HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001 01 08 Public Hearings C Flood Damage Prevention and Stormwater Management
Public Hearing X
January 8, 2001
Mgr. / Attorney /
Commissioner Martinez requests reconsideration of an ordinance amending Chapter 8 of the
Code of Ordinances related to Flood Damage Prevention and Section 9-241 related to
Storm water Management.
The purpose of this item is to consider changes to Chapter 8 and Section 9-241 of the Code of
Ordinances related to Flood Damage Prevention and Storm water Management.
The provisions of 163.3167(11) F.S. which states: Each local government is encouraged to
articulate a vision of the future physical appearance and qualities of its community as a
component of its local comprehensive. The vision should be developed through a collaborative
planning process with meaningful public participation and shall be adopted by the governing
body of the jurisdiction.
. In August 1999, the Commission authorized the City Manager to engage consultants to
review City codes related to Floodplain Management and to prepare amendments to the
code if necessary.
CDD/January 4,200118:11 AM
JANUARY 8, 2001
Page 2
. CPR Engineering Inc. made recommendations for change to Chapter 8 of the City code
related to Flood Damage Prevention and Section 9-241 related to Storm water
Management in a workshop on October 16,2000.
. On November 13, 2000 the City Commission conducted a public hearing for first reading
of Ordinance 2000-39.
· On November 27,2000 the City Commission conducted a second public hearing and
elected to deny Ordinance 2000-39.
· On December 4,2000 Commissioner Martinez indicated that he intended to bring
Ordinance 2000-39 back for reconsideration in January 2001.
Staff recommends that the Commission conduct a first reading for consideration of Ordinance
2000-04 amending Chapter 8 and Section 9-241 of the Code of Ordinances.
The ordinance will become effective immediately upon adoption per Section 4.15(c) City
Charter and 166.041(4) Florida Statutes.
A. Ordinance No. 2001-04 and Exhibit "A" (Flood Damage Prevention Chapter 8,
Articles I, IT and Ill).
CDD/January 4,200118: 11 AM
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs has determined that codes
related to flood damage prevention and stormwater management are out-of-date, and
WHEREAS, the City of Winter Springs has engaged CPR Engineering Consultants to
review Chapter 8, Flood Damage Prevention and Section 9-241 Stormwater Management, Land
Development Code and make recommendations for change, and
WHEREAS, CPR Engineering has completed its review of Chapter 8 and Section 9-241 and
has identified areas in the code that require additions or deletions, and
WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs hereby finds that this
ordinance is in the best interests of the public health, safety and welfare of the citizens of Winter
Springs, Florida. '
Section 1. Code Amendment. Winter Springs Code Chapter 8, Articles I, II and III, and
Section 9-241 are hereby amended as follows: (underlined type indicates additions and strik.eout type
indicates deletions, as shown in Exhibit "A" of this ordinance. It is intended that the unchanged text
in Chapter 8 and Section 9-241 as set forth in Exhibit "A" shall remain unchanged from the
language existing prior to adoption of this Ordinance).
Section 2. Repeal of Prior Inconsistent Ordinances and Resolutions. All prior inconsistent
ordinances and resolutions adopted by the City Commission, or parts of ordinances and resolutions
in conflict herewith, are hereby repealed to the extent of the conflict.
Section 3. Incorporation Into Code. This ordinance shall be incorporated into the Winter
Springs City Code and any section or paragraph number or letter and any heading may be changed
or modified as necessary to effectuate the foregoing.
City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2001-04
Page 1 of2
Section 4. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision
of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent
jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed
a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the
remaining portions of this ordinance.
Section 5. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon adoption
by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida.
ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Winter Springs, Florida, in a regular
meeting assembled on the _ day of 2001.
Paul P. Partyka, Mayor
Andrea Lorenzo-Luaces, City Clerk
Anthony A. Garganese, City Attorney
First Reading:
Second Reading:
Effective Date:
City of Winter Springs Ordinance No. 2001-04
Page 2 of2
Exhibit "A"
Sec. S.l. DctillitiollS.
Unless specifically defined below, words or
phrases used in this chapter shall be interpreted
so as to give them the meaning they have in
common usage and to give this chapter its most
reasonable application:
Accessory Use. A use which is incidental and
subordinate to the principal use of the parcel of
land on which it is located.
Addition (to an existinf! buildinf!). Any
walled and roofed expansion to the perimeter of
a building in which the addition is connected by
a common load-bearing wall other than a fire
wall. Anv walled and roofed addition which is
connected by a fire wall or is separated by
independent load-bearing walls is new
Admil1istmtar. The federal insurance
administrator, to \."hom the director of the
federal emergency management agency has
designated the administration of the national
flood insurance program.
Appeal. A request for a review of the flood
damage control administrator's interpretation of
any provision of this chapter or a request for a
Appraised Value. The assessed value as listed
by the Seminole County Property Appraiser.
Area of Shallow Flooding. A designated AO,
AH, or VO zone on the flood insurance rate
map (FIRM). The base flood depths range from
one (I) to three (3) feet, a clearly defined
channel docs not exist, the path of flooding is
unpredictable and indeterminate, and velocity
now may be evident.
If rea of special flood hawrd. The land in the
noo(\plain within a community subject to <l onc-
pereellt or greater chance or flooding in anyone
( I ) gi veil year.
,....1,,,.,.11.',-, .-.1'''; '/1'/11
/Jase flood. The flood having a one-percent
chance of being equaled or excceded in any
gl ven year.
Base flood elevation. The crest elevation in
relation to mean sea level (MSL) (using National
Geodetic Vertical Datum) expected to be reached
during a flood iwhich encompasses the regulatory
Building. See Structure.
Development. Any manmade change to
improved or unimproved real estate, including
but not limited to buildings or other structures,
mining, dredging, filling, grading, paving,
excavation, or drilling operations located within
the area of special flood hazard.
Encroachment. The advance or infringement of
uses, plant growth. fill, excavation. buildings.
permanent structures. or development into a
floodplain, which may impede or alter the flow
. capacity of a floodplain.
