------nn-toiai:Oiiier-n-nn---n-u---_---u---u-------- TOTAL, LAYOUT FIELD OFFICE-15 DAY TIME EXT Labor Not Applicable u--m-------..-SubiotaClabOr-m-m--m----m------.-m--- Burden .. -..... --- -- -----.--.....--...-..............-------...--- -..---------...--...-----...------ Subtotal, labor Allowance 15.000,(, -- -- ---nnnnntoiai:labOr-nn-u-----n--nnnun--un-_-u Equipment Not Applicable nu--uu-------s-ubiotaCEquipment----muu--------mu--u Allowance 15.00% n-hhn--------toiai,"Equipme-nr----mm---m-u-m-mnu Material mmn~9..t_6!?p.I!~_~~-:n______m_m_____m____mm__m_m___ Subtotal, Material Allowance 15.00% muh------m-toiai:Materiai---mmm-unm-mm---u-u Other Dumpster Field Office Rental Ice & Supplies Aierial Photos Temp Toilets Office Furniture Utilities, Field Office Telephone, Field Office Portable, Septic Tanks PBCS, INC. 8.00 HR .....-..............-...-.... 0.00 LS 1.00 LS ......................---..- 0.00 HR 0.00 HR 0.00 LS ----_..--..._--..... ------- TOTAL $10.50 $84.00 8.00 HR _______nn_n -n-$84~6i5.-n nn________n_ __Unh__nh $12.60 nn_____nn_ -n-$96~6i5-u. 00000000-0000-- n____n_._n_ $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS _u_unn__n ----$6~06-n-- --------00----- _nn_un_n_ $0.00 -0000-00-00--- u--$6~06----- -----.00000000- n_uh__nn_ $114.00 $114.00 1.00 LS _000000_0000__ ---$-i14~OO-u __u_______nn ____unn_n_ $5.70 ---00000000--- -u$-i19~70-n n_U_n_nnn n___n___n__ $787.85 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR u_nnn_____ ----$6~06n--- _____nnn__u ___U__.___n_ $0.00 ---_00-00-0000 --u$6~06----- __Uu___n__u _h____n___n $0.00 _______00___00 nn$6~06---n _nuu__n_n_ 0000-00------- $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR _____n._nu_ ----$6~06n-n ______n_nu__ nnnn__nn $0.00 _n_u_n_____ --u$6~06n--- __n__uhnu_ -noon-noon $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS n_u_________ ----$6~06-n-- _nnn_h___n 00-0000------- $0.00 __n__n____u ----$6~06---u 0000000000----- nnn__nh__ '2129/00 $10.50 $84.00 8.00 HR $10.50 $84.00 u____nh__u u--$84~0i5---- nmmnm__ Uh___ 00___________00 ----$84~0i5m- $12.60 $12.60 __'__mnm_ nn$96~6i5--n m_mm_'n_ umn ___._____nn__ nu$96~6i5un $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 nnnnh__n h--$O~06----- _n___h___n__ -------00--0000 uu$O~06----- $0.00 $0.00 n_nn_u____ -n-$O~06-nn _nun_n_nn ------- _n_U___U__n -n-$6~06-..-- $114.00 $114.00 1.00 LS $114.00 $114.00 00-000000----- n-$-i14~60--- __________0000_ _u____u_u___ ---$-i14~OO--- $5.70 $5.70 unn__m___ -n$-i19~70--- ___________m_ mm_ m____________ m$-i19~70--- $787.62 $787.62 $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 00-------00-00 -n-$O~06-u-- 0000-00-------- 00-0000---00-00 ----$0.06--00- $0.00 $0.00 nnu_n_nn nu$O~06n-n nnnnn___n _n___. 