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2001 12 10 Regular E Conceptual Plans
COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM E CONSENT INFORMATIONAL PUBLIC HEARfNG REGULAR X December 10, 200 J Meeting MGR,L...---IDEPT ~ Authorization REQUEST: Public Works Department having CPH Engineers, Inc. present Conceptual Plans for the Streetscape and Landscape Design for Main Street and Magnolia Park. PURPOSE: The purpose of this Board item is for CPH Engineers, Inc to present conceptual plans and ideas to the City Commission to receive input and direction. CONSIDERA TIONS: The City Commission authorized CPH Engineers, Inc on November 26, 2001 to design streetscape and landscape improvements for the Town Center streets awaiting construction and Magnolia Park. The conceptual plans will be presented at the meeting for Commission input. ATTACHMENTS: None COMMISSION ACTION: Date: December 10, 2001 The following Document was handed out by CPR Engineers, Inc. on 12/10/01 during Regular Agenda Item "E". ,... :1 1'.:", \ , " ,/ / ! MAGNOLIA SQUARE ~ I:' I ./ U ,.! f \.' t, ,: - -- ------..- _. ;:- . _. - -...; ~.:... -- -.:'::. . - - --' - -- - .- " ., :; HIC.KORY 6ROVE PARK ROAD .'J _(FIRST STREET) ~~,;r' : . . ::; \, , / _.:] , "". ...a....,.... '...... OJ ......~ ,.......r- --, ~l f' J -; '. ". ", , . I -"J ,r " .......":::,.:..... .,.............:....., I I I I I i I ........:.......... . " ". '. "', '. ...... "..".)t~.....:'>, '. ,~ '\'.., '. ~~:sr . '..">..,. MARKET SQUARE "" '" " ". "'. " ". ". "'. .. ~ . . "..;\"'......,." / J'~';; "', "-L,,,,,; _~ . " . "~:-::... ""'" 1;;:' c- . 'o. . TOWN CENTER OVERALL PLAN ~';~',~.. J-.MJ'4" ""-" tb~:;.~ .-.;'i' Winter Springs, Florida DECEA!Bl!R 10. :001 a.......... --""""" """""'l*P')lDaMl --- _....A 4- -;; '. 1 SHADE TREES ,ACCENT TREES -0'- FOUNT,A.IN SE,AT ~.ALL. ,!, ,. S;GN,AGE l^lAL..:.... AND ~ENC '\6 - Market Square 1'*a/O"04/" · r- HE=- / / I i3ENGl-! P,ALM TREES "f fO ~ IY.: if) i I ----. ..... ;', .\ . , \' ~ I'. ,.;~\ 1'5 \':,.-_ ,,-- :\-;:2.\;:..... ~ , , "-\~ 0, \ .~..,' \\ ~,~ ~" , .\ ,7- ~ \ . " ------ ~~~- \\ \\. ,-,-' - ' ,- ~ ....----........... , ' -' . -' ----,. ~/ /<:S:"-/ .. /~ .~ -- ~--- . /:.. - ' .....-::---- ---- ....--- -'~- ~- ~'--~-- --~ ,---- 1'-& ---- ---- ---- - " ~ N----- Winter Springs, Florida ,I IJI:C/~"RI;'R 10, ](WI .. ~..;):)Wd'~~ ~j.~i2r:"2-tS03 r~,Q;tu<>"1 ,...t";1,''r~":) ~~:/'~::::.:.~ .-:'1"\ \- ._~.~-_. Market Square "'~1O'.(}" 5,1<. "'34 511SNAISE i"iALL AND Df:c.oI<ATIYl: FENc;.E "OU"lTAiN PLAZA PA!~..<: CLOGK PLAZA MAIN 5T~E'" o Winter Springs, Florida l. _ ~~=o.:,w ~ JJ rm l~fi!J~~;/i::~ ~ ",, f;U14~11~ . _..... CP!\cr;t<Cer.i!#1'l e~~ ~~,r~t~ :0-1'1 , '-\ .~ ~ " II I' I ~ " , , , ~ , , I , ., \ , \ '; , \ ., \ \ \ \ \ \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ 1 !' , I 'f . t' ,. L-:. ,". . l--. Magnolia Square '....JO.of.. I . //---r '."~~ I /.f""" \ ~ if', ,'" r.; tAl '\~ It. ',_d~ J.J~ - -+.- , _._~__...J. _ _ _1.--- i.-__:. Winter Springs, Florida ---. :_:Y \ \\ '~\ \ ~ \\ " ~ '\ I" :\\ \\, \\ .~ \\ I, \ .' ,I ." '.\ \ II '\ \\ ~ \ \ \ '- ~ z ~ \ \ \ \ \ - \ \ \ \ {)fXliMB/;"R IfJ,l001 liB ~~~~-:~:;- c:r::x:l.'/;:I'CU-W11.<=:iI '~.,c:;nt:n.ot, ~,,,.t:"_'l.t.::~ '~~":'~,~1l' '. o ~-~.- J ..r (. ~ MAltJ5TREE.":' Magnolia Square ,"ra O".()" ~rr I " ~-",~ Q ~ Ii . ,., ~~ill',- /~ c:- ~'-..- ~.., o . + --- ~ "'---~~/'~--'.-+"')~----" .;.J" ~.~. " ---c; __ s" ...-, " -- ..":: ~1" . , - "'" FO..JNT.A.N oi,.AZA O?EN FA.~<A,c<eA I r:::JA.V LlO\: SE_A,-'NGr PAVIL.ION I RE5~MS SE/V~1\OL!: COUNTY -c;;.A,. L IN'l"'!:RAC T 'IE ~O'''':~T ~IN Winter Springs, Florida ..\ III DUCJiJlHI-,R "I, ]/JU{ ~~:~~~ ~ ..nlf.iQ..~rt...J..:.3 ....,.:1"'" (O'I1J;!"~.' ... :_',\.P-t:-::r _' ':;':::~.~-' ~~ 'A!',