Existinf! manufactured home park or
subdivision. A manufactured home park or
subdivision for which the construction of
facilities for servicing the lots on which the
manufactured homes are to be affixed (including.
at a, minimum. the installation of utilities. the
construction of streets. and either final site
grading or the pouring of concrete pads) was
completed before August II, 1981.
Exoansion to an existinf! manufactured home
oark or subdivision. The preparation of
additional sites by the construction of facilities
for servicing the lots on which the manufactured
homes are to be affixed (including the installation
of utilities. the construction of streets. and either
final site grading or the pounng of concrete
Flood or flooding. A gcncral and temporary
condition of partial or complctc inundation of
normally dry land arcas rrom:
a. The ovcrllow or 1111;111<1 or lidal waters;
b. The unusual and rapid accumulation or
runoff of surface waters from any
Flood boundary and jloodway map. The
official map on which the administrator has
delineated both the flood boundaries and the
regulatory floodway.
Floed damage contra! admiliist..-etor. The
officer of the city responsible for thc c](ecutioo
of this chapter and the delegation of
responsibilities for the individual taslcs
contained herein.
Flood elevation determination. A
determination by the administrator of the water
surface elevations of the base flood, that is, the
flood level that has a one-percent or greater
chance of occurrence in any given year.
Flood insurance rate map (FIRM). An
official map of a community, on which the
administrator Federal Emergency Management
Agency or Federal Insurance Administration
has delineated both the special areas of special
flood hazards and the risk premium zones
applicable to the community.
Flood insurance study. An elCamination,
evaluation and determination of flood hawrds
and, if appropriate, an eRamination, evaluation
and determination of mudslide (i.e., mu4fl&w1
frftdIer flood related erosion hazards. The
official report provided by the Federal
[nsurance Administration that includes flood
profiles. the Flood Insurance Rate Map. the
Flood Boundary and Floodway Map, and the
water surface elevation of the base flood.
Floodplain. Land which will be inundated by
floods known to have OCCUlTed or reasonably
characteristic of what can be expected to occur
from the overflow of inland or tidal waters and
the accumulation of runoff of surface waters
from rainfall.
(Ioor/fllaill Adll/inistrator, The individual
~I.l ) 1 )Qj.'.!l~_Ji1..._i!i1!!.!.~l.!i'i!~!:...~L~.ll fo ree III e
f I (I( \(11\1 ;1,111 ~ ~1 ;111;1 r.~I-'.l<;!,I,I_.I'~ r.lll;!l~(-'.!.~~~
1.,..:.......11:,.\1.1"11 '111111
Floodplain lIIanagement regulations. Any
zoning ordinances, land development ordinance,
subdivision regulations, building codes, health
regulations, special purpose ordinances (such as
a floodplain management ordinance, grading
ordinance and erosion control ordinance), and
other applications of police powers. The term
describes such state or local regulations, in any
combination thereof, which provide standards for
the purpose of flood damage prevention and
Floodproofing. Structural changes or
adjustments incorporated in the design or
construction of a building so as to make the
building watertight with walls substantially
impermeable to the passage of water and with
structural components having the capacity of
resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads and
effects of buoyancy for the reduction or
elimination of flood damages.
Floodway. See "regulatory floodway."
Floodway encroachment line. The line
marking the limits of floodway maps on federal,
state and local floodplain maps.
Floodwav (rinf!e. That area of the floodplain
on either side of the "Re1!ulatory Floodway".
Fraud and victimization. ,As related to
Section 8-34. Variances. of this ordinance.
means that the variance I?:rnnted must not cause
fraud or victimization of the 'public. In
exammmg this requirement. the City will
consider the fact that every newly constructed
building adds to government responsibilities and
remains a part of the community for fifty to one
hundred years. Buildings that are below the base
flood elevation are subiect during all those years
to increased risk of damage from floods. while
future owners of the propertY and the community
as a whole are subiect to all the costs.
inconvenience. danger, and sufferinJ.! that those
increased nood damages bring. [n addition,
future owners may purchase the property.
unaware Ihal it is subject 10 pOlential flood
(\;lln<lI~~, <lnd can he inSlJrLd only <It vcry~
!.I.<~(~<Jul_!,I-,S l!!~;! !.lee r;lle_~.,
Fllllcllonal/v deoenden! lIse. A use of a
buildifll!: or other development. which cannot be
achieved unless the building or other
development is located in close proximity to
water. The term includes only docking
facilities. port facilities that are necessary for
the loading and unloading of cargo or
passengers. and ship building and ship repair
facilities. and does not include long-term
storage or related manufacturing facilities.
Governinrz body. The City Commission of
Winter Springs. which is empowered to adopt
and implement regulations to provide for the
public health, safety and general welfare of its
Hardship. As related to Section 8-34.
Variances. of this ordinance means the
exceptional hardship that would result from a
failure to grant the requested variance. The
City requires that the applicant prove that the
variance is exceptional. unusual. and peculiar to
the property involved. Economic or financial
hardship alone is not exceptional.
Inconvenience. aesthetic considerations,
physical handicaps. personal preferences. or the
disapproval of one's neighbors likewise cannot.
as a rule. qualify as an exceptional hardship.
All of these problems can be resolved through
other means without granting a variance. even
if the alternative is more expensive. or requires
the orooerty owner to build elsewhere or out
the parcel to a different use than originally
Highest adjacent grade. The highest natural
elevation of the ground surface, prior to
construction, next to the proposed walls of a
Historic structure. Any structure that is:
I. Listed individually in the National
IZeJ.:istcr 0 f Historic Places (a listing
maintained by the United States
Department of Interior) or nreliminarily
~lctenl1 ined by the ~ccrclary 0 f the Interior
;.I~ .1.!lcc.!i!JG..~.\C requiremcnts for individual
II :;1 i,I.1 1.:( ~II ~I H; N;I.li~l!_~l.!~.t:r. ~~Jg~;
~ I.'.. . " I I..." I . t . ': I 'I If, I I
2. Certified or nreliminarily determined by:
the Secretarv 0 f the Interior as contributing
to the historical signiticance of a registered
historic district or a district preliminarily
determined bv the Secretary to qualify as a
registered historic district.