0000--0000-0000 ----$6~OOnn- $0.00 $0.00 000000-------- -n-$O~06---u n_nuunnu ------- -00000000000000 ----$O~06--u- $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 --00---000000- 0000$0.06--00- n_nU_n___n --00-00 -0000-0000--00- ----$O~OOnn- $0.00 $0.00 __nnnunn n--$o~06--n- 0000-----000000 000000- u_______u____ -----$o~06----- $0.00 $0.00 0.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 _nnn_u__._ --n$o~06n--- _____n_nn_u -.---000000-00- uu$6~oo--n- $0.00 $0.00 n_n_____u__ --n$o~06----- 00000000-----00 -noon _____u_.______ ----$O~OO----- 0.50 MN $70.00 $35.00 0.50 MN $70.00 $35.00 0.50 MN $70.00 $35.00 0,50 MN $350.00 $175.00 0.50 MN $350.00 $175.00 0.50 MN $350.00 $175.00 0.50 MN $250.00 $125.00 0.50 MN $250,00 $125.00 0.50 MN $250.00 $125.00 0.50 MN $70.00 $35.00 0.50 MN $70.00 $35.00 0.50 MN $70.00 $35,00 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $180.00 $90.00 0.50 MN $180.00 $90.00 0.50 MN $180.00 $90.00 0.50 MN $150,00 $75.00 0.50 MN $150.00 $75.00 0.50 MN $150.00 $75,00 0.50 MN $250.00 $125.00 0.50 MN $250.00 $125.00 0.50 MN $250.00 $125.00 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 Page 2 of 3 CO Anslysis Stsmped Psv~. Wint~ Spring..xls DESCRIPTION 12/29/00 Yard Misc .. _. h _~~!~l):_~~epEE;~m___m________u__m___mmm____m_ Subtotal, Other Allowance 5.00% --- --------------foial,-Ottier------------------------------_____u_ BlD ESTIMATE PBCS ESTIMATE NEGOTIATED AMOUNT QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL 0.50 MN $400.00 $200.00 0.50 MN $400.00 $200.00 0.50 MN $400.00 $200.00 0.50 MN $100.00 $50.00 0.50 MN $100.00 $50.00 0.50 MN $100.00 $50.00 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 0.50 MN $125.00 $62.50 ~..._....--_......... .............................. --$..f~697~5o"..~ --------...--........ ...........--.........-- ...............-........... ...-$-f~69j~50-- --..-..---------- --..-----.._----- --$1..~69j~50-- $54.88 $54.88 $54.88 ---...------.... ..........-.. -...................--.... --$"1-;i~f:2~3'ij""- ..--....._.......-......_- .........--.......--......... ......-......................... "-$-1-:i5i~38-'" ..............-.....----.. --............ .......................---- -..$:f:i~f2~38-- TOTAL, FIELD OFFICE HH::;;;;:::t::::::mt:mf:tJ:m:mmmrr::::I;::::::I~gft:E~::::~;~rg!V:~I~:~::::[~::::::::H::Mm::f'mm:m;::r::::: STAMPED PAVERS Labor Laborer, Unskilled ..---....--......s-uiiiotaCLabOrm---uu----oum..- -.. -------- Burden, BLD 34.97% PBCS 35% -. ----....-mms-ubiotaCLabOruo __..____.._m__m........u._ ____ ____ ..h_____~!~~_~9~_____~~~<E..~__..________m_m.._..__ Total, Labor Equipment _______!:!?.t_~epJ!~~_~~E;_____u__._u___m____________m__m______ Subtotal, Equipment Allowance 15.00o,{, -..---. --- --.----toial:Ecluipmeiir----------..-m--------------- Material _ ___m!:!?