Lowest floor. The lowest floor of the lowest
enclosed area (including basement). An
unfinished or flood-resistant enclosure, usable
solely for parking of vehicles, building access or
storage, in an area other than a basement area, is
not considered a building's lowest floor, provided
that such enclosure is not built so as to render the
structure..in violation of the applicable non-
elevation design requirements of the chapter.
A1a:zgroyc stand 1\n assemblage of mangro'..e
trees which are mostly 10"''' trees noted for a
copious dcvclopment of interlaciflg adventitious
roots abovc the ground and whieh contain one (1)
or more of the fo110 v,'ing species: Black
mangrove (Avicennia Nitida); red mangrovc
(Rbizophora Mangle); white mangrovc
(Langunoularia Raccmosa); and buttomvood
(Conocarpus Erecta).
Manufactured home. A structure, transportable.
in one (1) or more sections, which is built on a
permanent chassis and is designed for use with or
without a permanent foundation when connected
to the required utilities. For floodplain
management purposes the term "manufactured
home" also includes park trailers, ~vel trailers,
and other similar vehicles placed on a site for
greater than one hundred eighty (180)
consecutive days. For insurance purposes the
term "manufactured home" does not include park
trailers, travel trailers, and other similar vehicles.
Manufactured home park or subdivision. A
parcel (or contiguous parcels) of land divided
into two (2) or more manufactured home lots for
rent or sale.
Meal/ ....ea level (MSL). The average height of
the sea lor all slages of the [ide. It is used as a
rderence Cor establishing varying elevations
with ill the floodplain. For purposes of this
chapter. Ihe tenll IS synol1\"111ouS with Nalional
(;(;<I<lcIIC Vnlloll ):111I111 (i,1 ;\11 l)
,1'labile Home. See Mal/ufactured home.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGVD).
As corrected in 1929, NGVD is a vertical
contTol used as a reference for establishing
varying elevations within the floodplain.
New constructiOIl. Structures for which the
"start of construction" commenced on or after
the effective date of this chapter.
New manufactured home park or
subdivision. A manufactured home. park or
subdivision for which the construction of
facilities for servicing the lots on which the
manufactured homes are to be affixed
(including at a minimum, the installation of
utilities. the construction of streets. and either
final site grading or the pouring of concrete
pads) is completed on or after the effective date
of floodplain management regulations adopted
by this community.
Obstruction. Includes, but is not limited to,
any dam. wall. wharf. embankment. levee. dike.
pile. abutment. protection. excavation.
channelization. bridge. conduit. culvert,
building. wire. fence. rock. gravel. refuse. fill.
structure. vegetation or other material in. along.
across or proiecting into any watercourse which
may alter. impede. retard or change the
direction and/or velocity of the flow of water.
or due to its location. its propensity to snare or
collect debris carried by the flow of water. or
its likelihood of being carried downstream.
One-hundred-vear (load or '" DO-vear (lood.
See Base (lood.
Public safety and nuisance. As related to
Section 8-34. Variances, of this ordinance
means that the granting of a variance must not
result in anything which is iniurious to safety or
health of an entire community or neighborhood,
or any considerable number of pcrsons. or
unlawfully obstructs the: frec passage or use, in
the customary manner, or any na viJ~ablc lake,
o!" !"iv~Jlliy-, strcalll. callal. or hasin.
((t.: ~!.'~!I{I:I}!! t ~L.' 't~(~ ~(J~,.. ^-'.. :'~.~.I.c.h: _\y II i t:J.'_G.:
" . ..; I. . .'", I I ~ , . \. , 'II "II
I. Built on a single chassis:
2. 400 square feet or less when measured at
the largest horizontal projcction:
3. Designed to be self-propelled or
permanently towable by a light-duty truck:
4. Designed primarily not for use as a
permanent dwelling but as temporary living
Quarters for recreational. camping, travel. or
seasonal use.
Regulatory Flood. For purposes of this chapter,
a flood event having a one-percent chance of
occurring in any given year, although the flood
may occur in any year, i.e., the hundred-year
Regulatory flood elevation. The crest elevation
in relation to mean sea level expected to be
reached by the regulatory flood at any given
point in an area of special flood hazard.
Regulatory floodway. The channel of a river or
other watercourse and the adjacent land areas
that must be reserved in order to discharge the
velocity waters of the regulatory flood.
Remedv a violation. To bring the structure or
other development into compliance with State or
local floodplain management regulations. or. if
this is not possible. to reduce the impacts of its
noncompliance. Ways that impacts may be
reduced include protecting the structure or other
affected development from flood damages.
implementing the enforcement provisions of the
ordinance or otherwise deterring, future similar
violations. or reducing State or Federal financial
exposure with regard to the structure or other
Riverine. Relating to. formed by. or
resembling a river (including tributaries). stream.
brook, etc.
Sheet (low arca.
See A rea or shallow
!:jpccia! (!o()(! /'awrd area (SFHA). An area
It,,villl~2.l)(;cial flood ;1IJ.d SIt()\Vll.J..l..l~ lite FWM as
(!.~I_~l;._6_,-6J.:!.~!! ).. .0L_/\<)<),!\1. L
Start 0/ COIISI/"la;tioll (iI/eludes subsWlltia!
improvelllent). The date the building permit
was issued, provided the actual start of
construction, repair, reconstruction, placement,
or other improvement was within one hundred
eighty (180) days of the permit date. The
actual start means either the first placement of
permanent construction of a structure on a site,
such as the pouring of slab or footings, the
installation of piles, the construction of
columns, or any work beyond the stage of
excavation; or the placement of a manufactured
home on a foundation. Permanent construction
does not include land preparation, such as
clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include
the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor
does it include excavation for a basement,
footings, piers, or foundations or the erection of
temporary forms; nor does it include the
installation on the property of accessory
buildings, such as garages or sheds not
occupied as dwelling units or not part of the
main structure.
Structure. A walled and roofed building, that
is principally aboveground and affixed to a
permanent site, as well as a mobile home on !!
foundation. The term includes a building while
in the course of construction, alteration or
repair but does not include building materials or
supplies intended for use in construction,
alteration or repair, unless such materials or
supplies are within an enclosed building on the
premises. The words "building" and "structure"
shall have the same meaning for the purposes
of this chapter.
Substantial damaf!e. Damage of an V onglO
sustained by a structure whereby' the cost of
restoring the structure to its before damaged
condition would equal or exceed 50 percent of
the appraised value of the structure before the
damage occurred.
Su!;.\.talltia! 'improvement. Any rcpalr,
n,:col1structiol1, or improvement of a structure,
thc cost or which equals or exceeds fifty (50)
pcrccllt or the illUded ~m)f;lised valuc or the
structure cither bcrorc the illlproVclllcllt or
n:p:llr IS ~;Iarled. or if the slruc(uf\; has been
d:IIII;I!',cd :lIld IS hcil,!'. restored. hefon: the
",,,;,,....! /', '11t1fJ
damage occurred. tor the purpose of this
definition "substantial improvement" tS
considered to occur when the first alteration of
any wall, ceiling, floor Or other structural part of
the building commences, whether or not that
alteration affects the external dimensions of the
structure. The term does not, however, include
either any project for improvement of a structure
to comply with existing state or local health,
sanitary, or safety code specifications which are
solely necessary to ensure safe living conditions,
or any alteration of a structure listed on the
National Register of Historic Places or a state
inventory of historic places.
Variance. A grant of relief from the
requirements of this chapter which permits
construction in a manner that would otherwise be
prohibited by this chapter.
Violation. The failUl'e of a structure or other
dev.elopment to' be fully compliant with this
ordinance. A structure or other development
without the elevation certificate. other
certifications, or other evidence of compliance
required in this ordinance is presumed to be in
violation until such time as that documentation is
Water surface elevation. The height. in
relation to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum
(NGVD) of 1929. (or other datum. where
specified) of floods of various magnitudes and
frequencies in the floodplains o( coastal or
nvenne areas.
Watercourse. A lake, river. creek. stream.
wash, arroyo, channel or other tOPoJ?;raphic
feature on or over which waters flow at least
periodically. Watercourse includes specifically
designated areas in which substantial flood
damage may occur.
Scc.8-2. Statcmcnt of purpose and objectives.
The purpose and objectives of this chapter are
to promote the rublic heallh, safety, and general
welfare, and (0 minimize public and private
losses due to flood COlldiliollS ill specific :Jreas by
prOVISHlllS desl):Il(d:
To protect human life and health;
To minimize expenditure of public
money for costly flood-contTol
To minimize the need for rescue and
relief efforts associated with flooding
and generally undertaken at the
expense of the general public;
To mlmmlze prolonged business
To minImIze damage to public
facilities and utilities such as water
and gas mains; electric, telephone
and sewer lines; streets and bridges
located in areas of special flood
(6) To help maintain a stable tax base by
providing for the second use and
development of areas of special flood
hazard so as to minimize future flood
blight areas;
(7) To ensure that potential buyers are
notified that property is in an area of
special flood hazard; and,
(8) To ensure that those who occupy the
areas of special flood hazard assume
responsibility for their actions.
Sec. 8-3. Methods of reducing flood losses.
[n order to accomplish its purpose and
objectives, this chapter includes methods and
provisions for:
(I) RestTicting or prohibiting uses which
are dangerous to health, safety, and
property due to water or erosIOn
hazards, or which result in damaging
increases in erosioll or in nood heights
or velocities;
I{cqlliring llt;tl lISCS vulneral>lc to
floods. illellldilll', r:leilities wllieh serve
slIell liSt:':. I H: protected :q',;IIIISt Ilood
1'11'1111,1",11':1'\ t ,10111 '111111
damage at the time of initial
ContTolling the alteration of natural
floodplains, stTeam channels, and natural
protective barriers, which help
accommodate or channel floodwaters;
Controlling filling, grading, dredging,
and other development which may
increase flood damage; and,
(5) Preventing or regulating the construction
of flood barriers which will unnaturally
divert floodwaters or which may increase
flood hazards in other areas.
See. 8.4. Lands to which this chapter applies.
This chapter shall apply to all areas of special
flood hazard within the jurisdiction of the city.
Sec. 8-5. Basis for establishing areas of special
flood hazard.
The areas of special flood hazard identified by
the Federal [nsurance administrator
Administration (FlA) of the Federal Emergencv
Management Agency (FEMA) in a scientific and
enginecring report entitled "The Flood [nsurance
Study (F[A) for the City of Winter Springs,
Florida.," dated Ma.rch 16, 1981 April 17. 1995
wttll and accompanying flood boundary and
flood way map and flood insurance rate map and
all subsequent amendments and/or 'revisions are
hereby adopted by reference and declared to be a
part of this chapter. The flood insurance study
and attendant mapping is the minimum area of
applicability and may be supplemented by studies
for other areas which allow implementation of
this chapter and which are recommended to the
City by the Floodplain Administrator. The study
FlRMS and FBFMs are is on file at the city hall,
1126 East Stale Road 434, Winter Springs,
Florida, 32708.
Sec. H-G. ^hrol~:\(io" and greater
rcsl riel io"s.
ThiS cll:lptcr IS llot IlltClldcd 10 repeal. abrogate,
!II' illlp;lir ;111\' <:'.ISIII1\: (:,-;CIII(;III::, covenants or
deed restrictions. However, where this chapter
and another ordinance, easement, covenant, or
deed restriction conflict or overlap, whichever
imposes the more stringent restrictions shall
Sec. 8-7. Interpretation.