_~~e.P..I!~!~~E;m_________..______m..________u__..___m Subtotal, Material Allowance 15.00% -----------------toial,-Mat;;riaiuu-------------------------u---- Other Stamped Paver Subcontractor Barricade Subcontractor mm m--m---s-ubiotaCOther--m-- mm___.._U____h__..___ Allowance 5.00% ..- - - _h____ ..---toia:i,-Other-------.... -.... -....- - -- --- --- --..--- TOTAL, :; TOTAL FOR ADDITIONAL WORK CEI COSTS FOR 1/2 MONTH GRAND TOTAL PBCS, INC. ;::;::;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;:;;;;;;;::::::::::~L\}:~?::;~;~:::;::: ::::::t~::::::l::::i:t:::::::i:::n::::ii;;g~~::i:5:::'i 68.00 HR $9.00 $612.00 68.00 HR _u_u______n ---$612~6o"- _U_n____n___ n__u___._n_ $214.00 u__U_____n_ ---$826~60--- _n___uu_____ ._______0000._ $123.90 _________00___ ---$949~90n- U_n'n___n__ n__U__'nn_ 0.00 HR $0.00 $0.00 0.00 HR _____uu___u -u-$O~06u-u _00000000_0000_ _______000000_ $0.00 ___u______n_ --u$O~06----- __nU_U____n __n__uu____ 0.00 TN $0.00 $0.00 0.00 TN _u_______n__ ----$6~06----- __n_Un___n_ ____u_u_u__ $0.00 __U____n__n ----$O~OO---u __U___n__nn __u__u_u_u 1.00 1.00 LS $47,791.25 $47,791.25 1.00 LS LS $822.00 $822.00 1.00 LS __mm__m_ -$-4ii,613~:25- ___nmu___u ______mnm $2,430.66 ____mnnm -$51-,043~91-- _______m_h__ _m__m___n ....~~ ~ .,.~~~.:.~ 1 $59,552.54 0,50 MN $35,789.69 $17,894,85 0.50 MN $77,447,38 Page 3 of 3 ::::::~:~i.i~::;;:i:;:~::::::: :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: r::j~lliilimijriiifm: '$7',69i5:6S" $7,095.68 $8.00 $544.00 68.00 HR $8.00 $544.00 mn_________ m$544~60m _____m_U_.U m__m____m m$544~60--- $190.40 $190.40 _nU___nnn ---$-i34~40-n n_uu________ uu_u _.__uu____u_ u-$734~40--- $110.16 $110.16 ______u_Um m$844~56m nnmm___n mom _.m______u__ -u$844~56n- $47.00 $0.00 0.00 HR $47.00 $0.00 _____00_0000__ --u$O~06n--- UUn_________ __n_n___uu_ -----$O~06-u-- $0.00 $0.00 uu________n --n$O~06----- u________u___ _U__n _00_00_00000000 --u$O~06uu- $3.50 $0.00 0.00 TN $3.50 $0.00 _unu_______ n--$6~06-nn ___u__________ ____00_ _____uu_uu_ ----$6~06-nn $0.00 $0.00 ___uuu_____ nn$O~OO-u-- _________h____ n__n_ __nu___u____ ----$6~06---n $47,791.25 $47,791.25 1.00 LS $47,791.25 $47,791.25 $822.00 $822.00 1.00 LS $822.00 $822.00 ______mnm -$48,613~:25- _mm_mm_ _m__mmm -$48-,613~:25- n_mnnu__ nE~~~~:~~u _m___m__m __mh _____m_______ __E~~~g:?~u $51,043.91 $51,043.91 $51,888:.~! . . ..... ...... ................... . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . ........... ...'.... ...:.:.~.:.:...... ,... .~~J.~.~~.~:..~T. . ........... .................... .................... ... ..,............................,....,. $58,984.15 $58,984.15 $35,789.69 $17,894,85 0.50 MN $35,789.69 $17,894.85 $76,878.99 $76,878.99 CO Analysis Stamped Pavers Winter Springs. xis +38 +73 6"WHITE EDGE LINE fTYP) +23 itt ~ ~ ~ ~ ""~.J". ,. '.