In the interpretation and application of this
chapter, all provisions shall be:
(2) Liberally construed In favor of the
governing body; and
Deemed neither to limit nor repeal
any other powers granted under state
Sec. 8-8. Warning regarding area of special
flood hazard designations.
The degree of flood protection required by
this chapter is considered reasonable for
regulatory purposes and is based on scientific
and engineering considerations. Larger floods
can and will occur on rare occasions. Flood
heights may be increased by manmade or
natural causes. This chapter does not imply
that land outside the areas of special flood
hazard or uses permitted within such areas will
be free from flooding or flood damages. This
chapter shall not create liability on the part of
the City. any officer or employee thereof. the
State of Florida. the Federal Insurance
Administration. or the Federal Emergency
Management Agency. for any flood damages
that result from reliance oil this Ordinance or
any administrative decision lawfully made
hereunder. [n addition, nothing herein shall be
deemed as a waiver of the City's right to
sovereign immunitv under State and Federal
See. X-t). Penalties fOI' IHlllcolllpliallcc.
No structurc or lalld shall hereafter he
(.;ollstrucled. located, c!(tcllded, convertcd, Of
:t1l<:n:d wlthOll1 1"\111 e(lIl1flli;1I1ce with the (ern IS
I'. ";." " .J I'. ~ I ,I' HI 1111111
of this chapter. railure to comply with any of its
requirements (including violations of conditions
and safeguards established in connection with
grants of variances) shall constitute a
misdemeanor. Any person who violates this
chapter or fails to comply with any of its
requirements shall upon conviction thereof be
fined not more than five hundred dollars
($500.00) or imprisoned for not more than ninety
(90) days, or both, for each violation, and in
addition shall pay all costs and expenses involved
in the case. Each day such violation continues
shall be considered a separate offense. Nothing
herein contained shall prevent the city from
taking such other lawful action as is necessary to
prevent or remedy any violation.
Sees. 8-10-8-30. Reserved.
Sec. 8-3 L Designation of the floodplain
damage eonffe-t administrator.
The city manager is hereby appointed the
floodplain damage control administrator to
administer and implement this chapter. The city
manager may delegate the responsibilities for the
individual tasks contained herein.
Sec. 8-32. Duties and responsibilities of the
floodplain damage eoatrol
Duties of the floodplain damage eontrol
administrator shall include, but not be limited to:
(I) Permit review. Review all development
permits to detennine that:
a. Revie..... all applioations for
development permits to cletennine that
lhe requirements of this chapter have
been satisfied.
U. R~cw----{lH----ilI}I}lieu{~eAS fOf
d ~o II" letlt-vef11li ls---te-eetel1uffie
lh(ll ~II IlcceSSJry permits have beell
ol)(;J1l1cd fro/11 those federal, state Of
I\lc;d 1.~()venllll(lIlal a!;cllcies froll\
\\'111(:' pn()( ;q>p:tJ\';d is required.
S. The site is reasonablv safe from
1l0odinlL and
d. The proposed development does not
adversely affect the flood-carrying
capacity and/or flood-storage
capacity of the areas of special flood
hazard. For the purposes of this
article. "adversely affect" means
damage to adiacent properties
because of rises in flood stages
attributed to physical changes of the
channel and the adiacent overbank
areas. Without limiting the
foregoing. a development IS
presumed to adversely affect the
flood-carrying and flood-storage
capacities of the flood plain if it
proposes or requires the filling of
land in an area of special flood
hazard without simultaneously
providing additional flood-carrying
and flood-storage capacities to
compensate for that capacity which
is lost because of such filling.
(2) Interpretation of FIRM boundaries.
Make interpretations where needed, as to
the exact location of the boundaries of
the areas of special flood hazards (for
,example, where there appears to be a
conflict between a mapped boundary and
actual field conditions). Any person
contesting the location of the boundary
shall be given a reasonable opportunity
to appeal the interpretation as provided in
section 8-34.,
(3) Use of other base flood data. To
supplement the base flood elevation data
provided in accordance with section 8-5,
the lloodplain 6 llmllge--ee A tr-el
administrator shall obtain, review, and
reasonably utilize any base (lood
elevation and flood way data available
rrolll a federal, state or other sourcc (U.S.
ArrllY Corps or 1:lIgillccrs, u.s.
(;coloJ:ic;d SUI"vcy, U.S. Soil
( :llIlSCI"V;11 i011 Sel"viee. stale walel"
11I;111;'1'.CIIICIII <1,:;ti'lCI;;. <kvcloplllCIII pl:llIs
""""1 ,".! I.', ',1.1";1 "If II,
for more than fifty (50) lots or five (5)
acres as criteria for requiring that new
construction, substantial improvements, or
other develo[Jment in Zone A meet the
requirements of section 8-52(1), specific
standards, residential construction, and
section 8-52(2).
Issuance of permit and record keeping.
After ascertaining that all requirements of
this chapter have been met, the floodplain
damage control administrator may issue
the development permit. After issuance of
the permit, the local administrator shall:
a. Acquire a flood elevation or
floodproofing certificate after the
lowest floor is completed. Within
twenty-one (21) calendar days of
establishment of the lowest floor
elevation ,or floodproofing by
. whatever construction means, it shall
be the duty of the permit holder to
submit to the city manager a
certification of the elevation of the
lowest floor or floodproofed
elevation, as built, in relation to mean
sea level. Such certification shall be
prepared by or under the direct
supervision of a registered land
surveyor or professional engineer and
certified by same. When
Iloodproofing is utilized for a
particular building, such certification
shall be prepared by or under the
direct supervision of a professional
engineer or architect and certified by
same. Any work done within the
twenty-one-day calendar period and
prior to submission of the certification
shall be at the pennit holder's risk.
The city manager or designated
subordinate shall review the flood
elevation survey data submitted.
Deficiencies detected by such review
shall bc eorrectcd by the permit
holder imll1cdiately and prior to
furlher progrcssive work being
!lerI1l1IILd to proceed. Failure to
Suhlllll the sun'cv 01" /";"lul"L III 111;1kc
SIlcli (ol"r<:cllo;1\ rL(jI,ircd Ilerel>y.
shall be cause to issue a stop work
order for the project. ~efle-A:
not required e:;.€ept in these
ffisffiflees--tH ""hiGh base f-1ee4
elevation daffi--os-e-ttsed from SOI:fftleS
supplemental)' to section 8 5.
b. Maintain for public inspection all
records pertaining to the provisions
of this chapter.
(5) Control of alteration of watercourses.
The local administrator shall:
a. Notify adjacent communities, the St.
Johns River Water Management
District. and the state department of
community affairs prior to any
alteration or relocation of a
watercourse, and submit evidence of
such notification to the Federal
Insurance Administration.
b. Require that maintenance IS
provided within the altered or
relocated portion of such
watercourse so that the flood
carrying capacity is not diminished.
(6) Take remedial action on any violations of
this chapter.
Sec. 8-33. Development permit.
(a) Establishment of permit. A
development permit shall be obtained before
construction or development begins within any
area of special flood hazard established in
section 8-5.
New developments. When new
development proposals include lands
designated as areas of special flood
hazard. the aforementioned
development permit shall not be
issued until all applicable
requirements o[ Chapter <) of this
Code have been fulfilled.
Spccific;t1ly, (he procedures outlined
III scction 9-101(a)(2) shall he
rcqlllrcd III ;Idditioll. lhc provisions
or ~;eell<lll C).f.tll wl,icll exceed the
1'1'111" ....1 J.', \\.1"11 'I"'"
provisions of this chapter, shall apply
and be !)rerequisites to issuance of the
development permit.
(2) Construction in existing developments.
Already developed lands within or
including areas of special flood hazard
in this city for which building permits
are requested shall be subject to the
provisions of this chapter, as shall lands
described in (a) above. After land
development is completed no
construction of any nature, neither
buildings, nor site preparation, nor
, .modification of existing roads, utilities,
drainage systems or other nonstructural
improvements shall be allowed within
areas of special flood hazard until the
development pennit herein required has
been issued.
(b) ApplicQtion for permit Application for a
development pemit shall be made on forms
furnished by the floodplain damage control
administrator and may include, but not be limited
to, plans in triplicate drawn to scale showing the
nature, location, dimensions, and elevations of
the area in question; existing or propose<i
structures, fill, storage of materials, drainage
facilities, and the location of the foregoing.
Specifically, the following infonnation is
required with application for the development
Elevation in relation to mean sealevel of
the proposed lowest floor (including
basement) of all structures.
(2) Elevation in relation to mean sea level to
which any nonresidential structure will
be floodrroofed.
(3) Certi fication from a registered
professional engineer or architect that the
nonresidentia I noodrroofed structure
meets the floodproofing criteria In
section S-52(2),
(11) I kscripllllll or the exlent to which any
W;tICi'C(I\::": will he ;dtertd or relocated
:I~ :, I"";"': ,,j 1li'''Il,,<d devel<lllll1cl1l.
Sec. 8-34. Variance procedure.
(a) Appeal board.
(I) The city commission as established by
the city shall hear and decide appeals and
requests for variance from the
requirements of this chapter.
(2) The city commission shall hear and
decide appeals when it is alleged there is
an error in any requirement, decision, or
determination made by the floodplain
damage oontrol administrator in the
enforcement or administration of this
(3) Those aggrieved by the decision of the
city commISSIOn or any taxpayer, may
appeal such decision to the circuit court.
(b) Conditions under which variances may
be granted.
(I) In passing upon such application, the
city commission, shall consider all
teclUlical . evaluations, all relevant
factors, standards specified in other
sections of this chapter, and, the danger
that material may be swept onto other
lands to the injury of others; the danger
to life and property due to flooding or
erosion damage; the susceptibility of
the proposed facility and its contents to
flood damage and the effect of such
damage on the individual owner; the
importance of the services provided by
the proposed facility to the community;
the necessity to the facility of a
waterfront location, where applicable;
the compatibility of the proposed use
with existing and anticipated
development; the relationship of the
proposed lIse to the cOl11prehensi ve
plan and noodplain management
program or that area; the availability of
alternative locations Ilot subject to
flooding or erosioll dalll;lge for the
proposed lIse; ;IIHI the sakly or ;Iceess
"1111'1"",11:,0',"1,1'111 '111111
to the l1iol1crty in times of flood for
ordinary end emergency vehicles.
(2) Variances may be issued for the
reconstruction, rehabilitation or
restoration of struCllJres listed on the
national register of historic places or the
state inventory of historic places without
regard to the procedures set forth in the
remainder of this section.
(3) Variances shall only be issued upon a
determination that the variance is the
minimum necessary, considering the
,D90d hazard, to afford relief.
(4) Variances shall not be issued within any
mapped regulatory floodwav.
E41ill Variances shall only be issued upon a
showing of gOQd and sufficient cause; a
determination that failure to grant the
variance would result in exceptional
hardship to the applicant; and a
determinetion that the granting of a
variance will not result in increased flood
heights, additional threats to public
safety, or extraordinary public expense;
create nuisances; cause fraud on or
victimization of the public, as identified
in (b )(1) above; or conflict with the local
government comprehensive plan or with
other existing local laws or ordinances.
~ Any applicant to whom a' variance is
granted shall be given written notice that
the structure will be permitted to be built
with a specific, reduced lowest floor
elevation and that the cost of flood
insurance will be commensurate with the
increased risk resulting from the reduced
lowest noor elevation.
(~ru The city commission may attach such
condition~ to the granting of any
variance 2S it deems necessary to further
the pllq>oscs or tillS chapter.
(1iJ_l!~e~l~~(I[lI;!ill :\dlllillislr<llor will
1 !!;ti!~_,-,-~.:_I't;_~<)..!".<L,-, l_:IJJ _~_;_'.!:I,;IJ.!.t;_e act illlls.
11f[;"I.dlll:~ :llsttrIC;tl:,':1 1;11' 111';11' .ic,-l.!.:.t.II<::'~,
and report such variances issued to the
Federal Insurance AclministTation.