( ...,,'f, ~; ~~: .. '.~' -'l>::: . ~51"....,11", (1.., G) ---- " 1~~: ;}:~ .....~ ;r". ~h. , . --~-- .....~ - ... i1;~ :.~,~:~. 8 . .98 .. -' ,.. ." 6" WHITE EDGE UNE fTYP) -. ... .... 6" YELLON EDGE UNE fTYP) .64.23 I I I \ ~ \ \5 /2/ ~ A TT ACHMENT NO. 2 ~ E ~ L~~ R2J 6" WHITE EDGE l 6" YELLON EDGE 6" WHITE SKIP (( 6'" W/ ~ ~I WHITE EDGE LINE fTYP) '" 8' SaUD WHITE '\ W/C-R RPM'S (TYP) .60 r= :0 /I r, I\) /I ~ _/I () " ~ ~= [J ...., _____ 8" SaUD WHITE '. I .:t ..,:, ," . / / .:: ;.;.:::~-:::;:?~?~:~/~;::;:;.:.:::.~.... . .':: ;.:.~... :: . ..:.?;.z:: /. ;;:;;,::L';:';' SEAL JOINT r FRICTION COURSE FC-3 3" STRUCTURAL COURSE TYPE S 6" ASPHALT BASE COURSE TYPE 3 12' ST ABIUZED SUBGRADE MIN LER 40 , -- ..~ -- I' '. . · "';j!;!t.:"~f"~~"":: :7!1',...,'::S5.... '1 "~f i-~.." ~i': 0::.:';-;: "l.: CONCRETE HEADER CURB 16' WIDE X 12' DEEP 3" THICK CLAY BRICK PAVERS MEETING ASTM CI2.72. SPECIFICATIONS FOR HEAVY VEHICULAR PAVING BRICK. JOINTING SAND MEETING ASTM C-144 FOR MASONRY MORTAR SMD W/MAXIMUM AGGREGATE SIZE PASSING A NO.4 SENE. 46. WIRE WELDED FABRIC (4XI2.J APPROX. r TO 1'4" BEDDING COURSE SAND MEETING ASTM C33 W/ MAXIMUM ANGUU .AGGREGATE SIZE OF ft6" 3" r 6" ASPHALT BASE COURSE TYPE 3 . 6. 6" 4' ST ABIUZED SUBGRADE 8" THICK CONCRETE BASE SLAB TYPICAL SECTION - BRICK PAVERS N.T S, .(;..1:.' .j~.~ ::~~; j!: ........ :~':~1'~ 'X-~' .;~:,. ':~t{~. :.y A TT ACHMENT NO. 3 Ideal for all applications. With proven performance world-wide in extreme weather conditions and heavy traffic loading, StreetPrint is ideal for: ,.t'" ". ,,_.~ . Stre ets . Traffic calming . Pedestrian areas . Medians and boulevards . Parking lots . Drivethroughs . Traffic meridians . Parks and playgrounds . Decorative accents StreetPrint produces any three-dimensional architectural finish...from elegant slate to intricate hand-laid pavers. ~:~~' .: "."r ., ./"'\. . ~;:. /~.., -hi II j r~' ~ ,- ............ . ': ~ ~. ': \ \\.: y:-=~~~~~il((&~/;~ll ..~~~::z:--...-..---'--_.., _.=~ ~=.~~c~~~~:~-"--:~_.~- . . ~~:......-,. .. .............~- .__.~ , I . .. -----.... ., - . ' -. . I The most cost-effective decorative paving. Budgets are paramount Capital and maintenance costs must be manageable. Yet, you need a decorative paving solution that will make your project look good and keep its appearance over time, Lower capital investmen~ and faster installation makes StreetPrint more cost-effective than any other decorative paving system. Lower maintenance costs. StreetPrint is the superior paving solution. By combining the "strength of cement with the flexibility of ."asphal t~ acrylic polymer '.... technology, StreetPrint .........-:-:--- durable, proble on the market. ~ g,J.t ~ooo '-,~ McCulloch Road Traffic Calming