Federal Emergency Management
Sees. 8-35-8-50. Reserved.
See. 8-51. General standards.
In all areas of special flood hazards the
following standards are required:
(1) Anchoring:
a. All new construction and substantial
improvements shall be anchored to
prevent flotation, collapse, or lateral
movement of the structure.
b. All manufactured homes shall be
installed using methods and
practices which mll1lmlZe flood
damage. For the purposes of this
requirement, manufactured homes
must be elevated above the base
flood level and anchored to the
elevated foundation, to resist
flotation, collapse or lateral
movement. Methods of anchoring
may include. but are not limited to,
use of over-the-top or frame ties to
ground anchors. This requirement
is in addition to applicable state and
local anchoring requirements for
resisting wind forces.
Manufactured homes manufactured
after June 15, 1976, with provisions
for installation of anchoring
systems, including instructions, in
accordance with Federal Mobile
Home Construction and Safety
Slandards, section 280.JOG, shall be
installed ill accordance with lhe
manu l"acturer's instructions.
Manul"aelured hOllles not provided
with such 1I1slallatioll instructions,
<lr 111;IIUd:ICI1l1l:d hOlllcs 1101
prllvlded \\'1111 1I1slnlclll)ll~; ("or lllc
I', 411'<1'.'" I I.: ,.', 1".1' III 'Ill If!
hun.icane zone, shall comply with the
Slate of florida Department of
Highway Safely and Motor Vehicles,
Bureau of Mobile Home
Construction. Any additions to the
manufactured home must be similarly
(2) Construction materials and methods:
a. All new construction and substantial
improvements shall be constructed
with materials and utility equipment
resistant to flood damage.
b. All new construction and substantial
improvements shall be constructed
using methods and practices that
minimize flood damage.
(3) Utilities:
a. All new and replacement water
supply systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of
floodwaters into the system.
b. New and replacement sanitary
sewage systems shall be designed to
minimize or eliminate infiltration of
floodwaters into the systems and
discharge from the systems into
c. On-site waste disposal systems
shall be located to avoid impairment
to them or contamination from them
during flooding.
(4) Subdivision proposals:
a. All subdivision or other land
development proposals shall be
consistent with the needs to
minimize flood damage.
b. All such proposals shall have
public utilities and facilities such
as sewer, gas. electrical, and water
systems localed and constructed to
nlllllrlli'l.e flood damage.
e. All slIch proposals shall have
:Ilkqll<tle dr:llllagc provided to
rC';lIce expOSlllC [0 lIood damage.
d , Bas.e--ABeti-ele-Y-a-tieH-Gfrt-a--4a+l-
l~e provided for subdi...isielt
1'H'el3osals and othef-j}ffl~
Ele-vel~pments which cofttaffi-at
least fifty (50) lots or five (5)
acres (whichcver-is-lessj-:- All
preliminary subdivision
proposals shall identify the flood
hazards area and the elevation of
the base flood.
e. All subdivision plans will
include the elevation of proposed
structure(s) and pad(s). If the
site is filled above the base flood
elevation. the lowest floor and
pad elevations shall be certified
by a registered professional
engIneer or surveyor and
provided to the Floodplain
e.[ All requirements of Chapter 9 of
this Code which exceed the
above criteria shall apply.
with walls substantially impem1eablc to
the passage of water.
u. Have structural components capable of
resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic
loads and effects of buoyancy.
c. 8e certified by a registered
professional engineer or architect, who
shall develop and/or review structural
design, specifications, and plans for the
construction, and shall certify that the
design and methods of construction are
in accordance with accepted standards
of practice for meeting the applicable
provisions of this chapter. Such
,.certificates, which include the specific
elevation (in relation to mean sea level)
to which such str:uctures are
floodproofed, shall be maintained by
the local administrator as set forth in
section 8-32(4)a.
(3) Mobile hOllles:
;\ I Ie Iloodprookd so Ih:11 ilelow 1111:
I.;,.;,. 11(\(\d IIIl: SII'\ICIIIl<: I:; \\';llcrlll',111
a. Mobile homes shall be anchored in
accordance with section 8-5 l(l)b.
b. For new mobile home parks and
mobile home subdivisions, for
expansions to existing mobile home
parks and mobile home subdivisions,
for existing mobile home parks and
mobile home subdivisions where the
repair, reconstruction or improvement
of the streets, utilities and pads equals
or exceeds fifty (50) percent of the
value of the streets, utilities and pads
before the repair, reconstruction or
improvement has commenced, and
for mobile homes not placed in a
mobile home park or mobile home
subdivision, it is required that
I. Stands or lots ,are elevated on
compacted fill or on pilings so
that the lowest floor of the
mobile home will be at or above
the base flood level:
2. Adequate surface drainage and
access for a hauler arc provided;
,I. Iii lhe inSI;\I1Ce or e1evatioll all
Ildlll!:s. Ihal lots :Ire large enough
tll pCi'll!:: sleps, pdilll,~
Sec. 8-52. Specific standards.
In all areas of special flood hazards where
base floqd elevation data have been provided as
set forth in section 8-5 or in section 8-32 the
following standards are required:
(I) Residential construction: New
construction and substantial
improvement of any residential
structure shall have the lowest floor,
including basement, elevated te-& li
inches above base flood elevation.
(2) Nonresidential construction: New
construction and substantial
improvement of any commercial,
industrial or other nonresidential
structure sha II either have the lowest
floor, including basement, elevated to
I X inches ahove the level of the base
flood elevation or, together with
attendant utility and sanitary facilities,
I . I " i ,.. .' . ~ I', . I ...,: t . I II If I
foundations arc placed in stablc
soil 110 more than tcn (10) feci
apart, and reinforcement is
provided for pilings more than
six. (6) feet above the ground
c. No mobile home shall be placed in a
regulatory flood way or coastal high
hazard area, except in an existing
mobile home park or an existing
mobile home subdivision.
Enclosed areas below a structure's lowest
floor: For all new construction and
substantial improvements, fully enclosed
areas below the lowest floor that are
subject to flooding shall be designed to
automatically equalize hydrostatic flood
forces on exterior walls by allowing for
the entry and exit of floodwaters.
Designs for meeting this requirement
must either be certified by a registered
professional engineer or architect or must
meet or exceed the following minimum
criteria: A minimum of two (2) openings
having a total net area of not less than
one (I) square inch for every square foot
of enclosed area subject to flooding shall
be provided. The bottom of all openings
shall be no higher than one (I) foot above
grade. Openings may be equipped with
screens, louvers, or other coverings or
devices provided that they permit the
automatic entry and exit of floodwaters.
Mechanical and utility equipment: New
installation and substantial improvement
of any electrical, heating, ventilation,
plumbing, and air~conditioning
equipment and other service facilities
shall be elevated above the base flood
elevation or dcsigned so as 10 prevent
watcr frolll enlering or accumulating
within the equipment components during
conditions or flooding,
See. H-5J. Stalldanls fo." areas of slt:Illow
tloodil\l~ (A() '(.olles).
1.(JC;llcd wilhill 111l; ;II'C;I'; or SPCCI;" flood
h;I/_;11"<1 c:;(;t1"I~;IIl;d III ;;':CIIlIII :\-) ;'IC ;trcas
1'1"11" ...! I',",. ,l"tl 'tll'll
designatcd as shallow {loading. These areas
have special (load hazards associated with base
flood depths 0 r one (I) to three (3) feet where a
clearly defined channel does not exist and where
the path of /loading is unpredictable and
indeterminate; therefore, the following provisions
(1) All new construction and substantial
improvements of residential structures
shall have the lowest floor, including
basement, elevated to the depth number
specified on the flood insurance rate map,
in feet, above the highest adjacent grade.
If .no depth number is specified, the lowest
floor, including basement, shall be
elevated at least two (2) three (3) feet
above the highest adjacent grade.
(2) All new construction and substantial
improvements of nonresidential structures
a. Have the lowest floor, including
basement, elevated to the depth
number specified on the flood
insurance rate map, in feet, abov~ the
highest adjacent grade (if no depth
number is specified, the lowest floor,
including basement, shall be elevated
at least "vo (2) three (3) feet above
the highest adjacent grade) or,
b. Together with attendant utility and
sanitary facilities, be completely
floodproofed to or above that level so
that any space below that level is
watertight with walls substantially
impermeable to the passage of water
and with slructural components
having the capability of resisting
hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads
and erfects of buoyancy.
Sec. 8-54. Standards for small streams.
Located wilhin the arcas oj" special {lood hazard
established ill sectioll S-5. where small streams
exist but where 110 hase flood datil have been
pro v i <.led or wltcrc IHI f IlIod \Va ys Ita vc been
provided. Iilc 1(11l'l\vill~'. PI(\-. I "Oil;; ;Ipply:
( I )
No cncroachmcnts, including fill
material or structures shall be located
withil1 a distance of the stream bank
equal to five (5) times the width of
the stream at the top of bank or
twenty (20) feet on each side from
top of bank, whichever is greater,
unless certi fication by a registered
professional engineer is provided
demonstrating that such
encroachments shall not result in any
increase in flood levels during the
OCcurrence of the base flood
(2) New construction or substantial
improvements of structures shall be
elevated or f1oodproofed in
accordance with elevations
established in accordance with section
Sec. 8-55. Standards for regulatory
flood ways.
When f100dways are designated within areas
of special flood hazard, additional criteria will
be met. Since the flood way is an extremely
hazardous area due to the velocity of
floodwaters which carry debris, potential
projectiles, and erosion potential, the
following provisions shall apply:
(I) Encroachments are prohibited,
including fill, new construction,
substantial improvements and other
de vel 0 p men ts 1:1 n1ess--eer-tttieatien-ay--il:
13r-ef:essi en a1-registel-e6-eflg-f neer-ef
o Fe-hi teet--is---J) l:e'l-id eJ-d elHensk-ut-iflg
l~i ot-en el:ea eh Hients-sha~1-HeH-estl4t'-ifl
Of ly-1 n or-eu se--i n-fleecl-l evels-<Ju r~ng
oeCtll'f:ence--o f'--lhe-l3use-fleed
(2) -I f--(-I'1-u bo Ye-;~;---Sll ti:; (.j ed;-nll-lH..'W
cOII:;[ructi<III--{JI ld~uostu nliol
ill 'llroYClllel' t~;-sllu II-eoll1l'l y--will\-{lII
Ulllll ieu I,I\:-ll( 10<1 -IIllY.u r<l-redu0tioll
1'1"< I vi:; i( II 1:;'( I r'~;ed iOI' -?: --:).I-ulld ~;ecliol I
~:.;i /- . XLII:;, I'L(.'J',!!.,.i.lj!-'.0..,..~;.Lli~L_!,!,~,!.!
pr("(:II1<1(: IIIl: ('Ily lIr m(.I,I,I.!~.I:
I'j "I'" .' .1 I.: l \ I .1": I '111111
!!ovCnlmcntal agency from performing
i11a illtcnancc or flood control
improvements 111 the flood way to
maintain the viability of the flood way.
:fflere-s.fiall be no alteration of sand dunes or
mangrovc stands whiclt---lvould inerease
f*Hential flood damage:-
Recommended Change to the Land
Development Code
Sec. 9-241 Storm water Management
(c) The drainage system for each subdivision
shall include a sufficient facility to remove
storm water without flooding any lot in the
proposed subdivision or in the surrounding
territory. All residential floor elevations shall
be a minimum of on and one half (1 1/2) f.eet
above the hundred year flood stage elevated to a
minimum of 18 inches above base flood elevation.
All non-residential finished floor elevation
shall be elevated to a minimum of 18 inches
above the base flood elevation unless flood proofed
in accordance with Sec. 8-52(2) of the Flood Damage
Prevention Code.